PAGE EIGHT Philiy Pro Takes Top Money In G’Boro Golf Tourney HEA f AND MAXIM COMBINED BEAT SUGAR RAY Ray Almost. Clips Champ Before Ole Sol Steps In RV A f TVTH'TE NEW YORK (ANT) 'Six mm utes from his cove ed gcM, a third title, Ray Robinson '■'■?- d* alt •> cruel blow by Int jt Yank'-*- ■■ dium lar>f Wedne-du-, r.i Md h for 47.00'') “ ‘ With the title ii h - 1 pot • and cn!v tv o rounds ><■ ~- c * Ray •••?.; knocked old b the 1 and Joey Maxim.- ir--■ 1 •.eigh* advantage '•!" h usd alt through the fight ?■-> v the craftv Robinson down I p until ili<' loth round was a just a question of now much more punishment the ft 1 r»} Ir| Maxim would absorb Robinson had banged his mid riff to a jiih crimson, be bad roekrf the champ with repeated Mows to the whiskers, still Maxim juwt took it ill and let Ihe heal and speed amt fury of Robinson's attack slow down the challenger That’s what : eat ft-iy ;• ■": h a., the heat Maxim v-m has ever put the Ocvetai - fight* r est his feet Ray came neore.-u, bill it jud wasn't- to be In the early round . •>!' tlu- fifth!. Ray bettered Maxim d will and eluded ••very ''d'en-.p: nf the champ, .n tfi seorP with m squin ted right 'Tr. fart •■-k ■! like Afaxun's right w n ia u m ius ‘SLUG4WR-'MET 'y-KTr M stot (rtghf * h n father to m«k« any \ot\ proud. Wilson’s *on Stagger’ wanted te teesc Brooklvn Dodger »tar Jackie Robinton face to face So P»ri took hi. yftpmg m Ebbatt Field. «d Robiaaon, * f 4 ,h»r in hi* ovj, Rgnt s oohged in the best "’man to nun’’ smn»er« • K, MliiWpjajijfei*.,, champ Bjv P '( ,(-,» % ic~ M a *' !r ' " r ' P->i n Grounds !j«( B .;J» % Sgk. *■ '«-'l Ray !aimed »» *tie end of the ■■& MS ' l, h round. Sun «wW <-iurnri"i. MgSt a ' ,ir - p«(« R*V t« hi* f-»MT flra> SB V-’f-’n--' .'■'%*• :'-‘ , Vi4ji i> 'f’Z : ', -v” |j**l ^ Jfr- ’'/£/'•> s*d* V’*ien Max in* h*?ld £ ;ard i ■ n to ' he, chin. Pa'- d mt'cd in- belly let Maxim dio;i or .n; ' a wee "if. and his chin V .. v hi. foi Jl.l • S 1 j Sjl ■' M - e-■ u tun,! ri.u.' More Ilian - ■ ~ ni‘»cc the champ blink H i- i end completely. i'u'. . nn .|i>.ii|"n ihiiut that ,\dd* a to |h> natural high irt npeo 11 me of **>, the brilliant ligMs tiroiighl another 10 u-- tinea In tin ring if was 103 •V ringside if was Jurt .is hot. lir the fi• * in the hi -tor of i champt 'nship fight, the heat forced refrree t-> retire Ruby i.i'ild'- ein. own a pretty good > : ght'-r him a'lf, had to be led from the rii:; B y M flier. fiu :nrr vel* !.. /weight stai finished handling :h< bout. R-a from toe 10th round it was i vidrnt Su-pir was fadin, Then in the fat;d l.'Rh, lie x-viing wild at Maxim who iiei’eped the .• -rid fell prone on his face For a minute he laid there. Rien staggered to hi- feet. At ’he <■; a thi'.’th Maxim, sensing SwiytrV failing, began trying to pctir irt hi'-- bed blows. He con-' tin'led -lugging Sugar after the j bell. That didn't help Ray one bit. The entire crowd was «- filissi when Sugar failed to insiver the Iwd! for the 1441) round. I>r tr;i MrCowan. bos inti eommssinn physician had !o administer restoratt* es to l.’ay in ilia dressing room, from which ill reporters were bar red. An hour later, the doe tar said Sugar was (he x■ ictirta flt , heat - exhaustion, which could be fatal Oncp again, the ■ ild crowd got r,||t- r.f <_.>ttl l- i ;«* - m tilO I'lPXCil- , . wh.U'h -olid for $3 were filled with rabid tans and ew-y chance , ;t;,ey got, they were leaping over 1,.,,, field into the ciioice KtO ring* A n-nr riot fo)|owd in r iiich * ehai persons vveie tn j ii rod Fur this fight Hay ill draw close to $125,114. the same sum i Maxixrn wiil get Hay's fut'.ue aa a figh’ci is un certain. Hay has lost taste for the hard, cruel grind- and all that shoved him into this battle was the desire for a third title He itill is the middleweight cham pion Whether he will meet Max im .again is a $64 question. Right now, he needs red and lots of it to recuperate from his terrific « ,'fort Wednesday night I4is close friends hope he will quit. Dr. Vincent Hardiello, ex- j auuning physician for the Com mission said as much, and he's' been pretty close to Hay ever - !since Ray started fighting First person in Ray’s dress • |ne room was Mayor Vincent 1 Impcllitcrri who even helped Ray inlo the shower after be recuperated sufficiently to be , worked on The entire sports world paid tribute to Rav's battle, the day alter the fight and bemoaned the fate that stepped into save Maxim's ti tle Maxim has smalt com fort lb Ihe way he held hfs precious title \n official crowd of H.Ug! fans paid a gross of M 1.6)5 to see the fighl. MFC - NAS- Notes Tie Jndcwapoii- 'Mow" >’c- I ~, An" ' * m ]r i a in* I*. • ' or> S i.innigho'tt Hu sea..on Wit! have i beat th>- ,urging Birmingham ! {JR k Raron.- next week if fury : , V ;int to win t ; ..' fir.-d h.alf eh run* . "i.ship Sparked by .ww brutvil hitting 1 Ihy '.such -luggei-s Kiinbro. Dennis.:, i Hiooks. and Russell and the pitch luu. ot Richard.-m ,md Ga.-’on tii" j Huron.* have nu-. : p steadily until nmv tiiev ue in second :)I«ce, only a few points behind h< Clowns. In the meantime the t lowns hare come up with another new young star first base man Jlnlio Toledo, a fresh ar rival from Cuba. He slugged nut four hits In five times at ha* to lead the < lowns in a !3 to !) assault over the Memphis Red Sox las! week J ..n- ;»lroods are boosting him for the East-West classic to be played Aug. 17 in Conn-key park in Chicago Ypuiik Sherman Wati >n : . of the 'Tnqihi: Red Sox hi« taken over the slugging lead in the NAL. He it rids in home runs w i*h 9, runs catted in - ith 32. and triph's w.tii ~ 4 Ho ai so has the most total Rases, 80 Bt’C - i Bmld \ Hun Carolina sum I i nn~ 1-r —■—•.■.-■lMiinimwt \VUpmt SAYS | ovoi rw Rirygft TO SF-MK TEAM Cm cf the good things- about I'.ftng !)•*•• president of h base ball Rep like (he Negro Amen-, "an league is that you have a riinpre- tn TriPff ;mv ho ! ! ptgv^r you want to know Even if you | meet the-m in person, you ; probably can find out morn about '■(.cm tom rr. other fins. W) ''ne' or the] ip iced that new fl ees are taking over : le lime light but a number of the are holding their own. For example lets take the Mem phis Red Sox Here is a .-quad that i ju.-f beginning to jell Mm yeai Sparking the squad are tvo men one a star of several yea,is standing, the other, a rookie. Everybody knows Casey ,Tones (he dynamic catcher and slugger ! »n (Ulr J) ajrc - —— Bl RB TOLKR Vi Il f, PLAY WITH STARS AGAINST PRO IT AM i CHICAGO i AJNP) - Burl Toler, j bcckfidd t.dain.’na'e with the gi»a! CMlie Matson at the Univer- j sit.y of Sun Franci .cn, has been j selected to play with Hie College l All Stats in the 19 h annual j foutl'-aill 'All - Star game The big game,will be played at wight August 15 at Soldier Field in Chicago The colle gians will play the 1931 champions of the National Professional league .the fam ed Los Angle* Rams. Fcutuied on the Rm, squad ■i c nun u- Fad i Tank* Vownum-. forn er Gran- hng cnl i. re a< l . Dan • Deacon» To ler, t.i ms iig (nlliiaek. Woodley I/'wl--. Jr., kickoff sueeUhs'. and Harry Thompson, guard. Sports At The Ri T* HVTK TO MEET GA'TTAN: FOR WELTERWEIGHT CROWN On Monday, July 7, Philadel phia's favorite battler v.-ill seek to wrest the welterweight cham pion: hip from Kid Gavilan. C ba',- pride The challenger is favorite son Gil Turner who meets Gavi ’ m in a 15-round battle- tn the gigantic Municipal S'adiurn Although in recent weeks this fight has been paled in the sha- . don- of the pay Robinson • Joey Maxim surprise affair, it is repor ted to have a good advance -sale ; Actually this figures to he a much tetter fighl than last week's lightbeavy clash Nei ther Gavilan nor Turner is a loafer in the ring. Roth men win their hoots by eontintiotis ly keeping their opponents un- Her pressure. Since tire fight r- being held in Turner 1 ' home town. he nroWbly will enter the rin: a slight favo rite. but he does not rate this role. -' ... m.. ■-- 'T~Wj-T-fIW *• . AH in the Gome* Do Tor SUPPOSE Chicago Tubs fans wilt trv to stampede the peiitwat eoßventtons and nominate flank Sauer for president? . . Former Braces manager Tommy Holme* is now a Dodger left handed pinrh hitter and outfield re serve . , . The Cards need a right handed power hitter to iearrt with Ssan Musial who swings from the left side of the piste , . . The Yankees have » better bench than the Indians or the Red So*, which mu? be decisive in the long run • . , Utile 147-lb. Bobby Shantr w*» the first pitcher to win 10 games this season—-and for the lowly A'*! . . . Earlier this season, the Cin cinnati Reds took ill lickings in » row from Brooklyn before finally npsetting the Dodger* . . . Mick the Miller, owned by Father Brophy. j an Irish priest, is regarded as the greatest racing greyhound that ever lived , „ . The most famous j football combination of nil time was the Four Horsemen of Notre Da me, i THE CAEOUNTAN Jackie And Roy Definitely In All Star Encounter July 8 CHICAGO ■ ',NT> With the | final day voting unreported. se cond na:e:nan Jackie Robinson , and catches Roy C uirpanelta nf ] the Brooklyn Dodger., appeared ! y rtain of winning starting berth:- ! foi the- .Tition,ai league in the 19 h ; annual major league All - Sta i game. ] In this tilt, the National lea , gue's best by vote of the fans : vvill meet the American league's b-;»st Tuesday, July 8 a Shi be patk i In Philadelphia. Both Jackie and Roy have iak • eti comm aiding irads in the poll. I ,Vn other colored National leagu .< are likely to make the squad 'wcuMse they are far out of the ' ■ nice by vote and they a e not j having great yea ". In the American league, hop".- i foi .in nl!-N'i-:;ro outfield have just ! ab> mt faded outfielders Haixy: Sinroson and Larry Doby of lhe Cleveland Indian., and Orestes Minoso of the Chicago White Sox all are falling short of winning It is likely that two of them fpe'-ihiy nH three, will be t-lfcted ' jby Manager Casey Stengel of the' | New York Yankees for the squad (Other American leaguers are not i-oing w-1 enough to merit selec p.ion to the squad Hen- are the votes and xfarid i ingg of colored players: NATIONAL LFAGI F j Robinson. 2b, ' Brooklyn 8J92"3 | C.,m>. anella. r, j Brook!’, u 778,226- M : 1 1 throe, cf. Boston Braver. 1:89.925- sth l’bpmpson, <: f , Flew Yo:k Giants 109,8 J |Ci owe In. Boston Hr-T-'-s 3,372 3th A VfF.IW IN * * MM F Doby, cf. Cleveland 569,142 - 2nd Minoso, If. Chicago W. s.x 539.102 -2nd Simpson, rs, Cleveland 471.822. -3rd , i •• tie. In. Cleveland 246. 22 sth Rodridgue/. Zb. Chicago W. Sox 226,038 —4th irtgside JTW r ....... E>W, V >-..... W- 4 ;-;J welterweight division, Ga"iian has ruled efficiently, although he has not put hu title on the line very often Hr has defeated "very wel ter he has faced except for a craw asains: Johnny Bratton in ■ Chicago. At one time it was be lieved that the Kid was slipping , Ant he hag not shown it recently. ■ He has proved himself -try ef ficient in the crial must’ bat -1 ties C3av ilan i.- fas' 1 and punches ! often. He ; -s not a kayo man. but ,he also rarely hurt | Young Turner althons'h unde ; fee ted in 31 pro bouts, judging ‘ •by what ths rinusider h r seen of | him on television, lacks a b t et polish i:ecvary to make a char ’ ion He has a good kayo record. rut is rev* truly a,i r richer He takes a little to. much to give. Gil dees ha»‘e oik' advantage over Ga'ilan - youth He s • (Continued on page 7i ■ j I " MIGHTY MOLECWtF, ... 1 Bobby Shsnt*. Athletics’ pitch er. is proof that brawn isn't everything in baseball. He is live fees, seven inches tali and \ is believed in be the shortest major league pitcher. There is i mere Ww»# * ; .... i NIGERIAN TEAM m OLYMPICS IS ANNOUNCED DAGOS. Nigeria i.ANP' The Nigeria Olympif Association, -e --•'opting the recomtnenda *ions of the Amateur Association of Ni geria. makes the folio vine fur ther announcement regarding the composition of the Nigerian team for the Olympic Games: The following!" o athieles have been selected to complete (he sprint relay team: R. Olmva, LAC Amateur Ath letic Club. E A Ajado, LAC Amateur Ath letic Club. M A Aj'cvg.u'.dad i. r: .AC Ama teur Athletic Club. '■ a reserve vi the sprint relay team He will ihr#!m in trairinz b',* -vili travel to E nope on!y if - ailed for by the team manager I-he full learn to trat el « ill in —■■■Something To Remember — CELEBRATE THE 4th IN A SAFE MANNER SAVE A LIFE - IT MIGHT BE YOUR OWN * % ■ CAR STAI RS IS White Seal llfl# BLENDED WHISKEY r*" AA- • j e- nr carsiairs : * \z 2: * | ( White Sfaljj Jwt- f / HdMtco »hmo ' • - WWIAHi* Wos WiTIIUW CO, me, MEW YORh, N. Y. « 61END6D WWSKEY, 86 MR) Of. 12% mm NEUTRAL SPiUT* WEEK ENDING SATUKDAV JULY 5, 19^2 clude K. A. B Olowu T \ Er in!'-, N. B Oregiv. .1 O Majvke dunmi. B. A A. Guobadia, O. Octobe R. Olmvn, and F, A Aja d.o, Fh- name of the can tin -ill be •mnonn.’i'fi towards the completion •oi training in Europe but for the time being K A B. Olowu will. carry out such duties as may be ; t -scessavy under the team mans- • : per, BFC—— GOLD COAST OLYMPICS NOW IN LONDON LONTV ur : )-,NP» 'hi? Gold Coast athlete? who left Takevadi recently on the fust stage of their journey to Helsinki where they v, ill take part in *hi Olympic Game:' have arrived in Guidon They ere met by a largi 'nun tei of Gold Coast student:-, friend and well-wisher-.,e> th'-j left (Continued on page. 74 Build A Finer Carolina r EXPERT ’ A Specialty mr. «won iiirti wwwiw t i <; $ >t t f>« rut ye ay IMSjf !K A|R CORPS UNIFORMS G. A,id Ml, Tail or? ng Aitostion,* Os AH. Kinas —•• Msjrff 4 To Measure Laundry - Dry (.‘leaning JOE wi' ICR Prop. io<; } Hargett At Phone S53St press while vor hast