N. C. POLICE CHIEF FAVORS NEGRO JUDGES I f ttm . . k ***. 'tii jLilftl li flj ff! '•*" '> V : <( ;V' H 1 -’V' 1 '1 J Vf Hi H H I J , ■ & , VSft'*?»&} j £SS»R -Sam* * riisS f * ! iwl^ 4 f ''™pjM^HHKß^^^^g ft 1: JhHVIHP^ UGANDAN STUDENT AMONG FOREIGN VISITORS AT NCO I IST WEEK Rif hard (Dick) hatoiigole ot Uganda in Central Alika, (extreme ilijlil top row) tu« among «!»** foreign visitors At Clayton—Not Only One, But— -3 COPS CHARGED WHITEWASH BY CLAYTON ACTION Entire Police Dept. Oi Johnston t own Uiariied In **> iUirc r c SMITHFIELD The entire po lice department of Clayotn was scheduled to race preliminary fa-nr iiit it* Recorder’s. Court here VVt ,!i,.. day on charges growing in: <t tilt fatal sliooting of a X*‘- *ru laborer-truck-driver at Clay t«n tv a vvct-ks ago. Because of a docket crowd «fl *\iil> jur e cases, the Re corder was unable to hear < bargees by Attorney S. S Mitchell that the admitted shooting of Young Watson, by the < laytrtn police chief, was j ease of felonious, unlawful, wilful slaughter. Wat. on teas slain on Sunday i.vid August i? at the home of i.- mother at Clayton who he al hyediy sou:; ji to evade arretlk. .Continued on page Kl HCC GRADUATE LISTED IN TOP 10 IN NATION DSJTtHAM, N. C. Calvin H. Norman, J:. president of North i'aiulifM CulL-ge 1952 Student iJot i'i‘)usiviii tun L*< i-n d u it- of ii;i 10 i: astandiii: 1 fi idi lii li-ai.il »':• ill i9t>2. The selec ; e. m.i-u try Lender Pub- Ji. ittii.iii.‘ i i ILf-vvi lv HLi- i iih inriii.i Nona-an a veteran ol Worj a ! U'.. 11 . v,’ho tool'. U pi e-fOOdiCal v-ii-M- at MCC. we- tin only rc j> - *•• H- i: a native of Jamaica, K v . iU'k, Other instifutions rep i< i-fitativi ot Ni's i o colli uc choc i i-.'t-.'iu U incluih Stan lord UniVPi i"’, and till- great Robert Brute ivlsstiua.- noted track star from 'i'oiaie Calif; UCLA and Tame,-: Uullthuied on patfe kt ( fuwfjcd Docket Ma\ Cause PostjMmement In (Irtiel Cops (last* (UliKlflH—A crowded Wake t iiunty Superior ( i.urt docket o.aj «eee*N«Ule postponement m trial in the case in which lue Wake forest police of lue- are t harmed with assault upon four Nejfro residents ot the Wake County town. Wake forest Officer C, A, Walt anil IV. O Knuckles have tfc.-ii charged with assaulting lotv colored women and tw o men, one of them to such a decree that amputation of a pistol-shot-wounded leg- was necesary. The case was originally übeduSed lor trial before the VViilic high court during its current sesesltm. The extent of the docket rausese it to appear that the ease will not he heard nnth the next seession of the Superior Count is held here it ii refs ted- hawevei. to the campus of the North Carolina College at Durham last week, Mr, Katanga It- is shown here during an interview with Charles \ Itav. direelor of tho i x^ot ill IN THE FIRST PEN Cals, in H. Norman, former president of the Strident Gov irnmriit Association at North ( arolina College, Durham, has keen selected by Leader Publi cations of Beverly Hills, l alii., as one ot 1952 s 10 outstanding college students in the I’nited Stales. He was the only repre sentative oi a Negro college so honored. A war Veteran and nanied, Norman a native ot lamaica. V V. was pre-med ma jor at NCt . uS^^RIEF Bo\ \M) GIRL ARE RI D EEVTHER KIDS DURHAM A Xcu.ro boy and i.:irl an two of the "Four Red Feather KUls'' who will take part, in the Community Chest campaign i in i < this yi-fir. The tty to colored children are Jessie Parks. Jr., a Boy Scout ..nd Catherine Burnette, who along v iiii two white children, will' rt-.-ik, personal appearance- ure irc f•>.(!>]»ort of the Chest during the campaign. , The .-elections were made here . Tuesday 111 BUY MAYS MOM 01 SIX. THEN FIFES REIDSVILLF - Police said here Tuesday that a 26-year-old worn , . ti. mother of six children was ; fatally - not by her estranged has-. band early in the day. Officer- said one of tin- children . ii < ported the shooting occurred about 8.30 a.m., at th< residence j of the victim’s mother, with whom ; she had been Uving following sep I .’.ration According to officers, the father, r,iuiit-,(fj 'Thomas, fired three- bul jUU into the wife, who was. ruaSt-j (ci to a local hospital but died en 1 route. Officers have launched an inten- j tensive- hunt for the husband. Neighroi - told police that Thom- 1 as jumped into a truck and hastily i : departed following the shooting j • CONVICT ESCAPES I FOR THIRD TIME j, ! STATESVILLE— Theodore Daw- J ■ i son, a convict who escaped from | 'an Alexander County prison camp . work gang near Scotts Friday is J . NCC .News Bureau (extreme right front row). Other students pictured lali of whom are cur rently studying at Guilford College. N. C ar. back row CHARLOTTE CHIEF BELIEVES RACE JUDGES WOULD DECREASE CRIME Negro Jurists, Detectives Would Also Serve Need, Officers Feels CHARLOTTE Th, Chief of Police in this City where the n>- eu.er,. of murder has sot stunt: ■few yciJis keen the second high est in the nation is in favor of the appointment or election of Ne groes as court judges in an ef fort to .•triu an < vei -increasing ; row!.a of crime anum.- membi rs ’o! their race. I'olice t hies Frank N Little juhn. known widely as one ot the most efficient law enforce ment agent .. h, ads in the na thin, intimated that ne favored Negro judges in one of a series of articles published in a to eat daily newspaper recently dealing with the city’s hi b rate of homicides among Ne groes FAVORS JURISTS, DETECTIVES Chief Littlejohn also wve.'iH'i! that he favors naming of N’e roc-. t.o juries .and appointment of Ne gro detectives and policewomen as other is'f. : native.- thfoouh which to light the growing menace of still at largo and prison officials; have (xpressed the belief that h>-1 has left this part oi the country.! Dawson was a “C" grade ori forter at the time of his escape and was wearing stripes. This is his third .-scape since 1649. He was convicted of break i'igr.nd omering and larceny in I Cumberland County arid war sen- \ Kneed ts) from three to five years, i In 19-19 he escaped t-hc- Rowan 1 prison camp and v. a.- later aopre- j bonded Jo Baltimore. He escaped I the Beaufort County camp and this j tins- tie vas recaptured in Wash- ; im-.ton. -j IT NF.RtI, SERVICES HELD EOR MINISTER; CHARLOTTE- Funeral services 1 •er Rev. Robert Milton Mitchell | Jr., pastor of Stonewall AMF. Zion j • Church, were hold Tuesday after- ; noon at 4 o’clock at the St one wall j church. Rev. Mr. Mitchell died FAriday at his home 994 N Long j Street. The service- were conducted by; Rev, S. W Hamilton, presiding! elder of the AMR Zion Church, i * ssbting ir. the service* were R. v J. r Clark-, ffev. H D Till- \ man. Rev. G. W. Hunter. Rev. I. I L. Hoti-tm, Dean ,f. ii. Suffer- ! whit Dr t Van CatHdre Rev. I -’ E. McCall Rev A NT. Gibson, j and Rev. F R. Rh-kcy. Active p.’illbeersr were Rev. i P. F Tliurstnri, Rev W .1 Row- ! ell Pr-v. N V .la->ev P»v T T.! Johnson. Pee. J. W Davis, and; Rev. M. L. Houston. Honorary pull- ! bearers were officers of the Stone- I wall AMR Zion Church. j The body lay in state at the j church from 1 p m until the hour of the service. After the service, the body war- shipped to Jasper, Ala., for burial Surviving are the widow, two j sifters, and his stepmother. trotn left Donald Trom»arore, • Italy; Oscar Koth<-nhueehcr, j Germans Kalangolo; and front ; low As Ifainmagal, India; and ! Anty Vcihejdem, vfix* Vcrbcy deli is of Belgian ih.e.iU killing of Negroes by Negroe,- Thc police head says that he feels that Negroes as judges, jurists, policewomen and d< Peetives, have the advantage »F being closer to the problems of the Negro and would there fore be inclined to avoid len iency or protectiveness The scries of ariick - in which Police Chief Litth-john made !,..-. observations noted the tact that th. annuo! tau of khliug of Ne»- ■ gtots by Neg-.rocs nt Chariolte !■ jf t. p«-r itkhOOO as compared to the natioHa! ■ i.tt oi ~ 4 per 100,00t> poi ' son.- . ! The scries further violet! that the incidence of homicides among N" cues s occasioned by loose narerstal control ove; X. ::c,i yotita. ,' Mie inovitahk- fruit- of life- in -him-w pr b«u?iri the Umitod fa . eililies for reel cation and rcligi - i -o,- euidaiov: the notion held by •whites liiat ihe jN-'sro is .m-soon sibie, the p.»v.-n of hi.-, own e*hild . like aand arovnal in.-tmets and Mie I extension of this concept to tiv -1 ~ ... .- . rl . t v,.. :.. *» courts and enforo men; agencies In recapitulation, ti,. ><•, i<-.- i jp tor observation the facts: I. That Charlolts 1 homicide rate is a shameful picture, and one too Lint tolerated and sense what i ernored. J. That the need lor re-evaJ uatinc and perhaps readjusting iftmUnued on past’ Hi - -»■. - ... L --C-. • -'15 s ' oc.y.>.. ** step up the pace as they march last week. Negro laegrionlitres com- ’.. THE CAROLINIAN V £aAso*Ct*CiCL4f &iSvejL&f •»♦ 17 2 ——— *"" ¥ Mgirf „. S 10c VGUJMN XI WEEK ENDING SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1952 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA NUMBER 42 In N. C. County rNTERRACIAL VICE DEATH CLAIMS 4 DURING HOLIDAY, RALEIGH -- At least four of North Carolina's 1.3 Labor Day weekend deaths involved Ne groes, a survey revealed this week. Listed as dead during the ho liday period were: Little Clara Mae Alston, i. of Route S, Essex, who was fatally injured in an automo bile accident which occurred in Nash County. Major Chapman, a resident of Charlotte was killed in- * staidly when struck by an au tomotiile on a Charlotte street, Lester Leech. 33, of Robeson County .was kilted in an au tomobile accident near bis home at Pufklon. Clarence Evans of Charlotte was reported drowned follow ing a leap into a swollen creek near his home town, MOTIVE FOR LABOR DAY DEATH SOIOHT FAIRMONT Police officers ut e st;ii lookii,-; fin .he motive behind ih. fatal sbootirm of a 20- yi. ar-oid odni vd ytn.;k by .*r-.<it;■.• J’ one in a combination hotel-cuft hen Monday night. As far as essuld be k-arned, Aitenuis Thompson wa- tatal- Iv injured when shot with a .22 calibre pistol by a south iden tified ws Jaitirs Pierce. A H’i'nfss to the shooting. Bill Williams says that when It ewas about to enter the hotel-case, Tierce ran from the building chased by Thompson anil Slabbed Williams for use as a shield. Williams further told offices that he wrested away from Tierce who then drew a pis tol ami fired at Thompson, still in hot pursuit. Follow ink the shooting Pierce made -'.nod an escape and had not been apprehended at Carolinian p-esstimr. % ALERT SOI THER.N INVESTIGATOR FINDS UQUOR RING WORKS N. r, TO NEW YORK SCOTLAND NECK - The arrest of a man identified* by ABC of ficers as the "runner” for a New York-to-Nurtlv Carolina illicit whiskey ring, her* last week set in motion one of the most am- ; bitious racket-busting operations . ever launched in the area. MacFonville. 28. of Brooklyn, was nabbed •here early last Sat u: day morning after acting sus- I piciously and attracting the atten tion of an ABC officer. Fonville, who was driving an ever-sized Cadillac, freely admit ted a “runner" for the North to | South whiskey ring after the car !ht was driving was foun dto be i hauling 200 gallons of booth g; j '.v'hiskev Fonville said that he made rrgu jlar trips between New Bern, N. C, i i and New York City with loads o( ! whiskey, pointing out the fact t-hat j jhe picked up the loads from a I person he "didn't know" in New i Bern and delivered it to equally las unidentified persons on the. New York end of the run. I The “don't know nobody" driver was taken into custody and jailed here i nliett of SIOOO bond. It is expected that his efforts to gain . freedom will help to remove sorm of the mystery in which the !whiskey ring has shrouded itself LOCAL SCHOOLS ! ENROLL 2,740 RALEIGH A total of 2.14(1 ; Negro students were enrolled . In Ruieieh schools on opening day Tuesday, reports from the | local schools superintendent reveal. Os the total number of stu- j | dents 1180 are enrolled in the j elementary and high school i departments ai Washier* i ton school: 8M are at Lucille Hunter School; 596 at Crosby- Garfield; aud 163 at Glwrltn. AN Oi l REPEATED SC ENK— The above scene was repeated scores of times in Raleigh and other North Carolina cities and towns this week as public schools opened for the current seeassm. Mrs. Elizabeth Peebles is pic tured here as she escoretd her son, Dwight, on his first trip to the Obf.rlin Schcool at Raleigh where about 160 students were enrolled on Tuesday, the open ing day. A total of 2,4*6 students enrolled in Raleigh schools and elsewhere through the state record numbers of students an swered the call to places of learning, STAEFOTO BY SHIRLEY. Drive Safely — School Is Open! jr - "-' i - • *1 %y '■ . .. jT JhHbMKL KNOWS WHAT BLOOD CAN DO Pvt. Harry Johnson, a St. Matthews, S. C., GI now in the li. S. Army Hospital at Fori Bragg, knows what a pint of blood can do. Pvt, Johnson owes hii iife to tbs. jyersss who don- BOYS AND GIRLS OF BOTH RACES ARE IMPLICATED Parents ami Others Involved In Ring LUMBERTON (Special) An attitude of "it’s been happen ing al! the time" was noted here : ‘ii; week when official announce ment was made that a sox ring ij. volvhr: whit, and Negro girls arid • boy> va- -orating within Roue ! son County. Tin.* -.ittitudo received a je-;. .owever. when n V. as noted thw hat officials considered the majority of the persons; involved have been arrested on charges n iming from prostitution to and thinugh contributing to tin deUn . quency oi a minor and carnal know ledge. Indication that soawthins, was amiss was given more than a year ago when high was patrolmen discovered teen-age*-* () f both races "hfv •!nt sport” in automobile*#: parked in lonci* stretches a* Ions; Robeson county roads, h't lit!-.-, an. invi tiyation, it was learned that Negro nkn ana v ..me-! ini lading in on. ease-*- parents of mini.: girls, at well le w-hit e me., hav- take apart, in a profit--v and vice ring in whicii vo.. • • u: :.uth races par ticipated. In indictrm nt* band.d down by '-be Bo!.h-.-..!i County prand Jury Tuc-day. Mt.if .Sis;it-:s and his Wife, Mr- Louise Smith were charged ;ii c, mribuiini; to the dela.- < Ontimicii on page 6! HE'S TOPS AS PLUG-CHEWER GOLDSBORO, N. C. (A*P) —Some 'iO.OiXi persons were on hand last week to witness the ushering in of G ddsboro s sivth annual laycee - sponsor* edFarmers- Day. A high spot of (he day's activities was th# winning of the tobacco chew* nig by a Negro. The rontest w nner was .lame* Bailey, Go! boro raj. dent, lie took the prise over five other to rite si a . ts, At the same time he won the right to compete In the national con test in September in Danville, Va. ated the blood which was placed in his veins after he suffered an Injury while fighting on the K»- tean front earlier this yf«r. (SEE COMPLETE STOEY PAGE. 1, SECTION 2, c.—. . ■ 18c

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