2 DIE IN FIRE | LAWYERS SEE IN. C, RACE VOTE |BACKING DEMOS' Hi ■? jEsti sfi§r ...... I.AUT KK TARN. USK mWh ■ 4& ®m LAWYER t At LOR Ha!.HIGH Two RaloU'h law-’ jti's v. t: i included this Wf-t'k a iitimu ih<- ?< veral N,* ro "leaders | y.H.ecl in an Associated press, su) - ; \vv vln thej the Democratic Par-: h could or could not rely on the i V -i'll vote in i*i< Nuv, mbet i’i'ij lr elitiel tit etinn it i.uv of tin V.3t< tttl - do'vCil D, JiliMlui Hi parly i eiv.l ii; ;i plank and the non ll it-; i-.i on of .vif,E-i.nill. - :'.., Jolm J. Spark riiUo t; . tilt v. t ■ (tit idem-y. i .-vttorri.'-v 's’. J. ('anuiitf, Raleigh tchoo) boa it nn-iiibr who once! ioifc.ht elt'Cliol; to pub lie office, in-.il an. a L>< He? that met of; ! < N. ■' -» voi ■in the state r,s»-* IF l, njt.‘ii i , :>uo note.- t >3t then i- not - nouyii different between j t!i'- Democrat!' and R. publican I'-Ui ties io any chan-o in | tin- voting !\i in- of tile race In! til, state Attorney Herman 1,. Taylor, j Uadim advocation for the av-j coi.-uion .! civil rights through; litigation, said that Use Democrat.-, i ham do*s. tsttl. ft>r th< NV. ro ini two-part t- >r would help Ne-j .)•• SiHitn and that h, fc-t< •> a ’ UOW\ Hi 1 XOI Ot I —l.ittir WkSl’il Malloy, e ii,> wen top f.oiiorv in the jnsanl Soapbox »*<, tsj sate at Ihsrium July Hi* ua down hut not (>llt. hi the i Mian/., to* the national Soap box tH-ctij honor,, at Akron last Sunday. Out of a sirid os 154 en tries. Hallos lautt in eighth, be jsif knocked out of the race in the tjUaitrrfiiials. He was the out, Negro lad participating in the annuli event. DIGIT BACKET 810 SHOT OUT AWAITING TRIAL ’I win I tty Lottery Operator Has Four Cars, Finish Flat WINSTON - S.-.LEM - An al leged 'numbers rack," k;nv ’ vcho local police ,y had enough ' >'oll tne >.ti« i. ' t four oar-, including, an i so-K-ivi Cadillac! to c;nil..- a funeral home, .a? nal>b>-d here last week after the diseovvy oi "butte: ;nd • . -s" slips phis a ; mal! amount of cash in his !«- t is'lii.v-i criushed spartme-nt. Hfi iHei-bk'i Radiiff Kaley, 4.7. v, rio lists his occupation as I ‘truck or” has been released on ; I Os. ' bond pending trial un char ge- of operating a lottery. Officers raiding the apartment occupied by Haley at 720 East Fifth Street say that they found evidence of. lottery operation in a j tea installed in the haVroom. IViust incriminating of this evidence, they related, was a I nnbon vho\, nir tabulation of the 'take" ~j daily operations | in tin butter and efg» husi- Only Sk! .hfi in small I change wits found in the cache j This amount was: found stuffed into a lin-. • bag- made of can vas tlckinj; Officers siren-facd that Hales was either h 1 sinker or was top cotection man for a batik. “He . was too smart to keep large Mans ot money on hand” they said. The apartment in which the dis- | cover!es 'were made contained a j raodei'iiif-tic bedroom suite and: new living room furnishing? in-! tC-oniinnea an pegs. t) WIFE KU.LED WHITE M. P. Hubby Dies Fleeing A Mob \ Following Florida Shooting I.TVV O > K f'l.A One of the iv-ost vvideiy disc,!'.:ed subjects th- uughou’ L’im ida anti many parts if th, ti! 1 i<>ji is tin vrin. seory i the ,Sa rath moruina August 3. ■n.iotiii. .-.•bite die ter here iv t.■.• of Central Lift In ur.iut'i i.'s.i' -t .. '- i.t. v.a apir .l, d awa t urti i-' 1 ti\ to Haiford Prison lo: sun. • keeping. Oitic? r , am.-tancre, Ln the dra i:a:.c chain of events ilk, a fast ... un; action-uacked motion pic ture arc Hu wild dash ot the hut* arid to ( ..cap; reprisals from an ,. v o;ti/' ns aroused over the kill ing of the v iiiely loved doctor .ho v/a- nuc.iim t to tin.- Slutr .S nali. 'l'h. , -a’up, ?vB-s followed by the reported death from a heart attack of Samuel McCollum. iat, d one of the »•. ffiUhn'rt men n hive Oak, v tio hart - ict,- ,n>er st- :.• u* i.... til. , tucks and non, is in -i-vcrci busim.-.'. and Industrial indusuia) firm- as ,11 as a to .:ceo farm of mo/, ttian a hun dred acres. Charged u itii t!te killing i* ill,- shape!,., rliucol* L.rowi* skinned, Mrs, Ruby Met oiium vim ac.ordil.s lu njxnt sln.l lie. Attain sin ins downtown ottiet Miillr her iiusl.a.id and ihlidf.u M e r < attendiii't church, during an argument over a medical bill. The accus ed woman has refused to give a statement relative to tin- dc tails ot tin shooting. Shei iff Sim Howell s lid lie ar i • ~t R'.i'.n McCollum, and rusli- COST OF DISCRIMINATION HIGH jV. C. College Needs Seven Millions During 2 Years DURHAM ■ President Alfonso Elder oi the North Carolina Col ui Ouriiam re'Cu:ttmend«-d «x --.t'nditurvs <>! *7.192,237 for the I ccllestc during' the 1953-4985 bien r,h m last week, she recomnicncla ioi: vinade to the Advisory t Co?v; wTicso bevisiteo NCC on W, dnesday. VV \.\ t in L BITLDINDS Ot the lota! requcsicd. #3,- tOp.'.Al was requested for ope rations and 3C3.*k5,8iil for ■permanent improvements. The latter reques ttneiuded five lievv bull,tings which l>r. Eider said are necessary if the col lege Is *.s meet present edu cational demands. The NCC president tdlti the o .tt:;/: ii ■ft hi.? recommendations v.-t-rv being made on the tasis of tlj death on Aug 1 An inventory of the estate of the nationally • known business lead-- was filed Monday in Su perior Court. The inv< ntory showed personal property totaling sl7 953.85. teal estate Rax value ai 22 houses and lots) list'd at $38,250. find $82,500 t ii. insurance. All but SBOO of the estate was ; l.eque.-ithed to hi:- wife and chil dren. Dr. Spaulding, 78, was president of the North Carolina Mutual Life ; Insurance Company and the Fsrni ' or* and Mechanics Banks, the | largest Negro institutions of these types in She world, and president . ■ the Mutual Building and Loan Association. HOUSE Si, NEEDED IN SALISBURY | SALISBURY New housing ft j reded for an estimated 75 Negro | families who will be pemuuMtnr !ly employed by the Salisbury VA 'hospital a commit cee has reported EBlt: §§K. jHm c\ MyM^ S ■ i *"* . **& wvw 'lM#- * *! *** J’.t r-.se 'UrnkSSSm < mS»aBEF&*' ' .*i*mßEE*&mm mzmm J? aw ,•>■>»■ • v .»- - #^pKSß®*"**WtWS*Wp|«iisWfca* | *<' *>" ■- —* TRACEU'. STRUCK Trage dy struck in Live Oak and Zu ber, Florida last week when Mrs. I; ul* > Ali i olluni. 37-year-old housewife allegedly shot uud killed l)i. < . Leßny Adams, 52, white, in his otliee in the for mer , its , and her husband Salli ed her io Raiford at a 90-mile an uour dip when several eu;s tol- Itiwed him. Hu adoed: ‘ She was on her way d - vv’d;.. jmsfeZ DR. ELDER 1951-1352 fiscal year and $137,200 foi the 1952 fiscal year in order to strengthen the present under eraduat* work at the College as well as its graduate work and So c/v-v ide ft,r.ds fur library and in structional service needed to ia si..ei-,rate a doctoral program m Fcuii-auor, in September. 1952." The NCC president w ont on to tCmntlaued on page 8) to the local Chamber of Com meres*. Spunking fat a -roup of five Lading dtiro-m P, r., L H Hail told the chamber .««•<•; clary, Wil liam P. P.-nee that the VA esti-' nrPed ipcotne? of civil service classification of jobs at the ties* i pita! would run between $2 400 to 1 per year, a:id that probably bi tter quality housing than now available would be needed for *ev oi the Negro employees RFC MAN MANGLED BY FREIGHT TR AIN NEW KKRN A 45-year-old Cove City man, Saul Johnson was I found dead early Sunday morning by a train crew of the Atlantic Coast and East Carolina Railroad BO A charge -d dis criminaiio;. in l’>-. Person County ' School system L'r-,.-n lo.lged ' against the ccrnmy's -::).ool board ’ >l. nied the board with a i group "i comparative figures on i the two school setups. i The board of education plans to { meet with the board of county t ■ ce.rnmi-•; mors at their next meet- t :nt in Se: tember b, fore announce I :n; what action will be token H'ortimied im page ki E **«**». oja CELEBRATE HIS ffTllGN—Cnnqoiejding Don of the Tribe o? Judah, H»he Selassie 1, Elect at God, Emperor of Ethiopia. fc> pictured! during the recent celebration in honor of his titellar reign. Emperar Selassie , was h.-,fled by lenders, ail over the world far Site role he has played in ptittln* JEthiopi'a teck on her feet following Stalv't Inntsinn , •mr "i tsc *—*— —1 -7..:-. ~ WHiititfliiMtii ' CA DILL A C-DRIVING, _ WELL-FIXED NUMBERS KING JAILED THE CAROLINIAN 100 y~ P£fee&&/ ~ ] | |{J VOLUMN XI RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST 18, .1952 NUMBER 29 CRUEL COP'S VICTIM HAS LEG AMPUTATED TRIGGER-HAPPY ; OOP IS BLAMED j FOB VET'S FATE J Wake Forest Youth Shot From Hear By BlooIFS V SHKPAUI) RAIJiIGH Following the .-.eri jutioiiai expose of police brutality Wake Forest recently in last vv«. i: i CAROLINIAN. ihi- news paper in ordci to obtain further ••jbstaatxatiaii o: the repos t.« ro •:ctvvd by it. >vm a staff photo- I 4 apher and one of its feature I iter.-, to Saint Agnes Hospital I this woke for an interview with I ar:it a picture of one of iht victims I t'i the near lav'. riot, staged in I H. Forest a tew weeks ago. j s <»ncv' Wioston. the hospital in c vii tie. iv a jtvrwvnable "our.it I f< Uow. in his late tvventi, - young ' Winston .v> !• i nly • seven r . til fii ■- > • ;ri )1. try me to i ;•< ip i,. > th>- • enemy ' frost*, our j dyo. ana Ik war honorably dis- ] ••ha .erf . i ,it.i si.- return I Foil,. j.u: 10-c <>iu ts hi- ltd I for serve -ht h. •■■. via -he did j YJOI vii>. •' Hai oi t■‘ ■■ la i-iity - .-even j •s.onths wer. at , ■ so duty, . fighting thi Gertiuuo in Europe. | Winston va- foitunaw enough *o ) he spared to return to hi- native ■* L-tld, Without V' jt i' .fil.i Uil* 1 harmed, hot ii< w.i* not to/Umate | Clough '<. cm ;i;.v a • . • pontts i i ity.o critK-ai firiger ol accusaic-tii sn Ihe direction of the Iron Cat tain, and prattles incessantly about the Vir- : tees of Democracy to which she. only gives sip service. But. let us give you Spence) ■ Winston's story given lo •-•■ he lay on his hospital bed last Mon day patient, uncomplaining arid resigned to his tat-. waiting fry. the tom O' iow that would brink; him relief from the agony he has j been suffering since policeman < Charley Ball os the Wake Forest . oolite fui’« si.-ot him dev. n from _ the rear s 1 t tit* over two weeks , before. ;. We said he vras waiting for iCominued r>» page Si * V ( \ l \ i I El jTM '' f s i \ it. iI s ALL A BOV T n Spencer Winston, young Wake Forest veteran at.,, was shot in the leg by Wake Forest’s trig ger-happy Police Officer Mall, tclK (AKOMMIN reporter James A Shepard all afe-ant ttse Teachers Out-Number Jobs 2-1 V i A.Mi’f There is no tCc.. ihcr >l:.>r;n N. C. Net-rc schools fit pert ,-nt. In fact the state schools turned out this year twice rnans teacher* as there arc jobs in the state, it was disclosed last Many of th-- women graduates ■■ill be forced to accept office jobs and other positions instead of teaching, in y<-ar pa.-i North C .••count; received a number of teachers from Virginia because the Ta lice! state paid a higher salary than Virginia. A focal new'.paper made a survey which reveal*-d that the slate’s It Negro e#lict«* tradtiated 1J24 teachers this sear. The estimate is that there ate jobs for only O i In the house when the fire broke j |t ut amet v.-err unable to escape. ; Si* or .teven other persons po»- : isibly escaped death in the oar. .fi li gation because of their absent* ii arc. the area. » Jl h’V Fills TO AGREE IN RAPE TRIAL HEARING t 11 ARLOTTK -- When an aii 'iliit* iill-malf jury failed i« reach an agreement, a young Ntsro charged wftli assault uith intent to commit rafm on a 22-vear-old white woman was malt red re-tried in the next term of SupMor Court here. sud • /eh Nettles declared a mistrial Tuesday in the case in which James Foster is accused of entering the home of the mother of two small • hllb»vtj and attempting assault. Hi will lie retried in tRc session which gets underway on August >5 he didu't even have a knife, it is generally felt that Bali either purposely cut himself or had a confederate to cut him in an ef fort to substantiate his alleged motive" lor shooting Winston.- STAFF OTO »V SHtRI.LV. f-iiitun|C--,--. Gains h; as a result of the tiovk -.f the campaigns of the Na tional Ui ban League-, the National A.--. .-C’• ft.<. tk.i- A,.lv is ucvusent of Colnr-.-d P'.*o»le and Fair Em ployment Pi ut-Ucus Commisrioas in M-vi-ra. states, but the problem I.' still for from solved And is for other professions open ti> Negroes, the oast of education three or four year* beyond the undergraduate lev el is well nigh prohibitive Jo a large major it 1 * of strident*.. Ex jw-rienev shows that teach in t is frequently a Negro student's second choice ot a .stop tap between collvgv and sionai school. Statistics show that of the 1,472 graduates of North Carolina Ne gro colleges this year, 1,124 pre pared to loach Os th- 1.47& who , v.-ere graduated last. 3 070 prepar i seriouslv limited in vocational op* H ontinwed on page til M\\ SENTENCED" ' IN MURDER EASE CHARLOTTE Edward Lercy Potent, 29-year-old Gaston County white man, was senlonced Monday ic five so eight years in prison foj knifing to death a Mecklen- I burg Negro barber, George Counts. Judei William T. Hatch pro nounced the sentence after receiv ing a verdict of manslaughter Thursday from a male, all-whit* jury’. The trial began Wednesday. ! Pate at. who pleaded self-defense, , said he met the elderly Negro the • night of July S on the Shuifie* town Road. He testified that Counts called to him and when he went cIOUST Counts cursed hmv He then, ete*- j f'd and fell trying to ward off * ' blow as the man raised hi? arm. Fote.at told the court that he | was hit fey a rock in the scuffie and didn't ren. ember wySbint. after that. t> ,