STATE CRACK-DOWN ON POLITICAL RACE-BAITING BEGINS W. ft UMSTF.AD Governor elect Distributor Os Umstead "'Hate Sheets” Nabbed ?;AI OQH T!.- ;;«* •; * T •' Carolina is crackim.: G- ’ '• ! • ' 2riec :on of inf laTvm• Go> •< r"~* L of racial nature it) p r /it wal ■ paigns That fa• f < ?r U r»n rh3 r g * of rw 1 i*J*f practices/ goUF.T i * -o* Gin Kegartftess of the vut'-mpy of tKc. trial of the distvici foe of the • v q ig fo r t inisi oad ftnd H 0 M m the St at us Q' ? 0 mat 0 ia I. G, .11 0 d I’ h -t£ rsd.B v the- St A te 1 ? sil oo t i 2 c >o? big£:6v gs.-oe. aiid. * - serkir?s • track the source of *•:>*:; lc aisdSil 1 s d ?.strib 1 11 e d s h r 0*1.21- 1 o 0 t : the t s;■ * str 1 d declar Ins ; 1 ; ■ s 1 \ coe •"•?• fyl gubernatorial candidate Hu-; hert Olive to by a N-m- • lover' fsi g fi r i ng %ov th < a t jf> lina offirisls hav** aruio»i?ir.p^ * hemselr es de e ply con r f t r.u r! m-fr fhf of in the '••stc-b s M v Hops. Kerr Scott G/d his : weekly new* conference To-s-’Uy:; I do think that stuff has a 2. 0 n keepi n 2 1h . KLian inf lanced m North Carolina/* j He said ilia tthc SB I had inf? mat ed similar convictions to him. 1 don't think it help? in the long nmf toe Governor ./no 'V w « temporary • Gipoo [\ rmy hr/p, but I don’t think it ! 2nod fov the State/’ Tf.XT OF I.FAf I.i;T The distributed MafKt cd a Poor in ted from ; CITIZEN - TIME 3/ dated ' Sunda - '*•sb y t. */. nefth the caption: C anriidate Olive Wi*}; H:s Euneomhe County Loaders.' !?• the picture .F ud g e Olive j.= ehc-vn seated at a desk surround «d tv four men one of trAiotri p.I Ir-gedlv i> B cob:'red der/irv II); ■ Robert Hendrick. Ot h r s 4 v./nitc, Uodf:r this in heavy typf? is pw/ed; KETIR SCOTT." WHO SEEKS THE MEOR'i V\//n r SOP. HIS HAND • PI/K.ED CHOICE f OK COVER NOR. HAS AP~ POINTED NFOHO£S TO THE STATE BOA.RD Ot ED: 'C 'T3 '*N ' AM) •'» T H E f? HUBERT O! IVK RAS PROMIS ED ME NEGROES HE WILL CONTINUE SCOTT'S PROGRAM ‘ Ff nniiniwfl on pup.- R> ■O' , 'if jft* i' C a v SCHOOL The Rt. Rev Bravid W. UaiTts, of Li- 1 beria. and the Rev. Tollie L- ! CJaattwn, saccesaor to Bishop Harris as assistant secretary in i tiie Department of Bornestle ! Miaslftn for On* Natirnmi fb-ui* j ! jmiliimjii \Vi ll)'M)pj ' -- jiij A.—..-•■.•-■-• Ry Shirley Ot I .IION Uhi.n Ins hjnjJ tm) v if f shoil-id fhr |jH'v.hanrf vvitll thf' hf»y > nvorl ' MF.S. PEt.AHI-.-IE HA YWOO.D. M‘ i x se. F a'l 6? g h DefiniOlv ve./ * th? busbaud •> considerV/e enough to the ~ . :w ., .... a;ifr-* uritii house ■ ■ E. : out and k o opi - i per]ally w h e n ‘■here are children in the firmly ! }f the ho-work is shaned by; ; then iH at her il,o<> Etc/ at. ' MR W . V I. T E T' BBO'WT - f NG, Barber Shop propri.e 4 or. Haleig-h ccDsary f r a the husband to aid ' Whf":-p neither • :.r«»inijy feel chat the ••C'-barH "houid he vnhng to aid ! hi s wi so, pars iru arly with. the ; ot rO'v .vork aiti-md the house/ After all. / is as mu eh his borne , as it is hers, HCTE CAUTION vil of the Protestant Episcopal (Ticreh will he amoris leaders of the 43rd Kumxnet- School es Re ligious Education of the Episco pal Church which will ho held at Staint Aug-usttetfl’# College Juiu* 9 Happy Khmer New Year. A-VOTING THEY DID GO R» |eii;h s »v*-f»ro vntfloclt':'j» ib<- above phvloa ma -> c at pi>o-in>inatol pre cincts Nos. £0 and 26 illusfj *to. A r*:»r| vr>ln was h:»Ji/e-! in North < .»»nlin.v’- (..ipjt'i City a:-, ft 2 vnt- r: 1?*-: .1 No. 26 whom Mis« Vivian Irvin- i * f?i>- trav ur»«l which is locatcH a| Cro*hy-(SnrfieM School. At I’mcm- I No. 20 who/, Mr;,, (.'ap I limit i. »< ;-.i ti.o, • / I 0.0 Jot-, wore t < TA! ? 0 IQS BY HI Jiff J FV) AXE KILLER GUILTY! SftgSSf k-JS? ig. ywSf z<-;y>.;v '■■■ 'N55A........ •%£Jx£ m ‘Sy :'-:**SST'«-; nip im ® ■ * '' • ... 10c Per Copy \ C^********* kKCrn/f/y... J ”-/ VVoiili More **-' * - U J' 7 fc w^y^^ r;?lsW^,,lßl|l * ag * UIIHIWWI,^' tl3aa3!eaißga^ l '"' 11 llLA1 ' !>l * IIBIIIIWV|ffl '- ?T -^ r ~'-••’ft jr-jssat . ..wsar HP 335 '’ \ VOLI'MN XT RALEIGH, 2-TORT 11 ! AROLH-fA ',Vi ,':,!. f.: f»?r .EH iDy V, ji I v, \ *!. UFI R NOTED DURHAM CHARACTER ASKS 10 GRAND ' hirkrr S;vyt H« W.lft Srnf To f;ti! 1 illiuHt A Trial TSU’H H A.M Oti - c o f D'j r b 3rr* ? in 0 -r J 'clor f: • l ch 0 r ft: te r s •h -1 : r i n g 11 i > -d s ys ” »»• j . o2* * 1 • ii:»i ve ee k. - 1 -• h e-■ ee-■ v. ;•. $1 r -, 00b i 2 ■ dam -.5 gos f• ? r a Urgr-'i i-aflin? -vith'-yt s - -•. T'* of Al *lrt r» £ H> p- < grid ask ing ‘hr d■? me-i £ *■ > is _Tobn K ; LL* H t ‘i iff/t f-f lutng ilttlf valf t icnt{'.if>;-c cf hat §€rshons. jHjii if i>i*fedK an Ah!? -f - doctor'* Tucker, v.-hose age i> untied at 'somewhere between 00 and 00" turtiie.r charges that he -pent 22 days on the roads sentenced tm r:on-r.ay c-irni of rent atfr v i his nwaiid wife had been tpld that the o'- ■- in whi’h thev lived c.-ould he biortted to the .ground Tuck-re in hK ?»rt,-y- : aostnhl A I:'. T..IPSCOR)*•>*.-. realtor. B nd G 3 OVfnn-o. niagistratf'. seeks js.POft ! act; ai damagt - t9r lu -of work slid tun— one;;y from his invalid i ■aife and $5,000 punitive damages/ f. :n ■ ire hr -.-uffered He told the court that in K oritißfifd Hti t*'P , ..g»’ POLICE CHIEF : EXQNORATED !N ; DEATH OF MAN PITTSBOKO - The local chief of poiive bas been exonerated of all blame in the shooting death of -i Me pro man holier Marvin I'htlJlj. •• sf'er bchic s.|Bshed five times by a knife-wielding intruder who bfeke into tJio law offices of ft. C • Uoofiiiited on png*- 8) AGED MSN REFUSED ADMISSION T 0 STATE TUBERCULAR SANITARIUM FAY'iTTTKVTT.T.E ~ Acrommoda- I lions ' l r tubercular N r eroen are t : hrro’Tij:';' so few ir> North Orrn- t lit-'- it ’'x even r, ri(t . j ; sdiie to time in a .-isnatar- I This conclusion was reached this i« week o.’h f, n a Nearn man. s es* <: I'-ncen to a six-month term at . the McCain Sanitarium was re-,v fused admission to the facility. t s The aged Cumberland County r ! roan a Iso was forced to return to S his hflajne near her,- op ms own : resikmces'. t C't. ;> rsSe.l K- Ky wni taken tc f McCain by Deputy Sheriff L Fi. , Williams, who #fe&r r.ted hi- com* > mi from l pav< rs to W P. Dim- * ton, superintendent of the Prison s Division of the State Sanatorium., t Dun ton refused to accept Kelly 1 as a patient because the Prison. r Division was overcrowded, with a I waiting list, and also because the , commitment was for a six month GOD STAR MOTHERS ACT OKl>L7> If ON OB —• i»oro ari«l TVH-vnr f/nmiy \\r.r* y Hi a r Nnihers of acc-ordr fi GOLDSBORO AND WAYNE COUNTY COLD STAR MOTHERS HONORED ST .♦ iVI > WRITLft. f JO? l>Sß(>- r ,'' t ■ GMrt ; >V" red Wayne Count-,’ paid 3 3 -u --ver, nvjther.s .-.•),■> V,.,i trigir suns lr< Ihe ■v .y >f fi >-! dorr! s ;e .£ *isf SecoT-d Wprld A,, c-uM '.-re Korean confiir-t in impressive cf?- r**mnnu-s staged in eor.jititcfion .-ilh Memorial Day observances h f i p lav* Friday. Th»- mothers, given the alts tirref inr, , itrt -;, t' tv’ , ;}c of their t esses, were accorded placements *»f honor durlns a daytime sitreet parade and w»rr honored at evening hanijtiet. dv,-»pp the nh l .,-r a j:c staged under the utsplevs of the local >sr. int Hnt Post No. 5?1.', of the /Vitierican Lc t.i»n M;, i - < r~: ' ... Deputy V*'; vino viU>v ~‘i •}•»,,.? the r.piiept, who iat- j or made his own way buck Sheriff X.. !• Guy said Williams' was under order-, from : > - court ■ through the sheriff io leave the commitment ary: the patient at the. Sanatorium.. Dunhjh said • bed a ’he suhis.- hartum wffl not be available for K< 11 y fw ve V < ,n\ mot ifc • Jo, r on-: t" --e; :f r’l.v jeenrder's court hr;- disagreed | sharply with *lw.: sar.aloriultn pri son kkihority’s policy m not mc-■ cepting the patient. The judge; feels that, the sheriffs deputy« made an error in judgment in Fayetieville. Kelly was given a special hear- : (CirattaMsd s>n Page. H) in g- ' < -.ide .-.- *-.-’.•-! i •*, j.* -,,r --'v ■■; sir 'n.v ?>ivi.-.,,jn --.; port R vgg. PanicrtUing m the pa.-ade and ‘Contiiiucd on pace d) Happy Khmer New Year. THAT THEY DffiU NOT IN VAIN The Reverend M. W. Morgan, Vlee-t'otnunanilef, E. A. Thornton, fMVision Six, Ameri can Legion, and the Rev. Oar cnee. played w»e to gr»v*. ; f|j| A/ ' tSlilW ' : ‘”J MB>M&.yjlil .;■ jdMll3&tilMti?'’#>' ?i*fcw£Pw * \ . > >saif «2 1 n riH, ';?>r» : f f ;, ■:>* s fjif ft ii» sh f ft .jiff aJi lr- >SatGf‘ pirkifiDtirj vho •>v<»ars Purple Ifr*;« vjf ,\i l Y'OTOS in -JUKI i V tide ecremdttiiUs durirUa which citiHDK of Goldsboro and Wayne CmisiCj. naif! tribute to the me mories of their beloved dead last Friday. STAFTOTO BY SB.IKUEY (See Story. LAXITY COSTS PlfT C ANDID HE ELECTORAL POST White tied!,-,, 11./! fk \a? ( In Wiliuiir-fon f'kjcf ■i ,1 y* »»»;.* ft ~ V’ 5 ‘ $1 / i#'- (”Wt ’.K * - ■G | j H t Dll RATON The State In Brief.., Dr, Final* Speak et r.RT 7 ;■-.P'VRr. ',r S t .:;heei> l< -h' : State De ■‘■'.qvti-j'e. f‘.» lining Is psitroent ' / Public fnDruyion, in ! 1 eregrdtioo ■■“■■d appreciation of ' addressing thr H? 2 (cer: doors of the .r ■; ft(f» c sitv i>>j tioDS Os Dod'Cy .O'-'': Oi'ls ■'"'. • a hr Vi un tile depciidencc of human nhed them do stop long enougSi l or to flic -1• -of. Dr % Id Dun- to a: pi'- ad the contiA ri on of icon of B-tfir h, told members »,A tearhers and others”. Un D .(Ur r High :2 'iv.i gradual to,do mm o-'r,c- orrardsd lire i iri.: . inM ojdgy nite at the graduates by Phillip J. Weaver, di~ , :{l.eol tree’or of insfxlioaa! serv.m?s for D; Dorman, supervisor of Ne- the Greensboro pofet.i© schools. Alamance Maps Scout Camp ; f'ojiji- fJcgm Git! ckoitts ’.s-itl gave a brief histcr.. of :ht- camp io.-» «v«: first time Douglass Dong, -xtho recently re i this hjuim. ■ • -1-. Dyed after 26 years as Executive The fa< di'.im of Camp Douglas Di'-orior of the Guilford-Randolph, i m,„ rv >: •• ',’rc o .r ; .in!'o!bHd t, mi doc-ntitruing through August Ine jfj.ij aff.nriK'oo o' the First Ml, 1 Baptist Church here- Mrs. Taylor Map Sentenced In ’SO Case NEW Bf'ißN. A 03vet< Coun- ;of manslaughter also are on the ty Superior <. el jury Tuesday ' docket found Hi chord Smith, guilty of: Judge John J. Burney of Wil 7 rofi'tslaughter m the slaying of rr.ington sentenced Smith to 10 tci William James Cooper, cm Aprilj 12 years. Smith claimed self ds~ 1. IDSO. sense In the shooting of Cooper, The case was the first of four who was slain following an argu murder trials scheduled for this 1 merit in a case, week's term of court. Two cases ' " ■■ V*J* j&jr.' -•«#' - i" ' »v» «l *4 f h ' .'* •■' JgF | %l *£v "* ■ v - <■ • s&■ " ■ y,t> ' -Ask.4 je» d\*r~. Airvriß f C. c*ri i .'.«'i» . . . gets -’8 yr r* lj ,1 .-2 r •f ?. M•uvi r. o, f-7 ci6 31 h. ?r.:;:vi ■ -.: v’ ■• • V v- s'hasUy - »■ , ; r.f Tuesday ,- .:. r' , -.;. 1 • >•p.c-,;. ;-. ■ Q ,->: :■ ? , vnr:--?.n-, - rii'T^T' C wlar-d .v-i .found guilty Ot th■ I 5 If- -:/ <; p 1 p* £ 3 pOv *«■*- r* ‘VTV* mitt f|ff vifff-t IV* {-* p|/;-3 •«*. a a e*ft jfff-ri py * npf a If .i t-yry .If?n*" - 5 \! Ilf’ ?%<* *5 ,fe3s oHgdmllv been imfihHPd l>v % zxiin f’ofr If »s trial ijn •* fir'*l *o'i. '■■■ h .. a r*d hi t-lf® . < «"ihH rtf-r»-?f i»sf :: V.afT?* 1 3S 3 •spr i •.. r f?i t* t-|»-f •: pa r? ? • :* r o «41 fr f. r r-d it* th f c&isr’ rr* o ?«, •f • Q ng] n d i h o \\’ * 11 rQ d p Tfi l ITZ l - xmr— hs.-3.nrig in City Court l3St v. ep'k, ,vas held in the mtv jail 'o ti<-- ■)i -\n» r th? H-- snd - s# then t : f-." 11 I;,.- ' Viir-f-,' ,(•! - to wait the Su- P. . .trial. fotini. by eyrt <-; .f r( is y .rpcr to ■ m- e tn-ui9S OiC (uin-i, lie!.:<'dlj- iiicar jf-*-. dorife hse of th# mu rdfr. (thmHtineil on page S»