Traill Station Jim crow To I'ace Test PICTURE ONE GERMANS GET NCC BRIEF - INC* Or, Alfonso Elder, presi ded pf *hr North Carolina f'el !r|re. H shown in Durham last Reporting Os Ingram Case Angers Yanceville Editor EDITOR FEELS THAT REPORTS MISSED POINT Says Fistic,” Was Sole Not Disposition Os Town tIDITOR'S NOTE: Th* fol levying- report nis tv written by Erwin r» n phens, edi«nr *>f the > <n.eil Messenger, * V»nr< vi ilie, nt BfSl-epsper. Its rrf<W !tirr :» •hr !aOrt' , ' l v Irern'e” in which Mark Ingram. n itar-eld Negre f.i*ii<-r r>: n^n "» * <nm ted inri .mt- n«’ H last week on a < , h»t3 r ?f >. vaulting' a young «hltr zlr< bv looking ; loot in- . it hri Tho report follows:) YANCEYVDLF - M<tek Ingram ■vas on tna! h-•••*• h,i w*«;-: on s chatge of do---..■* >n •> fe-a-,.- but 30m r Os the *t - >f« . p lished bsfore and <io> o-.s t -a; apparently G-isd »o sens of the co nt nr. trial stead of the defendant under In dictment. O’’}? citizen-; ha'-? bo'-n minded and remarkably tolerant under ; -.c barrage, c-l adrers-- licity through the nati on about the trial They wanted to nee the defendant get ? fair trial and jus tice prevail Our citizens hav» had no ob jections to fair and accurate re porting of the farts in 'he case but they have u .f,-n stirred to v;rath by some of 'he backhand ed slaps at the county and its people by irrelevant material which 'ended to portray Caswell to the world as * quaint back \\oods 3 rea. inhabited by ignorant and bigoted people. To cite an example: An articl" about the Ingram esse in the Sun day. November 'V. issue of the Greensboro Daily News alleged fact? abon* the lack of education, percentage of Nome ownership, tenancy? running water, number of baths, telephones, business es tablishments, hucksters, chickens parking in the mud. and what-not. M?hiTe the above alleged facr may or may not he true, one find? it difficult to sc how much such bilge-wa'er had an i:os of connec tion with the Ingram trial and its outcome. No on* 1 denies ttic fact condi tions in the county arc not ideal, but most of us fee! that if irrele vant ma'erial had to be brought into the account of ihc trial., that some of the good points about th* county might also have been mer.- tior cd. To cite only those fact., which would make it appear that Cas well County was a chapter right out of the pages of an Erskln* Caldwell novel i* a disservice 'ha: pill not soon be forgotten. The writer of the article recent ly reported for his paner the trial of a notorious character, but no where in Ki at account did the writer mention pigeons parading along the copine of the Guilford Courthouse or the danger of ex posing one’s self to the fickleness of pigeons aloft. The article about the Ingram Dial further stated that only S per cent of Caswell homes Vtave barbs. That may or may not be into. Hut tv* <>*i of M*; f**n to (CrnitinnH on page week addressing a group of vis iting German edurators on odn r iti on;*J problems in the I’nsi rH SiatfN. Thri*f ( 5 * IEF PI BIN; \ FBI IIS MEET Vr VMC.A KAIIIGH Too Flood-'ortb •"tree* YM r > \ v ?M v/>onsor i Pah Ijj.' Affairs jFOT’TP. Oil I- .* J No vunbf-r 21, *1 7*90 V M * ifb Z £ Domain?, of [\ 'C Depfci -me?)* of Hi;fnry snd P'-lSaeal Scisnrr tri £ ’ H j 1 ’ - <nr- r af 5 . pr* Th- 'U]- ' ’ tc he di?C):-w d Tlov The Hev-ur-lirans Won The EGf.-tiOf);'- pi-r d:scu: -ior> - \\ tnke tlm u-'fuvp of i poai-mortem on t|>o ramprdsn i -ues. method--, u -'d and s*ra!winning the (dert.inn V’l ara'yvi, of in. '<:nificon>’« o | r> Rc; bluer rule aUe> twenty years * - ill t-»c g ver The public is Cl.- dtally ;n -d 1 RFC U HIEVi m YT \\ IV K oßsnn \\( i hf.j.d r; FA YETTEA'TLLF, The Delta Gamma Chapter of the Omega F?i Thi F'raternit.' at the Fayetteville State Teachers College, held the second annual A r hievomant Week rrogram Sunday Sneaker for the occasion was Dr M a Worn D. Wit hams of :hc Sh.-: Univursitv sac i Ity v-ho addressed him sell to the '' topic, "Democracy. N>‘w or Never" He v.-as introduced I:;,- Mr Hen ay ‘ M Eldridae, Chairman of ‘he De - I‘. pi.rtmrm of Physical Sciences. ‘ President James W. Soabi jok ' gave remarks and the program was completed by numbers by the Col lege Choir under the direction of ' Miss Mary F. Terry. Officer, <t ’: the Chapter are: Ervin P»ues. Wii ® bert. Kina. S. Dennison Gayttor Jr-ines Faison. La ■■■ rence Jackson, '- and Emm McKinnin Chaplain. Henry Eidridge is the sponsor. RFC i TEAMS PREP\KF FOR ANNUAL TILT DURHAM Coach Herman H cl P drlu-k , North Carolina College football team resumed practice ♦ his week in preparation for the i. Thanksgiving Day Classic with - the A. arid T College Agaiec t From Greensboro came reports t tliat Coaoh Bill Bell's A gr-jes. -:uf » ferine two recent CTAA setback* - f-.-om Morgen and Virginia State have begun a series of intensive i drill* Extra bleachers are being in * stalled in the* Durham Athletic ° Ptrk for the Thanksgiving Day :: conflict between these tv,-o famous elevens. -! Walter Hunter, Durham boy who .u broke up the game last yeat in -1 Green-boro's Memorial Stadium c when the A tgies defeated f ha 9 1 Eagles 13-8. is expected to be a ijbig attraction tills year. - i The Eagles will also send three * | Durham boys into the fracas Feed j McNeill. Joseph Allen,and Jess:? r> Allen. S The Eagles have lost only one * CTAA contest this year. That was eithe 47-0 shellacking handed them pi fcy Virginia State at the National ' Classic in Washington. D. C, lor,- ;•* r" bhom b S?’i hhr h,irk* £r fwrq ;ir>r| Dr - ir: £ *1 4n- Tr !)r, Posft fii.ilif T r ••’fir. nr, ;> rrl l?,ay Th '>lTi pon indication? point, to ■A ;jawH A.H f; ' &tp Os) s&J©, ■ wre MUIMOTIf Ml SUM SET VI WU MIM/rON ? T; MT’ -v Gy** t 1 0 f p a i]’:ifj; ic arjr| r n ' - £Ji f. 41 r, f n V u ir % <n r.c ,-t .-rpt o . :(V ■ sc ; ire. of .11.- Com fj i ri inrd <' • ; ra- f.nurcb i f D V i 1 Rn-me, mltnsici of ?•. • '<:, f n..-; Vindny, N-n>; • t •, - rhofitft fi nnr hHtiiir \ v. it!i ulh^ o*4|si h|i n!)?, * *,t ill ffillStiD*fr D> c {*<?». k . In T'id.'i/On ; d ■ j' . jtv?b : va.l , rvr-ra)Ti?.3t)ov», roup a find ir*~ ! sr? pr!■*-'■*ii.irrf ms ' i ’limfixod With T,-^ f-{h l|ft]?i \xh Ch n ) t *> frnri'. ’Tr-** 3 Mev-iah/' ibis mt’si r '»l r* ■ 1 tion vie'' in j>rr‘ v idA a t.w« 5 ireri. -1 Rg'- r trvina Honne i> *> vwr i M\N |\IFE!) FOR tvkim; trhk ! HiGHPCTNT Olio ! w k.-nr>. is being held in the local jail < pendin- further inv- i.iga':nn nt a „ break-in over the wf“> k en I »*. the West End Fuel Company, r Hr- is charged with the theft (.of a d imp ti'vi’k belonging to bu* : firm and with larceny and .-<• , < riving of 19 hacs of co.-i. Total bonds on tho.«" marges nave o- • n set at $2,000 * si rCKPI.E llt.lliT v.TVNFT P j CON vAMiSCIXG Private a; first Class Rufus M. Walker, ! !4th Tank Company, 14th inf. r ? Div. 251 h let. Div , -was wound i ed io Korea during the month e of September. RFC Walker was | aivarded the Purple Heart for e -wounds received. He is now s| convalescing- quite rapidly at a Fort Bragg, N. C. Mrs. Bessie ill Moore of Fayetteville Si., Ra- I is RFC Walker's want THE CAROLINIAN ht In NX. Nmml <* S ' \ \ IOC PI R COPT v< •: -.lf RAIiSJGH, NORTH CAROLINA VEEK ENDING : ’ !;■“ V - 'b! . ■■■ ■ A ®*.. ... :Y; - ; v ’ t ' - "% y r,?vi s r Ho\or vKf r» r * .nit. hr-* o nt i p £» 'rn Jl \- f;j < fm '.gvii’c ac f,»rrn ,~i f?i a)k r j <1 ti ling u i>a ?»<Qi •<' 1 Appeal From “Leering” Case Decision Betng f ormulated /A.‘ r > !-'YVTI !, K Preparations ( r r . hi‘mg made this .> eejk by at ; ■ torney<,_ forth» Notional A -v u t on for the Advancement of . o: orcd I’pripir. to file an .*y>pfi ;?- Jilt'' case f I's'k 1 i~; t'arn, ‘for" : n'an who look'd ai a white ci; 1 " The ‘f> year '>!f! Injrjm, f>- thcr of nine children, ivit convicted by an all whit** male jury of a'ssnlt against a female for "leering'’ at < girl who tdmittrd he never rumo closer so bar than 7S feet. Hr was given a six-month suspended sentence, bond wk posted, am! appeal to the S»: promo four! of North f :ir«- lir.a mas noted. Mr Ingram ’ 'as oricioallv char-1 d v< ith a at;b t'h intent to TRIAL MOVE!) if in' mmw.n r\sr ELI7, ABETHTOWN The trial jof a young carnival worker chare-1 ed with murdering a while woman vas coni inued Monday until ft i special 'erm of Bladen r'uun fy | Superior Court convening Feb-: j ruary 23. | Judge W T. Hatch granted *j i defense motion for continuance of i ithe trial of Douglas ■Grayson. 25. j charged with the September 12: slaying of Mrs. Thad White, 20 Judge Hatch said he granted I the motion because he believed in law enforcement and wanted to give the defendant ample time to (Continued on page 8) Victory Won In NC Golf Course Case ( on cons ion Crruilcd In Ar.lion Involving Ch<nrloHe FfH llity ■ N •*. r t nr The in.' rt'.intl ;i ii r*oTji‘ !'b?!u <o ri 01 pr '! i ninp • . i ‘1 roc' nr o f.o L‘ ( - d* j F»wcd pit v y.oif r j\ ih*’ Bon me : I Pg’HC’ r .ur N .\ a rj*y o’' r.p;{ mJ ! i.-‘ • j'-Tt c • i:• :c, \v* "On hv M A : r ' P A• •* ncy; i* •:r \Vii* ■ 1•. i.t T HriP li Cr H. '’ ; •'rior j i? •/1 Monday. No* 10 O.'i * inber 1.2. md iA. i I If* ‘* r »-/- o r ;oifor ; applied for ad I .i ( :,-:ion pi ni v i-o.lf on ■ V*" Bon- ! . r,,f' Br < t <\] f »YO-)t ;n, -'(lj I; I. 5 ! | owned and H the ( ity • I f v.-»■ loUp, it-. pr.l-up.94ton fummivdon " r; * g don On i)* • M.bOi : ,r \ ;9“d, i ;>CtJ ■ iSCEI “IMR ” SLAYS WIDOW; BURIES BODY a* The IV■»l:f Tonnt , Fly ppir« 1.8..4 *.n-r r-|i Thf x •• f* (' (4 < -Hinh; r, 14. V* •* h.nn f'Aijdh Vs r > tTf |[* 1 • - f 4 ? Duirift Homr «* » , 1 , rape, -s* d at his fsr=t tida] vo '.to j •"•nvb**'r, 1951. *h.< * dai’yc ’e* ■ji: <v d lo* D. dp J i on 9 f<' in 'lie, i hi eh <zvi :»*f. a lesser penalty j j The -rj-%1 rndtrt with a • jvvy nvhrn tv.’o of *h g four No J .oc , r>o bp fiJj'V he -1 nyt ! for ind »Tfn.-t»d ».o vot« J ; ;or <•(»!* bption Tldnn! ’-v.-c-; '/.•he A £‘ . « I - -,| v ■ x ' *• yc r «KaS fc 'ify| ‘ ;:■*.§ 1 : ./*■' J : AVo .V1 " ; MHlMMrMfcNfiHmKft* IN - SERVICE COURSE—Pic tured is u group of teachers vho | attended the In-Service Team ing Course in Guidance las* week at the Shepard fl*gb School in Zebulnti. The course, i which was given as a part of the Resource - Use Education Program, consisted of three sea- til n on + hOi pr“sPr» -1 teri toth e C»iy. the Coni;n;?\o i ♦ Sitper of md ts' p’tct'i b»*jn, and * tic- Pr^e3'.-?ii.' , n , ril r '••f f Rr f ..:pn l - Br • Crt* i ■O. ii.'CN- ( nrjjD:-jf tiiv ' '• o• ad. ll\ .'. -j on is a on> c y -et * •: ■- > < < onliiitii i! on p.Tjbc .R . » /% I r* f.l . .. W*-n» F tiS .11£ i»> rli it InMr 0‘ • 'h ! go iD mJ ol Dr rig hi <<> jilt • t.t (hr Ronnit injt («<>D <om yp, 1 h irluMr ; onl / r\i~. oi». nt 'X .»tfl I|)W ! lirrl I'Rl.'r.r Jl'f, J *-14 |d rjghf: Spoil•: H’Ood f».obdr»->9?'. ’?;(!. I'fihprt |> ( rloijHrl I Snin VVv'Rp D ~<‘ rn r*r.'4rv‘ i *VJ f 1 '\T < c-.ftfj? .- :• i~i i atf 'trio .«i t r Agg»j< ir»/1 i'.r»r s\ r i n pT'hit 1, * 4 T Jr'• 4 ciojt-y -Wpiit KftliftAit 4 •Filed foi JT'Ai 'R, io *T b' o 'o; rurbfvmed until M&vemre'.. • jpe 'o : ) tbo l ' /* r/iiTiPci rfb"■ ;j \ll ( P 3l|n: riCy. irpr. ."’lt b;e Mi Ingram are >!.11-1 i•» 4 Martin of HlehmmH < > »*> i i |V ii .i>ti nf »>urham. end E F CRrhurrh, b . of High FoilH, > C fions, under the. tllrection of flay Thompson of North Carolina | College. The program which aids the teachers to better equip ' themselves to meet the needs of : their students covered the fol lowing topics: Principles. Tech- , jiicjites. Group Activities, and jpßMgagMßWMte,. ■, V Search Reveals Miss * /1 s Woman 5 * FULI-SCALE WAR ON SrgBEDAT!ON BEING PAMNEO SllplGTTlf- 1 O’M ! I «!lD OpCTiA \\ t \ IO! L u’llt On J< \ut omhihml i* ion I our-'-tTON O G At , mpj-jfy 7rivp- < ?V Ks- V dSV ' ‘* ll V**'>!'! V, 1j- t' o ,. .-r , ~ S r .l *jr j ..p phe-i.- ?; Sn •* Gn.nv? pf : : ip t.raveb ,:-V " r j;i'•r* Vi ' 7 r>c . f 'd' TJ - C, •«. ve£rf.Na4je-r» ip ■ • t r.ttnniK-f} hf« * i Mnw'ln Win. fVi/.c* At The Carolinian ' Ictur *s:;sK inn lv?t'|-»o*»tS€*r» A ncl l ! nfwj •rSHo’w 1,, .Hcntlanh io the HomSUttkidf $ : %V’o' .jt;(l ! ~:d :»W- !ba* npnna in'Shaw lJn,»*r*stV % M- ««!»» morning a! 10 30 A M will I>S .> v. 1 f .is fc*!l*?Vv * ■ ~r , |l., j"Ke s he mpd reesr-t (i, r . ■<:. :) ."iih il ? * i=*rge?s* family, tiotwefedki I,i„ii‘ .» ninth*?. *n.l set?*#* of de<V" VttT«S t , ■ 1 .11 I»e3«:d, »nrt on.® '••pOal *it.£T*dATV' *f; r/r. c. ~,,,| j>,i i/. r <p. ( aiif halotif- coptesl, F*? bakto?,; r ft! M-- pr.yr* <-:»«■ h), a prir*- so»; •'do? ifih in-, aixl I.J tiv> •A' wl.o In mga XO if’* He?! *8 rip* j.- ■ , J fi.anitsg-iving dinner nl ill* Wo*jr»»s.d*y night ;•• •'' Ign, ; . 3 • Wifv' *..mM m -iHfe m* % ■ ,• ■•.• i^'-v Counseling. This session inclucl- I ed the Lockhart, Garner. C a r. I ver, Riley Mill. and Shepard ; Schools. The next session, to he ! held at Apex in January, will | ! include Apex, Fnquay, and Hoi- j [y springs. The February session j : ic he heid at Berry O'Kcliy. is o, i> 3 tt\ rai?r*i [y ? A <r« , ! - A * !.‘ y? ! •» ■■* younf v-dOT’" * ! in ' ■ u.‘- to r.ho - , roOi v ' y v h | ’ ; rT !i!d f"--o childi-an •'•■d I . u is r>t yrv,: y. UCeei ■ i■;• iv, j ‘ r; • '■ f ;> \? O< Q .ig • ■•* dp ■ rr- 'v*r? K <-»Uo•■.s-fyv£ infir-«. -■-*YV'S. ni ; iv| ../-iiti'L by n>ff s>lr-w) •• ' f'><3 t *•‘"3 * s’’A"£s •:? h'i * - Illy SJRVf - f ‘‘l 'I'«fC«Y *•-•<• *£ vesting fhf hflfSlV- 1 1 j MI ,»«-*> horiv of tVTr •«*ho he>rp tnlssfo# Srorcs h** h'-r r^id*nf r sines \ T^- CfWl'V r Vf.h- The • -’W- : v*r';.-;hed for v •. ... -r or f *«»••;. ■ * i x ncchi \dr *t* <4 ■ -...rh- ryf ?Vor!d V/rJV [T V* £ 3 U3t i * • t, i :-- -’’Gn^ r !' f TMOXh suspicious '■- r.e!'*. shr fv.i . ,- :0 ; >.-• r 3U.IT: from ? trip to 1 er* ©&gfs sh to include Berry O'Kcliy, Wa&» Forest, Cary, and Jeffreys Chairman of the Rcsowc* -0»» Group is Mr. Charles Robinson: Mrs KKvyna Hope, secretary: Mrs. Lillian Idigant treasiirer; nno Mrs. O. H. Roberts, sap«i visor. -PHOTO BY SHIRLEY

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