PAGE TWO Highlights in Pictures v ~ ' A ' . ATG STILL DEFIANT . s’risoner of war work detail on Koie , Inland. Korea, carries a North Korean flap, even under the rifles oj C.N. guards. raiWSteaiflr' * V >,i : OWN H.ANC Os K It LITRES— Dean Gordon C. Hancock, pro fessor am! founder of t!«e De partment of Social Science it Virginia Union university. lasi veek announced th.u h- has re tired from the field of educa tion. This announcement climax es a career of more than SO years of teaching Recipient of numerous educa tional honors and awards. Dean Hancock received his latest on May hi was awarded an honor ary LJ..O. from Benedict ccyicee. On May 2 he delivered the commencement address at Shaw f=== : ''^z====z=zzr •Vftf f>- THE STATE - £/U 0 , a - ' ° r nations if- /»r i.J&L mi avomsf mas rur \ X / fXlr* .' e-IINf TICK nt. MAVll!f. von.kps or « nationv 'fjF jffimk — d ei. oat in- over its sou, n -/jp^v|(F»s?iy 'i&jr at ciFFcersT time;.. ■ v\u ,iSr "" netuebl AND!-, S* £t’F» r f fig EAT BRITAIN, AND USA j 1 ![ ' -a * 1 finNPS \\ SRIDOF Hv im CLOUDS ■ ■ * U mishEst Sus CinyoN ASiPOE in rur j ■ fBWB, \ wOßir-. SPANS THf CANYON or ruf j t !)*•• 1111 ’ -,. .\\ ARKANSAS RIVER 17 iS loss // \\ FEET A3OVE RIVER BED THf // S 'V s v MAIN SDAN IS BSO /"'/ r~ 4 t' %*. >^i KT -. „ STOPPED •mi , i , v / ''Jat'klJ** 1 £j* KOREA, CPI ALFRED W. LEPIN •w Si sY\ :f| ''A WAS KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS i »V THE CONCUSSION OF A D*V sW w** '-nSlss -;4Sa6 ®OM» tyPkOSION K(S Llff WAS ' ’tfWY&c saved when shrapnel re^ajETTMl. c» rj& - , A3' - -JP** miacments headed for ms HEART, WERE DCfLECTEO 0V j ' ~ ' the konson li«ht*s _ CARRIED IN Hl> BREAST “ "rite. P-C y.e T # -'■■ ---e i-.-ir-ra ,wr IT '.. n ~ n “"** """"""er T fel The Wi-52 reason nr.-- Ow* • third year ic a row that North Carolina 4-H Club membess hat • set out over 8 million tree seed lings. 1. fr'-rmcnt ns-run which: (*d preserved truit, tbi coloring Bihcr, Jr.) Minethln Os which color I* the cA, o! art ear »< rodiawry yellow ftsHf earn: fat red, lb) white, (p) yellow, id) green? $. The North Star Is part of ftrsa Minor. Tbe word s»«st»s wfclch; fa) dipper, ib) bear, (c) rat. id! gourd? 4. Which does pot lay eggs: mllfc, (b) tea, fa} mite a > (it cocoa? I ANSWERS *3<*s~-s l “ ••rod*Cl {«;-• ■« •»«»«» f x | #% Uil ! i * ** PIANIST RtITIINS FROM I I flirt: Georg •' Walker, i n:ilit til concert pianist, recent- Jv returned to the United States loilowim. a tour of live Euro pean nations. He plavcd in Swe den, Denmark. Germany, Italy and France. While in Rome Walker silent an afternoon with composer Ulysses Kay and his wife.—; AN Pi university where he also recelv d anothr f I D He is also wide ly known as a columnist, pro iuiiily the most widely read of all Negro writers with Be ta ceil the I inis' for the Associ ated Negro Press, |n ■ . IJt _ , w * From 1025 to HMB. milk produc tion on North Carolina farms in ,v;?:-:>d from 1,054 to 1,541 mil './.n pounds, or 4(> per cent in a 2-1-year period «s&■*•■ ’ _ & r *^ w a. 'mUm / tso F Waife a- i f > m Mi '• i >BH Jpr" >•' ll£2Hr v I:' I 1 ! |*l !1g s^sßl 'VI I,I,JAM MARSH AT.I,, OTH- T.R ‘I.VOH BAILEY’ STARS I ROI K N HAITI The Re public of Haiti Song will re member the motion picture. Lydia Bailey.’ produced by ;Hlth | Century. Fox. for many reasons First, this motion picture was the first to he g|\ on a world i premiere in Haiti. Second, it touches upon a vital period in ihe history of the island re. public its revolutionary days when it freed itscli from the rule of Napoleon of France. Third, it brought world ittots iinn to tin nation through at trading 60 foreign newspaper men uid women T<> vovrr the premiere, Fourth. and possibly litpsl important, it brought the glamor of iioitvvvood. pyriifiG I riv in tile pi rsoii of fViitiym Marshall, to Haiti, In, (hi* gala occasion. President Paul !. M< loire of Haiti played the per fcct host to the nations many visitors. Haitian hospitality was at its best. The above scenes fell better than words some of the highlights of the festive pre- I iniere. UPPER HI T: William Marshall, who gained fame on the New York stage in the ill fated revival of •Green Pastures.' and stars as King Did. in 'Lydia Bailey,’ and Miss Ann Francis, feminine lead in Hie movie, :ir rive in Haiti on a special air plane, UPPFK CENTER: These ! were sonic of the .0 newsmen and women of all races, creeds and colors from various parts of the world who came to sec the ?oth Century 1 tt\ production t Priß RGin Haiti dirt min h if help its visitors enjoy them selves. Here, a group of native folk dancers are doing their hit to entertain the foreigners. MU)- DIE LEFT: President Magloire personally greeted various stars of the picture attending the Haitian premiere. The president shook hands with Miss Francis as Marshall and an unidentified bystander look on. MIDDLE i CENTER • This is an informal shot of tlie audience at the pre- \ iniere. Holding the spotlight are Marshall and Miss Francis, both attired in white, and sitting next to one another. .MIDDLE RIGHT: The .wo motion picture stars at tending the premiere were hon ored with beautiful bouquets of colorful native tropical flowers. Marshall is accepting them in behalf of Miss Francis and the j producers and stars of the pic- i lure, LOWER LEFT: One of the j moments of great reflection 1 ■*•*■*• THIS WEEK IN WASHINGTON j i Brings You News i i From Capitol Portals | j To This Newspaper ! - ! ★ ★ ★ ' ■| T HHffTr*T‘‘rr^ yMtc ‘ CTW,r^>^s « ap^’an^^ i ''ZJr 'll— '' ;"M tLjlflKlj •tos ■wysp. aSralfccv *X- .'‘X'xZyfX/l Jillli -tw.aaeswagieirf ~K Francis and Marshal! drank x rlsam pa ctic ■*Mm* •*- xm. mwwm ***« i O! YMFK ST AR UONORFD DURING TFSTIMONTAJ FOR GONE MEN IN MTV or.I.LAN"-* Audrey Patterson, mmeber «f Ihe if'fS V S. Olyanpic team tod tfi-M Olympic hopeful, is seen a hove last Monday evening’s tes timonial - hanqu-i tendered 'loss U Kendriv and Marcus Neustadter, national and local public relations representatives | so rt.'oca-Ola hy The Louisiana M'y ,A 4& t < * I Bl.tNF* (JOI.t’KCS . . • Although Hal Neal (left), Okbhwn* City, and. Clarence C »*’!*«» (pntthifl .-ire avi(i no!ter«, the-, don't keep their eyes on the hall—because they are blind, Thor arc aid'd by Cecil Miller, instructor in blkwl therapy. Hives VelerunV hospital, Gtulragn. 0 j THK, C AROLINIAN toast to »lir future of Haiti. TOMER CENTER Flaying the perfect host, President Magioire glided to the strains of hcinti .ii! mitsi< with Mi - FraneK hi the famed >tj'e I'all a* the gov i era (,o| i Bottling Go . 1,(d.. at N< t Orleans, in ibe above pho to, 51 r KrndriY, left, passes his personal check to < . U. nrjoie, Jr.. editor TUT LOCLSJANA AVEEKLT as a contribution to local campaign to send Mis* Patterson to try-outs for a berth on U. S. 11*52 train. At .Miss Fat ti i • on's right is Mr. Neustadter. newly appointed P. R. man for tic New Orleans Coca-Cola "Vs ! hx < . WmMßm eminent palace. I. O H F ft RIGHT: '!! the festivities and Imspitality of »I iiti did not take place indoors. Here, a group «*' hardy journalists reached the tamed Citadel bottler. He is ajso promotion di rector for the Key -tone I jfe In inane. Go of New Orleans. Arciind 150 trading cWrens were present nH Haves Chicken Shack for the Coca-Cola sponsored af fair staged to present Mr. Neu stadter to (he New Orleans pub lic. The event was toast-master ed hv IV. H- Mitchell, Jr. local 15?< \ executive, who is seen at extreme, right, back to camera, j WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JUNE 21. 13a - Wis;v.'-’**'*.**• Wewf FfMf rfcete Serrie* JUSf tlsfl OtO T?MES .Makln* hi* dehut uritfc the Wm «*w«e "Wheel*" recently, Willie Mays, ex-Jvevt York Giant centerfi elder «Ad N'etlenni t.ensue "Rookie of the Veer." wind* up f«r <* to** os H» ksl* dfUJ’tlOr**'? »t fho t {ir"n rr.ntr-r 4 Vo ft F-U'«f>*S, Virgll»JjU fVfVSfct# M«u «irvark<>1(11 tncf' BFC d\ 5 v; ' £jp| '-i . * '.•■k‘>^fZ : 4f , 'fjfyfl&:!£+:j the ♦ a mens Yearbook Ft R<*f M '- editorials on ffttenitltl 8! »tf routed Editor Fred Harper with symp and woftssOi. More than 30ft varieties of rock The 195:-! ■wheat goal in the Unit* North C.‘arolian. and 70 of e