PAGE SIX j&si rtij n .|tfr i.i m-j .I , ’ c*- ‘_f - j,’. ** ** H E A l> S CHANCE HIGH SCHOOL Prof. \Y. C. Wlth ehjjioon was recently elected principal of the Clin net' (Ugh School in I’armcle ( nimt» ssie ffwling U. C. Chance, founder ».' Jp .« IIMI, Slum'll it hi* desk is Vr»f. W. V Holmes new It -fleeted principal of E. •>. Hit-yes High School, Will la mat <*n. XC. Prof. Holm*', tv*s principal ROCKYMOUNT NEWS and VIEWS ROCKYMOUNT NEWS and'«« views maSm TATI 005.0 Mr-.'lir ’ -|<- ;r. the S*. RhU; PnptV ChlToh Bent 10-11th. *h< v; ' ?T< >i N C. Horn*- .Mi i-oi A ■ ii'"- AT T , . My V. Dei i. y ■ •■■' e.'Sd !*S a-V” ••••'.• ii ' !.'.:■ CIWITVW an' me t ■oi n»y ■ ■ •■■ >. • >■• A;:'>C!3*]•>!'. ■'■ :•' r :o • its norm- *•. ;: ir..' of the f'-fet". although i* ■• >rcn'c. •.- 'dr is *?ill -O.i. ipoiiy ..! Fdu •••••: '/> ccunty NAICP WORKFE SIMMs Tvc piw.ram eon-si-v-.} .in 'bo ) r ‘.s’’'. of re-ren t r fveo, Ihe detc f. \tC ■■ in'. I p-r •■ .•!■); ■si . . and .v.Trron •. One uch add tv-; was by J. 7'. ll.«rren •■■ Rock'* • Mount, b' ire ; man 'nq \"AA< r Work r ', .’ ho ' "Ik' d on Mi p* ' d V?i•;?.'• ' A .•eviv.r'n ~.-• *,..' d Vv T’-.v. O •••’ .. ;•' tor ■; Ike best church. ' '< O’ : •.<(>er aif ,1. R F* •' in. v :OC !'••> if 1 ol; J* Mary V Brn’> n. finan rial secretary: Mrs Jan ic Pet way. treasurer ;nd No»v . roan S'u »•'•«*’. • -irdinr s>.-c-: h• v Othei m.c .b-: , prominent m the work of the Home Mission group arc: Mr dir ■ C * D -.r, 5 .- Cy Gras-. £ rrce Er*. ;• r’ Sw'u Ffi'idgcrs. Vu .v ni . IViis'in, TwiiCo Boyd. Mary White. R'-ifin Seoeuia Taviov R. \-r Brnnc\ Ho. sunnr. Leans. Mattie ! yida Pirmn V--., ’<r . .|m. Dm . » r Li if a T'llr l ' . S'-vs Pi‘p*: G’n* - |p : :.:^®eit; ; <- ; -:", • v ' v|§ -.0 ipi K The ■;#:■'? ['v' straight whiskies I in this product are \| | 7 years old I 1 96-8 proof • 35% straight ,®J I, . .' tty fc whiskies • 65% grain # AA «eutrQl spirits gp> Jj§. iMs- -: tS;?\ SsSIJB ’212 ‘3» H ..•*•♦■..• 1 Philadelphia ' COMTIMEHTM DiSTIUIMQ CORPORATION, WRADEIPHIA, 5>A * of 'the school. Prof. Witherspoon spoon has 'aught in Parmcic for . several years art*! has served In f oi m inis, /NC and in vtasning ton, Os 41 (..istnnin Thom r.ntirld for 18 ycai > .inti dirt -in out standing job in building the st h«x>i. ’ BFC tiy Mr. *'b ’-.on. W. foving ton ;>i.d ’v••'■>• ' i • hppin. f'tl-... 7' ■ h v ’..-jv Henry 1.. ■•• G c ■': W. I' I *;r’;*‘r, joivi ' •McJC"i . : .’. |, i! ~ ■•• on, and J.a ■ 1 it. Hard m;.; , f. : ...-11or, ~f lif a • ! ('i. t: :-' *■' hf'l.P *hp r-y a-v .)(•,• . 'v .trirken rVRBOttO TI-VMS imRNFV T! T -bom ■ •: *>n rt pai't r.v:i' do.-od 'he s- ...on ivitb a '■■ nnis to*, hum. :.; i f; -> iich 18 ycr 'sons too'.: pet. T folio ■mu j ;■• o|/i* \od a'vards:; Milton 'V. '.n • ' );y Willie i M.-e it* dmoiid .••• . th-- rnen' and omen ■ fi.vtle: t.*onhv, re** speef ively. "F 1 <■ .ir!.' .■’-as ■ won by Mis;: TP Amend and Miss Fi iin >'vrlrv: J?ovdoubles h\ n-'v- Bi.'i.:k rod Cannic Bro-v, v ! Mis fl ~. i'i- ..• ' ■■;•■ Blaek sne? Mi Brdrtnv.c 5. ’•• Amu i. vist 'or:- to Taeboro in eluded Ales. Ac-nrl Aloetoei e fmd mandchiHi* cn. Pan >!a end Tommy Crosby! of Nf •■ V' .'., C;i > ‘hr: .it• •rs Mrs. • So-i<. Thomas/ Mores Carolyn 1 Dianne trsd it ..... I.: j Hninmond? ff Ncv York • a.- -Mr o| ihei’ aunt? the Misses H immoiids ' on St. John S'va; t. VAUP PISHES VOTE REGI>I ft A HON TV- lomi \AACr •: pUnniny;. 1 (“ci*r» * v*»-a i c\<' r-'Siib'li r>nd ’ ’c ijn .ip rf’ort to brlrf vr'-itiy rnoic ' to the votor;.' HOMETOWN NEWS —Orange County News — William Jordan, Reporter Efland, N. C i l j i FFf AND -'.V. Ed. Faucetto ’Vho | has been very -dele at bis daugh ! let’s norm, i- improving V<A and: j was e irrit d to Ms son's homo near | Fairfield Church Sunday morning 1 SeiJtember -»th John FauectU's j j wile -has ben very :ick and was ; : <••!cried to a Durham hospital ph 1 she was returned to her home a I few days ago much improved. The Hi :h and public school near ! Charles 7'. Jordans farm was start-: led the past vt.'k and many ehil ! dren are attending. 1 The High and Graded School at j west Hillsboro viio: e Principal Is | Prof. A. L. Stanback was started | a few day. ago and we learn that I the school is crowded. | The W' t Eli and Colored School . l>e, am been finish'd, hut wc near I that 'ho school was open 'd in 'no old rhooi building until the ; New Buildig !<■)> imen finished. : Rev. Ciaudf. Faucottc will soon . have hi: new store Building fin ished and • “ belie.e that he east j mi;k> nuii ivot• ry by keeping the | stood •: tii-it «!•« pei. ph: ner d and wruit. I 'monade vili ~;o f «- tins hot hri end i: much mote . Mmhh-gra:’; '.' in otr.e of 'hr i (bit bOP.lted bottb'd bevel .a: R. \f. F.v >ck Irn -about finished tis m v ho-pf r,ear hi-, tore sooth ’wr -t o- Efland ae.d ■• mie < man* yoocis and k< v<*raßf' that his ■'.i : u ant ,-.i;d ■. -ft Hurley Green -ind ■■■■{>• have j stocked many »od: that tb.cii ■.i.-'tomers ne,.,i nr! •■•.• hc-V' that t i v will iv: longi : sell Beet • J'-bn A h T 1 1f...; ;:i, it* . r.-la v a*. ‘iicy will soon ! i-'iild i .♦•!<•.* near fb' ir bom and i stock up with suitable goods necd j r, d by his many neighbors ! John W •'•f'.H hir; Tviff? I 5 i Ayden Hi Class Handles Carolinian In Community AYDEN -■ Tl*>rough effort'' »f a j clu... undei the guidaiwo and ad ! vivcnp t • M ■ To ton. THE : CAROi iNIAN t'fjn.' eire tlafeel ! through the Arden comni'initv. Th" clav; acid titty rr.p;. !. v t Ayden High School Enrolls Over 600; Band Drills On; 24 Graduates Eye Colleges AYDEN According to Mr J. :W. Ormond, pDneipa! of «;,<• Ay o-'n High School, over six hun dred students enrolled last. k •- the first .essions of the new bool term began. Tire faculty per mncl • •'mairs • the sam- a la * year »t t'A ‘*nty-: tv. 0. Under *y" direction ' Prof. Huey Lnvi'"ii,f. the A;, icn High Bend be ;«n it. ioutinc of praduo • m.,‘ marching strains ind school : songs for the enst'ing acliviti .« oi : the school vcai There nr.- thirty Tx mt rabers of the band thi- . car. Principal Ormond is proud of the met that out of the thirty.s>\ I grads last year twenty-four are cn-. j rolling in institutions of higher. ! learning this fall. Never k fore in j ' th. hit tor* of tin school has t•’t i s number oi a graduating elars Somctin". SHRD CMV”.v vmfv; l ■ p.anncd 'o < nro'i ’ ; t *’ -J iw. : sorm:tiroes the number h-■•he.*n a: is fifty percent, but never : this high percentage. F;onnie tvhbch.urs'i. a member . ioi li t ear' I nice ei? *?! 1 i j r.vd "ionlafc North Cirolma Coi !c~e m Dun'tam tfcU tall by c.r- j fist A e v jdi*able inerceve ''as not-' 0(1 PERSONALS Member. 1 of Km J, J... Harrison p: mil-- motored to Norfolk Sun- ! ca; their riaughicr and sister. Mrs Lillian H ..letics whose husband,, jes - ' aa : been taking treatment at a Norfolk hospitaj- Tar boro; ■ Credit Union. ‘F. D. Wharton, sec retary-treasurer reports an in-) crease in a see* to th** amount of ! ever 512,000 wilhui a v.ix-’r.ontii period. Us rating is high an *he ijsi of colored credit unions. ’-' ; » ■ jg£a£sm’ I i LIKES MONO APPEAL -- Shown t« Corporal Jerry K Crump, 19-year old North Caro- lina hoy who was recently a- warded the Congregaionsi Medal •»A > I>mL »• \£ { .l».lV#6ti r ? •* *£fl*L who U.iva been on the rick oro reported much 1-elfor. Major Faucet’ir of Hills- Inirti, mvs Hurt he will give an acre of land on his iprm near Fairfield t htirch If five people will bnlld suitable ehurelv and Sunday school building on it. Rev. Ross Turner and Reverend i J runes C. Thompson and Revet end Claude Fnucettc have promised to ; preach sot the. c colored families I every Sunday it they can eel up ' a . uitabte build hi.: And a large Mercantile Firm covering the United states sa£s that, they are willing to build a suitable Hall oi : Church if the people wil l .how their wlllingne:.. *n hove a church , and Hall. Th- '.fe'cantih'i firm say t'he.v arc v iliin : t• > build :i fifty -1 thou: : .'uid collar Church find Hall •in V/r I Efland. near the Morrpm. Green Public School if th r folk will : how a willingness to get rea dy for it by getting good roads, mail hove, telephone line: and other improvements. Ther* nr? more than fifty fami- M*' ", * ■ of F.fland that do pot h.ce .'in;, rural routes near their •homo.: and have to walk a mile ac more to Fflmd to get fhetr j'hfiil Postmaster ghaut* of Me bam lavs they ''ill extend Route i tc- Efland and north to Bill. Dorsetf's Store and *rest hy Thomas Brown'- md Jesse t. Poole' t.-vm ,f they -vll* lminy in petitions bovine their node for yam**. Votirs f eir -i better Et:jte. Nation \ ,>nd V, r oi Id. j E' af.-rn.ill.*., W:d, Henry fordan. Re-j r*er. Eflaiid. N G week md hope to increase ihc-j ui'Ctrlation next meek. 1: - th* desire of the CAROI TN- i TA?: s*aff to : cvvc the eommuni-i t; with il.'W'S :>Pd event : nf : A yden community. by. •: ■' >2vri scholarship. NEWS OF DOVER N. C. DGVFR Th.- Roy Evaruw h t wi not oc tin services in Doves i "is wuck at announced. He ‘fce.'-ins a w*e> k- services nn 1 Sept.. 7th t St. John Church of. ■ C hrisf Regular services are held at St :John Church of Christ every third ’ Sunday night. The public is invited to corpe . , wo; :-iiip with t; - Rev. C H. Boykins, psr'or. M- rhomi Simmons and Mrs. Bi.'nehic White t;!i remain cn the sick list. Rnlativ*".: and frlerid:- of ; Dover <virh for < ach of them a ‘speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs Malschia Herns iannounce ’h r birth of a it) ocind i girl. 'Tv cy *-ara B Monro has re turned from rt"'.** York ‘ i * ■"rr ,he attended summer rhnol. Mrs. Moore ha recently been appointed as t-'sehm in the Craven County unit. She forme i*l; ■•e.ctdod in .N'-w York., h ' now at hom. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bection. BFC .J- j Read The Carolinian! ; Mr, .1. C. Cowan. Jr., President j ot Burlington Mills Oorp., and j Chairman of the U. S. Defense ! Bonds Industrial OomiUec for ; North Carolina. —•— i» f V llW—| gw— hiwm—miti«ih.—hiiih» THE CAROLINIAN _ l i ! IV SONG 15 VI if E Vl' KINS ] TON The Pile rim TravHct *. j roremost spirUual :uid iir**ti|>, in the uountrv !«>- j i> < y hive c>\ fJttjrrrl a|j th,» s»>U*m ; nity, hnmiHiv <ml |> Uh*>s om •mfli* tl in s ;'red snrnf*. Tlu*y S VISITS in ,Vi lIOKMA Miss Charlotte C .Tohnson of Dover was a recent visitor in Los Angeles, California, While there she attended 7be .16th \n nual Session nf the National f brislian ATissionar' Convention Disciples of Christ. (Interraeiai). r- "-x^ • WTTTTF. ON WHITE lnfantrymen crouch to Ihe snow »* they ndvaner toward a simulated obk-ctive. near Fairbanks Alaska- Thopa men ore assigned to the A tosh an Command- *« a p*»l of the Army** permanent pnrtv. The men are aWe to completely !««*• thrfnvlvea in the terrain, wit fitted «« they ore in the -hit,-, n -oW Hn-d paW-»s. (Newsprca* Photo.) : *'- M"" -MW^"* ifciiaWttr MmmimMmSKmz MAILBOX SUPFOKX ... a strong support ior rural mail b*xe» j % enough te hold large parcels can he made of two old onto- j mobile rhns riveted to four pipe leg* Legk su hesst »*> drawn 4>»*B aw* ffeiii/ -i* s*o w '■•ill ippcar in a Kittle of none* with tin- Sr-u I Stirrers the Original Blind Boys, and fin lacUsnn Jlarnxinncrrs from son Miss, in I lie 11. Sirup son School .Auditorium, Kinston, Ortn*»--r Id, !')•'» at S:00 p.m. Vlis-, lohnsnn also visited South• eni f hristian Institute at Ed wards, llis.s,, tnd ,l,i r vis Chris tian College at Hawkins, Tevas, Ia o of the s< hoots supported by tb National Christian Mission ary ( onyention. The (tip ms very -n joy able. WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 20, 1952 f KINSTON *« 1 : S ___ _.___ Ji ! KINSTON Heavy dair. was the rcBUl 1 . of i fire at the homo •; oi Mr.-. Benin M. Taylor, (532 Min erva Si. here Friday afternoon. ; Tho e-mao of tin fire was riot known. Damage was t it, >5)00 by 1 the insurance adjuster. KINSTON SHUT-INS Mr.;, Lottie Chapman w 221 K. North Si. was coni hied to bed am , ;;--nt to a local hospital here lest I Monday. Report , indicate some improvement is being made. | ..e.i. Carrie Chapman of !>lB Uni j vt rsitj 1 S', here is improving nice !y nicely aftei bring confined at hez home for about ni.-.e days. Line'll,n City School, condemned last year, will hr opei tiled aoaiP this year until . ich time a the new annex at Sampson fjeho'd is j ready. Timor no. isi ♦ ■& lw£f| ilm "yf' •' •£ ■ & •TORfiV WEDS "BESS” lYiHhni tVirfhld Tamed oon ii r< haritupi' nm\ starring in the ! current "Vnr%v and Bess' folk «per% was married In New Yak entlv in Mi s J.eorflvne Pi ire. Hr ploys Enrgy, and she jpl.v -, > -a m what is rated by man;, critics as the most exciting of S all productions of this Hey wood iFARM TENANTS jIN CELEBRATION HA i ft, HARKEN | ROCKY MOUNT .N.t. .• • Some j 525 tenant families vi»h ~n ag gregate of around ;HXI >,;• : >r,. mu !jn the uinuai farm get-together | :s;;t w-c-k at BrnsweU forms Lake i near BatiirPorc. It IP. PEAK SAM IN CHARGE j In charge of the day-long pro ! ;?tam xvaa former '-tat.' legislator j Thom a; -E Pearsall .listen as man | . „• r oi the M. C. R>. Hive!] Farms, I Tnc., '.i)i -, known as the leading ! ? nnant project in ! n four-county j area of F.<!geeombe. Nash, Halifax j ,vi'd Wilson. P; ■■■sr.-all marrien the ' daughter of the !;<C M. C. Bras | Veil shee- Runic eoro mmuion i j'O'. l ' .'tana- noeeups .•;. i Mr. Poir rU h.v. done m -eh to i Ls; the 1 n<eu :i d Bi i.■•> li I 1 r li- as >i. U as Un living Lind • ; ards of it * -apt , ny-.-t r<? ■■■ i.<•:>-. j axf colored. Hg 'T.'t c - r.or fl verst i j v,*;;rs encouraged. and in soreo i instancfts made it nvvide* ■'•>,-.- that I tenant carry out the direction; of • *.'XtCfJ ■ i OP. -fTViee -vocksv through j farm and home improvemenc and j 4-H ch.zb erk aloiy,- ■* vh heaHh I programs McNFH "n r \rktr rr ik With 70 of fl’c fanbiKer <•«•• i-.-. i ins at? ai'ds for better home arnri i faiTn work from Pear all, Edgc ] combe farm agent H W. McWeitl ; and home agent Mr: . Hazel Par i ker Scar > gave addresses on CH j work. 1.-adieis; the prize winners were: Mrs. Mattie Parker, tone j time eantsing ebampsop. who this year canned 60; quarts of fond- stuff: Mts. Marie Wirt tns. hest sfswinj; Raymond Randolph and family, s.'-n for being adjudged the best »». | around tenant family grot ip Second in thi ■ !■- ■’ cn* i to tire Tom Dailey family and V - !to Arf'.uir Reynolds family Jim |my Phillips family MO 3rd a wi- ■ | flow, Mr..-. Roca Dougins received! $5. Gray St.'-ning- received ths j ‘■coveted" sr> ••>"’ard ?oj being the - bc:.t (ebseCo produce! • ;()•) Hfi SV I ( erng* yf SUM 3 ptm acre, ! James Har dwa.- next •vilh v | $: 013,24 .average. ! ALLAN ! MIMS, .! INC. -1 FORD SALES AND SERVICE i 225 Tnrbor© St TELEPHONES 2-2191 5425 • arrWM- - --■■->■ at 7:30 p.m. Moodily, kept. 1 at l Boy :•'•■« ut of Tioop No. 13J met ! tb'. cornin' Con a Community Cen ter here. lUA’iTSS Mi.. 1.. Rohm.'! r; recovering nicely hi " - home at 20-1 East -South ll .'t after p abort stay in a local hn.-.f-iral )iere. DHLS hl otjEM.V Mr: Silvi-. tyhite, 120 South Queen Slrt-i.i'll ncL.lcu!,) -t the Ki ior i Shirt Co Fr iday. Funeral --ci vice; . ere held Monday at pm. it the FL < Rapti : Church • it* F-n-t Sti ’ci, the Rev U. G Moye officiating. Survivors arm. Mrs Cherteon B-- k-r Ham of |-h«* tiome 'tts fleisni p.iKei-son, of the home: Mrs. Mildred Washing ton, ot the home; ivj- FredUck Whji' , Mr, H.'l'tit I.iktiii, q f ftyri hom« lit i sbv. in r 1 ;,' i■ Ihr iirw lvn 'd-i v. ill ■v*>rjc during their ' hnnf y li’wri ’ in "Pnrgv ,m<l Bi-sy" nv. rtifri in 1 -;rnpe. The opera no* .p'iv is ‘-t'u iii;; v'- enter!'riiunen* to f'uujir, hut i! .i!i-o is rid ing 'he t s. yi<c di-partnirui lo fii iiinnsrate Ihsl \r;roes in Arnetii ; can develop hr highest artistic talents. t.-YNT*) | $4 proof,, 75% 6rais gs-iMft gji.dh f j i * SColiS Itvc. ' | x-: v «? FOR THE REST VALUES Cash or Credit SOUTHERLAND FURNITURE CO. 207 N John Street Phnn*. 1055 GARRIS DRY CLEANERS AND HATTERS •■fiVE DAY nl'RVlffr yog \ renter Goldsboro -.... r- m r — Qnin 1-Vliilcr ggg I ! Fiw 0m Furniture KINSTON :V ‘ '-""Tinnui —I —j%tlie ■*iqinj<inji-yi«»»p.ziny _— BLLL-STUaRT Furniture Company Ouelity Furniture, RessotiabUt Price* *2l-2* N. John Street Goldsboro. N. €., Phone 1790. J f!DVHT \JI XI XCI mm X OAK » BLENDED WHISKEY

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