PAGE EIGHT Hti. -- idBBW '* , '' i -™iilg V*■ ■ kfrffffjg f. fraMf•HS&&.K* -jgggaMiMMai LAB O B REPRISE YEA'IIVE CHA.T.i UITU BOXING fUAMr Greeting Lauro Salas, light ” fis*’! boxing c hampion of lh<' world, is !>• ink Vvltip, interna irenat represtntatlvr, \malga mated Meat Cutterv and Butcher H'otkmcn of North America. V !uc wa« guest a* i meeting of Beating The Gun — (ED!TCP 3 NOTE AL MOSES HAS BEEN ILL.. THIS IS AN AB BREVIATED COLUMN BUT I J WILL HAVE A FULL COLUMN AS SOON AS HE CAN) NEW YORK cANP) The- ap preciative as ■'•pH as proud State Os New Jersey, v. iihin whose her ders Olympian And<- Stanfield ms triculated a' Set on Hall college gave him a lifetime position in as athletic (snpc'-visorv) (.'opacity. This writer campaigned for Mr. Stanfield in articW that era for .> month in Posting the Gun": Andy: hi* pretty viM and tit• ir moo.old. baby. I wish *o thank my friend Lf-bn* Granger, head of the local Urban League for whatever pci he too might have clayed in tr- me to bring to the* attention of schools and other agencies, the need of a top level job for Stanfield. Jess* Owens back in 1936. should ha'/e been given a top ath letic director's post at either his alms, mater. Ohio State, or of any of the ranking American col leges This writer is sh? happiest of MORGAN OFFERS SWIM COURSES FOR IRE SEASON BALTIMORE Classes m be e-pnirig, intermediate md advance time this fall. Dr w p Burs gar. State College for *he first s'vimrrvns -vdl b-:* -jfered at Mor hardt. director of r.ealt-h and phy sical education. announced (his week If there it a sufficient demand, life - sa- ing courses •••'ill also be included, the director said, add ing that at least four male- mem bers of the department staff will be available for mstructtonal p»r fOktS. Tr. addition, ’here will he a re crestiona; s 1 irc period each even ing Monday through Friday, »-ith the possibility that one of these evenings will be v t aside for fa faculty and staff. Whether Morgan v ii! have a varsity swim team this year is a matter which cannot be deter mined until after the opening of school on Se ptember 29. If a suf ficient number of students with previous aquatic experience is en rolled, ft j S almost a certainly that the Bear? will be represented by an entry in the CiAA conference race ram. We have cry*acted from our FOOTBALL I THIRD ANNUAL f g INTERSECTIONAL CLASSIC > 1 s® • > A&T ; I iccm l I |*« Central ?’ I M r ' State ? 1 jMßf* • College cf Ohio j M 1 \ SAT - 20 " 1 f SEPT. s 8 :•$> 1* * P : M :... e a I wvW&fci ' ' A Greensboro 5 M abmissiox st CT A f\|l fM N 4 Tax Included id I Hl/lUm JJ} leading Mexican people of Lnc Angeles, sponsored by newspa per editors and publishers. Ob i serving th<* friendly chat be- I t%vp<*n Salas and Aslnp is i Charles Keppler, editor of i j ■pm (5 publication in too j Ir-. (AVP| 1 very firs* sport f itle h*vad (Bias ing the Trail), 1922. Our pen will remain silent. whPb we feel to do otherwise tugs at our shoe strings MELTING POT Arch Levy.a dental student, thinks Chuck Dressen is a guy than Leo Duro fiber he tells voti why i:k this: Hoyt Wilhelm if as good a r« lief pitcher as Brooklyn's Jo>- Black or any man who ever threw Why in hades doesn't that Lippy fella" cab on Wjlhelm fir-*. lik« Chuck Dress* n does In Black's Say fans still a little vpak Just didn’t want to let you do vn foi too long, since I'm not bedded anymore RFC PRE-SEASON GRID CLINIC STOP SESSION BALTIMORE \ pre-seasor football coaching * lime for mem ters of his staff was held by Coach Edward P. Hurt of Morgan ; State College last week Line Coaches Talmadee L. (Marse) Hill and Kenneth Brown and RackOeki Coach fore the beginning of practice -aq dnpufioj -aq) ioj pwru Alvin M. • B«(i) Brown wort* on this week ’safnpatfe-s aaipead soSueqo play patterns and coaching tech- ‘ niques were major discussion top ics, augmented by the showing - strations. With the opening game : with Central State College a»' Wilberforce, Ohio less than one month away and with no out •: rlanding new prospects in sight. •' the mentors were anything but optimistic following the sessions 26 Texas Timers Out For Drills HOUSTON. Texas Twenty - -lx lettermen .twenty-eight fresh men and ten j 951 squadmen re- j ported for the Texas Southern I University Tigers’ initial fall prac tice Monday September 2. Monday’s practice began the fourth year of the University's: ambitious long range Athletic pro- ; gram under Coach Alexander Dur-' ley and this may be the year that the young and ambitious Tigers make a bold and serious bid for National recognit ion :. ■ -41- • t ---.L - •«*-- lA'.’lwtii . V'--' —— L ’ lIV. ? At The Ringside OF MAXIM OFFb IN TAKING CAKE When Cb airman Robert K. , Christen berry and the New York ed light heavyweight champion State Athletic coniroision susperi'J ! Joey Maxim and his manager, Jack Kearns. U*cmc:<> they l> | e refused to honor an a,fi cement to ■poet Randy Turpin in a title i out the Mew Yo'k cfikualf d-d good dede for boxing Since Maxim has been 175-pound ' king, toe consistently has refused to meet this leaduu* ■ii-illvueer■ in ebafr-piofisbip bouts Hi* lift , by. : passed, such men is Arc hie Moore. Hamid Johnson, md now Randy Turpin, lie listened with a deaf a i towards the challenges of Harry l) Matthews until the Kid tried unsuccessful iy to be come a heavyweight ohailonger Maxim has defended against Irish Bob Murphy and R.s y iSugari Robinson. the middle weisht king While holding his title, however, he has tong lit such heavyweights as !:>/ ird ( harle*. former heavy king. It app'in-d that Joey's next title defense was being (pared for former middleweight king •Lake I i.Moba who has done nothing to merit the crown shot hut whip a couple of m’d dlewelgbts and an ov!<• chomp. l ets : hope he starts facing his dividend ' challengers CHICAGO EXCITED OVER DAVF.V - ORAZIANO BOUT Chicago fight fans a I read v ax* ! *-xcitcri over Lie Sept. 17 bout be tween '•■' :.,un.: Rocky Graziano. :c o r tr. e middleweight champion, land Chuck Bavcy, undefeated %vel-. terweight at the Chicago Stadium i According, to Truman K. Gib -on Jr., secretary of the Interna iiottal Boxing club, nearly 2.000 ■ -'■ ks .save been received in the .BC office for tickets to this bout For Davey victory will rrenn ;a taste of big money, a probable •' welterweight title bout and recog ! nit ion ss a great young fighter. IH,- will be out to prove that be ! can Auck Oragiar,o‘s sledge liaffl : mer blows long enough to south | paw his vay to an important dc rif-ion. Davey is training in Michigan I ■ WJMWIJC SJEATER-- Early in the morning liberian women go to i make *nn*k«t.'’ In the pans or. their heads they carry dried fish, alar* •he at cola on which they sit ali day, and the baby which they m.iid |: *rtiH#-’''w jlSfewaprov ri»dttth ■—•■• “ - City I;id for what he -rins’d' - • the big.;?c! bout of his weei t.Vraziano has moved into the Mid west Gym from hi training quar *> in N-w Yi-. :. to -unpi'-fe his P- a 1 1 - ARCHIE MOURE TO I Yi L (J snr.iNi. I n» vi i I.X Hi- iiHiJT Veto -an Archie Moore pultun, his liopi ■■ for son)? kind of a ■ir n | ii-■!• in; cunt, on the (jin?, Wednesday, Sept 10 when hr fat .*■ > uniiil and rugged CE'ircnce H'-nry Sept. Ut in Detroit. i. oitiU; rieiu v is :m exti»jncly cievig- l‘‘ , 100 v? ’, - - - i.ijufai wallop, but who i*i somy-vliat in exoeri' need when it conic*, io >ing fu,* -*:t He is jiutpntuiiiy the b* .*t futun heavyweight piuspect in the ntiii today Moon* has fought \:o long and' so often that he irs learned just about Hi the trick? of his !rad<; Hi - .veakness now is tlu likelihood -if tiring before »he cud of a bout ili m,i?t pace hmveU carefully to end a tighl >*. it.b full st.cani This rinpider has mwer seen: Moore fight, but from ; .vhat be I ■ i, he to ■ : th Moon - \ery eood Nevertheless he v ill pick young Henry to upset Un* cagey light, heavy and take :> nar ro.v decision I IMS FOR HAIRSTON. TITLE FOR CM .SON When Carl (Bobo? Oicoo '.von a -, * --nd TKO over Gene Man .don before thr American Legion* at Mad.ivon Squaie Garden, that rceikd I'uture middlew cigat chain - j Hairsion. Hairston is a good, willing tighter, but not a champion. He - the ideal club brawler "ho i ■ sure to make it tough for d,-. opponent He hr. failed, however, in every crucial bout against, a topnotcher U** lost to Jake I-*a- Motta after holding him To a draw He was Kayoed by Johnny Bratton He lost to Otson Hairston still is a young fighter.' but he is not improving. Evident iy, he is as good as he ever • tti be This ringsider feels that he will- be 1 w.-cd trial n-.usc materia! in t-he future for ail middleweight.* v, ho want to set ahead. Olson has .-a own , ■■api'cven'iCJ* :ii his more recent bouts He is coth s good boxer and a good punchei It seems lik•••}?• that Ray Sugar) Robinson will retb -' ;. ■ ■ iy soon, and Bobo sho id be the man fcadv to take o> -n in ah elim- Jc\;k Sialr (*r6l S< huHinß «l HOUSTON Texas C •‘sch Alex ander Durley has announced the ■ complete ten card football seb€ • fM.sje for 195?. Ii follows; ; September *» B- + : o College September 27 Southern Uni- . versify October 1 Jack -on College October 11 Octob f r 13 «Nigh* > - Bi>hop College Ot"">ber 23 luncoin Univei-* sUy November I—Xavier1 —Xavier University Noverr, r S Poul Quuin Col lege TT!E CAROLINIAN HOSKINS HURLS 3-HITTER n. TEXAS LOOP 9 rv r. c. dixon PALLAS, Texas, t AWE) - Dave Hp*kin.-- won his 19th samo of tin- • ii) losses at Bul ■ iit'-: Field as he threw a brilliant bit peri urn inner at the San An tonio Missions to defeat them 3-2 in .ion* t.iiiii paid ariniissions. It was radio appreciation night at the local ball orchard, hut for Dazzling Dave" it war- sequel to ;Mu trios! brilliant mound perfor* ' tnaucp of his Texa- League career, for his Hitt' victory he whipped the Houston Buffs, blanking them vith two hits. H faced only 28 nppoirtg- hatters, issued no walks and retire the last 20 batters who freed him in ord-T. .Attains' San Antonio Dave >huv "'d hitles? ball fm <1 and 2-3 inn ■ - thereby running his string n' enemy batters fared without a hit to 40 men o 13 and 1-3 consecutive innings He issued but are ra- s and whiffed 8 batters. PITCHER FOR i 20 OKLAHOMA CITY Oklahoma. f/t-NPt William H. Greason, new Bitch- f the Oklahoma City In dians won hi •• sth victory against defeat last week when he .-hurt nut the Houston Buffs 3-0. Th u tan • nrrior 'ho hails from Atlanta Ga has pitched Mexico wd Cuba. He alw has hurled in tr,e Me, .'.vo Armricen League He im 28- year-old right hander and an ex-Marini* i?FC TEXARKANA INKS PITCHER INTO CONTRACT TT,K ARKANA. Texas 'AND John 5> Wills, 3 30-year-old right hand-T was signed Last week to a Texarkana Bear contract accord* :rtg to owner Claude L-’e 'Ffllis i? the fit t Negro player to b« signed by he Bears Two vp>« •, nines in the Bis States Lea* ••• I:;----.* in playets on their io*- t i- Longview’s Cherokees b”oke the -V by -ignirw William Ray (Lue i;y) Mitchell, and in less than tv o weeks added Ratv 1 Brazzle. Mitchell originally lived in Fa - ; ,s. where, he was graduated from *ne Gibbons high school, when Up first appeared in Paris after Joining Lone view. Pans protested. hi* play ins again-' them. Before : <■ -h • of this pvowr-l had died ] s«>’. the Paris Indian manage-j airnt woke up and signed Wiiford • Stickers, hefty left handed hititng! os tfielder who lives in Grown villi* Tex. BFC i s t aggies BEGIN GRID ORIELS GREENSBORO. N. C Labor D.y wa s j usd a xvork-day for the A. & T. Aggies football i>-am as ome 75 candidates for the 1952 grid machine began laborious d ills on the workingman’s holi day, Monday of this week. Bill Bell, >n answer to some wide open hints from the players about the holiday, let the fellows in on {he little secret that the first letup from the training program would come on t-he evening of December •6. immediately following the final encounfei which will pit the Ag ;es against the strong Maryland State College aggregation. Several other secrets were re leased at the first team practice • ession. most important of which a>- the introduction of James A Stevens as the new assistant rii • actor of athletics and assistant ' roach for A& T ••Jimmy” Stevens former director of athletics and bead coacb. of a’l sports at Prairie View A &M. College. Prarie View. Texas, brines to the Aggies , h wealth of experience and an ; amazing record of athletic coach i ing success behind him. His Prairie View terem'- won Southwest Con* A* ere the first that t’.c- Texas in* , ball and football championships •.oh track last year. The basket •titution bad wot, in the school's i 26-year history of compeillon. His track championship was the fifth in as many years. A graduate of Kansas State Teachers ’College Slovens holds the master's de gree from the Urii vergily of South ern California and has done a sub • .-.tnntial n mount of work on his , doctorate at the latter institution. Steevens' appointment represents November 'ft Alcorn College January i - Prairie View Col- , THE* *} GOT A PATE -Heavyweight champ “Jersey" Joe Walcott smile? as challenger Rocky r i Marcian j . * Gin "okay” on their contract for a "night of mayhem' 'at Philadelphia's hugp Municipal i Rtndhim o T> --lav night, Kept. 23rd. Philly promoter Herman Taylor and New York's Internationa! Boxing Club arc expecting a million-doltar gate for the championship fight Fight, bookies have made Rocky an odd ■> > favorite to win the top fistic crown of them nil; but then, so was a guv 'o»d , Charles - twin* " iNcwspress Photo) A Joe and Jackie Play Top Ball As Bums Top Chicubs CHICAGO (AND - Appearing before an overflow ladies day crowd of 40.311 fans last week the Brooklyn Dodger'- with Job Black pitching and Jackie Robin son hitting and running, blasted >. out. a 4 to 8 vi buy ever the Chi cago Cubs Black, .nuking bis 44th appear an addition to the staff, in that Hurt Bigg!.'', Murray Neely and Malt Bs ■ n, Bell A right hand men from last year, were on hand to b< gm drills for the 1952 campaign. If it were a secret, the candi dates * ere also let in on the fact that such stalwarts r<~; William •‘Red" Jackson. All-American quar i. rbrn’k for the Aggies last, year, Bud Meadows. Alfred Morgan, i Ccrneilius Stephens, Leroy Wash . inetbn. Jack Gibson, William ! Blakely. Ira Snell and 3 host of r>l tiers who made the 1951 national champions a grat team" were not around because of graduation. 'These positions, as well as all of them 1 , are wide open to the men ". ho- earn them". Bill Belt told 'he newcomers tn the first “sSmH -ession". ThC first ‘cession.- Loured eali ‘eriies and ligtit drills in light - * eight uniforms, but the schedule worked out by the Aggies “brain i trusters" cal! for a step-up in ac j tivity as the week grows old" This rapid step-up is made nee-' es sv> by the first encounter, chednied for the night of Setiteni !ber 20 as fh< A A T Aggies take on -‘Country" Lewis' Marauder 's om Central State College of Zenia. Ohio here at the Greens ; firo Stadium. I RESERVE I _ |I ” I | It -CALVBRT DISTILLERS CORPORATION I II llfllW# KSfSKCV 36* P#B3f. MV *«*!« 8 WEEK ENDING SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 19£2 »»«»■«—■ .... i mm .. - »11l t|Wll anee in relief, gained tils lUh victory of the yea. against only 2 defeats He is the only Brooklvr? : hurJer why has whipped every team in the league A leading contender for rookie of the year honors, Blank nave up one run and fiv** hits, walked no- f body, and farm'd tour men Jacktt'' hitting and running, hoivcyev sparked th>- Dod«* ■ to victory and thrilled the thousand'* out three hit? in five times o'. >t, M ladle- in the park. He pounded drove n two runs and scored two runs. Hr also stole one base Robin on started the game winning raltv in the seventh Inning when Brooklyn scored four times Jackie opened by beating out a bunt. He stole e'fnml. He scored u hen he upset orld heavyweight champlonslun ship fe.dit in tin Municipal Stadi um, Philadelphia. Tum-da >.-. Sep tf-mber Tti-d. go on sale on Men da.' Senrembcr Ist A* LiO top for ringside, etth ref-ei-vrd b.-'v - J stand -.aak* a* F 25, sls end ft 19. the ticr-ei sale will op-.m ftmultaneously Bhila dn'uhin -md New York, v »th th* probabilt'ies of other box offices in Boston. Providence .and Brock ton. ‘Li.-a tn New York, Madison,■ Square Garden will handl® ‘be ‘trkets, uni In in Philadelphia, tic i-r-t hi-r;'r:m r--i; will be it Lew TcnrileiK Br .tvrurant. Broad and Streetand at the offy?« (Oo'snllrfl on page 7i -«m ni* vwgwewa' —hbvow.'*'"ws-?<'v—• J.--A EXPERT * WW3SWBnWW«*Mra»'.'!e?ti | A Spec*d! tv SEE G <4 M FOR »!f* VERT LATEST TN AIR COSTS rATFORMS C l, A - nA M* T«HdTis|r AJfvjationc All Kind!# —— Suits IVfa{te To —*■ Latmdry Pry Clsanthf JOE Wit FR P-oy J°fi f. Hargett St. Fb«t« S33St RRE.SS UW! V vor SVAfT W- vv-*-«7SiV.r • O'lStrCWi*'-' v-•^!x'*ev-:e'savilC*B»RßS4iU*;u»J***fi*WßS«lßiA