WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 25, 1952 tConttm«*No! from page 4) This and That hospital service it was capable «1 giving everyone knows that service has not. been either ade quate or sufficient. We feel that even the people of St. Agnes will attest to tiiat fact. Because of that fact, for a number of years, there has been agitation here for improvement of hospi tal facilities for the Negro group, culminating recently in a demand, for an entirely new •hospital. Because it is a recognized fact that the duty to provide adequate hospital service rests R@MA.wiNf xim is uuiosim lKfillllGßGUt IHf WOULD ' . x * v yaw ore oof sure, check with -< your precinct registrar this s' , , - -a \ if ”*r JPjl Week! , _,, . \ K^J—„ Membfr ftritfral Ueposlt u/vct *' ntlf.^To Mi*t * N * WX©* Insurance Corpor.tlc. «» i GOOD BANKING SERVICE FOR EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA SINCE 1898 Rctourcc*: $206,744,102 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with the County Commissioners, Ncgroe. have petitioned the Wake County Commissioners to erect a new hospital here for all people, A geiy-ral eounty ■ hotpitaj, providing nurse tram in for Negro girls, an inte grated staff of physicians, nur ses, technicians and assistants. This proposed hospital, built and maintained bv public fund:;, would of course be under the oue i-vision of a public board Whether this board was a!l-N< - gro, all-white or interrsicVC, v.ndd be of smell conscqui-iice inasmuch as it woud be a pub lic board, its actions v< uld bo. subject to the wishes of the pub- lic in every instance. The private, self perpetuating board of St. A., nc hospital iur dazzled before the County Corn n-u-.siqni'i s, a very likely story in its attempt to vain the ap proved of the Commissioner.-, to build a new hospital for Kc at St Ago. .-■ i'h. Com missioners Cave been told that St. Agnes is a modern nur ses home, a new hca'lng plant ■ and new and up-to-date kiUh--n facilities, etc. The trustees say they will give all of this to the t. .i •/, provided the County w>U erect at St. Agnes a neve h>. u.a! then ive thi- new • n»s pital arid oil the other facilities •■tick to them undei a 99-your leaThC'-i. would be no change ' 1., ‘io is i-i:l opertition policy T-'-t private, biased board would havi a brand new hospital, built with money, you arid your children's children would have to re pa;.. >o they could i-untinm to do as they might set fit to do. This board, possibly claims it is "afraid chat unless it be al lowed to .itporvisc the hospital facilities for Negroes u. tb - ~11 .. Neg roc ■ vriil lore the i r:;liK'i' Uj Occupy top li V v I hos- | piltd positionlt ignores the iiions Are you willing to us. mv nd ditiunui taxation to he!:, pay "' ,J a ho ujttai it- which you can never Dav. any voice'.' Uo you think you would be fair to your self and te other N. . i o 1 ’:. m voting ‘or a bond i ur to 'ax .- on and other Negroes for mon ey to build a hospital to give to a board who v fuse, to ■ tnploy even to. n-isi-.l uv uc.mu •ytratoi? Don't you fe ■' it is tun. for N .:fox’s io come > t front the reai of Uie rank-- and take po sition- it, the fleet i'O e. fl.-tve you cun idered ho -, ymUr x ill 1- xlrr-ii ale be in aft. -ted by iny not hri but xx Lit- fi • • a. all seats Os liete -illy. t> lie. t-his (-•n-etiee, "t p up,-n t't-. ir growiny con.-eiou-- mat then t aex i inferior l A now hi.- '. 1 I L< Lin it It. up to you h a what k, ,d ,1 Is no! cnnc-i' ■ hie that you v.-outd support a continuation, of tt.e status qu.e We S'Ji'ue-.t It yon w till- the Wake Cm, ru Con,'id.- • loner tied tell then. w)j..r yon want. *..■!: your pas tors. your lay kade-'s. tlu o'.U cers of your church and other nt guniz.iiton.-- to do likewise Enlist your ft iends in this; cam paign for equal rights. Remember, you arc point to help pax fm this new hospital. Don't you Pel, when you re paving for somethin'.', you -liottld get, what you want n'.ont,' declared Lir Thomas -Sit l (Jtiir, prominent railroad indu-try spokesman, in an It!r■ ■■ a! Shaw las wick, .-peaking at a s rcial joint oonv'Hsiiiiu of Shaw Univer ritv ami St. fmi dlm \ ('title »> facility mem'i i s and students lit lit iiruler the auspices of the A-soi ialhm i.l American Rail roaiK, I>c. Sinclair described tile effects mi our c wry-dav lives id rail movement, iri lli.it pui lit all t every i oiiijiitnii 1 v kiiun n !<» mail ha- at some * i* in e.,i i ied by Height train, Th* rail i -aTiitiv*' tin N.; i am. H< jx>ii iled o 1 ’ nr th" Itn.d ■; r.mt, lie ~ ei.l y Hie n.d rv loi : neat. 1 , a v." |.;e. •. beep repaid ten time; over. simple charts to ill! '.ate his It; tum, Dr. S 'll _ 1;• ii• d- ,• r: >t*d 'id'.,.; ts; i:iilr >:trt c- r- ■ ri ■ pOm i '!<■ for the introduction <>[ .-.land., b , I'ivu- in tin* Uni * d State ai d hew the in!i.’! riian of • i : 1 cars throughout the more than f4t» : ten; ' il l*/i,' Vls.Ul ! ■ ■■ eir : ,Kj Jdl.h*. The 11 etliri v. Us the third m a cries I eim> held fmh t If: ale lei's id t! i r A--a, iaiiilll ai American KaihenJ. un rum Ill'll i ill \l rill I nil' cs .kSui llfttvi rslties to acquaint ‘-to ih "*'• >• ilii (h, .ip nil icanec of railroads to L"ir industrial ceo null V. Previous eon vocations '.lire lielil ul Vila ilia t diver sit- ami l.ineutii t oil el sit y IRa.l 'l'io peak* ! iv'i, Inueduced by IV B’i K ."'ti r R i.vne. dean of ' n eolh-'it- at V!iau Univia .t, The ;’I '-Mildi'.' oi lev; a! tin ee.'i • Ro\. 'do e Deliilu-y, i : finnan of the Cmnniii..'v Clip pel i d Hi in.,!, l- IV'.e. Sealed oil 111, plu'ilodin WHS l)l'. V-'til. in. Strassi.er. Vv— ident of Shaw limviMiy; Ot Hamid L. Trie f*m dert of S' AiwuslineM Coiln.i: a rut Cen S. I-h ;> Vice ! ; rt I’ 1 !!! in eh'.’ of •'UI/ii- in latioii: I", :i.l .V ain i op of Ar«n I'ieat* Hnilroads Rf.M'i l Hit's VSI TV ; H K\ll) ill I lit ING CONVOC \ 1 iON .VI , I NiVKHSIIV I' , i': . j .!! : v ti, > i a. O' '!' i' I I a!, .‘xlul.it I'eh.iive t • 1 fin role n» I ail mad Hi,' '. roinnii. ■ S met ■. n't'. , ed Uk Unitert .S' ih :. well a- li FUQUAY SPRINGS NEWS NOTES in ijot nsi. t 'el oj! AV S! 'i'll. n.JS Hie ina U*>n il. : da-. .1 lie eon no: elm - j i.oij iam'iiea!!’. o >on ■ v-ui* n ho. i.oii.n .0 lie .' o • .U, ted j and they are en'itlcu p their hi. du I iual idea! anti opmiotu '«•?-; ' ciie i d. .o. A . ... he hit 'in line, eVi I .noil o- „■ o do m -set I. n' ..I ... (jo.lhi. "" ••" : e nt ‘ 1 of Oil' .’h'd'e no Nov ..'ill .. Keoj-.iee >" Noli too i"M. .1 O ■ C V. I o fi..ht iiod tv.* have th..: pro. i!e • ief . " i Thing id Beauty i. A ■lo\ forevei ’ Ti' ! na. quote that tautuus pnet, dean »»eat.s and I liiiUfi yn... n ~ .il ar.. c with me it y»u e.iu'ii v fi.e lie,: atitlll lima er r.rii'o. i.t 1 UQUaj uad vieii.itj as they are now. Tin- dahlias .mil ehrv .santiiemoai.s are it..; y iiifiei'iit in theii auimnii .s;d. niior .uni it is u pity that they fan t remain in tneir niii.il t>e;v il ly Ulii.ushout l.le tear iiO'a ivi:r. the laws -•! .Nutltrt* Sty "\i>, and u*• mast he . t.rdent with the memories n( passing iies Utv. •Si’imay n : n;r v nrr-hip .. r\ :«■<- Condtu'teif by tin p;i .'m Rev H B Sv lo . I j;. in-' V : ! mo. •••riall have no other before me h. at Ifofdaiu.n durine th** r.u.i: .it: v, wui.-mp er'eiee v. ere Is. live iii: triicu.i.. of tile local h..;h The instructor.-, io ad adi.oc’ wen. Air. n. .vi McKiratio ... o •1. '*' - *" ' v '- " . * , Ai.o vVi.oit io- Mr-: Dad.. Mrs. Wpus, M. Ev.on, . iiJiirii. Mj.-s -S* ieos.uird. Mr. H;>ywoo;i. .Viv .N, • ■ ei and i'.i . boro. A:iiO;.v ois visitors i naueridaio'o ■, a.- Mr. J K:. .on principal . ;h. i .io oin Hun P i s.-h.-.0l ii o, ■::po sj. 0 v. loon d ijy ih.• oi. ■■ .r . o •;* Ms i oivip iiui oi D o hi, .io l' ana I Mr. .lames A. S ( .. , d m Hast 1...- e.oOoi, toioo. rx.i.h V- .to./ I: elide relative: ill t!o vicinity. last Sunday at It i ooim t*l» M Vu.usta J. A. I'.aptist chureli her d si*i vices for their pastor Rev 11>. I-arny . v». h , be n iU for some time A hir»'i itiivi d in atiendance. M ,1.0,0 Worn: o' of' . Frank R . Cl. id o boo. o and Mr Haw. nod S.iM'on! i'iiihnf., 1 o-hia o'a v*.' re in tin- fit. r till' .Vt'eS iiiii vi otin : rei.djv, i.t.ii friend;.. Mm L. :*.l ihi’iaoi we t-o foa t omd lo'oker of the BTIJ •• !vine !'o-t .Sunday afternoon IP r thi‘)V><» V. at. .1.. 1 :V in,- T ile Youis:. Ml !': ITo O.to : : To ,'i , mm anilO'.mCeri (hm the pm! • I lorp o pj-fic, ojr, I. inor;n tor- ao J ‘d oi,:i hi i Sunday Nov. 3’J ..; 7:30 p.m. 'l'he drive for tlu- local eorn hiiinity ..'host has alre.ifi;. hc..-un. in v, you contributed vet? If not • m Ariioi'ican t?har;u‘tt*r Don I *8.95 ‘fillip .1! hr-op for ;i party . . v,,,:.. , I bn;.:it taffeta (Ires- with white nr* ; , udy . lu walk- sinrfply Nr j K-kina !". d hah.i . washable hoi: "i saran t "a.u can be combed, set, e!,'. Movr-ihie eyes i-i inches hie.ti A J ( 26” Romer V.A BIKES • i Guarani cod for 5 years • sturdy +A C! • Pei eons'; notion .Ml ball bear v '*TrO ire. Boy.-’ and girls' models. An 1J excellent vaim for such a wcndi r- : . I fill bike. ■ 1 •■ u ■ : , Toyland Second Floor * i ' f IMsc Eastern Carnlina’* Lsr-gost Store • _ » PAGE FIVE .hi lor Gi * **n boro, t‘h I iicm! . t m iohi r '.'i, it N'orUl ■' iroln j " *iiui S C oHrgfr; rtiidinhi.i, south * irolini. oti i hursdiiy. Orto’ rr ?/.) it Isu*u- Hirt ( fo! IHa• (i ; i?i'» t ridA\, Ortobrr *l, .»t ISk t«•*■, h> f la.Mt ■-'■*‘>itin io :hr rrirn *t Soutlifin I »iiv«»v’Gi;