CLA YTON COPS FAIL TO BEA T RAP Writer Believes Y OFFICIAL 0.0 BIAS OFFICIAL GIVES NOD TO JIMCRO Shocking Stand Is Taken During BJ I VWES t. SHM'AM* RAI..KIGH . | Friday even ing, ‘lk> fxectt'ivi! .T.n-f > Os: tht E?)r>nchvoi'h Street VMCA, K L. Raifoid. {>• «*.*«'n»inp his feeling concerning the two hospital plans : tifnv un ;<>)• -’ion ho. • . esc-; pressed him. elf a < v-ry ■. e.U | pleased with the -.t->*i.i.- qp.. .■ rid : raid. in his •>,ai ion, tins was not j the time foi i i Iwiyi' to id thru j the hospital issue was not a mb- ! ject. .’’here the consideration ei sagregation and discrimination j-h'-niid enter. fT - Mr Halford's j MH. RAII ORO* H president ortwioum Mr Hoflinan and S’-perint -ndent Pool? of 3t Ai.i hnsuital, t>r<‘ sent-d to the emhled tout., their reasons and tin tr ideas why they felt, Oat the citizens of Wake' County should finance the maid ing of a rvv hospital to bo ope rated b> the trustees of St.. Ay vtes This hoard is a self p,>. peiw a'ting group, subjet i to It is highly wmif- ant and most commendable that Negroes in Ra leigh and elsewhere are toeotn ing more arid more articulate. K\ - ft mindful of the vicious at'empt? fceing made bv the adherents oi discrimination and segregation. to keep them ?» 'av- d, Negroes - <■’ -ii dinti themselves for an -til out light against those evils where f ontinued op sure Si Wake Forest’s Cruel Cops j Freed In ‘Joke Os A Trial’ PY JAMES \ SHEPARD RA,-,EIGH This is * news story of vent on in the Re corders Court of Wake Fo:est : last Saturday morning. But before tyt go into the story of what hap-' pened, let n- suppose Si ere v v a delegation of visitors incr- m tlu court, room visitors from Indo- China, Bunin. India Indonesia cr Brazil for that n-. at tor, just as long a> the delegation • •••*,, a group of foreign non-wnites Let it be. from fa-tan, China, Thiaiand jr South Africa, any place \r sey- the f.'.'i were the population -.- orsd and -’here .Avne u-an is wav ing the banner of democracy ami is attempting to lure th* isc p.-opl* To her side •.» ith tin proms-e.- of equality. jus: in. toioi-nncv and fi eedom. Alt right, tn»\v we have the dele jl| MpitK & lltvj ■p^Po? ****'’j Q%£&t L I ffl&EBBBm WWBHpww^wBHWwwWRabaRHBWWHBw^-^His ALL IN TH EFAMUT —lt w»* from Thcephltm Hauser Mid %!J in the family when the the colored branch, descended Hausers, both white and colored, from "Alec Hauser. once eon effthereg In their Brat annual stdered one of Theophilus’ slaves, family reunion ad I'ldkintiHe The man writing is signing the last weekend. Show are member# guesst list intended to indicate t>* the white family descended Lett Carey,,. O. BAPTISTS i PLAY ROLES IN ‘52 CONVENTION I DJTOR'S Vim F ull (-<)'. r tge nf She 1 Ilf: u.i 1 session of th. Carey Conwnluni tun l>e found on page 1, • ••vinm 2. this issue } (Special To the c aroitni.ini !■ itr.s « >:y;ii awl j Carolinians contuni- i : • play ; ; tading roles and ictuiiy chioca | | positions m tile 5.-■ t Lore'- Mi- j ■ .-nonary Bapii.-f Con ■ -nf'iii neb i i concluded aniiiv.' . ■ s-i >'■ , here I i-l Ft irir-r KF.-F J.i ( i t:i> EVEr,-. Ellen .\ll.i -u H-nej, w ' was re-elected to mman ; t.; - -.-: -i 1 ;:ruy whi. h : av.’ Mi s. TV ! . . e.i Ro-hrnonrt, . - -wet d i j/|-'-sidt-nt of the auxiliary .-a: coed-1 Mr; A ,l. Randotpn of Wasn inUnn. D. ( ’• ho retir- l diet: servin,; tf-.e ;i'nttp sot half ■ .vu* ' Pa y \A M I I) TO HO AR I) Diiriug toe - .we :-•>•• :tsi• . .Mrs.; Annie Filmofo of Durham and Mrs Clara Mens' ot WihruniU.n • ••ere circled to fh>- suxilis-js 1 t.r. etitive te.ard. lh T VITIM 1501)1 Th- Rev P A Bishop of ?7i- - WWW- N: C •■■■■. 1.-Sled t "St i s i f’sifs n’ of the v-u'en* body • 1 i ■hr conwntirii during electoral csS'Ot;; tn rhicn Dr U. G Wi ! on f No: folk >' •; re-elected p ’esi- Ci ; It: Fsr J. .Mo’S'e :>f LVdmiUU- ; ti»n is recording -of the I p., 'tit cc'dy nod D T. T 'll • ton : '4 fi ’i r s - is .-tato Vico-' pt i-sirient. Noj-th Carolinians also hold po- j ait ions on the executive committee of ‘he convention. <;r: >MI n LEAVE Two shavv University graduates | »:**• d s.; • frort; t'oreum • •i ses ; py act ion >f t ;-, c- invention I They are the Rev and Mrs John j i Continued on page K) ution s.v.ieo so we can go on. with th ■ in,-iI The ;.- the out- ! • growth oi charges brought by i j ' Miss Lwnm jUiteheii, Mis.-i Av • J lore- Luca# ar,d Mr, Johnny Hay t>' j . ;-..n:-t of fie;. .--; C. A. Ball and; W O, Knuckles 'f Uit Wak. For- : ■ si, police f.,> ,v for assault and;, oat u*r\ U;..>!i vo's examinations if the . deferuia.-.t- B;-:l and Knuckles by : Attorney Herman I. Taylor, the : ofice.s admiit. il uniitn oat-.i that they did strike the women. Knuc- . kies admitted h "aswisled" one Ot tile Vv.ireeM into the poilet- viv with oi' foot. Ball admitted he stuck dov I. Johnny Hayes, but. belief. it Mr net .Indue Galley ruled that the -dfieers wt-;v oyiiy p* > forming their duty and were l-ot . tiilty ('oniitiiitd on |Mjr Si 2 Must Stand Trial In Killing iSKI-. STOKV PACiK D THE CAROLINIAN Z{Sve&<&f •>• / y -.-,MmMNMImI 10c VOI.UMN Xt RAMvJGII, NOKTH fAROf IN A WEEK ENDING SEI'TEMEEFi IA. 1952 NTMBEII 1-ij No Wedding: Girl, Boy Dead Youth Accidentally Kills Fiancee, ‘S A Then Pumps Pullet Into Himself V HHf Jf Ms t’» V KIN HOLLOWAY SANFORD Tiiiw il or no -riding, luarc.ed iiom a •tor* 1 ■ * iti.v; p.irent lit - in. I v> <-k Both of Jhem arc dead." Speaking wax Clifford Fergu s’?,.. jL* '"%t Mi.-- Betty .lean • Micted upon her by hi r tiam-eo -V.l - year -old. 'Frank S in i i h , who. to remorse. -If o t an: l killed MU, SMITH himself. 1 wmm M |s t * mk j OOP VICTIMS' : TSIAL SLATED i TO BE HEARD ; I K A LEIGH The trio I ..i Rove Xi-. o defendants. Miss Loienine .'fit: ,t*'il. Mrs--. Arlene Lucas and ,Johnny Hays which wa.- appealed j to tie Superior Court here, fol ieivmu their conviction in Wake j Forest, -e\ era; weeks .go, on charges of drunkenness disorder ly conduct inte ierence with offi-! n eers in the pe. of their . dutie.', etc., .vi of ilich folimvc.-f an attack on this Trio by that i towns Toiic. Officers Bali and Knuckles, ii.,;- ntnv ; , ~t , | for LfVi T- 11 ; ’ vfi u \ .■irwinun: :< J1«• i tlt*- ntvxi i iu f .-j norm sit. uv in..-, sch.-d.'i.-a Tuesday this. week. iCnutimirri on face Si b- msfih » i, the fuentbens >»f the family who ’Hrnilfi. The gr.nip is eugaged in a community sing. Notable »> the COfUeberaK-e flag which waved gaily throughout the day long observance. Oeemhnro iJi’-ih News Photo. . It ink Smith tnd Minx Kit- H jB Bl ,•■ v-. A-N dHBL ' •> p euson it «:vx learned, had been S T' t T'kb;. - - JHjHm. * *•* aBHB ’ gtiiiu; .xleady " sot ulnmt four jj' months iit ior to the dual tra ■ ,;r<|y. ami were planning to Hfe], 'nHHHH hr man iad llir first Saturday irt's -i ..lit A Y~l 41 s. I " \ %. \ ”1 ’.-is \ ' - ‘ ”■! 5- • ‘hr- t,-, ,! ®7r|j; "a yJ„ „ t'C/'BBiryk r^Hp. aßMife*.' 1- JB ,V -w v .-013 J i ■initmn-U .n jtirr si 1 V i) Elt OWN WEDDING PLAN’S —th. bod v of Frank Smith, 11 year -old Sanford youth, is covered by funeral home attendants alter smith ended hi- own wedding plans by killing himself by . shot thru the t hest iron) a ...k ea.hire re volver ifter aeeid.-ntallv fatal White and Negro Members Os NC Family In Reunion VALKI.WH.I.K ii v.-. a, gathering of just "one bU happy 1 laiiuly ' when the Hausers, both j white and Negro, held their firs! j annual reunion here at ono of the 1 many Hauser plantations located! in th>- area last weekend. Some too 11, .users, brown, lari and white, gathered at the old .lohn Hauser House to pay respects to the memory of one time slave-owner Theophilus < llauser, and to that of Alec j Mauser, one of the kK slaves who ehose to east his lot with the after slaves were emancipated liH years ago. Descendants of Alec H .user, the slave, who moved by the kindness" of his former mas ter chose to saty in the area, include Meyer Hauser, an elec trical engineer and superin ■ EF SI IT CONTINUATION i;RANTED BY .11 DGE GREENSBORO Both plam uff< and defendants in a discrirai ; nation sail against the Clntjw'l ! liill G’adcri Schools Trustees h-'-> moved that the case v continueo. Charging school officials with ; failure- to provide the town's Negro students with equal school facilities, the suit was set for Sep umber 22 in the Durham term of Federal Court, Judge Johnson J. Hayes filed the eunlinuanci: order Tuesday. KLAK-RUSTER ASKS FOR s7>m) FF.E RAI..ETGH - The Council of State i> to be asked to approve! ly injuring !•• »> fiancee. Miss Betty .loan I erguson. 16. while toyina with the weapon. The tragedy occured follow ins a mo vie visit (» the would-lit'-vv eds, during which they reported talked about their pending mar riage >ll >n)RV THl> 1 Ai I i lemlent oi maintenan. c at slun Mlfm Treachers Goilege; Ed Hauser, a Cleveland. Ohio contractor and Prather Hauser, Detroit realtor. ! Descendant,' if riieopiiihis llau- Ithe kstidly '-lave-owner iti j dude persons in .1! ••. iks us iru Appi-oximateiy 14 eu.ireci * fTaustrs .attendtid flu .ibservance i here last Sunday unci joined the ■ "vehitv;" Hatters in tin i:onsump 'iOTi of hundreds pounds : various foods. .and enaatjed tn. i community .-iiiginit with their 1 • I'flanvci'’ '! :h- .-.ffan is to, rned- an artpral event. with a Winston-Salem jiiatt oeitis: elected; !ri esjfient the family group Notable among the decora tions at the affair was a eon 1 fede-ate flag paired with (he ■Stars and Strips r< $5.G1«0 payment to State Senator. Junius K Powell of Whiteville for • l us services is a specie! pries g ■or in Ka Kh.x Kirin trials re cently <• • ,'v.pi-- .• d in Columbus : County. T’owells bill has been approved by Dis-trial S'-licit or Clifton L iV.ooc of Burg&w wno t ’warded ;< to Attorney General Hurry Me- • Mull ait and Governor Scott here. Moore said I’m- i-ll's knowledge of 'ht Klan proved invaluable in lhe . 'jccessful pror-ecution. Moore added that Imperial W'iz scard Thomas L. Hamilton had of fered Powell SS.COO to serve as a ' defense attorney, hut that Powell . refused. Later, hr- >a : r| the attorney re reived threats on his life and his vile's he slab was impaired by the. ! pressure and strain. TRUMPED-UP ; RAPE CHARGE ! | IS DISMISSED | v,\ (aki i r iutvi i. STvliTHr lELD. N C ■' AM P> In one Un; Vi-n -in in Use So'ith : N<- o accused oi *u ; jatlaek on i white woman was : ' treed In--.' Ic'i wtr.k for i.iOK. ->) ei ici-. m evidence. I*i the last 7S \ ears hardly | nvc Xcgrors have been freed in such eases, iViilie Terry. -to tobacco h.wv.i . ha; fed vdh criminal c-saulr up .) 1 5 M’ : AViii: >. 1 O 1* (1 »1 n . ’: tV Dii *' -Continued on jiage S' ■ ; a ~ A iliinoU Melt- D< ' ! - S’-- ! - ■-'_e •or shake* hands with Congressman Adam Clayton Powell of New York, while Averell Harriman knd’New York Councilman Karl Brown (right) smile approvingly In a surprise switch, after he AM suggested that Negro voters refrain from going to the polls because of the weak Civil Eights program;) 0 f both'parties, Congressmen Powell gave hie full endorsement to Stevenson and oe MVPOR of the Negro vote. Stevenson endorsed a Federal -mb forced FEPC. tNewsprews Chotot, ‘‘Daddy ” Grace Sjyfifij. HEM™ ictM w? ffrsj WrokuAMro iSsm fcsMl JOiS KSs gfflß *533 MSti 10£ j tty A Daily ... SBecoOnty’s BRAND JUSTICE AGAIN BLASTED RALEIGH Another North Ca i roliiiu daily newspaper took .. ' swing .it Wnke County ht-arui I "..‘nsth’i- when th • Charlotte Ob silver onmnusntect editorially this week "it the fining «if n yi.ui;:; ■■ e :ii 1*• *r*f l l l it ’i-f ■.i ns sj'it.'ediiir, fhar:;n ti; the same Wake Comity town ji.itigi aho sentenced i N. .!'(■ youth tried of; a similar charge lo .t jail term Tin t :i;i ■ In! le oai 1 y in it;. hi - iai. ioiif. the Uaieiuh Nov..- and Observer in crmiparutive yiaii -i; •:>! justice as meted out bv Cart's Town Record".• W W Waddell. Eihoe: dr 11.. Charlotte Ob ' - -hi Morel"'' unde* - the caption A Lady With Seale . Oi IJuriii" a mini Inquiry in to Ni-fui erinu- in Charlotte, two OBSERVER rcj> >i rter s thought tiler dcterteri ,i p .s --sils- clue in the p iteru.tlK ir .itliiiuh- oi some jud-rs and most juries toward Srrrn ml piVts feeling. wliieh has tonietimi's resulted in e- ;. ep. tionai lenieneo toward Negro ■' lend-in" ipparontty doi- s not extend to the community of < ary. near Raleigh, where, • *rdl.o - t > nress reports a judge, named W. H. Waddell holds sway as Town Recorder. Last ftmiary. .ludgr Wait dell sentenced Vance Evans. Negro, to months in jail. 'it seiarita) , 1 the time a r ' > H.v> ■ il'ly severe judgement, though perhaps entirely insti fieri tor keens who iias a long criminal record was caught la a highway patrol man liter a 110-iniie-ati-hoUt chase from the Wake i’fiun j ty line into Raleigh. ' \ lew (lay s ago, an almost - identical ease tame up before Recorder Waddell for a hear i »ng. \ young Virginian, V. K Dickerson, was aroused of out raring a highwM - patrolman | in i wild, light-out. fW-rnjle kfinsf number. The sentence: m-honr dash, wheeling around (Continued on page Si | Pint-sized, Car-Rifling Durham Gang Rounded Up i DURHAM The imuvi - up ~f i i ' ;sihi-sbiu-i" gan;> here ■in.- is looked upon ns | “'i i>. - 'i!; uu:-up .it’ •. car-riilim; ; niu; which ha- Iw n tvlagutny lo cal citizen- ind visitors ihki- X '•) Otiii-r. i .)- , wen Justice and Walter Barnes key if n -%i invi- ’oration which re sult'd in the .oundmg-up of six vout t- - t ''inf dh un ujsvv.ii i flu.-’; yen" limit.Ch 14 and who .it- ilk-god to hS»a- btjao ‘tile person; wl>o tsavi been enter MASS BAPTISM EVENT STAGED 4 4 i j|f _ ; , ..JliFk ; -L -y' J i A .A:..? * i] | ■" i 4,'*' *' . -f ■ ' DADDY' GRACE ( harlottc Site Oi l!u;.»t* S;n iiiL* Effort CHARLOTTE The citizens of Charlotte were upset about the y ' increasing homicide nw hen until Sunday morning hen Bishop C M Daddy' came to town and "sav s d‘' ..Cfs people in a record four hO’i’S. Boamii..; widely as tUe faithful” • led into the House of Pra.y --• AM People on S Long St. to watch him in hi- “saving' ef forts, P.iehop Grace utilized th® • .••••-••tees of several assistants, min udees and laymen of the church reon founded by himself *»s he (baptized half thousand sou is 'be nationally - known re liirious rult leader, who bap t following estimated .it nearly a million people throughout the Cuffed St>tie and Cubs hud been in < barlotfe air-' Thursday, marking the olrser vatlon of the ?(>th annua! con vocation of his church, Dam:: nis four-day stay here, the Bishop according to th* faithful' turned the South Long Street ar-:i in which his mass;vs Mouse of Pi -yer is located into a “spiritual paradise *' Nr.'hfly .lni-c wov.-ds rather ed. (Continued on page 'S) u,; thre.irh the city her* «nd riiliny them of contents The investigating officers, wild tun it'd Their case over to juvenile authorities: report that a numbar of •wtiel.e- reported missing from rouniobilta. have been recovered Among . hose items are flash l.ghts, k • Holds, pocket-knives and unibri !If is The major portion of the -toti'ii hood* it was surmised, was sold bv the youths for pit :;b!> meagre sums.