’ ’ LfiK Y.l'TiC 0 '’! ir>: . ;; ,• i; v -2 National Alumni Os Shaw Give SIO,OOO To Fund Ft AI I‘l.till Alumni of lil'iw University have jven u*w< than SIO,OOO to tv Aiirnmi Living I " down,cm Fund. within the j,/a t, eight rnonlh; nod": tin* u< w a;- iiinni organization plan n? tlx- Pm vfr.jity, the J?< v frond ft P •' "heck, executive '—rctary of she id ri.mn n| Alumni oc« dr r;, ( < o,n ’■ ■! this '.vn 1, At the alumni ou’rb.i,, mi Mnmiay ni;;h* ni I < f week, mi of the best and th>- most !.• • ly i <*presented ou t tin, it> Die htetorj of the A;»so< j itinn, more than >l, ••nO was laid on the table | cading in a mounts donated to Hr • mid Htn t)i John r. Tin n< i ot Phil di i jthia, fa. •!,( , })i Chtreoi <• Sumner, Norfolk', \a , ait; and >)r 'a!oc» , Vanin ( 2<■! itielphia, fa., >i I i . ! ! !„■ Ready . , . Thursday Morning a whopping SALE! over 2,000 pieces sample costume jewelry J one of a kind! 74c and $1.49 FAMOUS MAKE PIECES THAT AEE USUAU.Y i 98 To 5.98 ‘J he national!', i-*im'-i - L-;* dot Let and iLtug!)- (c v take tin pi( k at In--', -s.'iitipie linr. , You’ll find "’.pry kind ,-ii co tum< ieweif. you ran /think of . nocki;.c< ras rings. brareini unr jit rlt in< ;l.ou! .. .umubi! <1 ju’at'-- in while :md color < iold and .>ii' • i ( oinreH nu-tal . tunpiotsr. c<>< a! and summer wh’L V ll f (Mil ham, }i)H) ■ at b 1 Tin 1 I’m i:,- i*y cio fn £ 'ji(» y. ending in " held • -,f.if bn i:h -s rive'ui, Sat • noon, follo’.vt'd by a gain banquet ;,i-. eii by *.'■)•' Univorsit ela.r., , * ini'! 'ri e-g t»•( • ’•> ■>< li;’. The ot ass of ,'r.! ! ied >ls ■■•.! the eia.s ■1 C| 111 "It. ft V. p . a ifi 'll o*7 t‘ ‘ ’.he Kord . | : 'null 1 ”(1 :(>)-, I 111 (I , * ft (if I ("f 1 1 1 ii '.i ■ ,v mint; i il i tii.au ;■ vein earhei and •t..jr lav in;; florin; loaded a Intis I:i>";<•! Con • quetitly, i-n. nrodne • »;<•(. thrnr; :i the- (<• : "f i ‘J. .r- •" a 'y will mu nbi-.vo a year o be.' ires v.ull cnnftnuc tieio .', KLANSMEK INTO PRISON TO SERVE TERMS PAi.Kl'bi - 'I : :i«> cKii Kiux i Klamim n hove i*<- »u» -.fi’vinii pri •t cn -a tit' e.( refei'.' enily this r.ine.th ■! a Wine vilie trial on .• ' (.). ■ ‘ , fjo^ging .. (.n ( oiniriin: C-mrity. jf'/trl. I . J ’ro'it' former pr>- I ice rliief :il 1 air Itlafl and aid to In* bead of the fair t p,!i)f( H lan before it w.us dis banded .ini' rfl at < entr.ti I’ri m»ii Iv ( J hursda v T. ',‘l , I. i ,V .ui ;uid li, ary O'!" ' d'.'.iiivrif: doliV i (.(I n; ' mli reiand Co ntj Pri ... Kav C \Y.:: fi lalff >'«? ;; .'in. t'ern' i t" Ccnirai i’vi 'on Kd i d lii! at the Cuir.hi.’rland • i: I), id if Ml)!- ■ ijn:-. S. < ' iCo ; iel, a : ■.•;)’ oil* *:■ it tlv Wliib'V’lle r mi. in- ap , reidod in the ;’.bt'e Supmne /' ' , , .of ,!ijil(;i- Clawson t Williams gave fines and usprndi'd .sen toners lo seven other dt'ien d.int ■ it the ((i. ! 1.,n01. ' ■ Li.-cs !■'••(> riv-.y. i" *. ; > . .•. !■'• • O'! 11l j. inn '.i;. ft I e of In.' 1 orivicl.ion m Keclcral i.'ajif. at Wiiiiu/jc'.oii. In nil. it) T ,' the W ; niif rdm; t i.'P a;i eii.ii fft’s Rro'.v- J not if 1i0.t,),".' £. v'.•»! of :■ |t.. i;,ek.' .;r: Troon, and Lis »;)>!!. Hv'.hy Bi'H'irs, lit have ) 't I •i! .-qjpea I MAN !S ACCUSED OF STEALING SALVAGE METAL CTtrcC" !'.<• to) ’ i turn ; (l a ‘ 1 i'll '( ilj | ■ !)',*'■ 150. 000 (Kv.'ixt- "i'.'iu met a! wa.- he-: u ■ i - ■ ■ ,; ( f * (*■■' I re ii; I, ', ■■ k 111 .ii i .11 i I Ilf .0.1.(i li) . a ill, i ■ Po'j: • -In to Hi » Id, lit ifind .(., Ihjiicrf i ■■•.dute. i ii''; ,r C li M 11.1 ■ • !h'' .man if cha rat’d .'Pi' biking the | v ii;. ii) r, (. !■«' vv as y fbl Jiii’e cmpinv," d U:.‘ com- i Tin •,>■• ■ ion as n, idc by tie A mb’ "a Pc •' •>!! I’c >1 Scrv i. e an:: a., i.ffirbti of the com- • i an-, '.a ai ; in n'n'.arfn-rt V'.voi'n vi.;;i.' fi Salt,-! d.it, ton e. , n n;' t rt" ■■ d ts; ft ■ ! C. T. Anfi'i'.ott o! the patio!: | ( ; vj. e ~ll'l '■ u. d ion 1! i, 11, -a t. | cfi ttint .v-ti.i •.' !; ■•(■ I, ~5 i ii;< n j 1 :rn ta! • r. (3 I':■). I one! it). ' ft. .. .. .inter) jtbat the i(" ti’ ' > a 10-ral salvai c . omp.i-.v foi $1,712.32. ’FIVE YEAR-OLD CHILD IN HIRES | - A :* | ijuM Jmtm.-m m,i- -f ■ i mi a >;t T, B 5 ? hi;} 0 Ot- SOn.crnoi it A.nc ' ;I.i ;' I ;• n n V? •.:■ ft ; .W T'd.-P' !; t..-d ;)■ .?}.•{id U T-' ->ut' . Tan us 26m Battle-round Avrrftif : ; rj d-i i\'cr <:»f 1 hd- iiUlsUi'ihih' ; vvci s i nv ol vod in t! 11* c ci dci j 1 4t 1. tije U: o i ' I. l .ltnri .\ iui aer, pro mtncitl :•> .il : ii'-’ sinai fi ate - ii a i and i.duu'i'fi lei'Toi, iccvi'tly Sc! •: UiC'idint Iv- neinr, apinuiit (•d ii) i.in: sales '-..atf of a noted ioctl fl'itomoiiiie cbalcu firm Mr. Tuin-r, n •■•<-nrri;r;f> to the r.tanaß'ptnfnt ~’l tin Powoli-St' v u* t Mot.is- '■oinj.ciy, m; the man . n • for.! now i’aeluii il antouiu bile and for fine used tars' Mr Turner, who has distin guished hirns' ls as a busityssriiim Special Training May Be Had At A&T For Airmen GH b.KN.S P.O R.O. L < Wide o(;cn oppol tonitu ' ioi rolb'-go men 1.1 train Second t.i.:*(• ( in the An I-■ >» t-xpandma Elec irenics tc> ititfrs’K-j Tniinimt I'! (,;'!.(*? dls'-i" ,-d tl- Majpr Eimot-P M bo '-.tier!'. Pi ft •>! ,o ft-- : en■■■' and I irajsS. Agruiui "..ral and Ttcimical CoiLvc. he it T!.-: lan.eiy ttio (p-oonriirn: An Foree i f;r , mi": i*.:- intricate olerfir.nir: .'fount' . ( a sat O'. ii-ms Is i|ua lit for til is Ii i;;!i i y tertinirat Air I-'orce i.leintm ics t oirntermrar ure- I r.criint;. aj.‘, li( ants must hold , c ctecid or c in filial seine.i.-r ami not lie over 21 in addition the; are required to hue co. b,' ■•(• ..b to: urn- v- a» pity - irs ot In.ittles.iaties sinii;, . m eluding it least tlgeiiia and si igoniiine tr - * t in- , m. r; also be iiii\si(at!> qualified and willing to undergo Aircraft Obs. iv. i flying triinin.. r '■ : : i! ij fi wmmmmmm. ____ \ | X -j \ T / ■ | *hmm i rjr j I r J 1 is % f * > 7 « 7lv | V'v/’ %* A .I: 7 I- v\ I —1 I WITH A V . • i j j!' ■■ West as *0 li )1ISC W&pjjj j F«o f f i A!I nnfjnoting 5 : work and rm>ss| Get <» ! *«s»fwawmwiniriaMHte. I*4 il f * ! r - r - » VYe.sUntMsou.se t'V * -3 l • T&“'< I | !. f \ k bn wotr-mr t- ' r ' .—V x»; '. | '-.id r •• j L’nlv i-r t1- r neiiiircj I ;i i ty-.r: hnlW-t.p. rob'. Jiffi.'ollv ¥* ft W '.*v ' ' /%. A J-5 } ( s' i : j ( \ whpi^ 5 0 y; . ! mrly> wh ,a rj of j*i ■- * - ~ y**. , 1'..;. frost \v« * i'r f/i'if I '.3 L~' : *«rrV... : &f. ~ i-IL wotuos wwisryrtteto / -. -"jj -i| "* > S. . .-i ■ f'n'y ;?'•!') bf. f.l --)<■'i.'ijp . ij e- \ Y (ABA V. : r ” f-'HOKr UTLiruh. ; j.':|L * —rt-'r-vq. . / \ .'rtluei of the . e»r! C.onK> in. he i|i|i 14 | ! fr *’ r wii" Km-i Free 1 "’‘ r •\ ' j j T*Kf fl»IL FROST F«f fWffiflJH C«« || v c. ’ It a fun ’i.c a .*()(} . cr,iaa((t yo«r pr».*or>« ref;j-pretTi» with _ ( -/la-iiG'l .i' RKF T-4L yon 'k,",: 'L’T.Ta y.fifi + to look for in your next f/rigeriitor. Other Models Af> Low As $189,95 voh caw si sunE.,,l? fTsWfestindiouse Hayes-Jackson Electric Co, > ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS | 133 East Hargett Street Dial 3-503! jr 11L c AJ-.P Li NIA N hnc us I'of-nder.owner of Turner's 'Tlori'-ta lias antinwnced that, jn ; brill .i. ’ , i"s lie, dmi's, he U'iiJ conti'iue bi ripcrnte in:-, tin ri i en'ei'priM' A Me ; >n nil t Shriner. Mr Turner aamed mte-wide re pi.to i<= a fi .-it..i u.-.t leader and an mini!y ,'rve ,o guide on o tour of lor.ii and area bu.-.iin spot!- oi - . 1 i \ :: ■t i m.iUy re - ■ n.i r.i-d ced' d f. iter:itty -at .vhi b lie is i tnetitbef The Klee 1 r,hi Kr ('(>' ‘iitermeo • >r>*s Officer tioinind course con ar ts of ( igilt \cr, k-' officei basic ftaiiiing ‘;2 -.v-’elis electronic fun damentals instruction. and 1 .< V-. ek- oa • i d iiii.i-.e Ivor!; whiol'i mi tfu |( ( - in: ,' ' .'! v of i: -treri' (•• tiruonr.ionuircs equip (,, :,. < ! the I :. O’ f J 111 i' ' 1 ‘a ■ i , ■:; <■ courre .*. id be ri ij died ti, :rj ■ three ;• a,s ar. u\" ri’.ty upon onipb-t 'on ot the '.iioolin;: !':• ))..-•!■•!<•. id upon tiicii qu.'iitfic.'i ti ( f>ersonnel a>ian<'d ti KU.e itunit- f/ountermca ,rc ’raining be • ia-.-ifii d into one of two torn One, pc, ouc-ni win., are fuily qualified for Pl.ylronjr (.."unti’i’mcasiires t/aimmi: arid oth er 'inli, a.- weil And two, ap plicants who are qualified for I'.icctro’u" < otio.t- rmeasurc ; ti.un til lb. cvrnt nffic-.rr-sliidents (li ? (t,-:.(.J y 1.l (I Uac I ir, t: .111. I'■ uitlfi OK a .Ilia- , It .iiri FUNERAL (UTES iHELD TUESDAY | : H i Kirill .lirhn Coley of MJit i K Jon'."-’ Street, husband of Mr j Burna Cooley ,d.ied at St.. A 4nos | Ho-pi'"'l f iv Saturday morning j ■ r.rftrj .1 liir-orinji j liner?. Ho hod lived in Raleigh most of hi.-- Lif ;>nd woo born in Gran- : . viile Court'v. Ue ,rm of Ihe rate Mr. and Miv ./.elm ( noUsy, St 1 Fum ,v ni rerviee ? ere hold Tues day afternoon a I .1 o'clock at St. AmL, o ' ivirrh 7h‘- Id’’. Georye ITi iter oftiei.iie,-! .Retrial tvas in ! Hiilcrcr.i O'-TiV'tei v Cut savin • -tli-f, 1v at hi . wife .<• • r i iciMi. Ida Pratt of rieiidi 1 Mt: r; mme Tis j dale of Nankin. i'i two In 'dr,its, ' '■ >1 ...e Cooley, both of Oxford, / PINA IS SPI tKH! - Talla dega t nllriu" will close its eighty-six tli ar.adrmir year on tune ! I'('atitui'd as speaker at t dinuK ueeinent will hr Willard j r Gnslin, f'b.aitman. Division of filiK.itiim.il Administration and j ( iimmiinity Development, tieorge Jeahodx Pnllegr for Teachers. , Nashville. Penn . formeily, Sn nerimiident. Pa. i.Tfai.t .’nhlir Schools. Pn-.adcna, < aI if ins corns*, prion! ; niu-n Will lie taken : . ! ollms One. !| V ... 1!? !;•(. .-.igned *0 j i .rthfei Hying ti.aiuiim proviri j erj ’.hey ,ic qualified, desirous, . • d pna-nded. Two, th"y Will | (•; .ii to USAF Hi-.idqu-u tcis lor rc. annaent Three, the". ! will ia -eljc ■,■(• d from active duty : and theii commisi.i ,i! ; ; revoked. Officer - 11 a ii.c.-s: m Category: Two qiiolifii-d tor Elect mni : 1 Conn tei ir.i asm o- training only - ; who tab the course -‘. ill be reliev-i cct from ari ■■■•• (duty and then ; ci nunis; -,i|(f, revoked. Qualified robe,:, men interested; U IMs tr.-mut! pi-Ograp-, truly get ; full I--.foi ;afi l *»i and apply tbrwsh their Air f"i in.-taiia PICTURE TWO Social* I,lull Obct rvrs Swmul Aiuii\ cf sarv RALKIGH The ■—l'lread,! Social Club i-eieliiated T -md anniversary with ‘ u-uiqnr! at the Home KG:--: Ihnbiip, L'ntia.v with 44 1-iti-1v tv."' ? - The dining room v do< ,•> a ted wiiir pink and winb. wt alums, and game', wen- pi..y<> arid on joyed by ail pro: rii^cienttoils and escenencf d man whose- c•••<• <>i ft pi pyr ! !,,ti he ha.? tin rfMjy*}sffi and de« liberation to hojirsUv »1 s «4 mie-llnjcnlly »rprevent the desires nt our people, ( Y out Vote And a*ip port Will Be Apprecsstled) f IP !■? t ri A ftv * f inff-iifriit» America’s Most Exciting Car Costs Less Than You Think Just s2o3*;is for This NEW 1952 PACKARD ♦'’JfW" fheffi ill- — thf hfi!,a«f new Packard for M —offering big-car comfotr and performance at nJtdiutc-cai cos* and economy! It’s America's most exciting cat, Built like A Packard" /Metuns Svifl To f«•:f? Powell-Stewart Motor Co. 4ti9 5. Wilmingtsjn St. DIAL 2-2131 PAGE THREE Ml I RHYNV HR t KENTSiy ,1 (tort rf»rpv may _ Bill K* nn I, .a>sl;^* ,*f thf- Ink ■'.jmi .. uni in . -- ill Al l f|rry. a*r i.,n o| tin (uLllions of Ameri , 1 ■> who plan to wrar a Buddy Poppy ‘ ,'ti Memorial Day 'the liinhr,. I’nppv drive r- held each ~t It the Vrtrraua of Foreixil YV.i.i". foi tin- brncfil of disabled vr(i-raris, ’tint make <(tr iioppies fre t op? i inhiayl label on each popp\ eni-.uihr, that it lias l»e«-n made t-v these veterans T iisu.il, I’nppv Day will be Me morial Day. Mat ft tbrough out the nation fANP) '*~' :y&hg«wl»sHsMlMßgfe \S *&••• ' • ' ■ ..fC; &&&; , • J • w #§ii®M <4) 1 , a