- - - ■ —* . “ ' f j|i i!ii ’ ; I ir r r ■ >pi ir T,.i ft T }S% Si J I JlCi .ill o'- n, IS Jit 3 JIl 1 j 1 \Ll.i -r.:ac!>‘. i—.-..--ir. ...-g-tx*"*—i-« -**--- a d~ V ■ ' ,c TP'r IlTilWKli htr ARRESTS WiOUNT IN STRIKE ARE A Mom, 23, Has Babies Numbers 13, 14, 15 MOSt HAS GIVEN BIRTH T 9 TWINS CHAOS. QUINTS Kirill oi I «*iplel^ To Wif«* 01 Soldier In Kon‘;i VlaktN l.» U'll I TAMv: l‘( IN <S) ..-<•::«!) Vi i ’"in!.: Brown i- only 2.1 >•«•;)» • of u yt! h;»• I'jvofi bii'llj to T’> *.TjiJ : •rli tii. in*Tiidiii.- i vv i j i iT.4 j. drUpif J t ‘ rii-int * iplr-f. :i ; - V. Hi s ftpoir birth H'ltf *>f a former niill V uik * i \\ hO IS DOvs hi K•t (« i '«Uh I htteit NUUrhV. A i nu-H I Oirr-v. \t! s Broun last week ‘gave hirtli to the triplets (i onJiuueti on Hi Carolinian ||)||«)TO y ! ||||H" |i f)KI JH - -X-.. x By Shirley QUESTION: Relate an m tereating tale you’ve heard at told from vosir barber chair :vii< )! J JKIKR, barbel. liar t ffarbt t Sho Ra i r-i r; h r\ roi istri-el: 01) vOi T.tt'i' M<- ilad L< • -I. havin' 1 . V; V. i: -Tt- V ith Ow -t hr lei tow •. ■.! i. r siealing his I '7»rh dt'-cined to ftisl mVie mra'is ri s|j ivi t-liet t(li n y ih inijvrit -So I,* hat.! 1 hi- li-en! pli.n I.iini- t t.>i) • i Car 1..,,;:,,:, 01 l-ov'.-M that .'-mid t.e put UiUj hr-, i .ni'h '.v it haul be • ' i.< > eiy be. ... . i.i >.va a t,hu‘ { Therefore, he returned U ’ln' pharrb.ti i 1 Cilal had Ilia: prep.' • _ jcniedy that would save the : if< lit>- of tin- : i’-son who hat! niii srioeii the iti.isoru-d !oo<i That liay aftei anhounciei' to : , 1 fell.iV 1)1 1'.’■*l h- e.v tile ieheil : .. < jiUt'l i -aai .toli h was ::oi' ‘*n esi. and iicr.v tie had proi urt*it a rehiPtiy to save the culprit Hi", tint- ot hi la,- ) iTo-: s walked up to him and said. ■M,(nik here ti'ii till !hi lint he 11 V who noth ■ < ud % i >lll liij’u h. hut vVhot ÜbiJUt eiVlfif' hit' Siiii,e tit ttifit [bill m*V t\ a ,11 ' ..iff JAViKS HI dill, hitrber if apitol ( hi' HfJi’b.er St»o}) Katenth A. is petit eiisunner of mine was (MPIP .jmui-i.io.’ at the h ■: n. r. r > • monies - fWP* \ nadr in Men's h asnions since he .vies a jtvnie arKp "**<’ \v h • v o ii S W | isnv. lie said, fair i I didn't ret my flpg. ’ lir s t pail' of W* .3 hoes until I was 2 years old, and sf lent the fit lire day walking Dftffcwinrds re that I could s< e those pretty tracks: I was making. "And the customer continued, ■‘My mamma bon ht trie m,v first neck tie .vliert I was , ye:. rc oic:' end 1 toon still for thret whole day -, aflat ! put i> on tier mw 1 thOh mU ! u:e 1 ill cited AIR JIMMY HARRIS, barber. Jones Barber Shop, Rfdeij.dr One of my customer,' not .being stijj tn come for that he had gone (o~ hair trimmed, his employe- exclaimed. "Your hair trimmed on MV time: The custom**r replied- "my hair grew cn YOUR time.” THE CAROLINIAN K)c Per Cepv V —f C* *r<>-£i*cA4? j" Worth fVlore \'i )i \’ M N V I Easter Ceremonies Set _ [£&ss? «cg» ' ii u it AM) BRAINS At torney Jean Murrc.. Capers, t'h’vcUniil, Ohio c. uneiiwuman, speaking on North Caro lina College’s Spring foitnn series last Monday told students and townspeople that tiu- key to better uurid relation-' lies in <-tii ability to solve nor prob ti )u> a! the loe.d li-Vet of <-ity governnieiil. The i.usy. young atiorriey tas emerged a, some thing of a political gt-mus in ieionting the lust Democrat Ui Support Os Easter Seal Campaign Seen Urgent it AI riCii I): C. iitheriue Mid* i ui -'ii:rnio nos 1 1n Easi Ha- : ’• ■ b i<i'■ *s;ii i: ;>! the current K:is- Ne.-il drive being staged by . 1 V,':iKi- County brunch >.! tin Norlh Carolina Society for Crip- , : t. . :•■ :: .. ,'.i A(lui:;. 1 his ■ voii’i-d .m appeal for in - 'cretin >1 • I'j.'Oii i'>l Ice caniptiign : .- fin a- cijeduled to be .•onelud ! ’ *‘d /-.pri! Hi. i.mt « ili doectH’ssly j Hidiitioce until the eoutitv cpiota - 10.il bed The Taster . anee. Or Middleton Easter Shop 6 '~Lifting’ y Trip Ends In Jailhouse m I: CONCORD Evidently at least | ono Churiotte woman me !<-ho tho | sign thst raid "Do your EaSt.-t I; Sh>’.|jj.in<- Early" Sin-. possibly thought tin sign (uutiormd tin- jiiiblic t« "In; \ situ Earitvr Shop-lifting: E.’.’rlv ' txs-awr that is what silt- was hffSul into einnrt this ' week h»-rc amt i-ltatgetl with ’ | doing. r : B4i-.fi Annie Ray Camion Bintth, i i; \11:i«;u Nv»jrrn cakouna w i:kk kxdinc Saturday af»hil ir, i ;>« elected to the nt\ council s.om (.lt-veland’s Hth Ward and successfully engineering her re election rampaig'it from her tins tiitai bedside, she has held many public offices in t Ii Vi land, in - eluding that of Toiler Tros*‘CU tor. and has been responsible lor the adoption of a strong city anti-narcotics resolution A t present, she is bring i< glinted at, a good choice for a i retrial judgeship. Dr Middlotcn ni. icq the : fact 1 itat the I' :■ •• i:• S' ,b,- Dri 'e i- sei vmg an invent local need in that it is allowing retarded chil dren special education in classes i/rich atv iu.-a brine, conducted at Lockhart school and that during h ■ current ear at least two Ne bs and t'.vo tt ‘vtc teachers will .oe awarded scholarships with ! widen to attend schoot- differing. ; specinl training for persons who i conduct such classes. She furtbn i.oCed that in addition to this, direct serv- I ices were given to crippled j children in Make ( ounty for transportation to clinics hospitili/ation crutches X-rays orthopedic shoes ami that the Wake County Chapter also sponsored it Par ent Study Group and an Or thopedic Clinic. Dm mg the currem campaign, Dr, Middleton has .set up Faster : Continued on Page Ri local pollct- char-tod. was hot par ticular about doinr hor Easter | shoj.v~hflint; in unv store, either ; In fact they say -he did business j viiii; ai K-sist five local firr. s. About fIDO In clothing and ac- j vo!,*'nw has been recovered The ’'n •- -nant. u; ;areeny preferred j «»?;eii*st Miss Smith involve as! many vtorc victims here Charles j S\,->■■■- Lie Ik s Cato's, The Glamour j , ShSßjp, Robinson-: The Ea-f-tet- cusftt, jc outfit? in i EZZfIRD CHARLES IS SPEAKER AT ! GREENSBORO, NO GIU-T.NSBORO- Chart";. I the former world's heavyweight; ; boxir, champion wtio no per to; ! teaain ras title in June, appeared 1 m tii-enc.-rboro Wedtie'dav night 24-hoar delay en route to: ihi Giite City Cher its en-1 ‘* i ( ? U v : !' ' i i i 'l ' abi; :] -» »»’clqcK (lav n ; :-ptQik :j1 : . ;('2 v < t ! Hayes * Taylor '.ii- "vent \va.- pos.potieil .>o that Charles could I e present i The banquet wu. held th. j W.-rui.-ii! Community Center at 7i par.. fi'ANY CHARGES PREfERREO AS WORKERS RIOT Women .'ind \lt*n Into I lour! \s (Jiair Firm Sialumrnt Continues THOMASViU .7S Arrest:- arc j ir.fiuntirig. daily m this strike-bom. : fcomn-rnenact i mid-We: t North C'aiuPna rt.rniture manufacturing n nlei as workers for the Thomas eille Chair Company here and i employee>• find themselves unable jto reach mutual conclusions on , tht demands or both laboi and > j fnanagenient. Mi st of the arrests ot Negro workers to date have been on charges of assault, resisting ar rest, interfering with officers, damage to property and other misdemeanors. 1 Among those who have been ar- , rested are a few women against i whom the same and similar ; ! chat g<fi have been docketed. Among court cases which have i been docketed this week in what ' | has been called the 'Chair Capi- ! i tal of the World" are those of ; Lafayette Davis interfering with : aii officer; Alien Holmes, inter i with an officer; and Hubert Lee Leak, interfering, with an of ; ficer Ca.-.e- which have already been . heard include those involving. ■; Willie Roger* charged with (Contiuiied an page Si ; eluded handbags, dreares. skirts j lingerie, hosiery, blouses a Jacket i and a man's spoil shirt i Mi:.-.-, Smith is in county jail .Bond tor It- 1 release has been set jat 5500 Poi.ee however have be aut! siting another line of invest!- ! f ,6iion in connection with the I "shopping,' tout*. I She is scheduled to appear in i Recorder's Coon here ax an early i session. 1 COLLEGE WOMEN TO INVADE RALEIGH FOR ANNUAL CONFAB i ; MALEIC H Tlit* 210th annual convention of the N.-;- ttional Association of Uulicpc Women rcpi'cscuttm 1 stales will be held at Shaw Dmversitv on April 1 !•• 1 association oi'fic.iais announced here this wci-k Th association which has branches in i’.ro Mtsboro, i Durham and Raleigh, will devote the Friday ami -Sat or- j day sessions to reports and workshops ami will pn | sent Dr. Margaret Butcher of the Howard t nil t*i mt: | j- «rtT’>oi nl Drama, Mrs Bess Blootlworth of t h ■ t‘mleC ■ States Depaidment of Labor, and Mrs. Anna AnioM j Hodgeman of the United States Department U‘ the In terior who will sneak at the sessions. Miss Jeanette Hicks of the W ashington High cl u<d faculty is president of the local association RALEIGH’S FIRST Masons Initiate Easter Ceremony HV JAMtS A. SUEPARI) f. A LEIGH This y.sir f..r the- Cc.st time, tin* -people of Raleigh | v ,1! be given oportimily to wit the impressive ceiviviouies ui ; the Scottish Rites Mason.- coin i iTierearatiiiy. tn» Crucifixion and RcMirccction of the Christ On l' burs day evening, Apr)) lt> the Harper L. Fleming chapter of Rose Croix, Scottish Rites Masons, will conduct the ceremony of Table arid Extin guishing of the Eight, the Maundy ThutNday ceremonies. This impressive arid meariim.-fi.il itcurionv i i-innienioraies the Cru cifixion and death of Jesus Christ. ■ lu-ri the light -if the v.crld v.a: temporarily extinguished from the Happy Khmer New Year. IMES AT 105 -- "Uncle” Hen j j ry Bobbitt, said io be as familiar i ' a Kaleijfh “landmark” a* tin? N. j ! C. Stain Capitol, died late last j i week at 10$ years of a*«*. Dm. j j plte his »dvMiwd age, Mr, Mob* ! i Wit made regular rounds of Ra- j ; ieigius pitres ni business until i I urged to take a well-earned rest : i about two mouths ago. He was- | Nl AIBFU ! vit’vv of mankind anti live wnrui ,Vfl- in l: -n:- olai y da)-!. ■ Trv Maundy Thaf-sdov Cere !mony vviii be held at lht» Davi-- : St!tot }’)" uvlt i'i.aM tit -, l'eb, . : nt-r. Du vie trc.fi Per.-on Sin-I th" • Rev. C A. Kearns, past-".’ I TIU- ct-remoh;,- of Ui-ic htm. . tin- E; ster Sunday rib's will i->- con ducted Easter Sunday rrinn.iuji at i th- First Bapti-i Church beam* - Tiing at six o'clock Tht '■-•k")' J sot this occasion will b*- tnr R"v |M» Cunningham, )>3sto-' "t tht \ First Conurt--sational Chun: ot ‘this city. During th.i ci- 1 "ii.nilv "f Tnliglit . I ing, ti)t- I.igiit which was exth;- . it. ,-iheci on Maundy Thursday i (Continued on page ki : the sou in s native of Cuba and j was born In Warren County in j 1847, Hi lived at Raleigh 75 j years and out-Uved. •> brother j who died at- It'S stui a sister ! who lived I*s years. A former j state employee Air. Bobbitt i leaves severs ehlMeon to sumra : his dendue, 1 Happy Khmer New Year. ONE <)!• EOCR lit till* Volu.-ia: County iHit.i Sheriff Ab s Littlefield above shines his flashlight i n the mortal remains o! youthful Willie Davis of De- Leon Springs, Fla one ot tour \ i e t i m s in an autonti? bite wreck in which three white nil'll hat e been eltarred w ith nuiilKlattghtei Davis, repot tedlj Son Shoots Pop About Mom •fIsN'DFREON Mtn-.v AS .u»i. •a. shot in the simukh r fast t'M-.ii •.i,.n l.y iilh ! H-y< • r j ui"! jn,. Lei Altitun, !-o told of- Peers Tie iireii in di-fr'iiM' nl ms : uiother. ; Th" youth ts h"id in jail pend •ng -n’ltcoinc of injiu iws tn hi ■ , lather. The sthnotmc owtir ed at i .ne \ :oi, home ort the Oneken 1-arm Road. Lm- uo> lab - wa iji-oUgiit to town u> liv-. f.iaiulia ; ilier, Hiwrend P- nry ui-vi : i|f up to D"V.lty kin-i if! W l : Wall in: , ! > Woman, Jusl Playing, Slays Man I.KXiiNCTON M)’Vn-ijima i,'„|-i,.-l. ’ White, 31, .-: being field -re on u charge of fatally state -. ■ l ing Ezekiel i-'vi-cman, ;U. at iiei 'hi i.-.e nr. South Church Slu t here Monday- afteiuoon. Police fluff V t, I'M.-- .-aid: tne woman lieii ad; :tn-u si.il.i --■ ui:s‘ FVeei'iiavi vy.lh a l-uteh.'r il. iml J si.i w:: md - ;-!a>- i Die-’. Worn an Draws Prison Sentence HALLJOH A Vi.nng k;. . i W-.-m .in V. a, svl'ilefe-'"d to sx-V- n to 10 yc-'.u's m Women'- Division -St i i*!i.-on last week ;J ! th; ritb'- slay hi:; of George Light. !.>v com* mon-law husband Ed.;., "j'y ; ,-H id prison term from Judge ixi Cum ■ -in Wake Su|.*et ior 1 -I'-ttoi p-.intp .! ■ a 22 situ; irtn Hifcht aboui i ti: Id on tin- m- Pi •-) Fe-b; unry IV Unruly Characters Into Court i MiV - Two I-- si inert v ■ :i i-i Lie Ke-.-oi-di-r'* Court i«*r<* week on i-h.n'yes of ern'ag ■ lie.; in an efra.v at a -icboo) i-rifet L.iriment. •uiver Arrington was' eonvivted ,i.i ; ; --.aull me -i-.i'm B Fi-rreit. and Arrington was given a 60-day stir- i>t -in it -ti -i’.ten ri Judge It H V V: ddell ordered thr- sen.tenee suit- Cuts Jailer In Escape Iry i (iOiDSHORG i. R Cobb, : Wayne jailer, was cut u. til" neck late Monday night by a Florida 1 man Sanders W. i i luiiv.s .it!. •* bt • , "’as tiitemp'in:.' to break out <>f 'Did npstaii’.t -biiU-pit-n of the jail Williams slashed the jailer v.-ith ~ piit'kctknitV u-ln-n Cnh-fa swipned '* he rrtx?i frtwn rttnniat througli Pie -it M’M poor I'll tile fX-ti Cilbt.’. i __ ! Medics Fight To Save Girl’s Eye { DURHAM - Uncoil* Hospital | phy: ir jam- (&te Tuesday ware at- • ! i*?np?hs to save Use left ey* of • |on J 8-year-old watftiesa who had j . been struck in «.<:• taw by a beer j . bottk' Police quoted Miss U.tciUe Rigs* j I bee of b 22 East Proctor Street, j j waitress at the Bilttuore Grill as i •>. ivfr ot ini' car in which tins four were killed vv;is thrown üboiii 15 feet from the sin of impact. The car being driven by one of tin white men ciiiiißcil in the deaths allegedly for'eal t'aie car off the road, eaUMilg it to era'll into a Wei tiit‘ii:; in Use death', of all it- lieruiKititfc. The !*,< ari Tun i : not regarded critical !'a>:n-r bad grabbed the boy's mo 'lj-i :md was; ;in.i he: with an <i|nO knife |„,. then got Oiui .-.not a li.-n the falla l adV in •« \ 1 UjjtMj iiil u '\ I tt-i vt f. hltc J.J in iMJ. bulAl Tut- V siar:. tvh - '-U 1 d she 1 Tc-I W *emart had b* <j - livu.i to '.ether Si a' tour years, i. beir.it In'la in DaVKlMiii Ci-iinty ,lail J’oiice mv i’OnSiiiViin:.' l!:Vi :’i .• f;t»n of the ««.«*• Officer;: Were called to th« White home and foumt Freeman 'b. in. in a Li.«.d bed The but r} i- i.b‘ • w-1 ' " bv; frM ihiiii aus proi'idum-eot d'.id Up ~,, 11,'i v.ii ill S.!C St/- .-I iK.'-jilial Solicitor W N H.ci-.-H tub! the jury !',«• ,va- not v-kuig lor a first -m.': rtv inurdci ceuvicUtin He was u.-kii'ii. thi ji lu return a verdict of guilty of murder «» 1 in- second degree <.e mafedattfth. ; nr. h. said, whichever the jury might fiii-i the fact:, to -e. il 1 ic-nw, h I admit :od the killing j The jury >md niiuifl.'f.ighier, and •'.Judge Cu s; pi'onouiit-ftt ‘sentence penaied upon payment of $lO oud civ i • -\rrinrtne - . if>< Mr Ck.-nrt hupt-ei bund was ... ! id S'HJO Pen i-!i w -us eh j'nS --! the 1 i hnsn'i nf a- -a iitiu-, 'e l n;i!;'fii in :t tight which rcport-tHil’, develop rif la vei-i !i tile t:- - --, ' glu'inp,- :.--I, .tiffin: :i i. t. 'it ::: or.i fit ! fan J dtes pin .it!:.' on e*£trn iviattresi In the i'Uge foi a city prisoner when the tore , k was ;.ttempted Two other prisoners, were Kiip .red t(.< tiiivi taken paid us trie i uscape. Cobb said, but neither fob lowed .Wil-in-iefn to ittf* open door William- tend steing held to ftfcv .! tri:;! !'<M ta-c «.*riy of tot aut*. ..> mg thftt when stirs atteitinted |to pick up from a tnb.u- payrueat j '■ tor a beer, one of the cu;--iom«rs j smashed a beer bottle in her f;»ee She '-ustanied Ic-ceralin-ris of the 1 forehead m uddition to the severe | eye injury. j Police, were lookwi:-? fx*i her «s* ipuazit whom she aaa ideutilierl.

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