BAPTIST,AMEZ'S MEET N. C. Native Ha* Marines Post RAIiTKHT Infm nifitioi: \v;ja Burin. . io N> >.v l..viidon ( hr:.- this week that Conn . r'«i lit ( :ii t'iiru n.ili'. f- und irn n'ibi-i Tl i\'( ’ 'itarinr; -i.tified n: .J,» l: ,N IV *: •. ."> t •; i- - Pfe .T.V.AtUalf-t’, .-•**■» Os < : I* - ■ I -111 N ;.1 "u.'.'ii.t . I \! 11111:. A 'it lKii'liiii H .... j,. ilid .it i II S N-iv Meningitis Proves Fatal To lot lil i f>J(iTON . fti'al - nl r- - ■ u-irm v. a.- I< in !">•.> "ibis . |i' ii.:j I !.i> Hill il. vv.-i: i i j'.- t.-M id. N.-lli . f li. l.illirj f: ion Till' he re ihi- v r'i-k liii'iiiA il'.irn child had >•: fi 111 - -1! .> -un omite nrr i' i Il; in' r- i. ii- on flii'ii - ' - Aged Man Road Mishap Victim V, l-.7;i: i!0 I All.-, c.iniitj n . ■ ! : t«-t« • ■ ' ••• t • Ih >t- J■ ■ . j! i... id 11 tii i 1:1-i: i ; i■' I" < ■ -i.ti l II A i 'Villi t!ii year S. ndfli uJI -•; ri’ >• r. >• i m-c. ;;ii .',.1 n::Ul V all.l'd Hilo tie id-' -Vo .'!.ir ; Cv : iiifi-l Alt“ Il Hd- Os 3 HUHI.j Ca . Hit Hirin' C> I ivl. -Middle 'll. lIK.Tt I;" WlT j>.iaii<. It - ' Mo ' l' , ... ! hlii V' h-ivi hi'i-ii ill. •; Ail-Star Classic Slated (.riFI N* HOT TO Shi- South'- pb- .i . jet to *> »"*'•- •o. lee Original AH St ji Bas* >a't OlaJ-iC ■' - * «'■ '-HI . mm- It* <f '•: hah ' j V ill V.. til 'll ill 111.- Men-m-inl St:.- ndimi 1 o l< ■> '■ diiiin <i (It i<' 11 -1 1 ro \o.o-i 10 !>: - v»> i i\;i i- and jni'ii '\i'h 2 : coniiti; to A .1. H -.mnioiul of Hu- -. I’tmd tii -n' • CAvr-i.-bor.-- iltd Wiiist-Hi-Sa’i-n- Hi-iV- rs. ammiini t«. Ms Ham- ' Tijii A)> st.<f (Sami': ('ornniiltee I'rinds w til It-- I t-cl non. as rilf'- Sstfiftlftl: -‘t . - a,ni -■■ • I *'d I ■ .■■■■ New llllr-.m mid !' ■- ih VI -1;.,,. I) .\, 111 \Vill. t' : ■ 'Sit 'ltv.fl 'I. a ■■ '•<•:>. Ih C.Opj < , (1,. .|p fi.;- 1 I,- .. till !- the South Charlotte Publisher Dies , i (II H) it) ! i Sri • at'• 1 .'a-- • n.-mv rilr-too' ntul civic 'to.j \,.,r ,i!ij 1 l**i)• ' 1 *.. Af'ti s -Mill 1 io tin- im-.-f t t-r th- nil'. r ,'d j 11. ’j- nt r,j the- C.'Stat iottf Ho. - 'ot: -ifi dii--! U- I-,-,* ; .vt.l-.i-, t. : dmd :.:>o. 11 t- shrvtv. d 1 -.ns v-.f-U M.mtSav :.! tv 1. v .id vtst of ( A M !!■ of thV hr til health. 1’ ;t ' " D Hoi,-Hit: ft. ad.-n t• . * host hi dan -ht.-r. Mr; Mu . i.- h- Aid* war- amt and h.. on ■ i *isoiith V... About A Lot O.i Mountain Dew ("iAKTONI \ Afti-r .Il • -Uv-t.-r Histover -d vl'u- 1 :. ' oi nontax .o, v!. • ; wot, Ft . .a; n.ovnin 1 -s-n'aift'd in £; uunrt mat Li: h0:.:.-, h' --- l.ii'd- ; lw,ff-.,a110r. iv « ‘Wtioh er it; .vi (fit 1a,;.. , 1! id. v : - ■ h»dd..-i) in :t be-'-. ' CI-MV.-I ,1 Itll \|| of h !>:■•- ... r>TiiV‘. : ■■ l i- ‘"■ tii it ion L ■ Hu A ' - Wai- ' '■ l ‘ A n a <-■: t<r f'aiir.nn -nd W H. Hay. ' MARTIN STATES STAND County Replies In School Suit BV .i. 15. H VRREN VVILUA'MSTON. N. C. ih'-FE- CiAU - in an exclusive i»«sr* \‘iPW 21:0 t< j d till.' oO:Tt>.r>! 01 l i > Martin county Su -ti'nitcioicni of Schools J. C vYjatiniii-. ti was revealed lhat t i >«* ! vj artoi is<»ard *.X M.i( ruion asn iUt\. .. 1* it ul iomex , an. .-o\C ci t charges "t-rougilt c t \ ' t's'ii Vi*ok - ir 0 a liuco.u'it: »>*'ond , t , it.o iivinn* a Lid . i•. > U» '.VMiuiiat* if.t; ..a. a j r*'i c(.>n«reu <t. i iii jt n b>. t itr.'ud]v. ij.:oitt:.u'iinE: .-ysfcm ot *‘hOol c t« 1 th«‘ COtOIVd hon v *’t ati> inforiot io that pm iirjrii The wUilt: lai'. Thr .suit, N,iid to have had Uraii) U '.t ore Os >igln:fX ni ilaina#t S m th<* amount of flu* suit was fiiuti he durin# thr vpjin £ I*> at ioi'XM > lierm&n I-. i'aylor oi‘ ou*Ntas‘d»ni; i. i v i I light lin ' t*r. Sid ONI) SI;IT Tra:.: was tii*-* second suit Tay* »< j » h./o T; a-d hers- on bchaH of nisrtij'i i*;ioit*d pnpj-.- aiid : irons -V*- Kinv i;i;.Ar;.y.'ijii : 0 m their i k uV*.?« l 3 on b i vc i - up. A■ * nit a y ear ngo ivt' lo; iarii«d thi* county by 1 nuig •!. • o' ui" complaint in which equal a. 1 J i>pf»oi v tunity for * ’OlOft 0 V. o. dv L-r-JUdcO ot ihr iOcJi'd Mi jdiT'.iUafiC* 1(i Uu‘ whit? setiuuic. TYHIvn j; i tin filing of that com pi aim, /. arc-, '-ih.-ni: vvei'e locally tt< di: »».:oi. tlu x 4;l.«aU a-S and U> ‘han'-O'- 11l' - ;:-4 J i - * Tii of the ctiti<»n, it is sai«l Jb.VcJi U: radio was resorted to v.iih certain member; »i both ra* *os declaring 'but : in petition on 1 IX u tit < d *: T*t U i) •: i • ■'. p il P. U that of tiicm .'.'aid I. ‘n • wei'C ‘Tuial-cd ' into signing the paper, Y K. S'vific p-Hnci* nj of the Oak City drhoe) was <>'**• person :-uid * El SENHOWRJI SUPPORTERS —Shown above are the men "ho spearheaded i h e Eisenhower tain pair* l tram the Ctmrn4 Hil ton Hotel in t'hlmtfO. Petdlih*. -iHMn leW to rteht. TP. A. Town wnd, Topeka, Kansu’., Thurman L, Oodeori; iVa-shlns’lort. ft C-, f. Cr. r'ssrtEX. Aiafiat, Eacsss, to ttavv talked against a ove-r the rvdio. MANNING UI < ESN KS ft 1.2 on ISC A’OKDI M.I.V Win n i;i- l efioi tei r.Hli-d :.t Sit ,. p. i-mtendt lit M.ihiniiffs olfiiv i:. i Ui. (viai tVi-tUi. he w:i. in no wee 11 *. lifted, de pile i tn- nirti.y tvi/orts . ->r t.-. jt ■. feeliri:- it, Uir: e(> lilty ' Si- j n -■•’•, of tin' i-eiitio;. end i , ... -nil - ‘Mi i '-.XV; H.,- fir.St fi.'ir e nil pelitt | ~J 1.-.,1 lili ...Uylli* M.-'. .'vl.Mviiin;- iir-.e-r-o-it.'-d t«. . r .-er ijut'-UOliS V»it.*.H.t ti: : alt it :cit- d.-.ii;. V, A , v, il!mV i-iK*! wh.-ll .. in:l: ■: ~i - nnpitiii--mt Ml :if C ANSWEi: Ell EJ): GOMPI AIM DENIED Mis.., itvhn.-f fathi-r wUs ' j,r. iii'.i-ruh-iit hen- many y. • be ij: i tin:.) .-aid tin- an. !•> Ih# • • ..lit V.;, file', ill tile ChN il r (Jtju:t U. N 'OiStiivt C.'ieA h..i.v --t.-i-n District -if North Carolina, Division eaiTy in Ta -I>. .Vic Maj.iiOiii; gave tin- im* p. v : tre: coir.; im had be* li ex i h-aiiA deniv'd. He itat < I that th. beard felt it had /n a vie -•;!-• :•!.• iinpruv inerit toward ■ ihr- t-liiYiir.aiiOi) ~-! tii.* inequities '-.ill h r-\:..!i<i Hi tie sciiooi ..'item . a few . a- i :o. Jlaviliij been SU ;.v :ih v ndfut tnc-e lf)3i. Manning loi.k - v. itli d< :;re* of pride, ap p:.. e t.i :V 1, M.,1'1 i. vijcCiTd ( li : aevaiK-eiii-.iit toward equality. V, iii) iiwr( and on i-< emr-Yiasis on ► . un-'olidatiori. ivlartin I'edacis its! at colored -(-hiiols haiiii* IT lad ■ va; to 15 for the UK.2-53 > u-a and -. ire- tw,. pn.-ic.pals who hav.- attained tin ugc ol 70 yea i s. HAVES 'ND i 51 ANT E RLTIKED Wanni’ie -..lid that <-i:n!omxui.« . tv- atate re; ulalions. Prof.. -:sors W, t Chance, fir., and F.. J. Hayes U'onainued an i'.iti mi and Alexander Barnes, Prince OeorsfCfi County, Maryland. and Eavettevllle, N. C. These Risen.• httcer supporters were rcsjx.«n siWf for the N'efrro delegates Hint sttrmferal the nmvrniittn 1 fc«d played & blf part In tjrinjf- j • ***: ’them to the Ei'tabwer co* a«**txiuu i''' J. ; ; . OI.VMFIC BOUND Cjd. Ilii-lma Kalama of Honolulu itos cs atoji a ladder ttl one ol New \ otlv a sky M-rajiers, prior to e-jubjikiiu; to: Hrlsinki to rep resent the United Stars in the Olympic Games. '(he lovely , At , .1 *• t. j mpioii s H iiiilti'" E‘, llii* rompcti in the luu and ihiO meter nit t BOY. IS, SAID TO 8E OPERATOR OF CON CAME Youth SaHlS\uiiviliti 6 Slate k ‘l?aeke! DURHAM Dmi'.arn i»)'ii« this a.ot-k \m.. .He. i,-a to 0*: on the I Milk I. ! tw I 10-y <at -Old \ : idr-i . . S( Vl.all V.-tifc. : w.-lta: , Oita li-:!- ui l:'n Sai.'li C'a ■ , nlilM, hr--. .-.- -a,. >ati.-i ii : .■! - ; I*-a t F.iy rsotiiia-rn i.-ut --l ir.j FUiiii. ol vtii.iai'. iiii.nial.jr }\ : , Jl l si!: f:. 1 .s'- ici ba .il: ... ;nm . ii v- ln.i. :.c- ui- Al lis Km kei who re (»•>I ied )> lost liis right let tn a tail way aeident j few years ago, ha, ueeording to Anderson of liyials heeil r is* -. 1 •?»s (hroiieii. out the South soliciting funds to Inn an artificial lei; to re jslaecthe wooden "peg" he now wears. Kucher, these officials •a , wa. given a iv- by an An- i tier-son civic, flub shortly as- l ter the alleged accident and was also give na considerable amount ol money to handle medical expenses by other or guiuz-ations. trtXG Ii.IK.AI. Solicitation of fund: in N'«---'tTi Caroliiia without j-viusi.- »iou from im-ai authorities v-ho work under [jrovision.- made- by the State Dc p.'.jtmc'iit ot Public Wc 11. lie i-, il ; i it .... a- pointed out. auc' it, • VactlVitii Clr spcc ills vi*o“ biPitive .:-e ait in violation of sVvuU- ufiil loi-'ai iU .. , it 'at. iJOIIJi : CCI OUt. tri's i\ hit OKI' tIME I I.* 1 ai (julict- do,-aruriv-m was .St-rted U b. on he look out for !■; teker aftci Die yu ith act-'-d sus- j ...j*:. -I -Her ..e'itin eiuployoes cf tin- i.-.-.'.e of tin North - ; ..0'.:.. Mutoil I ife lu.-uranoc ’ii.upa i. . - im !-i al ui yd > i)2 i; ;• short period of ti-rw (('oniinued on Page k PHYSICIAN SAYS C. C. SPAULDING CONDITION FAIR lirkUAM l'iie conditiou of Dr. t . t. 'spaulding. local businessman arid president of (he world's largest Negro in surance company, the North Karolina Mutual, was reported | as "fair" by attaches os J.ln • In Hospital here when- I>r. Spaulding has been a patient Since last Friday, Dr. Spaulding's personal physician. Os. -diaries D. AVails, told the press this week that the noted bitsinestimun had been In failing health for about a month ‘ut that bis condition ha;; improved con siderably since he entered the hospital. The 77-year-ttld husineg* pio neer- fs expected to remain 1« the hospital far tin renuslnder ; of the week, Or Watt;;, fiami , s a v t*i I ; t . > y f ■ y S'r \r 7 t -,V •• : • d'-.; . ' > ■ • ;. ■_ ■ ■ ■ THE CAROLINIAN 10c V— f c™ h7 10c l isar VOLIiMN XI KAUHGII, NOli’lli CAROLINA WEKK END INC SATURDAY JULY -I, 1932 Citizens Get Story Behind Hospital Bid ST. MATS ISO Mil) Ui Misi i; timiii sM s M’l ( im. mi itim; iyAf.Lidil I < .11 - Vl’Ui’iU 1c :; »u , ur .i r(-> ervutioiis orne 12’*; of A *'iv ii 'urd of Tr<?- tu. . oi Hoi at A sit : JUrfrvibis mir.r' rctT !; ?o win- ', it of:>red it- ia.'it a- *:■ . lui.-k for a 100-plu? •ft.) -O. })!« .-.; (.*. n LLii l.* L.t 1.1 it. l i. X ’ c". i \vilLt fill!)'-•• i i*. a jf)O i .v pi chanty ■ o. ( V,., * Tt t « •fl in* » tif'r; si, 4.*<l iUW< l r AlispiiF' »>t th** ILur'V *$ 4 i ’tJiMK iiitiOn .it ih* 1 flltmihsorth Mivt't V YK’\ I'Wf Mta\ flight .i «fW(» ‘f loitiitL «alt> that: i M.tiiv tv.ijhk adviiK I ** ii.t \ in ♦ H SilH Vifirrjj MUlUti; ihr two vt'di -r <»i IC* * >‘t ttt - truiaihF Ol ■*. ih* Hi .\siio? i>A?bt *•; of t U USltM'-x [ to TriSi ivlrC i {•jMHitltiiriil top prSNi»On.| .»{ t lir isjNiititiiOtL si ml t ii. I (u* hfts-pUftl rs' n« ft oditatioi! in vnanv While ?htsr favoraM*- ruxcfa tiuere ro»?* i ri l»y IS «f«ld I'iti/otiN hi attmiantf at iiioetin.i’, not-NO-favarable < Ir* i im.y.isuves also wr i t iioldt*. Ari.o n•- 1 1 jt- r i lat te r x% <i - 11 -. * tiiill s hi- ‘BOBt'd Os tt"U!Stf , s>s> Oi ti'iu hospital is fii-W, and v.oukt ((’untimifd on K) . • •• 4s ■ Vi ■"*> ■' '■ : I' mfr--- .«*».* oafStN-:" *** ' r - » U f V NCt HEALTH fWWATOS RECEIVES IKK TOR’S OEGREK Maude .1. Vanev, professor of health education at North Caro- ' Una Chllepe. returned to Bur* ham recently front the Unlver i sity oi' Miehiffßi! ut which in- j stKution ebe received her doe- | «»*•£• degree to eiiacatiou. IK. ; IINTERRACE INCIDENTS OCCUR TENSION STILL GRIPS BRAGG YM Me mbership Drive On; 1000 New Members Sought V\iU. sMi.Vfv VI MVVILO I lUI) \ V ?ji !U>- tll I*. pit i;lrnt »>i \ ini * < «*l --p r \\ k)' nr uh* 2 ,* mnp.i! NpCaL * e uC u Npri ♦.»L\scrVL'UU:C li t>j * - -H uv ’• »o< . tlor iut’ ihc jH »1u? ntsuu'r of ihr "L<ut < Y»lon>" iu rv l jiiiv iii. i'hf* sp»;*kt*r, u Inio'/ }* <*-flt*<*Aior» .t* l‘orrrtwH> prc nUTit ol I ns 'oisitv. tv ilcifth, D > lb \Y il I* a rw v , p» ot the Tli/.iloth <Tty 1 cavlurv C'ifi ¥ :n (hair HRUI . ! the special UUiUrtiUCv Kill itmnzvfnvnu tor the rjmiu.u ob ii i vjm-c. Olt ioiiils tti thr ' l -i-ti I (’oloh) “ Vt tiJ tH s ilr ssrl -4 <»oir ai -ili pcrtormiinvcs Yancey is the daughter of Mrs. L B. Yancey of 913 East Owen Street, Wilson, N. C. The young S. health educator attended Barber- I, Scotia College and later return- !j <>i! 1,0 teach there. In tft’tS, she utasi awarded a Knoxville Collect j I: S, degree, Dt Yancey wop ’ t*va graduate degrees- *t MCC. s VET U&y TRIES TO SET> JAIL ON FIRE IMPRISONED VET CLAIMS HE IS FATHER DIVINE Veteran Repulsed In Utempt To Set Jail In Ritrh am On T ire :lii'.AAi A w.:-- .old \VOi'id \Vv.r li voters•< j shout* i•i S’ loucii' that ho v-. as "Xing Fatio. r Di\ inc" and threatening to'ibt' ;i)l) OTie Vi opi Oachlif; a j lilil v. im a h< wielded, wu- tv i. ui-.i-d. m an UK,; ! to —t the Dm-ham County t'oiu t'.viii .v on ISatW', J. u i--, I‘i.llil-, M .so 5« ill'll;* Itt !11 in fin 1 ;*iititV }..sS lit lc Uiitii al ituigeniirllt un, i*.n *j; It-uij to lia%* him admitted to .t trtfati's hosi>i tal, list'd m'ihj) paper and his own trousers in hi- attempt to (urn down the tii'i-proot nns • iif stone building which houses both the t ity and cutlli - ty jails hoie. .-V.'COi'"hru; SO , ! police ofU i Prince suet <■■< dvd in setting ! fire to the maUivs- of a cell iu, i nit county coll-block before bc-mg . | sloi> ; ;t u. Ti.c man, walking around pants- ; j less raging and screaming out hi.*' ! (-iai)Ti to ih.- title 'Kir.. Father I Divine' scat finally subdued V>y ; jail olficifct* and sheriff depart- ; ] taent operatives who t->..*k the is*-it j lilt* a s swing hi-; in o wide arc a* ! way from him. Othei prisouerr c< maiiu : , I culm luring Prince'-' i; at brva k. county ofifeiais report, and damage wto di ii'.e Duly tu the i.; r' C< vewtat* s trousers and the mattress. Prims*, it was learned, has heen at ting strangely" suin' ins. discharge from the Armed rorres. Application ior admit (a nee to a veteran's hospital lor him was made by his wile, count\ officials revealed ’ ST. AGNES, MORE NURSE SCHOOLS ARE ACCREDITED RALEIGH Glacials of Saint Aj’i:, • He,softs) here have been in formed that the hospit.'i' School rs Nut:" ,n g ha- UH -i vgivdited for the period J I,- i, IS»SV through June 30,, Tin Si. Agnes Se'e.t.l of Nnrs* itiv was out- of u 37 schools of' i.. r. in .; arc 10 schools of prac tical nur i'lg receivin'* accrediia * ion from the .lent CornmiUtue j on Standardization and the North Parojina Board of Nur.-ing Exam iners. Other ho-, tab receiving; accreditation thro.'.yi the commit*; tee eri the Lincoln Hospital School of Nursing, Dm ham; Kate BjUirnj Reynolds Mt'ntw ial, Win-1 ston - Sal. ‘in; L Hich-odson Me-' rnorial, Greensboro end Good Sa- , marl tan, Charlotte. The Durham School of Practical Mtinting a* ituke rii,xp>ttU was aLo iccreditea. §£* ' %. .*% *g||||§' 4 mm WSB : aBHr -4, .'Bp 9HI • Aisk. —.— - Ask- ■ Kt - Cass *!«*'• SEEKS ANOTHER HUAI. Lal'ayntte .Milier, youthful Beau fort County r.-sident now facing execution by ;he State of North < 'arulina tor allegedly si*. »ng tin- liiisit.iju! of a w hite w -.rii.iis I.e later atieifenly kid:: i;-j-r-.1, is seek iii; a new trial through htx SEVENTH ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DRIVE TEES OFF 0 N JULY 15 Ji.'.i 1 - The seventh an nual Membership Campaign of the Blood worth Street YMCA was li. uiirhc-i Tuesday ,ht July 15 with kick-off address by Dr. T. p. O'lhMi-t. pa .Vo- of the Saint Piuii AME Church, The drive vv ill he continued thru the month by an organis ation of around if*f> men who will seek to enroll 1,000 members and raise $3,500. Dr N. H. Harris, dean of the Department ot Education at Shaw University has been chosen gt?n --% '"** W f I - J tk ’*Kf' J \m. N. H. HARRIS l^t KESULTS Ol THE G.O.P. CONVENTION i* «.» i. si-( nos * NUMBER :;r* attorney Herman Taylor ot Ra leigh. Attorney Taylor contends that Miller was not granted a fair trial A stay of eveeotion was granted previously in the ease and a hearing before the siate supreme Court is being petitioned lot i re-hearing In 'the ease. era! • hnirri,.-in with C. A. Marriott, principal of tin- Garner High School his a, or I J T Stred* wirk. manover of Harris Barber Coin-.:- i ! Li, i.'H director With K Coble, croeery store ! pnprietor, serves as his associates. E. L. Raiford. executive seere ■«ry of the A.-...ociation will serve m this capacity for the campaign T h e ever olive sjwmsortng committee is composed of At torns 1 J. Carriage, Dr. M. 1 Walls, A. ! Brown. C. N. Coble, Dr W Ft. Vf-nUnrd 3. A. Shepard, Du. I P. fiuhart Dr. J. I Hautiint, fte. H. L, Trig'. Dr. IV R, Strassner, C, A. Haywood. Dr, O, s. Bullock, J, 1. Stredwick, Dr. N. BL Harris, < . A. Marriott Dr. M, 1 Perry, J. W. Eaton, Dr. 1,. E. Mct aulev, Riv, J, W. JOW, an<i A, T. White. The campaign organization is composed of two divisions with C. A. Toole manager of “A" and J, A. Mann, manager of the "*B** ; division. During the past, year the YMCA had an enrollment of 1288 mem* i bers; sponsored M club groups for men and boys 'With s varied pro - j gram of social, recreational and ; religions features; sponsored m special interest groups with Indef- Jlnite enrollment; was used by 73 I local civic ‘.roups for meeting* arid other activities The total , participation in all activities &ar . ing the part year amounted td approximately 98000 persons.

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