WOMAN LOSES RACE WITH DEA TH 4 SEEK POLITICAL OFFICES IN N. C. Happy Khmer New Year. KAfFIOH GI I!ONORKP> —As in ret-riving thf* Commendation liibbttii sot iti*'j it(• i i* s :. servlet-, < apt Alvin V mount (tenter j , ' » Hi dford AVi imm 1 , Ha. h* n\ it. .\ < . i\ i aluhited L> lii* i limiiuculinu officer. Captain County and State Posts Are Sought RACKrCM - Ti - \\ihncni not i coming t«; h alow In Non:s < uiolina, and at i* asi fonr N-- ';rd€-s have -j.ivrn ukllm ! it"*: • that the> public: p< hiiiiirc ine .'nc- *v .• «-11 county FlluvF si :«< One y.Ai a co - tiH.s :.'’Uoo] i« j • i: J the fourth N's it» nil has {«}♦•{.! as t-a mini ate iwi tir ciaui i rrrkiitfc a Mai in the St.tt* firtUst* of KeptVse f-N. I iJ;M to declare hliviself for pub lie post v, as L-ain Ixioy, Jr., a Oiarlo’to liiorticeian who rt*'eks a Mai or; the Meokk-nbur.;- County co aid of cornmissioners subject to rninihation in the M •*. i.V-tno ‘s atic } J < sjnai y The State-!n Brief,., i Raleigh Teachers Slate Play RALEIGH Member ol th • faculty of' ({ulcigli’s Washingon High School will appeal’ in the ruL of thc.-p tanx when the Hus in ♦*>.••. and Inti us t.riul club stages “The Walks” ai the Lincoln Theatre here Tuesday ; nijHii, April 22, Ay.' H-> Defeat: iviy. h* Nine GREENSBORO - Ihe A and T Aggies took their filth consecutive baseball Caster Mom!av (hassle at MeiiiOiiai Stadium as they drubbed North Carolina College, their: hottest athletic rival, 1(>-J The lopsided win went to Pitcher McNeil of the Aggies- j the Freshman sensation who sf.i ucK out 11 men in a seven inning stint and clinched the \ ictory wit iu a home run! clout over the right field wall with one aboard- McNeil had to be relieved at the end of the 7th by reason of a • knee injury resulting from a collision at. first base Convicted Man Filters Plen RALEIGH John Andrew Roman, ice plant worker convicted of murdering a (*5-yearrOld Lexington white woman, this week appealed his death sentence to the State Sup re m o C<> urt I tom an was - tried at Use January term of Davidson Su* perior Court for the slaying .if Mrs. Beulah Miller Brad ja-ritu Court for rlie slaying of Mrs. Beulah Miller Hin* haw on August 12 last year. Judge J Will Bless Jr., sen tenced him to die in the gas chamber, but the appeal automatically delay,- the execution date until the high court has taken final action. Forgers Face High Court GoLikSBORO Two Goldsboro residents, Emmett I Anustrong and Dame) Yelverton, were bound over to t...e May term of superior court Saturday on three charges of forger. The two men are charged with forging di.'-V amount ing to $125 and cashing them at three different places! of business here. Cash and merchandise wre re ceived from each business firm. I (Ami fulled »n page H) Series Os Registration, Vote Clinics Will Begin *harsday PM In Raleigh KAJUBIGH Tin* first in a series of registration and ! voting clinics to be sponsored by the Raleigh Chapter of; the NAACB designed to explain to prospective voters the requirements for voting in North Carolina and assist prospective voters with their registration and voting prob lems will be held at the Martin Street Baptist Church ! from 7:20 to 8:20 pm ,on Thursday evening, April 17. j Prospective voters who are unable to attend the; opening discussions at 7:20 are urged to come in anytime ! before 8:30. The clinic will be conducted each Thursday evening until May 17. Registration and voting clinics will he held at the’ JBioodworfch Street 7 MCA on Wednesday nights begin* j ning Wednesday, April 23, from 7:30 to 8:30 pm, and other clinics to be held in .South Park, East Raleigh and ; West Raleigh #ili be announced later. liiomu, :i member of thf* 8 2 *SIH Mobile Army Surgical 11 pi ifi Korea, will soon t’elim to Uu- I niD‘»? Stales. IF is a ri.uHi. it if of little u rtl Cui vvtLsKi at Vi < ii >, \\l\W I* HO I O) \ H.< ' Ol S C \Mi'.’if. 1 ; [a»iu' wa d;| a vu'Oi uu - r.mi* b; (!!••; Mcckltrt j «*•;>. • }■)'> fivht .tint* ‘-p'.fiied by an un ti attempt by racsbs to • ’'lin (»i;l *'f the raci; . SiiintJv aIF« i out; mUKitin ml himM'll' t cuindiduti*, .» }• • * t «»ss \\ loull.t l iiruhii; nil ilu !auo of his well up poinDnt hmirt ih siiborb.iit < harit'tti* the yootliful inofti < ian tlrrlartaf the iiiK u aiiiiitj* to Cjusi* bbti ifi iruve the TitT’t*. but iltHiU'Pil that ls<* iotemit'd to remain in tin* lampaiifti nguiiltcss of Hit dm! ( OfltiiiUfa! Oil jiaj'rt Kj THE CAROLINIAN 10c Per Copy y \y or |_j-j More VOL I M N Xi EASTER TOLL: 10 PANfci, fttiMBER-S Soof of OurhamV: leading business, la l.or, civic amt religious leaders u.-Cf members 1>! (i.rllel whieli uHirnied the responsibility ol a eollfK*' lor lead. rsMp in its I'omnaniiU at various levels on North Carolina College's second U'MSTE/10-OLIVE MUD-SLINGING GETS UNDERWAY DCHHAM At ir.,-) une u( the State's !r-.-f*U!.-: da'iit- is et.nvin- , eei tha* t i", v>. !)tt Os 'iiutd ‘ltnoipa don. before the current North Catvlina ;obe» rta toriui campaign necona.'s a jn.it *e j of rc.’or.l. The Durham Morning Herald • . xi, .- ctlitofially Wcdtjc.tday. •■•s’, d tha: i no-n.ii ..c 1 was thrown iu Un- J 930 Sv'ru.ti.rrU • t.. last North (.'aroiinn to a l.ei - litii. Ihe reference mjs ..bsioos lv t« ttit eampu.j!!! in nbicl. Kuie.Kh law.ter Willis Smith won a seat in tile l S Senate over Dr Crank F Graham hv use of a whitt supremacy cai/.p.urn The Herald, v. iiich Is backing the cun.Tit fjtje;,i u s Durham law year William Un iStead for the i/ov(!'i.orshit:> savs in its editorial captioned ‘Another- Mud - Sling <( ontinued on page k) .. . | v r MmhNw'' arJiTa“xirc qmm w. i . Fisher of A. and S', Collcrc, ! fimmsbor#, exeeulivo secretary- i ; of the New Farmers i ®i America to Worth Cuelioa. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SAT! RDAY APRIL 19, 1952 in a series of Spring forums, held last Monday in the Col lege's Si. N Duke Auditorium. 1 ich participant on the pro gram, entitUd. ’Town and Gown,' i-il.il the need for eul eulttiral. intelleetual and moral leadership which the college 13-Day Fast Is Fatal To Wo man Wh o Says The Lo rd Told Her To Quit Eating DU HI LAM <Spe. tall An aged won »): who had expressed a de *.ite to fast "until the land' told in-, ti, sto; . and then get up from ocr ted and re and preach "the . ivt H'iUHin the city of Durham i>as ever heard'' die.’ from starva tion her. this Wi eK Oil the 11th day o: her tart. The body ol Mrs, Creola Kufiiu, who went on the "fast' Youth 20, Killed During Tussle With Woman, 29 i above, i resc-rUs Miss Jessie Man- ] uel, a senior at Fayyetteville's , /line Chestnutl School, with a j stroll Indicative of her «elw* | Uon as 'Miss NFA" for the year i should provide in return for the social, economic and spiritual < nrirhment offered by its com munity. Members of the panel are. standing, left lo right. Dr. C. E. Boulwure, NCC professor who chairmaned the discussion: N li White, ioe.il eiemies- iead heeause the l.ord told me to" was found sprawled across her bed surrounded by live Hibtes. one of which was open Mon day. A small white crucifix was ly ;i t.- atop cloth w hich covered . a;, uniighted ...i stove nearby She had been a member of the Sev- j er.th Day Adventist Church sev : oral months. in Cumberland County. TI)!* cor onation of Mat NFA took place at a recent Mother - Diwighter, hather-Son banquet at Fayette viUe. er arid partner of the Service Printitig Company firm; Ray tnoiul Oliver, NCC senior; .! S. Stewart, executive secretary ol the Mutual Savings Loan Asso eiation and 11 Davis, prinei pal ol the VValHow ii Elementary school. Sealed are. same ..iti.-r Mrs. Ora Hunt, a neighbor aid she talked last with Mr- Ruf fin about u> u clock Sunday morn ing. "She said to m l, ’You think I'm going to die don't you?' ”S asked her it she thought she was going to die and she answered, No. not now. I'm going to get over this and (Continued on page S) WHITEVILLE A mcndly'' -tussle for the ptesosiion of a rifle proved fatal for one ot Ihe participants here Monday morn ing. Twenty-year-old Evans Mon roe died at a local hospital shortly after being shot by a ,22 rifle during a tussle with a woman whose home he was visiting at nearby Dolton Mrs Katie Waddell, 2:*. woman in whose house the tussle took place, was arrested for question ing and released. Columbus Coun ty Coroner Lucy R. Thompson said no inquest would he necessity The .woman said she was prepar ing tp unload the rifle when Alou (Continued on page S) f ormer President Os . ...c- }'F ; j Florida College Heard By Shaw Alumni Group RALEIGH l)r .)' L. Tilley of Baltimore, .former dean of the Shaw UniversCy School of Religion and form er president of Honda Normal College, was principal® speaker at the 12th annual observance of Theological' Alumni Hay at Shaw .1 mversity Wednesday, April 16, Dr Tilley addressed a public meeting during the morn ing and later spoke before a special meeting of ministers, ; A native of Granville County, North Carolina, Dr. Til- : Schools of Religion, ami formerly pastored Mount Gilead ' ley is a graduate of the Shaw Uiuvewdty and Chicago 1 Baptist Church, Durham- Rev Harold Roland, past o r of the Mt. Gilead Baptist Church, i I MeCuy. la hot representa- I'niou; Mrs f. ( Trent., city live i-l the Tobacco Workers < i.ntlcll me ■■nber; amt It E. Moore. Dean ot N’t <"s library -eiloot. PfATH STALKS STATE DURING HOLIDAY PERIOD HA I HIGH Violent death talked the highways and by-ways of North Carolina as the late ob i-creed a In up Easter weekeud. Os the fourteen deaths by vio i, nee recorded in Ihe -h'te (t ui- r »h« weekend, ten were NV.’.Cc ■ They were listed as follows: At Winston-Salem, 1 l-ye-ar-oici James Wuldon Jones. admitteu pine- a fatal shotgun blast, at res -tiici . V-.’dte-i O'-e- .is. *-i. v. hen uwe-ris threatened to kill; . ‘hv entirt family. EuUi people, ineludin two worn- ' ; sn, were killed when their ear apparently ran into the path oi a truck loaded with stone near; ;; ,ui,burs. The viTctims were iden- j (( unlmueu on page K 1 1 1 STATES ABE REPRESENTED AT NAGW MEET n\ rosajl.ie williams RALEIGH Approximately UKt delegates and visitors from 12 j ..lutes and the District of Colurn- ; bid were present to attend the : 2rLh annual conference of the Na- j tioiial Association ot College Wom c-r. held .it Shaw Umv'ersity April j li and 12 Theme of the cooler- ; once wa- What of die status us women in a changing economy' . (Continued on page 8) STAR. O* * nr. SHOW—Lovt* iy Lois Roll, of Now York, na t!onaii> known fashion mod* 1 ) ami tlosig'Dor is to h< tin* fc& Itirod nnxhl in ,i fashion show to l>t* stag oil • tin- liahnyh .•hap.t c «* Hm . u f 1 1 *v m ■.* n * * n% \ t-.i :iiiti< ia Os l ..oar »it- at tin »ii fisto fluntor Si-hool i tUl.i\ vii{]ht. Am si IS Carolinian By Shirley QI'KSTION: Din's the wwiuß til today utilize wisely ttir time sit red tiinnigli tin nst of MHuicns <t,i t uti-nsii/ i n it equipment i MRS. MOZRi.i .V. OIXON iVIEK- RiTT .» iHiticinsi Ifaioi.'.tr V, 1 ■ •> id .!> 1!,. 1 the sv .’ill •in >,f nxt.i.v do.- utilize he-: time ]v i h e career SS U, ,J.... -! ..(■!- . m^ws »r n ecjui|)nK-nt, |fc SIBB ■•sen,ill; ThlOUgll V. i: rids »■ i f household c1 c■ fin ant? in or- * ***';' * rIV.V, t: <J hCT family well fed I and happy Mod- .. .h £ ~,-| t: l It e<iUipn,i ip Blows more time tor religious. pt» •itteal and so.-inl ae! i vittes. Os ciease, thete are those with vc-rv mod< rn convenience m cinch line set"-, m's, wi;.'> waMi precious Mire they cenM ie jiUie or no IViH.*. LOUISE LKVV IS, bouse . wife, llai.-iah; \es, tile time ,-jVi d ii> a house ■. fe\ oa s can he a a a) many ; ways However it thi« turn is :nent •■• -tin?, it is usually well d« wrv.’d, yet them; niaay ja , tainii; :, and edu ' • rational: and in •SjsPyi *i,i . iiiialtait day, wadlßi* it is necessary for a hen. . ode +*4**o*' to keep Ui> With , whiil is ye.l.. Oil ' w in lh. • rid and •i • evt hemr; on opln ns she thinks are right. ft is also very important for the housewife to h..v. • time to spend vith her chiidren and family, and. ' time for self improvement as an individual. This l think to be most | irnporant, for surely a rested house tvift can be more patient land considerate; and the influ* I i»nce of a cheerful home can have i a lasting favorable effect on tins i ! tore generation. m MRS NANNIE ROBINSON, part lime v.'.iikti nd huUM.'uife, Ha ! h igh: Using modern utensils and . qmpinent Is a must with many i ’ omen. With the cost of living so Inch, ‘comeii are trying to in c e t expenses l-y working; undj l eyi ori the five and wash dishes by han d , I’m | sure it would bo ! hard for thorn to work out. trs • mg the modern utensils for clean ; Ing is the most important thing if know; the- garbage disposal is another time saver Nearly cvery i thing that is done in the Lome ■ entt be done at the same time. Just | set them—and forget them. That’s |my motto. I speak from self ex perience because X have to worts. NUMBER 22

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