PAGE FOUR The Carolinian toUBBtifUPTION RATE& Six Months $2.00 . Due Year $3.50 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE A DORSET ALL COM MUNICATIONS AND MAKE ALL CHECKS AND money orbers payable to the Carolinian Interstate United Jn<-*»Mpaper». Inc., 642 Fifth Avenue N. Y. 17, ft j/tauhttal 3 ertising Kepi etentative. This a’-.vspaper Is nor responsible foi use letura of unsolicited news, pictures, or advertising copy, unless, necessary postage accon)panics the topy, (Published by the Carolinian Publishing - Company, JlB East Hargett Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Telephone: 9-174) OUR PLATFORM • We Stand for Full and Equal Constitutional Rights and Privileges and Civil Liberties of All People, Regard less of Race, Creed, cr Color, Entered ss Second Class Matter, April 8 1940, at tee Post Office at Raleigh, North Carolina, under tfc« Act of March, 1870 PAUL R. JERVAY, Publish-a UN HOLLOWAY, Managing Editoi tHrorfiAl^. VI WT Iff i.jjjf s ° N -1 a i iOrtz A W::C ““ s uu„. m z z*r mon ao,u ’ <*»* <«. * - u,d consistently notice-ihi u 1?; ™ ... iaei, i( : ‘ «»d ~ , ‘" U There r,n , ' ' **•'«<' «w«l bm fa deplorably inferior ~‘J ar " *»* romw oll accomodations and M ° *»*e of the iocauM - With th * conditions exist n - °* thp WOi Sr .Vow ■' oUr '’ e, ' H ri ««- r lungs arp hr.,,, * school situation or ~ . t 0 Iheie absolutely nr i, Practiced by the ! ‘ S ,ft law have sim-Dii COmpa,li: "-- * hey or logic for ob,i «Wi°n Uflde * the ) an . l,f - scrinii ’Pation ' To get avvay uhth u\y '■ ° eCn a,,ow * f *** as others' ** &Ctly th * «me This article derjc ..., in stations, not With Conditions “tor* and " p th « “«*« fiat P«cuc„, . <» «»lf. , ‘ ,S f< " Wei,| treatment These b« s . V^Ple.ormotCthJT* Umr> of travel, oes other Something about th € v ' a ‘ n 1 ouid be d< , tnc-se condi*-ore r. uone * ar,d Protest Kvei ‘- V f °Pce ot l hoaid broogiq ** bhc oPmion tje} are an Affront C*"** ° n tbem ■ ,p »-* to Cui „ sr ; «*- r°*rm, GHr AClioj , IT IS WOK 111 notfiing that Judge Clawson L- Williams, though dismis sing the old indictments questioned by the defense lawyers on a technicality,, immediately called a new grand jury in the Ku Kiuk eases at Whiteviile. The new jury promptly indicted I?, of the accused men, and the way for trying them at once became clear Both Judge Williams and the new grand jury de serve commendation. The judge could have taken advantage of the technicali ty brought up by the defense to dodge 'the cases, or to permit further delay. He did not. , ' Now' let us see (it may be all over before this' is printed) what kind of case th» prosecution presents, and v/lutl. the trial jury will dm The judge and 'the grand jury have so far done noth ing to impede the provekk ot justice ■ -'t Y RESPONSiKiLI i Y AS FLOGGINGS occurred in south east North Crtimina and northeast ■South Carolina and in scattered locals t ie: else a acre m those stat es during -the- past two years, Thomas L Hamilton hraci of the Carolina Klaus, has said from time to time that the atrocities had been perpetrated by non-members ot the Klan. According to the testimony jn the trials at Whiteviile and Whrnbur ton; however it was established on good testimony that local Kian organizations decreed and carried out the beatings and it is promised that more ot -uc *» indictments will be Raced t„ bona-fide Kian groups, Now ivU. Hamilton points to his dis banding of the hair B'uft Kian on the vround tliait Its actions weie unantuOi;/- cd and users that the Caiolina Rians which he heads havo ru vci been au thorized oi taught, to pi act ice •> • 1 n> ♦ oi to presume to take the law into their own hands. Wiiai orgamzation epists for rath - > say- its leader, is to tigiit i. o tnmuiiif in it ,vmid bt liai'd to find an: piace ht tiic •• s.ild vvii**re Uieip is i» • ad herence tt Gimnumism than m the area in whicli tor tloggings took place Neither ttie svhites nor th e .-t/y/uc. m that, part of the countrv have any m forest in Communism, and it is very likely that not more than a smai hand ful have ever been exposed to it But whether ot not the Kian members have been directly and officially er; voiii agect to correct morals by violence or threat- of violence, such thoughts, ac tions and methods will certainly h. uU g Dom the creed taught by the Kian The question as to whether Mr Harml ;ton had a more active role in promoting the ■ atbreaks of violence against, inde viduals is likely to come up tor an an lug soon, now that he has been arrest ,ed on a charge of conspiracy. A grand jury and probably a trial jury will ex- 1 arnino the evidence behind tne cliaige-. fe too A HAY I m « nv respects THE cai - ; !‘" ;d 3U ml an undoubted bnss.n fc x , ■ vyestet n >*...<• port ant element m hre. the America i» cul ’;“; Y” „ ms i,'CO.,v.n E more <.*» is at tne 1 . t ‘sfL year. li! riJid destructive geiou*, trail u. , on ft-.p worst yea* , 1# ■ * f - ‘ Wi*j (i in JtUt-O* nq 100 A * „ o.i. ttounti-y Th,t “ ' r . v ot o«r 100 **W I"' is an aw-Dig t ie presents ~,, , f the vea: ■ u 1 ‘ « very da> '', h ( . oi Amen more than w, u. Horn its catl dead vn the hojw.-j beginning to ciM highW m- A many s' t Ko digant and very bitiei T,,m. *•- rP3n ' " But now m «" y ! ™ , go ;r ys people are i KoreaU t , t .."W Those who d:»-o m 5 tCi p +G be defend-» U-'.s, supposed 1.0 Us a wife ***'' ‘ 1 . j ;, » os- -icr th'i'se who died > «• fending sometime tilw - . . $ traffic accidents lad - for nothing S rn neoiiie need some de-B The American peep. p teem agamst the motor cat £ , . ... 1,1 The automobile e- 1 •Jo- mst ( ommuhissn » * k< ' . . f . r the social and me m Too oowerfui lot lht , £ ! , ~trou vt present availabieg i vhamcal cuntio,., -n g , , . Wt need to devote some mven | . ~ ti / e probe mos makings live genius to toe p g w. rr motoring saiei NOT SO BAD FOR NEGROES | A pi a NEWS brief records that Louisiana f prison authorities have ordered torn * down the punishment posts which have been used at one of the state's prison farms, apparently only for Negroes. Ac- 1 cording: to AP the prisoners were hand cuffed to the posts for as much as 36 hours in a standing position, without food or water, in ail kinds of weather., as a disciplinary measure. The prison farm captain explained that it was not as bad a* it aounaed. STUMPED! _ ' I “ " ' ' , fc \ ■ V V, / \ jN- A :. I ~ '' '' 1 1 '"Thosr Negroes can >.iet*p at tliem just one would not think they possessed the g-i well as they can in ted/’ said the capacity to sleep standing just ns well i camp captain he ns! ..u aky ; ei ueit < a Mn- can in ued '> ond Ijul folk m- , v. a s inv oI c ed, de e c!. 1 1 egi lies Bit marvelous people', ■ «■ C. D tlullib nin i I j§4, SECOND THOU GUTS I ■ M Mm§. ® v -t ■ jiiii Mt I ■—<- In view of the candidacies of Senators Richard Russell an« 4 L. it'i Kofacfor the Demo cratic nomination a., party titandard pra» c. j>:, 'la co.vliw national election he academic kY/ w %.7; h RFTwrrM i-¥ • ” fsSULJLJBI-MJJuSa. THE t T. LIMES ' ay Oi AN ti HANCOCK ION Ahip in K NGi.AjSB i Hfc La tiGHI it. IHfc fti> ISOGluri v!’ iiitt ; Erl, gi aad 1- gOliig St/t: IS list id good Ail of *.,ur ii Handouts can hoi tten: the 1 of so lalltvi* and conn; .iiioiT; 1 ■ nf.o-r •/. *■ cijn v mec Buro pestiS that d'-iTiucTcicy r' an ef~ lOXt.OC- Vital jOJCt' ■ to; ClVit; righteousness unless v. •• set the world a betu-i t x.iinpie of de mocracy than we have thus no", .j.i■■: Vv (r ij.j is o out prac lice : OO.V; i V-ill': OUT pFOIi?S --r ion, sooner or later we shall lore cu -.te with tire thinking 1. . c opeat: . I v»£j today Weep iipj al tire t. eel sic e of ti e rich kin. we- are never sere of the depth of grief Socialism came to England .n such a suichmia! v.n. that it it going to be difficult t« stamp it out The Fabian So viaJitt- 1/0 years .-.-t about tunc : a tin Britain with the then fatuous notion, of sfxuahsni They decided not to go ai'ie: it directly in the Marxist to hliiorr, tint httie by little with _ Jong turn.- perspective. Iru ;r tactics were labeled 'Fabian after the Roman gen eral, Fa bins, who was assign mi the colossal task of heading off iWtiiib&i, the Carthagiman, who was. out to subdue Italy Fa bins knew that hie army could not match that of Hsr - hibaJ so he liit upon the vr jf of waiting and vacillating and postponing tile decisive day of battle. Mis delaying tactic* sug gested to the early socialists in England a strategy of •winning England over to socialism. T It c Fabian* chief ww«s whom was the ht'te Eietirge Bernard Shaw, have wan their fijpht. Js fa; only a matter of time, and their dream will have ««» true. The first socialist government ir, Britain wn« heralded as a political accident Greet old 'W in* t o n Ch urchill exploited this Idea mid won back in Er.gbu td n Tory government. THE CAROLINIAN question naturally arises: in the mind.' of many Will Negro voters ever be u! !e to support in any [a, ,a, numbprs- a ut'* r. i.v, ii -i candidate fc-; piu- HU ticy 7 H t recent w-ct;-n- tU; ..ugh Britain indies’e an early end ot Churchill ana hit ecii ' r :.iTtVt- political cohorts A.nci '.w it appeal:-' that the Tory ■ oVt-iTiilieJsi v. ill SQiSTi he re placed v'im another socialist CO WiSTlll \'r X i t When England goes socialist again w ;i: be to; 4 keeps The M.-ed.s sown by the Fabians, dar ing the last SO st-ars arc ready fur harvt-pt It is Hue we nave poured our billions into British cotter-, but is greatly to be reared that we have failed to stem the tick- of socialism m England Just as Germany got millions and millions after World War i from this eounuy and finally •went i'iaii. so it appears that ~ e - are gcinc; *.o pay England not io go -socialist but socialist England wtii go sooner or la ttr. Ideas must oe combatted with ideas. Philosophies must Oe combatted with dollars than they van with wars and m mors of wars Socialism is an idea just ax. communism an ’aggravated foi-nri of social? sm,’ is. It is go ing to take ideas to combat these two potent rivals of our democracy Os rourse ot democrat at its vn~y best were given a chance it is doubtful if any of ■; -T J i .: i --I 'V. ithstliiid it 1.. threaten it, but the kind that the dixjecrat;. are serving to the confused worth is not rep resenctative of the finer con cept of democracy When our nation commits it seif so bitterly against a pro gram Os civil lights in tile eyes cl the world, it i no wonder that even our billions cannot successfully combat socialism. Tii!.: writes is not opposed to even a gr.jatrtie outlay of money t. r'esa the tide or ixitßiJiunion: for how else can we defend our liberties in the given crisis'* It is just this that makes this writer u non com plainer about the heavy taxes being levied by the na tion. Wt- must survive by (i moans and by all means the tick must b& stemmed Bet Ibis dt*es not inibdtte the briaHimj- fact that an less out dollar out in*, hi s.<- eonip&nied fey a moral out lay, we are fighting a !«r --in* tattler Morst strength fe still Vhr greatest sifenrth. When ot*' moral streneth miVchcv our m o n r v •r* rr*tgth. the very Gates of Med cannot prevail against **• .. _ . i My guess is that the tun* wit! l'i rtainb and inevitably (..!&• though ;!. may utiii t*» year* in the future The Kouth can produce pie# identiat material men “f inesideritiai stature uv a rust •t, ot fact it i generally heiced that Senator Russell i* w( ,e ui the ablest oi the candi ctaiee m the field today, ton hUieru.c an n.e men talked a hoot in both parties President Tr vanan recently pronounced i.oii uu. Pl. the be.'-t Inal; lit the field if he were just St .eight ’..ft civil rights. Sena n,. Kefa.-ver is » viuoioiis and clever campaigner tat he »* untiled as cc.hipi.rtd aif it h - - t( .;i a;i d the. > are few whu • : r him credit for being ci •r wed with the latte. s general ability ami fitness to cope With tt,,- problems devolving on a p-«* nt of the United Slates It i* nothing short of tragic that the NY ; ,ro is forced into « position hi which he cannot endorse or support an admit tedly able like Senator Ru'.vPll, and it is * parallel rniaortuhe that sue;, able men a.c Rnsscil cannot at present di vorce tl , err. re, ve- from a sta ij u on the ‘race question’ which automat scaily renders them im possible. Yet i! is true that Senator RuKctl represents a kil-il Os SOUttx-tTi white i.ope If. cannot ../ford to take a stand in favor of full cituea* snip rights loi the Negro, back ed up by full implementation uj the u S. Constitution. To co so would alienate those v< rv forces which are responsible for his present position in the running and for a good deal of the strength he has as can didate. Regardless of his per sonal views, whether they har monize with those of his main supporters- or not ‘and thes is no ground lot believing that they do not), he is as a can didate inevitably commuted to a traditional states rights sou them stand which cannot vary by declaration more than a jot or tittle from what is presum ed to be the stand of the sou thern rank and file it is; possible that once m tire presidency Mr. Russel! might turn out to be another Truman though not highly pro bable, wt think As was point ed out in the article quoted ir» this column recently from HARFFH’S MAGAZINE' an article by the political obser ver Mr. Trovere b* fore Mt Truman became president ).*■ had no such unorthodox <*ar b Missouri politician) view's on civil rights a? he developed un der the responsibility of his of flee. However, if by any chance Russell should win the nomin ation arid the election those who art; responsible sot his candidacy would turn against him with even iw bitterness than they revolted against Truman, should he develop and express ‘ideas' The time will com when Ne groes will not have to con sider the section a man comes from when he seeks the presi dency; four that time will b*» when the South no longer finds itself &f> concerned with race and. color as it now is. ; _ WRE-K. ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1952 ’IP _ ’ JAMES A. SHEPARD'S ‘^' s ■Mirii in— ll " >,lll, '‘' umiihiii .iowioiu-hsw «*~i 'M> nweww-jnwm ON SATURDAY, MAY ?.!, * North Carolina took it:- ie-curc'. i backward stfj.- in tv.o y co:,. 'i he fir.-.* tep toward tin tea; v.-as un- '.ieetion u. Vi'tilts Smith as this tan -i odor U R iicriato.. hast Saturday the force.-- ot reaction, ---yp to - ;-,mi ti.t.-.opoly t ui.- li uunpli- -2 agaui whe -1 VY ih -‘in b- b- o - ■head w;r nuUiu.-tn u Oy ia- D ...ot of uir stale !>-i the SGv't; J,u::-.ili|. 'i hi . 11l <:t Ot .Vil t !-• vicact's litiiiiilia tiiiri i- l-Ufoi niiiliienioto; ,i* -- il *n lh f - Ufeiit at Hi- ippaieut tiriut *ii| tiu ictl’i- Hi Noall ' - Ivlina It >-• harrtit cotn.eiv able that any tan uiiiuh i onaig fit thwitting r orih t ‘ it.ltm.ul would (mt .tdiiii!, a( (vast to hiicsrli thcl Uu state took a backward step when it. without course of justification Jr In (it a Uhili J- it- juilioi I '»* nSloi Who lilHl fe'.Vt.4i till til it , r ,ii • oi hi- lilt io i 11 ml EUI mission 10 iinjjl uv lUj tiif lot ot his ji ilou io n. iii/t lid V Within this state, hilt tilt Clighout -hr nah'.ii ii;- ! f ,tr tin: i i (ill n- ■ ‘r! * t :b, (- ioheiirit Iroiltiriaitt - hum liiorri-.s f .tirm’S- and r .(U ilit y, that ii* -e do aii .I'ilhiir ii 111 U t vi .1 liOlli itir hut bigoviy, iiiti * at. ha j.ii oi' , in to lerain t- ami rot v ' . r~Mm I'llll lit U, BOOT Lis CUING THIS IS GENERA i< ELEC TION YEAR, as everyone knows, -. 1,0-- 1 bh t here lore it is lie onpaiitouahle sin roi a whHt ih,u> seeking jo.iiUi at 'of I lee to limit the Negto vuti il he dues siieh he r. tuuiit diate tv Liantfed his ofiponeTits ami ail ot ids ■li imels, OI that tie is opijonents Mij.jmi iers as advocating wh iit equality , m socialism, nr etmimuil.- i- in. or lias it > Oil THLhES-Tjßi.. it quite often happens that a white candidate lur political office selects a Ne gro. or ' few Ncgr'-i-; a- a go-between pel :-0« or pet :» This white candidate meets this Negro on few ,s>- : , ; r i ;u '- a)!y very quietly and secretly, somewhat m tin- mannet by yvliicn Ni rode truss came to Christ, by night There h» lefts the Negro vrhai tr, tell rh* ot Negrijcs 'Til. w Hole Usih;’ is kind of i aiti'Oad, a '.r.i'.spevine or & v,hi: perilii political camp-ngn tit < ot.rsi. tin entire me - thiKt, as disc! i lie it itnrvi t* uiit.i.ii to thi cj.miid*le as Well ar- to the rank and ftte ■U Negl o and white pro pies ‘,, h a method rofl diicive to political decent and hyptaiisy Bit las* tiling an) of us should want ill a. political eh-rtion IT IS MY CONSIDERED I OPINION that in the future ,\t f rues should I-*., very reloC lit to e\(;!i s - 1 to a 03 11 ■ iiidat.c- fi>3 political oltice ihat he appeal before an all Negro audience, to say nothing about hi,- apfx'armij before a little handful of Tfer; lesdi-rr. WJ.. -, a camlitii.te for office speaks in a ’oca; commiinity Negroes .■ iioiild go to those meet imp; Whatever quest ion., we may wish to ask a candidate, we should b - vrl ii ! : J. . and pt-rrmle ted, to .ok them :n on ‘open court.’ T'o- same thing is trim about any question w-’intc jH-tu ple may v.ish to ask a candi date. Negroes are entitit-d to know what, the white people arc askir.r ii - - rj u ,:i ui., i ar;d white- people are cntiUed to know what fe-gvoes are asking li \%f .irt* going to Stave good got cniimiif here in tile South, arid this article, may I say again, pertains only t« our dear old Sr-uth land, we shkii have So otic* am! forever cease, t owing oar wiiif-e can di date's far office io Tuiofieg' with his Negro ciwistitßcnr-fes. Cm r candidates must fwi fret friinj. einbarat-ssmerst to cook out in the open, above boturd, seek the votes of Hi decent fM’-opies in ■ib&ir lenftonei. iehiie&s. It shoivcri ihM it stood shoulder to shoulder uith Houth ( aroii!(»;i. Grot MissitjSJppi dud viii otit *t cities ui itadiviij dtcsiy ti.ikti eon uptioii. lb AN V J U KTiiE-R PROOF BKYONU i Hi’. KLK< riON oi jvli Smith t<.i tin.- U. S. Suiiiite wui>: riUK.doU timl this stau* intend to move back ward, Saiui day s, prin ai y fts ji i tno did eoi i vH'ict till wei** not ah t. -tdy i o/*vin* ed vwt?n m i cast. Mr Un-stesd felo/iUY tui and i t'ii>vos«snts the *.,i-1 ula?.*. s£ p» *•- i-t- i\ (. t- »\ b V h’ cu -• •*ioi jAinitii HiV * oi pUbiltt S«-7 •' vUt: showj* thiil the Jiiteii'Si the people tr ii Oi »1 iiir WS f UJ'ttill tt# \ri!V< Wr i «■' ai Vi a j *:UUIt i t ti> thi \Vi|| lit she clients ;w (Jm,stea*J re pj i( bet. litt'd in pililiu iitf, AiiiJ l»uA » 00id it hr Olilt i n J.Nfc? (Ml Hi h i HiiViShi h SAiD. ’You (' vi/iiiot w'iVe (d *zd and Mammon iso niun can senve tin ptOpie wiii’i i'U> halide l , tied with tii- unyielding letter* of Uiltu is v. /it- i!.t v (" no dtsutr i; U t to fa tie n til 11J po kll a ari d atisty their .nieed 11 orn the to'?* «iic pi wationv nt t he sve kl uiiti nr, v\hy would 4u p p*> ,edlv i i»t hiUprtt (* Uu i*oi lli c v t/It i ii tio v- (i» j, t jh ese «• a u giilLltr yjOfilOi Sr I v r tA'O UliSitfU/ Ji. u indif i>t ence,. care less iteeoni|>Lii:ene> or ignorance that cauuitii repetition of l'a- t rav t- ; ■; lit 1 i, pon ;s. 1i -e a fid u* uency? IN NORTH CAMO MINwe would think that the answer is a combination ot all the above* mentiomd conditions phis one other Uh-ioj and this might well be tin determining factor. Slave you it?? Its ■ — The NVgro! Ihe Southern While Man, which oi course include the N dr 11* C aioiiita Whites, have decided they had ra the* go to Hell than see the get justice. They had t a tiler, ii the) couiii, toil* ti/e cloik ol progress buck o»i« iiuiidred years and have their children und thei t children’s c hiidren suffer from poverty, ignor ance and backward Lsola tion ruiher than admit tf»at the Negro lias rights etjuai to iiis own SOMEWHERE along the LINE, tin woid ha. been pass ed that oirtam candidates .vere more tavorsbiy inclined towaid liberalism than wete others, i-ist it the Negroes were to be kept iii their place, souve can dictates bad to be elected Dur ;ji, t (ie- Smith-Graham cam paign w r t- saw this approach being iLiade openly and widely During the Olive - Umstead campaign it was more ot a appj'oach. although it dm flauc into Hit opjt*n m du iti ent areu:. ot the r.tate. I *»* such 1* y.tatr ot «-I iairs to <• x t i m this ot our Lord, !&£#. is not ti*l> *-iiuic»elui hut it dSDiii abk It is shameful bees*.use *t jjwiribi up the ujiaduiter »ttrd hypucriiy of the white man with these disgustiog 1> shunteiui coiiditions rx isting within its own bor ders. White North CaroUn laris and other white Ame rivaQs have the unmitigated sail to tell til*' rest of the. world how it should he have It is damnable to * ausr, tiod is *»ot mocked, whatsoever a man soweth Use same shall he reap.' there is no mi ut tia sou so believe that Carolina- send bit t lilted Stales uitii tc»i eve,/ tii in k jiisticf and deny the black man his rights and escape the ».ons* to register £o3xl vote. Wt !«*»«• u!t«-u wutjdert’it tv kit fedtus Oil iltlHWtt Ui* «**rs» iff tin- i»vi*r»gt- .Negro. j«.uf! if lit- thinks, ivlutt >» it tha* ho thinks No one. serious))' beiievea be want* tS« thing's jit- says hr wautt IM.-caust we ali knew that is' >««is rtaily wattl something you are going to pot forth every effort to obtain that whii'h you de-sire There is -no use mifletug words *w>4 oftermg many ]>unji exens es tvfeseh r.«nuot stand »«t> untier ilie glare ot truth Tiie Nvgr-. in North Carolina want* Use Rungs tlxu he sayo he wants, but his wants ar* rmly superficial. They 'have ne ver penetrated brio aia mn\ to the extent that he will get •ip ana ronsistentiy work in order shat these wants m&y oe eeaiixea. (Contiasa# e» pass 5* jj[