WEEK ENDING kATUUDAY JUNE 2L 1952 i ■ .' ■■ - ■■ ‘ ■■■' - " " ' ' ■ "■ ' IN FAYETTEVILLE-DUNN-LILLINGTON ®*^**** t * n, ** , ' , ® M,, *** w#<< * l ' ~,aw HONOR MEDIC One of the nation's leading men in 'the field of medicine is Dr. Joseph G. G&things of Washington, D. C. Dr. Gathings, who is national president of the National Medi cal Association, has recently re ceived several honors. The Ame rican Medical Association invit ed him to attend its annua! con vention now in session in Chi cago. This action is considered a progressive step in efforts to have more integration in the field of medicine, particularly in the A.MA. Recently the Medico- Chirurgical society of Washing ton honored Dr. Gathings at Its j annual Charles Sumner lecture j and Dinner meeting. —(ANT) MORGAN SPORTS BEAD AND DEAN i ARE MARRED i BALTIMORE - Mrs. Beulah L. Pegg, for the past, year assistant! dean of women, and Dr. William j F. Burghardt, head of the depart ment of health and physical edu cation at Morgan State College, were married here Sunday morn- i in*- The double - ring ceremony was j performed by the Reverend How- j •rd L. Cornish, director of the j Christian Center, at the home of : Dr. and Mrs. Otis D. 'Froe, 2423 i W . Mash e. r St reel . RFC RHODEN WINS m EVENT IN COMPTON MEET BALTIMORE Running in the Compton Invitational Meet here Wednesday only 20 minutes after he arrived on the track, George Rhoden, star Morgan State College sprinter, won the 440-yard clash in 47 seconds flat. Although he made a determined j fcdd, Rhoden was beaten off in j the 220-yard dash by Andy Stan- j field, who was clocked in the 1 excellent time of 20.4 seconds. Timers caught Rhoden in 20.6 BFC World flaxseed production in 1951 is now’ believed to have been the smallest, since 1946, and pros peeets for increased production in 1952 are not particularly favor able. fMK Fresh sweet corn is considered by most, shippers to be one of the j most perishable, of all vegetables.l FIRESTONE j Tires & Tube* Many Other Items For Auto, Farm and Home. FIRESTONE HOME & AUTO STORE LILUNGTON, N. C. imr 4- * j Fftirc iot'] PERSON ST rAYETTEVTLLE, ft. C. GRAY MAGIC ROYAL PORTABLE - STANDARD Rebuilt Machines all Makes and Models Hudson Typewriter IliE. ftusaeli St, Fayetteville - I . §•- /. • ■■ •.vr-.-fCGt-A-V BtLUf SfNDS *IM—Th« Prlncn ' fe.G VV - ‘of S!«n (right) spending hH > Ac'’£.'>** * •?>.£*»•• '?/■ ' A V/. • ' ' ' ntoht* *t the Copacahan* In New .• . y .vS'A ™ *»- »«•«•* - mymM ; ; .■ «Q!d Black Magic” BiUiis Daniel* ’"fiw' *' • Picking up the tempo Is «on«»tr*M : •>; Sr;; A: T .„, «... - V j Nf** ****** , 1 r : . A jte ' 'S-v'. l ' /i'H-* Jftr * • bjj flFXrft Us ftr- & |g|L ftftft A WM A Iftftijak ftflaLfiftate A. .'.,.= • ft pWTj ft S ft X I 3 1 Straight aheaJ) ] By Juli u* Adams j I NOW WE COME to the mat j ter of distinguishing between j campaigning for sn office and stating one’s views on the ma jor issues affectng the people i of the nation. It seems that some people just don't know the difference All along ,Gcn. Dwight J>. Eisenhower, * leading randidatc for ih-' Republi can nomination for Presi- ! dent of the I nhcri btate>>. has, said he would not cam paten for the honor Ibis had kd his critics and some 'of his supporters to assume this barred his giving pub lic expressions to his stand. JUST THIS PAST week when Governor Thomas E, Dewey of N< w York, one of the first to come out for Bisen Rower for President, inserted that he believed tihe General | would make known hr- position ; on all issues before the Con ; vention, even so conp.et.ont a reporter n- Jame- y) Res ton Jhc gentlunau from Uie ; New York Times, »iid he thought the Governors' state ment vas in conflict with Ei senhower's pronouncements. We ought to get the facte straight. As S understand campaigning, there Is a vast difference between making a drive for an office, and stmpi> mining the world what you believe In. In or- I der to campaign, in the j conventional sense, one has to do certain definite things. I would say (sena tor Robert A. Taft has been campaigning as has Senator Estes Kefauver. Yet. we. must admit that cither could have explained his views on every conceivable topic without ever leaving Washington. Such could CARR MOTOR ! COMPANY AUTHORIZED KAISEK-FRAZER DEALER IN FAYETTEVILLE , “Always Bargain In USED CARS' 328 Pef» H’mm, Fiji going ;W* St ro THE P /X£ ESQUIRE Barber Shop The ghope That Feature* The 03nb Koken Chairs Cor Your f.otnfort Shower Baths end The Beet Massages Custom Made Clothes 1J» l-« miJUSti&k** STStEFT FATprerrutM, y, ■c. \ laiwiiw—WßlOMiißiiiwiiMmsiwowß ,i fi l iiimaiMlonrimjaiiftß>ito,s have been accomplished in one press conference or in one »r two radio or televi sion speeches. AS FOR GENERAL F-ISEN HOtVER. while h- has r-aid he would not campaign . . mean in-:, as I understand it, Ural does no: intend to go traveling : all over the country button holing delegates, holding con ferences with parts and otlici leaders, and making speeches In scores of communitiof . , yet. h-‘ j,anot said, as" far a- I : have been able to learn, that he intended to remain in had ing after he returns home. Just to prove that on may make clear where he stands on j i&: ues without campaigning, i T is necessary only to realize that most people know where Con gressman Jacob Javi-ts stands on most, if not all big issues, and I haven’t heard that Jack is running for President. Or, to reduce the point a bit. I have expressed myself on many to pics and surely I am not cam paigning for anything —■ that is at this moment. It isn’t a question of where General Eisenhower stands on an> particular is- Issne that should be troub ling the electorate. Vtc j Jkonvi precisely where a piimbcr «f men stand, in cluding the President, if we are to accept at face value what they say. There is an old saying in politics, “If you don’t have the power to deliver, promise any thing.'’ It is easy for the Democrats of the north to back civil rights legislation ... even those who do not believe in it. They can al ways blame failure on the southerners and will try to He- in some Republicans. As for the Republicans, they would not be able to shift j ihe blame to Dixie, because ! If the Party won a major ity, it is unlikely that any appreciable, number would come from the south. CERTAINLY. THE REPUB- i j LI CAN'S COULD hardly hope l to elect a Senator from the I j south in the near future. How- j ever .it is reasonable to as sume that a Republican legis lator from the south, would hardly be at; benighted, as a Democrat, for the simple rea ; ton that, a southerner who | could in a national office as a Republican would obviously have run on a more enlight ened platform. : HOT STOVE LEAGUE (Continued from page Si | poll ciosos at midnight June 27 i Here is the vote on cooked play ers and how they rank in voting: NATIONAL LEAGUE Robinson, Brooklyn. 2b—25.219, Ist! Campaella, Bk)yn„ 0—24,17f1.15! Jethroe, Braves, cf—1.437, 6th Crowe, Braves. lb-~346, 7th ! Thompson, Giants If—l3l, nth j A WOKfiilCA v 'LEAGUE j&fmhso, 'R'hUe Sto, U—lß 222, 2nd : hDhhv fttftigp.- rf----ir*,.lD. >;-i ! REV, J J. GREENE RETIRES; GIVES FAREWELL SERMON I GREENSBORO - Rev. John J. j j Greene, rector for 24 ; ears of the J Church of the Redeemer Protes-! - font Episcopal C hurc h here, preached bis farewell sermons last ' Sunday, as he retit pd from the i ; active ministry. He relinquished i ' —'’nit to Reverend J. How ard Thompson, the former rector of the Saint Stephens Church in Winston-Salem A native of Warrenton, Reverend ABOVE THE J^sC£4«44^! Bv LYTLE Mi l l. fi'LER, sticcessfuliy practiced 1 the age-old strategy of sway ing the minds of the masses by con- ’ slant repetition. Stalin is finding the same practice very useful, as is exemplified by recent occur- ! rences such as the Red demonstr*- ( tions m Paris against. ‘ Ridgway j : the Foisoner”. Why don’t v*e use | : -the same technique in a more con- j ; structive end honorable way? From a!! reports the Voice of j America broadcasts to the Iron Curtain countries have changed i . considerably in the last year or • two. At one time these broadcasts j appeared to be doing more harm : than good to our cause. The reasons ! ; still provide a fertile fields for : partisan discussion. Then l&ter they seemed to go through an in- ; nocuous period which conveyed : nothing to the listeners. But of late I these broadcasts are reportedly j much improved. Now if the constant repetition of a lie can influence Russians, Ger mans. French, etc., why could not the same effect be obtained by the ; constant repetition of the truth? : Why might if. not bear fruit to ; drum Into the minds of the siftv ' mssses the truth that the only Way | they csr> liberate themselves frhtn the misery cf constant toar is to t destroy the brutes who hold them in ■ bondage. Why not point out. to them ; constantly that no government has ! ever been so strong that it cab re sist the determined masses for long, i Why not hammer, hammer, ham mer "revolt" until the Slava da re volt. A successful revolt is not an impossibility if the people c*n Be made to realise that it is possible. Today the Iron Curtain peop'Cs live in perpetual fear of the “knock on the dbor". Before. It was only e*rt.airs elements which had to fear the terrible sound of the mid night. footsteps: Today, it is every- j on*. The slave quotas mull be | kept filled or the Russian Economy would ebßspsa. If a mechanic dies, his place must be filled: A stenog rapher, a laborer, s teacher, a cook it is «it the same. There are no more political "enemies"’ to fill shoat! places they must com* | from the people . How long car. i human nature stand it? tt we con- ' ; stanfiy encourage them, we may : i save * litem—and - ours#lvek-~from j ! rt.be deluge. ! Simpson. Indians, rf—l.s 674, 3rd j j E-aster, Indians, !b*>~4,?lfl, 4th I Rodrigue?, TV. Sex. 4.7(2. 4ta j THE CAROLINIAN ’’ ■' '** . t- • J jJ| I «Pl 4 r s •' X ff&Sr nHWßßHKat’iaanaaiwit., >-. \ '■ rapidly on the .meat and when this happens the i intvac win penctrai-' Mr moat The cbe- r skippei L an extreme ly pi II iiy that rail g-'t throue!- ordinary window screen. Cheese mites and ham beet to: are dso |troubl'.'.-rme but are ta- : -r cor nel then skipper flies. QUESTION. What are the ymj>- t< ms nf idoat? ANSWER- Ihe symptoms of ■bloat vary Acte bioat i. ;al)y ■ indicated by a swelling which is j prominent in the telt flank; an 'measinos.-. r> nienotisne.-s; a iswelUng which rebounds and; I gives a duil sound when thump led; <‘ sd chewing ceases; and pres- j • cure on the heart and lung: f?o/ i enlarged rumen or paunch can • . ■ labored breathing, moans, diluted' nostrils, and open mouth. * -" * " 1 " ! SAY AOf SAW IT IN THE GAROLIN AN .. - A t —1 " i { usepca* •~~~ : VALUES .Ve buy and sell only the best it* j ! used car:-. Every mode! sold with ! guarantee. See us for real values f at ground level prices! Yarbourgh Motor Company US W. Russell 5« FwyeHevll* 6 I ‘ j ~ ~ ~ “ >rr Hatcher *©* Hay St FnveUev i o,l* I. PAINT We have it Can get it, or it isn't SPORTING GOODS FARM & mill supplies TTr^rT Dixie Paint & Hardware Company Parson Street —— Aero** Bridge THE KEY TO KITCHEN FREEDOM RULANE Gas Service For Homes Beyond the Gas Mains. You, too, can enjoy all the ease, comfort, cleanliness and « convenience of inexpensive RU LANE Gas for cooking, water Keating, space heating and re frigeration. No fuel to handle, no waiting for heat, no delays • from power failure . . . but in stant, clean, dependable gas serv ice 24-hours a day. Convenient terms on complete Rulane in* stallation and gas appliances. -MB£SE FA YETTEVILLE BOTTLE GAS COMPANY 233 Fmftklm StrtNrt Pi&S SMS PAGE SEVEN I in i 960, some 86,544 cattle id j North Carolina were tested for ! tuberculosis, and only 16 positive | reactors were found. Meat production m the United States under Federal Inspection ■ (or the week endue May 31 was | estimated at 208 n.dlion pounds, > This was 3 per cent below the 2© million pounds produced a year >go, William m Penn fe|| Blended Whiskey 52.10 vs^VS* «& ***“«*£ 86 Proof rue stiahskt whiskey* in this fsoouct am 4 runt oi moss oto ssr, sriAiawr i WHISKEY, *S* NEUTIAI SPIRITS, rjTJUJ* MOM CHAIN. wnaita s, mn tnma. kmu. uim 3 YOU CAN SAVE | On Church and Sunday School ! ijeds. Gowns, Caps, Robes, Bi bles from one dollar up Sail i m;.;t pictures. Bible tationery. j CHURCH SUPPLIES STEIN BLDG. F WETTEVILi .F. N. C. iiiiiirßii'MiwwwnfaamiiniiriiinMW'iiwiiiiinfiiiiifiEiiir'win* -1 "n rnmn froriiim I x2 v W. R. RUSSELL SVATCH REPAIRING 118 1-2 Person Street Fayetteville, X, C. H'| sx?s BARGAIN »AY A T \)lm j 123-125 HAY STREET j PHONE 6473 { ~ iiiwuiiiwniinir iinu"i»ni iMiii'O'Mi'narisiriiTniiiTin innr*wm““^-» FOR GAS and OIL OR A QUICK SNACK SHOP The V Point | Murchison Rd. & Durham St, FAYETTEVILLE Is)fcKndive 11 fimfralSemCiS ill ‘EFFICIENT SERVICE I j i reg ardless I ? i OF COST” I f | DAFFORD lt| FUNERAL HOME Mb Phone 2515 <**"%**<**