PAGE FOUR The Carolinian SUBSCRIPTION RATES Six Months s2.On ~ . One Year $3,50 Pai ABLE IH adVa : -Ai/i-ii»-.: ALL t'J'Ni. MUNICATIONS AN A* MAKE ALL CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO THE CAROLINIAN Interstate United Newspapers, fno., 542 Fifth Avenue iV. F. 17, S. V'., Nattonaj advertising /representative. This newspaper i* rr ■ responsible for the ye turn of unsolicited tiers, pictures, or advertising copy, unless, necessary postage accompanies the copy (Published by the Carolinian Publishing Company., 118 East Hargett Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Telephone: 947-1) OUR PLATFORM : W* Stand for Full and Equal Constitutional Rights and Privileged and Civil Liberties of All People, Regard less of .Race, Creed, or Color. Entered as Second Class Matter, Anri: ?, •( Lie Post Office at Kaieigu, LuiU> o»i.-iL.ii iuj.O: the ' Act. of March, lSi*. PAUL R. JERVAY, FublUlrn. ■ LIN HOLLOWAY, Managing Editor '£• ■3 tsrronKTr% , VitWPOIN T O! Mi;N AN!' MU'-H E confidence :n thmu.c-F' and their Alma 71 atm a* McMo-u to th very root, of the VVav.itutgt-/n He-' 1 graduate. 1 who hao? entered the Held For Friday m;'ht Ale, 9th, the Junior-Bernoi Prom dm ■ mi iiorn furnished L- V a white ut •. ■,< Mu While we are not. opposed to using white musician:. loi Fegrr, a! Fur:-, it •: difficult to understand the preachaient so often heard of patronizing trie- Race 'through the pulpit, rue-tings, etc. If we believe in such praehment along with 'circulating the dodtar as long as 'in the hands -d the Race, ;,chou! adnimfo 'trations that condone rob Ling tie n»u sicians of the stud>.-nt r ' dollrus should be tak«-n to task and their resign atiou sought, ''tie-lid a hi • ,-vL'sid for F consciousness > ■■ nt tum- Raleigh pH entlt boasts on*, of the be-t trios in till,' entii'..- area the THREE DEUCES, products of the high school. Whether th, •• dat*- was filled by the Three Deuces or some other Negro band is immaterial, in ■ a■...., ample time is availabe to engage musician-? every year as: the dat is known from year to year to be the second or third Friday in May. With the national income of tin Race dropping from twenty eight dollars a year from 194$ to 1949. against an in crease vi o" vi leui hundred doitais tor whites in the same p'Tiod we would do well to promote and piscticr frugaii* ‘ty from birth to death Our suggestion would be that an or chestra be formed from th c band per sonnel with the expre: . purpwa of fur nishing dance music for m hooj affairs when such occasion;:. ari.?e. This would smtomatiaSiy reduce ihe cost involved tin commercial aggregation.- and m out <■ -opinion, Find .suitable music lor a high school junior senior prom. With our pre .cut. economic status so far below par. \v c would do well to ad here to our pr-achnient. of patronizing the Race whenever and wherever pea sibie, NOT A f HAN* I 'ACCORDING to Associated Press a caucus of Negro sothern Democratic leaders has agreed that a candidate’s being southern should not be a bur to Negro sup poll of the right man. if h • were a real liberal, a southerner could be supported, the colored leaders said. Then m a formal statemnt the group spoke with great wisdom, we think. The (statement said, among other things: “The failure of Southern leadership 7.3 not geographical but mom!. No man is qualified to lead the nation who with holds loyalty to that highest of Ameri can ideals—dignity and opportunity for m. “A truly liberal Southerner, who faces sqareiy the obligation of the I •- government to protect, and extend the rights of all citizens, can be more than just a President. Given wisdom and courage lie can be a great President,” Then aft- men in the Mouth who could rne.-t the abov< specifications. The trouble is that th- re-ally big political power;- in the South would not support .‘■■■u-h h man Tiicv would 1 -gar cl him as a tiSitor aiiil tlivi ciYo ■" Would be iiarei *i* oil him Ulan on at) lie lib.oral tcom some othei part of the country '! he r... ■ I.e-nViio • of j-'i vm. <> i die n; and lud.p: Waites. W ai'ing- show win:.! v. t- rncuu; noi to irienti-n, the Man iron Missouri, tb'd’ry F. Truman, hose unpopularity »r, tin:- Lon fit r dm- moi et,, j. . cix-i 1 ;1 udit- ram than in •* 1 1 hr; othei '1 ‘ ! " a la. I > j) i- '. IO (1 ■ pltl. If.|[t;i A iea) :„oilt L«-iT"j libera I will get ni. •vht-iv that lie, ltd low southerners -an pre-,, ni hii getting f«iiviPKoiVjrsf ja) k j 'ill. N- vv r a ini Ob-.ervei ei.litOi ial •! A pro i counseling a cornprorni e '.si hii •i• ii rights question. -•. a au ,•>. C' ih (if iifie a lid d*:-,ri -raivMij con sideration, Its fs' ie, t.iLvii Iron tin column f ’ ’ jli OliLt i I. I‘ . Li V it ij nil',l!!', ‘i. 1 r action a r.-. ; -eh ippuuvif e.n the m r page While tii.tii Mr v.tokco* article ! j., Nrvr, .u,J Oh eiVci iClit univeisaj i a . impractical. ’The federal government ha- tin mu doubted power and the duty to maintain employment practice;-; without, racial or religion.-- bis. jo federal employment, iiicladnig . ; rt done undm go s:inm:ni. i warded cm Mi acts We should like to -i: th- • iiited . i -t»-; government can out Such a progi am, through its. .id mi rati v * ag encie.-:, siippie flit nted t»> legislation ivlitiv neces; ai y W * also la vor federal icgir.latioh which would creat*--, as Mtoke- and the News and Ub server iir.cii;.: . A fair Kinploymeiif I 1 act ic t Wo. on: i - -11 publicity, ad" , V and * d iii" a til.J 11 U I pi IVvei -. !* I ’ News and Observer think-; : tich a measure “would pass overwhelmingly in this or any other Fongis-ss.' VvM du not . nart tin- ni v. ■ pap.-! ';, unbounded a urance that such a measure wolud pa. . but w< I;ouid like to see Coiigrc -. piv n a ■ li.anCf. to pass it. and to find out it and , !- ni/ obj♦*.■ ti•. 11 to a not I.* r 1 • •-.p. ■ . I of I•!1 pi • ■ iltatiVe- Li' o'..k, , lit who would and who would not ;up port ol Ai kaiuss:; abolition oi the poll ta.. by constitutional amendment. We think that ought to be tried also, tu << ■ ivhicn states would, and which would not ratify it. If the objective can be ac romplished Iry amcndimmt, tiic result -. t would be just the same as if it hud been brought, about by legislative enactment. We are all or laying out soup, com mon ground on which honest men can agree in this matter of civil rights; and especially are we interested in finding out which men arc honest and who, on 'the one hand, are bluffing, and who, on .'the other are plain die-hards, opposed Mu any and ail improvements in the citizenship status of Negroes, ..... w-. A :r- v ... ... -o X* ■ W_X'' ..^5 In. M M,§ /. -J - 4 . -y v l -X T, L UFW Sill I ami»—»im>w*rr 1. • • that Harry -L...:. •aih « . ,v •,/; » , • U i: t ;t tis Hir. ’ : ili Statu: ir.1.1 )7iGbAbly .r; .1 itiAchi Os \J it ii i ui'j *)•»• ip.r-.ii;, lo Ut HlB WII I M tu { Uy.X\ GfD* uuluidiii s ,M. !O tlHiik of iiotv history will i-vul.uate him av a pro: icter.t. * ,|f )tJ Ha 'i l Ulfl.* • »rr havt uiil«-n unn <-i t '■.->* ip avert iM-.ponribihi u u. hi tb’FV. :.dVS coiniia* l iiO Pi t itiuiH iumsf-U t acUttriy a - dJ'F til th* fact that R'.m*- ,J di'hiv puohed him inn. ’hr rub* of hwU. iy tiißkc: wt Us f of. tiit* h.'M.t cti’ku: pcnutlr n. u ; *. his tor. oi the i/oufit. y ahfl iJu vvC-fto.' h vor td at ai hi b* hove#* A..-’ 1 • li . : MM l t history Oil hi; FJirr-t -LiU t,u Dl UiTitit :m, r... ; ,a.,< Ji Rp V> : i * a tlistiiiuui: titwi \Vu i*i» j 14 * tori t t sMt 7. Mod- i>t Hi th*/ M»y iriAif ut i-iaipei : Msgazuu* i . till*’ ! ■ u.i tin subject of atiTM I 1 ii.fidli U 1 . CMpl Dili* (J 1 1 runiii'i Atlt;; Seven W ain.** i'he WiV sis ;t t-.fiU the tor: 01 oi JVh aiiaiy ' Tile »'aii-i Hairy IViL.tMh it*- Tijiu i‘ 1 iMitt this! J i;< .1 f; t ; .-< t.ocic-ty I .'-»!» oe Oh elev.btiiig tO 1♦ » 0:. . a;. -1 1 ; i\j \ i.. old VV J';?■ t itv ; if .iITi.-il has hi eh a f J i v - lii.-j. : ; 3 iy i-b: .ahic- >-]"■ i>i it national ca Jar trophy h» ha- Un n, h»N -v-n ear- ♦.*. a b&z*r loan than ),< aus L«.h.n- the* iigiilni--.;; : ; !. I a L-)i3j:.‘ ' ii.a., tl.rii) -tii!;. lo ji.teiuli Cl him lij Lt* Mi Is-•.i-i 1 :i,-a. thinSi tii.iT •r, 111. a,. 11 • 1 y. It; til jj *• :I:n.< 1... i!i >• p:. ),;•!,! .luii m. : in- --a-tn J... Ti |>rogrei.:-;«v.t "A. for oi- i-ws, ; aoa - Uio write; J;. cl! -iriciP fill U- I ■.(, iloiibt lli.i! I w-A'i-i 111- i/iv* 11 inn; liiymlv a-- tiui «ol haw Vv ni*!. j ■ nrr.t li till Piv .j .i. ;, ■ y .... liol In y t;.it !. )u. bt‘i\n3ic ,* li'-uic -it iijiy crt-til stature, hut .. < .<•.•,• ti-.;,t Ji! StMUlc !,<,». VI? Vi.! Jt !.!3> psi be ■J. c l it ua u to* 1 Os p» ft ic uiai 1 To 'fi Sentence Sermons 1 M 3 H h.‘t *r 1W ci . M t‘ .‘I f[ j i i.i Pom h: birth, a rontired idea «■} hi 1 piaOt* in the earth.. 2 It. i; true, he come- into Un:; wutld ervin-.-, roe:., a round sihhide and ieavcfj here* tiul.-inu; but. j! H* (Ji.'U he wo 15-id Le true, tie ■; whojt; picture for Ihe Vi- y wufm 2 But .sad. his trouble has aiwa y v bi t:; vo ejea ij \ u c to? U; the line of hr and being to follow h.i>. course, he eXpOoe; hi’h.sei 1 to tile* Vtiy worst 4 Tin.-.'; there ;.re ntlieri; who ! ; 1 l-. ti '1 I! ' :! f■ ■ . . I With v.ifod! iiiteiitioiit: to write a brand new be; met by tin .an if pOvVtrlul n. .-.a- r, fji, lily vndfd i;,i i; it M'nilt li. ter 5. So o i.'n.riot build !■’ life liom-. to try, is tv accept fi-ent Satan that which rescan* l*ie* a j-J.-.h. but .s noUiiaf iTiuif Hi an a .'-.n.- fi The i/: jnan needs most to Jeani tu live by the word of i.-skJ tu; it Si own* selllr.h :. - • :*c«trhtl;, S-j.'irli li . >»• ,/ TTIF, CAROLINIAN <* ]• H'uvt 1 ; < OOinUiDlit Oil i's U Thun* ] v.i.t'Wf R 1 id . land un fuff* In VieV; ut thu vAFIOUm itiU-t p; • tatiuiis riven i.,>. h, fri'-od ard hi.- t.ra'-ntif »t the uiotiVf tiehind Mi Trurnaii's «-ivil rie;ht‘. .'1 tj , thi;. ariaiyi;): by an ou server Wild i uv.-:.!, i-.i i?;i and uF vvio •• . it, .1)1 . Vf-rv :,■ t us hi: 'i'lfridoncy i.e m oi..- wav or aiioihct ■ uipa-..i-d hi uvvn ilh.itatiOil, Mo.-.I of the Valti-.:. i.f ;.a ...ui'ituki-ti !*. «i»- ft-.'itl *l. e 1 ui,ilr. an.t !•„- \ !.= .- .. .. i.rofe: are pni t oi hr * redn I'iiii .ni w;U, ram h, do Hi ha: ai .jmi .a t m } »-j ■. . ! ch'arly a- a con a-n;e:*,oe etf it inorai value;;. moi'id ctldiari: i.,m ;• kmd fit rr.r. ai <„ ph.'.tn-alion li* ha. rcpiv in.dfii btihtte in.- world the ; • t k.t'-nen.u:. ;.d decent ut American ideal- We at i- T <, ki.vr * m'ii a i.j';ahfii-d man i-vj/jJ.-u! Oiii at '•-I. beind "1 orobbbly t'l" pis-at !Ont; of -M.;!-., Aim a i lan lli-.t "i l ; .rail 1;, }>». i h.; ly .f .'..i -r ; and . 'is . t m 1.1- ad'.ntri'y of equii citizen 'hip priviley.i* for al l Anil ri eati . a: M lb!:t lie r.t ji'K 111 : !i» hi . b.-lad’:, inidi.a !:;ami at ifn-at puli;!i-at i i:.k has ies -t ..'I. i de-t oll'ill to 1..- real euiicji.'titu:.-' aiqnir <- l 1 iS V Oil fid t* i i‘U U siurns. \ t vu licit: rep t f'-sriip., so Hit' safiilue Oii the puss ul thost Who VU'i>- {railed Vljli :.ts VVt*ii » w d Its* »i rU* ? til Jit IWI * t ,Uit ( ,tlid cnee uj. v OUI ji.llJ t'lit to a JidlliS i* *■ it st < iii\ .t.u act nf iaith: the < ollvge and \<»m op pi>i It i % iuvr faith ill >'OU Uiat V*ai vv »II .actually achieve till: %u:ils t UOtl* J** being and doing, which you* - Jitatt o tiliition h*‘iu ha* jjtadt pt/ssioh'. fi vim luii i*> a job or a. pi OlesMOli it will bt * :tvHy uiidcrslood a ltd ioi &ivtui, hut if >'«ii f at»> ft* .u 3ii< Vs the bt 4. FutiilUhiti OF UiilfUliliUOd of v,. hjviii \ i.;n .s t'f i-apabte. you W it, onto 1g is A i»l hi i >ig thaua* upon the individuals ;ii*d iie.lHutkm.s with, which v i ilit s WORD ot . 1. .! _w.:a cd tl:e v»i!-- .i i i J j i.em t>> i.-. t)IJ Jsl :„0 y >. -product of ic:* tiCI JO I Kydl-nt t/ui pi? /t.i :ipo!icii a .tfj mod * . nit;, iliipi-' iv iijji.l: ... the- idea ♦hit .ili Ullit IK Old ii. 01/.u'lJh*. Whl tllr'l j;i Tiu* rc.ull l/l tfi/lii **>u. Rut it i> t*i ./I vc- It •! t. 1.,l tV )y iV Ha* a ilVzi il.--.Ji n,,i. ;iit.:l that 1i . i’r , ‘ ', :t i 1 ; ' t ! 1 pri hill* li i-.i:il)i;;i ot tin- i• u UK nVi.iii ii.-i ,! lauds* thill would r- to be ;/i; u 1 \ critical 'it ill. ;.t i -. !.i .. Cii (nil ui (lu-lli, let 9.1*1 *iilfi jei-t tin m to the «wr;l e.ilnf tl K ,tl nil) iiisposal jtlif i inivi thill it ik, ilidvrd. Wr nel they, who are on trial ANC iIUKi; i i fEPoRTUNATE iiiv - PRODUCT of our soculai ediit-aucmai lytbSfi, one* Which ioiixitils the soul. i'esu.Hsi frot*i the sehootu' lack of opportun ity to uadi things spiritual and mot aL Pupils are yrone to * M)hii..azt.: in later years tlltet 1 1 >r it art- given emphasis U. school. Thus we run the risk i. i' teodticinff 'a ma s s «.! Gtidk* . intellectuals. A p«t- Siiin without God has no need tv rfeoiadjie moral ot social oi/iuyii ~ri. nor n. he concerned for i.’iv ui thosi coul.-, which naan in hi.*; lugiu-r moments rccu: nizes as worthwhile. A man Without God is a danger nus animal, it is religion, a ion<*. which giver meuntng lo life and motivate:*, him to a* I'hiovt happiness and fulfill ment A. final ‘.viirtl oi ca.ifion: as vou c.iter the worlil of affairs, * I’d*, not to conquer the world, put tc serve it, go forth, no» WEEK ENDING SATURDAY MAY 19, 1952 to t*onn>clc, but to cooperate, to give, to empty oneself so as to make room, for receiving. Finally, is there re turn to hope? Is there reason to he optimistic in a time so ob viously chaotic? tan one really achieve the abundant life even us llti* demands ot (be age force so many sti esses a n d frustrations upon us? Optimism and tin* • achievement of the good tile arc nut only pos elide, bn! tln*> arc #Mts* *aty. Even as on* Wlm •tantls upon ttie shore may observe but a .n).)il portion *f the ocean :*, expanse, so may one, standing amid -tiie rubbish that men make of their lives, observe hut a Kina l| portion ol the i;ood that is at work in the world If vie have no hope of achieving our In ant's d<' elrt-s, then it, our striving foolish out' hi Vatu I'heri .u'• niunlli s indivi aim ageneie-. it work poUIIUK lot tl, 1011/ tile *r(.i t air, of mnoatiilv activliy slid 41 Oil- ie*: ... yvoih p*i»it m BETMTEEIi t,INES nv nl AN *’ HAN( ° (A luu ANj * jl V\ A Nil NKGKOES I. .: ~:**..-: -. ■ pe-ukin: ih c .!*■■* i,.,*.. . one i* bale tine r :-1 ta,.iit .*. Matiun ~*) a Day T • '■ iea* aot k w*fim,*r,t thee i: Ol.* Ol the Uiirat'le of mod' I-' , i 1.10., ■ I'.Slt the Je.,v; Have Let’ll dtivi’-li ttii’OUyil iip).re ion w, h*,*,;- 1... « lit, . . well .... e;. rn's tel y They h:t*. j.* * i! h.iiii-i ,i J-oTSi Way te ! tie - „. ...a. *. i ill * i f.ael, 11. ha;; la-ell aptly -aid that tome bark lot* uht- mol* r-.jiifu! 1 fit Jt j Vv:. ,i iVvU \ : COl J it; liiiCF.. h» .Vfw'.f y at. they ar> the ie pnatiun *1 tin* ages Win n *lt aid v.a*, appouited emnitiaiui . : in chi, | o) Ihe I;„;OJ. sow 1 rider i.mi-odli tile ebalgw wa ioa*li- that flrani war a drum*.* ,i *'d, i .JfiCOlii’ w cl hi )w at Appomattox. Tlie point hf.-re is the Negro '-hould ob serve closely how the Jews get thine..-. d*.»n* and eo and do hhe Not only are the 5 Jew achiev ing in l J a)estine. ;nt here in America inat lliia-ateiii them v\ itl * anti-Setnitisin a ]a the Isu Kiux Klam Ttn Jew is. inarch in a towards e. certain goal. FHER is tiie word. Ne proe are marching toward, a given goal but certainly it can* Ui /t be said that they are march - ing J Old 1 I !FJi The \ are n*a re bin e »• ve r y v. ;i y bu t. Ti) • ciLTHER divided tde Negro Jhe umls lion to h-aduAhiu c like a con - coming tire. I’t'n:* story vv« ot Ui* ton ?id:. yesteryear that there was a great cij'eas in town and it had of cum .e U> ic-uai side show. Tie haker for IVie s-kie* !.*ov. v.' it'., leiiing Or CiOwd that hiSH-ie the tent Wa to hr r een a sight never hefore . seen and vou id nevei be seen again " People in their gullibility just crowded the ide ~ show The curtaili went up and liner Ne ; roe . were ■ sen tugging at a rope tied to .» tab in the cere te* of the iTien remark rd Die annO if i ; CLi" "t < cot .joiner* and ladies, you See here rufuetking yon nave nevei seen bet ore and v/rll ne- Vt-r agaiiy tin' r* AVetTroe ail jiLiirtiif? tOgetiiCi Itif ui; cievt'udentii.- of ivhax OBSWSTIONS SHAW ;m ARCHES ON For foui ■-'core and seven real years of struggle:., years oi sacrifice, years ot triumphs • Shaw University bur been on nil inarch. That came spirit of jiJyuiittifL , Li nU of UGiilUiVi'. hijU ui I'uli', 'iM.Ji hs& ci*a;,acii- v J‘- ~ c-d tlit 5 .fe cif till., histone instil utiwj over the years, is sid 1 the aiding piimipie of tic, life from the very outset, Shaw I'nivi isity has been utiiciue in certain important areas and has been knov T far ami wide as an institu tion of distinct contribu tions litas is a unique culture. Ty picaily Christian, with tie.* roots potjet)ating deeply in the traditions of th> Church, Shaw has, consistently, been in the vanguard in the mutter of em phash on the spiritual. Begun as a center of Christiau truin in-. she has held tenaciously to this sacred heritage*. Shaw has majored in the matter of leadership, training. From her walls have gone forth men and women who have pio neered in numerous tic ids of endeavor arid have made out* : 1 xrid.i. ,j contribution? in va l ng for Ui into the .sirs ,< m of htiMutr activity such a spirit of brotherly kindness And /<*:> i for frerdom that men art* throwing off the joke of tyranny, the hlight ijf disease, the night ot ig norance, ami the frustration of fear. Your own gruduit tioti from college could not have been possible except tor the selfish cooperation ami devotion of many per cons. Their success ini'* yours has depended, and will depend, upon the coo viction that Gud fights on tin- side of those who strive list worth v goals. THOUGH A SINNER ‘ha . lit He right to Le optimistic, a Christian can be us optLMirhe us was J. Addington Synionds when In* raid, "Those tiling.- si mil be; a lof tier race Than cVt the wot td hath known 'Hall i iso, Wiiii flame ot is eedoiii in fhea SOlils Ami Halit ~f t r,.j,. lc'Uf, ... then eye?' Ihr man aid was tine It iv hard tn get Negroes tugeither ~11 .my ~,in- j./uult not that the ma* • i*s an- lack trig in follow on hip but the leadn ship i-; Ui vkii it hopeit - i.y Too the hradUm and a ■ ;..t i io-i. p,>pu -1,,i :Iy ai i- ij.i- i. .ii obje* tiVe*' of *;ir- b-jderi . * i.. if nut the Uia * VVi on Mil .illcl. too of I, I, tin - hecjfti-i „! the ieaoei t,*.s the p.n .iiiioaut con: idet j lion Kv t i v oi * ;illir.iitoii of Ne groes |- on the ei' of .i split One Negro ieiu* ; to follow another, and so fie pull*; out with in*, crowd Even il a crowd pulled out to organize* u grand united order or fifrug phi hr it - O'* Old there Vi Oil id i ,*- tho.-’a t>; join it VVr.ab.-v* • ioolishnes.*; Xfie >’• - rro rnai-e* may evince they may he abundantly pardoned; it r too often tin stupidity and the cupidity of this leadership that dors the damage. Within a few month Negroes will he called upon to help ♦-leot a President ol there Unit rd State.-,, li is difficult, to ima gine a more hopeie- array of candidal s>- I ’,ft. the CTVH, RIGHTKH tin- north is ii, the same Class wi'h Hu -■ i! ,-1 iieojgia Re iweeii tic cii fin- *.t ii and vvitcii Tail I prefer ot cT Ho - sell, who i at least hhnest. Then f.ierv- is Eisenhower the veut-ered dixiecrat, who was eliargeti iiumtiiK ago by this co- JiUilli for Ihi'OV/i)!); a sop to the solid anti-NCjjero south by ray in?, "race ivlations cannoi be legislated", joyju) sound to I I ’ anti-Negro sooth Now that th< south :. all out tot Risen hG'Ai-r the implications of otu pro vv ops charge .ire obvious to < ven the- casual obscivei Shall oh jo are, I ;.,* Sc-v, oru’e r*. marked teal us L* 'v,, ,-n a* n,-ann.'ii vcoi,,as, and a ..,*iea;i■ isii man fie prefeired the for mer As L.etvvi i-n southern dixiecrat and a northern one i j.refer tn* southern variety. Negroes must not be awed by the bulging pm :*<• of the Re publican party that will surely appear in the months ahead The Republican.- have always been a money party, but the Ner.i’U cvno ie' a few : uetcc-is deterimne he: course in the colt.,me: c-ie- tioii* 1- a Judas t.. hr. race f.c*. : - ij.ju ha a right to hi. i/i iitical opinion.*, aiut runvu l ic,,i L..1 cs.i i,*d. be lie ./ho <.c e- the <- upon financial con *adei at i ~i,i Jje. -1 i,c - heroio the Jews' yjed leadership roles. Her sons --'it! dv: ughl r1 s Occupy pOSitlunS <>t responsibility and trust to ;■: sc?vi jiiy every stair in lb# ijui iju a- well in i foreign soil Hit pact two dfcadra ha« witnessed 4 veritable Heri 3»*cuiict in the lift- ol Shaw the Staiitlai ilihatiofi rtf aea* demit offerings, build I ng t»i!proveineiils and additions with an aggregate valuation of approximately a million dollars, the earning of tirade-A scholastic rating, the diversification of fur ricuJa ami extru-eu-rricu-ia at Uvilirs, file xeiufing of ixiereased endnvv