Raleigh Police Chief Wants 2 More Negroes On Force By ? v.ir> a. >j:« **\i:r> fi.A F.l.ll! i. :■ ;<*;>et* au tiif'.iß uVi ‘.hi '■■ !< Ui:j t Mar ■!. irAfO J. !jjh Pol it loi i'.'.ij N*• t 1;; n interview with T W. D.-v i., Rultigii’-; ni". pouce hi Hi. we j 30,000 SEE IMPRESSIVE NIC HOMECOMING PARADE $ , raBFA I•. , r •#$ ' . •.# :** j, V-" *I * M; Jy % jt v * *• 'Vh* 4? li - "■ ■I! *i_ p : S USB I V J HO'. A\ M VJ 1 IV Sis I'.VKA’M, ... An « Mima rest >(1.(100 persons iiiM'tl fin- * 1 « start u-haif-iiiilr-hjltg 1 iii i iH GIRL 15, ATTEMPTS SUICIDE AT Hi SCHOOL THE CAROLINIAN iec per copy j- j *7A vJ&L E'eru2l*cf £(/?■ e-&4-*f / ,st In N. C. News! vou xii i:.\u:h:h s’okth ( \koi.ina week kxmkk November i. mg number ■> 12th GRADER HELD ON FORGERY, THE FI RAPS * * * JbgßHnnm. * U. . ■ • -* moil < f i k i gets his t ASE vorth Carolina's sis prenn court mi November IS Will lit jr ,ii x; lUMetth in behalf of l.afavetl< Miller, pietur- d, ask trig that the ilHt&ion of a Sli pviior ( ooH judge Im* M'\i t i l ',.!. vltiler, sentenced to lw • -so* uii-il lor Un murder of a farmer in Eastern Carolina ha* twice be‘-u -rived Iron) death in dramatic ‘■eleventh hour' actions. His .it* tones feel that his civil rights wire violated when he was brought i«i trial In lteaufort County because of systematic exclusion ol Nefror* from ju ries. Dea tk Takes Movie, TV Star, Hattie McDaniel BOLLYWOOD Kr.t . Vk-Dm i i, tin' origin;:! vAeuloh" ot . uciio ;md ti-k vision rmd id;' wm-i*--. in! tandinu s..s and Aci.- j|pPr jH J§! - t jjjjE w| 9b •. 199999U88wf •i-H CLCB MEMBERS RE- j curves award from me- CHAN US WIJ VARM EH S B.'.Mi -At the annua! «i‘ the 4-11 Clubs ot Wakr Coun ty, held! Saul Thursday at the Rss- Riah Mr mortal And it or {tun, ,1l»t* honiC Austin, president «rs the 4-lj Club of Gamer accepted the trophy (irrsfitWd by .lame E. HSriekiu'd, vice prrridettt-*«.*!* ier of the Merhank't aud Faru>- >. m. ixJrj : .<<i i!i> only tiling hokl in.: in the appoir'ir.i it of two ad dit: iml Ne*.*- Officers is thr- Grow er eci/tibctslifm at h ir.en by- u ,ri Civil Service C'onrvn ,i-;sion Examination.- im the.— p«»..-t • ' il! I:.■ i-is't ~ i); :-.l W.'-<:.'!--S(i;.iy • . -s-t November s‘h fit 7:3ft )' ;.i f. .null of th, parade vtliirh titf <ide I .No.' ll! Carolina College’s hoinei 'OUtiilg foot ml I gum* at Van tni-riAy t . the sellout t • 1 .Is t i'l'K A 17-year-old i r. i t he! ••'.•!: up a lllcra- I. v ! a. ■ a :' - H ill--; riot lit .* - ill sa s - m. ip "i->.a w-ttb "it -. . i tei!,-. .-'eh i:. > leu t'.l i-lire R>-cf*rdc-r's Court trial here Wnhi-.si.i, on .12 -!'•.! til' charges. Str:-’’ stit-k!f-r for business, the young irirl, identified a- Me !h- -a- Me--.’-y u -i only sold (. iot :■> ti end and eompaftiMis —ii tdudinjj fellow students in th# tvvclftn a,.".'i(ie til im.-.il high <-liooi—but aNo started a maii i« ti -in ■ ihi-t.tigii adv rtisu« ■ ul ir, i.K-ii! did)'- wiiit'h ,It t-d In a ‘ait in 1.-un.-ustor S C Miss .Vlii-.sev's "niodus oj>er antii" rcporteillv «as to go to leading de- irttnent slot -s in the cit>, make selet-t’ons of clothing and then write out a check to cover he- purchase*. Many different i tines were Used on the che< it v> a* learned. Until th-* time that •iv was Up -5 •••( b-ndcd the ir! iiari secured VI .000 -.turli; it! ei-dliil. in this Iraniu-r. local police officials ,i‘ : rw i til liii-tCf’d C'llOiClh t-:- i!s in ■.,s».i ~ iht- a2 ehal 14,(0. i l ; ( W ;n.IJ iX, 1 t't t, WSS :u, -XV. u-m catr, of nu.ility and' ti-,- most luxnr t Continued on page 8i §v> X ftnew fUiiiid. teP L -i _,__h if HONT-4 ~Unuyfc sit* eo.VMi Mil I.M» ST .-n-\ Award t\ inner, died Sunday ' be in iii with c foe ju-'j.-i- ih.in ;'i ye; i iContinued on page ip rrs Bank The award was made | Vi the 4-H Club that had the largest number of member* who j j had savings accounts with or , who had purchased savings ! bonds at the Mechanics and Far mers Bank. The club winning • this award may retain it p.*r- j manently on the condition that it wins the award for three con «s•«•!*»! -- *• year*, J'hoU, U» Shirley 'lie i r.irii in-.iluia.t '.ill lit- held in th< iii.f Merit :>l Mu' City A-.id it > ' I.CRti'Jl) Ceil* *J*’ -. jii.it • ■.;*< the office of lh" Chief o' i di«-' 'ii.-' ouv in y Jinli. iiMuani"- i'.iiU' , " . :iI. - ;" r.-- .‘ a 11:!i. o' (. n i ; , ■:i. .lion i t O' • Civil ?t .- - tlagen one of ttie niii'i uititiy hailrd celebrations of its kind in n any years. Three oands from the rolitge, Henderson In .-W: I w W wfo ■ .Jk Wm WSgMlfo ‘ m Jpl vg. ■ ;'S' v !' *> ?'•■ -Wk&vk +£* N *. ' mils t Oi:i> 111 PORTERS INTER VIEW GORI.IN Giggling Gus Goblin. Hallojuecn gremlin at North Carolina College, Dur ham is shown here during an interview with two reporters Kxpectant Mom Shot Bv Spouse < i KEEXSIk)KO A MO-year-old local man is bring hold in i iiy jail in default. of $5,000. charged with shoot ing his win-,, ,it*d expectant mother, in the stomach with a .22 caliber ii i io. Mrs. lit; Mingia is in 1.. Richardson Memorial Hospital in a critical condition. She was shot during- an argument. Officers arrested Robert Mi agin of Htos Julian Street on a charge of assault with a d adi> weapon on a female with intent tto kill An official sui the high bond was set pending the outcome ol the condition of the woman. Minina was said to have shot his wife at about 7:50 p. m. Sundav at their home. , Bhild, Man Accident Victims 1)1 > X l ewis Roland Bullock. S-year-old child, was pronounced dead on arrival at the Dunn hospital Sun* day morning shortly after an accident in neighboring v u> bei hind < 'ounty. State patrolman Bdl Grady said the child was fatal ly injured when an automobile driven by his mother, Mrs. K(he| May Bullock, ;>(i, of Godwin, overturned on a rural road west of (Godwin. i !:e child suffered a broken neck and a ehrushed chest. Cpl. Kornmie Williamson, head of the highway patrol , m Harnett County, announced that the 20th highway fatality of the year has occurred in Harnett. He report -ri that Toby B. Cameron, who was involved in an accident last month, died in a Fayetteville hos pital. The man was riding in an automobile in which an other person, Richard Massey, was killed on Sunday, S ptember 2s. Faces Trial For Shooting Wife HIGH POINT Probable cause was found against • Thomas I'.. Tate, 20, local resident at a hearing in cob* (Ciimhmfd t>« pag* X) Coiv.ivi.ssi in, ,■(!! oun,: Hegto men ootv. tnn ’in a, <.-s of 21 to M •ntej'.s.fcd in bt cotein ■ pe.i ..'emcn ■iiuu.cl <;.) by City Uol! and act op i.dit :»li-.•-;> rd.tnks nt once The c.vaintfmin-if !•> i>s tn '.d r.cvi Wcdm-tcisy will in all lihel'hood be '.he last one given this y.-pr utte and Hiiiaide High Sc ho el ■ ! i nrli.nii furnished iitiss:;- for Itv v irad<- «itieh featured 2.' gaily - deroriil* ti floats, •■<)u«-ns." for the Campus Echo, NCC"s stu dent newspaper. The reporters clad in the Halloween hats for Gus' benefit are Cleopatra Tur ner. left. Winston - Salem sopho more, and Iredella Meetae, right, chief Dav>.- v.: . ask i if there! Was Huy f.ui.‘si Vilii;. of N'.'fivo po-. j lice OifiCfi'.s here being giv. n pro rtotions by ttpsr.tding them to the n ak of i-creeanU tind lieutenants 'a- is now the ps-aciiee in Durham He said that up to riow he had not, had time to ?r c that idea any clown- and all the trimni.ngs. The j.artde winded it-, way from the college campus, through the Haiti section of Durham and sophomore of Columbia, S. C. Oils' comments were not im mediately available, hut judging from i'.is grin, he found the coeds and the Interview striking, to say the least. MAN RELEASED ON SMALL BOND BACK IN JAIL RALEIGH—Brady. 65-year old local case proprietor who s,hot and killed a youmrcr man when the latter invited him outside tis establishment October 9. was back in jail here at CAROLINIAN press tune this week awaiting a judge's decision as to whether he should be released on bated. Brady, who killed popular young Thomas L. •Nick- Cartel. had orig inally been released on SSOO bail after waiving preliminary hearing He was ordered i o-a(Tested, how ever, when it was learned that he was bound for his home In Geor gia while out on bond. The In--, firm of Taylor and Mitchell, acting ft the victim's parents, secured an order for the re-arrest. V J. Carnage and Alphonso Lloyd, attorneys representing th* deb ndant. Brady. are expected to {Continued on page 8) MAN DROWNS IN SWIMMING BET GRAHAM N. C. Twenty-tour ye-n -old James A. Parks of Giwnsbor® drowned here Satur day as he neared the shore of the Boys (.'lab Lake in a wager that iVm could re'-iir* across the lake. • Pork*! 'rind* the hot with Traveler Alridae. who was following hint in a iOv: boat. Aldridge could not • keep in with the swimmer because. h< had only one our. Aldridge told investigating of-! fleers that a- Parka neared the (Continued on page 8) thoU'ght. Corning here, without having had ti is: opportunity of studying the needs, conditions and circumstan ces involved in the situation, h» said he had found it was poiin-. to (take a little time for him to mak>- an analysis and establish a defin «'.(>wn k.ie main street of the city to the Durham Athletic Park where; 7500 fans saw a battling NC Eagles squad lose a JO to 111 White Man Convicted For Assault On Colored Girl Girl- 11, Assault(*<l Alter 1 ailing For Bahy-sitter Tale CHAPEL Ull.l/ A young white j.-i ‘’'tio-'aN jo [wo joua . -ojoi <’«j n:;;n. faihei of on. child who gins :n-l attempted to r«. < on during, one night made indeccntv.-.-ts found -uilty on a chat •-•-» pf FOUNDERS DAY PLANS REVEALED BY N. C. C. ■ DURHAM, N. C - Dr. Martin Jenkins, president of Morgan State t die . Baltimore. Md., will be tin- principal speaker at North Ca rolina College's fifth annua! Foun der’s Day here on November 3. Announcement of memorial ser vices honoring the late l>r, James K. Shepard, founder and first pres ident of North Carolina College was made here last week by Dr. Helen Gre*y Edmond ;, chairman of tin- NCC Founder's Day Comxnit h i . r-’rc-idcnt Jcnkitis will si-eak in XCr 's B. N. D d<c Auditorium at lld’O a.m. Monday, November 3. t i her participants on the pro : i.-.'ii include S. W. Hill and the SCC mixed chorus. Dr. J. Neal H. !ilf \. ' acting college minister; !i)r. .fames M. Hubbard. Sr., secre - •!•', tjf the NCC truster board: W. J. Kotnn dy, Jr., president of the Ninth Carolina Mutual l ifi Insur- f 1 anct: Company; President Alfonso Kai.-r , t s NCC:" Dr. Miles M. Fisher, ; (or of Durham's White Rock i'.apti'.t Church: James 1. .Atwater, lt-nl of the NCC Student (Jov .rrmciit Association; and Janus 1. ' i'aylor, pre-udent of the NCC na j ritofiai alumni ass., ration U, ,i-D. a! Nt ■ M-U(• . ii". I d "r,\c tiec:; invited to b( M.-cuo Girl Leaps From Window Os School; Was Bothered About Low School Marks (SPECIAL TO CAROLINIAN) THOM ASVILLR A 15-year-old girl, worried over what she con sidered tow grades in school, at tempted in the presence of fellow- ‘ j students and n teacher to take her own lilt here this week but . succeeded only in breaking her back in a leap from a second t Poor window st the school , Ironically, the youthful victim . considered by teacher? one of . the best student;- it; the entire j school. - ? Ca« rcl Covert is differing 1 ' IT Fire Razes Funeral Heme Carafe ELIZABETH CITY Uptight timbers charred beyond , repair are ail that is left of a five stall garage and an am bulance is a total loss as a result oi flames that swept the building which is a pan of the S. J. Walson Funeral 1 Home. Responding to an alarm shortly after noon Saturday, firemen ch icked the "blaze before the building collaps ; ed and in time to prevent spread of the blaze to nearby ■ buildings including the funeral heme property. Walson, veteran mortician said that he had not est.i --,j mated the damage since he had no insurance and could recover nothing trom the lire damage. REPORTER TELLS WHY #*-■ —* .... .. M - I Am A Democrat BY JAMES A. SHEPARD j IT IS A SAD COMMENTARY ; upon the American idea of demo cracy, that an American Negro • i citizen, is compelled to use dou ble rimmed glasses in attempting to evaluate the American ideal. Color is king *•'’> the United States, North, East, South and. West. True in different sections j o r this land, color rioo? have va i Tying degrees of significance, but nowhere in the United States is] the Negro a free man as defined by the Declaration of Indepen lie program for the department. The possibility that qualified Nc no police officers will eventually ,bo upgraded should oof; be ruled out however, e<.cause, dune-; an interview right after he hart been selected .o head tne police depart tlcci«iion to the unbeaten Hawn* of Maryland State College. The •above photos record some of the | pageantry which featured xi>c •: i.\ M*Hn t-s>, v?%> f :• <->» ' S ' DR .11 NKINS ..»:*• •.t• (luring* iho services in DM. Aoditorioiu anu at ig avi fide rit-'-s later at Bcechwood (Vinetery front a broken back in City Me-' v-c-iai Hi,... u>i to wV. .» she vitwj v>?n Tiiesv..»y fol’lowin.. her leap: u > ?:'i...■, at Cr .o h Street Ss‘ h ”” : Sri.- told in\ esiina’ihr nftirers i that .-lu j.uni'eri bcriu she was 1 unhappy. She added ih.it she had: been worry inp about hrr ".ah* in* ■choo! GOOD GRADES Police puo’ed her homeroom■ teacher as saying that the girl; the window and raised it and that (Continued on pare 8) dence, the Constitution or the Bill n •of Rights. The transparent evil of 1 worshiping color indulged in by 90 percent of Americans, has re duced democracy to a hoax and is row bringing shame and dis grace to this country as the sketyt , tons of racial hatred .intolerance, 1 ; prejudice-, segregation and all she 1 ghastly hordes of evil emerge and parade themselves before the eyes of the world Neither 1. or my race, am in any respect responsible > for the j hatred and injustice heaped upon ■ rr.nfc, \fr Davis said it was his In* G.enticn to make the Raleigh policn force one of the best in the court try, One of the bc-t ways to do that L to s<'e that the abilities of each member of the force ate used ;to their fullest capacities. pageantry which featured the p a rad. . STAFFOTOS MY SHIRLEY. ! nssatilt on a female in Recorder's f’uii! her-, Tuesday and aenten ■ ced to » road term of 15 months >uspctided cm two years good be havior and ordered to pay his vie tim SSOO. ■lack Lloyd, 28-year-old Carr boro '•usine-sman, v. as found guilty on j’hc charge brought against hint by counsel for All--, Shirley Re* 'is, 14, whom hr attracted into ,L. car on the ru°e of hiring her 1 a a b,i’y-,itter l.loyd was charged on August 1:: with assaulting Miss- Reavis. His I attorney Bonner D Sawyer o£ : Hillsboro, told the court that the | defendant was awaiting admission to McGuire General Hospital In Richmond, Va., for treatment of i head injuries suffered from con | cussion . ifr-cts in ’he war i Lloyd rimmed the charges to | ficers. However, his attorney j arced on a version of the rase | presented by James R. Patton of I Durham, priv.de fur 1 the girl. j Lawyer Patton aid that his ia |vt -i’gallon revealed that Lloyd | "'ent out “ostensibly to procure a baoy sitter and did get a Ne ] gru ;iri, not the prosecuting wit |in <s, to whom h . made some ini i proper proposals which we re ae i t ist d.‘" According to Patton, Lloyd took d b- girl whom he did not name, beck to her home, and then picked up the Reavis girl nearby. He ook her in hts ear out of town 'here he fondled tier and ugges- I t*<i they have a-xual relations, She escaped from the ear and * an, with Lloyd chasing he. again, i The attorney stated that the giri again escaped from Uoyd and ran jio a telephone in a nearby rest ■ d<: mial Village and called her | mother. t j 'T don't believe a jury would ' convict this defendant on a charge of assault with the intent to coin : .-nit rape,” Patton told the court, : and said that as private prosepu . tor he was thus recommending j the charge bo amended. The assault conviction, and the j payment of SSOO to the girl **wlU 'mit-t the ends of justice in this : cose,'' Patton said. ' Wi' don’t condone things of this Kind, rut 1 think this will suffice I t«. bring him to a realization of I he. senses” STATU BAPTISTS \<>i» i\ SESSION CHARLOTTE - The Both ars enal si -sion of the General Negro Baptist Convention of North Caro tin. ojvned here Monday. The • meetina will continue througfc Thursday. The first formal session wae •eheduled for VTxl p.m. Mona ay, Tht theme address on "Co-La borers with God” was delivered by Dr A. B. Johnson of Raleigh Monday afternoon, the conven tion's hoard ot missions held a meeting to hear an annual report p.’.d to corrside.- recommendation* ■ f the executive committee. The Mt Sinai Baptist Churth here i- host to the meeting. On the contrary, we were «x --(Continued on page 2j

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