WEEK ENDING SATURDAY -TITTY W 52 ■ ■ ;■ -T ■ sfc-c, «.>' .ry-"" T ■ \KIT POW COMPOUNOS . 4 ROW work detail liuctefrv t » a ttalrSt ul p«,i«-~ uUtlirilOg tt.e JlMi mllt-lr ilf vt I'OW CIUII |J«Uinl •: will in* erected uo tii»J» i-.ijod I*< ti tir» mttipouiwf win m.ivJ stxt plltwLrr t,y * ." /'• / ■/ ■■" S''--'"/* " V •*•• *’ r » ffikff COfUSf ~..• : r ”' Ifc ANSWERS : Qtil.snO... Wl.:«! r..;;!;..! 1- it commended for ih<* Ja .:n<- < ■ •<■< ■ tie? ANSWER. Tiic U-f-tic- .->1 ca il.v killed with DDT A ;> i>c «•,■>!! dufl applied to the inf«'-.;t.-.! plcot : to cover ti.-- bee tii 1 a impa jiid qg.'L v.:r v to tit 'io.> hir,p‘ numbers. A pray rru» v be Miadv bs mixing f->,u table ;> -■-m of a 50 per cent wet hit.ic DDT povvtVi tc each gailo not v-aiei • : ti plying it with a bucket or >■ it‘ 1 • mss^^rrvz^i^ssm THIS PETTV PACE er r y/ * BSOWH LEE YATtI Dawdle Dell Correspander PROFESSOR Walden Hightower, local fellow who instructs ovei tat the state college and conies up pretty often with sotiir, bughouse theory, made a speech claiming •‘there ain't no such animal as lOw per cent pure Republican 01 Democrat," Why. ev, n the- dumb est codger In Dawdle Deli knows, hot u& politics is down here, that a Republican whose soui was both ered with a single, solitary Demo crat idea, or « Democrat with a Republican itch, wmilii hang bin - seif Just to spite the opposite party. * * * Rita Riley, local girl who made good m Hollywood as a car-hop, is: making a personal appearance tour ta Dawdle Delt. * * *■ Rank Potter, store keeper over st Sweet Lick, says he’s glad that “death, which chases all of us. ain't as speedy as Mad Hopping, hot-rod ambulance driver for the Rest-ln- Reace Mortuary" Hank says a corpse can always depend on a good and fast last lap to graveside with Mr. Hopping driving. The time he brought Mrs. itafe Butcher’s body from Sweet Lick, he outdis- ; taxteed live rest of the funeral pro ! cession three times, having to re trace his course each time to iind his confused followers. Those who believe in ghosts say Mrs Butcher’s shade grew tired of the bumpy road gad departed the ambulance on the edge of Marple s Woods. Anyway, that’s- how the woods get the repu tation for being haunted by a mad spirit that thunders through tire trees in a hot-rod golden chariot * * r Mr*. Clem Poore returned from the city and told the Nimble Fin gers Sewing Club Thursday eve ning: -’Original creations in clothe . that’s the rage A woman of taste would rather be caught married to another woman's husband than weaimg the other woman’*, dress design. You can hardly expect orig inality in men. but it is a must ui mesa.” IT*; JH| I Price gs Wthl ; 86 Pr«e©f am stitumn mmurrs im wit eeoaucr t juu hi rents os wore out. 3i% st# Atom } Wmsxr, *s% ncutsai. (sshuts, pwtsuj* .vi nom w.*m * * Lu. fUrf firitH & MLh SMB, UMS w .uJiuii : .'ii'dcM pf. 1a c: This Mi, >:- j tun- v. ii 1 v iol’ a ojihili hand type ; 1 : hoiiseii-.ilil ;ii ay cl .am < Mail j • iuh DU'l' i-enci -': .*s 1 • »r:u> be >‘d in t .it mail han't •pi.iyei Tin t.v pe i,f mat e: in I e alai I \ ! a Ita 1 :■ ! ell.’ et !It 1 ale i Sul pnileela.n in ii'tnlS *u V.i 1 licit 11 (.)>■- which .ita n.i'i' tu cat at tiic lime i»1 attack one sfioiiirt a . >h thuwehloi. 1 a .suiisUUite lor DDT which din> not leave a harn ful r«-s< due. it i,s available in rm»M [tarts of North (aroiina and is used as a dust or rax a spray-, A 1 per cent Rotenone dust may also be applied dur ing harvest time. The beetle uni! often leave fruits aloi« if linn- is applied as a dusi. ibis material will not kit! the beetles however. QUESTION: W u t ti 1 utnu-nt iambi be used hi: common cold.- 1 u, kens'; ANSWER: The first step is to find Up lin of the tio;.i fie anti toiToei it. The next is to vet. the birds back cm full fc-i d. This ttmy be difficult, esfieciailv durins; hut w» ather The use of wet mash at midday may he 1;a. This thnuid put 011! in quantities, that .vil: cii-a.'ied Ii.)) HI 20 10 ■jhmiieU" .some •>Ult.)r..-ak I’c pnfi:! to I a ii 1 of • .ilfali.ia:'*.di in the di i- I writer ; 1 Sr'-*- •• •• " j » v - •' *'***' i K * " TRY, TRY AGAIN . . . siym- I boltc of H broken marriages are the dolls of James E. Daniels, KeattEe, wt»o 1 oay l-r the most-divorced mail in use IluiD-d Ato to*. .About 14.000 acres of rye are being liarve.-'.ed in North Ccuoiin:; this year An yield of lb bss-Milk jicr u.‘!'e i ■■ in'i-’ciuei.i. j Old l ime Whiske) I a.ste E\pei*l Is A Casually Ol Science I rWMHBKBb Jrt W£*d3r* s£■'■■ Jxz Mmfc ' : C' - jH| gSpgya: Vv ; fw3r • •;"' 1 ■'.' «£•s§: *f» "’ f 5 *" The Calvert Quality Laboratory con ducts ttiouMnds of taste tests each year • Oone under strict scientific con. d'tic -Mi, the purpose of the system of consumer taste preference surveys is to discover the Kind of whiskey the average consumer wants and to provide it ay the blending of many different whiskies. In ether words, no taste expert decide# what the puttie will like. Instead the com pany goes to the consumer, find# his preference*, then the blending ! experts make fft* product to best suit public taste. f ii■ wlnc* ■ (To m IV- ' o I'*' ‘ * - I * ti - '|«# A gwJH ,r. flPifit fc »« . r *WA' ‘W’t *■<* • V' i.f A ■' ' ■ IP >» aafs. •V I i»' • ’ ***« v; k- '-A*:' VXV-tl^-a-U . “««'■ 'w -t«r *a* '<■' -h M t . ' T-sd TMHY STILL REMEMBER— <4 By reason of the meritorious and Uistin* guished services” which he han rcnderetJ to the Republic of Liberia, Harvey S. Firestone, Jr. was presented the Grand Band of the Order of the Star of Africa at the Liberian Embassy in W.tihiotfton m erxily. ihe Honorable Oarertce L, Simpson, Liberian Ambassador to tin United fSatei madt? the presemation on behalf of b.n ct.>un?ry, which has greatly beneni*.J the aid of i ires tone j^ft*. ■ J.KR/.ii; id riO 11| ii | . JS& I 'tC R V C rs - ■'<; / i fc .'.'>s A '"f! :a 1 vo! 1 ■ - -1 \ \ %>' . / : \ ;,f \. / ! . ./• \ ", ' i ■-- >r ‘ P ■' C ' x A.. • [it >, \ i -- *y\ 1 t j '■ \ i, > ) ' ;C: f > V ', 1 WILLIAM PAINTER i l:T : x ■ * 41 i 1 i . ' ■• •hi . miji the ciimi'* 0 ; . •J' r \ ' V t 111. l tilt till!' b- Vt.Tflgft butt le ii. K- : y .1. us Wiiii.ini Fnintei. the I -I'l.y 1; iikiin .« iriin iuni.st who Hi v. j vtiu. ;i 1 11. v, c just 60 yt-uii 4! • mu hi I'cbm.iry, 1H92, that hr jf X :A v... . ci aid i d a patent on what | In called u ••crown eoik ’ 'ilir '$ m S < Town Cork & Seal Co., found j yf ‘ 1 mi a 1 that time, now has fae* , / • •;' j fiirif-. ifi oouiitrie:: all ovci the k, / ;> J vvijifi! Fattfil. make Job-,. ' 1 ,■ 4 / r - / Cvviii'i, t«wt. - '' - A blending scientist wor»-. •/. :t*i ccifti ■:. firn!* hum .« vast “Library of Whiskies" !ri huge. mudCicl n -.r. .■. cifices of the C.uvvrt DictiHers Corp. distillery in Lovitviiie. toy this complex system Os pit nding the company Is able to r. amtain untfonnly the flavor vi its products. This and the taste testing are pros reset b •-■mg uiivoied to it.f public who wilt be invited in a irr.es ot lUtiv.wul* s.hr tv bi ik it. July, tv vi .it the Cdlvtll plant tint ■i.inliu-l. 'i Hi 1 ! (I . \li Of, 1 N ! \ N ::<K) wom! n amend v. * oj r.!i dstta KAI*IM M>trv than V.OIJ d**!r ■ aUnidod On* Norlli 1 : l I. PJ? i*»n.i! ( niiH'lTiK »• «»{ thi National So: oril\ o' I'hi * Kappa In Id in (’iundfn, N. J. Top speakers all (M i>. usthi fine ol t<*a<durs inclinli (l .Vl*s. VivTn* <ai tor VI is<>n vi< » pr*sidrni «»* Hit* NalM/Jual i < him i! ot WgT«* W'Miif'li; Als** Idn i \ I lihim is ■a * f 11> r • hoiat'.hp wililirr U» <>% rs I iiKpimlv *n NiH'uui, *nd '*s- Uniaii if IVI tiilt, Wash me ion, i . '.ipionif hod I* i;s of thi j **ha K Koslto s • * sli ns, *.vork>h‘»p *>''Tin!"'.. ml i i too• I>*'4ln It ■. • hll ’i h lrd ilio OH t l ».’>;• ! A N E - ri >t.; ■ ( \ hM t ' '} s•' ■! "S j M I he.' To, fit o] Sl.il-* i li,it >i (i mil) dot fhick ;)': t 111 Via;, j KtdoiU.do.;icl . a I N C v . S';.!«'• (’oli* . » r«m ■. ii m J !a. ;: it ■: iI l d I iii-.? ' lit i(i'- i ( Ulitail; joi ".1 (>■ :i:i\vi-v* 11n*y wotild bo on no vahit: ; i iri kill ii ; ,J ' mia. v' t i1,•; ■> <! ii i• 1 • : tioido- -and;, earo.wd.)v tr?»* | ti. i V-rtion mi lir v*<i i; ’uTitL .nut I (OiioV- ail t.d t i 1 ; i . ;till luh;, - u ‘ Cud’s Good Oirf Cleans Soul jyjts.’ MARTHA MADDEN, Gu-i-nviik-, S.i , !, >,t to the in Si! ) marital difficulties that it was nece.-.aiy to yet a divo: ce or %<■ to a sanitarium. But instead of her trouble • bmng i 1 {j*-!k d, things got worse. Had she done the right thing or had is helped play the fool? She began to worry about being alone. She couldn’t sleep and kept , away from p. ople. Every day when she left her - oMiiy, crying, she would go home and walk the f s | i ikio. and ii.< i sorry tor herself All alone and nr,- M'CTTv!* j uuay eared: thi.- became hot theme song. Her vJL, M. j huine be-can.*.- neelected and thr- yards were four '% y'Jhj VV; i'.iif- |,..• t ioier.-.-t ev.-( ythine j AHNfc Mjj& t itiajly became nervous and sick that • !i< v - , lj! u doctor, who said, “1 wish i could Kelp you, out there is no medicine that can cure - atncgie -wi -on:y that mind of yours." However, he did not toll her bow. Attw giving his statement serious thought, rhe real Di-d the meat impoi iant tbid’:;? in life- ar.- shelter, food, I'lothii.e. and a hois>' -ed tiei-f Wa, UiMiit- yriitine. Hi; i:l then and ite r. ie- madt up In i mind not tw let lilt- defeat t>ei, So .-.he lulh.i up j u i le- v, ai d \.,-ot i., work! She started on the yards, trimmed , . . planted, and worked until she had a b- audio! lawn it w„ |.kov< f : . i t! it 1111 i*• 1 ' nothitig tnoi'e cleansitig for the a u ml. • ~; . ti unit tr*c**t to cat dil t v W itb tiutl.- -'i ind diet :- pt Cl■ i . :/, vnur i IJ own, halfway down to China.' hen she cleaned up her house, repabed and replaced, until ‘he was proud of it instead of being ashamed. She had no time to worry, lor she was too busy working and taking cay:: of her blis h ' hand: and .h'!: i l'iback. Sh, ch ■ v. itiait <jl: > - \as. a: - ! the best possible ointment (or injured pride. Now she wanted Ha nds again and began to have little dinner; and parties. Hh< ;. i.apptet today than ever before in bet life Sin ha.- i- ramed !,. pride, her sell-re..p« et arid, most iniporiahl ot , It. he I,a: It slued t.. master her emotions. IVT" MARTHA iVIADDEN, Greenville, S.C . ... !, ~t to the ti"in.t >n her maritat dii'licultk';. ttiat it wa ncco. :.aty to vet a tlivo: ce or ;to a sanitarium. But instead of her trouble": being i thmgs got worse. Had she done the right thing or had .Ih helped play the fool? She began to worry ; “tboiit being alone. She couldn’t sleep and kept , awa\ from p*auplc. Every day when she left her *x-sSp*-> - °llic>-, crying, she would go home and walk the ( 1 1 i Moor and fowl sorry for herself All alone and no- I ouuy cared: thi- became hei theme song. Her yt, /V I liunie bt-t-arr.e neck tied end the yards were four Y s'Mm AI i - Mi" I < t inf ere.*, t evcl ything \ jgjjfi! t toady became ■<> nervous and sick that v -‘ " i! lo a doctor, who said, “1 wish i could n< ip you, but ihert is no niedicine that can cure t atnegie v;n; ojey that tni/.d. oi youiv." However, he did not tell, he: bow-. Alt, ; giving his statement .-.erious thought, realised the nu,-f itirpor lant Undf:., in hie arc shelter, food, < - lot b, i■. s ■ and a home' L '"' h<-rs wa. Uisml .' ifiUny, Rigid then ..md there -!v made up he; mind not te, let id: tii-feat t>eu .Su .-hi- f nlli el up in i let vi and went k> vve’uk! Sin starte-d on the yards, trimn.-d hedge-., planted, and worked until she had a beautiful if.vvn. ii w.. |c.,v n h, I-, i u ,t thei« is nothiiig inme cK-.,.'ising for the n.md ■ a! a; ; unit tt.au to ri t dii tv vV i tfi 1. ,uti .*.->(:(;ii dis t r --.pi ci..i j , ;. w-u ■ i IJ own, halfway down to China.' 'I hen she cleaned up her house, re pa heel and replaced, until be was proud of it in-tead of being ashame d. Shi- had no time to worry, for she was too busy working and taking ear;: of her blis k Co hand: and aching Lack. Sir d. . ■*vvi, .: that < ibm.v res: - i :1s best possible; ointment lor injured pride. Now she.- warded Ha rids again and began to have tittle dinners and par ties. She 1 apple i today than ever before in hoi life Sin h: i- eamt il ! pride, her scll-rt-. pee t and, meist important oi .11. ne ha; h. i. • J I-, inu.-def her e^mutinir,, I 'f HE REPORI I ■ ( ROM THF. NATfONAi. Ai.J.iANt OI POSTAL LMPi.OVI.KS Mt/i t , , v vl'l rffrws MOTiri i; CHICAGO Funeral cc? . •v. ore- held hi. 1 re j.i.-' Friday morn- , lU . i t Mr; M:UUv J. Carter, 70, mother of A-hb- 13. Carter, pivti 'denet of the National Alliance of ■ •■'ill K;V'jiu; (•••;; ,:r-u Grand Ala* ■ !••• of Princi Hall Mason, in II- %v j • iinois Mir. Carter died Monday U1 Hite*, were held .it the All- J.aiiuii.. t'entarostal < fitireh, . , PaiivviHid Hutilevarde .mil Vin eerines five. The wake was oh served Thursday night at tin- , w I ft 111 'Vile Filin lal Home, .‘tilth and Indiana Aw. interim-nt H.n in t.lihcln t eilil-tery Mi amvhiU I ii e V.' iiinyfoii ! * adiM.n'ter-- f.i tin AJlmnre .in t n.tired that the N \PK i >.r inivi* l,i rtf ••.vould tio i-t in Wdsliimtton diiriin; the week of Aiir.tr ; i’s ® I'm the nation this week SWAN 505.0 .. . St’s a big | moment to the life of x owe- 5 dvty old hn by swan on the. 'i water at San Antonio too, nod i tor mama Mm< blog her tong I seek to sive batty ea«uu|ii» ] BMMit SB h*. toit, *wtaa- *' j ' AT N f UNSf'S CX)N\ f:NTIi>N-—Ntirset from all ovrr thi* country turned out wrvV for the 17th annual hurmi.*! Nurso ('oiivtftuion hi*ld at Atlantic f ity, New Jtr M*y. Shown taking j rcspiti during th<* ftowitig Student Social are, left to right, fiecty l t*e < ook. Judtiil. nurse Cif the Sinonoru C ollege SchiH/t i>f Nut^iitg l Beloit, BtriUfio Holleind, Nuhvrry Me dn.d College ficfiool of Nursing, Nas-hville, l enn.. Miry tttulenf iiutse *»t S*. Mitry 4 ScfU/L>l *>( Ntli mi? v: Nt.tdtvols, Vc ;■:« onnn aliil Drio ♦ Kreie, student «uir>« at ttvnltid lf»nju{-t! Jtld I I S% iuml, <l* i • •»*.;* * > f»h lhe i -»{r I >N|t *<j! i (.iivnilbiu W4l 4? mtr iil At tov rriurhu m lh« I**l4 «-»l u)ed**».nr„ ■. 1 ‘ ;- f fit 1.11:. Oil - C!"c iifiin,'; nic:..~.iaenf ..vinuaShy te j cir b‘ !V3VC(! < - S• i -flanin Hf hi:; j .'fnc- a:. kGM: Se’.ce W;A;■ ■. : A\t ■ ic here. in a-- -. York Cily la : ■ cl<. tm Pe m,.- c - x J’- , hri told tin- NAPE branch there a he wa * gf>inu to chance- th> hole- system which hr;-; prevailed New York nd that ‘the days mo i .in ai i- eorio Kim* o K rm.-tead, NYC pi.--- de-nt. j>t••. • i i I,*. *-i 11 a- af!air. a • i.'i: v.-■: . |,,|, !’ . > -I.IMI hr IVi 1.... ... : (lie NYC NAI'K tGW l 90 PROOF ;vm star | •*i'*** rlf __ If *3‘ 65 s 2’ 3o ****** 1 , „ M «-S Oauf; l ull Tint 9ii PROOF fj * / vejrti?* »«* **«*<-* • •»**»’* jJS tfojtu imtditi sxceded Hhtsltr »» K»#l T *‘ »tn«*M wlwlWt m 4 jam « wore *K. SI'A« Mr»»M /A ...:C_/.:Sa *feaji»| 82'/, 94 Mutril tgiftli distilled fror. tint. 15% straight whisht) «fan «K 14% 'j| ttnie*! wicker spm #M VAX st:jigni wkiiSif i r»«* «H ■ ■'y +ix,»utuAM * woav> tru, rtoaiA. iui»oi» Play Fair In Sports ' ” ,B,—^. VHOVeUm SET HO AEE . . , Hotlynood actor Hill Vj.wcH gets $25- a-ti:ty bonuH for act nig minus out platr, sso btmuN lor jol*:s ing he discard built plater**, • •*-•• ■ • • *-y****~ ■ ■** ■ m ■ .. .. m ' ' *>■ ODOM V 4 . * Huir-tiresser’ j» pride, is this dress of lumun half; of maichhig hups, exblbiUiti in Eo/idon- Mil i SAW IT I\ im; ( utoi.iMN PAGE FIVE

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