PAGE TWO I f yF|w| ■ " rVfeTKKANS WITH SERVICE j SINCE JUNE 27, i 950 MAY ‘ . GET VA OUTPATiENT CAPE PDS? PtSAesuTlgS THAT ARE ©6UEVEP TO BE SERVICE - CONNECTED AMD FOR WWICM F<ii ’’tflfll information contact ;•*»»> u-ireft J : VETK'kANS ADMINISTRATION olftoc* ■\ } County plants estimates that G.- ♦JSO.I2I farm families in the United SiaU's were influeri<*cu by some phase of agricultural extension work m 1951 SEND US YOUR NEWS COMPLETE 1 HOME FURNISHERS ftVt can furnish any room *n your home from the i 'living room to the kitcher SEE US FIRST W. E. COOPER 1 FURNITURE COMfANV t2l East Martin Street i r— —— ; INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE j ’ Consult i YOUR LOCAL AGENT ; BANKERS ; FIRE INSURANCE CO. * - Durham, N. C. ( Vs .T? 1 nnmm COAL ‘ For t Every Purpose ;CORRELL I COAL CO. i JOE S. CORRELL, Own. ; SC? North West i DIAL 5567 t 4=— ■■■.—i !E. LOGAN 1 ’CONTRACTOR I AND BUILDER < ? I Free Estimates i NO* JOB TOO LARGE 1 OR TOO SMALL ‘WORK GUARANTEED S. Blount l —Tel. 2494 J Vie yeftan f J mniimwiiiininw iiimiaiiinnmniiaian tt - 11 -inrr —an tit i-i - maun i f jpw .||y nM| Eg? 3H * I IT’S BUSINESSLIKE* I TO BAY »Y CHECK s Pw ftmmM m « b«»io*wUh» Urn warn by opw* H §B£ • fanoaal chacki&g account bm, Depots » frntt paycback* (by nail til you like) and tot S' tikmek mb* tall you at a glama wbat bilk ana % 'faM-wha* Maaea k «s hand. lUfiaanabac, ton* S wmltorf aback* ar» your aaoeipotf i Mechanics & Farmers • Bank | RALEIGH DURHAM PERSONALITY OF THE WEEK *4M A Hiiffljf stelli'’' ml*# # • • jfc ' : # * I # •** if J TaBLA, it . wobUL *. . . ■•.Xfi*'jSMafe MR. HAYES PHOTO-STORY BY SHIRLEY A product of Crosby-Garfield, Washington High, and Shaw Uni versity. Mr. Hubert Eugene Haye£ Sr., is now rated one of' Ra i (vigh's outstanding businessmen; being co-partner in the Hayes Jackson Electric Co. Born and reared in Raleigh, he |it the son cf Mr. Jacob Hayes, meal contractor, and the late Mrs. Ethel Haves. One of five children, voung Hubert always 'had an In terest in electrical work, spend ing much, of his spare time while a youngster watching and assist line his father oti various wiring I lobs. * While still a student at Shaw ; University, Mr. Hayes married the former Florence Giajce Young, also of Raleigh. They have one one son, Huber t Eugene Hayes, Jr.: and although their looks be ta 'iki-. Hubert Eugene Hayes, 111. He it. they are- now grandparents, For nine years. Mr. Hayes work ed in the service department of the W-slinnhooso Electrical Supply Con-many, where he gained much of his experience. It was in 1945 that he gave up this job to go Into the eh etrical business for himself, A year later, he formed a partnership with his brothr-tn . Jaw. adding apittinncos to the business. It was through his for mer association with the W-'sting nouse Company that the Hayes- J&cfcrcin Company became one of the two companies in Raleigh to j get a franchise. I making that ttuir top product. While moulding how “Count" ' Hayes became locked with a nick- : name * that carried on down the line to his son. we found this: curing his high school day. De infull of prank.-, he decided one : day to war a tuxedo to '-• be diff. rent' When thee a mu* : eri students chorused out Took at - the Count’, his instructor an mow* m & rm A 4 TflPPfiH I*l f RANGES J ot BOTTLE GAS 4 Fhona 1-tltl t, I SUNG'ASi RL mi FSfeT ■BbWt* ki ggagKfcy i —- i swered ‘leok at the no account, you mean'. This she concluded, continued Mr. Hayes, only alter he had Dulled off many such iiraqks r.s bringing a oillv gnat to school, etc With his partner in the service, Mr. Hayes finds little time to in dulge in his hobbies of swimming and bridge playing, even thought he has bc-en able to count on the capable and encouraging assistance ot his wife in helping him in the uusiries#- A member of St. Epis copal Church, of the Laymen’s Lcagui, aid a member of the '.'MCA. Mr. Hayes has always been popular and well liked mi his community, and greatly ad mired for his ambitious and suc : cessful accomplishment. RFC Visiting N. \orkur Entertained At Fete Bv Raleigliites RALEIGH -• A dinner party; honoring Charlie Lassiter of New . York City was given at the re sidence of Mi. and Mrs. John' Jones on Smithfield St. last week. The guests wereas follows: Mrs ' Bessie Edv-rds. Mrs Juanita Sim mons, Mr- Margaret Hesse Mr , :and Mrs. Russell Jameson, Mr. i ! and Mrs, Jack Otloy. Mr Edgar • ‘ Otley of Mew York City, Miss Si byl Haile of Waterbary. Conn., Dr, W. R. Primal of Johnstown. Pa.. Mis Almt-da Bryant and Di. A. C. Deberry of this city The social event was a gala af fair and a very delicious dinner : was served consisting ot sd■ I ' salad, ice cream, cake and cofee, | Mr and Mrs. -lone.-: were happy !to have their friend present and : the guest appreciated thief bospi j tality. ■ ZLJBCL__.—I 1 ——-d Personal LOANS E Clear up Doctors Bills, -.-f Taxes, Personal Debts, wHh ft' a Raleigh Industrial Loan. E invite you to tome in talk it over. The RALFJGH INDUSTRIAL BANK rgett and Salisbury iber cf Federal Deposit durance Corporation EYE GLASSES GROUND 4k SERVICED AT PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 1 RALEIGH mswmwmMwm ' lilff IftiL I < RALEIGH GREENSBORO | CHARLOTTE GREENVILLE 1 I Finance or Borrow | On Your Car through th # ! DILLON MOTOR FINANCE 00. j 22 L Davie Street Phone 3-3231 (V S * fM l P « ssk. . J3byßl ■ am , • ■ gmmk' V w " f ~ -•* -e- * f ; 7\ ‘ |. % -‘ I WE*, *> miMmM j ' r ' ■ r.-f'. j-V's Y,. -f, ffy.. Asl OUT GOING NBA PRESI TENT GIVES PARTING AD VICE ?J<it» , nlng utlentivi'ty t« Dr. William Springer, out-goins; president of the National Dental Association are let), lo right, Dr. I. S. Ctillum, prksiclent; Girf State Association of Texas; Dr. Waldo Howard, president, f lias. A. George Dental Association of Carolinian’s Campaign For General Hospital For The Raleigh Areals Supported BY JAMES A. SHEPARD RALEIGH Severn: w-ek.s, ev en months ago. tlu CAROLIN IAN, through its feature writer, : launched a campaign for a m\v : hospital to serve botli iC-r-itn:-: end whiles in Tie Woke County A i ea. When this campaign began, tinm fas nothing in sight and ver.t ;if 'tie on tv.'iich expectation for ih. ' ultimate success of the ideeu ceuid be based. Rex and St. Agnes hes ! pit a swere at work with lh<-jr propoganda to mislead ttic pa,, in; public Hex trustee-' hatc-hed ; n a proposition for the county to '.--pend over two million dollars It I expand tb« facilities there. v\hil< the St. Agnes group came foi ward tvith the bright idea tnat now is ire- time for them to feed at the ; public trough, so they asked t-'te : county for a brand new hospital Ut be virtually given to them to ; operate ar they see fit. Os course ,ve ail nr, aware of how they see fit to operate. With a -o-c: § -a Negro hospital administered by while people, even thi assistant i; t perinxendent is white. We see discrimination a. n d segregation practiced in an institution dedi . caled to serve Negroes, We see ; a self perpetuating board of trus ; ttes, having only one Negr# in . its total membership and you car. : imagine just how much effvect, •.:i» presence has a? far as w* - ar<- - encerned. 1 For instanct not too long ago. St. Agnes Was in need of a s- - P< nntenderd and an assistant su perintendent The CAROLINIAN, at quit* a bit of in mm and money .secured tin name- of several eminently qualified Ne g o hospital administrators and submitted this list to th< Si. Ag nes boa id. Is it possible to veiievr that if the Negro memhei ot that b«vard bad any influence at a;i ; with the white mem be i that these Negro applicants would 1,oeor; passed ovc-i and witit< nun a ;>- pointed instead. Is it possibli to btiieve that any Negro comw lent to .-it ns a member of a hospital board ot trustees, know ing as he must know, how badly Negroes need jobs, knowing that for economic, moral and psycho logical reasons Negroes, in cvoi increasing number, must begin to occupy top level positions in ad categories of employment if they are to be freed from the .-mph x ,cl racial inferiority, now hanging like a millstone around th*‘ir • cks. Frankly it does not . <-tm po.-..riole that a Negro board rnern b* i if he bad any influence at oil, would tolerate t’ne type of anti-Negro actions carried (n ’ . the board of trustee.- of St. Ag nes -hospital. At any rate, this is th. board that is now asking you. j the taxpayer, to give it a brand new hospital and after giving it. ; you stay in the background and .Vi them operate as they see fit. Happily and fortunately, the | idea we have been espousing for phi past few months, has caught i lire and this weak, the Wake ' County needs is a brand new v. ere presented with facts and figures to prove that what Wake County nodes is a brand new County general hospital. A hos pital for sick PEOPLE Not a . black hospital and a white hos pital. The Commisioners were shown that a new general hospital would cost less, would be of more str ive and would eliminate the so called need for the fantastic- pi » posal to establish four additional I hospitals to service the rural see n *ns ot the country. Men who should know what they are talk ing about, the most outstanding physicians and surgeons in Wake • County told the Commissioners it would be a sheer waste of the tax payers’ money to grant the re quest of the trustees of St. Agnes and Rex hospitals and of course* the idea that smaller hospitals be built at Apex, tFuquay Springs, Wake Forest and Zebulorr is, mil- \ THE CAROLINIAN Houston. Texas; Hr. (’. f. Barnes, local chairman of the NBA con v i.iion which ni*t recently in Dallas, Texas; Dr. Springer (siated;: Dr Charles O. Willi- Ham-, chairman, noarrt. ND Y .nd Hr William D Giles, past president of the ‘NOA. Ail were delegates to Hie convention. (AMD , culoui. Si. Agnes is a private hospital privately owned and operated. It owes no responsibility to anyon* ami is under no ooligruidn to any oil! It has tendered a service* tc the Negroes of this community and it may have none the best it cotiin. Tai- Carolinian is not fighting St. hospital, it be lieves there is a useful pke t lo: it as u private hospital for many year, to com* wo ais fight ing and will always fight, it trie handing ovci to a private institu tion be it j hospital or any faciii r. pot-iic money, to oe ~.-*.-U at the discretion ottim -s. foi the bene -lit of the privati ov, ner., and ope lain:-. It !•' mu boief that thf time has conn f*<i *v . t< speak out. st-iiid on tA - ■.; f- :■ - accept both the respnm biiu.; >■ well as the privileges of firs' class citizenship. The County Coinmi.sioriei ■ havi ordered a pubhc rnei-tinc s*u foi Monday morning. Sent 29. to b* .leld at (.tie County Courthouse : i’oi the people to decide wh.r ♦ hey want done th- mattei *..-: hospitals* here You wjii be caller upon to express your sen*.tilt nl: cither'll-: - 1 .■ i; t lie :v Ac nes plan oi the- ' 1 :- :;I County hospital plan Do: : sit iuiy b; and wait for some one else t< . speak ire- - Whut e;u liecidt to do aoeuu. tots iiTMUi ;Vt.'r u. t run ‘ter . :!i d< rnirie ’ i- rst events as. far as hospitals are con years. We have performed wlei .we believe to be a public duty ir ale! tine to is proposition an< a spade a spade, be ratiie: vviliini to speak the truth than to i..i popular W* f'-i i m.r vv-.>rl has been .-voces,-ful that it ha fi-rned ihc- u: pub tie at tent ion on i :s important mattei Now. it i up to you Pk-ose d* not let yourself down G*> to th< W.-ki County Courthouse or: Sep tv 1T..! : . IV- Ve'iiv yi. RFC !\alei< r ?i ( End Vacalou Irek" RALEIGH - Mrs. Bute: i'ie.t lies of 106 Snjithfield St. 3rd Mrs fess-ie Rat re.- of 910 Mark Stree have returned home after spend ha-; tjivir vacation visiting th«-i: L oihers jn Baltimore. Md. arte Mr:- Pi -Hi; - an Rudolffl in New Leonard Jr. Street have re turned tii Raleigh after spend irn, the .summer with his fa ttier in Baltimore, Aid. Mrs. Maud Phillips has returnee back to her home in West Raleigh after spending some time with hyj . children in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jones, havt returned to the- Capita] City, aft*• < honeymooning in Philadelphia anc New York City. Mrs. Jones is tht former Miss Geraldine Phillips •;>**★**★***★★★★ ****** Kg * * * i OLDE BOURBON * : « Kentueky Straight jßf< * * Bourbon Whiskey t - * * j * 4 Years Ofc! •86 Proof m* 1* ! ,i whmw mmtiti ! ™ THE DANT DISTILLERY CO. ■ , _ j % •* Gcthvemank, Kentucky j ***************** i A j Sensational Values! \ 1951 MERCURY, Radio Heater and Overdrive $1995 1950 PONTIAC 2*Door, R&H, Hydra. $1795 | 'SO Ford Custom Club Coupe Heater $1395 *49 Mercury 2-Dr. $1295 Radio and Heater $1295 Many other models and makes to choose from : CONN-GOWER PONTIAC CO. j 597 Fayetteville St. Dial 3-4888 j iota Convention A Success DURHAM. N. C. - An addi't;-' 1 i emphasizing women's opportune* 1 j tics to advance human light- the I awarding oi more t-ian $2,C00 in ■ j scholarrhins and the reolecUon if. ejor national office.*';; highlighted ■ ’lie 2ih'd annual convention of the , lota Phi La mod o Sorority ,'ici'i' last week. Sessions were held at Nortu Ca rolina College. August 23-27. .Virs. Edit-! Sampson Chicago ; I.T-vve: and special ropresentailve 1 oi the U. S. State Department, in the convention's main address, i urged a "taller participation /. wmr.en it all levels of political life if we are to achieve lull first citizenship and if wt are to are to continue th. ’evolution now sm.’aciiu’ human . ;ght.- ail over the world ' An international foe at Corn i.i tin ism v.'oo has been fr ouentiv ' ;.’ apped by the Reds. Mrs. Ramp son said nlthoug.i much '’-mams to be done i;i tin; U. S for better ric relations that, nevertheless da l). S. deserves the support of Negroes She added that U. S. Senator Join J. Sparkman's ac *iom- in advancing human i ipM.. Ihe U. N. Genera! Assembly presidential candidate Mrs. Samp, son .-aid Mr. Sparkman is rc*p?v sentiithv of (he "m-v.. ho, ~1 South,'* She indicated that apo-J hen to his political views at do-’ mestic level:- stem • from failure to to recognize the "political reali tiw-:' h- faces in his native Aia kan;u. Inc cased political partici pation b> women and minorities could change the voting: records, of many politicians. Mrs Sampson ’. said. I Mi s. Malta la Fva: . Cldcayo tiv el fare worker, c-hr.irman of the f national education ccmmilti - an y • nounceu the award of duplicate o thousardi della.* -choiarsiiips to Mary A, Green. Buffalo, N V. and t hnir a ,1. S" tnru-y Lom-ville. K, . ■i A irnurs of the SIOO ■it via a snips wu'e Lam a V Ear’. Lockland. t. r - mo. lri- Wilkeiron. Oakland > Calif, and Loiraiu, I)avi Jack . : st.nviHe Pia e Mis. .leanm S. Scot!. Pittsburgh t *.•:■!, v» it.- n«. i«. 't< ci .. pi i - idem of the national bod v e : Also i velccti d were Airs. Marion H. . JacKsuit, Washington, D. C firs; vice president: Mis. B. A J Whit Elsie, The Borden Cow and Her Son To Be At The Fair RALEIGH A cow with a oou- : coir and a calf m a play pen will . h - one of the feature attractions . at the 1952 N C. State Fair here f ; October 14 18. Dr. J. S. Dor ton. fair manager, announce.- that ’El sie". the Famous Borden cow. and her little bull son. "Beauregard," |. - will be on exhibit throughout Fair WWeek. hens v.ji! be the first visit of . the famous Elsie Exhibit to the , State’ Fair. Dr. Doric:; said, a!- ‘ though she has appeared previous , ly elsewhere in North Carolina ' "But," said the fa;.- manage) “the r famous colonial barn boudoir has 1 been re-designed and re-decorated : and the exiiibit is more emertain- A description of the i de brat* d cow’s quarters includes; A tree, - trunk dressing table with Elsie’s favorite emvs-me tics hoof naii polish, tail v. an- set.* horn grow er and Eau de ,%>vt Mown Hay There ( also is an over-sized family library, with such volumes as "Animal Husbandry and Wit cry ' 'Practical Bull Psycow logy" and "Gulliver's Travels.' The Belli, a exhibit WO? fir-! seen ;-i- New York World s Fair, when i.: -. ■ traveled v it-., •Elmer tin Pod;' With the birth vl Bo by Ei-.i i < card, the calf was l- substituted for his sire in the bcu s. cloir and a piny pen corral war *1 built to house the little fellow I- Dr. Do.-ton said th.»* Elm. and ir Beauregard v ill arrive in -a spf d c,. r ,l express car, v.ith three’ por .v renal attendant:- "T-his is one of the finest attractions in show bu- ; smess,” the Foil manager stated, 'and we have been trying foi several years to book ‘Elsie' at the State Fair. The exhibit will be d seer, by more Thar >w.i million h persons this year and North Ca ■j rolinian.' who have visited the .-how in previous years will **n e j the unprov ernents made- m r the display." d _ T Send Your News lo I s. WEE K END IN GSA TUKDAY SEPTEM EER t>, UJ.->2 ten, Dui’ham, second vice pre.-.-t- i* cent; and Mrs. Waddclle’ O. .warm er, Atlanta, Ga.. treasurer. Mvs. .Hehltme Vincent, St. Lori.--. Mo was elected secretary She sue- j c, oded Mrs. Louise Ball of Chicago : The following national directors acre reflected: Mrs. Ruby G Em- ; j hry. Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. 'Nona j ] 18. Diggs; Norfolk, Vac Mrs Mary j P. Flat-ole Knoxville, Term . Mrs. 1 ; ■ Helen ,1. Bluford. Chicago: Mrs, j 1 .--iina L. Mavk'-v Dei!,-.-, and Mrs. A,ran B Sims. Denver. I i Colorado. j; A • uuiid of social activities in- : eluding a dance and banquet, tour.*; ; oi the Chest, -.* field plant, and hum- j • •rods private parties were hold in i : honor of the nearly 200 delegates ; i ' iroin the organization's 38 eliap- ! tcs. Durham’:-: Rho ehaptci v, as; bostcsi to ti'.c group. Plans vi ere i under the general direction of Mrs. Ethel S. Berry, president of i ! tlio Durham chapiei. Mi.*. It. O. \ Everett, Durham council woman, j •| welcomed Mi.- convention. The po- ! lice department provided special j escorts for tin* group'- tours oi j points oi interest Among the additional national ; 1 cfticers who were reelected were Mrs. Anna ,1 Steen, dean of pled- | uces Mr . Fannie M Dowr/ . .journalist, and Mrs. Mahy-lia S.j Eva nr, director of education. Mr.- Sampson spent a busy four' ■ days in North Caroline. Si;-- ‘-vas • 1 interviewed extensively and quet-j cd at length durin • hi . syiy. S ej .-poke iruormall. at. several social j oi fails: given in her honor ir. Dor-j ban: and Kaleig i In Haieich, M- Santpson spoke formally to tin.- local chnnU-r of th>- United i Mo: hers. SeaKotied radio and new.-com ~: menhitor- were iiriprer-ed with I Mrs Sampsons charm and the i stupe of ;ei l rasp of Iniei;:;) and domestic .-sues. In an inte- view Jo, D: h - oi th< D rham "Kun local if:, , ■ noon jape:. Mr- Sah'ip.-.'-i; said: NtgrOe:- ’ .:avt inadi an inakoit.. , and will eotitimie to naki social* and * cororiiic gain: And that ha , h, t ptw-sibh- thitei-jh only e, l»- : i-arty • die Democratic party." Diike - story c- atnua :: * Sampson thinks that civil rights 1 can , o i k;',.,:! .rU, existence, . but uni , v.”t a h> Spin, hand fi The lurniiure in the hoiufoy includes l.lsle's quilli-il ria kin;; rocking chair, an over Mi party-line telephone, and poi - trails of her ‘ Great .Ami! Bess' and her be - ribboned "l licit- Boswoi'th” XCME REALTY COMPANY Real Estate Rentals Eire and Automobile Insurance * Better jewelrv || ★ Belter ( retli! 1t i nts t&, BossF. £ 1 '- ' *✓' •—n... ■«•-- .f 171. x, 333 Fayetteville Street ££ Next To City Hall |B | TOT HAVEN NURSERY (A Community Chest Agency) SPONSORED BY RALEIGH CHAPTER UNITED WAR MOTHERS Open For Registration Accommodations Still Available UM S~T EAD’S TRANSFER COMPANY GROCERY STORE l «GHT AND HEAVY HAULING CROCERIES LOCAL AND LONG GKULtA/W DISTANCE Your Patronage Courteous - Prompt Appreciated Efficient —•* — ED. UMSTEAI), Manager 602 S. Dawson Street Tarbosn and Martin Street# DIAL 9478 9212 For Your Better | USED CARS \ I See— | I I I Gunter & Edwards I | 423V* S. BLOUNT ST. I education. The two most go hand in ■..l'ind, she said. “She. emphasized, however, that no matte*' how many rainy th& Negro has made, there r- , *-' much to be done ' Mrs Sampson secs the Unu % Nations .md America as u., "Is, * hope to world peace " Mrs. Sampson \va-' inducted into an -honorary membership ini,; lota IT..- i.amhda at impressive rite J.naiday t-\ enir.,-. fc its business sen.ions, tin -o rority mim’oi-rrs d.-scussed the gen i ral theme, "lota Women b'a- r New Opportunity in Curr<" ti t Wand Cnuo.%." Bane! di-ouvsiOi,; covering three area; a, r, devoted to. iic.v opportunity in th, com mercial tick!. opportunity foi c. omen in industry, and ofiporun ity to build a world peace. The in ticipunts were Mi.-r lw ie Ev- iette Pittsburgh; Miss Eve lyn L. Wilkey, Baltimore: Mr i Bi-ssit- Cost on, Akron. Ohio: i Mrs Edith C Byrd, Jack onvilh*. | Fls. At the end of an executive board I meeting on Thursday, it was an ' nounced that the 1953 meeting ! -vi..old nc held in Philadetphia J This w ill mark iuta Phi Lambda ! Fororitv';. . etuen to th, city of ort ! gin. Plant Your Fall Garden NOW! WE HA VE ALL YOUR Woositn [HINTS and Varnishes BARDENNftOT I . Wood tN Sons (harden tN f irid Sretl Hardware PAINT and Seed S, M. YOUNG DIAL 7121

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