WEEK ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST ?. 1952 Finals Held For Shaw University Summer School Director Os Education Is Heard At Finals Sessions HA LETCH The Slimmer Sc sion Commencr-mem. (or the •)!» avound the concept of living in three tenses Man must recognize his debt to the pa si, his identity 'do lie present and h m-: ull ty for il,c |ui■ c In •■jk.-w.' iiic tn/Jlding of < teaching '' for services at 'ill levels of 'ion. he continued, "one ' hmtld ' ki v a b ckward look *•> pr.e -rl.v un der .land ydli tin nrofc: ■ i the human ])rne'<"; ’ volt d l’l'.e current view . houki help us u# evaluate rather reaHsticallj the progress Iri il.oi-tcoming'- .u i The look into ‘'-e ftiture should bring us face to fsrr "Ith the challenge. l -- of the uneu.-v" i r-tnornwv The speaket paid tribute -r, . three great education'!! tat' '•<'•'< u who sewed in tire capacity of State Superintendent of Public In struction: Dr. E. C Bt" 'U- "bo laid the foundation, Dr. A. T. Al ien who or rani zed the ax -neii - to carry out this program, and the late Dr. Clyde A. Kr - in, who re vised and extended tin education- i al services to all of the people Tracing the history of the dc- : vclopmeni of the trainin:: of the teaching pn vmne! of North Caro lina, it ■-:< noted that the sverurr ' index of scholarship has expand - Or high (!• d ‘.runic,.. to rirdd!;.' r d from three and ortc-hai! y-u --more than four von!-.- of college training, during the pa-t 30 .-ears *lVc have in North Carolina” he said. six four - year private col leges, fully accredited try the State and the Soul hern .V-'sorm- Ijon of Colleges and Secondary Schools; and there .we five public colleges training Nemo to -ch.vr,- ; for them m "pectivp fields of cn- i cieavot ! In conclusion the speaker said to th- graduatins class r have given thi statement with the hope that vou might gain therefrom a deeper appr.ieia tlnn for the heritage which 1 you now enjoy, and that sou might he inspired to accept with more enthusiasm th*' w answers L'Tt fFF T mm . farm stuMm&M, "4 QUESTION: Because of 40' weather, I am -hort <>f livestock feed. What about using corn cobs os wheat straw for feed? ANSWER: Dr E. R. Barriek. N. C. State College, .cays such feeds as corn cobs, cottonseed halts, straw from v heat, barley, ana oats, and corn stover properly plenaenteri. In general, say? Or. Bar rick, these feeds provide a nit able source of energy but most be sup plemented with protein, minerals, and n source of vitamin A to nteke good tbri» deficiencies. The supplsrn nt: used are also hc'p- Xyl in increasing palatability. jMfc' * s * ON THE WAY UP Billy Bowen, (top, center) formerly of the Inkspets, is now heading his iwb unit, billed as “Billy Bow en find the Butterb&ll Four,” which has been trigged as the next aggregation ‘to hit the top. Every man is an instrumental ist as vveit as a vocalist, and | (.ii.i.-' . . i.. (i i.i. i\ \ i’v challenges of (his new day In education.” Platt your life for successful experiences, cuttl vruc your mind, for the pro per reaction to the beauty which urrnunds you; preserve and develop your body and complete self through whole some social relationships; keep a never ending hope, faith ■nd belief in the person you t<><;ht hove been nr you may be come; face cadi day with a conviction that the good you ■i«i out register in your life gtsd the life of others for the good of the world, and you will reap an ever expanding power, influence and helpful ness in this great and every happy ■>"ik of human lift.” Fro , St. i | oh teibl.t- v It, Or. Nelson H. Harris. who iv* curt ud rue Sh-'v Unit **«>tv v«---»! • He ,i •< annoimt" d that the foil cession ni H • w -a , :, ld i-cgiii S School for ionic than 30 on Sept !■' O! i -md* i:! • I ! f on Set* 1 - '3 Music fen tiw cXU.-'ir - v.'as 'i - rtf tod b;, MiKthl. inv Thomas Os ?h* SIl o. liniv l : 'Ut ■ fpcuh.v. T" n real— dot iions were given bv Lea trie, McNair of Kings Mountain, ril’d solo;- by Mar* jovie Williams of Bali i- h Th-' open in.; pinyer »' vi offered ibi |p v. N Debar,ry, of the School of Relit cm faculty, and the cloying prayer by the Rev J If. Clanton of Raleigh. BACHFILOR OK ARTS degrees were conferred on tiic following: Sand) S Be 4, Goldsboro; Je.aisnP A Brown. IVasiii. I ).:a>n D. (A: Wil lie H. Check. Weldon; John *V. Elliott. Edenton; Hcmci't K. Foy. St. Paul .Adeline J, Hamlin. Washington: Mart B Hoc gins. Rocky Mount; Bertha S. Herndon. Apex; Mildred M. Hodges. Stan* ten d-erg: He":, B il -'it- . Ibwk.y Mount; Mamile G Hussey, Wil mington: . la < y Id Kil.goi", Bre vard; Acidic- W King. Kianklinton: Henrietta D. 1 .c<;. L<\v;ston; Jul ian N Lyon. Enfield: Lillie B Newby, Wilmington; Doris V Poi re.,-:. K-. i K. iluryn Provott, Hertford: Lula C. Robin .n, I..ooi;:hui r. Vivian M Smith, Tarboro; Hold. R Wao Kinston: Veia R Watkins lb Thsiuf’ Washington Terrace v R-.LFJGH Mi- \vui;t.; Gorman •>( •! -‘’ft • W'lshinsthri Ti rraec '• ft t;, ■ i • tc sp'did her v ■ ",<• ou tv it !i b.-r , dcugiilet in Nt"v ”<■" I: City, her i • o re.. g ; anddangbte: Jo Ann went i with her aiso. Mr. and Mrs William Nelson a centl,'- visit-el Mrs. Malic Rand . of A-l \V ■.- "ingtoi! T-rrace. The N- ■■-!!.• arc f-oin Washing!'-!, t) ; and Mi Nelson is t.l’O formcr ,. Kiltv Rant! of the oily. Ma Mildred Horton of B-30 Washinifton Terrace is confind to l St \s.pe Hospifn! Ilcr many ■ i; ionds with Iv-r i speedy r-cov -1 | y. : ,;i", Mi- B ndn t. '■ *i:•* of t.| tv, liington Teirace reports a ABOUT TOWN RALEIGH - Hi thcr-g Here ,-c •rr rsiin w ith .-on!- ss-.■< chatu r "about town liils vveoU. ii ad roes well. you. tr-.ily -.ill he in t)u Big City vi’.h ilv: Brifiht I i ;|>t- New N'i I k. •- il- !! vou read this On Juh 31. 1952. at (even; o'clock i-! Gr -enk-at Cha. Sha t University ceiciirated its -uminc cr-mnivnvement of the Eighty-s«* va nth Academic year. The Reverend _ .... Mi. G. Ti Fergu son, Directoi Division of Negro Education, Stau Depaitmont of Public Instt action, R a lei-in. deliv ered the Commencement Address to the this!/ -three t.3.S> graduates Following the idche-.", Mr" Mar tor io William - sane two -elections, ■'O lord Most Hon" and Eternal: Life ’ T:■!,. Res ■: ■ iici J. H Cl: Aon e-giiv- .'d thy closing prayer Sum pier School Musie Director was, Mrs. E:Wynne Thomas, accompan ist was Lillian Haywood. Congra tulations to you - you lucky grad uates! Well, one group of teen-agers were having n n Thursday night, playin'■ cards, and lust, gabbing—- as usual. Misses Barbara Smith. Barbara Wyite, Joanne Poole, T-'icssrs. Eugene Aisnui, Cbu'c.rcc Morgan and l.ouis Ballentinc all met at the home of Miss Smith Must have been -it least, some Wii going on. Agreed? PERSON M S Seen “About Tov n” recently; | OAR6SM TIMS : A fcl Vj ' ROBERT SCHMIDT f WmS&' y- - ■ /N - CIS TATE COL LEGE'| j Last year in this column I wrote and it is very prolific, its flesh is, briefly about two new icebox wa- rich red in color and is of good • tennelons, !h< New Hmepshitv ouolity although it contains a Jot 1 Midget and the Japanese Seedless of black seeds, varieties .Sine:: this i -.valcrme- 1 grew the Japanese Seedless ton season I wish to pass aim;; melon for the first time this year a little moic first-hand informs- end am greatly phased with it. tion on these melons. It is considerably target than the This year the New Hampshire 'Now Hampshire Midget, weighting' Midget he- shown a serious weak- normally about 10 to 12 pounds ness —a susceptibility to anthrac- The flesh is red and the quality nose disease which ha killed -xc Dent. There are a number of most of the vines prematurely. I 'sob, undeveloped seed? present still like it for fix home garden b-. usually rot more than a do bocause of :i.» - mall size •~nboi.it z< fully developed seeds in any the size of 1 smail cantaloupe -- or 1 melon sometimes none at YMCA Membership Drive Progresses: Time Extended | RALEIGH As of August la' total of 803 members and 51516.3(1 lof which $3207.30 h cash had inch screen and fed in bunks with the supplement spread over the • ’op and mixed with the cobs ay hand. Cows wintered in this way gained approximately 1 1-4 poundsj per head riaih prior to calving • I The amount of supplement feci: : should be increased approximate- ■ ly 50 per cent for cows nursing i. ■1 v* i . i.joyah'e tin'.!' it vamp m n-irks. N. c. She i< *h ’ ; iiighter : Mi and Mr (Mi- Curtis Mi Ernestine R of - N. J \-. .-s * !, e s ; c*irt iiousi.* ■: —1 of Mr and Mr H Good n ; .1-17 M. , Hnllie Raii'l of A-l has her s o daughtcis, Anualjelii md Bet po vKiMn. lie; on tli it' vacatiun ti uin Nv" York City. \T: and M'-:. Alton Smith of ..•.■•.ton. F) <" recently 'Dent the >ee);uui wi’h M,. /.idfaf Fr iiitinn of J-3 1 isle Cot ritic Walker of Jf-5 Washington- Terrace is spending h-i vac dion in Soi th Carolina visitinr her grandmother Cpl. .'"'than Boa coat, and Smith ftionro’ .Mrs. I.auru .1, Foster, from Goldsboro. N, C. visiting in ■Frlei.R: over the -r •'■' i, nd. Sir. and Mrs Kverette Rich and son Everctte Jr. motored to Long ltea-eh, f'aiil., leaving Raleigh on Tuesday, making one stop in St Louis. Mo This fiftlc item was phoned by Airs. Mis. Copeland, daughter of Mrs Arian Harrington who has recently moved to Calif. RFC D-" ey M.-Knight •• a ;n tmvn visiting his parents for abo;’!. »•*. mt.v day- He has successfully completed Air Tv,mine Comma...-, specializing in Radio Instructor Opcrat ir Course He is now trans feree! from Kevssley AFB in Brooks AFB in Texas Visiting M'.r-s Ruby Walker dur ing the past week were her two s.YC's from Wav York City Hope they had a swell time. This is to thank you my readers for your cooperation. In sending in ncv* irticles. 1 plan to he out of town for o month, htjt remember to cor’.inue to read The TARO 1 INI A\ ' and keep up w ith \ our reporter xarah Virgo, Mrs Geraldine Jn Famous de Paur Infantry ( Chorus Signs 3 Va. Grads Thro 1932 gradual of Virginia, State College, all outstanding mu sic majors have been signed by! t ; e fii' Four Inoniti > (‘hur* < of New York City for its coming tour season They >so James W'jrie ot Richmond. and William EL Crump and Trtlmadgc Tabb of Ncw-rort News Vir inia Tine ebortis. of which Leonard c:e Pa:iv i.- conductor, was ovipai ns ano ul army camps as a morale unit were not- j able successes of the war years An extensive tour by ihe chorus is planned again this year with; 11.e Virginia State talent among new additions to the 33-voice unit. The threw VSC vocalists were considered promising by the college music department headed by F Nathaniel Gatlin. All were ' heard in senior recitals just prior ■ o their cram anon in May, and 1 cil were enthusiastically received. Talmadge Tabb, son of Mr and Mrs Ossa L. Tabb ot Newport News, was one of the students , who took top honors ns a vocalist ;at *OO State Music Festival in 1946. In Newport New.- he has appeared hf soloist and guest artist, on many programs. A .graduate of Hunting ton High he was bass soloist with the Virginia State College Choir. James Wade, who lives with his foster parents. Reverend and Mrs. P W, Ross of Richmond, is a graduate of Armstrong High School. BP has been presented in vocal recitals d Emporia and W>r renton, Va. A key member of two VSC singing units during his col lege days, he was tenor soloist. ali. The fully developed seeds should not be saved became: they will not come true. The original cros- must be made 1 each year in order to produce seeds which will produce ‘•seedless” melons. Seed of the Japanese Seedless melon are expensive —about two cents per seed, but as they be come popular the price should, n- me down It is necessary to plr.nt a standard variety neat it; for pollination. If you like icebox melons try the Japanese Seedless variety next year. M nA-tW H Harris, general chairman. High producer.- on the executive sponsoring committee include Dr N. H. Harris with $341; C. A. Mar-1 nott, $278: C. N. Coble, $22 in ' cash. l eading: team captains and - amounts reported in the nra palgn arc team ... Andrew Fel lers, §250.50: Team 9, -George j Edwards $132.30; Team 8, B. F. Johnson. $85.20; J, N. Cooper, $23.; Team 6 Cecil Flag* $18; JEFFREYS FAMILY FLAYS HOST TO MTIIIFi; 01 (d ESTS n. 1 ’ , f OH R< cent viritors in Im: 1 r.idrii." of Mr. :■ id Mrs "1b Jeffi"y' of M i South W '•■! a,: • ice arc a.cir rjiughtci, ? ■ Aiicr Tinny: granddaughter. n< ; >res ror.ev 'ti it, Mich. Th Jcffr ;lso :■-! 1 gui'.so: (Li - n ~L‘‘.'i-ini n ’ Mis. Anna in 1, gr/, •<• nf . liciti• ;. r l .id .! , 1 I' la Hi a Mr. Field J ;d ',.;i and-hiltiren 1 mi nee and Alice Go J o ( liurrli Sundae w ith th* College Choir and with *' tile A Cape Ha Choir William F. Crump i- the son 1 ‘ Os Mr. and Mrs. J. W Crump of ' Newport News and a graduate of V Huntington High School. At Vir- 1 ginia State he served with both 0 the Coll. ,e Choir and the College * Band. During his senior year ho vss student director of the choir. He is the originate of the Orphe an Glee Club ->f ,\*. wport News, a male flub of hi h ••ebon! ; and caller men, a ashed in 13-18 r Ta b, War. . .end Crump ali stu- , i cted under VSC v-dee t aehers: j • Miss Cleota Collins «nu Robert A., ! ■ Henry. I ST. AUGUSTINE'S i LISTS FINAL PERIOD HONORS RALEIGH The following stu dents of St Augr -hnc , College I qualified for the Deans "List for; ■ ihe ; ond ‘-emester of the school year of 1951-1952 having made* an , I average of “B” or above: SENIOR S Fr'is :.:' g ~ W.Jt.er ft• !,ner, ' .1' niouy Sorrell, Antoinette Wil liams and James A. Williamson. JUNIORS Gloria Bowens, William Chis ' Sic-lm, Frances H. Cutchin, Mary 'Gray. Ccceli't Hall. Frederick ; John on, Hazel Knight, Calvin La ' Hwfman, Madie Madox. John F, Middleton, Amos Norwood, Dow ry Phillip-, Berdie Powell, Annie i C Richardson, Julia Sampson, Carl W. Smith, Louise Thtaruard, Millie Veasey, Gloria W Wallace,: i Mary Whitehead, George Woods SOPHOMORES James Chadwick, Carrie. Flem ings, Lenora Holman, Ronald Holmes, M.u-y Harris. Valencia ‘ I.vgeaux, Lillie Mac Mercer, Lloyd Parham. Doris Richards* >n, Gooiyjir Robinson, Shirley Sharpe. FRESHMEN Willie B. Bright - Davies, Mar ilett... Baker, Ruby Campbell, Marjorie FortV\ Sarah Harding, Team t. W. B. Bryant, $17,; Team id. Robert Powell, EH.: Team 7 Clifton Sills. $12.; Team 11 Terry Hough $8; Team 2, Archie Smith. $7. Individual lieutenant, reports in-. dude Francis J. Poole $18.; C A. 1 Took, $17.; Z. B. Ward, $10.; J. A.; Mann $18.; Zack Ellis, $6. The campaign originally sched* i uled to close on August 5 has been ! extended to permit additional time !oi ihe completion of reports WASHINGTON AND "SMALL BUSINESS” I By C. WHSGN HARDER ll ~■•■•. ' ..„ .yil/Vy.' - . I — - m Despite bitter opp -'i'.inn, inde pendent business ag. Sf‘ Os • 'ti .< | on specific brands. Undcr«*®'V Mmm ! the new law, C. W. Hardjr | 1 manufacturer muat enter into fair price agreements with re tailers in each iitatr. Tt-c fair trade prim; is then established for the state j * + * Opposition ,nr Run! fair trade ' prices create p> eged prices. * « * This claim is erroneous, mis leading. * * * I onsider waffle Irons, for ex ample. flx> manufacturers of the j Super Waffle Iron know they on- | Jy have one chance of surviving i In a field flooded with cheap waffle irons made both at home and abroad. * * * Their cue chance to survive without cheapening their qual ity is to rely on independent stores throughout the nation who have reputations for stand ing behind their merchandise. ♦ * ♦ Hut huge merchandising com bine'!, controlled by vast iln.ui ial interests, look at waffle j irons differently. j ** * i First of ill, if they can sell ! the Supm Waffle iron «t a loss, they can attract throngs of eus- i tumors who will also buy other .g, NM.ii.ua! tVGrilUw jt Bt^n,*** SOLICITATION PERMITS ARE ISSUED IN NC RALEIGH IXirinth« montT> of July licenses were arnntod by the State Board of Public Welfare tc eight organizations to conduct fund • raido- campaigns thvouy.h public solicitations for Us-- support r.f their urograms jl «■?„• announ c'd, last week, In Di Ellon Win •too. Commissioner. Six of these organiza lions were re licensed in accord* ,mrf with provisions ni the state solicitation law These rVois 1 \ nob larnos Lockhart Otr ,,, 1 r \ Ihil'-t s;* (Jl - - ; Morgan, Matilda Moon 1, o Os i: y Ahe Pi son .- K. Parker. 'N'u>mi Parker, Marie Sherrod. Ruth Siiulletarv. Sarah Virgo Thelma Wash in.. ton. Mars ■Wil'kcVyon. Ann Y Mitchell. Ver de! 1 Trolls r, Roy,i A, Walker smi.M Komi D. Butler, Marjorie Deb* earn, William Perry* Onita Wil liams. . ■«; ' o*l*-O: **■»«■»*>« p “ ‘ ' «' SAFETY HINT . , . Sever*! deaths have been reported from scrotiß usage of frogmen's mask in swimming. This is ihe wav it’s NOT to he worn over noruiili and nosf both it ran smother wearer i» water. - SMpUjrri, qggSfa . jjj*' ’■•(,•,. riir ■■ ■ - ••• MX: ■ -• 0.- fll '; - ..siASsasHaL J * ■ J-A. ■• .A. CS S-yJA’u : • ■•> IT S THE HEAT . . . This Al bany, N.Y., frog WM told to “go sit on s t«ck,” and be was lost small enough to find a cowi fortable spot on a thumb tank. Photographer was' hovering »n the Iwrißk to< U><- imtMl.t PAGE THREE : merchandise priced at a profit ! At the same time, the indepen dent merchant, with limited cap ital, cannot 'ak°