"Mo Reason* ' Advanced In Brutal Axe Murder mkck»; ,: : f 2» ;«fw S®ff fi w*® wW. ( I > j» W'SEfflf A» - , tjffiy&floS'Kl ’ nlftc. f^Fftftt*™* 1 J£ #fw'' ?' l;^' A-y 1 - ,lau Agfe*. .»/ mmmM3- *mßßm " m Wmßm> WmSßwst <•■ >■ ■ ' * • WiBHiOTp # ismNßm3MK&4‘ wif«> ,^-L%, f •"* offßrMff •* ;/ ' **L W dMHMHM vl^MB % JPPK * w. | ’ *.«■• Vw.'- IHr wm LAST FEW STEPS Pictured is a portion of the academic precession which pre tended commencement exercises at Saint Augustine’s College Monday morning, liu: procession is shown entering Faylor Hall where 58 degrees were awarded graduates in impressive rites. School Discrimination Seen Costly SEEK BIAS SUIT DAM AGES KNOW YOUR CANDIDATES FEATURE As a RriiUc vicvn t la the voters ui the State, the ( AHOI IMAY is this j we. k eiT'riii, a fit!! . jjai'i- | **t thumbnail biographical »ke!. tie*. .iSill i.i ■ enietils i«f principle. ,1 ttw candidates tiii iai toil-- Unai and State utliirs ui the Democratic f’rililtn t Saturday, t| a y 2 1st. It is not to he construed Uoit Ui. ( 1 lull IN tA\ ( '.I beta'. tin- e.tlidiciaeies ».! i ttif pel Mm , liiltl'd in this j feature, w liieli IS published : *»<» i’.'“i' " Si . iion ".. tta«, ! issue. She t UlOt IVt\ stl.i- j ply Hi;. •••- each . iigiljj,. ' .it i «■• tu Vote tjiSt o, her jis i; | eoO Vi,. I ious e*i Sit. at:?,. SHAW j), AWARD HONOR DECREES DURIN9 FINALS I?.‘M.E; OH H.a-n.r.aiy ..• .;c ■ t !.<• • U>: »! Dtvn'.v were cuts 1< .- ••; t.v S>::.-• ! • <ver !ty Mon .a'. tijaai the R.-vt': ersi Alon-is I’H-llla.ii J Oieiail rt.ims'e! , Mo. mi iiiaplu ba ill ISt O.i'-.h. 11:11s:-uro. fV?t Ha i: i liuicii. Keht a and '.'■ ..i >{ .. ~ ■ it. ' ( .‘iu. h K i»i •fllit ai e the Itev-’-end J<-.f.: VVaKei t '..(■ ■, '-.: ;: :i!tt U:V, .'vj.'eu.t 7.1 U . ..; , V }'. i-ti- ' < huai. Ml.I i A.I at'd t:ie Htva..-mi Wdi;...,-- ill; , n St-a-s- Tk':' pi 1.. tj• -;j { :.»i > .., . UniVci’Mly, h^U-tt/h f>f uTid mu ct‘ssful iiiiiii*v -Ift. rtlotatur, and Ufr-ics- wyikrr u> ot ! htjvli.it» ♦'diu-'Ulion .unf iVl i<rV\ *ilt \ J 4. C rnjpr\vo<xi‘s cit.i^ioii It , irtrti hi Hi AS ;t S l i». • *-t’sslul in Uitsltr, church M/iidtr ;»fui oj‘K':'ifiizer, inspir* ixift' i t SiHi-'is tc;id» i , i rSJiiM'tt d cducaU>f\ JattUi.il «>l t misstoas ind t hris lent education, ami dynamic evvic Ifcadt-r. in Strassner v\ ;»s ivfcrrcil i«a UH an exporicitt ed ininis'it'p oV the h oMpel |>t i rsistt‘fjt and c >/nmiitiit v Iradrr. (\ pr i itm fit t» «t< Itri and (lirt'l • Un ot the roll # iniis life oi < ol let.t youth ami an Hlioit'Ml < tiHt i; v ;ulnsinistr*utor. IKK 105? 05 LAWS I'iif d<- rv.-f t' f r><t. I* > r of U'ontinurd <*!j ' W .. X-fßawr-TV, a • **tawr s,a Jfr ; Kjfcx. «feffl(ogvi M VlfifaTY . -M&r -■ 3|jfo 9B -jpKHßHWr®*' -,' 'lf' '.-■kJPflf ..’- ' i ONVIItITS TO CAW .UNTAN PFC’. James L. Jones (right) of -Salem, N. C„ receiv es forigraJulaiiom from Coi, Wil liam T Moore 1 ,'th Inl'a«t|-v Keglment commander, after be ing ar.ardtd the Bronze Star 1 10c Per Copy "Worth More Y‘. >l.l M A XI KALI 1* HI, N'OKTH CAKOUNA WEEK ENDING SATERDA YAIA YM. 1952 NIAiBEK ' Legion Not Split”— Thornton Carolinian I } B II) 11 )|| Hi ! 141 I M By Shirley QI LSTION: Tlscrt have s>Pt n numerous Negrors outstanding n many fields. W hat name ttjnu.s to mind uhrit s|MPakti».p ot •‘Liral” Ncpi'ocs? MU JOHN W KAV, Ha • 11 1? r. * to save iwniati .. . s "* Ui DiViv i» a s !•'.••. been it:v<./utl credit in the \L hit W' i l.j iur 11s yrerit ',eui*k He v. ;e: recognized interriationtitly the foiv.i; ...\ aii'hocity on pce ■i vntion of blood flasma for eiiiei-;;t-ncy nvn.ylor. H:s wo: k on 1*; 1 il l Blood bank projecl<• - vv ect .:±> tile- :.a::e tor th* Unjo-ri ■State, and A the? duriiiu W<;rld War 11. Hi- vv:- dire! tor Os the .vb'diea! Oiv iyion of the Briii.di Blood Playiiia i'run rl *i enoJient Mirgeon he .lev.-ted to- fjnil'i r loiial kill .nut ability : . the t i r o| V■. !, Oi.- •.; i'i surgeiy. lie \va> head i.: th stifrieal .s„.ft .it Howard lliiivii'- m ? y. <‘ontimii d ou page ki NHBHEftw -' ; . i .netml tor heroism in action in Korea. The South Carolinian soldier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uljah W. Jones of 107 Brio St.. )'■ serving as a light weapons man ill f'lnttjuny A of the I Wy, Keginienl, :>rii infantry Divis ion, (US AEMP PHOTO; . k I | ■ • m m (T) < ti k ONI Y TWO IN STATE .l. V V.ntbain. top, of Winston- Salem. and .1. S l.atham, bot tom. oi i harlotte. are the cole Negro Veterans’ EiTiptoyment Representatives in North Caro lina. Both attended a fact-find ing conference at Raleigh this week. Working in cooperation V ith the lb S. Employment Srr vice and the State Employment Service, they deal in placement, referral, cowy-iling-, rehabilita tion and other veterans’ prob lems This week’s state confer ence was called to bring repre sentatives up to date on plans tor veterans of the Korean war. --Staffotos l!y Shirley, 600 Gs Damages Asked As Martin Parents File Suit WUXIAMSTON A school discrimination suit filed In (he United Stairs District Court lor the Eastern district of North Carolina last Friday. May 2.ird, launches what may turn out to !«■ a telling Mine to discrimination in the provi sion of school faeilitites for Negro and ((date children in '.he State us North Carolina and may well make such dit crimination costlier to School »“ ,H|S ” PRESIDENT HONORED Shaw University honored Pres. William R. Strassner Monday by presenting him art honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. The presenta tion of the honor degree is pictured. Minister,- - Called Liar Collapses In Courtroom PREACHER WAS ON TRIAL FOR EMBEZZLEMENT GRFKNSBOHO An aged min ; i.'-U'i who in away ot speak ; ini. wa cuicld a Liar by a So* | t-riov Court judge here Tuesday, 1 liuliaj.jsi ii during ct trial m which Li Feed ei'iil'.e/j’lemfciit charges. the Rev, William It. Hail, <m trial with two othr) per sons for embezzling more than S! 7 ,<H)O from a iOeal theatre, was given emergency treat mem in the eit> jui! before being removed to a local hos pital following the eolllapse reportedly resulting from a heart attack. The 58-'-ear-old former theatre ticket-taker, collapsed .after Judge J Will. Pies.- J: ordered him from '.fie witnesses and during the iiia) charging him with toiling 'many untruths. Re\ Mr, flail, along with Madams Ftorine Davis Ui.uk man and Cornelia Mary .John son, was living tried fin e«w bez/.iing 5517.000 from the Na tional Theatre where ail three were employed over a long period. The three were charged with ! the end iv/iement while Rev. Half j worked as ticket taker and the v (.(nen served as cashiers Testi mony ih owed that Rev. Hail would withhold some tickets and return them to the cashiers for I reside The three were arrested 1 February 2 After the state rested its; eu.se, the deft.-nsv changed its plea of > not guilty to ho contest. Reverend Ah Hull took the stand and, dur ing cross evarmnation Judge Piess j suddenly said, "I've heard all 1 : want to from this witness, Mr. ■ . the judge said he had sel- H oiitiftned on pare » Authorities than heretofore in the suit, filed on behalf ot nineteen Negro school j children and their parents against the Board of Educa tion of Martin County am! the State Board of Education, the i j plaintiffs, after alleging gen eral and specific acts of dls- j crimination and requesting the j i Cniu-i i-o enjoin said acts per manently, as has been the us- i 1 max procedure In such cases, ] PICTURE ONE AT WORK IN Tin: FAST j A veteran of service In Korea, < pi, Amos E. (iriffen ot High Point. N. < ~ operates the switch board in his unit's roimmmica tioiis room on Okinawa. The Rumored Legion Split Is Local—Division Six To State Session-Thornton UALK.Kj li There is no vplit in- tiir isc. i'u tank- of the Ameri can L; ion,' Vice Commander E A Thornton ot Division .Six. De partment iof North Carolina, an nounced hi re this week as he re vealed that the Negrr.' Division ot the (joi-ion will bo represented at, i)u coniiji.it conVentton. Comm.uuh-i Thornton, e«»ro>- Inf nil rig on action taken hy the Weaver ■ Mel.ran Tost Nix thereupon in their request for relief, asked the Court for one hundred thousand dollars ($100,400) compensatory dam ages against the defendants, and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,0041 punitive damages, upon the ground that ! the discrimination against Ne groes over the years has been wilful, wanton arid malicious, i This ease marks the first In j (Continued on page <tj SOLEMN DUTY Officials of Shaw University, its alumni association and hon ored guests solemnly went about their duties during the 97th annual commencement last Monday afternoon. The procession is enroute to the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium (Sherard Photos) North Carolina soldier, com munications chief for the list Chemical Smoke Generator Com pany, served with the Lltti So fantry Keginii-nt in Korea be fore coming to Okinawa in j March. IMSI. tCS ARMY I’HO’W) j ItS at Durham which an nounced that it would not i serve as host i« Negro l egion naires during the State Con vention set June K -10, sums that the situation which the Durham port has initiated is strictly locally.’ Comma! tder Thornton, who -as ! vice-commander of Division Six is file lea dr i of Legionnrires | throughout the state, further said j | ifiat the Durham affair 'was! I brought about turuu :h misamif: • ; standing with the two Posts iNo '7. white) and the Weaver - Me-; Lean Port No. In of Durham | (colored.;' TOST FACTION CITED ! Commander Thornton noted that j I(i was solely a faction of the Dutv ; ! hain Post -which refused to host i the convention because of what j appeared on apathetic attitude on - the part of Durham’s white Le gion Pest. The commander said "Divi sion Six, with the coopera tlon of a. committee composed of members of the Wcaver-Mc- Uean Post, will be represented at the convention.” THORNTON STATEMENT In a prepared statement Com- 1 man her Thornton further said: ! "While appreciating the reasons; (Continued on page 8) | Sunday Tragedy; ; Claims Life Os j ! Raleigh Mother { MRS. MAURICE COPELAND, Axe Victim Allied Wife-Killer Waives Hearing- KALEUSH Exhaustive effort.- I>v OAK< »i INI AN. ■i«f It •'L’t)’.’ 1 1' th: v. e* k la i it*d to unuai th 'leason' w-hv n 48-yoar-Dkt Uhm? iVKiii rti!a< kud n.'U} bl'.ui-A.*oncJ *us atUaciive J; • yt. rir-old ’site l ■ dt.itt, w:th iLi <' \v i.V't Sund-ay IrttprviiU' ith rHjttivfi, and tiirmK AL l Oppland. with the murder «»t‘ his wile iYZrs. M itirh (‘ t ojudand, in City Court this iailed to rv■ seal un> semhijoue wl provo- i m - |ir M t miui i - iMMiSiiiv i iu■■ nn i-fn-- -- ■ „ »■ ■ wiriftn*a«>wum»<ii'rii."ffi>=s»iC-Aix^a-Vi. Tlie State-In Brief.., _ __ I Officers Vindicated Irt Slaying HENDERSON High-ranking local police officers I have been cleared of all blame in the fatal shooting oi a ! Negro near here recently. The Henderson City Council in session this week deem ed no further Investigation necessary in the death of Howard Cousins, who was raked with a cross-fire h\ po lice officers when he barricaded himself irt a house sortie few weeks ago. The City Council group had been asked to investigate the case in a resolution from the Vance County Minister in I Association. School Promotion Event Set I RALEIGH - The Eighth Grade Promotion Exercises at the Oberlin School were scheduled to be held at s p. rn. | Thursday night. May 2b. | A skit entitled "America’s Graduates of Today was listed as a featured portion of the exercises TARHEELS WITH FEAT ; Two Rallcgb, N C. area airmen get together at this combat i bomber base as Airman Third ■ Class fJarv F. Singleton (left) . of Ralfcgli, issues a weapon to ! Airman First Class Joe N. San der* (right) of Clayton, as the i isuer prepares to go on patrol of edition lb sightly built, greying eit> streets depart • lent n inker might have hail tor the ghastly de< d Tile tragedy vame to light about 2:30 Si 1 >idtiy art a noiio \y hen, 1• tcetives Pt-obh :■ and Privetu- of the loeai bureau an.sw-.-'vd a call to the Cop.-And'- 133 Fisher St adcir* .; and found ow of the coupled four fiiiiiua-': VV.. 'nil T' sealed on the front-porch o! the duplex residence sobbing that i nnlinm-d on page this combat bomber base These two Tarhecl.y: worii together with the common goal of pro viding security for the base, Its personnel amt the FFAF Rorob ei Command Super! orta operat ing from here against she Ko rean Communists (US ARMY I'liOTO)

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