PAGE SIX ■■lmpressive Anniversary ■ Event Slated On Sunday ; 11ALEIGH A highly impres sive program has been, arranged to * mark the fir;-,I anniversary of Ra jj leigh's .noted Minutetto.- Club at the Blood worth Street YMCA! Sunday a demon, April ft at 3:30. Scheduled to -be honored dur ing' the evert arc two noted church and civic workers They j art Messr#, Claude A Laws arid j ’* Sylvester Scott. Mr Scott, who is well WELCOME TEACHERS •■■ FOR 4A*4 Breakfast, Dinr»n „ m?4> and Supper Visit POP’S GRILL 410 South Blount St. Phone 4-9239 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Don’t,. , . . , hide your money problems Nothmg makes a person feel better th.»n to * get a heavy weight off his chest And after all , , , our business is !<* he helpful #D '* COME IN FIRST-CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Raleigh, North Carolina I V CALVERT DISTILLERS CORPORATION Say IICKBEB WM(3*n *#.» MOf, fcS% 6RA»M KCUTfTftL SPtRtTS 1 i \ 1 -'i r/furM/t tti wtrrnnfmriirirr— —. —rr-r-rrfy->ni-—-i-i-urr-.r ■...- , --—J •m* ‘ ■ ■■• *■—* ■ •*" ’ It n n w n in church circles throughout the city, has been a member of the Man lev St. Christian Church for years, has been a member of the church's deacon hoard for 17 years and has mm veil as a nuuoay School teacher for If! years. He is married to Mrs, Susie Scott, who also is a dili gent worker at the Manlcv st. Church, t W ■.rsuia'MWiwagiwswtf—i a»»»«naii»munw»o*i'*ar»isounm)f««>at'X«wmnwsiw>ic»s»i»»Mwwr' * Mr I,■ ho make ■ his home at Gainer, is ,«:'<» an oiil;;i.;uidirg cnurditnrin. having been a mem ber of Piney Gmvc Baptist Church for half a cemury He is a mom Dor of the deacon board :i( Ills chinch also and the lather o! two sons, Garrett and Fußon f• iw.i MRS. CHEF.K TO SPEAK i. Mis Geraldine Cheek, dynamic l young speaker, will make the key- i • i' note addres; durin, the event. I .Vlrs. Cluek a Raleigh n dive, t ; Urn daughter of Mrs Ella Jones, , j and ha« long been out standing as \ monger at the Manley Street • (. hnstian Cbms h. < l i v . . ■ s-VL-Sv chr>ol. I'AKK It A S'IS [ Many lorn! and area dignitaries: ; i*. ill take part in the anniversary j ei vices which are being' Staged under an pic s of the- club's pro gram rommii tee of wisieh Mrs. Parle; i’hithps i AUorney He-nmn 1.. Taylor will aet'W a., mastei of ceremonies and ; the Reve, ,• !-,d t (> Duhnrt will; : read from the Scripture Rendering; inn sic wilt be the ‘ Morn mg Choii of the Manley St i Christian Church and the Junior ;< 1 Choir of ilie I’-'iividenro Holiness. . Church Wilber! Saunders will ap-j pear in solo i ok\ and the Male C horns of the Wilson Temple ; t 'nureh a *i-,e direction of the Reverend Kano Whaley will also, he heard Anmher soloid- wh'i will lake -p-a-is is Mr; Mary Frances Rogers Others hha will take pact In ilie set v ici's arc Prof. Charles Merrill and P I Halford, eve iit live secri'tarv of !hc VMI'A who Mil! pay tribute to the bottom s Mr- K.v'be vs :,in ~ so introduce: the teat men usmT. who r- to | «!••• ik from s he subject “We Are; Is";.- T-b-.i! I F-u a Har bin ." Deacon; Alp, ■ Vance and 'James Phillip,- an to bfl the of* ■ feline and token-: of esteem will CO iirei-ented by A J Turner and It MBS RFPRKsF.NTU). HOSTESSES Sarah Virgo's PERSONALITY OF THE WEEK (EDITOR'S NOTE: .limes It Boykin of the l aro'inian staff pinch-hits for viiss Virgo on interviewing this week's Per. sonalitv ") RALEIGH Construction of six churches. twice rebuilding the Fayetteville Strei 1 Baptist Church where be is now pasturing. ,;i:d beading the Johnston County Bap tist Assoc ia it on for 31 years con stitute just two of the activities' which have engaged the attention of the R ever end J. W Jones, who ; mong ministers is Springs Road, Raleigh, Route 4 Miss Davis Will Be Wed OXFORD The Reverend and Mrs. Heifrnoi) S Davis of Mar Potter School, here uionunro the engagement and approaching mar rage of their d.m.J-tci. Charlie Lucille, to Joseph L, Butler, son of Mr. and Mrs Joseph Butler of Savannah. Georgia. The wed ding has been planned for June ?!, in the Timothy Darling Pics medical student of Mehany Mcdi hyterian Church of Oxford Miss I»avis was Eraduatert from Fisk I. niveisity and re ecivcd a master's dcuree iu musieol«c> from Raikliffe Coliejje \ member of the i>H la Sigma Theta Sorority and of the American Association of I niversity Women. Miv. D. J ris is instructor of tnusii at Fisk l diversity. Ml r. t!- leisoed i’ll under gi'ndu.itc tiroigj'ig at SavoTnc-b St de Goilege and ai ,'vli» r, Brown Um\ T ! -it; He is . ve*>-. ■of four years -on i;v in World War Jt in the facitif an a oid HAMPTON OROOP MEET ON APRIL 8 BRICKS A growing .hue . h ipeatei Hampton will tr •• theme of the Noiih f ai-oliii , r ’ ! fereiK-r of Hampton Alumni at the i Btiek- Rural Life School mi Ap: ;' > ’< when Nor'll Carolina Hampton Momni are urged to invite tbei; wo es, hie bat !, and f''-r e f to ae ,r* V ‘ ( 0 Ilir - iCuidiy nithf 'll * a ■i>n will hr reniernl iroiiio* ih< Itok of vimnoi in tiu l a (nte i>< Hampton nilh Mr. Mary C. Ilatliday presiding Others leadinir thr diseiJssion will h- Hr M. YV. WlHianv 'try Fannie; f NfV'vnttlf, Shrrmin Barham ami Mrs Ruth f awrrnce YYoodsofi There will hr er(reshmenr r and .i dance at 9:00 p.m. The Bund ay pvokrani wilt' fea ture an address by ,T .1 H ; i]i(n't know vvhat to s->> if you | lust your nianusenjit Since he i> hf. ’-eon in Its i liegh, In lias raised mere non e\ than any other church in Wake County and rebuilt the CayrtfcviJlr Slice* Church in 19J9 and again in JOlil. He w.r, born in Johnston f'oun i iv, son of William Jones, ami Mm ..mum Join*.-, a! Whson Mills and ieceivetl hi- esi'v tninintf in lie count.' school?. He was ordained in i 1102 ami has be a: pa torn,:, ! < ir-ce it" -a licensed in 19**6 I While he was :tmlyin:; theology at ■ .Shaw Uiuems.ily about 1910, tv | had convert every year, aUhomth Ihe never '-ondui b"! a rov.vai -w.Os decorated for thi;. ..civet: iVLA, WINE A =1 f M&fU !N CM.irORNU Eißfl m fHjOYMINI 1 j ® M THROUGHOUT 5He WORLD I />«'/'"; | L J > IMi £ ° -A, **• r "‘ SNO, U, .r NO W PLAY IN'G H\. Star Spam’led Excitement . “RETREAT HELL” j s i' ■ i ;kin< i ; S v.u.Ji IOV! IOY Ri f }i.»i «i CAKI SON (..omMtp SUNDAY —- !a>»- I U iGH Prior JAWTORD ». “JUST THIS ONCE” j _ . i GUO VADIS Coming SUNDAY! _ WELCOME TEACHERS?! ; A&P Values Wh)irl»!>ij .r t Mlt.K 12, » .Juicy I !'»* ula. ORMFS £ 35c Shortmnig Swift JEWEL 3 cL 85c i Golden Me id MARGARINE 2 35c lona Sliced or Halve? PEACHES %r 2 25c : Ann Pasje Tomato eniip io i-2 ok. uUUI Can IIIS ! ! iMMWTn'iiiaf>~m*«in«f~m I ,V,|‘ i k |i] jii Sojourners Truth Branch nj | ji YWCA \ . . . Activities . . . r- 1 •’{ i .■ae'rCbitliOt’Jji .hdiOcbociicSicatiSrifiti e.s i FTGjf . The Uon'itTtitleo on Adimnstration will hold their i < -' ntoiiildy mcetina at the "Y" Me o day nifthl April 7t.h at (- 00 pan All members are asked , to be present as there is much ' A.f important business to claim our a len>,on The Pcronnel Commit- | tee v. ill also hold a short meeting at 7 i'.ic, to discus.- a very impur ' mnt matter. Mcrnmbor* of both j 'of these commit lee- uv tu rod to I ; : e present Mrs D M Jarna- Tir-, Chairmen of Committee oi ; Administration. Mrs H C Perrin, ; , Chairman of Pcrsonel fin- regular meeting <*! t In i’ i: )>>><- Afluirs f ummittrp has in in postponed until the third Sunday, April 3.oth. At i I hat time Dr. Marguerite die j 1 son will In- guest speaker at j i the Annual Dinner Hireling Mrs Glemvuort tones, is etutir man ut this group The Y-Tcti, sponsored a huge POTATO CHIP SALIC during the; week ui Much 21st. This project • proved - mi that, the V r .-ens plan to make it an .annual ; .pfair 1 lie money front the ales HIS HONOR SAID: Weekly Raieitfh Courtroom Action Resume •: M .Kiel! Five oftieer-. were ; ex ..p .■(] in the ;ini -1 and con - A ■ ah r uk mm. M" ' j day afici he was apprehend'd and; • hi-enght into moth'ipnl Cotod on j ' a ciiOivT of drunken driving ort J ; March I iVlfix in ttiiiii" of Smiihftcld *3 ! -j j riefendyn* in the ease was aiveii i>: months on The road-' -expended | s,:j-,orj , ondition that, the dcfeTtdant j ; ;iv SIOO and (he costs and an ad - j . | .'id lor-Vil s7:> for use of tim City of j ! ;i,'iio:;;h His license was,- revoked j ,-• ime .car. Fto-eeiitinp witnes-| s.i'ie Ke.nuiel (darkoon, J. 11 ■ p.iker. Norman A-'lis. K L Ptsrrv i ,;ai Tt. A Liles; of tie- police de | | mci.mmu. j vorx ,|:si Itsoti of I iO7 Smith field Street xv as ai rested on a lurrinl charging him in WKRK ENDING SATURDAY A FT-; TT. r> 1 DAY dS estci i cb ebcschc liOr. Ylsi :n ioi iC. anil be used to finance Y-T ' iv .at j i amp and summer conferences The Crosby-G,at redd G i will ontertain the Crosby G u - , field Y-Teens at tin: YWCA on ; j Thur-day night April -lid at fi:J • ; pirn Mr Higgs and Mrs. Cokanun | arc supervisors. Religious I mpfutis lie ! ti their regular April meeting ,d tin "Y\V" with Mrs. H. S. Jo til's, <'ltairman presiding, the g-rotip made plan- for tlv *r annua! affair to hr held during National YWCA Week this coni mil tee sets the religi ous pace for the YWCA. VIA wish to commend them on their activities during the ! years. The work of A-pril 20*h tu l!6tb I - ktmwi. as N.alioua! YWCA ■ Week. The "YW will hold upt-n i in-use all during thi- week. A!.-• •. ! ; a! special n-itsbeidini events: tv ill be held for the benefit of all, ; V membe;- and theii iriend so, the public e: invited to ittend ; all oi these events Watch tin ; column for coming event' three counts with operating -in automobile without drivers license, operating an automo bile wlthou! brake-, and fail ing In stop for a sle;i iigi’i it the intersection of Hargett and Person Streets found guilty on all three charges, in city court Tuesday morning the defendant w:i ■ sentcrn'Cii to days on the roads, miv pended upon payment of and the costs. i Lcr»n Harris 827 e*nyi*lb'villi ;■!: ■ : .- Vv i , ' n: j ciiarginjt him with “unlmvlujiy. I willi.iiiy and feiomnitsiy : i‘."ksn,T nnrl canying; away ont- HMb ; [ r.ioriH i'ontiac; fi om 113 K M-n --tin Sliet. prop-ity ■■,{ on< Vetnc!! i Misue. ami voiuvfi in the -monel jof mi March 23 4.0-oem|{ \RPER*S BAZA.Ui » C * t ! X7 yp ! / /;/ c y i * ijt -^***^*M^^^j 9.95 an SI ilQs * Ant-erica's unthaUenqed shoe value to - J *« ’ " ? k fr priMiuct ht* nh xtrt'f with 7r* 4ftun~4n p.r»J i, (dc(£e^L Os Rttl.eiof'h ambassador theatre bldg, ; imnunMgrrn -i-finirn' -nriirr-s ’ atwn-yuww ' fJcvivaJ Id Oi hr At 4 at Ss. I > ;«ul On April 7 i ...... iIALHJOH Hevivj! r-rvi: ' . . ■ will riper: a! li" S* Paul AiVU, ■ ' ClmtYb "i Monday evenim;, Aptil 1 :v. the Rev T. P. Duhart, pastor I t»j.-; ari'iioun- d. 1 A < ■ 1i ;i ... mi j extended 1 Ito the pul lire l" alt end til' ue -er - I < \ & \lfack f atal ; JiAj.FJGW !• red fii'-mch of ; ; ih(i oil! -el .tt after tie h;*d : iifjcle e pur: ha-," m the ! irryoery Slurc it tite inleibeetmn ii BriiSf. mid Gill Street and wav .■turn in a home*. ; Mi hue entcrod t plea of not nils 1o it prob. - hie ( rue" xvriK 'found in the ■ are aral the defend | u vis hound over to the next : , m -f the Wake Cor:-yt Superior i Ciau i :'id- i ■ -;o bond. Welcome Teachers! Now PLryinj; ™~- * J arie | RUSSEI.L Victor MATURJa «N f “Till: IAS I VH.AS STOIIY” Starts Stiurlay! MARLENE | DIETRICH j MITOIIIOI S" “If CM ISO I ? j in T f rhnirr»l.»| STATE ’ ,