IGNORES (IJSANCi:. fO PIONEER Durham Keeps Lily-White Council BV ST U F VVRJTMt DURHAM 1 fii ■ city, known fa. and .vide Tin; Friendly City of Industry and Education" ignored its chance to become a tetter race relations Monday ntsi.t'. city pioneering in tne -nLnrj of '"lien iC < it; ( • mes! : efc. ,-d :•, elect a Negro to Nil a council vacancy evented <’>• the i.h ;.th of a foirn r toeridyr Instead of na/riiny r , cu ■ dotyel oui y < r os. ~ "on of the local nUzep.ry as .oil a., three of its numbers to 'lk va cant post, thf ", neil oho to fill the post insf"-:d •i• i, > unmet • rember of the l.'-met: hr; . .(tup .fames T. Taylor, n ember ut the faculty oi North Carotin. I I m ■ I m m m m Irked B4Health Man Promt So 1$ AN ANGEL OF MERCY - - ON RE AT, •WINGS’ —Captain Helen F. Templeton, of Troutman, N. C. ti one of best-known Army flight -nurses to Korean wounded. Now operating on to. s. cross-country ytttty, Ca.pt Templeton ministers to grwel.v wounded of oil ranks, and is a pioneer in tb« field of Aviation medicine. Necessity of high degree of tr lining is inrti< cted by large numbers of wounded repairing mental and morale attention following combat. (News Ere ,s photo) THIS IS IT! Martin School Issue Has s< Another Side” (Noif I 3st 'vrrM, *he ( V ROUMAX ra!ri eri the story «f ’♦he >lartin County school situation ns seen thrnnirh the eyes of the country superin tendent This week, wp are presenting the other side of the mai'er. The ( \ ROMM AN makes no attempt to art as judge or Jury in the matter In this situation, as tn aii matters 'onfprning our people, the CtpOt.lM.tN is on the side of right, on the side of justice. etj: ality and fair plavl Martin C ; n' ‘• }v.s on es'irri :t --hr ! \MES A ".Hi PARJ> ted Negro •. übhc IT, .;>! po: niall-a' of COO. Os th : i'iOO only about one thir 1 ever re?ch hi -h school. Tiiree nny v e mans rcas»n;- for ‘his - tin tap. poesiolv thn low (-■crr -nr. i' h-vt-l nt •• in 'his area i- the •iin.standine reasoiy .'Cnntiimeri on pate 5i Kl A V HEAD GU LTY Hamilton races Four Year Prison Sentence WHITF-VILI-E - T,... Oi the ‘"-ui ’"• ' t t.ntimied on page Hi launched by trie - -■< r. -?■ Id montny in • -) -Tth When “Or. ’ Hamilton admit- fa ’ .AsA/ ted guilt to tin chare Mr > v ,;^® instigating the floughiftt* «f fc. \ people of both rares through JP*"/ i’fe, the area, he pv.t him self in line “ for a maximum prison sen- |®L-gii fence of four years und gave Kflf truth to the declarations of a number of Ktewntrn who said dpf ? &00W&- that Hamilton had order - d |l |"M them to “uphold Klon policiesT' Jr * 'Wth through their artiwn. , ,-\H '■* wr ' t Hamilton pleaded guilty rpcoft BL mF * tally to the charge of conspiracy jnnf 3| to assault and assault upon MfS. ■KMji.'gJf M* / Jg . Evergreen Flowers, a Jfejtco worn- ""■■ - ’ *“ so. who was token froni her home • and savagely beaten ■ y hooded TBOMAS HAMH-TON and robed Klansnm. ©tree other - ----- < oiley * here who was 'do leal, d in i recent election in his rjsie- loi a -eat on the Joc.ii eon. 'il, w;ii one of three consuii ; i I by the eollir il bero f Uie bogrd on the naming i. ,i i.i-yy o/ t ) Oumciinvi.! J. flank lywfieifi, win r d -th - , •ic-'iiiey. Mt Taylor was ,r ; >: ji., ;l by three cuuisi.il 11 ■■,« i• a :i one vote and the V, '» f me l.'/'is SC'liod ou t ilv*' ;1 ■J . I'*.. t‘ 3 / ki tiio s’ i j *> if An itr. passioned pitas hy Socai r v . j&jRgW *'• A— M r ■--■■■ 1 W< " ■ %, .... ■y;- ‘IS*- ' rnot chance (' O. on, an official of Uv* la»ti Commutoti on No g n)(\ of thf !. n. r i > fiiih-ri to v‘, ve ivc* notable roiisidv i •!•' ■!!. • ,v ' j? O EVCtTtt, ii n'u "rerr of Lho co tin oil, i . -.•••• p \liti n 1 i ••:?■)* M•• T ? »yhnr-rrjo be . ' '. • !' »r r-»>r> -idcrritioa. (. , 1 Xi. V'/hIKGTISOn N;'d; • , >i> nornmate fi Vp ' b. oT-.irc I M? that the ,l. i ( > ■ -iv .• j Rev. Sister Gary Forms Group MAN IN FAILING HEALTH FOUND DEAD IN POND Victim threatened Tn Shoo? Self Prior To Being Found Drowned DURHAM The body of an -d man. known through his na • :\v community to have b-u'n de spondent and constantly threaten- • : ■ f nd Goatin..; ✓ ■ ■ -:v r., a here late lasi week The iaeation of the man s shoes nd -In i;e,;i in :.o orderly 1 .nap be? ide Use pond save sup t :o b--l. S !; it the man >1 nice out his oft-repeated ■ Continued on page FUM-FLAIAMERS TAKE TWO FOR HOOE AMOUNTS ORJETNSROfiO Police this week are te-rching for two •T'timfhim" jivtists. a man and woman, who allegedly robbed two Greensboro h iir.i-n of s4iß. Mrs. Mary Womack of 416 Chestnut Sti -.--’l mid police the couple ai appeared with 5303 be knaitiK to her after pulling the eld oo- ketbook trick on her Mrs F-ttu'l Clai i vtt of 2®)i East Mar ket Street sasd she lost slls in . Ihe same manner. Roth women reported that they were approached separately by a men in overalls who said he had found a wallet containing a large sum of money. He offered to di vide *he money if the woman would not tell anyone about it . and asked her to put up a sum c ■{ money to assure her silence Each woman reported that an othet woman joined the man and Ms victim and also put men V- T ~“1 4r i. .. : s?*f j .1. T. IA V 1.015 STOMPED BY MYSTERY MAN KINSTON _ Local police of- j fieers are this week trying to figure out the identification of a dead man. how he died and what to do with his body. The unclaimed body of a man said to he about 35 years of age is still being held in a local Pan nil I home until sonic disposition can be made. (he man died in a local hos pital last Wednesday after walking into a car on June 28 and being taken there for treatment. During his stay in the hospital the man -a as able j to divulge nothing concerning liirnsi If. The injuries he received I w hen he walked irrto the ear nere not considered sufficient to cause his death. Checks of employment and crimnial fin gerprint files have also failed t 1 to Identify the man. who has gained the name "Mystery Man." A. A, A A A A A A aft. yVWWTWTW WOMAN KILLED IN LEAP FROM SPEEDING CAR Tin ealens To jump, jumps, bit's baler GOLDSBORO , 1 ON.' NEMRER 36 ™__ r ™ t- -,.T.-,-. ~n—r—— ' "' ' ’ "”' " “• " ~ *" ■ T-...-. ~m**m~*~~* ~s* -ktftagx **«r' . »!»>>•• . V -:;N - ; . i#WjfejSsS--- ',v.«»*^*v' SW-y ' r '' *'-' •*>;*'• '•• *,#*«*N* : ' '* : '''’' fW “ •* Bl'" New York Issf or an extensive >airopran||i§ffi|£fe JSSSi^mm rip Mfls a gift of the alumni fW-y|flL jr . '’Sfs - A>lK /ion Oiiiri h. in rro will nmlio special % l«.it we of David Livingstone in | ■■ ■ 'v.^hS it. famed explorer, for whont was so named in l«HO. v^sjp sc-nlinf; ii; dotwn-n. a c:a all ran-; However, before the vision came to Si -ter Gary to oi aanize this -roup, there war no oi ganiza- UOtt through which this group could work vifft-ctively. Having been a fninister fur over 20 years, Sistei Gary felt that her training and ■ \..er,enc ■ quaiilva her to feel tr.■ acute need for in or ganization of this type and .»■> convi iced tlihi Ceid b.ad directed hei to the tre -;. According to Sister Gary, Women Ministers suffer irom a seif imp.-vd handicap Ti-y ''<-<■ 1 that in urde: fur tie . üblic 10 t Continued on page 8i North Carolina, is shown here receiving queen’s, prize in North Carolina. College's first annual “Summer Rehool Queen” contest FSITZ QUADS TO ENTER SCHOOL THIS SEPTEMBER VANCEYVILLE Four girls, la htvvri to b«- i'li- only identical quadruplets in the world, will en ter school next Sepn.Tiber. An arrangement has been work ed out for the Pttitz quadruplets to enter Caswell County Training School here. The agreement was ! Continued on page 8i In Durham last week President Alfonso Elder of NOC made the w eventafion to the pretty school fflgM -pirr smm- HUBBY TRIES KILLING WIFE; SLW 2 OTHERS ' -- : TWO BURN TO MATH !N FIRE SAID SET BY ESTRANGED HUBBY V ONE > Special) Evidence K .-■ -ckm ' Sip n "mito high” a gams' a ',;f;-yt'af-fjM local resident being held in jail in lieu • f bond for ijit estimation in the arson-tnurder •oi h middle-aged couple here ;r.;‘ week. Officials who inve-’ti■*'" _ "d the deaths of fonnm .tones and his wife. Mrs Bertha Jones here last Thursday morning, have revealed that «video e gathered to date in the ease point direetlt at Al ! rrt Anderson, who offieials sa v: i—is , stringed from h»> •a iff- Effie, who lived iti the s-te re -residence in which tlie Joneses lest then lives. 'dlfe r j--’ A’ I as^H^BRiEF: Youn.tr Woman Held In Death GREENVILLE At a coroner’s inquest held in the court’house hen- last Friday night, Miss Mary Elizabeth Kppes, 2:5. was ordered hedd without bond in connection with the fatal shooting of Anhui Coward, dr., 30 last Tuesday. ~ The .jury found Coward came to his death as a result of a bullet, wound inflicted by the girl. . Testifying at the hearing were local Police Ft. VV; E Peterson, who told of finding Coward in a dying condition. Sgt. B. R Buck testified that the woman came to the po lice station to surrender, that she hand d over lie)' pocket book containing a pistol. The defendant testified that sh<_. and Coward had been sweethearts for some time, that they had had numerous arguments, and that he had beaten her on occasions. Fugitive Back Aft< r 19 Years RALEIGH —a fugitive who eluded police for 19 years after fleeing a North Caoilina prison camp has been located—in prison. Tihe fugitive. James Turner, alias Tom Williams, was identified by fingerprints. According to J. P. Wilson, classification officer of the Si ate Prisons Department Turner, now 38. was convicted in Wake County in September, 1931, of highway robbery and sentenced to .>7 years, in June, 193 d, he escaped and police could find no trace of him. Last month a man who gave ills name as Tom Williams was convicted in Chatham County on a morals charge. Mis fingerprint card was sent to Raleigh for a routine eh >ck. It was then discovered That he was James Turner, wanted for escape Wilson said birthmarks identPb Pious on the cards of Turner and Williams were identical. The prisoner will have to senv out the 3 7 year term first,. 22-Year-Old Man Said Burgular WARREN TON Roy Mills, 22, unemployed Warren County man. has confessed to hi caking into two homes and is suspected of entering another, Sheriff Roy S/he arm (reported this weey . ~ , Mills was captured Sunday after bloodhounds followed him from Littleton homes which were broken into shortly after midwght , . At one home, a woman was awakmen woen too in truder put his hand on her ankle. She called her hustMttid •in the next, room and the intruder fled. The other man reported that he chased the intruder, out of his bedroom. Mills is being held in Warren County jail for a hearing at a date to be set later. ’ .*. Urweted to borrow s lup of k- -wear from ids e. Iran ,’tl utie p»if>i to the boim ■tig of ti e house in whirl! the falali iea oerurretl, ;;—5 came angry prioi to the tire hrtft« >■ 1 is 'f 1 i .;■ est to at CO Tov* d i—Promised t<> get evpif «h- teneses and with Ids wife even if it eost hint his life Investigation has revealed that • loci: Anderson wa« "mad with" ♦’oh?.'tv jon s ■ t Cfi • '■*<:•, Aiui'P.rsoii - continued to rent \ ... . ;-) j) In ;vW:■■.•-r* vV Tier* sti /*- vhe lived !!-,'•■ re with then child. < ontinm d on page Hi _ _ Mi i