ik A -k -A A A & A & A A A - AAA AAA AAA’ 1/UtH/vM v b ache, in the )<>- a-. \ChUUj •\ v t»• !'i i f. ai > U>fct hi* l jib J »/. (tjn "W », s ;on ;,s ‘..r.c is u »iu i-i h» - ;»r» ciii nti'bancl. ti i-.l TUf if' l' <;’. ♦ Oil : fit t•CI A .V-kfid 1 J• f J i • :'f :»! " b .Mil H(.*r Th« a.‘tbn i- in.vUtuK'd ■. ■ Mvs. ; i _ » H KKn or ST Al.’Ol'S »l\2 s i <) f i r;! (T U’TFR. Hi * \ T ' IT \ nn Pictured j' n<.r ,ii r the newly Heeled of* lit'ei«»l the St Auy.ustim^ < »«!!»*}« t «»! Ihe lseH Hap|«j \• ii ViUmiit! SciriitMT H ana r t > X<-r i t o s l ,t» ai i h : Raleigh G! Wins B txing Title In Charleston, S. C. CM Hi 'S i ON, S ('. I’ll', jo -■ n Vi. Dole, THk't ASP. - <■ t:i«- ; 1,, 1 ..:, tail! C’uup Rurk . . .1 i■ I'liit, ti,,- ! ij- 1 \ogra Di.itr-uj i iij >. n/ig To hm ament held at i 11 '! t■ l i-i:'!v ami Cob . I-., ill i ..oluen dlu'ii'S ■ uhti's'ant ..I o.il'i; <'.)ioiil)ii. Adit the V.'g’ ii. iiiioi.lit- u Hi-i.i division i! i-utei eci nnlila i,i -a i vice 'Vi , ioivh TU) ar.<t n.. ■ d in' ba il .lii.iiie Foit Dix ami then An-born..- Training at Fort ;o. (beh.v'e being . l oiUililicil on past- X) < arolinimt I >ll4 > I 4>; | Hliil- I ii eiJUHI By Shirley QJ IGSTIOA; Should a unm an iUcss In (.iease herseil, suit her huxhaitd'H (as,- oi aeixirit ■ lllg H> Kir hanv i"K fashion ti nuts? iURS iSK’i J!i !,ANK hoii: eivife, : ti jieigh Witi-ii seieftmg applied for my : ivvi div..ib< l pi iinat ily >-1 --i t Sen t.-.yi'i .•;!}. the mtl-ntiiifls : ii* ji■. oil. ■ my husband, pai twaliavly vaviiii: lor sprotacuiai f. iiu,;;. i i Ullllli .'/■> 1 ti ! ti. v--.ii cloU-.t . that ;iit‘ bt-; t ill 1 , id i.v m-, tv pc As :■ h u ■■: y , .... hull -‘"A iii* a ' : d assure g o oci \ /?! nonitru : ver. atill'y in dresser : ii: i v !ii>- snore va]>iabl» ;t.- i-t a Wiji vli'i,is,* if si woman cun i-k-H r!y inU-rehange ttiem \.»Ui suitabU' accf’sorie.s. (t is not v/i:at i woman ••vcuri as much as how well .-tu- vvearr- It. I think a women should bly wi'li the intentions oi making hereOf more attractive and ap pea In i» to iiev husband, by con 1 Sicie.in, hiii t;i;.l o foi ladies' i<p- - ps;ei. IVIH.S MAitLK WINT’MHS. hobs.-- Kite, Halt .;!■ A women should dress to suit I*.-: own taste; and with that as sured feeling that ] , vv : . trends; and with a little Individuality arte! selecting (Ccntlnucd osi p,r#e 8; he* ;'i<> )• loiH'hi •Slli 1 ) i ;s !.' i liiil* (:uuU lu iip |»o!h( ii i iifliil - V M»/•«•; I<# soil fit> iW ill Nt , l ,s on Si. hfcu; ;i?id Ui ss.' is O !"«»•» f Sil.'Uo of I,fit' j.tii/- <•• . .!• : She als ■ 1 *■'(in t.» S ,P.i {thru f!i> V • o**ll I UlUtlU tn t. . .1 . .fill, Washineton. !• ( Srau :1 I t - It 1 : Amos Norwood. Ivietsiner, Oxford N < \(iss < In-fstolit-l K 'i-h.il ■ on '• eirl.ir-. H iltnili • HOI, N < \! ill Hi nrv, \»s i Pi Isidi'iil, S s imst .ul IVfV! ; 1 O' §P‘ ■ ..y ' . . { AX! IIMTK < hat-tie Jones, candidate for Alderman in the Second Ward ol Rockv Mount. N is t railroad cinpr>ie ol years standing ami has been prominently identified with the eeiinoinii life of the community. He wav tin- organizer of the At lantic Credit 1 aion and still one ol its leaders sh- is tanner and has led his home luiiitiuiiiily in building modern homes and i eiiun h him s Iretpn iiily lours the Southeast in tin- interest of railway labor employees and several years ago led the light ten ci I'tain concessions which finally \tere adopted to benefit labor, lie is president of the hoi-Ui Mount M.ICI’ unit BNM,./ % m I’.'t* llt TPANTS family, marriage, divorce ;uid related fields from many parts i of the nation converged on North Carolina College for the j three day meeting of the 15th Grove'S Conference on Marriage : UefciHtrdit ~nd asks tin- couit to ha s'i n. nor o.nd thr»-;«?encd to .e> t i.v she rec.-ive j,« i-Oiia' t -il in'. hfd With .ti ;•• Knife i,i ujii ! ?h>* bo.o',ld and placed in m his bed. ••icct.ned in i .•( idtempt !lii' i e.-lijetiCV. iln; ti, |)m: m him ti!Hl id 'ti V|ny Mi Thoilipsori v.t.v - tlnal he," I l. -.ii ; am by t..r11 111 .; ol f his -i- , h.i; accused her of Jr. tie- blood nreui. lior. i»--.-•!• pm. ••situ* ci: d '-it.th.n- with other ;r,cn of <.>, . uri.ms joe. in, jeJir.ty id his in np intimate with other woinc-e Dr-dy " THE CAROLINIAN «liNXXs* * 4 o >ds * k .1 » a s «.*■ • ’ ■-V/ViWVW'. e. ...... 10c Per Copy u 7 euM*<f '"7 Worth More VUi.I'MN XI .ii Xi.Klf 111, NUirm CAKUI.INA WKKk KNDINC SAT UHD AN MAN !!»k? N l Ai IMf il :>A FIREBUGGETS LIFE Former Asylum / unate Kill Wife And 3 Children !' Wr.TTT.ViU K-A .18- ■em old 'oi*ai :i- oleul vvliii l;atl i.»: 11 an in n a.te of a Slate ihe.-itai in.-UU ho fi h ill" pad Hvu years tve wntenced in Cumberland Superior do ir Tucstiay to i;i« un: .1 111 iOi a: .soli. Evidence introdnct-d by th-.- State ocucati ;i '.hat I>• nnv J Mi Dona! : ■n .lan a: i!l >0 ,>vt In , In, i. . tlcru-e ~i Unp'i i l t'ampb.'ll In., . Mt Don Sid ■ e-.train ed wife ~nd i. t , hiJlfi Ob \ el's llV'in-j; id thi -1;. .o e Raleigh NAA CP Seeking Members, l lead Os Drive Asks Public Coop eration Beginning Mav 1, the Raleivti i ii.tp'o: of tin National Ah,;, via ; for the AdVfiiiceiuerd of Col -' < mil I’t'upie. will i'i’aiacti Vtn all i .1 mem be -hip ilviVv in Ita;, ; if ,i:iit WitKo County. ’lTit* r>i,i v pnst? tit ;i t! is i'..ini|>;uc.n - wtiich will con- 1 t’liUe through May 3! i- h- stive i every per-uU in Wake Connty an a ■ ip! -ot tun it v to become a mem ber ui thi- ali Ameriiaiti ivr;;uiir/a- t Lion. Heading :he drive a.- ?.:encral chajvmnn will be Mrs Roscil.i Jodkihs. who has I'.ad a ’.Teni deal of t.xpern net.* in membership eani paigns for various civic organize-, Uons will i.e assisted in thi- earn-! pßip.n by tin mcmbt-ls ->t tliC ex«- , i utive t*oir.n:ittee of the loco! N A A I' branch bio! Carl In i Vane i- chairman of tin. comtftjt. j ' lie . It i.s hoped that before ;MIS: ;rr t-mbersfiip campaign closes, ~ i least 1000 members will have been, .truied. When wa remember that: i there are over 25,00(1 Negroes in Raleigh and Wake County, a cam paign goal of 1000 members will , only include a''-out one in every’ one thousand of the Negro nopu- '■ laiii.n, which is pupuiiation-wise, a very moitest perci-ntage. The liuri-ii.-e and work of the NAAC’P j need no introduction to any one Since its . founding, it has fought 1 unceasingly for justice and equa lity fui ali Americans, and has never compromised right for ex pediency. Because of it.- forthright stand and open warfare upon la MBHH / anti the Family. The Conference, whose keynote was the necessity for divorce laws reform, was concluded last Wednesday Some o) the participants on the con ference sessions are shown a Accot Jii. b, testimony Ml Don -1 aid, aitei .ui argument with his ; wile, tu.ught in- • line poured the i t! or, lilt'- I) , :!i I-'VII '.'il ol the ' ';nbpin-M l'es ii.- i and ihci: h hl-i *,i 1* F.i.wT' die ill emu 1 arrived: on (in.* s' '.' "i litri" t" sai l- all ■ oceupan's oi dwelling, but one 1*1.:, 1,1 i| •• : u-.e vv.i- destroved. I\lr Do I, ii u ; It I Hied ill' could j i*t.t 11 "launber ~ny ol the details about the file tie' u I; VeC*-i!tlv Ve it a . .! ,i-i ~ > lum .A Golds ioi o, :»ft. ■ ou»~ •'.i* c iris<*ii nst ioAi • i lUlfm-ft i *•: ' .CM If tA I ci»/• I bin'- h:v-ii:’fwj :.v>u ifitoU-raiiOc*. j a now do > , dawmri ; v» in thi:-- j ( OUini y |;1! tho t■, ->>; <of oV civ Id’ . Silicf* Utt- Moo it> \\'d: in'icn l oof-ij to boar tlo.' Onint of racial ‘rpjdrv y:ou in Ino NAAC i' moo ot mow to hin’i in his fieri! for liberation, than all of ho-* oi: idii/ritions conibinod. The Ni ho- learned that al though hr is it citizen ot a conn• Vvhe«v itbt •lv jiiSiivv and ti'c-o a‘.an arc |>osod to bo , inter- ■ wtivcii into the v-'.'.v fabric ol «ho K’ontinued <»n H< MK S. n OSKi.:. JVOK IN S ! hove. They are" left to right, Beatrice Kitrtzman of the Mer rill Palmer School, Detroit, Mich:.; istdMl Clark, Saint j Augustine's College, Raleigh, N. I".; Ro-eiiiary Funderburg h, case worker to* -the Durham, N. C. • She claims that site ami lad I w ••» «d Ids hit n i.-vU? a nee public-'- • spouse jointly h'uUV’ht air > ■ : a • 1 pa id c.b tin. bu* pita? rare ins,,! • ■ iwi or; deism St retd, here and ■*.n- , cr.ie lor the uvs# of ti * e.-:;, : as paid paid SiboOti <d the sd.db* oo n }>ay- a'i hoa>«-ho»ci hbi-. h«*i ira’dacal - , : biM, anti aii grocery nib- She cUF.m- tlii.it '.it ba*- duide far s.'io her mate one? r-- < itea % Due jnorit'hSy paymenrs on the i’‘houipson Cuidhei contends house. ha° paid the pr«'mt:,-ir.s un, i "^ : ' "'< ’- ijßß|p ’ .;Sb jf 1,(101) START—Students Hum Si- high schools it, Ner'.li fun iina took compctitiM- ,-xamina tiuiis it North Carolina ( ulleT* last Saturday lot tin- first m .1 series of scholarships to lie Strike Violence Continues j lb iVIA.SVII.I.i’, Viole.'.sc e, , tinue- '.u he the rale rut he) tbuu till i-xeeptioh .it he -.'.111. .11l Tiiumu.'v lilt Ci'.air Cain; unv hei e u.s Ne,.-ro strlhfl Go: will State Press Club Meet Set At Raleigh May 2nd TiALK/CM Saint A: !:• usuiic-S. . College will be tlu- site* oj the S<-< ond Annual Meeting oi Ur- Norm : Carolina Piv.ss Club, Saturday. May 3. Attending 11 : .t‘ Hioel if i; will be n'ore than 200 .s!lidents amt ad ' ... >. 1 Jk Ik' . ,4 I IP Jg|aL, ,V 1 !■ amity service; Ralph Bridgman lan-as County Family Court, To ledo, Ohio; Herman Gant. Sou thern Illinois University and Leonard Rot.msnn, a. tout l t'oilege, Greensboro, N. C. given hi the limes Ii Siieparii 'Meimii i.K I ouml.ition A gtonp is shown a. eve listening to ex plana lion ol the examination from lame-. T lay lor. executive . ;.-, fjjn'l ihcrn i.'ive Itauie.l i:it.) 'court on various ilu'irge: Ofliy the Week a! lea-! t'-.u workers at the plant wiiiii. I,a bei’M on striKe lor uver two vi.sor.-; repi tsf iitin,; more than hi high schools throughout tin state The highlight of the session will be the various workshops undt.-i the iiiidaiict of many competent journalist.-' U'oh'i various schools iii the state A sisiaucc li. tn>- v '.o kU Ul k.s Will L.O s Vic- t y ■ dents !rum other high schools Cl:, .viice W it Wide ol the St As ; a: tme '■■ Cullei'.e l'aeillle Is t!.e locai arivistii for the group. Lin Holloway, managing ediloi ■ and John l\ VVashinc/mn n, j visor of the ineeharocal depart , merit of the CAHOLINTA.N new s p?pers ase seiiedijled to he fimong i the ipeakers EVENTS SLATED IN FINALS AT GREENSBORO UfthK.VSBOkO A full calendar u* activities has: been vr.edi: led ; ill Bennett College in c<■uneriion . ! v :th rmnnieneeriienl exereiWs, ul : the IFi?. graduating class. Beginning' with Class Day ex ercises scheduled for S Vidus. May 2:i, and ending with the eomnn-nremeiit address mi. Monday. May 2li, the three day period will hi one <>t the most active of the academic year. One ~ij •(■-. hi ill lights of t'ui . j vents will be tilts Little Theater ! G ti. i1 d production of William : Shakespeare's "Mid - Summer j Night's Dream" which w*!! be piv j .-eifted at K o'cloeu, ivlaV 23. On Saturday morning, at 10:00 i ■A. M there will be a meeting of! lx. Graduate Association. An All- Bennett luncheon will begin ;<t 1 ./clock and the annual concert '"ill he presented at S:(J0 p m The annual campus tUaimnation will IContinued on pare 8) that Mr Tlmmysoo bought two caw and dcsji.U: ill,, fact she paid Slth'l tnwi.ftl their purchase site bus eu vet lt'ceivcd' any U-nefil from either vehicle The couple n'i.'u vied .June 1,1, 1949. afi't .-•eparuted O; t 15, 1951. sect, oi of tie I oondation and member ol Hi North ('aviii)n.t ( ollege s faioltv. >i\teen scho larships of S’iOo each will he gi'en this year. Winner- ,i th awards will he aniumm'ert n iiiith- hi i'i ana' tcci and tried or. Assault charges Alton lloirr.es it), was ■ . with us.suu,l mi thi ii>'im • ).-••• (ii'ime.- , supi r:.;teh''lcn! .■! lie riant D a.i the chan eoinpaiiy. ■:. liieir.e.:!': Thompson. 29 Was t':arg,"J with assault in the local in I'l orde,- t'uurt iollowim. l'a- The State-In Brief,J Bonnott Senkm (.KM- NSKOKO —Scnioi Hon ors at Bennett College wen announced lust wc> k by Presi dent id I) Jones The Kt high ranking mem' <-rs of the MctiiOl class were recognized during a foimai chapel scs sioaand were as follows: » iury vj.ie McCain, Kartna- Honorarv Grot K A).ITCH -- At a veil itri jjressive mitialiuii ceremony, reef nth four new members were accepted into the Saint Augustine's College Chapter of the /eta Kappa Chi Nation..! Scientific 11 Olio ra. *> Society the eereimmy was held on tt.* local college's campus in the Benieh It.ill oi s., < Ctar- Rev. Williams (. GHJ IN s IsOKO I'hc l«ev Kenneth Williams, of Winston Salem, was gu.-si speaker at Bennett ( ..liege recently ii« v , , introduced by Bresi- B U LB lawyer fi< liALEIC.It Attorney It warrior for Civil Lights retui afternoon after having appo; pretm- Court cotitestiriyr dee is od down by N. C. courts in it Cousins, The occasion marks the fit barristers have made stleii before the Supreme Court. Attorney W. Frank Bower 11osea I Tie e <. f Wi n ton-Balel l in hie ai'cruements. •■•'.r-Sayv. ' , • ■ •••■•■ ','Tvj■ ' : .’■ .fx-;■ - £. yjus& 'V ssi 4Mi& ■■ ’'l ItSrv ~1. ’"y * ! 1/ ; ' »«# SO £ £*. Ms;* | ,'js | ' f: ■vo , -. ;..•■■ Pm *•?,; ■. |v:es ■-; ■ : .,J* ></! liOftVKT I, Hi i TIN’ 8N THE SCENE E Sergeant BolS lit Is Among \larines Who Note Atomic Blast CAM!' DESERT KOl‘K. Nev. Mat in? S.-; Rob, if 15 Ruffin, **n nf :Vii ■~i Mt <i, •; H-- i ’ Ruf ; fill of .•!■; l‘» !:•■’.* StR of, D.rih.im, iTv ! . lat.f week \v 11 ; . ■ ved utv ; atotiiii c.vpk ion, and then Joints in 10; :ViO <' K an • I ««!; an Gb ice'iv, I!L-af tilt- e'-'iuer nl the ill Oit.V i ‘!. ( ,1. • .11 •■ t !u .<• 111 . Ml.. Mt M'.i.m, t.Vh ■ niv part it? Eta it? t v- 1 st-rl'i-. of a lorn •• Teats at the At :. !e F.nt -•. .ty ‘ Cevt: •.!;•>,ton f*i uving Gi nmols h**s'*> Thf csterttjtee includes train in” in o;>c cations e»n|;ioj ing thf c. t ol atomic weapon-., the ) aikflisAß and w of M.|Uis;mcnt • /urn to tn atomic cxftlo sion, and the newest dev. •‘fop merits in physical protection Ti Dili itain Lcatho m•. k is » member of a pmvisuiTini battalion Ot .VI,I r;!')I V fvoa Can is !Va n;..' N C, Wilier, .1 Id i:: xvilii aias’hor fc. italion i'rur.-i (.’.mm Pendleton. Calif, was flown this de>er't vile (' pasta ipale in an.wo ut- Set. Ruffin, an infantry wea pons Ai mover vv 1 1>i the Second ' .\Ksv.o, Cons Nnv. rulio, itv.n Vi awing ~f warrant ,• - K D. R > Violence ic-iahv break: <» it a* i lunctu in the pk.M area dur ; in.? the lunch period i: *.vav h'uru ; <3O. Uni..,officnis tod;.•• were ,;iiot t-d a.- ...•> in> that st.rv and led iConiimust cm page hi s Are HoiTOrv I pole Delon vs Brown AkfO-fl, Ohio, I velyii Long, Blanch, Alice Rhodes. Winston-Salem Vivian Cleaves Mavtnu. Hdlth Carter, Detroit, Mich.: Willie Tavlor. Lynchburg. Va., Ldith Bowc. Cleveland. N. < . Joan Seales Winston Salem, and j Juanita. Page, Roanoke, Vit. up At College PllCt* W R Wadi ~t On Ciiefll- I istry Oepartmerit, and advinor fur the group o.'lic Idleil The ne«t\ initiated .ruin - hers are: is Miss ChrisWbU Richardson, Junior of Wit mington N C ; Albert Henry Hetuor 'lVinidad, MVI; John < Middleton, Senior of Washing ton. 0. i . and Amos iNo: Wood. Junior, Oxford, hi l .luest At School den! D. David f) Jon. at the regiilar vesper services which wen- held in the Bfeiffer Cha pe! (Coittrnnwt or. Bart 81 i -KT I N CHTY CASE : ferman L. Ttiylor, leadimr irned to Huleiifh ■ared before the U* S. Su vions which have been hand eloa.y cases involving 'Daniels, rst instance in which Negfo i impeesstvo appearances ; .of Dttriiam and Attorney . a : up ported. Atturinvy Taylor **

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