PAGE EIGHT RALEIGi i TEAMS TAKES STATE SOFTBALL TITLE ( |p^ ~©usco ra? "" JMm 13rA K. ncert tyogo'' ptAj&&Pl*JGt jmsr <&*«<.s^ s C • • ■'M B JP B \^) 1 " - ' • • • • . '. ■> . ' .A '’" * a,, ’ v ’* ,■ ■ • -• , - '• . - V. ••• COACH HU IS BEADY TO MEET MfIBQAN BEARS BALTIMORE - With a rnwi yjf»tT rr\ pt 0Sl>•”t of 9? j r ' ■• r ’ eQ r‘V li.mmg. Coach Ed tv a> ri P Hue*, long knov r> a a the Me •> V- Man" tit CI.AA football, 'a- eri>'-i!«»id*d ir gloom ssh« made fn «1 pvc rarations to a > e>-i hi. rtf«wrnmg gridders on Augur i! Here r?ve the cron fhauldor* the Morgan menior must place the brent of the ij*> eampai un ENT'S (co-cap ♦c!n>, James Gamtai-', Matthew Marcus TACK I E5- Poorevcli Bro vri fno-capta.n), B t»! an .1 Crupp t. James Fields Pa .-.ley Graham, Al bert Jennings, GIT ARBS William Buford. Edgar Cr eri Lawrence Harrell, Bertram Haci-ington, Timothy Hoi lv, 15i nest 1 .indeav, CENTERS Jo? ph Cassidy. SPORTS CORNER «* GONGRATVEATIONS . , . The old man of baseball, t'on- Mark, proudly puts his arms abound pitcher Bobby Shantz of 46* Philadelphia Athletics at Kb«»e park, after the A's de fe*i4cd Boston to make Sham* the first (pitcher to ?vio 20 gwene* Shi* aw»%. ? - \K BACKS Walter Carr, Gary or Freeman. James Green. Otis John- B: ion, Ruiert Morton, Tlonaia Pol - in tei?on, Waiif> Mosley, Robert Per - .O ?y, Harvard Quann Walter Rob. > . bins. Georg, Williams. Oliver a. Stern. norcs. Bit The Stilt ' Vrt nilnral Alobiliza • Cninmitte found in 1051 that ;AO.OOO acres of land in N'.rth Ga c.'ma were being cultivat'd that •ho’ilfi b" in trees oi grasses "", • Senators Manager Says Paige Could Make The Team Tops In The League WASHINGTON (ANP) 1 I «iw r rfi- At God. we ><.ould be i:* Hi -.t pin tv if >";’ hfli Satchel Pa ire" Tii it mournful reflection carno from th<> Up... of Washington Sen* bio; Hni'n, c-r Ducky Harrir, pilot of *h>’ all-white diamond represen* Intivo: of the nation's capital "IV* Tl hr right .it the top If wr had him," Harris rnntln* iicd. ‘oil I think f ley eland v.-miH 1«c an ay out in front with Satch If St Louis dido i have him, they'd ho on (hr bottom." Hampton Team Out For Drills On September Ist HAMPTON, Va lt will be 'i a ■ I'm,-- jo re a lit' - sot Tfcm*p ton Tnsli'Utc' i f'l irttru n > 1li r, v eathoi '.hi the '•■unpus to hr yin (all i,.f :«'t:! e 'lil Mend;..'.. Scpto ' .1)01 1 Twenty - one returning Icttem -n ... ( x ?••*'• ' .1 in the ■-(!•■ -it! of T „ut ho men ns Coach Harry R J» f fcr.'iu.'s ehai yr point fur »hc Sep. ti-nvii-; pii onson ■.().■ 111*1' !)< !.• ••.-. irh r, nev opponent FlyCtt > v 1 1!> Palo 'l !-.f: ("oUl'fcl 'Tin prrite;. who >n fn ■■ ..use. nod lord four last ye?i and gained a fir-* division CIAA rating for the fird time -nice I!H7. .• < ,\. ,< . ted to ‘on'iniif on the way ip tin.. y« n I.ojicimen. lost through £) idnntion or ineligibility tni. ji . r ire •• ml Bo'' Aye's nd block im: bark Alphon..i King, who have finish'd their college athletic ra re.ns, Frank Taylor. fiiiir rt.d; Woodrow Fio p,. promising soph omore iyack. and Emanuel Bu'Jor. Junior Taylor H 1 >'"r and Br.tle ire > ■■• expected hack in whooi this yi-a Helping to offset these loss cs will he Clyde Taylor, 'SO end who fs hack in the fold; and Fred Clark and William Middleton, ineligible last year because they wee, transfers Clack is a big tacki,. from San Antonio, Tex.. Middleton an end. Several freshmen abo will contribute new strength. Amnnc the Pe ate mair.stavr this year will be Jot Hick?. Harry Eason and Horace .Ciu'ie at ends; C: tain doe Young, Ernie YtiiHc, William Ray Hold. mvi ,-M Se.s'ion. at tackles; Charlie Gaskin;;. Herb Witehin. Roland Brown, and Wal ter if iy a! guard;;; i/»ronzo WliLte at center: and in tire backft-ld, ■ orn c -ob. Cal Gaboon, Willie Casey, Dick Harris. .John Wood ard. Charley Royster, Jones Tay lor. T. d Wilson Warren Cole nan, and extra-point specialist Rufus “World" Stevenson trie Pirates. ••«. ith a new back field. coach this year in John,*.* McLendon, meet Shaw in Raleifth on September ;',7. a week afl-.-f the home opener, and lien come* home again to take on North Ca rolina. on October t, and North Carolina A. & T, on October 11. Three straight road games lake them to Maryland State, Oetoher 13; Virginia State. October 25. and Lincoln. November 1 before the homecoming game with Howard on November 8. After traveling to Morgan on November 15, the Pi rates close at home with Virginia Union on November 22 RFC— The iverage time needed to eov.' a broiler out to market : weigh* has been reduc' d from 12 t., in weeks THE CAROLINIAN f ’drily entc.p.h Clark Griffith, O’vner of the senators, has never Keen the necessity of changing his Jim Cr »w wa r even when it v.ould mean rn-.n"- in his pocket. O’ iff lib ha; h" ( -n ‘he la.get of democratic protest for the past decade, but hr. s always played ■ deaf, Many Washington observer* feci that. Negro ItavchaH fan* need to so on a siiduwn strike aceinst Hu Senators before Griffith will open his ear drums. EAGLE GRfDMEN WILL FACE EIGHT FOES FOR YEAR DURHAM Ccm oil Herman H Riddick of th« North Carolina Ori kg" Ragles' football I-am an nounced here this week an eight .'ini’ M'li-’duie for the Tarheel eleven The niririickmcn open m Durham on September 27 with St, Augustine's College Falcons ot Raleigh. Other home games Include: S Is -* tv University 'Homecoming!. Oct, :J5; West Virginia State. Nov, 15 and A and T. < ©Urge, November 27 i Thank -'git ins Day) Aw ifrom home, the NCC fno tbo lifers Hampton in, the Vo ■ ei mans' home on 0::t *. Virginia stale in \V ■ hin.gton. D C on Os: 1A; Tirmi’v, ■■■'•: State A and l. Unjv ’ -'tv. Na-sh'-'ilh.*. Tenn. Nov. 1, and .Tohn-nn C. Smith ■ Umv'v-sity. Charlotte Nov 8. op ii dates f..i the Eagles ere r" <-1 ■ ■ i i 1 and Nov 22. NCO HAS ALUMNI ATHLETFS UN COACHING SIAFF DURHAM The North Car*-Una CoHe-'p fooibat’ picture for 19.53 i: bi'irht is fa.i a? cauche.- > e concerned, but there ar*’ several Question marks about the quality and thte quantity of manpower 'ft, the cason In addition to tiv usr’al troubles of the draft scholarship eligibility in the the rlass'oom,, the Eus-'lcs this year are having their prob lems in recrui'men! Th piclute looks gloomy for new material. On the coaches' -me of 'he led' jjer, however, there is room foi toy Floyd Brown, the new has h< tball roach is already on hand m help roach the backfield when practice star's Sent. 1. There ts a rumor that last year's brilliant all* American Erromst ''Hands" War lick may lain tip to help with tin ends since h.- will be doing post i-rfld work at NC't anyway. Then, there is the cheerful thought of f +''''*■****■’ v ’ If*'.' •' - "'g DAMAGE IS DONE—-Three Olympic boxing champions, Norvel Lee, Charles Adkins and Lloyd I’u tersnn (loft, to rigfiti ex itmino photo which shows Adkins bludgeoning his Russian opponent, after tho fighters returned from Helsinki aboard a Fan AnierVau eftpper, Leo won the 170-pound championship, Adkins the t3?-p ukl event, and P«t»crson tho l(?5-pourd nmtrh. GVovvsprpss Photo.) N « . »i bt >ys IN • M-Sgt. Roy Siav iright!, son of Mr. and VJi (l.ipliei P Slay and bus hand of Mis. Joyce Slay , all o' iUfltc 1 Milton. \. C„ displays his discharge certificate after re cnii*ting for nti indrfinite p*rio 7 * i Army is -. xpec 'd ' , <■•.’ "* : school at NCt ■ e-'i ') C’l -.vviiD; 4 . 0.51F.* nt ; ri.r*?' ■*-' •!'. D*vi MatcolrA n an, sLiiisiician. 1 WnlUl \ i inn (.irnlin t < • ■ I ■ . 1 RISER VE 1' CALVERT DISTILLERS CORPORATION f di ivartsrnhr, Germany. At left ts. ;-Ff ( barite Canaan, sergeant ion. Slay, first sergeant of Com jsan\ s)'' in tile tilth, m a grad uate of Avon, Miss., High *-rhool. Ft s. A KNIT PHOTO) - BFC RF.AD THE CAROLINIAN Let I s Print \ (im .WEEK ENDING AUGUST HO, 1922 i Durham Loses In Finals In State Meet FAY KTTF.VII -T .F, The North Carolina Recreation SocPty Stetfe , Ni'V.i-u .-uttiall Championship held ir. Fa, .'U'ville was won by *h* Thomas Food Store tew: who rep* ! iesent*’d !he city of Raleigh. I They defeated tim Deacons of Durham In he finals of the tournament by a score at 2t-4 f alter having defeated fh*» “Vll min K ton Mohawks In the Semi-Finals by a score of 11-9, Durham defeated Fayettewll* 13-12 in the Semi-Finals. Members of the Ralegh T..-,j>* i-n; ,1;,-i•: f t I' 'r, f'n iVBy, . Carl Smith. George Waits, Thomas r Thorp, Joseph Hunter, Charlie i Simmons, -lame.-- Joyner, William j Nichols, If la'' Winfield, Raymond ■ Johnson. Robert McNeil. James Faulk, Co-Manarevs of 'he l-»arit ! v.. ;-v: Crrt Easterling and ’Hn,- | lend Hw'ou BFC NCC MUSIC ' DURH A Do Pap] GelrtiS, chalrma of the m ~«i< department* at North fbi’ olina College ♦.hi'* ■ v< ek anno- nc*’«t plans to form a North i' i; obi.*i dirge r-vmpnouy OrcheMvo The '•>t’' v -cd •’■•'.•hesiia will be a Jpi:*‘ -Op - ’ nil'.’ % project, Hci-urding to !>i Ge!--'dat’d s'l in ** costed tvu'.i are invited to participate in *r,e audit ions. Auditions ;iI i>o h<’!d on Moo ciav, Wcrincf and Friday «>v-*n- Inas. s.-p- :>i 23 from 7 to 0 p.m anti -on day »(- •ernoon. Sc;” . from 1 to •' p.m. it’ Room I’!, 1 Mir ic and Fine A rtf' Building. Lason and F? »•- tevßia St *D’.ii ham Dr Gelroii, ,• ---ill conduct the c-t chestra. is •> roropo;*.”- vhr -,,>■ , |- Nr r t • , ~r : , .so from « profo yorshi ■ at the Uni'-*“r«itv of Manitoba, r; Cfina'a EXPERT * ; A Specialty "■FT C» A- M FOR TUT. VERY I \TF.