Wheeler Named President Os Durham, Raleigh Banks /¥wjraF&&ysj&. . ;.ss£s|Hg^^HH^B Mi!. WHI f i l.i; CONVICTED DOCTOR DIES UPON ENTERING N. C. PRISON ti.Vl hi (.ill l i, l/i, (tj ta> i- Uit dbpiUr' , •(•;<• lOiif'ii 0V :c. \ ili; , pn-i.:i ( lltl'in * .1 VS'fii - klliH’.tl; Louthem him- liuv'ioi convicted i'i, al oi tiiiii ciiai • died shortly • ;f l’ •'liis-l llj; ■ l\-tHi'.ll i’ri:.uli heir Fi ilia \ u w H R.,- ,-i ! ... N, w York i.yl> < s-.iio jji acticcil mcdiciiic in I» before .jejiumiiii.; a JSj-your !• ■ I'MJ ol p) ;u IHa ili Ii II Moot *• ‘ (/lints Litis died Ol a In.-ai t at- Wake Forest Policemen Must Face Trial For Brutality To Negroes Miss ARI.KNE IK AS, whu suffered assault at the hands of Wake Forest police of Herrs, drew a 30-da\ roads sentence suspended on payment of StO i ust'i during Saturday's trial at Wake Forest. .Miss Lucas was as -auflrd with hands and feel by the officers. *osxßr^ Y : MISS LGRENINE MITCHKX, wiiose ear drum was punctured b> a Wake Forest officer “per* htmimg his duty,” was s*nt«n red to a Jti-day road term sus peijdetl on payment of vis cost at W .!.<• Forest last Smo-’day. Mlc Was I,junked down l»5 tk* officer. /O'* m V _ ... »-... JOBNXY HAYES, well-known Wake Forest resident, was sen tenced to a DO-day roads sen tence at Wake Forest Saturday. He was found “guilty" of m suuSting a pulieraran tind inter fering with a put lee man’£ per roirnsnoe of duty FONDERBURG NAMED CASHIER DURHAM John H. Who elor. i , vice president and cashier of the Mechnnies and Farmers' Bank, ha.- Swi! elected president of the firm, succeeding the late Dr. C, C. Spaulding. V\ heeler lias been aspoctal d with the hank since 1911 i» and vice president-cashier since 1911. Other ehan;/e> announced by the boa d ol clii t (.toes at their meeting here last wool included the elec• tit on of lion Owi n Fimderbiii k, ■r cashier; Dr. Clyde JDonneP, chairman of the bo aid: M N Hat • cis. replacin'/ Dr Spaulding on Un ix i:rt:v. conunilt«.v; and the elec tion of Dr Spaulding's on, Cha It. Clinton .Spauldirijh J: , to the boa. d of directors. At ‘the time of his death on Aur list i. Hr. Spaulding had headed the lunik more than 30 fears It is tin second largest hank in the United States owned and operated by Nr lines. It was founded in LAW, the same year in which Sick ,d, the potiil dinary Ini- , vvi) i-'Cloi--: lie Could tj* Otfieially in eaivcrateci > Uittfe photor,i aph«d rui 1 in/.-rpriiited, Ur armed at tin prison it uooii t-riday on an ambulance am! was pronounced dead a bout an hour later, It. had told a prison physician, Ur. Alfred T. Hamilton .that he was feeling "pretty good" when he was transferred ftuiu Decisions of Lower Lour! Appealed Bv Accused Women, \lan XV. KK FOREST-’ - A ' test case" In wliieh far-flung police brutality toward N.-tnj and othe-i citizens ir. to be die principal issue was initiated hen la -t Saturday when Raleigh Attorney Herman L. Tay- I'lf preferred charges of assault oi itir.st tv.. Wake Forest Police officers follow ini; conviction of tl ri-i.l local N • iro residents on charge.' of interfering with th« dticers in Uu performance of their duties. On behalf ol Misses Arlc-n. I.u --; and 1 .orotine Mitchell, and Johnny Hay.-, the noted civil ' b;,r:-,>:er .-kerf rhip Pohce ' • n t B.«i! and W O. Knuc- H - re L-rov hi to trial on as sault charge- Specifically. Offi. er Hill, whit is known thr..in-.h the H uiitiiiued tin page «t OR. BROWN AT SEORLIt IN ALTERED ROLE _ SEDA LI A. N. C. (ANT*! Dr Char!ot'u ! Hawkins Brown will ro rrain at Palmr- Memorial Insti tute here as an advisor and teach er Mi-:- Wilhelnuna Crassen of ’ 80-ton, h protege of 'Dr Brown. v.-iH take ever administrative and d'Ani! duties. When news \» ns vcleris. d bis? vf the hoard of trustees. Ifndci th.- leadership of Mr*. ; B 'own. who was trained in New Er land nnd who studied nbrord 'le school has devoted it. '..lf u.raely to cultural subjects and to : U scTilng gracious and useful liv |to its students. Mis- C'rosson was trained by Mrs Brown. -She is from Boston : and a product of the culture of | that urea Raleigh Woman First j Negro Named to Staff I Os Delaware Hospital WILMINGTON, DEL. The up’-' itrointtnent of the first Negro tned ' ital staff member to a hospital in ! Delaware was made last week by I Dr. M. A. Tarumianz who an i nounced that Dr. C. Patricia Tur ner of Raleigh, N. C. and Wil mington, Delaware would become a Resident In Psychiatry at the Delaware State Hho-pital at Farri ' hurst. Wh< elec inc new prcsidi ut X' iw horn, Wheeler is a nativi of Kit!roll; Colic e -'Mi ' 1 where his fntltor formerly rved a.- president of til*. Mt-lifuiiis! insliiuliuit. Hi- was Vlincaied in the Athmt;,. (G a.) S’ublic -it tools .ml at Idol ej-muso Doilt-'/e there. Wheel''! who ha.-t won corisiderabli recounilion -js a lawy- r received his !e-..al edu cation el the North Carolina Go) ■ U;,v l.a>v School in Durlumi. Ahio o i the nrgiitthiMions with which Wheeler is affili ated are the following: Mem bership nn the hoards of trus (('iintiiiucil on page 8i 1 tile ullbolaiu e slielelier ill < belt tn the prison hospital 1 ward, fin- tidal heart attack occurred about !f. minutes lat er. Di Ro - wa: setitenc d to 3 tu S yea - imprisonment at Caithete last Thursday by Moore County Superior Court Judge .1 VVd) Pies... who ruled in :us sentenced that Dr. should l-a accorded the best in nicdieiii .itteiition because of an it outinued on page 8> (Continued on page 8) ■ • • w v *‘y ... • v>'-tKRwBHR. - Jmffir' at'j&afc. s iSaiA -it ...-dßia.. . gpp--- . COtIKt SESSION LVTisi Alth«* Gibson. kmerieaYi top ratikitig N'ejsro tennig plaxer H jihototfraphed witte Kurt Nielsen, Denmark's J'ower-twden xini'k and iloubli* court n*'t star, i’hoto was taken sit the Eastern Grass Court championships in Orange, New Jersey recently. The svelte sepia tennis star hail a bad day. She wa* be»Us» by America's top-ranking junior player, Anita Hunter. 1 O^^%BRiEF hex breakim; pi is WOMAN D DUTCH HIGH POINT -- \ woman who threw sticks, stone* and e'ber debris against the house o! a neighbor she believed vm "working roots” upon her, found herself 'in Dutch'' with (be law here this week. Dr. Turner, who has been 10-: caked in Raleigh for tin past year; is a graduate of Howard High • School. Wilmington, and of Terri-j pie University, Philadelphia. She; attended Mo hurry Medical College,; Nashville. Tennessee, eom-pketing j her work there in 1949 and taking i her Internship at Hubbard liospi- j tal, and a Residency at Sstnt A'g-! tCooWniUHt on page 8) ■ Slit; mm yßHjwl MR. ff'MIER liIKG SAMFORD HIRES ; FIRST NEGRO : POLICEMAN SAM OKU Sanford tbU week joined tin* ever-increas ing number of North Carolina towns and cities hiring Negro police officers. H. G Harris, 39-year-old tin ensboro native began pa trol duties in the predomin antly - Negro populated see- Mrs, ,Minni. Kitov, G7, tojel Recorder,. Court .lodge J. A Myall that she opened si bar rare against the home of Mrs. Minnie Beil Butler, because Mrs Butler and family 'fixed n c so t can’t sleep at night.’ Mrs Knox declared that she was trying to ‘’shake off a hex n :,: C.u'rboro | near here has been vMit hiring as i j a bo fay sitt.-i. This is the third sue;, charge' :to have been brought a .aunt ' hilt men in tfit OurharrM hapi-i i Bin nby N« ,;ro git ls and worn rui were Mippo.’-edly nclug ;• Hi ployed a- baby sitter-' JiHL: Lloyd hat teen r< leased r, t> lr200() hoi ici afl e. 14-vear-iiJd Shirley Hcavis charged him with as>ault with intent to commit ra;ie. , The man, father of a child and a veteran of World War (i was ar rested at his burnt after the char ges’ were made Monday. According to Miss Reavis Lioyd can e to her house about 7;30 Won : day night to hire her as a buoy sitter. II- had been referred to be; by a neighbor whom he knew and had first .sought, as a sitter ‘l'he «*rl Mated that Lloyd leaded snti it ha pci Mil after leaving her home instead of toward his Carrboru home tie fondled her in the t-qj and (Continued on page Hi Party Would Make Bunche President, Powell Veep I I JU. bunche \ .M&f! T T~* ~ ' * f f , ' -di * 4 - .dijpw 'ijt ’ *t i 5 .uffiji POOL YIELDS BODY, DIRT. TALK The Chavis Park «v im mmg pool ul Raleigh gave up Hie body «l a !fi-\eai-ald Uny Sunday morning and set ton gues a-wagffing ami officials to hn cslig.i flag, T.>|» photo shows Dim .or of Park Chambers and Chavis Lark Pool Director Krai nev conferring about the death. In venter is brush used to scrape bottom of pool, flinging to brush is some oi 2-mch derp slime covering pool's hot tom. The young: nvitm«rr pictured, like many other persons unaware of the danger of the pool took a swim even after the water winch yielded the bod* was allowed to remain in the pool. City Coun cil action Wednesday closed ii Staffotos by Shirley. ! NEW YORK 'Special) A matt who has the vice-presidential ««- munition ot one “political" party has suggested that a new party be b formed which would offer Dr. j Ralph Bunche. United Nations: mediator, as candidate for the I presidency of the United States' and Adam Clayton Powell. New j York Congressman .as candidate 1 for the vice-presidency. T!i£ suggestion was offered by Symoii Gould, vice - presidential nominee of the American Vege tarian Party, who told Congress j men Powell in an open letter that ihe (Powell) should follow through j jon bis “courageous stand and not' go hat in hand pleading with this. ; candidate or that one for justice t ' v 'S * • and mercy .but declare a ‘plague on both your houses' and form the Negro Freedom Party (or some such which will indicate in a def inite mariner what the Negro de : mand as his rightful heritage.” Gould further insists that tiie organization of such a par ty w?U« conventions, etc., would result in the polling of millions of votes for that party's candidates “which will spell disaster to either of the uarties which have been false lv courting your support be fore elections and then giving vow the same old run-around after.” Gould says that a boycott of (Continued on page 8) ONE BOY’S 890 Y FOUND £$ DIVER SEEKS ANOTHER Bov's (la used Bv NV’iliiMitcc; Pool hi Terrible Shape B U I- L F.TIN RALEIGH The* swimming 1 pool at Chavi* Park was ordered closed by the Ka* leitfh City Council 5n ses sion Wednesday afttrno# as direct result of the drown ing of a 10-year-old fc«y there last Saturday. The poo), on Council order, will remain cio-sed until such time it is put into accept able condition. BY JAMES V. SHtfAHH At aoinctiine Inst Saturday after noon. 10-year-old. Stev.-n Crews at ,M«» risvUl- drowned in the- Chavis ’’ark st imming poo; according to : Ufi ruards on duty at the pool. 1,-st Saturday. there were approxi i nlately a thousand persons in the uooi air of Saturday afternoon. C no one knows when Steven* .t: teo-d th< pi 01. in fact no one had any ides hi- body was in the -,‘ooi until Sunday afternoon, life ?uard- found the body while : searching for another boys body • nicTi was thought might be there 'ft i- really bard, to believe that such a thing could happen, but it did happen. It happened m the day tint- with a thousand or more 1 people present., at the time. Stevens. accompanied by bt» mother and father, Mr. and Mrs j John Cre.’. ■ and three other child ren, carot to Raleigh last Satucr*- iday morning will, a picnic group from Mcarisvilie bound for Chavis i Park As id:' as can be learned. : Slovens wont into the pool, after the Cre ••■'•• family reached the i However hi ; : mother says he came ; out and ’ 'rf iter be wa- going to I a movie up town, where upon if is q .tin- Til, !y -he then forgot all i about him. No one seems to know i when hr returned to the park, but it' is reported that a movie ticket stub was found in the pocket of his clothes in the locker room. (Continued <»n page Si I Cong, mm 10c