CHAVIS POOL DROWNING SUIT SET IN CLAYTON CASE Two Killer Cops Freed JOHNSTON GRAND JURY REFUSES TO INDICT COPS WHO HILLED MAN ;! SivMTHHKI D -On Tuesday. Or. Lot,.-. 14, a John ton Cumiy Grand Jury refit (-0 (u indict two police t.Tfii. rs the town cl Clayton tin am' cliar-rd v.'ilh havinfc pilled a Nt ii'ii man named Voitni Junior on. D.v r turnin', a ' No. i 'j‘n:i ’ Mill nl indictment. The l>< police oil nci invoivid wri t Chief of police Carter and Patrolman otto (Y> cell. m ' **n ?° You can’t VOTE if you haven’t REGIS TERED! Be certain to register in order to vote on November 4. Registration Books wiii b e open i n YOUR precinct on Saturday October the 18th and 25th REG ISTER, then VOTE. $35,000 DAMAGES SOUGHT NC Town , Cruel Cop Sued For Attacking Race Man ANOTHER RACE STUDENT COES TO UNO CLASSES CHAPEL THU.--At least one new Negro sin dent is . enrolled at th« of North Carolina for tin. Kill stir ion, college spokesmen tcveaied this. tVC-k. Majoi S. High <-f Zel.tdon. oH'w i..i: say, has bet n enrolled in tow? i*v Si i -iH’ .'t lie l iti :t > . t th, time, it V. ~ learned v.iiv.ird O LSm. fn-t Negro to be : ..limit- d In He medical school m llu lamed Univ«r>ity coet- Into his i-cond year el -*,■ den 1 . Three A- mots were graduated tn-.m th- UNO low School the ; t Jsine Two of rhem Harv-j- V, .ch nf Kin.-.n-m . nci .1 Keme tn It, wt Greensboro, are new prm -I;ui.i law in their Hometowns u •,, r havin" success fully passed to*. • venm'iati-OHs. t Xfcnuiiuwvti'- Case Reminds Os Another Wii SON- The week-end paying in * ditch v*h to«- : : L m,n -we re- on Inun ear to .at. b > 1 - ,vv.i-« * f-\*e . 'or rtiscovcrud clu-ov lu uve t ;iUs iTit'tflOi iC-tr G* fl aluii i n dci 'J' ago '*d V*>- ■ clothing were he- officer.; io D.irham cm* *y «•' f “ . body, hwestigation > ehh‘d as local oUK-eu to m that thc vicUm> found ', 1 'll' ' r .,, th* nude body Sunday mornim; by a child playing ,/ identified a, in tb. vHnity, had been dead since rlitu Iwe Hagans was fatmd lato Satumay rngtil or vep ‘ aiiy REPORTER ANSWERS QUERY: Why Should I Register , Vote iFimmr? vote. tu- f<,nw«rn r-rnori<n com** *o* v -ntlr« l'ii Staff writer Jam** .1. •'*«*'<" *® ~,,vd ha N - yrnes ~-fcrr, i*rp are d*l.vrt to » BY JAMES A. SHEPARD THP FOUNDERS of those United States, your country ami mine, wisely patterned » form of government where !,, on |y those who were active participants could have a share m its aetivites, i lhat On method might dt--” •" C modification, it underlie* seme citizens of the rights and M privileges to which they, as eiti- our governmental structure today. V, ns, might feci themselves i-nti- municipal, county, state end na th ti vvas never given too much tiottai. sick ration. U was concluded There is nothing basically wrong that only bv this system, would xv j h the American idea. Th*.- ftinc- Uu- pebole feci impelled to 1 -ke uons of government must be ear-; cn interest in legislation and the , tl4 un . in a democracy where cv prop«r selection of office boldei* c -yonc is free to exercise his sut end law makers. trage, run for any office, assem- Those .who were too indifferent.; tie, discs' and decide matters . or too lazy to vote and make some of public concern, have a part in type of contribution to civi> and moulding arid shaping the iawVj community affairs were not ' under whiuh all must live, all with-, ed worthy of consideration and out interference or dictation, those none was provided for them. who refuse to exercise such nriv- j That idea, interwoven into the ileges, must necessarily abide by fabric of our form of government, the decisions of those who do ; jV. !)C . on corners'one of the. Unfortunately, however, because. j> merican concept of government of the very fact that we are freo ' "of t'hs people, by the peoole and to do or not to do. take a pan tfpr the people.' - With varying ti* tContinued on page 1 j Seriini' <j.i' - t'OH ii.'iVe DC C r i-ed v. i'h r> 'pert to tnc acquittal i in, dm officers by the Grand Jtyy, j :-icause in ,i preliminary bearing; •n Smilhfield a month ago, tiroj ylUcipi of tin John lon County iv - j' order.' Court, over tin opposition 1 nt tl'm ir attonmy ,ad bound both of the officers over to trial in the Superior Court of Johnston Coun tv on the ground that the evi-! deiice tended eK-urly to how that tlx kiliiii: tit Young Watson 'was! unjustifiable It u|>)i« ars, according to re ports that the mutter was ir regularly presented bri’utV the Johnston County Grand Jury and it is believed that this hia> hair influenced the action of the Grand Jury. Accn din - In report. u deputy ’ sheriff, who had appeared us a wit* 'it-.- for the polite officers in the, : preliminary hearing was permitted; ;to go before hi, Grand Itir.v in; ■ onnectioii with the imtier This. ; | according to report- is utiusua): and improper, foi ordinarily in presenting matters befort a Grand; Jury, only witnussi for the Slate, and no defense witnesses, are al lowed to eo before the Grand Jury. I i.i-lin; appears to be rather litt.{li over the action of the Grand Jury in thus matter, and furthei action in hie matter is regarded as likely Cop Involved In Windsor Case Once Charged With Rape Attempt WINDsOH - On Tuesday, Oc- 1 i tuber 9, a cui> asking tor $35,000 ( ;sn damages was filed in the S«-1 i trior Court of Bertie County . pain.-t tin- To,mi oi Windsor and ' one of it; iiolice of I leers, Harry L. Smith, by Georv*. Lee Walker, a young N.-yro man. Welker alleges that the police otfici-r vi'hout provocation and t< i ro.i gh. malic*. aid ill-wili. • f ,:;st< d him with bis hands and hs;- resuitiu.-; in -eriou. persona! injuries. in his complaint. Walker alleges Uad Police Officer Smith is a man of known violent charactei and ha,, a general reputation of a&.-.ault <n Xcgi’ii... Walker fui Tie r alirSfy that tn«- Tov. n VVinu-v-r i.nows of tin no ike officer'.- reputation in this re raid. and despite >m - ktr iWa-.h.e U-.ip Mi,;;!-’ ei.' -loritnr his actions, uni t!,.-retort- Walker allege- tnal Town of WinttM-r is -qua tty --i<>iii■ . l ' tin- -if‘s and deed of 'ln pobec of! ict-r. BEAT IS M EAT ION <( will 1.. recalled that this same ki-ti's of modification, it underlie# our governmental structure today, municipal, county, state trod na tional. There is nothing basically wrong wi li tm American idea. The func tions of government must b*> car j to un. Jn a democracy where ev ery oat- is free to exercise his sul frage, run for any office, a.«sem- j lie, discs- and decide matters of public concern, have a part in moulding arid shaping the laws'; 1 underwhioh all must live, all with- , out interference or dictation, thus* ; who refuse to exercise such nriv-j Sieges, must necessarily abide by the decisions of those who r»« ; Unfortunately, however, because of the very fact that we are free 1 to do or not to do. take a pan tContinued on page 7) 1 jßSajflggtifrG. < v •- m m • m BECOMES MANAGING EM -1 OK; .Attractive Yvonne Scruggs, sophomore social science major at North Carolina College, l>ur ham, last week became the first sophomore coed in the college's history to heroine managing edi tor of the student newspaper, the Campus Echo. Mis- Scruggs, for mer reporter, feature writer and news editor of tire Echo, >uc ueils Alai ion 1). Thorpe, of Dur h-ain, a junior at NCC who has enlisted in the l S. Air Force. The ceed editor who looks for ward to a career in journalism is ilir- daughter of Air, and Airs L. A. Scruggs of 212 Adams St. in Buffalo, N. V ' police -ifi'k-r I W OUCr: ScUirih Ilf Bertie «'oenty. in the last eleetipti. ; although in. ' u tin only Dc-Rto ;fr;,iic candidate for the office of Sheriff of tin* County, the eiii grns nl the eoitniv. because of hi« reputation v write-in ote defeat ed vinr, .it the polls and elected another nvm as Sheriff of th * Grninty ll«- thr-u was given the job as Chief of Police of the town of \\ indsor. It will also be recalled that this is the sam, police officer against whom a warrant *vas sworn for attempted rape of a Negro school teacher in Ber tie County while he was sheriff of the County In a .Min i:, ) i.reri cm. ton tr.-minst Smith for tiir as-aylt mad*- on Wall; or, al'htiu h th<- evidence ao pctireu I-* lie uneontradieted. the pi-kce officer vva acquitted Walker i- represented its his r-l\ il -oil try the Negro taw firm o! Taylor and AlitcbcH. ol Itai. iyii in the day discovered I ill- winch bears notable : rimi laxity to the local one is the ■ Durham case in which a young ’ white newspaper delivery boy wav th. victim. The body of the youthful victim, 'also bearing a slashed throat, ->as iamid by playing children under ! -imiiar circumstances. In the case ,/i the v/hite youth, however, the I Continued on page 8* I "~ 4 ‘** T -£ „ »V ' ;*a* , «2® I m p *■ . H 4 jnHHHH^^BBSrajSc jy f \J| ■ j| Jy * a' ' SMILES CARRY HOPES OF VICTORY OF MISS NCC ! HOMECOMING OCT. 25—Tbcsc beautiful and smiling coeds of thc North Carolitia College at ; Ihirhatn arc vying lor Miss; North Carolina College Home coming honors. One of these voung women will reigsi as 1 queen in the NCC - Maryland ; Palmer Memorial Biu Make Away With Cash, Checks And Important Business Papers SEDAI IA rainier Memorial received new president arwl, fcti his it.Hi here receiv. d two "new th< first time in it; 50-year hi things" during this past v,e*-k. It • lory, received a visit by burglars POLITICAL ACTION CHIEF TOPIC AT NAACP N, C. STATE CONFAB HIGH POINT. N\ G.. The political ;ic':ion campaiß'U to iner a,se registration anti voting among Negro citizens of this stale will )>c» lift* chief topic under discussion at the annual convention of the North Carolina State Con* j in nee of branches of the National Association for the i Advancement of Colored i' -ople, to be held here, Oct., |l7 lit, Kelly M. Alexander, president of the conference. ; announced this week. I Clarence Mitchell, director of the Association's Wash• j ington Hum au, and (’ltarles McLean, as-islant field secnr (f oiitimifd on page Si j OFF T!IF y 3 Wt^m SCORE BOARD STATE A 4t T ( oilegi- 2D Hampton institute hi W Salem T ( 2J Bluefh-ld 13 Eli*, t ily I ( 20 -- HI. I’aul s « .1. C. Smith 20 St. Augustine’s 0 OTHERS Md. State 60 Delaware State 0 j Howard IP Va. Union tt Morgan .34 Lincoln (I’a) 6 Mmulii (Mo.) 52 Ky. State II Jlurris Brown 12 Bvthune j t. iioknian 6 (l OU OTHER St ORES, G.YMKS - SEE SPOft l S PAGES 6-?, Section j 2) - - UPC CONVICTION OF Irkk MEN UPHELD ey u, s, court i ’! RICHMOND, Va (Special)— A r: Federal Ap.a.als court in session l .' he iv this V., ek uphold the decision • of a Wilmington District Court •! w hich dudarcti seven adniiUod Ku i Klux Klansmon guilty on a kidnap ■ ping charge. The I S Fourth Gireuit Coiftt of Appeals, in upholding the verdict oi the lower court, de clared that there was, “no un-t --il’' iu the claim of the seven men who declared through counsel that their crime did not constitute kidnapping and that they merely took part in a "church whipping" rite Tin seven, all residents of east on North Catolhut were senten ced by the court at Wilmington to 1 orison t'-nns ranging from one to live yeus. They were found yuiit.s on charge s of seizins- a man and a woman near Fair Bluff, N. C., and transporting them across the state line to a South Carolina stie where iiu \ whip pud Shi- two after duti tully telling them to stop living to*. gether, to stop drinking intoxi touts and to "go to church.” Including, among the men whose eentema < were upheld by the Federal tribunal Were Early Brooks and his son, Bobby who; > gained repute as "chief lieuten -1 ants” to Thomas Hamilton. Nort-V I Carolines Klan head who is now ; ■ reiving a sentence >. na North Carolina prison camp following . conviction on charges growing out . of Klan activities. Most of the men whose ap peal failed w iil have to seres > additional prison sentences fol lowing their current ones. , State Homecoming classic on Oc tober 25 at Durham Athletic Park anal the other two will serve as her assistants. Front left the NCC coeds are the Misses Carolyn Johnson, Halifax (NO sophomore home economics ina i jor; Marj-belle Johnson, Kanna i polis (NC) junior education ma | jor, and Nettle Martin, Rumter, i SC, histwy major, a senior. 10c y~ 10c VOLUMN XI RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING OCTOBER IS, 1952 NUMBER lT Along With Greenville Cop HIGHWAY PATROLMAH WHIPS NECRO WOMAN "#■ 11 a] 1 HARVEST FESTiVAX, WINNER Mrs. George Fisher wife of the Raleigh Episcopalian rectoy,. proudly displays her priie winning cake which was awarded first place in Hudson Be Ik Stdre’s Annual Harvest Festival contest Railway Bias Irks Attorney , Fie Asks Utilities Commission Hearing RALEIGH North Caro Una’s : foremost civil rights udvosaiU. At torney Herman L. I'aylor of Ra ; I‘iah, has requested the Slate Util , it*es Commission to take steps to ;rectify evils facing Negroes vising Seaboard Airline Railroad factll | ins. l»i a letter to the Conunissten, Attorney Taylor asks that the 1 group < iilt a hearing In which the railroad's employees arbi trary actions relative So racial discrimination may lx- aired. The eminent lawyer ooini* out that a n Friday, October 10, : c h- n boarding a Seaboard tram at the local terminal, he was request ed to enter a coach pointed out bv the train's conductor despite the fact hi.- ticket was an inira-stau 'tine and granted him the privilege :of pitting anywhere on the tram Attorney Tavlor further notes i that he entered tin- coach he first i planned to board and did not move despite discourteous actions on the ' part of the conductor throughout j 'he trip. j The Raleigh lawyer, who Just ! tins week argued civil rights cases : before the US Supreme Court, con tends the "behavior on the part of the said conductor is a studied plan or scheme to evade the law with , respect to the rights of Negroes to travel” aa he did “under the circumstance t involved." Lawyer Taylor told the. Utilities ’ CcMfeaijfcgion in pari: . . .te 1 | have observed this same sort of behavior on the part of conductors iof this same Railroad at other | times, it Is also my personal opin ion that the practices and behavior ’liutJ 3 'joaajfjarof tvxxi’txnp' Ctxiiowoxff 230*22.65 ScutL ■ * crxiar Louisville 2, h'y. Robbed was made through an unopened ~,w . , , . , , . ~ „. infl , .', ,1 h»ett ” T FOR A KlNO— Louis Arm leg on a European tour. He |« strong, the fabulous "King of greeted here by Marianne Ma . . J'Atz” received a royal welcome thirxon, daughter of the com-' llu; onus ot both the .tains were vhen he landed In Copenhagen. poser. (Xewspress Photo.) ((iinlimied on page M) Denmark last week on the first ■■■■■■■■■l this week, Her further artistic talents were awarded when an elaborately embroidered dress she entered in the contest won third olace honors. PHOTO BY SHIRLEY i i : of bis coundetor and such oilier j 1 fiimit»lon on -aid Railroad are op- . only ana. or tacitly encouraged or condoned" by the railroad, all • with knowledge of its wrom.fpl i.ess and unlawfulness. I bfc U. S. Court Hears N. C. ; Jury Cases WASHINGTON—On Monday, Oe- ] ■ teber 13th, the United States Su •; pretne Court heard re-argument in,, I thrtv esses oi nationwide impor- ( t.-nre arising out of the State of « , North Carolina Tile cases arc: ( : Bernice and Lloyd Daniels versus i y Aiien, Warden; Raleigh Speller 1 versus Alien, Warden; and Clyde Brown versus Allen, Warden. All the cases involve North Car-; clina Negroes. The Daniels case j originated in Greenville where the i then teen-aged Daniels cousins,; Bennie Ray and Lloyd, were con-, vietc-d on charges of murder grow- j ing out of the fatal beating of a i white taxicab driver. The two were sentenced to deatri in the gas cham ber Raleigh Speller was sentenced i i, to death for the alleged assault- ; r 'i* jjj izpcfi ’wlil'i.ft *»m? i < Clyde Brown allegedly raped a' , young Winston-Salem white girl ■ | after beating her in her father's; tadio shop. (Continued on pag* TEACHERBEATEN BY COPS MAKING TRAFFIC ARREST Stale Patrolman \\ as One 01 Policemen Invoked la Cast* SSpecial to < AKOLIN'IANs CRKENVILI,I. A w-H-known woman memlv; of an old U; wn ville tamily ivn* hailed into the Re , order s Court to re S' . i - 1 ! Ibe . 2a and charged with five distinct law ■ violations vv«-n though evidences point so t*io fact that the woman was 'possibly .uiity ot only a m,- noi traffic violation and that the arresting oficers —one a state iiiu*t* %\ ..v .atrolinan were ooviously ~-uilts of assaulting the woman in the profess of the .'arrest. The Gr< i nville native involved i in the cave i- Mrs. Mamie Garrett ; Harvey, wife of I. !vl, Harvey Both ■.re Itidy gradual ts of North Caro- ! ‘ina College, Durham Mrs. Harvey , who received a j n.asti r’s degr>-i at Columbia Uni- • ver-ity is now head of till' Depart- j meat >i Health and Physical Edu-j cation at Witbcrforce State Uni- - varsity. Wilber force, Ohio. Tne cast unfold, as tollovvs: Ou Saturday. September 20. Mrs. j Harvey accompanied by her sis-! ter, drove their car op town and j as -hi was in the act of making a j v-ght bund turn at an intersection, j ;• police officer came up to the car j ,nii ;u.'it id her o[ blocking the traffic, whereupon sh< replied that ! "j. J.iedesTiaM had the right of way. ' | The policeman ordered her to j pull aside and to give him the keys j ie the car. Mrs HarVCy refused to j ive the officer the keys to the car | and as tin argument continued, a | highway patrolman came up and; entered the argument. At this time a colored man who 1 was a friend *o the Garrett ram- j •ly. came up and recognized Mrs.; Harvey and asked the officers if itj would be nil right if Mrs. Harvey j would give him the keys to the i csr so that he could drive the car : tn the police station, the policeman! having told Mrs. Harvey that they ’ were going to take •her ’o jail Mrs. Harvey gave the keys to this colored mao and the two officers got in the hack, -fat with Mis. Harvey’s sister and Mrs. Harvey in the front seat and they proceeded to the po lice station, about two blocks from where the incident took place. Upon reaching the police sta tion. Uie colored man who drove the car there parked It and left Mrs Harvey got out of the ear and before she could walk in the police station which was i aijoui a distance of 100 feet one of the officers took a bald of one arm and the other officer, the Highway patrolman, took < Continued on page 8| f|;if | News iIL nW Brief — --- nw-r...—»■ , -- - RUT SCHOOL WILL ! 0( U. WHITE'S Dl ii.l.tiii ■ Specifications for the :tu Negro ck-me-Mary school, pro posed fui construction on Pine St identical with those of toe ! w bite Clih. Bouk-ard school stated h :pc ; L Stacy Weaver ; this week i!v said in;.! On:- arrangement of ; thi room will vary somewhat to takcadvant age of a sloping teg. -.or, of tlu- site. The $363,000 school ~s one of five !o be constructed 're •> «t of a two million dollar bond issue. It will have 14 clas* . looms, an auditorium, a cafeteria. : iiorary. cluac. teacher's room, rest j and 'utility rooms. SAVES MAN’S HOME | BUCKET BRIGADE BURLINGTON-—Pour men who ! m no way considered themselves ! heroes were given credit for sav iJ ig a rural Negro's home front Lames. The four white men t*m~ j rdoyees of the telephone company 1 wcri. working on a construction I job when they noticed smoke pour ’ mu from tin- Home of William Au | stm Upon reaching the home they ! found that fire had enveloped the j kitchen Hearing a neighbor yell j about set tin* the children out of the ’hoc,.- ;he men crawled into | the smoko filled house searching I for the children. They were not ; there, and were later found on the | outside. ’ They organized a bucket brigade, i mid after tig ting the fire for forty - j fiv. minutes- the flames were | brought under control. JAILED FOR SELLING PINT TO POLICEMAN | HIGH POINT— Fred Dixon, OH ; I canard street was on< of two ar | rested in raids for bootleg liquor local .'.ulhorities Dixon was i charged with gelling a pint Ot 1 bootleg honor to an ABC officer. Hr ported a SSOO bond and trial j was set for October 29th RACKET IN N. C. GIVEN LOOK-SEE WASHINGTON. D. C.—The Bu reau of Internal Revenue disclos ed information this week that in dicates the center of North Csrro iina numbers racket is in a triangle formed by Greensboro, Winston-ifa iC-ni and Reidsvilie. It has not been wiped out by the conviction ot. George Smith, oik* time state lot tery king, and others in his once flourishing lottery empire, the in formation shows.

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