• ' ' •/> *I, DOUBLE CROWN WINNER?—The threat of ait anonymout letter writer to shoot him during the recent Giant-Dodger series at the t'oto | Grounds, the ••Bums” incredible Joe Black shows some of the tletemib- | nation which has earned hint a 1.8 earned run average lu 4a games of relief. So invaluable has Black been that foe is being boomed for both the “Bookie of the Ve.t f a»ard Mid "Most Valuable flayer (JitWspitij fhotO.) UNCLaw School Grads Pass Bar CH.aPEL HILI.. N C. Ki ■> The end ol ..■ ioiie -1ri:• -■ -U. to practice the is choser, ■„> ■ ■ ii■ t t ame to an end recently fn tv. o Ni 0 gi';s ooU..- al the Umverqi: I, NtiCi i ( cOiiiin, ■» i.■ •ii .* , v on. - nt the -U>U bar < .uitnhiation ttcii Vt y Ii Beech Kin.-doii, N. C. : l.ii J. Kentictli 1;| G;'ei-i'sbtjfo, IV'U 1.4 .: v v yoeih.- v.n. mad, hi iG-ry vvjlei, it, oi-raiJ.- I'.t- !l " Ni^i’Ot-\ to 10/ ot, ui tin L: v* fchpui ,>t tilt Us i■. 1 ■■■;.,lV. svjv,' ii/r lull-tit liit i /ncioh'4 uS V in:.:.' ! pro'es/joi , "t Berth got his rUyee sd the- June cuninttoc-etnei >t .uni Li i compl.-toa id ; work in iy Aiimhe: of site tiv« &l4tk»f>, Jam»- Hubi-rt Wat at., siatcsvilie >hushed Slit- law: eo'.ii'.-e t j i’i Jat’’ tu take this years i.»„ examination, flu remaining. I C did lit f»il 11 :•>! It dor > VV Cd i kii i)d Is Admitted lo Bar (. K if. S' SliOftO — .tiihn Ken neth l.ee .Hid OJte of the fi i> lirs; Negroes to enroll at the University ol No*th t arotina, ua.s admitted to the bar for le gal practice here Monday, Lee and Harvev Beech. Kits * ton, enrolled at the I'iiivcr vits id June of illsl The iiaii completed their law courses last July, the first N ••.•lo l»W graduates from the University -egjtdijk ~ f - ’'-'I H . • v M&’ ;<*• '■■yS&L LA VS IT ON THE LINS j World Heavyweight Binclng t haininon Jersey Joe Walcott on Stiesdas, September 25, lays his hailOv,<n crown on the lire- in EiutudeiphL in his effort Ui tin claims of chief ch.a it enter Lwckv NLuebuiu to D»e diadem. At ;:s, Walcott is the oliieid man ever So hold hosing'* must stiueht position. Hi* is year-oitt Pfetiileitgei v'.cu'ied into the limelight as r* .oil of a knockout win ever aging **- i ehaanD Joe lands and a scries «t oilier wins atralmt hand-pick - < d opponents. Though Waloott is the underdog in the beitif V his i iduuM* tc> retain the title are j mn thari bright. (BBF •*>TO tm% **m- % bKcttojs m 'be*. Afir tinauh- to be gradual. (1 | Beech, a 28-year-old mi nate i>! Morehouse College, i prubabij will practice law in Km*tun where his father Is a (It Outiiif !ii businessman, Before j going Sc Stir LNf . Beech stu died lor two years in the Law ! Hoot at the North faroliu* • allege ai Durham, lb v.-if, i- a -rauna;.* of the .ii.-unt.: School ii Soci.ai Work and i a is,4e 'U.-iiM m iJurhatn v,heit ; • !• - ; S ' living :eventi> , , . ' 4. veteran ot World | War H i.ee said he will prac tice law in Greensboro or Winston - Salem. He formerly studied at North t aroiina A, and S', college, Greensboro, ttse t diversils of Hawaii, and the Navy’s Pacific University, At that time, his interest centered on radio and electrical engin eering, (Continued on page m TAMO SITE OF ARRESTS IN i INTERRACE VICE tu t lining hi it* Duo | Scan!il\-(.lad \c ijro Sabhcd ID Oificcrs r .vRBOHO Wr.iti i* cotisidervd .f i/Oi'X jun an rai'ia! ‘T.«- V- t.j, : iiro\ j>(i here ia.Nt \v6*-‘k | . hen iuci'.l police off icers an e*t»?d i whitt* rr.ao ar.ti woman and ;< : G.. 0 on morul.- charges. While t'fn circuirisitaom- tinder j wiuth :h< an iMs and sclin Oiftu . urvii i.wr.s Me!.- made here las! ouneaied incidental at first. ■ 4 ha< been ievean-d locally that ti;,- three- persons i;;. 1 U d here, an ‘44*. a xnlaJi part of an tver-grovv '■■u mtvrracsal cirque lonnod fa: • ton.: porpov's Vrima \ ill. a nearby eolnced iil.._i va- the in of a: n i •■ eje here i;.*t Frida* night i ciijo Uatidall. SH-v ear.nld < Jorttl man. Garland Tuck, a 55- . ar-o'.d v hile c.an and Mi s. E* a t*■ inv» « Sl-yvsi-old vehite wait i< of Rocky Mn.inf were ar shd nit. , officers raided Ran ll’s hoc.: and found ftje ivhitc ft'oiilinued on pagi &i TWO DIE IN CAB STALLED ON B, R, TR ACK j 1 STRUCK Mansnn and Wake Forest Sites Os ItaiJway Tragedies RAIJBI-CH At !' : aft th-fe >fp- j "ino 1 "-ere killed in accident* in vbfving lrain* during the part ; ! Mi i eno in North Carolina. Two tit'-rons were ir.stantlv kill- j • ; a> Maitson in 'Warren County : Sunday when their stalled car waa \ struck bv a train, and a men was nyanj'led fatally by a pas senger train which struck him as he was lying tm g track near j UVitc rarest on Saturday night | f€«atinaf:B on pis ft 8) Ex-Champs Throw in the Towel — 1 FOOTBALL FOR SHAW U IN 1952 THE CAROLINIAN / Uxgf— “* .S 10c VOLI'MN XI RALl’ICir, XOiri'H WEEK ENDINT. SEPTEMBKU 20, XUMBEIi I \ New Interracial Sex Ring Discovered MASS ARIISTS NET 82 ! SAMSUNG TAX AND WHISKEY ARRESTS MADE Three Tiln-s Figure In Mass Arrests \s Ihr Luv Tracks Down Hst LIN HOLLOWAY HAI.hiGH ,i lita.i ol arr<-sts •'■.idr out 82 Nt ;roes in the coils os the la in three North Caro ' Una citi< s on ciiurpc* of ;wimbling land dealiii!.' with illicit whiskey, i Charlotu- was fh< .site o! the I arrest of 72 persons or* - .iskrv siu'te 'i.'iiic five othii- persons v ere nabbe-d on simiia, charges I»* Oxford. At tin- Winston S;t(rrn. the !.(• cracked down oil persons known lu 1 partb-ipa ting in hatter uinl egg- loilcfi opera* lion-, A>rest: d : t Winston - Salem cv* riiaMO's oi faiiii.,- to buy ssu gamblifs: lex si amps won-: James: LcGrond. is of 2ti54 Har : fison Avenue: Robert McCullough. 3.'., of 202 SoJfh Woodland Av. - n. it Wi.'fit M. Morrison. «!. o£ lUf East seventh Street: Home*- y. Owens, si. ot 355 Fpst Ki mth * l c» l: Eli * srd Walker Kjjis 23. ! r.f 708 Ka*t Ninth S:r.-et: and I ih.aLer C'ce i.:' 56 of HW East S-vent). S'.: •'•el V six men, all previously nr rested on lottery charges. \im : brought before Con.i- ■-*' u* : f harles E. Afidei soit Tui'sii it y ii* >.>i'e bond Ail of the men eX'. pt C'.npi ’ P ‘ led bond of s.'GO caeh and w* re'c.ised. 1 Moper \va eornin.itted to the federal jail at Greensboro ''o-io-aov i.u.ei Ader ordered tho men to report for trial at Middle Con ’ Wir-st.ie-Si.lem (Continued on page K( jjpj GOOD OLD OOLDfcN KlXi BAYS CM the ay»j»»«»iiaw.triy 20w tmimira iygWrr<*<! this yefcr m tttt Fayetteville State Hw£X;L'. ** '•; , , - *,. •{&&■- *»%,, r •■« W *<S&rajK«sff ,^^’*^|n^il .-''Vi&fo < ~jC ■*,»&.W'‘J •■. *■*?.;, , | . **fr~;.,- | •-' j| it liiKliTff iiTiTTITHIIIMiMin '• lV ° ’ : •* -' ; •■- '• "• 'l.- . •: •' v •.--*•?;.• ’ - m r - ; V gs " , * r /;^ f ;>SSf i IjMg| 'a ’ >J<Jft • • 4 , ■» *• iwrw*" v *r ■,' • *• «•■ •**** JUST I*l AIN I.CCKVi ,«is. Mabel \!i..»rc, 43-ycar-uld iia- U-igh school teacher, and her son, Robert. !), are being considered ii sj plain lucky" lor having i scaped from the .mtcimobiie shown here with only superficial Quick-Acting Cook Saves Lives Os Boys Set Afire CI.JNTON Quick thought , net ion o r.flic part of a cole cook, Mrs. Liria Mae Monk, pr ~biy saved the lives of two C Tmbm CoSiejfe, F*jrtU-vi!!f. I North Carolina, tour of them i tool; time out from a ewaiiiaa* | ouk rotted of Freebtnrn-Week *e it „s ,s :? : * UIW itUIU VS ii% I-ClC' scoped by an inter-city bus at a Raleigh intersection Tuesday, in the accident which occurred dur ing the evening at the intersei tion of i enoir and Blount streets, Mis. Moore’s car was al and ton white boys when a shed in ored which they were playing can gat ! rou- f.irt- here Tuesday. Tip- The boy- Boh v. 11. and Holt. UviU«s td "held for th" on the i reshmatt '•beanie.'" Left to right they are: Adolphus Smith, Cem iri'n* Hi? it School, New York -- - *-» v***v#c». g >- * f*n the but struck if, Mrs. Moore -tittered bruise* and cuts about the arm and hand, and her son vs a* b» vised on the check. PHOTO BV SHLRXRD. Jr., 5. son.* of Mr and Mrs Hull • Robinson are in Sampson County Ho;-pital with • severe body bums. i( untimied on page 8i City; Ernestine Barnes. Friend- ; ship IftjfH School. Fremont, Iff, ! €.; and James I‘aife, Orren* j i County Training School* . I l -«_• ■• _ tl 10c K % . ■ ,i. ■ ■ t’f'AC’H WILSON Men Missing, So Bea rs 1 o Hibernate No Scholarships Means No Foot bail T earn Hj L!.N LIN HOLI.OWAY - K'.LEIGH- *u i d«<inul >"- * :irii ! official release the administration j 'of Slum University revi-alod early, this week that the famed Baptist i Tirt itution here will not field a football team for the current si-a- > on. The Univt rsity publicity depart ' nu-nt's reicasu further revealed! : that the “cancellation of th,. fall -"hvd'Jif was only a temporary ex o<-di-nt ft.: this season and did not j any way indicate that bbavr: .a* abandoning football a.* a ohasv | 4 its athletic program.” According to Athletic Direc tor James E. Lytle, an ifisuf ficienv number us athletes had reported for preliminary foot nail practice which began n September !st. in addition, Mr. Lytle noted, injuries sustained by some oj the men who did report for initial drill* at the institution further put the institution "behind the eight ball" as far as fielding a loot ball learn vas concerned Ol RUTIONs ARISE AS TO WHY Yi’HLETES WERE NOT PRESEN I Even thou ,;!i the S-hats athletic; rommittce voted unanimously to I susoend football because of the in-; vaila nitty of piavers. the ques : :ion ha* r.voc-n as to why the men ' j *,c. - led to form n t.-arn were not j present. Th* principal rt-ason . ivoo . is, i that the University > o lom-f-i ciff ' - . ataleti • scholarship* on t-Iv- t-a- ' ! si- of ain’t lie orov.es.- alone. Shaw ! official- e.*.iti nd that -f an athlete Ji* to : t gv-i.-ri a ~ eh-v.'-r-!: i , he. i -m-'i ti:-: h:<\- merited ii ,-aho- , j lasticly. Th. faVii-y ir- this prin-. is i acted >’n t-i.'.-i men who us-rit -chol j r.rships f' oni a .vcholastie point of i vie" have SirtU- so evocation for I r*,—.icioatir.n in athletic-. In the 1 j same manner, tin athh-n- who v i ..rded a e’e-iv-b.* athletic scholar , .-hip Is-c-Is hirmt if duty-bound to i partici-'.-ate athletics to t-'.ie ho ‘ 'll bis since (it is obvious ; that n- is t .Tiding bis ability for I the .duc.ii ion iliat the institutior ' offt is. A rorcHY DECISION' The decision made by Shaw's ad i ministration to cancel athleT* > scholarships was made only after | a valiant, yet futile fight was j ed by S-’.iaw’s Head Coach H, K ; (Brutust Wilson and Athletic Di rector Lv-.v for re-consideration. • Boih Coach Wilson and Mr. Lytic | ctintended. and rightfully. that if th- University were to hold its own in the intense and sometimes frantic effort to secure the verv (Continued on page Hi THURSDAY MEET WILL HEAR NEW HOSPITAL VIEW • BALEIGH An important meet- > ing of the Raleigh Citizens As- • -ociation as to be held at tfce Blondworth Street YMCA on l Thursday evening, Seotsmber 22 1 at which time Dr. C. H. Hamilton. : : nrofewwar of rural sociology at N. * C. State College will explalr: F.s i full mc-aning of the proposal *»> construct a genet al hospital to Wake County. The teneral nub lie i« invited to rdf end the inerting. #■- WsmWWssß WmlMMMM ap^Stlpgfea*g>^ . s>mr:ctor lvtle •«*2“. J*S* »■;.***" j > n 1 jjm,.. .".¥ ■ A. ''' , I>U. STRASSNEIt REVEAL SHAW'S PLIGHT Head Coach H, K. illrtftusi WII • son, Athletic Director James Ly tle ant! President W. H Strata*- nor of >ha\« I'niversily have r«‘ vealed that the t niv.-rsity will not field a football team this •■eason. The> contend that the -hortage of men at the Baptist institution resulted in the can (eilation of the major snort tui the season (SEE' STORY) GATE CITY GOPS SOEB !N DEATH Os PRISONER GK KENS BORO The death <>f Ni.-iw in city prison here in June broi!..ht a suit for damages ’. diditig $75,600 ;ta:«:n*t hvo city police officers Tuesday. A:b.eit O. Smith 108 East St., ;<s adminiitraior ni the estate of William <'Billyf F Smith. 32. who drd June 23. : risrce- City Jailer S;nr . 1 Mane: ■ an<l Police Chief Jet’.. L Willi an.son with "gross neylka nee" It. his cfficial report, tile t-oron r Di W. W. Harvey, spiel that •he death jsrcbafcly could feavr : eip prevented At that time. Chief WiiiiamMi.n said "everything • hat w > humanly ptc-ible was done." Thr- chief also said jail of ficials then said Smith ate hi* meals that day arid hod not ap peared. The complaint, filed in Guilford Superior Court, ash.* the following relief frorr the defendants. Includ in' Notional Set retv Corporations £■■ bonding camptov for the offi cers* fsfchftd ysrformarmf of •v.ity: I—SKS.e&ft actaal dtJMMfffk 2—*J#.oo» pun Hive A imaftt front Ilian pM. 3—Am awo'evusent of tr shift (Continued ts s*** 8)

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