WEEKENDING SATURDAY MAY 31, 1952 ROCKYMOUNTIA” 1 ynffip wim v. \\\(i* rr;» \ r < m i ks HKOISTK.-VI lONf ROCKY MOUNT, N. C Wh.it ever may hove been sold or thought about Kelly M Alexan der, North Carolina's dynamic NAACP State President, when he was promoting the famon.; Uni versity of North thi' ilin i suit; which culminated in the acini; sion of fom Negro student:, to the ,-tate institution which had i etui 'lily-white" foi over a hundred years, appears to be f.n gm e.. uu-' as he travel 1 - over the: .-bite, ban Icrsly challenging tin denial of: the /r-.-- ii;,- • ■ i lyhi m colored *>*>*»- • pie. NH.it ’ ■‘• , that brisk. !h'- tii-.01,. vc.tl n <’at in g the ?nid university when V."tmberl > v :>■ • in a bvi d i-‘" ; State t-eci-uU'ue dm ing , *■ im- j struction da vs ( ampi n colored registration " fix' told, aft* i tukinr. tin t<- - 1 , i -hank you pas* d VV*- got t*< fake it up with the : ,-ard" » e- ait m-. to information, AVvmdei received. EJi/abcth t'il.y ; NA VT • hi being reviv’d with Dr ( o«k as leader Alexandra ■-. 1' m' n follow-up oi Charles Melicajt'.-; ‘ survey of practice.- of pp tr.-p playing undue obstacle.-, in the way of R.-vc voters, which el,at ges !(d to the resign Jinn of u j registrar at Roper, wh ' a Hog,' >t)y turned d*>wr» tv.o college > id-uns ,500 HEAR Os tvs ft l\ | KOI K V U<>; N t A: audio u«; of ~u(l ,-. ■ I ail while but *h v ep ;* r I the- rally of Fdeeeonil.v f.'.i- h : county Democrat -a; p-irtm ■ tin catltlidoey of Judge i i ‘" t Oil ve for governor of "• Mb f amliu.i subjection to the May B1 -t pr-i --lr.arv (>| iv* i . 111-: n; , ,pp former I " .Ml William B til!) • dead, who i- slipped ;■ >\ e H-a ■nippurt o! t-jg hiii.m*-.--' Meeting in tire incal city murt loom her* May "oth, tun-.:.,' I'divc j * forth to* pm; up J , in his platform (’lie* -aid. H- a' built in rural hi*;*, • Onough the; StOd.ff'o,ooo t-1i .: i oft both, the rural and city eve! lc and the '-late J". '.••ell lb ad vocated more roads f* . fanner!.' to get in mark* . ,eh mi facilities for ouv children equal to those oi ary state'; electricity for t.ho remaining If. ! 2 percent <• mir iarm without it and n.n W lelc phone service wimreve rdestred ("iff the latter, Olive aid lic •‘-•fate ranked r:< ■ • to Os- hi a.; "o. having a telephone in one of 47 farm. Only Miss; uptu is lowct WHAT'S '.MI IS SUNfilNfi S Referring to charges of niuci slinging' by his opponent, Olive said that, (! telling ti e". nth what the i coord say,, about Urn stead ‘mud- dinging', the n he is guilty Regarding the al leged 'machine', Olivo said he was told when lit; decided to run for governor that the candidate had already been picked by a few people over the state.' H< then decided to let the people decide <• KI£ND£D WMIJtCSY - 80 PROO* ~ 70* GRAtN NtUTRAI SPIRITS MR. BOSTON OtSmiEft INC., BOSTON, MASS, the Issue Olive called for increas es t«runners sal: ties and a reduc lion ot i di.t; tciiciit. i Joau j 22 down to pupils. Jit oppose* increased fax'. 1 -, and wants the I people b> vote on t.he veterans'; f |. sijp N\. < r HOI l> > VO t I ( I INK I'/.RUOt;' k M C.' 1 lie local I NA-\( I' ••apaier, writ lung thru, ns membership campaign rommi i it, was in iruntentaJ m •■•elding | i ihe nan.,;.- "t many tmw voters '. to tis ;';,i,l.ratimi li.-t.; of Tar .„ . a r.;,u,r. yum-i: county, n> i- li>.Mrs B< -V,rice G Pai i Kti. i", met prev.y ol the local j ■ who ha - walked aul, . Afiftic 1 ,r« rence. j;rosi,.l‘ , nt Kill r.bs j., , ila W Jamt ecu'- tray, *m t) •• drive The i i ;inc!> t ctliver- pi," ■ highly the voiun L, , i ',. ,(••-! ii- :por. :1* Ic- !■ r tile .. .v, • . As a result ot : • la : ■ H :•••■' . in"'!’ ! -enpl, wei; ,i- 1,- I man in any previnu, , j an,! the NAACF .sponsored • - cot,- fliiiu al ihe Union Baptist ' • h;j !, May 301 ft j ll f hefoic ! ' til. itah pi unary to ins r ■ l ■ u-, ~.*i, 1 Irani m v otin • i ..,-el. iqi.K M, racket is h.adei li. lit,.-, MV.it I,N I i It > l)t .-Ui i-atne revenfly in Mi 1 ~ 'gllln* lly ;.inn James, widow ot j i ,1.,' in r urn'll! James and ~ I tea, lie,- i*i Edgecombe schools for : . ,j,i veni:. tirroia James was l the '(' iipm. I-i?:I ■t ‘ of Ihe all-cu, i ji-ed tc vi, ot I'rinceville just a i cross the Tiii River here An Fipts• : ’Opali,m ; lee. ii lie;*’, f i o re j whcnco .:• w a boned. John 'i : .-Suli eM .i",-H inen:an, died -ud Mien!, 1 , I - t eel; and was fuueial ii ’ , a i ’,ei| AME Zion' ! Chuieh on May M'nii. i H> s»,» i. ;. iANN USA IN I Will Mitt !■ VV \ i if; K Ike Hill h annual ; a ■-inn- <»i :Ij i h ( ienerai A -i n! ;'■!>•, I’M v tin 1 , f’hureh in the nil’ I ' *,f America ,PrU.'-A i *-■•!•<' b,eld here i’-. th< Fifth, Avnif,i Pi e.-bytc] lan church May JO ,'Ht! Dr. John Sutherland of the host church which e'peri -, I tied ■ oyiuiy arm • , . ■ • , : s f-om more than f()0 Prrsbytci fan chur dies ovei the nation and several .loreign countric;- im opesung pay v. a , given to j :Pie-rt. en-Oi'. ills' c'iiik or tvan • ai.lism and .juiifual nature of , ,-ti meini),'. iti 1 inng Mode , Ij, Him ~n Bay Anderson! ,a livered an address to the ojx'n mg .session of la*' \ --sembly pro-! pi i Wcdne.-day at (li, ath Avenue .cnunti an.t group meetings were i I held :,i Broadway Tit-iir-rnacle, Ui- 1 ,it Mile '. iiuren and raniegie Hall,! , h•.","*> 1 1;• i remierc sliowing of the Natioiu-ii Ml • .mil, film. And Now i.ci, • i . vI- held Friday even - : mg. Won> meteingd. featured ! e then'. V n;n St i’i'i; 0 ' h to i Strength', ••.•••!•.' held at Riversirt* iCaur, h .'sili everai prominent I i peal-:* ianions whom vase Mr ‘ VV Verne Bn luaan, preadi'nl. | N.i.tea, ,i roon -ii Presliy. Women! and Dr Jam* - H Rnihnson, pa ! lor, Uoi'ch of the Mastor. lit t; tn\u i tmi N! .YU ; *MII,UON . dmi day s half day -esyion j i". i■pm • - •m, and ap \ pmval •*' ibe bmlding fund pro-: gips' Former Moderatin', n Hngli : van Ev. i rej,oiled a total of $f1.625.1 *»10 alieadv pledged and' (hmalus report nig on tlicl !d’ ivo to build more churche.-.j (.tai led in 1951. Tv o thousand and 1 inn* ,’,,ui('ii,‘s made the honot : roll '.'.ill' the Synod of California' ■ and IVcsbytenan of Lo» Ange'es leading with fiu per rent of quota ■ su scribed. BENEVtJUENCE 1 AGS: While hencvolencv' giving has increased: during post world-war two years, HOME TOWN NEWS nin I ll|„\ I Met- A V HOW vr VI-"Uri'lN COTTON tint t r r HepresentiHu I'S 'if Cnr, l < <»!,(. locally amt oatiimailv, joined In the !7lh '.nmual |-*le lir ili.m cl Hie ( , Mon M>l< *rs .lnhile*’ to Id last ivrrli In Men. t , renori, d to till I ■ fa h* u i■ ropor•, a to si l11 ■ ■ is i ■* jbcliind the per, entace in; reaso of i' -'pi contrihuti'i’is. ac< ardu’S to IDr Peters ,>f tin ..tewarilship r"m niittee DEE Ci ■■ sKGKEGAriOH A : petition pro’c. ting segregation in I the natani c.ipiial was refm r*Ml *iu*' Sn,ui f I'lueali*,*i and A * lion CorontiHfe Tin., cointnittce is| on.'ori d >o inferraeial popukii : n eel in.; ‘ s,d ■ . v\ he i feat ui ed ' addi, e • by l.’i Ch-mnitu’ H To ibiii", and ke. *> I-. ed Noble on : j race rolaiions and tmman righ's. \WAKI» VIM I W Will IlsdV , iiiy.hhglil n, the program • ■ ! the awarding of a plaque Is Mi-* • Marion Andeison for oii J.oxi'ii; achievement n rare relation 1 iihru flu me*!;-, of .one Saai L>i ' t :igeno (’arson Blake, Staled j Cler!;, iri awarding the plaque. 'Miss And, "ii, you -ring a sonc , I unto Hip I ord; a new song —a ' *up of m;r eomnv'n brolherhoor ; jto ('ln i-t Afanding regally amid i iappiai.se fi.-ii Jested -everai mm jutes while eam»ra : een nv.o *' spee* !\ie; -s; there are' (many other- more wnrlhy of tie - , honor than I am '.iter pavsn.;: i frihute 1,. la i mot I), r for iaf'Oi \mg In give her ill: stall that iva . j destined i-, send her to world ! wide fame, M'-.s Anderson nddod: ’ , "Try in know a little bit mor, 'about the people about whom we * | .ice passing judgement before we make up our mind; ami i;k 'n riiot t ( m n*cla?inß dial there is nu such, itnmg a a ; j'loblem , 7>i 'l'" bias .jiff. It ; an Am, n an j pro ieiv. . >f ■ ine i ■u . the T uiiicd Sth . m-r- tm; u *on : maintaining • rto■ I>l ■ • of i citizenslup Tobii; added, 'lTier* is no t-uch thin.-; a . gradualiKH : where the rights of "in * ili/cn; are concerned." CAROI l\l \NS \1 ITMiINT. A S>l MBI .V | Arriving here > arly Friday aftc !an 11-bom mut.ir Hup from To ! haecolaiid USA : ivsje Mount!. 1 • v.c d> po- 1 1od -ii pa.--g.eni >rs Mrs. J "ai ■* < ■I ■ 1 n) f’■■■vi nett* ■and IVI I - M,f ten with ilmii i-e spoctive relikiv' :. and (~ aid lod - ging with David M Burton on Sugai Hill iF'i ecombe Aviiii, i .and Mi vs S Marie Hare ,u a'/ ;on Edge ombe A’ *'tmo after much ! needed refreshing hep. Mr Harren an*! your reporter witneiv-! ed the premiere showing of tn* ; • Presbyterian Church film, ’And 1 ! Now Tomorro','-' at Carnegie Hull i : Friday niglu 'i-.U'sda* we con | sac ed fellow Tm Heels, among; ; them. William Burncdc, Mrs Em ’ rna Walker Burnetl Mm Ro' , n,i J MiNr-n Mi l-'.ulah Hall and vithers !>e-n at the Assembly '-eere Di A II pi j I [li I ) I (ii V <■! is. Di H Wilson. J T Jones. Revs j E. H liimi, J, Haw kin,-,. J W !-Smith, Van Lundm ..iian,. J., B : West, and J W Smith, Jr Eiders; S. I . Hai t i-oil. Hon.s'on, Mrs f> O Selelr," and Rov*’rend J. W Bat n* It, MOUNT MORRIS ( lit Rf II EN Ill; HUN . Tin' Mount Morris i ark Piesby , t* rian * 'liia'i h. Re\ •' ) end A P ; ; yen* Allan, pastor, v. as host «o, ! members ol the Genvrul A..rembly i i Sunri.-i> night at a Friend hip; | Banquet in m,- church baKcment. Sunday being exceedingly rainy.: | services were no', fully attended jas the Reverend H. T. Givens of , Biddk'Vitle 'Presbyterian Church. . Charlotte brought the message at 1) o'clock services. Reverend and Mrs (Thelma) ; Adair are credited with doing a i splendid job at this church which ; was released by a white conare : gallon ten years ago. Mi. Morris i carries many community activi ties, one of which is working tow ard the purighvise of a new or.rrm. THE CAROLINIAN J-'iis .* l;ov,' Moss II K cnilr" " ptiMir i ,>l.!ii(>ii>i rimn ~ Inr * *>■ ll>‘- ( oea-< oki Compunr .waves e, t'A,'-iroie long paradl pass*', 1 " viewing staiut. Sfandin;:: viH) Kiiidrix is (iiti Kmn, ••lirty y, :H employe*' of tli*' (',*<- ! ( 01.-* B,>’ |inr; PumiMin of \lempl*i ■ *»•**•«•«**♦ 4 * + * »"*• Salisbury News Notes By Avio VV'ii!'> nopur, tiding educator m I h.e iv i-choi'l •-v-t the past will tel i,e at tin- end ■ i *>;•• ;.•!< I'ut ehool term Mr.- i-: !h e princi|Nii of the t; anne Quarry School and vo med .-■ • Woman of the i o' bv *he 10 ,- al Zcla Phi Bet.-* '-<>r-.ri! . ■ .-o nt, - ’ ri: t."i 1 'nn■ ;-Ja.n, ais *■* r-e-.uo .*, e m -■*■!-’* '* - in ~ I. ■iuiomal dinner l;el*i at 1 .: 11111>- iiri -., ho"l on H , i ' Igr-.viii, supei in I end,ui’. ■■l Re wan C'ounf.v schools, i• ; of her -111 Wit t.'tndin ’ • i"' 1 ’" ;1 'Vie* )!■'•; given ' ’ui; ;'* 5 T < >ei •,| YKT u;; ;} .)• ,1 •. - f , (»; | { t ,. 11 iH * ’ ‘ fu,,. r i.;;pcrvK,or ot Uu He P inPd o"t that ..he was .i ie to rk-veh'p r* ai-.ircefnine:--. oi'gin.dity, initiative and rreattve • nal ion for Negroes She ;".!*> to get Ih, be. i v-(ir); f ; ■ of 1 -,1 ■-, p 'pi'- and ,a j , ~ ioli- -,f t)er!',*et ion. nv po'iug ini pupils ! * Ei win described l»er as nn Ont.-tunding Citizen of the hi.h*st oh,,mete: refU'cled irdhe eliildi'ei-i lie Ilf,- faugh! m fhc commun'tv end with all thn:-.e wiMi v ; "ii. •he came in contact School officials and other per on- gav** (cdimi.nial:. t*> lice o*;f.- tanding • ■•wi, e In Mi A.giTv atiribiiied he* --!, re, •. and recognition to her Spiritual ; iitrlanre ..nd h*-r behef ;■ (kod She referred to hei .*.-;- ■' ice in Africa with hia ho-.-baii-T, ;ho lap l James E A noted educator .and ml-wifinai >, and in'r perciit,- as having inspired her To rendec :■•*■>lwice to my fellownmn' Gif . v ere presented by vat ion?; ’*."cation.d groups in addition to her work au principal of t.h* scliool, Hie is ths of the SUJ.c Fcrk-ralinn of VV o m e n s Club publicitions. i mein be, of the interracial coun -**», former presidml of the North at, Jinn State Teachers Assoria ti.on and piTsiden of the Gfird*n Club. MAIt Ii I .if IK ANNOI N i T3VEBNT Miss Alio'ita Stacks announces in*' mn>riagc of her aunt, Mrs Eo ride Wilson to Me Edward Os borne on May f>. )VE>J The mar riage ceremony was performed in 1 1'yon hy the Rev I II Wil lianir.. a reception followed im mediately ,al the home of Mr Helen H,annutn Tarboro Hi Cop League Ba $ e ball Ch ampionship h ' X K ’* Tvl( it 'NT f V,nenis doner of Athletic;, for the Negro < i ;g!i School Athletic Association ■ u.lo i>ed last week the s'anding: iof 'hr ll;;;'o c,. I;■ • •,i all t* , 1111 - f*'i B',,' iy32 season wltich earn* to cla.M jM;.y 17th Hr stalei that SO high schools fielded team? ! this year which was an increase ! over the ■ revious year. Pcdiiio High of Tar boro with a record of If, wins arid no losso was the Eastern divi. ion winnei and Highkuid High ot Gaston,.' with a record of 8 wins and two 1 losses was the Western winner 1 These two teams were schedule*. 1 to pin* for the State crown Fri day night. May Fh'd for the Stati 1 honors. Ihr Col on AloUcrs Itihilcc H, ,!i r 1111 /, ! hv }>r •’ Q. Vrn I>n, Alcniphis dentist. ill I'IM.A, In M'vcnlepii vein g it h,*s |.(>,',,**,•• mu' or llu- biggest cvn! ■ *>s Hi*' nn., siirrouiuhiu. Vlimphi' on! I(n- South l .o'h **',!*- a iinng I oil- is , I I o» y Bn- 1 i Th« couple left the following Wedn*';-d-:*> !'n a Wf-dding to ip. a. 1 ii*• 1 1 '••. ■ "pen! vi >uin * a »•■:-- and ' • - in th.wklvu , N- v York Cil > M* vjjir'j .%[?•(. f) • *>* " no*:- j t'"' : " !*t lift '■ (V* ' ft I f . j •■*»,.,+ 'VT} - Cik*»('»}• j ,<» I I’lr- i Jot as ■ ; ,■* l". H ' V ' ...’ey Mcnvn lai At'ltli-.i Ota -, toil":! ,’"nlr.-.' w-!.'- held Ft id tv j , ■ ■UI ", IV;' 11l :■!., , " : sev en * jntestants. Winner v, ** W l l iielnnua (.unwih a opt, more and Barbara Burton won ;,e j ! J j>h Pater* :ei of W-ot/ . (“ongregatinrial Church in Winston ~ ~ .i East Vi .. 18 19.52 Hev Ufiltc-rrcn c r, foi •mr m- j ;-:ti :■■■! ■! .U I.ivuu; lone College in . the Theological Department He; i |n,-;.'ni a prose- ; ■ AMF F.ion * lu-rcf, bas ' h* if] Bw.rrkivn. E'en- Vci'k ii lending the General ('unit') nice.. Hi is: bek and pc'seheri at the AME Eion Church Sunriav Mr Joseph Portei and wit'" have been re.'U!:ng h" r , for ";,;c ‘Vo< hat they ire moving bark h nim bi Georgia. • rnlinr; in daughti r m Wn.-hing ton. 0 C Hi*dO' a T! itn 'i:i i u , York vt' il.in:.: tin a t-; She aiU If-""- 111,'ll- fO! Non ,!>" Airs Bertha Purritle *s sick We I,op,- for [in a speedy gccovery. Mrs. Mery B<-rry':- erand chil dien in W»d«, »co verv sick bid they arc improving now. \'oo- let u- all work foi the Master while if is day for night eorneth when no man can work ITFU Corn is f ive-hillicn Julia I' O'op in the I 'mi, • I '.lap greatei in dollar rai ie than any other 'Hip e to : I •. (l R!\ |.KV?.-,.10N i > W I 3 ;s Tarboio IP 0 , V.'inU'ti 7 ) e Warren County 7 t (i J JkevilU; 7 I s Troy 7 3 c ! Roxburo 5 1 Kinston !‘ " h JafStstonville 6 2 •s ! Seaboard 4 2 i |C re cam mu' 9 3 a Henderson 5 A I o Snow Hill 5 I r. Maxtor, B 1 d Wilmington 7 i i- 1 Beaufort ;t 3 *. Franknnto>i 4 4 i Clinton 4 i tic of the .Sfiii'i! of (.intlon. This i y •.}*■: !art> :*wl party, tour*? j ni.i|o» «iti* s of the nation on he* h;t I j «>f cotton product v WiMiatri • l N i : «>rs. L -if I*s? man for • « (>.1,1, is chairman of the u « an«l |:--«t;*c{r marshall. % sty LV.\ CONNEI.LV »' |3' • 1 *• < 'H' ie'V may switch from M> f ‘- ; ' ’ to on radio .. . j i-. (' -.,v.: »»v and | sh • 3 <• ;: °* n f **' * rr ' a ■"'•.jng a dealt b. a t j -s f- ; ro i t -, cjtg next ■ " n , - And still the crooning ! ?doi •.* i T I r- f consular television Robert Q. now persona! appearances in ’ - M ‘ v ■ kids \rthur Godfrey ■ ■ • >m he > nf’-'n pinch hit* as ■ •'!"•■' ■j ! ordinary AtneHean ” -• ' u > niakes over three million u p y\ , f olnn’s mti"*-:* •re Ih* .suh'jeot of negotia* • ? ■ n ? "pi a 1 > vd« of the r ( ’ si:,n - Ts the den) jells, i * s ' 'h? vv• ; i ?r |m e ■ M^mpbis Itllies,*' ‘‘Blues in the Night, ** “B-* in Street Rlttes'* and the title sr»r*g, “Sugar Blues," a long*time favor It o , . . Tiie other aJhnru we refer to i« BUIy Mix's waxing of S'h nhti' - :*% "V!, - : ’■•. 1 R [A. Jarmett f> a vis' ’ao- i. d’ i> "'Gonna Get Along Wii)>out. V - Nmv' • b j c ked by- 'Ho 1 d {) : ph- .*-.- " A. beautiful new ball-id is introduced with effort, by j •Itmmy Dorsrey . It's- The Night j r v fiiied w I: h Echoes** with 'T<*il • Me True" on the flip Frsnfc binetfA i? still around and does a j pretty -_y-od job vvith My Girl’* and '' W t ’w?n p in the Sirruhina ** \ o|c Wisely!- . GrcPiv* - lip 2 7 ; ’.v. i f uivision "> .1 "vin: .ton 6 0* j (_ tr : r:; a K 2 ' ‘ 1 Ifni-ifj t 5 3 •I VV;n '! ! iiarlofte) '■! i ; /'lbentiarlß 4 7 •Viol flan’i'M 1 I :R« nwiiif 5 2 I 'D-mbar < f although '"• inning six games did not play 'the required number of games to be i lir.ibte foi honors. The Commissioner also explain : that Stephen-ix-e of Asheville pbyrd seven games and had won all of them hm the;- were with teams that did not belong to the 1 Atom it- Association. 1 i >• - ' v,> - V .-V.V > '.v.k.vV.V7 e. I KOI//? SCRIBE " | n v roEpaicK r.. biibns 8 '*»■<: ' i o > •<: i-'A.y KTTF/, u - Member.- <-f the hc-lpinc hand c!uu oi tin fn 4 > .rti. fi -1 ( met day night in the home of Mj i mnie Woolen on Ci'inbci lan-.f d-e-’t for iheir regular monthly nesting. the meeting v. >i r -. opened by inging ‘J-.’sos Keep Me Near The 'toss.' led i y Mr- Luenetta Bat he e Prayer was offered hy Mr- Elijah 'l'aj lor after whirh “Savior 'Vtnre Than t.i f e T'.o Mr'', was sung hy flic group There was a round table dis el'ssion of (he Sriptme Les son whieh was taken from St. Matthew’s 30t.h chapter. Mr- KUa Bethea, the* prmdent, presided over the h -jn(s- session at vhich time membei ? of the ■ arious marie their re ports. At the conclusion e>f the jneet ; n ■.; i social houi followed with ii:c hostcp. serving a buffet ;a.u> l-ei <>f chicken salad, sliced (oma ae.:. let !*.'•.■*' Hit.- with yrajH' ale, i i-'tte made pound cake, fruit I jeiio ,nu‘s and mints. On tlic 31st of At.iv which is Saturday, thousands nj eili *cns of the Mate will go (o the polls lo cast their vote for or against the hundreds of candidates seeking local stale and national offices. On the local level. one of the j greatest and most interesting K* ties is the school end lies pltal bond issue. Those in favor of the i wtri- have ■nrked an-i continue to vv--rk to have your vote in favoi of them . They have pointed out that . i there U not sufficient tied -’;p •V r ‘ i for the growing population of the ! city They promise that on the, | . (aft will be sc-mat Negroes, 1 | doetotrDMiTes, ti*clini*’ums. all : j necessary to operate- .1 tnodern ' j i ids pi la. 1. , it has been e riiinated that ab-.' -t : i iO pc rcent of the (-ui-comitv p->u • idation are Negroes and it comes: Cront good authority that a per ox : .-raately iff) per cent of the bed space will he reserved for us t-'er the benefit nf those ta* j payers who have not had the i opportunity ’to talk with any ot the sponsors, they believe J that we will only have to pay GOODWILL USED CARS ; Pontiac Co. L E ITIi ’S Weekend SpectAl '4S (,’bev- Licet line Radio, Heater, Lock op lights and many other extras. Cleanest Cars In Jnbnaon County, Smithfield, N, C Phone 2.1L»6 ALLAN MIMS, INC. LORD SALES AND | SERVICE 2?h Tarhoro St TELEPHONES 7.2191 5425 | Gibson 1$) Diamond Eight w-’ !■ vBl i f ik®§ s2.io | PINI i :| $3-35 I ' r irf" ■ >! . ♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦ 4»5 C/f„ IWl** *t «*f tVMn MWWW «•* *. was »j. »i *» ; 1 m, :'.2m a , mm i i-'W,* WMHI ® fBSOF *SS ■MiJBSM SWS W 8& SOT* ®*& * PAGE FIVE XtWKliWOiCfiCfO ,-n sddittonAl ;:p cent'- of the -t ) sat tie of reel -stale. IVhe (lt< i t hi- ’eeri-'y il\C.b»des lictb the --- hoot oid hospital l-i i>d we were (it’Hilde to get ■a direct atisw-rr On the c.hoolp ail nf in remcni hi i the iiT.oi t fflven us a few n-intfn p-io vhieh has - 1 long r--1- rg o pi'-i' ran ivt-itch v'tl't-j'i.H butlciin,', a nc-.v iiig’n school with ail rrmriern convenience.;, which ii clmti h cafeteria, gyinnasium, workshop and auditorium with .spacious class rooms. Converting *he pi esent high school into a .I-mior High The < ,I,iifl I’.van ElcmCxilary 8-hoo.i '”il! get some ielief tins fell but -.ibm.it the first of March tlic new Cm e Fear housing pro tect •••ill be coin pie'*, with »p - proximately i r >o to “00 new fami : lies They need relief While r e ;im- on the -übject of M’boob , d would tie well if rfl mould sound out our eaudirisla for state office.- a.riling them to support a .chord for ret.irdcd Ne gro children Mis l-rina Fuller and her co -.••orliers should hive the whole hearted u.pport -if all the ciU/ens of the state, on their second an nivn-saiy of the Pi inciparious Retardation School The local in iciest has been yupeeb, but there if. need for tat*’ . uppr-rt now To Mr I iller we can only say “s goent i >i> well done." SU'K I IST !\ti Sadie l ohnsou, '-tie Oru ■ * 11a s.onmon'i, Mr; (Leorganna Wright and Mr- I.ovedy McNeill ! ('ontinue',. ->n the sick ltd BFt' ... ... L* iSricflv Stated R | Approximately 05 countries are exp* -led to send delegates to the Si xi |) International Grassland Coogre at Penrs .vlvania State : College in Angost. Tl’e Congress i iponsoreri by the United States (on, i-itnri and the Food and ; Agnculfnr-- Organization of the Uiii'-.d Nations Oriental a n d Meditenanean . fruit flies are major insect pests in Hawaii. The inse-ii-ide chlordane should n-.a. be used where it might con* , laminate foodstuffs LOR THE REST VALUES (‘ash or Credit SOUTHERLAND FURNITURE CO. 207 N John Street Pfione 1 <)SS GARRIS DRV CLEANERS AND HATTERS "ONE DAY SERVICE" ?of* N Center Goldsboro (ju inn-Mi KINSTON BELL STUART Furniture Company duality Furniture, n«RtatnU* F rices ?,7", 'k N. Teffn Street Gnirishoro, N. < . rhene 176 H-J