WEEK ENDING SATURDAY MAY 39, 3952 PRECINCTS 20 ;(#*- e- AND 26 ELECT s'*-' 1852 OFFICERS • f . RALEIGH- F. ,f Carmn/e was I * l ' 1 BAYING Mil: 11 \! Under lilt* auspices ul tin* lUleiglt Re » i tjtuiit sh (j.utilMJif Mil* I? » Uifch < mmnty Theatre pre its iiist |M-rt *• i m;tu« -t jl Itii i iilt- Hi«nh * s« fioill on ..VI ay * m ** BgffMaffiL Jp * * **wßk M / sits m - a -MS i f W ,Jr * ’JK >T # A iff f|||gg »j I l Jwgf * I » 5p .ffiifllljrßK «* Oil till* lovvn level HUNDREDS OF BRAND NEW, BEAUTIFUL SUMMER COTTON DRESSES 5.80 I hambr-ivs! 1» t n,'M Iclotli! 11' -ih Euuih.im! Ravo'rt Slmws! Pastels Dark Tones I Piece Styles Sriitliaek Dresses With Jackets ' Junior* - 9 to IS Mi'.cues -—~- 10 So 20 Women's - 14 12to 24 1-2 38 to 52 [ ' sN SUUIGtf, IT'S f^n ivy\ , } *-,•*» i } , [urnirn «* mug irrisi } I rli P FASinOHS INSURANCE BUILDING 'lt 1952 at 8:15 p m. Tin- group which nullities upwards to lofty adult member';, lias ohuseii for its pfA inirft- pi <" t nta lion, J, ft l’ricst leys "An Inspector t alls" In i (lidcd m the cast arc John I> Lewis, )r as the Inspector, sup ported In Norma and Quentin (jaillaiil Purdie Anders, Samuel (•mii, Viiijitiia Newell, and Fortin Adams The play, a three act drama, is directed by ,1 allies Avei v of the ileaf and Blind School and Ur Catherine ft Mill dieton with Vies lllietyn lhoin as i't tile Shaw Pla > ers as ad visor. This pI a v is the lies! in » series which the < oinmojiity SliehonToodr \ ows Saul \f Raleiiih Tile marriage <>! Mir Jacqueline Maria Goc-ce daughter of vlr. ami Mi.' - Julia ’ H Gci-de ill Ualtyrh. N C. to ,’vii f.enii;- Ai,iirt’.She! ■ toil, ; Oil lit Mi ■ Kiiii SiieilUjJ a..si the late las.r A Sic lion el Mem :.ii!,- Tenn. took place Saturuii;, evenin':'. April 26U; a: 7:30 o'clock in a candlelight ceremony at the home of the bride's grandnic-ihei Mrs. Eitella Goode-, The Rev C R. McCreary officiated at the. double jing ee.i-mony. Prim m the ceremony, Mrs, Cecelia Wor tham presented a program of nup tial music and Miss Laura Brown sang Because and !U. Thom:’.: Mayes, aunt of tin- bride. :-.am: . . Love Yon Truly. T h i hi itie e i v e fi in marriage- ky per hroli.i, - Julnc H Goode, Jr, wore a balierinn., length gown white nylon to’Se' over satj* embroidered with it tie ,d : -.e t -ilie- 1 and lashioijf-d wits long sleeves ending Us pOii.t «*»>*. ’ 'i't jr“j|~x I s - * ***"*'l ,1 I ! M J M-• -w m S **®?f * \ 4 -A's. I I , \ f -’ I ilk , \'yv-A *, j I \| | ;J --WITH A v , j I Westinghousc I :■J* " ~ j i • " ' '' ' ! f - 'I f ::. # i" "i Be free of All dcf.o^tinu i: - s gSfljfii : worU and muss! Gel u ■ ’ vVesiindhoinse i : g i i&ZI ■) »«a*a« r iVMr * i rl%«* L„ y , :YLr -ji ' ! “ ; v mcu.-a/,., is * •'••««! t**i.ld-,!p autnifoliCdUy :ii 4cl".i : E Gy wl , ~H 4i . : u«|j|r r , •• ri% ». ,3«.»SK f cb*- fv, 3i: j <">'.* when n- odoc. dwpo*t fi| , h 4."...„wwfc-2 - j O.dv m itM.l t , •; • jc;. \ • -'.y '• !; :'.j!;:|' . -•• . 'T*w.. At-v / V ; ».u.. -Oi tiu* r! i -ome in tie 111 ; 449.98 | | ! "' 1 -:h >'V'-st Pi-.-: - / I 1 AKt IH£ ritOST-FHfl FfttEBDM QlilZ jijjliHflij/! *v '■' u A 1 un Issi* :• <•*! -onipj-n; jfiili'ii! V'" Jr f-nr ref.-ig. I ih•! with J ( I - ROST-i itKi :. Pells you y .... r ; s- lo Ism in vom IK-),t ndrigers.lnr. * 1 'l -. t- ' !' ;i IfilJl J , . w..e,,u Other Models As Low As $189,95 Vou CAN be suite...m iris WeStllljAouSC o Hayes-Jacksort Electric Co. \ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS i i 133 East Hargett Street Dial 3-503 i Theatre Group hopes to hunch in the development of a I.il'Ue Theatre group in otu com munily DresmT i*laii.v iiu lmh- as sistitig othoi rommmiity gtoujis in makr-tif* ami sfaai- craft, j»r» •icntation o i childrens perform anrt’s, |>m-venialion ».»1 adult jn*r hnijiiUiiJN u year, and pradicai \ jot ament' in the various dra inatic media All pi-oplo Interest ed in any jdtase oi play-acting ci »• urged to join the group, Dicluied are some td the mein here of “\n liispedot < alls ' ea* 1 -! shown din in; rehearsal as they are being coached by hi Mud di< von, .it ’.be v.-s'.-1 and ij’tvcf tiudii *■ ih j :-,!ioulcier je?i'lit veil ol tliu .i«-;< t«, ‘j 1 IVv '!• i d •Nil.oi bonnet or i:D ilKr]lied vvitii SUU pOuiTs. SiH- 1 c;u'; ied h proyoi book lopped wit h >-.t< v ]i}i;uir at tin- Ti aUe : Sehoo-i for Veteraie in Mempat-,, Icon, a- a Radio Electronic lit Ueborift Alternate dele.LUites v.er» > wVh- Ellen Alston, 'ifu i , Hough.; ! aj’d Eddie 'kiundels A pje cvhi as doier.f'f to the '-date CuiiVention, jiiltoiigh the 1 • 5: legate ale 'elec ted at the court* I tv eofivemnon At a - Call F: Devann ; ti id he uiti* la * f‘) it'/.i e t BFC - i rs! v'r by QUO- i ’ .aa a the iiuliie of each mem- ! bo i was cal lei! v» a.- a brief bust-1 ’| ;f -ami ,-nd a book review I by Mi.. Eula Eli." Tin club honored Mr< Pinkie! t 1b..-; l v p; :■ a iitiia>, hei birthday [ , I - .: ioiii ~ . which tin- ej u h| ’■ r. :• e.j by She h. -i. t; ■. •! ehirkcii, potatoes torn a tots, cmi i hot buttered roils, on a back-; ground of green parslc-y. Deli , dVM-it- followed. RFC , Retail t:aining classes in better merchandising and handling of J j- poultry prodne’s are now being j held in a number of North Caro- j Sima cities, tSv '! grain drying, systems! would ;:ve Tar Heel farmers rev-; era] milfibn dollar:- a year, say! ( ai’i'ieuitUiTil engineering specialist.’l j ei the Suite College Extension > -of.- eo: ii.M'd a.-: Mail Clerk! ’ re i'-. ■ uflu r m vVashilisilon, j i ’ ’ .■’ i'-r-- 1 ; ,t- i. -upie will U PUt: THE CAROLINIAN Rev. Falconer Inspiring In Shaw Univ. Address RALEIGH. N. r - The Rever end John R. Falconer, missionary to Monrovia. Liberia, West Africa gave a challenging address to | Shaw University students Wednes day morning in Greenk-af Audi torium. in iii; talk he- spoke oi , foreign mission work as the great ; est mternutkn ui project in the S world "The first foreign mis- I sions," lie said 'were not church missions, as it is generally believed.' They ,vet>- :ent out bv ; the states, bin thi.; was not suc i eessful later there were organ ised volunteer , and finally chur idles began to set up inyehlvieiy STORE HOURS 9:3d 5-30 WEDNESDAYS 9:30 - 1:00 j J " | | WEEK-END VALUES FROM I || Hitdson-Belk’s f BASEMENT STORE ! ‘£2s : TT, Ai„ NYLON DRESSES j fili: K'T F" v#- 4 a } v. All nylon flora!. and solid A- mm pi T ' / /Ji A LOlo, puvkerr, Washc i* ||i _ & '< [ Ml. *• u.-.iiy •. . dries in a flash \kß ■i k ]t -viiiii’t - t-i ir'.oiiiiy Ketaim: »1 S S I| N ( n 1 \ hapt. Junior, and ' |§ $ * » / \ • . wlptr u i ' \ women's proportional half W® • J '-F % m Wi ~ v { VCj sjml to ° l BEMBERG DRESSES Mt(( l T.J A Seiiii-Slierr ■ ij.-iiibt-iy sot i & jr 73 ft Ssfev summel coolness. Wahhabi** fi ■Sk I f■ if % ■ W 1 t k Edifi.;\iVAi,, prints in wonderful color ®k®p 11 v m 1 M ||| // •fj I my a. Junior, Mi--.es’. and pi® " JR 3 ou ’^ n ' prcptilli-irial liull gjl? j f. G&Tt* 1 rimmetl i; I' il 5 3.95 |Tv I , v Such a valtn . . four-gore * \ | slips with wide nylon lae< /1 ; i trim at both top and bottom / -JL-mp. White, pink ot black in | jf\i" y Vigpr | HOSE I^-. id gauge ls» deni r in fair, h.-m VJ - / r^f.% F ; j urn j i it- j sliade,:. Huy no tv and ‘.a \fe I l activities at Snow Uiliver -• i t > County lli.nuc Demonstration A gent. Some of tia objectives of her de partment. mentioned in her speech were 1 To assist the farm er through farm products t fl he in creased 2. To promote better liv ing on the farm 3. To develop rural leaders 4. so promote men tal, social and cultural recreation of the community, and rural edu cation. 5 To acquaint the public with wnat is going or. in rural life L. To increase Mw spiritual lift of the community Mrs }>. R jervay. instructor In Hit Home Economic;; Department, wa; Jh cliui of the program. - MFC Ed Whitsey of Florida A. arid !Vi, CoUctie won both the South 'vest open and tin Tu.skeget- invi- UJional icniii.-, tournameiits tms •bfufjcls PAGE FIVE