PAGE FOUR few Scat, | : $: - .1, HINTS TO. homemakers] Wirr&i ‘ i SAFETY Hi Vl s BOATING o n a CANOEING: Step into the middle of a boar, find a seat and keep it! IJ yon cacit’ wear a life-preserver or stay ashore. GET your SUNTAN OK AD UAL- • LY; Vive to thirteen minutes on the first day is img enough a protective ointment help- prevent burn Wear :« hat if you're in the sun for a long period. Re commended for summer sun tun: Make your own remedy for ar. even tan •-- 1-2 cup olive oil, 1-2 1 cup vinegar. Stir in one table spoon iodine Blend into your skin evenly before exposing yourself to the sun. POISONOUS PLANT'S and Necchi Wins Award ’ P% On behalf of the New York Fair 'of Italian Manufacturers, Mrs. Betty Irnpellitteri, wife of the May or of New York City, presents the first annual ward of merit and achievement to Milton Heimhch, treasurer of the Necchi Sewing Ma chine Sales Corporation. The award was given to Necchi for doing "the most to popularize the precision, skill, and craftsmanship cf Italian made products with the America* public. *' PATTERN OF THE WEEK tpife No. 2040 Is cut ir. ? ’iz*s 12 to 20; 3* to 40 Size 16. 3Va yd.n. 1 ; 4 vds. edging. No. 2653 is cut in sizes 4 to 10. Sac #. dress and suit, 2% yds. 35-in. Ric car. 2yds. Send 30c for EACH patUr r* with name, address *w\e nurr.ber and -size tc AUDREY I.ANE BUREAU. Box 369 Madison Square Station, New York 10 H.Y, The new Spring-Summer Fashion Book, shows 135 ether styles, 25c wus |ti 19% fern Sewhpl Sflilts | I # w j| s g t CCoJB Inc I P IHMCM-MW I'd* V IfeWjClienilMllHiHMMHil WSlli VS* 1 earn tu recognize poison ivy. poison oak, and poison sumac. Tin- leaves ate ova) - shaped and yioev in groups *>i three. Mature plants have while, «ax> been.-- St you nm Kite flt-s- petit-, i ,sli with strong ~.oapt ami hot wa t« r as sot'ii a . po Itilr- Relievo ii-ecl 1,-.- a. :.i, a 1 . tug soda or Cii IJ . . 1 . 0(! ■ A drop of turpentine', kerosene or gasoline- usually kills wood tick If itfc ;> v • v. e, consult .< doctor. IRAVKI. Hi's Don't forge) you: F. ,'t Aid Kit v.hen ton go traveling. ! Buy your leg.■■ a.-.c wisely. If you are buy in;; !...vm.e look ahead— ■ tlit re's no need lo u.iy every thing' a! once luggage comes in "open stock" too. Liuv with tne «dea of matching or coordinating your pie. e Look on tin' outside of luggage r or good workmai -1 1 ip. Tiie cov •ring • > i be sturdy over a r .to, w! truiio . Tl.t •ititciuvic :. ■ id l.c. i:i ■n, doodle stitching is The baidwai'e should oe welt - sh. ! c.i and easy to open arc: close, l b for me tal stubs tu protPCl the bottom •f the Bumper *.ii*es are good protection too mid are found •>n rmi.iy line.: of luggage. New And Secret Process Developed To Halt. Separation In Orange Juice . ..., 1 | I U #k r. j .' | NEW processing methods oi Birds Eye prevent separation of orange ; juice and resultant loss of vitamin content. At left, two glasses ot 1 quick-frozen orange juice concentrate were reconstituted at 9:36 p.m. and placed in refrigerator overnight. At 7:30 o’clock the next morning, the glass of Birds Eye juice (second from right) showed no change but the glass of other juice (extreme right) had separated into a layer of solid material at the bottom and a watery layer cm top, ; i A new and secret process has Neon developed by which quiek frozen orange juice concentrate car. be made ready for drinking and then kept in the home refrig erator for as long as 72 hours without separation—and lons of vitamin content and flavor. “This is the most important de velopment in orange juice since the introduction of quick-frozen concentrate,’’ declared James P, Delafield, of Birds Eye the devel oper and owner of the new and exclusive process. - Separation in orange juice is caused by “enzymic action.” Until the new process was developed, this action continued even while the concentrated juice v;as in its. frozen state, it was acceKvated by Stimulating jewelers’ and consumers’ interest in gixsd design, the Jewelry Academy will place replicas of its award medal j ’ unset; on watches, rings and other items selected as tops I m design by its membership. Typical ot best taste in jewel wearing, they say, is striking rhinestone and gimuiated emerald ensemble being shown to advantage by the beautiful modeL NEW YORK—Miss and Mrs. America, conceded to be the world's best-dressed women, will soon also be the best jewelled if plans being developed by the Jewelry Academy work out. * “It isn't necessary to be an Indian Maharanee, swathed in ropes of pearls, to be well-jew elled," Sidney M. Brownstein.pres | idemof the non-profit organization of jewelry retailers, explained, i “‘But every well-turned-out woman | should have a balanced jewelry wardrobe. The proper jewelry ■accessories necklaces,“rings, ] i watches, pms and clips can add j character end chic to a costume as ! [nothing else can." I To help American women make i 'certain their jewelry wardrobe !represents the best in taste with out requiring a mortgage on the .family homestead, the Jewelry {Academy is launching an annual selection of jewelry items that a i vote cl its members has considered outstanding. Brown stein revealed. Each watch, pin, ring or bracelet chosen for its design and quality excel fence will bear a replica of the Jewelry Academy medal assurance to purchasers that their has bteii approved ty the fon ,m a//' JjLjX , , ■ inside the luggage The 'a.h'.y should be well sewed, well L-.*tev.*d it -u»v ax».> they v.,1,1 ;/j < oiViU m uii l out • ssiiy uud ! I..U* ;) .UUUi Cly. CHARM By Lou twarz Pricw YORK '.GLOBAL) -Have tni.. and a • i: '■'• iulonrial. We'll .ot down a bi let note- of thanks, just to give you a ton! as to one el the • eepted forms. 4363 So, th t ifth Street Nashville. South Dakota l’ Jihv 17, 1932 . My dear Rose, j t It. w,i. , - arid "f you to have In i' vited me to <. • :d the weekend i ;*(i %..... i rely want to thank y.:-u tor a delightful time. the higher temperatures so often i encountered in household refrig. < orators. j c ‘We have been able to eliminate i etizymic action,” explained Mr, t Delafield, “This means our recon- ; siitutci juice not only won’t sepa rate but, in addition, it will taste better, look better, and even feel better on the tongue. “Unlike all other forms of orange juice now on the market, ours will not take on a watery ap pearance after it has remained for i a few hours in a homemaker's re fr.yera:or. In fact, it can be kept :!. - rtiiiger&tor f«r as long as 72 hours without separation and without loss os vitamin content j ai u flavor " country’s outstanding experts, * “Through this Jewelry Academy stamp of approval on outstanding pieces we hope to guide the buying public’s taste toward the distinc tive and unusual, and av.ay from the trite and mediocre," Brown stein explained. “Thus, by consult ing with the Jewelry Academy member in her community, the style-conscious woman can, over & period of time, build a balanced jewelry and accessory' wardrobe that, she »an wear with distinction i and confidence." J j A minimum basic jewelry w ard- j robe, he suggested, should include a single and double-strand pearl j necklace, both sport and ores* watches, at least three scatter pins in vari-colored precious or non 'precious stones, a good cocktail or dinner ring and a variety of ear rings, clips and hair ornaments. 1 , Ail girls, he said, are aware that t he best "starter” for a jewel ward robe is a diamond for the third finger, left band 1 TUG CAROLINIAN • i Jl ?i r Wß>>M|pßi l? «•** >• •' ■-:****«• * • • ” Ts. - *'V*. *••-- * ] J-Ah. .. ... ..... .v- . • -U.. •. « » • - '.v-.s : .• . U-*. vAivF ASsil BE At 1 TIES .. . isklng & alp in the Pacific ocean, at Loaf Beac-ts.. t’-»SK ut eorac girl* , wbt competed In "Miss Universe beauty contest From left tu d(W. they w •*«« »'«*«* ****■ ! tiifi.i , MK.' ~ .. ,- ariits iiuduaia* *«»«* arlsr Gi'eM g-.lfaiiii. iiif ! PIT) &AM>EN TIMS mm /£/ ROSERT'SCHMIDT ■N.CSrAifc.COttfSE w/i /> ''ws, .. . .-''-e'.-' '> -J'. '• - -• ... ■ ' WHILE WE ARE BETWEEN CROPS, in .:< sense, w<- should; be thinking of way.-: to improve i our garden -oils. Mu. h needed or- ■ game matter may be added thru the use of stable manure.-, or sum-; mer and fall green crop to s>e. turned under, field pea . soy-; beans, u. > rotalai ia may Pc -''wo in July and turned undei in Inc, lute fall, or ci'iiom)!! clover may Pi .-..0V.1, in AUu -at Wi S'plum,. : to be turned under next spring, i Foi eastern uiul ■ critr..: North f r,- co-ina I like crimson cl> .'•< • Th>-< : material will make hea-. y -oil' | r a -nor to work and v ill si. ■ .-.-in. ciy soils a out ter water - holding; capacity. .*t.u .ilo::u i\ iut that.; there : fi'p added fcrti.i’y. Tl-.e avi rape gardener piob ably understands litih- aiiout soli acidity and thhe proper use of liine. That is because he usually does not know the needs of the individual crops Also, he does not know hmv arid his sos! is. He u-ualiy } add> lime becausr someone suggests that his crops will grow better if he o•-.<•« it. It i* foolish to add hiur tu -oil il you do not know that h needs lime or ihat the erops to be grown reuuire more lime, LIME REDUCES SOIL ACID ITY. Mo:: Vegt'UiiS-- lidps w-ll thrive ill U'/id ' IS P t»i 6.7) sou., but trn are i uumbc-i of them that will not thrive at oil in very acid i, H 4:> to :;.0i , soils. These of asparagus, spin-. I enjoyed the sicht-seeinu trip, the -.9 me -, and otiove i) the visit to your beautiful Town Hail I am that unvcut- fortun ate enough to have received an invitation from you nriu.-i ltcl .c 1 Un. that you are j most ► i.ii n • - ing hoster-s. I’d enjoy a letter from you any rime. Sincerely, Mary Dane Note the beginning of the let ter. It .starts just like a conver at ion nc-vcr, "I’m writing this One Way To Beat A Heat Wave Shirleernae Wiith and Diane Rergan enjoy the cooling waters of the S 5 foot, man-made Olson Waterfalls, Chicago. Like many of the 1,800 Olson Rug company employees, the two girls spend part of their lunch bow as pictured combating the summer he&t. v , y ! aoh, celery, onioiis, lettuce, beets, /.i'n’.-kii.elons, eauliflovver, broccoli. | parsnips, and salsify. Crops such ias beam eu cum be is, corn, water inu-lons, sweet potato'.. , Irish pot a- . 'toes, and tomatoe- art- quite tol rant oi a \ ei 4 .-.’-id sod in ; l.i.u i: :- desii able tin v. .nerme- J1 i .-..-• jOt ; l r..Oir tu ~:U’A ! . .:i ia.Ui!." . 11l quite acid soil.- . u j.i i v i,t devciopmi'iit of e'.tato at., a . aoub disease tine .j . made .-. by iiming the soil i!ii -.oil testing laboratory <-pai imrn't oi .\6ili iilViiie. Italeigli, S. t v\Ui t«--. I jour hr*- of charge and tail you bow iinich UtlH to liM- lake by slirlne lb* soil uitb a pad* in trou t t lo a depth ol lour or trow 1 to a dearth ot four to six in* lies v* bid) will give you soil from the top as wll a.-, lower down. Iboioughly mix and s<-iut about one pint I*i the laboratory. Most comi ty I’.tnn agents also have equipnii-nt for making vimple soil tesls. BKC Jii 19a). :.i* u;!si a! t~. i a.' iceur.ted f*)r 1-i i‘ Ct-iH ul tin Co.SJi ! '.'lll moene in the C' in ti *. ry tinlal bale of cotton, esriy t nrd iin-iir! ot wheat and eve: y tliird i.u iiif) ol lubo * u p; .UC'; 1 hi U. S fat nis rj OV. il flu Joli-iril C'.llfet let’s ilk V I). letter to thank yo.* . . " because? that is obvious. Os course, there •U'< many other way- tl ip letter migtit iiiive start'd such a-. i'i■ -• twiovv it ut I am mo t , l ateful to you for delightful > < kenu .' or "Tin'-re’s nothing n. ■ ceti *.-;iiing than a pleas.ut vvcc-k-end .pent in the household of a lovely host:-s like you. fake a tittle time out often to please and thank you. Such a habit will carry you far in your work, profession, or at hum**. jWatts New It's "BE:cherry Tina With the i fie-h. frozen blueberries available, however .it'.--: always "Blueberry • Finn " Whether you are using the f'’esh oi the frozen berries, these .sweet berries with that delicate j flavor are always popular. "As is” i- an always papular way to serve this freuit. Her. are- some :,, ■ -,t.ions for: fin the : use oi blueberries: BLUEBERRY FLOATING IS -1...ND: Place alternate layers of -,oft-cooked custard and fresh ripe i biueberiies in sherbet glasses.' Chili and top with swirls of me-! ;. men- or whipped cream. BI.UEBF.RRY ROLY - POLY:: Roll out shortcake dough, brush i with butter or other table fat, and; cover with iWeetened blue her- : ; i ie- 1-3 cup sugar to 1 cup j --rries. Roil like a jelly roll, and: ! ;.ke about 40 minutes at 400 de-: | , cos F. Bi.UKBERRY CAKK Ust a ro ’i)». for one - vuv, cal.o oi a pn ;a]*ed c.ako rni.v Flavor with I ‘‘■aspoon .i'ato.j lornon rind. Add M 1-2 cupa liA-.h or tiozon blue i t j ri« - to half tho batU’i Put ihr i j veitto i in :j eako par: fir>:t, and I j tVa hai’or cortUunino ih»* ben ie |on lOj.-. ‘bak«- aeoonjuiri to »lto w* : *pc for tin- cake- i Sj.! t-.-* •: STUFFED ~, flavor, aroma, nutritii j Flavor-sweet Bermuda onions, i baked to juicy perfection with lus- I cious corn chip stuffing! It’s a bud j get wise dish that combines ul! the ! elements that spell mealtime en- I I Joyment. Here is a trio of onion dishes, | each using corn chips to accent the , flavor of the other ingredient; with I the unmatched goodness cf toasted j l com, “FRITOS" ONIONS 8 large onions to cup crushed “Fritos" corn j chips (measured after crush- j ing) 1 tsp. chopped paisley 2 tsp.. melted butter or mar garine Vi cup hot water j 4 cup ground (left-over) meat j Directions: Pee! onions, slice off tops, and re move centers. Boil gently for 10 minutes, drain. Mix corn chips, ground meat, and seasonings. Fill onwns with mixture, piece in bak ing dish with hot v/atet* and butter or margarine. Bake at 250 degrees I basting occasionally. When nearly ! j done sprinkle with crushed corn ! i chip s. and brcvt'O. WEEKENDING SATURDAY JUI.Y 21, 1052 sugar; 1-4 teaspoon salt; 1-2 cup i mtlk To make: f'ombiTte first 5 Ingrfdleiit- in :i heavy vital- i low' saucepan or skillet. Cook 5 minutes Sift flour, baking powder, tablespoon of sugar and salt. Add milk and stir ujitil mixture is very thick. Drop batter by spoonfuls on boiling berry mixture Cover < losely and cook over a low beat 10 minutes t>« not re move cover duiiiif. cooking pe riod. Serve warm with cream. To use c.inned blueberries, re duce .-Mt-cir id tho’ recipe- one half ' "'-I us. ’ CUI) of juice V. lib the blueberries. [HpEASy. ffpDOES sHa. IT w uttonmt TO PICK OUT quality celery, se le , stalks of medium lengtn and thick stems free from damage Tne exterior should be smooth wllfc fresh looking leaves. lump u stringy stalks with dry brown top* .iTiOUid be 3 voided. Good caul!flow «* bus a creamy white color, it'- clean, feels tua»> and is firm, Outer leaves, should be tie sh and green. Avoid those with dark spots or yellowed l*»re« as tfus mdicates age. Fresh, fine cabbage has no de colored veins, and is well trimmed, uift it to test for- heaviness. U should feel heavier than it looks. Cracked or water-soaked carrot will not give you the most for your money: neither will those which have green on top of the carrot. The color should he a bright, fresh orange, and the skin smooth, firm and clean, ttECIPK OP' THE WEEK Toasted Oat Cookies (Makes 3 dcut-ro % cup shortening I % cup granulated sugar % cup brown sugar tuuiiy i eggs, unbeaten Vi teaspoon sail I teaspoon va n iil - 1 cup sifted flour ** teaspoon soda 1 cup shredded coconut, toasted 1 cup rolled oats, toasted Combine shortening, sugars, eggs, salt and vanilla and beat thoroughly. Sift flour and soda together; add to first mixture with coconut and oats; blend together thoroughly. Drop level tablespoonfuls on greased bak ing sheets. Bake in a moderate (350°F.) oven for 10 to 16 min utes. If fresh mushrooms are exposed ; too long to strong light, they will lose weight and wither. Brown mushroom* urc more flavorful than white ones, *• Green onions at their best are tender and crisp with fresh green tops. Avoid those with damaged tops or nicks as these indicate age. There are many different kinds of okra Some are two inches long while others are four. Some are green, others are whitish green. Some are smooth, others tie grooved. All hould ha ve fresh pods l that map easily S£mA ><’ fiTmnngifinrMfwtr ~ "* - > AHf | ONIONS ion, economy in one dish! ELITE ONIONS Server 6 ! cup lightly crushed “Fritos'’ I corn chips (measured after | crushing) V Bermuda onions, sliced t can condensed cream of mush j r>om soup | H tsp. salt Directions: Place one-half of corn chips in a 1 casserole. Lay sliced onions on corn chips and sprinkle with salt. Add j undiluted cream of mushroom soup.. I Top with remaining corn chips, . Bake at. 350 degrees for 30 minute* ONION CASSEROLE 8 onions (medium) ■3* cup white sauce Vs cup “Fritos” corn chips White Sauce l Vfe tbsp. butter or margarine l l i tbsp. flour Vfe tsp. salt Vi cup milk Directions: Boil whole onions until tender. Drain, place in grossed casserole. Cover with white sauce, Top with corn clops. Bake at 350 degree® HO . minutes.. ■*»• ~r r--r m-jT •*»*«*: «c xtze f FASHION OF-WEEK *** i I if i* /if *' lu.. At WHIRL IN THE BEST CIKCLE& in thi* crisp waffle-pique cotton halter dress. The whirling full vkirt is quilted to make a pretty spin, and the prints, are gay and garden fresh. Sold In home* by representative* of Fa» hI v Frock*, Cincinnati, (AHF> Build A Finer Carolina * NATURAL HAIR • ATTACHMENTS YOU CAM HAYS YO U* HA It *i*¥MUYMAHHG» SJAGF.$ J AGF. HOY Thi* most liceiiii hair pice blend* in with you: own hair and keep* lib* rough trids even. 83.00 THE HALF GLAMOUR fastens kt the crown oi the head *nd hangs naturally down the back, (it * 14 to 20 inches long). . 110 0# BACK OF THE HEAD CLUSTER This item is made from one of our Clamour Page Boys, and yvo c*n easily make it yourself, si )'vu ta>e to $?i)Q I -at':: - "1 THE. ALL-AROUND ROLL This attachment is a time and nton«y Mstr. Wear it snd eliminate tiie n« ■ —— $>.M SEND NO MONIY PAT POiTMAM ON MUYHtY. tWrttf tump I* of your Stair *f a ore color. OWN* TQQATS ♦ Wfit# # i HAIR DO FASHIONS 507 RFTH Ave., (Suite 905) « NtrW VOtK # 1?» n. f. 0i -g iTJfrtifj