jr'i v rjf* ¥ 7 HP Jhrotners i earn Up 1 o cop Soan ßox Derby Honors g as (EDITOR'S NOTE: Thomas Hargrave, former r< si .lent of I.exington, N ( .. an! now of !.B iißf. port, Roiin,, an act] uaintanc a ol John Aml row Roman, who died in tin ga • chain her June > believes Roman v suld .-.peak ii lie had occasion to return from the piavo and do so. Herewith i> John Roman's “Voice from the (»rave ) lam dead. But v-t I so ! that som ‘day my vuice will !>,• hemd, even from my dark ami lonesome era ve »\I 4 v mi me ? \\ hat am i here for? M v mil ionai <> null ? Do those ijilestion.- matter,, like vo many more that has come unan • ••ivtl. Ye.- I •up pose they matter. Von ...-keti let ni.v nan:-- On earth i vas>‘ known a Jojjn Ro ma » tiihn .'.ntiivv Roiuai. .1 29 iiv.rrS- tl. -I K-'i: no'hing eji-'e. Maybe I shut. lei ns. n! ioii. tli.it i .. hard v. orkine ov-su. plain i.noi'.'ijil. jU't 'tyuic.d Sun* h. ,wi.’ i e i.i) n in Hunesi Path. S. C a iie.iTiiri I 1 uni heard oar of North t’ii'iiljh;'! Tin;, mid on- of the faliilmi- wact-; >ua i-oalu earn «.nd ttVini condition. a luxury r’eisijjiii e; r, , itei'e !.u li-im’d J ..:ii Bui v. Ice ~ 11 iji ■ u n . most. .!>• the i '.Of th.it North % Is { niazed \s liar turns Wild* ltd'** Set its Ol \\ rt'cks SMITitiTEI J>—t'ardain Mar vel is a pretty rugged fellow, and superman has getteu out uf sonu fairly tough sitH.itions without a strati'll. but t>oth are otere. weaklings when the ba by daughter ol Sam fireen us Philadelphia is bn the •• *'ih/ tiwifs power Pin title extent ol' Bahv • Merit's power stas revealed nr a, here Sunday ai tvi tlooti when tite ear drivel, by tire la* I her began ‘acting up,' ran oft the highway 't v nuiß-, ii ihhnßi ■JUU'UHHUip Nop* Uahy tirem didn't get nut. hoist tin! Cal' nut nv the rtitrlt and propel it along its nav, She merely slept thru it ; SI. Visit white the ear was netting Up and Baby tin/i. was sleeping, her father, moth* n grand mother and another PdKscngt ■ were receiving in juries M»n:. serious. fishy thciii merely awaken ed for a moment, looked about the ie flit and w ent serenely bark to sinp. tier father had to make a trip to the court house where he was booked on charges of reckless driving. y y ■. y- y-c, . “T |jjf' f.O\ XOVt Kirills (Htm>ronii>r iU Demos Is: I mnl * r. Bx N. (.. (rovcnior .h.-.LEIGH Gov. Kerr Scott ftf North Cnrolina told his regular ■press conference this week that he believes that a compromise on civil n.-'hts Fair Enusloymcnt Prac tice t i.-mes now plaguing the Re publican convention session which will -a into session .July 21. Life* other Southern i.'ov.-; i.ut.. Gov. Scott t«ilii vc.- that FIS'PO should i(' a fna'les of local and etate-lcve 1 action Icyis'iatively and the. N-jrtti Camtina chief utecn t'.vi- said that he further feels that Bn. Democratic party will and should be able to carry the South even with the inclusion at * civil rights plank in the party platform. The gist of the governors pro noun cements on th«- coming con vention which he will attend in a tody with the state’s delegates, is a voluntary civil rights action «s opposed to a compulsory on 5 dfi ti j-:m1 :-.m) i ijhvi, ;? •} jmi Imii - , Mill dri l,y th' hln -a I -■ .• i*‘ nl Nm th * ill vl.li.s, nut In death by (in mi n ! «in kril beside. tile IISIHV" Si:rli!. ;s|x n! fm lawyers and at* , pe.il-. Hut the Stwte nroei'd , tiiuK it was liberal ! was .->*•»- - S'* - **P j * /" %, ,; **. *• —" - -&&& *V ' * m....^JH •r; # r, Bde ySp MHMO ■ /* 1 jHPiiißli ; the Coniavnce •j ,■ hifh irorr, J>v F. A. Johnson, i>>‘t 'sicSi-nt, Louisiana State Cpn . ferenc*. of Na.-.CP Branches at. , and Branch Award-. Dinnot dur : t|>, iteA-of; I>. -ana To.ifiraoniai ir,a at 'Boil.-, ;; tlic 43rd Annua! a C'ttaVa rsUijr; o! lfu. NAACP iai’< 4 BBrt week 1 The North Cit -2 , ... <• so i , n a Confer - • * riff: was viled s fe-; jdlkL so r intervening 1 ivAjgM||Mft n the case of » % Mack Ingram, t ■ §§’ & convicted of as* f ■Klli.S; -ifiult ap o n a i ;, w hll e eiri in Hp,/ Caswell County. 1 |p* XT assault sup ■» ?' '• t o o k .. . It. at a dfc r ■ tance of 75 fact s*. iCosiiaee* Os fags §). ii-iiteii tn die In itlafCh lull received a s.ai ot r.xei’iiuoii until June Ironic'.' Su l« -peak, yes. T. ll nil* why f..•. ku;. hard an,: kven:i> e to m.t.-vi! tCiiaiavUT * j( .liitii.lll'll On Page 8) 4th winning over his brother John (center/ in the final heat lit. Malloy brother* were two ol three Neg roc-, entered in a field of twenty , onte.-tantx, E,i , ;ud, by Vi inline: the lo» a! eon (,oilcL ! r Board Meets \nd Map" Program FAYESTTEVIULF - The Board of T,v• it • of Hit Fa.velU-villc stlt. T■ . t .H' C 1 ■ re,*- rncctii'tC' at ■"f eoiioiu on ; • 2 voted 1 n •'fjr-.-t of the 1< .•islaturo two mil lion dollars ifti a building and expansion pro,-.ram. included in the ;f 'post’d pro ’sin are teach .:rsge> for both married and sin ale tcachets, an infirmary, a mu sic and art building, a central heating plant, additions in the Henry W. Billy fSyinnasium and to the i;:::,-idry. land;;raping ,stnd hr i ; ->’ ojtmiis. seating and liphtjii;? for the Smith Athletic field, and re novation of Vance Bah and the ivi "Chanits- Arts iii.t • iis C A restitution wav jmssett re (ine-tinc the Advisory Ra4rrt Commission to rceommend suffidnil fan its for the teach ing staff to assure membership tn the American Association j of Colleges for Teacher Educa tion. Among other actions of the Hoard was the granting a leave of absence to Bear. J. H (CdsU&tica Os fstge 6] RISE YOUTH IN WINNERS' CIRCLE; AFTER CLASSIC oulli, S o i\oso I hi! Bl'Ol Ilt‘l% 11, lo t rip S<> AkrOii. Ohio I H'i.'-iAIVI Oi l Hi i,'lll'll- tiul ’ ~(!>: it I.i -■ tile aniwjal n- '1,.-'-: Deri.) , la,-., ;e ea.ne ti.) a i'|i.-.. tu - • July dlii. Ihe n-usori lor the ( )!t, Itro liitr e-.elamatioii lay in the la.t that two Negro hiollirrs weie finalists in tlu conlcst amt us tin- last heat us the rare on was bound to and did. emerge the winner, W i.iniii •; t!ic coveted Derby I opiiy otlu'i honor- and a chance : to n .nv -it tbe- Ciiy id' Durham in bn Nation.*l ruitijinuy of (lie i.)cr ! * at ~l.mn Ohio later this year Eddie Malloy, 15-year-old stu |ta ut at the local hi-h school, who on i-it out hi 11 ->ear-old brother. Kddio to tin 1 final heat of the . uce. ( urimrsly. uut of a field of ?l) entries, tin two Malloy bro thers and anothci Negro youth I red Jefferson, 11, were the on* (Conti,Hied On Page 8) tft, «itt rtpre-ent the city of Durham if; the Akron, Ohio n;s ■ tioiul championship race, John ..ml Edward arc the sous of tint Katie MalloJ 11 \I- si eo h; pUv to EX-ALUMNI HEAD IS DUE HONORS NEW YORK - M S. Johnson, former executive secretary of the National Aiutr.ni Association »i the North Carolina College at Dur ham a noe. pursuing courses at New Yo. k University that will naiiv h:;n eh::;; Lie io receive a ’ achtr - cc-.’iffifllor certificate at ■ ir- end of the Summer term. A native of Ju.t. nt.iwm, N. C, Johnson has had cxpeitenceas it* achvr, -principal. Boys Scot'• Executive, and alumni associatiuri : '"d.Tiinistfslot. Prior to oi in in ■? to North Oa -1 inlma Coiti-.u in Johnson •eived as a Field Scout Executive ! ’ii N'ev, !’ion News, Va„ fnatlcs tpn, S, C., and in Durham. The former Scout raecnUve '■’it-, educated at North Caro lina College and he has r«- feivrfl adtiiWtmu! training 5n summer terms and speclai sea ‘•ions at A .and T. College, Greens boro, Boy scouts f-*«» etttives Training. Mendftam, N J,, Buck «ltl fall. Pa., and at tConmoikd Gu Fagc ii EaleigL Hospital issue To Be Aae4 VIOLENCE MARKS JUIY4* HOLIDAY THE CAROLINIAN 10c I VOLtJMN XI RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Q| I VCD QTII I ftlllPTPil %BmsW%. %4* ill 1# 1 iliH I IHIi I awl# ALL FORMS OF VIOLENCE MAR (IUIY 4 HOLIDAY By Carolinian Press Service RALEIGH Violence or • nil kinds marked the few da vs before and following the long July lth weekend, • a survey by the Carolinian ! Press Service reveals. Fob lowing is a rsume of the violence which rocked the state during the period: AGING BARBER IS STABBING VICTIM CH-VRRoTTE A 24-vcar-old ■ xhUtiHiah July 4th was charg'd! with stabbing a Negro barber to ifrsih at a rural bus stop, Meck lenburg County police reported flt»r*e Counts, 53 of Route 9 Ch artottc, ws? dead on arrival at •* local tiospHiil shoi’tly before Thursday night of a ,i> "-(-i rat near his heart. Potior arrested F*d\\’urcl Leroy Potent of Mount Holly and swore out h murder warrant against him They said he denied having any tldfi;' to Ct> Wll h tile K'iiiliiS, A nreluninary hearing wi> set for August 1 Officers said Count; was stab bed shortly afu-r he -ten) red from bus near his home, fho r.cri thev had not yet itncov< red any motive but .ipe.uvii'iy an or u menl took plate. HEAT KILLS MAN IN WARREN AREA WARffIENTON A 65-year-old man who took a nan in the blaz ing run Friday iifH-rnooii tH'v.r -iokc from hi- slumber. Coroner .3 Fid ward Potar ;nmoim«» Warrenton sever- • si hours longer than Clanton ex pected. When the men returned to Em- ' bro, Clanton pot out of the cat , ; COG yards from his home and | there decided to take a nap, Pc- • said He never woke up TWO CAR CRASH INJURES WOMAN GKKENSBORO-Miss Res:- <> «■- boy of Siler City, wa: treated for shock at L. Richardson Me ino-ial Hospital Monday fallowing an accident at the corner of Spring and West Market Streets Polii t sain' 1 lit injury we, ie - It of u collision of automobile* d- to Charlie Bristol 'iorfon of Sib** City, and Ralph John* of l!:> E,-..n Av->ndale Street I. estimated at about js *OO MAN IS KILLED BY MOVING TRAIN SMITHFIELD - James R. Row land. 22-year-old resident of Clay i ton. Rouie i. was instantly killed j as. 4:30 o’clock July 4th afternoon :.y a "southcount Atlantic Coastline j pa- , nrer tram Rowland was kiilc-d when he Isu pped from behind a boxcar di rteently into the path of the on ; coming train near the ACL depot here G V, Moore of Southfield saw the fat al accident . | Acting Coroner V. .1, Underwood ; ruled the death accidental and ;. said an inquest would be unneces i: £-ary, YOUTH DIES AS BICYCLE IS HIT | CHAfftLOTTE A nine - year- I old boy, Donald Goler Edwards, fell from his bicycle and was i crashed to death beneath the ! rheiil of a Duke Power Company j tair ft block from mid-town Char lotte July 3rd j Police said the boy rode bis bi j cycle between the moving bu* ; and a parked car. The bike j .--truck the side of the parked car I and overturned, bouncing the | youth beneath the right rear j wheel of the bus. His head was | crushed He was dead on arrival at j Good Samaritan Hospital ! J» A. Williams, the bus driver* 1 ssud be did z«ot see the boy. PVT. .JOHN COl-KMAN . . . Drowning Victim . IMGF-PL9 G. I, DROWNS NEAR GARNER 1 ! ! GARNER -- The hoiiduy fur lough -it a well-kn.-v. n Wake* - Comity sokiiei' v. m-. broueht 1 an abrupt end here Saturday when the young G. 1 drowned m a . y i apTi:n,. pond John Coleman. 2b-yt*ar-old 82nd ' Airborne i);v i,s ion prtvhtf ut Fort Bragg *.l; ■,,. yh While .n. j , u ,m --• niii. trip v, fin ftii.-iid; .*: Taylpr - F\ } j! d VPnPff-r-, ui fin- svvtnwiinig patty told inve-UgaUlif; oift cers that Coiwnan, the lather of a > ouny chiltl, suddeniv hcrcamcd tor help and then went down into about tio tm I of water. Effort-, by companions fe help (he drowning man proved (Continued On Page 8i jp|s|is r - : ~' -fe ?■'“' dr ■raPpjPil •. jjnt si.' ' ' •• ' •:• ■-«' •>“■ <^' ,tt> ft .' . . x., r - m ,ia*.. •■ ■’* a-vmmmmmmmmu* ■ - ■<■#■.•• ■*. NCC FjCVLTY MEMBERS I TO fcEt: T«E WORLD Tbemt three North Carolina College : women are shown here studying ; : a map of the world on the eve : of their departure for a two monthV tour of Europe. Left t«* rish* are Mrs. (iutrmle Taylor, wife of North Carolina Coileg# « psycttolagy Professor jaas I- WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JULY 12. 1952 VICIOUS SLAYER Os RALEIGH MAN HUNTED! SAID TO BE BLAKELY HAI.EICM .In i-xii-n.- it-.- -oaieh 1 was .--till underway a: >.. \ROLJN -lAN pi:.- iivre thi. w -«-k fur ; the vicious shot aeu sUiyet of a ; flint i: ■ L man. A n:.m Viht* has been li-nt.i lively stlentifjeil as one Otis I'l.tkt-ly was at VVediu-sd.'i v noon the target of :i manhunt which spreads over three states. He is being sought in connection with the slaying of Gaither Alfred -View, a3 out Id, of k'LT Manley Ktrcte here, wln* was fntiml tv illy, in a poni *?1 his own blood uiortally wounded Jnlv tsh night ; Allen Unt.tl-n'- tu name hi.- assudfent - f<-rc Sit- died, was - : . t *v; is-d i*-i t. a nftiis ! - lying , n a ditch bclun- the house io t’ati. d ;tl No 22 Mdvs- Street on Hit holiday hi lu. He had been at close range by a slto!,.,un al legedly wielded by Blakely and v£as dt-a.-i up*tn arrival a. a local .jfcpttaL % Local police oi l iters inUH nintel.v launched a search f.*r Allen’s assailant .who aerortl in?. to rumor, .was in she !t.i iriali ait-a as talc as Sfliauv. The search was sp»* ;uf into adjoining areas whin etfois-, of officers to locate th« assail | Raleigh Citizens Slate Meet Os lop Importance ] ILU.KIGH Dm to Urn rct-ut decision of the Wake ('ouaty Hoard oi" l.’t»nuni.ssioiteiT to call a oond elt*c* lion for llio purpos*- of cnlary:in j.* mid iiviproving the I Jr-s' and St, Allies Hospitals, the t itissmts As* Mifiaiioit !.• muring' all iiiU-n-drd chizons to attend _ a special Mooting at the Blood worth Street ,Ms A Tu«day evening, July Id al >'■ p. m. Since this is a matter concerning the expenditure of public punds, all citizens are requested to la.* present and discuss the interests oi' participation. Representatives from the St, Arnes Hospital board of trustees will be present to present and discuss the Taylor; Miss Paulin* Newton, professor of English, and Miss Tilth G. Rush, professor of Edu cation arid president of the North Carolina Federation of Negro Women's Clubs. They are the first of several North Ca rolina College faculty members wiks will visit and study in En- 1 NUMBER Ml i- m • ' mos ip ( Al tHiAt XUA'S . . His Killer Sougtrt nut i