•. U,-.S'.,' ROOT DOCTORHEID t. ... -7-ji ... \'a. ' . Mi.il:-- J...' V'.-l j- .\u V’j !>-y T .. ■ J-a ‘- f- 4 -■■ —■—- i fllfe, l J? < gS»BililmJ£\“’- 4"* ,ll j®Slsi!llllillit_ 1 11. 1 1 ■’' ■ ■ ■' "'«.■} - Mat * _> «, <** ~ ■ i aßßiMlßaWßiap 3 jr - ‘ * * \ ■' - A IKIEIS.I IN Ml I:> M: •• F.lW.iheth Roman, 23 •. .-a. old widow of John Andrew To M in. If t.ington N. C. turnituir !n> toil and it*- pi,ml winker, nmtul fripnils inrl"fr! in her mother. Alr.v Maril' Thomas. Sou!) (Ca rolina tenant farm wile, ami j | Thn Stafp-ln Rripf ! IHu Vl Iu I u 111 HIS USr a l j I fV ; dn Robs i.inialc ' ‘ ■' r •. ; .? w ! •■'! -' ; :»> t: j«• ■•■ ■ ii/.-ff j’.-; ... • :t: s %; -- - R•* • ■.*<•: t.. Oil ]vgh •C» 7 t.-l . ;*: :.. ,v- - : : ,- : , ,- ... i ,-)...', :■ : ... "lesdrcl £:RR ' •':. ■••'..•• .V ;n£ 7iv >»,')? 1 » ' :R • Hr. • '••>••- ; - - :•(•«:-; - ' , , r ,f, -n;.,, i; , .. . J ; C»YI l i' ?A { %r } "J i., j, •. .i J; Jo.-! , :, , , ■ > 'il'l- 1 .' -1 charge ■( bn ■- ■ !■.-->;< -.-.■ ~ . ,■ . - ’ ■:> it n* r • , d in v. nrk a* t.-n ( . • r : : v Homo -• '•.)• ... A?:-’ r . ',i<’r : cf■ ; 1 : xi ti.M On- hi'!," of IP ha'i “Olr • ip’,; ,{ ;.. torn jn> ,<• ' \ . T ■.; t, •s, .’I if 71A " :! . m pji-i'i!••.•, ( a’ <.;■ ■ . .vp ... ,■ ■ i ■ •Anito r ’ y-, .; STira T. rig iu- Hp t,hrr. n.’gvi ’n romi Mi * -■ • ; -ii:yi!. officpia- .-.aid that the t'rra Fincl and her :: rnwe. ' -ivian's iri6th<'--. Mi? Helen Wat :“Sg ‘o keep hrr Me • ru.-povrred “me body -r.:,ii. Fjpf*h ■■.,'p;; . ■'•!'! r .) .1..> |■./ I ri ■ 7r* :r. iiry ;. j’jfiod thr ’’Oiirr )Thee!*:-v. : 1 : - -j-. a .! ;. if,.', ’ • (in >H r " ! M Cark 'il"i >' money from iier. O . ra. ii-e !■'• rfdrrai nii.ses. “Root Doctor 5 Nets $750 Before Law Cracks Down WJI.LIAM-STON. X. (' A \ :ft.y year old 'Toot” doctor Johnny Sioimons landed in 7 ail lb:* we *h boenus, he allegedly dup-xl 18 persons into giving him 8750. Police rhief .Julius Boabuck said that warrants have been sworn nut by tie victims, charging that iit* has not hero able to ■ ■■■'■'. ire himself out o' his cell at W.iUiamstdn, nor has he been able to east a : spti., ■.. i : ; s guai ds. j -''i• • g"''' t . - • 1 c f c yAd-' j' 11 ' - g. PC .■ A- S' .0 .;' ■I : Cy "‘-A .:,' .:. -.’ .1& 1 g. liUWAIUi ViNAJUs I'K.Nei- PAI/S— Pre-iidoil Harry S. Tru ms.fi is shown with Hr Hoi • Mfii W. Johnson, i*w-.icl«it of Howard Ifnivrrstty. Uerin| tt» iKMjfcnfte frecMtom at <%* Pat* 1 ) .na on mo>. < i.m .! (. C.r ip its '.!|r it E .l'mpir .1 Ilf lll.llii’ u - riinji ine]',’.. for her hii.lv is>> of insnianri hrnt'l'j's ’n rurieti in her bn ; ii-.d's si• ■ ifTr Hr. Rotnan fouml ASr i nrep ,ni ai’lo ns ! ...nr S I J ; ;I O R V SHIIIIIA, vevsliy’s fi-lth 1. on«u«meiiK'M INser-clsca. Friday, June- 13th. President Truman told appraxi match- 18 005? TMiopl* b ~ including Sftl graft-nates ~ *»f the need of a evil rights program backed j hi 'the I’ttTs force and power i Fakes Good Planning To Make It SB9 Welfare Check All Roman Family Possesses !! \ : any f>orv mor.fh. a Welfare Departmern rlv'ck for $S.|» pftynble to Mrs. Elizabeth Roman is de livere-l » ither to thp Roman residence on East Third s; r ‘ct i'l l'* i>r to the in'oct-ry store where Mrs. Roman “Trad ■s”, Thai rnonihlv .■•n-rk is the sole income of the rvidow uV Joini Andrew Roman, 29-year-old Lexington furniture fa-dory and i«• s -plant worker who was executed in the y s ■•••■•• n-: r at < entral Prison, ttaleigh, June 6 for al leged raoe*robber\ and nrurdei ’.vch trl- rt.ee;;; Mis Roman is i.xj-r ct- 1 5.0 bay so-.-d Cu- herself nd h- ,• so e- children, ag«d .six tic oi.cb nine y«.*ai s; p;o rent. buy i-.r.-or. -■ ~nd oilvi fuel; J y iiisdci clothing far tbo children and :.encr:d!y 'take earn' »S i»74 tor a couple of n onths Before that lime, she seeded no cheek.-, from anyone. She .eas working and her hus band was working. She v. urged as a servant in the . .sne of a middle-class' white family here and her husband. John Axuirevv Huma.'i, ••>.-• irked days o a local furniture factory and nie.ht a ta local ice-plant. And John Andre I .’ Roman had n ported for work at the icc-piant or. the dviy :-e alic-t-dly raped, ;ebbed :.!fd murdered an ofsfed :.;s -pitisi- : Thai >ame day, gi;/.,5i...'.!, i loirai; iK.-o i,a 1;e to her job A f»u groups of local white citizens intent on track ing down the man who did it.' Elizabeth Roman also was un it x report 10 her job. She had no job to report to The family for which she had worked some tv,-:, years found it.-elf unable to ‘use' her any longer when her | husband -car arrested Tiio next f', w days were trying tr- more than one way to Mrs. Roman. Not only was she disturb ed bec.iu-e ,:f her husband's ar rest. hut he was also disturbed because of the loss of her job and , her failure to secure another.' F.ven the employment office was' un.-ible tr. e- ire a job for her. Ti.a: .est the alternative of ‘go ing on relief.’ When she first 'event on relief.' Mr. Roman learned that in order t«- obtain groceries for herself and U.< children, it would be neces sary that she allow the grocer Witli chom she traded to cash h< r Welfare check when it was delivered monthly She also learn ed -hat it was next to impossible to support, a family of five with what she received and. after rll - on page Hi — BTC- MX-S1 AYE iiMMS 106: RKUKVED TO r,i: otokst w m ROCKINOH.- TvT ,x>c Broad i.,.x can boast 109 years of life rod experience os Rockingham CV-untys n.’d--.T ci'izcn. I'c-idicy iri a farm, near the Mount Heim on Church, that he ; d hi v;;i, Philip purchased snrm- 73 ■■( -ws a o. Doc recently d h-s lOfl'b birthday in h.i mod- st farm home. Forn io the slave tjUurterx of the Giu'crnnr Glenn farm, June lb, 18415, <*le Doc has been « hard svoiker »II tils lfhc Active mi his farm until he i e.tcbed passed the • erv in Sentetnber. This action was vkf:.n h<-. 'I;?, during the sum-, mer months. sr« many people who 1 be lon i t *.!-•» Association are out i oi the - city, it was deemed advis ■' > to * to carry on wrh the , : greatly reduced number. The Jim» meeting way narked ! hj I'f-jv from different com ' mittv'-'s rci trie introdnefion of : new items to he investigated. The two items seeming so merit, Lm- I- < dime atten'ion were both local school matter*. It was brought to •he attention of the group that although some of the white ele mentary school libraries are being kc> open tms summer for ’he benefit of children living in those school areas, all of the Negrto «chool libraries have been closed! for the summer and Negro school children desiring library facilities J must go to the Richard B. Har- ( nsort library .no matter in what , ; part of the city they live. The; tact was also brought out that, pu- < mis at the Washington High; i who h*! thirty two years ago." He also said that he was not an edu cated man' but, ho had learned to read and white and that he could serve a warrant and know v. hat he was serving arid that he had served as constable for years He- registered in 1912 under the grandfather clause and did not have to read the constitution to become a registered voter. George O Hampton, Greensboro chairman of the Guilford courdy Board of Elections, has ordered a hearing before the county board Monday June 23 at 10 am. Tfo*.* ch*. itefi.se Ibrou < *sYi v Mr. Russell, an executive committee member of the Colored Democra tic Committee stated: (Continued on page 8| BFC BODY IS FOl'-VD IN YADKIN RIVER The body of an unidentified Ne gro woman was found in the wa ters of the Yadkin river Tuesday morning about 9 o’clock on the Davidson County side of the li ver. Investigating officers said that the body was weighted down with a heavy instrument, probably a piece of iron. Medical officials gave no indication as to how long the body had been in the river. The body was fully clothed min us the shoes Deputy Keiffer Mor ris wirt the report of the body came from the office of Deputy Joe Hague at Lexington. ~. ' • . ' ■X’ MARKS THE SFOT ~~ The ; ‘X’ lu , the above photo mirks ; A.he spot wherf Alexander Ed- i wxrds, 15-yecr-old employee, of the bath -house, at. Raleieh’a Cha vis Tatfe. was fmmd vvomu-Ml Youth Shot At Raleigh Park (ffMRfU' J# I ALEXANDER LIDS ARDS Chavis Park Bath-House Worker Killed; Police Launch Round-Up Tragedy visited Cha'ds Park Sunday afternoon m the form of an accidental -hooting The victim. : voting Alexander Edwards 15. of ;80i E Davie St was shot thru the fho older, near the neck. John H Curran ,of 6 Hyde Ter race in Chavis Heights, who was arrested as a result of the shoot irig has been re teased on $590 : boitd anc. chai•eci its criminal negliganct to appear before the Juvenile Cour. He is also 15 According to police the fat-ul shot was fired from an Owl Head 32 revolver which had been dis carded and found by Harold Roy • kin 11, .--‘in of Dr. and Mrs A. E Boykin of 601 E, Lenoir Street. Cumn who was v ,irking in the lc*ckcr room at the imp, with Alexander put a cartridge in the chamber and spun the chamber beyond the firing pin and began pulling the trigger. Police said that the cartridge slipped in front of the firing pin before young Currin realized it and as Lie pull ed the tugeer for the last time the cartridge tore into the body of Edwards and kill’d him almost ed and bleeding after being ac eidcittally shot by a pistol wield- ! ed by a teen - aged fellow-work er, John. Curran, also 15. The dotted line leads to a stool (not pictured) on winch Ctt rrm is re- instantly. As result of 'he shoot.-g, Cspt R K O'e.riwin s he Ra- V-,gh Police Department revealed that you*® in the svaa were picked up for carrying wea pons. Among those arresteo w« A1 Lucas, 18, of 48 Watson St who 'i.». also n life guard at. the Chavis Park swimming pool. He has been indicted for carrying concealed v capons. Also Harold Boykin, and Ha tv Cooper, 15, of 644 South Boundary St. who were turned over the in v crude authocities. This was the first accidental death since 1943 when n young ster was drowned. The park has teen in operation since H*?6 Funeral services took place Tuesday afternoon from the Mar lin Street Baptist Church with me Reverend P. H. Johnson offi ciating. Burial took place in Cha pel Cemetery in Wilson The victim is survived by his parents Mr. and Airs. Robert Ed eyrds and his sister, Blondell ported to have been sitting- when the 32 calibre Owl Heed' pistol with which he w»s playing was discharged. •- SW|W*© m SHIRLEY. , . NUMBER SI