South s Employment Patterns Said Holding Race Back What H H concerned. »n eminent white. j I'niversltr rennnmlst Bnnalrf »•»«*•>' J'krty •<» Dir r * t “ " ‘ referred lo ao thr- 'South's vn- economist has pointed out. Heyvri notes that the upgrt»d- ** o .' , iuntat) Fair Employment In a remit article, "Negro ins of »*r® worker* In th Tho aettuil pattern of ' Vtact ic<* s arrangement" is Employment in Southern In has bmi Mfidf<Jy er [ ) emp oymo . < keeping the Negro worker far riiistry" published in the dour- •■low. a**d ,; >at any Increase in >nis. exp ..ills, > ' . ' j behind os far as advancement nal of Political Economy Dube the pace of this upgrading is *' ; JOE WALCOTT LOSES TITLE ■ \ I i f it i BF *f MARCIANO the Victor MC LEAN NAMED NAACP FIELD WORKER IN NC N£*V YORK A}. ..ointment os', two ’.ten- field set: etai'it r we- •>»• r.ourceri the. ••• eel* by Gioster 8 ; Caneiit. rli > eftnf at bysnehes of the National A-.-inflation for Hie Advancement of Colored People Robert W. Saunders «*f Tampo has been employed to replace the mar 's red Ha >y T. Moore in Florida Charge; McLean of Winston-Salem •has been issr'.ned to work in' Wr m iS .11111 n BB m-■■■>“'% l&i&gifjgt . jJKx SasSBESK st It MC LEAN North Carolina _ A veteran of World Wr IT. M. Saunder.s <•. is .graduated Com ’bo Detroit Institute of Technology •*(. ter having -darted bis college training a* Bethune-Cookitian Col lege in Florida He also studied at the University of Cincinnati He has- been employed ;■? 3 newspa perman «n Oinetm; *t* and as a On Pane 5! ANNUAL CONFAB OF NC NAACP OCTOBER 17-19 BV I K, JfAKKEN GREENSBORO Final plana were made re Saturday -it an fexetutii'e board meeting; tor hold* ira r-.- *>ti annual N C NAACP Confc'ence in High Point Octo ber mh-ldth. The three-day session, which will close w th i huge mass meet ing on S ! nc!'.‘i afternoon, is expo, taa to be attended by several hundred people, many of whom have not heretofore attended N A A C. P. confab.-. The Sundav meeting affords many more an op portunity to attend. KFV WOKKEKS ON PROGRAM Top NAACP officials, imlwd inf Clarence Mitchell, labor analyst and ‘watch - fine' of Congress for NAACP; Herbert Wright. Youth department Secretary; and Miss Loellle Black, national office member ship secretary, will appear on thr program to conduct semi nar* ir. branch activity, ;«*• rwedanr lo Kelly M. Alexander, I sftab- \ l.*f P head and oatliva lOvnitljniucfi «n 5) Marciano First White Boxer To Hold Top Crown In 15 Years PHILADELPHIA— Tim most hal i' w»d diadem of the boxing world, the world heavyweight ehampion j >!,•, was, after 15 years, tmcei, From the Negro met here Tuesday oieht when yuan : Kooky Marciano; .ending contender for the designa- Lion, scored a 13th round knock-! out v. r defending champion .ier vj Joe Walcott he fore 30.000 fans ' In •••. inning over Walcott. HB-- ‘ ear-old Marciano becomes the* ;iv. ' in. uiber of tlic white race te* i Mold The champions 1 1 ip oner June 22. 1 ft.t7 v.hen Joe Louis then til! ■r. h fioin the cotton-fields of At?*-' o;:nue wiest-’d the crown from the hi or. <jf James J. ' Finirnie) Brad- Raleigh Citizens Endorse Proposed General Hospital BV .IAMFS V SHF.FARD RALFJGH The Raleigh Citi zens Assriciation. v.hich act-, a- a ■ leaping hoi sc, for the 'ho l shts, . opinions and discussions >f forty ■ , mor ■ Negro o cani/atiou in Ra | igti and Wake County in addi tion to representing many indivi i rivals >3 hU’irhov. of the organ ization. ha i gone on record as giv i? full -itppon to the pro* t foi < new gene id lv»«pital ■|.|.-. Raleigh old Wake ■ V lit./ NEWT Gubernatorial Nominee To Speak DL’iIUAM Three dairy shows and a banquet for Ne* i r M» farmers are scheduled for rhursday and triday of .this week. ,T. C- Hubbard, Negro County farm agent has announced here. The first dairy show will be for farm people in the Men iek-Moore School community and will be held Thurs day The banquet will take place that night with guberna torial nominee William B. i’mstead as the main speaker. A ( ounty dairy show will be held Friday and will be followed bv a* district dairy show These shows will be h id at the County Home, while the community show : will be held a* Merrick-Moore School, The banquet and reception will begin at 7 p. m Thurs day. The dinner will he sponsored by N. f Mutual In surance Company and will take place in the firm s rale to via The banquet, guests will honor the late Dr. ( . C Spaul ding, Durham civic and business leader, for assistance to the agricultural program of the State House Site of Beating, Shooting DC ILHAM Adi-year-old man who sustained a •shotgun wound in the stomach Sunday night remained in critical condition at Duke Hospital Tuesday. Willie White, the victim, told detectives that he was at the real of his residence at 801 Dover St., when the ! shotgun charge tore through his screen door and entered his body. He named as his assailant, Junius Shaw, 80-, year old resident of Fay Street. About two hours earlier at the same house Miss Cathe rine Thomas. Ml. of this address was beaten severly and stomped about the head. Daniel Worley of the same address, was arrested and charged with assault and battery resulting in serious bodily injury. Robber-Assailant Faces Charges GREENSBORO A 36-year-old man was jailed in default of $1,200 bond Monday tor allegedly striking a woman and robbing her of $7 50. Edward Powers of 209 Bennett Street was charged with assault on a female and larceny from the person. His alleged victim was listed by police as Mrs. Lucille Padgett of 217 West Bragg Street- Elder!v Man Dies In Fire CONCORD An lderl\ man perished in a fire that I dcstio.vcd two Dame dwellings in the Black Bottom sec- i Don of the citv her- early Sunday morning. Cabarrus County Coroner Clifford H. Brown of Kannap- ; olis said Hampton M Whitby, ( '<7{ owner of the two small dwellings, died in the 2 :M*» a. m. blaze which had j unknown origin- No one else was in either of the two ; houses. Man Faces 3 Burtriary Raps j ASHEBORO Robert Lyles M 2, was being held in , jail here without bail on two counts of first degree burg larlv and one attempted burgularly charge on Tuesday. * Lyles was arrested at a home on Loach street in *he Baptist Hill section fit the city- Officers said Lyles was 1 in bed with Mrs. White’s three small children when they arrived. Following his arrest, Lyles was identified at a po lice lineup by two other women as the intruder in their homes .4vs. Wilmer Chriscoe said that she was awakened by a prowler in the early hours Monday morning and called her husband. As Chriscoe called out. the man fled through ; the kitchen and out the back door of the house The Chriscoes said that they got a good look at him and i pointed Lyles out as the prowler, I Mrs. Wilbur Franklin of 929 Cedar Falls Road identi fied Lyles as the man who attempted to enter her front floos Monday morning After holding the title for % record thirteen >ears. Louis lost It, In IJifl to tward Charles, Cincinnati colored clotder .who in turn wii de frated !>> Walcott in July. 13.’>l to put the rrown atop the head of another Negro aspirant The end ;>f i 22-year-lont; lijht in;- career for Walcott came 32 se conds after the bell announced the! -tart of the 131 h frame of the tight which, before that time, had been a Pier Six brawl. Marciano, -on of a Brock on. ■Mass., shoemaker who suffered -his f,i-J knockdown in the first round (Continued On Page 6) Thi-. action .'.as tak''n last Thursday evening, after Dr. flo ra _e Hamilton, head of the depart ment of rural sociology at State College here and one of t-.u --chief exponents: of tic general hospital idea, bad presented a de tailed plan for ;.uch a hospital According to Dr Hamilton the f.doption of the plan presented by him, world not only furnish ad- 3 quite hospital facilities lor sick of Wake County, but would result in (Continued On Page ol flypc; WQ&ZBSr: ' ••• Cw v mSI t JMpBP4i | 1 • BLj iv \i.( o r r . . . (he Vanquished POLICE LAUDED IN CASE MANY TERMED SETUP j HALLJOti The 'I •».-,« of I,*-x- 1 j >nglun s Police D- p.i; Uncnt has ! been couinieiKh'd oj - ‘cTy'i f fence pci fornumi n ‘ In cAsc ‘ which m.iiiy jforth Cnriiiiitianii I consider the roilvoaiiin : of un in ■ noccnt man to th. . a,. • haroiier. | Richard A. My •on !h lic-titu- j |tc of Government at Chapel Hill i | has written t*> Lexington Police! (Chief V G. Price praisine t-be Lex j ir.gton Police Department n»t it.! j action in the case in which John. : Homan, '2B-y< ai -old Negro laoor -i j f nci father of four children was' I sentenced to death in tin- ..UegCdl : rnpe-murdcr of m elderly bite i woman. A series ,»f articles, r.ueii by Carolinian Managing Editor Lin Hcllow.n and published in , ‘his nenspaper d)<■« ;» series ot comments from readers throughout the date and the South contending that Roman *»> a '‘scapegoat" in the tele- I bra ted case ■ R'cr. u died in the pas chamber \ . ; n Centra! Prison here st lll pro-! i testing his innocence of the chav- 1 ' . in doji day be-fc,., his exo cut.ion tearfully tol l his wife a.d three of kieir children that he pi:.,'■ a! no ; , t in the murder T.e iTv-tiKitc '•(' Govs riiment •pokesman ha.-, labeled the man jt er in which tin- Lexington police :J- pa 1 1 iiir: J \) .idb'd the case an ! excellent ’'Leachon:: tool" for ia.v: enforcement oops throughout the j state. Mvrou, in his letter to the t.evincton police chief, con tended that the case ‘mirrored the progress of North Carolina ff on’.inued On Page 8) New Police Chief Will Uphold Crime Crackdown lAMES A SHKPARO ; RALEIGH ~~ j . Ji !,u> new Ri.k-Uh Chief of }>o > ;j -*' i; as hi- w.i.v ,n the matter Ka i lebjh c;.n look forward to a much i !• f icier i:w enforcement policy j j f oaii ha- lerefo.fore been the case. J | -A. Pen i tin. aijpj bSSiot; i i\v notated by the man. Thomas 1 ,-*G\ is. :ri.’o if, c'!t>■ Mnnny.ef William i'-kificr te be the next j‘ f of -i-liee here. , Mi" I)avi--.. i youuij non of 33 j'■ ara. talk', with an air of assur i bnce .mi firmness and expresses ''imsi If a.- one who s.-. confident j iie c-11 ... e. hat Kn' job -f Chief j . eta mm of him j A native of Hi-.-.h i'emi, he vHlj assom*. ins (botv's here on or be. ; ! far ■ October !3 after having; i 'Oi ved as chief of police m Lau-j i rinbui N. C. for little over a, Price- to hiss work at Latiriti bp>Mr. Davis v- as u member of ; ; h. police force jo Winston-Salem I where ivs attained the rank of g«r*j ■ e ant in tne traffic division there ! i His law enforcement training was. obtained at the F. B. I. law En- 1 lorcement Academy in Washinu- j ton. D. C and at the police school : conducted 1- Northwestern Uni versity in Evanston Illinois Mr. Career, who as City Man- J [aifer. had the sole responsibility! •in the selection of r. new chief, i . ixpresiiee haoifif ... very weli . f lensed with his selction. We feel j [that a point of special interest j ■h> ;.ii the citizens oi Raleigh be 1 Oc 10c VOLUMN XI RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 27. HRV2 NUMBER 45 SHAW UNEV. PRESIDENT TELLS OFFICIAL STAND I Rec. Dept. Worker Quits | N. C. Native Pioneer In Education lb t \M«S \, ■> Hr. PAR I) i’ ALKfGH M is.-; Mary Rh/ ; ,- i-bli Brill, i It.ilei.-h native is raw, ran in the roil of , .11 ceil aabon ia (he Did rift of Co- : ! h nr. in by virtue * abavin.; been i l '■ > n one of t 1 ,• ■ Lour ;;ro ! b ■■■b'ler ■ -i lei iei! Linau ■ ..irate a > (a. interracial ediu-aTiorial polii-y ; ' in the nation .• « .•yJi.i. i Gal I;. rfi! tVa Ji ui: ■ ori, I i j ) . t.. the only i. ■."•■•rilled eoii* g.< ' ' for til • deal ;il " li. eoUnti v, has ! ■ t aver! the way for the future ut- I 1 tl-l . 101 lof IVe i(» <Je . f nnit.-.s, 1 file •ehicveiri, aj ,\ ill come '.fn'u Lie ari.lii;.,- Jon : - b,s y of (‘.-enty. if-'- ■ A'egro drat children to Ken r ail Green School, the urimarv and | . i knlylTnciliati■ jr. ; i .nn , - a:hool j . operated ’by Gallurilt c'nlle.n • Mtlioin-b Galludit .. a Federal' tnstitui ion. .\e;:.'n-s i : ;Ve be-e, .fe j , ni*‘d admittance simply bee,! -••>> I TlayV el < N' ;rae, and no piac* '*>*■ th naming of ’in deaf j b* b ■ District of e oliunbia has, "e) been provided Tiuongh ais ! a ailKetnei,; with the stale of ! Maryland, th- District send.- its' No i o do if t- in institution in ■Lit state when- all the teachers' j'-e’e white. , For many y, ,r- the ;ro nsi ' ■ tus of the District liave been ' ; D--.lttile- ' • li.iee Kii-ii a'c T e nit ' <i to Kt-noall Green and Galh.tdit. ' ! ! ast vear for the first time, rt i ■"o. jiition of the merits of the Kc | b'oes prntesi .vert- realisa- to the !■ lent of Kern;; 1 1 me twenty-five : A,l ;n Iliele- ro!,;|' ; o, e.,, ) Di-'riet to enter th: ivrnytjjty depart itoeiif of Kendall Gia n. 1 The i t’o dit' at G ■ dq , * tiiis lie . dec eloiiio-wd .ut exnori ment. but i is rirtf d.-.ined likely that tiie • experiment" will be al h-Wed to .. 'alleai a f.idllia and it. , expected that next veto- provi •'■''e '•*.*!ll he nia-t.- to care for all. thi Negro deaf in the Di b ict Th- four Neueo teacher.- cm feov-’d »)ii: year a* K-ndall Green, will have 0... same statu. a- 'he 1 other teachers Because of Del: of ■ • • •. esc new will h hoos.-.-d »*his year in 1 hlowe Hail on the Campus of Howard Utiive; sit • . but v: 11 liave ii meal: at Galieoif Colh y. i \ now do'Witorv j- ™« being ! (< on'tlnucd On Page Si ..' althoi.i;;li wc s<-e no reason' why Mr Davis should not. make- a . very good police head, it is well to ‘Continued On Page 7j ! .... i j. CHIEF 1 DAVIS “Sr i I m ***r jB jwte. vnss BK$ n SHAW PRESIDENT CITES ACTION Os TRUSTEES SrholiHshm Edict Os Trustees fUamed I’or Dropping Sport EDITOR S NOTH: The iol- j Tow in? summation of Shaw 1 diversity "s football outlook :or t!ie f '*/»? season is to be , nii-iil. ;i .I the stand taken fry President \\ 11. Strassner in ti"t( it nas fntwarded to this in wsoapw from !>r Mrassners nliie after ibis publication ?'*•• ciues'tert tlie university heart to■ tiix -t.iml on tin* current muddled football situation at the Rii'igh Kaptist institutinn. The . hit' nil. lit from President; S'trassniicT ol’fic. follows: ‘ln it; dtifiua! la-. tini! on April'. th- ?lo;. -d nf Trusters of Shatv j Uni VO >ltv '. aU'.i Hint the provision I of athletic scholarships as such. j in cti scon tin me end that if the. alumni of l.he Unit. it;, desired to J raise funds ftp s r olarshins such j funds would in- administered by I a joint alumni-faruity committee j Tiie trustn • also a c-nt on record 1 is fav'.i inc th.- conit-nn.'mcc of an | ■thlcti ■ ft Ofu'r.u'i ..t the University j Ti is a ion m-c.-ssitated by the ; fact that Ire Isirtitule had nccumu-1 iaed a !at,v.e athletic deficit over a period of--. win! years which | increas-xti: lv be-'orr..n: a heavy j burden, espe.daily since enroll- i reients ar. nut vliut Kiev were j when veterans formed * large per . i-rt us i)i<- indent body; and fiitiCc if is m*cefs.'iry no" to str*nß« tut-n other vihases ol the University so a.- to rcainhiin the nt’Vi etand ard* of rating agencies. “A few days after the trustee ac tion a meeting of the joint alumni faculty athletic committee whs call ed by the President of the Univer sity to discuss the matter and to i urvey ways and means to raise j funds for a sood athletic program, revivifies •">!' hi Vir.apch of the re- ICwtftlnnril On Page 8} NUTSHELL CILLS IT DOITS i SETUP TOO SONFUSINS R tkc-shiil Pi ounirn V l or Bare PnHeslcii n .mn.s \ sjiLrutn R.M .! !• i!i G'■ oi;Ii Mit■ (lull who foe I in- ; ast ; 01,11. years, has 1) ell 1 ,-..j.:in. iL.'ie lol" Ue, IT • i a 1 inn:, i . . . be ill. -n ■ \b . joe- iii’ii' th- v* ■ ■ k —nniit.-d ii -• i: -pv. of JJe .w. reel cation la .in eveiusive interview, given this re pm ter. Mr. .Mit chell marie il clear that he has no quarrel with itiy one and is particularly grateful for the loyal '-;i.r:'iiit given him by the be.,. , <|! iiei:- t) f ■ til >v j si ft};.;.' years. HD Sod t"«t ' type of work tins lexss.-eri but In the main, it has grown and he an ever hie. osing need to supervised recreation to help heal the mental and J>by-ieal disorders ea used by the pres- ire of these tumnit ous iinies Mi bltteheli •oitu.-ri net naive- 1 \ei. tinit to hi- present rapacity, ■ r.e h.t» .-vl-.■■.tisted e\cr\ rneiins at h .-. rniTitiosnd to ,!'. • the N>-gt:oe Raj. igh „ ■atisfaetory ec eu ;i..-n:d ; n o a a,r • i hi ... a, I; tiitfitioM of .y.'tivi!,\ .'ilh e in,Ji a.- is ' ir«. ■ ill.-vi il'-' d the re t re.uie. :,i| peed*- of ft,.. Nevro ■' I;- ? •■>... are o.ii boina met .1 can not be met he or some one j. • i |. aiuthorn e and the fb '.os ■ • r 1 ’•»»> "h- (.! ■■: •• • a to f I;. tie- I li ■ to >e 4 >v:l‘V« U . ij. I.e • ■- .ie o: •* ■< , ■■ ■ j .iric .nn ■iu r,e. o iini-i with. ■: ••eOnuriC'iujß . tious. front tin Rom-mton Acivis | i<ry f'oitvr; •-ion od The i'.'.Je* ■ 1 i *i:> Cm >w o tat n J.ei tied he , iii in five to --isn the pr.'>.'.rsm I.J| r e »•;(, io llecorderei.' .. ,tV, .1: IV cts nilli Mol bvr nil* ■c ly « token .>ui’in. n ee. rentn e, to the i -f Tinea.m. M> Mtti i:-dl *."|t •■< a it lie- a- t to . .in. ■ r,: he, • n.-.ji i «-n .in .id be j ; .'ll ■ auie. ny t- ,ri! the ills ei- !'• a l '' I. e: .lie ! liar ..'l.iyvieri ■ "a■." i if >: ts Ad;,..a.. 1: M Mits-hcii h- s onlv : i *,»,[. . . :.t.nn super l % a-ui iid •eeeiv.e- a . .kn\ on ' j level that p.,irl the white p.o-ls arid -In." official itfl jy - Otnie. Ml' M|t he;:. M; iviiiehel! he- 1-eCn called 1 -I on to as moe a!1 ol the i .spon . jha .■ V i•. *: di''eetioi•. aitniinis ori the tape: vision of the Ve, . foal! and U'n here Uu-'i* r '-:q h $* *"p. vwtuMnn '*ftd . .n ....... ~L injsH';«tiOJs > *. * i v,oj .'Ji ' ■ Mitch'-li !,as (iut rv t:.: ..f ca i ii.-t i itio'.; fh** fir% v .„ w?-. ' 'w* N. C. BUSINESSWOMAN IN IKRMI'H'KV) —. Noted Durham businesswoman, Madam J. De- Slra isot Jackson, was recently in terviewed by radio program di rector Lou LuTour over the fa- : eHities of Radio Station WWHL. New York City. Madam Jackson ! I ‘ '* -m-yi,"- ;n| MR. MITCHEIJL, <:i ca!i.>;i;. i i :si ‘■ ml. ho ».-• nor psrnuied in exceed th •■•autboiiv of an ara -ups-c visor. The ra.-m: myili-'i of last sum jo •a a twelve year old Ne ,... .1 bu> (ti.iv? dr.vwnad in Chavis 1 iii . tuning pool, is a case eo l-oirt! er'iou..;) Mi Mitrheli had iCpiaieh;;.- I. poned the cOndhion •>i tie one.! to his .superior, he h; i no -eouority tn have the situation ;f i.- dRn Whir, it .... remembered that 9 hi-inan nft was lost as a reset:; j f x iiu.s p i.icy, there is small won der Umt Mi. Mitchell vest'd ra : trier ti ji: :: thnn be ti-.e target for • ••I'itlcism !; r. tragedy lie war . o \VC ii■■’ : to 1 1! ever t. In oi'li • u> ci ,ir Mr Chambers, uiiv. "I pack.-- and recreation, for sh; Ciiy et an;, blame for iho 109 mn... Mr. 1 '.a per. the City Manager. implied that the blame -ISH'C ;•••:. M Mitchell. v.’hO, ■laid. :.l not haw employed !*4 ].>»*!>'<*h in nrnh»iut* tine? pool aft . . licit person knew ‘lit’ mechntv I'u. o tin HHenn.; system. Tiue , miiey ri ’natter of : i ■ . an. . be buck because Mr Car i : kev. inat thi Ci'y .f Raleigh out . et. r r ..a-. a N- gro park, ar he sahuy i required to : tfnei « uam trnuied in t-he ma chamcs "ka water purification sys- Di: ;n gtl-tiiO. a! the insistence of s'i. Nelson Harris, th eßecrfeatfon Advisor.' Comimsison for the City i ; Rail 1 jii rceoreimeptfctf that Mr. Mitchell be certified by the Civil Service Commission -re’ assistant •tecreamin director. The Civil Ser \ tee Commission gav cthc nei-’*- ;i v erfific.'djon to the Raleigh i City Ceuucii >.vhi.-b in turn issued a r.c •u>randu:ii to Mr. Edwards. City Clerk, designating Mr Mit chell a. islant recreation- di i vein: Whru has become of thsf directive i; anybody’s guess, -hut ,i can hi '-suiiicd that I hat direc tive saiely pigeon holed in the City Mana ter desk Mr. Mitchell has remained on the a b. tryiiv; to function under tbs press.'re occ i-'oned by suoit k vvui pifi . o!;c>. hoping that on* i ay, ri :’c would assort itself and iContinned On Page 7) ; was one »f the last eetetoritSfist | Interviewed by Miss LuTour be fore the weli-kuown stage aad radio artist moved her daily two. ami « half hours long show to i Radio ■station WHOM, also itt j X \i York.

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