PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page 1 VIOLENCE TOOL allegedly, was away from home drunk. The victims were Hobby Joe, 5, Oolu c .clue, 3, ami Maxine, t, all children or Mrs, Lottie Belle Perry. OTHER DEATHS Near Clinton, a five-ycar-oM i Mid Truman Bea.son, was kilted instantly when struck by an an tonw; lie Ai Knogemont, Nathaniel Hoe, u a I dled when the cm he was driving skidded oil the <■ mem and plowed into „r, embank ire nt near Jus home riijntu.ii CTinniiiiigs, ol (iT-ens fcnru. died as On lerll! .»( losu ■wounds allegedly inflicted upon f.)n, by w/n Idnian-c I<t j. of n,,,ik I 'dint. FREAK ACCIDENT th a treak omirmioi- urgr 1 a.iui ‘tbt i rg, John Albert Murray, V't war is. rtautly killed Me-.ray enpannUy 'Upped from the back. «<f u truck tractor on which he had hltclicii u ride and fell under the wheels A Goldsboro man. Willie H I rwls, was killed during the ■weekend when he was shot by Miss Ha/el Veverton, Lewis reportedly was advancing on the woman with a knife when he was shot Sam Johnson. 05. made a valiant hut futile fight for life after he was .-.truck by a car near New Bern li- died in a hospital mi ■- 4b hours, Inter, however MAN FACES RAF fined >•> the Wake Coiintv lad EHOPPCNG ON F.VVEI il VtU » STREET Christine Bullock, 14 stepdaugh t< < us Jack HfUidav ■ * 'up man Street, mother of Mrs.. Perry, v left at the Walnut Street u • sfceju'e v. ith the thin' small chil dren, according to a: > cond •■■■■ l while Mrs Perry went shopping for duri .• ■ on Fay etu-vnt, :.t nwnKr i« «'q l nr'ii<n<r<' Te*.«w«7«arsfw«cr"ew'~"”" yyrnspi —,v. wacusaa i 1 -yfep ~ m ”* Sraoi'atu s Si.k*S*t Wo**A*» 1 N* /.-*■»-»«wr -**u*»* e „« **««#»** Seagrams jgfttw ' *7) £ \Jry' it ENDED WHISKEY MJ Proof OS'S. Grain Neutral Spirit* C or/yor(jliort, (.7yv»l«r Ruth/wjc 're farh it KRAMER’S “The Horn** of Diamonds” Martin Salisbury Sts, In Ih* Capitol Club ANNUAL JEWELRY Stock Deflation Sale Starts Thursday April 3 Save As Much As 40% On Diamonds, Watches , Jewelry, Silverware Except Where Restricted Cash or Credit KRAMER'S “THE HOUSE OF DIAMONDS” Martin Salisbury Sts In The Capitol Chib Bldg- Miss Bullock’s mother called her and she pulled the door ut-i i. ■! she intend ed, and it was locked oninten t »* • l Isti » v , The* iiiv won first discovered cy Miss Beit ha Cooley who lives in Da IDO block of Branch Street, i out first to reach the .scene was ! vVudv MrCi ,-iy u! Lt v* Sireet w i i o hiU t.'it'd I*' be ia the area at Iht • iii-.<• a!. Cray broke* open the ini t uni! Ofi.l .*iU*mpb*U to en tile eoiibc but was halted by , * r,);r/f Ciavt dr rift • wri t held for 'hi: at nos .jI Uh* llilUit >t C.'eilie h-rv where iutennenl ua. m.-ide *• a ivf pin! :i ■> oftt i 000/i FAMILY PUSSES n.n. -1. 1 ;. wa. killed n.-Luitiy vvhu.o :he a'.tc-iipted u. keen her (lunch ter tmm shooting her son and. i Cciveii tile Hill impact us a shot e.uu blast in the chest. Olttccrs say that. Mrs. Cov ington was shot by si run well ed by Mrs. Msirtba Jane Suggs, her daughter ami the moth ei ul seven children When the tUler woman tried to keep the yontigei from shooting her brother Me * waived pi eltiuiliai > i •: a:i ul nil lull ee-l Lonfwl uvei for grand jury action in a mot der charge SHOOTS THREE |cr piT.sohs )U the houst* anti then | maviv his Uepartue Me is To be chai: »*d with av ■ a Lilt with u cicaci 1 y v- p-a pot » w iU i ■ merit t</ kill. eoi i: i\ n i i.ii buildup :d the time Fortunately this war all • 1 day for the stu dC'.t as i' ” the- h 1 Uve," a aarters Nemnally hundreds r.t siudeiiti and instructors i*re rn. tut MBOia •****-" - >' ; ttuildlnp. The blast ocnirml around i while a number of the grsdttot.« : students -were out so lunch. Firemen, using ladders, rescued three men and a woman trapped on the fifth floor of the building. Although firemen and rescue member.: used gar masks, ' .ill they were hampered in bat tling he blaze due to the intense heat and fumes from the chemi : case. Four firemen were overcome in the 4h minute fight to quell names which .r-yivad throughout the building Ajdom: those injured were Steven (Tony.- Bland, t. son cl ivii-,. Millie island, Howard iliiitliaii, Rolicit 11. Green, J. IV. Anderson, and Eva Donald- Min They were alt carried to I i eediiu n s hospiial tor (ilelit The ciiefnicai blast brought two ,I'n e truck to tin- i• in . lit ■■■■ • r ring ;(1. -lit 1 :,(! p ill and the utll i.-i a Pout .seven minutes tatei. They I Oiled out Jti pieces ol fio fight* iii ih equipment Tiio IneiuiTi from the rescue squad reported that the two bavc jii.cit rooms in wliieli the blasts oc curred v.ei’t' deixiolisho'd. hut the ! damage v. u.s confined to that iiu n.vdicitv ixi'vH lire < hiti .vji!|art.ll Sutton rF ported iliiM it (jiiitHlUy of 1 N, I. ni«Ut;h to ktovY up this siitr 1 ui town ‘ v\ ljs U>) rtl 1U vt itilUu a I't-u- fet't } fituii ti»#- spot wiiert* the tour sul n were killed, ?he door t»> this itAiniriioin u;i> blistered | t>\ the explosion. The turn men writ* bunted l iiiH'-t! tjuyumt :ecu?/ Y •< i . us vvhieh the janitors were niov* | ti.e wi'if' considered dangerous' i thuv iiat oii hand: ‘ hilt Worici Wat I WtJharns, the only sur'/ri'isir ;at?ttor. ,s«iui the efltns .started si/. diOii ' widie tiu- men were carty • im» them out j»i tjuntiles. Me trVjiji d /Ppol'tOii by ifiU.Vhi: "t! >■-/'.! reati/e iiovv lucky i vva.-» . > (ja vvonlvtii't ;.e k me questions Ur ;viui ‘leoai VV JohtiSrm. prrssr iiHiit i j nu univur-itv aid that 1 t 1.-.;f■ 111 ui t ' :liii-Xjjiamed iiappemd i AM l know at this iHunieilt, iie. j ,:;vi i; t■ •j 1 the men. 1.1 nd». , r th', •T-rec-tiou of tin* supci intvndekit ot ; the a Lm){ it tOi >, V\<-!e mOVili); a ' hit ei' kHadttiy Ot'0 f VI OuS etlein- j {■.•ah They knew v. hat precaution; • to rake h i I s Find Vom News; SAFEWAY FOOD STORE i 1,1. Davie \ vviimuigton M TRADE WUh Your Frimdty Grocery Store For— FRESH MEATS GROCERIES and VEGETABLES Always Low Prices OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. Daily THE f.TA RDUNtAV " ■/.; -V.' '■■ *■ ;. . ' i i RArTi'.T- r ' > t ii. VI! I F GO I D - Tafcnti d Itah lull boi n iMiss Juscphiii'- Rii'.si'll, a ]>n,'a!at ruiim at lb I ayrttcvillf State Tear hen On!- h'ire s.'iu-s her best vnlijeet is I's v eliolot; y and that her hold i- eiilh-etillg bill *lijnj. Hit 111. me addle" i\ It.lll i: t, 1-. *1 ! M l:el I *leulull '- : ii -■ t RALEIGH 1- i .ii . ,vvi v is:-• ml b th folio -viri.: i i-l ( .. d ll e ll ■; tiit.- j. a* t . -.ui' ,: i' Hug to il-ll'lii- nf M ,lU ■' I'.l Mil-' •on VV ' ll;!-. i*:j : I ■ -J d-ciu ■ j.ORRIK A X UiOFf: . .: ; ii, lli Slo t :i' .' (>i it ~.■ . i , ,i ; .vi. ,i.i.;/. y: ,I’. ii 7 i i x:,i'.i .i : WIHSToN. i.'.tli'i -I Aim h 27 VV ; ! .1.1 A A'l A'll’ll -1 h.: I it 2* '■Vbshioe ;i■ T ■ ■ .Ii - KF' liE COODGON tini .. h H U ft N K 1. I*i:ll!«'.’ ( g. :,o:t Roi'k Q a-1 10 ih -' Ui iM I : vlOK'l Lh VOltiA. i:;(. . S Hi ... : " fb S' '■<•! Al.i :' * HOIiKRT • -oßh'i f. t i Hci.'y SO! m Mid vi:.- GAHi f i i.VN SNEK:- AI-1 ' 1 .ii cil.M ■., !>■ e-1 ’ - vii- .i ---l j ,£lll 1, -: ■ * i'll 111' -1 h• ' ■ I'.l , ■ 's . . William ' Young’s Column Kiiidly 'end your news to I'H - IHbodyvorlfi Street nr call t57",7 RALEIGH M and M; Ralph i.ii'vis and iLmahtrT. Gioi.ii Jeiui -f WeudbU ,- ,j, ■ - [■•■;:' : ■ i f I'vintivi ■ in Wasli-iGglon Ter rare- 77i*. J>-I,ituui-: . ,t- Ais ami A! - ■ titc 1 ’-.Jiii -.1,1- A'! ■ anrl *\l e 1 tnvniai, WiiiUey an-:! Mi Canau I<‘V\ s. t rosby <lar'field's Gray V < luii i i btitinuing to. do good work She eluli met luesdai Vlan fi Sili amt iliM ussed the matter of goiiie to Older Hoys ( a bin. Mr J. < Morgan read the program on the Older Roys (imieriiki' in Salisbury. Eugene Ham: told !!:<■ boy- that did nut oil the In’:g about tiii nice time that the othety: r::id The l n\' u.,'st-ni v- ere f-v. g-d SainV'i Roi- '.t -4 Fiedg e Q iilier, (Let'll M'oruoc llainhl Hit!lty ilacold Joiitg Eun re. Hai ti'?, Hilly Thomas. George Gt!l. ■ lihvuJ E'.rrl.-i -. Join, la irson. Maa ■■ * Hiukv. Frarg., lui girl Sanders. John Cobh Jamr- Tay h>r, Joseph Cur-e: D mine Roland. VVjljiarg Potlei ■ Willi a jti Holmes Hubert Thomas. James C.rifftn Ho: cias Durham. Janie: Waif. u. Phillip Harwood. ICxJan der Coi-eiiiy. Melvin John.ur, ■nd -tit,, Our advii-au , tin- M-. Morgan Vi. Car,c-i .ui,: fvP i'llßobert , Hander;; gave this report Nine ::i: a.- th. Junior class : of W.r-.hiuylon High School e.avt ! mganu'ed themselvi - into tr.e J ■ U G Club, They arc Shir If, . Mur.t..:;)!•• Valerie Wilson Dorothy Taylor, Gcroaldine (tats R-! n-;: 'Saunders. Swaza-nt Ham? Jes.sK Rmhy, Ocli'ss,,: Ua.K.-ice and Mary t,» < Blount They art- t ngaged in ■ nnderluj activities Rv.'. and Mrs i. . A Kearns ne .M: ! ui iii.’.ii- >•«•< *'i,* l* iii’,-. i tairwo the Jahi.suii G Smith Al umni Hu.- Si uHotj T !.• Ul t ;ur A.:: hold ,d the liu.'ai id Rev and Mr Kla: ir- .-: i L.atti , Person S: Olt-iTn Self no 1 pi t-ser.l;; a Pa ,l ; ol ; ■ I* null- on April 7, 195? '•I 6:00 ~!.)!;• Patrol representatives Loin all city -I heel:-; will be pres | tmt. Wtt i.g ii t to hear of Mr Wii inm Campbell of :>Ol Obei lm Rd, j bring .borne due to illness The Rev Otis Dunn of Ashe- j ville. .N. C is roriducting a revival | at Martin St. E'&ptist c’fcurch. ; IS WINNER :, r ’ |*. tNS i* ' > "■ * :* ! 'VI H : H/*i'iCU*rs«Ji'i ft h*>hh> t»! iftt i'/i ■•. t o !•':•: tin > Dt : i‘«* ill «»• •' ■'*. * • ■ - - •• ?;0 in-. -us N« ; w F .i ,* <-,♦ AI? .uM ii.'ii ut t h ■i iri • Col l ll f y Ti amip t .- 1*• >Ol -it V. ; won 5»Um; Uc...d a . ; .. :;inri 111 Up- iDD-Lg • t i *1 < ! uni I . _ L\ (hr ITuiGao Ni - : ;U.i!r F ■ i :«.’ !- F ‘ ; <>t AlM‘l S"H O.Mi'l till* Sl.iir i I.*-* i->.i.iill\ i :*-* « U»i v oi l.i<- U <§gr 4$ #■■ R #!l Fi4 sk A.;'^s s *****••" : f@Sßk | MilllU A Mil THRILLER! pSP* : . SMART OCCASIONAL £ CHAIR OR ROCKER # A u,ar s "‘ K va,ae! * / / BAKE AND ROAST X / fiOTH / RIGHT ON TOP t trerncntP us, quantity puuh. •: / A *“OR 1 ai> Yltr ftKUAF :f *° u “».f t! ( ,e ’ ,nce ndiculously / °Nly / *OF THE RflNttt ’ * dgk low! jhe frames are of decora- fC* •* f "HP - live turned design, -finished in j \ g Chflr*’ / ▼ vs.mut The cov.r is of Hoe f 1 %s+7o / Now ... do aH youx roasciag Jk iu> and available in seven,t j / aad baking right on top of tb* , “ * tu “ eln " olui s " iia piU *'' “ * / /w >ge .. . with the aew Scsfi.’ f " ,!r ra ' h S1 r> Weck f hy Oveoene. Substantial fuel # *. savings on the average range, j Jjv Does away vitb excessive' 'I jkitcben heat. Provides *u 0 j >" extra oven. Can be used oa . ,jl i ® I ♦ uuy range. Heat indicator, it* i.J| S (iwftjiCompieie itt i# 1 n 1 $4.95 !? 3-PIECE WALL SET jUßfeiP ▼ Gleaming white—we offer you this popu- "z W j ,*i lai sellet at the lowest price eve, during j our Special Salt-. Then are several ways %1Q Qk PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE Wi ! A this an be put in your home b> each eabl* A. AJ + %Jr %Jr A ML ■ 'r Guaranteed for itve years—we have J I wmH net is seoaarte. This will be our last QtQ |w fr j T ottering at this low price "'—♦TS? „ r . „ . these in all color*. 50 foot lengths. JhO.jfQ 'A • . 45c Cash « Hcgu!-r *uj«s + !•’ * $1.25 Weekly " mt rash ; 5J.25 Weekly , flB f\nrKi Serving the South Since 1875 * X r .-v| u USUAL ■ i account Knodes 1 ♦ TODAY! FURNITURE 1 KMS * ! Wilminglcka Street at Martin l TT,; , BASEBALL |THIS FRIDAY | '" • 1 '■■: l l Sha-v Uni’a-: :-(ty s ■ fbareball team will play two <*xhi | bit,<>n. baseball .'tamer, this ivcck •On Friday they meet the Si. A1t .411.-4ineV team in o» benefit e.ame ! Chavis Park | i s Oi.i.i. ie startin lineups for ■ : - . C iutain IWalcohu Foi d first base. Norman Chare! ■ ire; Ceurpe VVlulr, ill on 1 j Free Souvenirs /o Ail Who Are Attending The North Carolina Slate Teachers Association Convention * * * NOTHING TO BUY * * * We Are Glad To Have You IT’S OUR WAY OF SAYING WELCOME TossT /: 7 - - - - A t-uris t'V& — ii.sli F'AYI 111 Vi! U. ST ' NKX‘I TO FltV MALI WEEK ENDING. SATURDAY APRIL 5, 1952 Mop; Horace Hur-e third bnsi. I Harry Callander. Johnnie Juwers,. and Joe Wilder, outfielder-a and . James Randolph, catcher The mound staff includes: righthanders Harry Callander, fee William'. Sam Jones, and foriiH'i catcher Harvey Wood, and lefthandei Vic Edniond- HOMF GAMES .•ypri'l 11 Ho'Aiird University April 12 Faye: levllle State Teachers College .--.pi'll I*l 8t As i-n-.tiiK- v t ol if"»’ Apr I 1,; \Vo: • V ..'l'ima Flati - April 24 Delaware State Col i h'b<- .April 20 North Carolina Col* ‘ it:^e Apr;; 2:1 Elizabeth City State Teachers College May : Winston-Salem Teach ! CuUeyo jv!:,-. 17 A and T. College GAMES AWAY . iI i(j Nor u Carolina C.’oi !■ ; e r , i pi .■’■ and T i ’olieg* A> Wo;, ton-Ssit-iTi Teae'h.- i, : (:iah-|.;e 4 I. - :,,'ti: City StatJ - i oilty

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