SHK R1 VT THE HEAT North Carolina resident? kurii hnn to brat the torrid heat which covered flu* Stale last vicek. \ perfect example is the young mermaid pictured here who bested the weather b> taking a dtp in Raleigh Chavis Park Swimming fool. Tempera tutres soared to 104 degrees riur ins the past week throughout the area. STAFFOTO BY MUIR LEV. MD WHO ADMITS ABORTION HAS LICENSE TAKEN CARTHAGE It was learned here this week that the State Board of Medical Examiners has taken action preliminary to revok ing the licenses of a West South ern Pnes Negro doctor who ad mitted performing-’ criminal abor tion. Dr. W- H Ross, who con fessed in a Superior Court hearing here May 2 i that he had performed such an opera ♦ ton, still .through the Board's action, become ineligible to practice medicine In the State opt? such time that the group sees fit that he should regain his license. Notification of the revocation of license has been sent to Judge Zeb V Netties, who presided over the criminal court bearing here ■>n May 21. it which testimor.' as introduced of the doctor's con fession of having performed an illegal operation A copy of the of the board was also sent to state's attorney. M G. Boyette MAN ACCUSED 0! ASSAULT TRY BY BABY-SITTER Man Already Held For Inte?*-rac*e Attack \om Facing \cw Charges DURHAM A v '.i ong white mar. who allegedly attempted to criminally assault, a young color ed girl whom he was hiring" a« 1 "bah-, - si'tor" for . non-existent ' child, was arrested hei ehis week and identified by h,- accuser and +l >rce other r'rpy *\ omen as the man who h»d made similar over tv;-es to then-. The J2-year-old man. who al-■ ready has -< 'sv-' pending in Sn perior Court here on a charge of assault ith attempt to commi rape on atiotlier colored woman • ’■ as picked out of a lineup of six men. local police report. USE-S Fit doors NAME The arrested man, Thomas W Clark, had. on occasions appeared in Negro-populated areas, com plaint.-, again.-; him sav. identify ing himself as "Dr. Warren' arid, saying thrP hr was -meking n ha '■y-sitter'' to work at a site for which there > no address listed. Clark, who local detectives sa admitted an assault on a colored -•Oman he got *o his home, last May 11 on pretense of having hoi do some house work, denies the neb charge, "it's all a frame-up,' he says. The prosceeutin- 1 witness deter fives say reported that she agreed to ahy sit foi the man, but in ster.d of driving to where he said he lived took her Into the cotin fry and then turned off on a dirt road. The woman was quot ed as saying she tried to get Clark to take her back but. instead he tried- to make love to her and | look his shirt off. She said she, excused herself for •a minute and I fled to Roxboro Road where she hitchhiked a ride with a white j uiiiplft who later gave her a dime: (Copti«Heii on page $) Negro Nurses Not 4 Protected' At Huge Army. Base FORT BRAGG’S BIAS IRKS; SIX RESIGN Outbreak of Dreaded Disease " * In North Carolina Feared .if. Wt* »*k* " . 1 BY J B. BARREN (Exclusively For The Carolinian) OKLAHOMA CITY. OK LA. A white student from Oklahoma A & M College was guest on the program of the Bird annual NAACP Conference here last Wednes day night and spoke on the subject: Ihe l hanging South". Oeorge Rucker, president of the Student Senate of the A & M College cit ’d many;- of the changing attitudes of white Southerners, particularly the 'Su younger generation, in regards to granting & . _■* human rights to finority groups t Rucker said there have been enrolled more than 500 colored students in the ' state university since if was opened to all. One coOr -d student has been e!<'c*.ed to the Student Senate, ‘‘integration is tne au* J *0 swer to tli • so-called ‘Negro policy’, Rucker ~ei|| ' said, adding. “WV need to know thorn (Ne- |y|p|fe NR*, gvues) hott 'V " Thvee-quartci million Negroes wen to the MR barren polls in the South in 1918 and it is est.imat d that one and i half million will vote in the 1952 national election, ac cording to NAACP representative? throughout the South. OH. WRIGHT STEAKS Dr. Louis T Wright, Georcia : ->orn physician vivo was the first at his raw: to join the staff of Harlem Hospital where he i,- now head, spoke Wednesday night on Quarters Unsafe, Food Not Adequate, 6 Nurses Declare Building In Which Nurses Lived Twice Broken Into By I nknowns RV MATT WRITER FORT BRAGG Six Negro ci whan mirsr-s, irked by living con . di’ions. including transportation attained, inability to obtain cor net food and lack of adequate protection, resigned ma body last e-ck from toe United States Ar ; my Hosrind located on the world’s largest aimed in., (-.-* in-i. ohm ut | neve. il-tnr.'on of the nurses climaxed ;» 9-m<mths-long ob viouslv unsuccessful effort to better the condtiions causing the action FROWSTED IN 1951 Even though seven race civilian mirse-: lodged protests. with Ar my officials against conditions in i 'he Hospital area as of September Hi, lufil. action nas beers negligible, he nur-c- routed. Ihi-s the pi ass esig nation BUILDING rt: OK I V INTO One of the spedife grievances listed bythe nurses concerned the lack of protection they received ,in the arc:-, in which tens of thou isands of miirary men arc station 's! medicaily treated, orocessed NBDFKBDSK j NEGROES EJ ECTED TO PO j SmONS ON NCC SOAJlih—Dr, i K. M. Hendrick or A* tievOlie \ *NC> <not shown) was circled : ! rice chairman of North Carolina Oodf-ge-’* trinim at Durham re l.c i offer's .<>n the health of Ne groes which .segregation causes Dr. Wright. whose two daughter? ,ir, t o-medics vith their t»fhct < onOnncd on page Si mid tr iii'ii’- 1 On "a ,) specific occasions, the nurses i c-pori, the budding in ’ which they live has been broken ' in:,-. - ■ the ‘lx- ■ incidents o curing; recently Previously '■ another incident of the same no - ture oreurrre!. rnOTl.f THIN LAt K TOLi> ! in their original grievance thru L,ci/i Col. Helen M. Malmberg, chief oi the ifospitm’s Nursing be. vices to Hi s unru u-.ding General the Negro nurses noted that tht building in which they •Afi't q.-H. tv; ed .- so .--Lusted, be ing iK--,r dense wood.-'. Hi easily ! aceivsible to mtre, .- without ■ being deterte dby g.iards or Mill i larj Police . The original grievance lur , thcr states tliat ,iru- of the nurses making (nr complaint was 'attacked ,mrt roughly handled 1»> mi unknown party’ Mho entered the hiiitdini; un invited riurins (he month of I August, 1951. later in August. 1951, an other oi the protesting muses l (('ontinued on page B,i <•< ntfy and l>r. J. ML Hu Ward of Durham (second from right j -landing) was reelected of the | group. Drs. Hendrick and Jfnb bar (lari two of at he four Ne gro members of the board. Oth er Negro members are Di C. UHi-.K' ■ ilOiU) Tim death of ■ ■in ayr d white farmer near here thi< week from an infection diag noscria- dreaded Rocky Mountain GROOM-TO-BE FOUND DEAD AS BRIDE WAITS Wedding Time Whs r> Three Hours Liter MOCKS VILLI:; N. C. A co ma net which had its beginning? on the North Carolina A. and T. ’ College campus culminated in true Shaks.-pe.-iian form last week when the groom--o be was found defid in his room tluce hours be fore he was in have taken his nuptial vo'**. s to the ohtarain* Miss Marion Linn- his fiancee. Wesley C. Cain, a teacher at the Unity High School v-ns found dead by his room mate. A Sanders a teacher., at the same high school. According to oniclals tain had just returned from :i tour of several of the Northern States with h group of teach ■-« and students «le was lasi seen going from the ear which had brought him to Ids home and his last words were "I’m tired and I going to get some sleep." He entered his room, never again to leave again un der his own volition His room mate who had gone ona trip to the mountains returned Thursday and found Cain lying across his bed with his pajamas near his side in dicating that he. was getting ready to put them on when it ontinued on page H- ATTKMI’T MADE TO GASS (rREEASBOUO POEITICIAA "RED" •-,RTT.NSFIORO An effort. ■-, i oel Xi’fr.) polite"i: gro ip head a Red because lie signed a document which inter wa- term ed "communist-inspired" back fired here this week during hear ings in which the race politician seeks to prove . while man un fit to bold office. 1,,-Ru. sell, cho accused W. A Man!* y. while tition which cir culated through s|-r. ri:sSEI.L the country last year. Russell admitted having signed (Continued on page 8) j C. Spaulding of Durham {second from loft seated) and Dr J W. Black o- Rocky Mount (ex j trcnio right) standing. The new ■ ly elected chairman of the hoard I | is *■ M. Gantt of Durham '•»- ! court from left seated who In wp'itM-di fever, has prompted the i.: ne.-- ,;i i.e inimgs to resident •• of tie •-,!ea -■inr] the stale by Itenlth (Uontinticd on page -8) THE CAROLINIAN 1 lo YOLtKMN XI RALKIGH, NORTH CAROLINA INSTALLMENT OF SERIES DELAYED Rot-ausp of unfor.-teen dit'fi culfies, the fourth instail m.'iil of the “JoJhn Andrew Roman" story will not ap pear this week. Next week, a highly sen sational presentation in the series will be published. Watch for it 1 DFDFDFD IN RI At I. TENNIS MELT \ jovial movent between rnrnds o! the bi-raciat Southeastern Open Tennis Champions.,.ps week played in Durham, shows partieipants enjoying a light Laugh. Left to right are. How ard Minnis, Southern University; WHITE CATHOLIC RECTOR PLAYS !N TRADITIONALLY RACE TOURNEY DURHAM —One of the iast few barriers associated with tradition ally 'Negro' athletic events in the area fell witha resounding crash here last week when at least one white participant took part in the annual Southeastern Open Tennis ;-..nqui:i Teni> Club courts. Chtampionships play ed on the Al i'ather John Dillon .rector of Saint Monica Church, Catho lic, Raleigh, took part in the shown here studying plans for Preside*® Alfonso Eide> !center seated) Trustees standing left to right are Malcolm McLeod, San ford; Walter Jones, Rockingham; B. Satterfield, Timber lake; l)r Hnhhan?., and T>r. Black. Babi|Sitter Accuses WOULD-BE ASSAILANT Negro Tennis Players Drop Color Bar lather Dillon of Raleigh, a ((hit" participant,; Althea Gib ,-on, national!} rated tennis ten nis player; Edgar Lee Washing ton, D new men',, xingl* champion; and Eamrst nl pvi *am and Wai*i(t’St( ,!l . D C". meet. si;>> mg in play until the semi - finals in the dou I les matches. He was defeated eaii\ in the singles matches. Highlight;.- ,;-f the t-arriament in cluded the winning ”1 Uu men's '.-ing'c-s championship by Edgy. Lee jf Washington. D C. *nd the ippearanco of A-lis:- Althea Gib son, •-•ieventh ranking woaii.ii - r;is nk.yoi nati n: ■ illy in .-x (Continued *>n page k> Seated left to right are Raoewn 1 1 expansion with NCC Baynes, Durham: Or sp««Miiifi Dr Elder. Gantt, and Airs Lil lie Ur*»t9B Dean of l.oulsburg. NEW S m'RKAi; PHOTO iYEEK END INC SAT! RDA 5 JIM.Y 5 1 ur._ j . . , Masl Gets LitY- In Lingula ry WINiCI-: )>; A•" ye n old rn-ari recc, ori , life teem for a ;•=>:.bery in less fime than it l-aok♦ for t-> pi-eyetrato ht? crime The men, Arfrii i’ Ford who sometime-- --ses the aims h,x worth" told nfii/’ers that he plan ;i the •;:!!' while v. orkinu ,t lb, re -A 1 ;ia .i r on West Filth Street I'oli , --- -i that on the morning N. ('. Heat Fatal To NY «t FOCKY MOITf, Orn.oad Wih civ. 1:7-year-.Id Brooklyn man died nf a neat -tr -I*• near here Sundae Nash County Cor- nor Van Math ews -aid Williams 'as a passenger i.. a a. traveiir.a from Brooklyn' Youth Loses LiU In River i\” nr-RW A 19-year-old boy Tb'-nia May. drowned in 1 b'ivet near the foot if ,t,n. ■*■'. Street. Monday morning v bile hi; 1! -year-okl brother and ■ other Negro boys looked or. The yrmnrs.'er unaware of tin voter’s depth and inable • , .win: S w‘i mrning-H o1<? 1 > o ut Fa ta I GHKKNVIJ.LU - A Pitt Co-.o'v n-an was arrested Suriduy after noon in connection v ith the knife '.'laying of antithet man at a swlm rning hole near Scuffloton Pitt Sheriff tßuci W Tyson said Richard f.e’vi:-. Caiman. 27. of 'he Her. -1 on community, is being held l.- Greene County autl >: ties j,ending an inquest into the doath of Fred Smith, 2«. also of the Kc/u.t.on eomiriunil v Louis Fight Card Lined Up WINSTON -SAJLFM Tea Hal) Wil.-.on o f WipstOn -Shlerri and yo Brown of Jacksonville Fla . v. ill meet in a six round light heavyweight match as a' prelimi nary to the Joe l-ous and Joe Mc- Padden exhibition fight at B”V --i men Gray Stadium. Ain; 15 The announcement was made | <his week by A. ,J. •Hfimtr.onds and IE. C Hill, local fight promoters. 1 Wilson, a 174-pounder, has won his last four fights via the knock out route He was impressive in NCMBER 38 m ■ < Ford pr:-H veil a house on West Fifth S» and was !).- c-tc t.he I odS’dft M Mi:--. Nor-:i ft.-yant -hen she ivokened and saw him there. Miss loynni ."vd the other ■ '■■r..if>ants and d- s from the J'OiiSi' 'i-'ord, he- i’U'-t r«" re- I'd e'e prison 'Oder '—rCV-g fix-, • e.ii on*'-!" -for hr<?9kTh'jr and entering. to Ro Mount, to -dtcnrl a fcxtt ti'ti!. Shortly after Williams and his four rii-npyom; stopped f ‘ "hsnflta tire, tie- vi-Min • 'H-’paefl and I died plltn sod \ - - b~f lorft-dope to 15 f> "< i ! ' off shore, A rescue ;c| ■id if the ; Bern Fir.-- (>.-fmr»remit. c;i the iceciy c:>pri xirftately 30 ruinM'S- lat er but efforts to te-. i-.v h‘.v.'n mechanical oquipment i» --ft >n« .successful. Tyson said the investigation M& i,o Kn-ith'> death brnu b+ out that the two men got a fight at th* swimn mr hoi- :*t Edward Uridßi about aWr and one-halt miles from SeulSfleton Saittrdsv 'Morning nhotlt :r:-'-0. S-.nltn reheiV* cci a deep -dash m the calf of Ms - f and ded from lt> rtf ' iond lii/i f.'vn flours later c 1 f’it-t M®« nrsfinn: Hospital in f irccnviUe. : local fights ivt r-MV Brown i weighs i(T. pounds and ?« t?u> eaten . In five I"iijls Angus <Jo-Go) 1 ■ ' if;:- of Wirt sinn-Salem will also be ori -the . cord, hut his oppeuen l has not teen namod Tickets for the fight ■program * wifi go on saV next ' veefc. Ham monds pointed out ''.hat d-DOD tick ets will be available for wftSie spectator*, alortt* with I,©W ring side tickets.

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