BUS JIMCROW OUTLAWED Cop Said Dead - ~ jric s ISfoi ONI 08 O.VfC Hl VORf D iiONOli* It - Dr. ?;;t\ Hi j). Jhim'-, fM evident t»| lirmici! < oiO t4H Hi <•* ii*,!i< ru, is one oi tin huii »I<nl AaU nr.Ut of both race* v« tiOte vlc n .tie* jyu bhshcd iit the *ii ti * albLU'dcd honk t til I PpHpVc." edited l>y ii P e.r.nV.lll I o’wai'd If iVliii i oU i.e» jf l» D t-.d MHn \\-< |< l-i l Of if. <•*■»** ot a eoT !er has his philo Jilted aloiu* with thn«& •if Hlih distinguished p. » >a>u.:u Ur< tit M vs > O Hi,, opv t n I'mul Buck ai | in-jus i Sa> a*nt others uoludtm fi.i i itj *5 nhltV All 11 if < OLdi ■ Lcr, Sen; l>roil :*lit so riiH| i 1( i> i ! T/P ■;; iI. u "i • ~ jj ((*. I i lit' 111 ■i! i I. I Hit,-I KtWl« tiavi 1 I i'.: t I'.i'.t i, : lit i • I'.JI, t 11J !!. !f it liiiAti ! Federal l.t be r m ( l> ;i i jja:' Ilutiiii miii in i cm : ii. l-i tS «■«-;!; j ti\•, \ i •,: t i Alm'l'm NAACE* ~u-.ir.'icv f.ir tin iiUiiMi-!' indicated this week. The .suit, ;in i, jit i,■ l. ;, \a. I liurns, i.- nrtu; iiitJ m that it '•< ivi.- t r t i. ! I, I . .!:,;■ 'iorth (‘Mi l • iii,.i arid Yb .ru., ;,..bi “I V- Inch tVmltVe ' • ItMTMtl.i- IV1! .si t < imtn.iii'd mi (iat;e Hi Thanksgiving Bay Offers New Opportunity % A CHILD with a splinter m his fmget will run and tell the story of his rn is fortune to h, mother He will tell her tvti yth m g abo u t 1. 1 s m\s\i a p, but he- will never think to m«•ft». i o n t n at m a*.id» t io n to one sore jutgtn he also ha.s mne others that are perfectly hfcjJ - thy VI AN V Os VS are like that uni id »Vt let our troubles id and us to oar blessings W e worry about the cost of irv ing fui cs-11ing t!i .tt \\ e dis li»mg. and that living is ra«>ie important than its cost. I'll A S hSG i VIN U DAY ,s an annual in\ ltaturn to put as;<.te oar trouble? and to count our blessings Our fort-lath*:a ? dui * l Tt j s- > tui g o t t\i * ‘ fiofr•: • i, t s:: of the coming winter j tiut-y for** got the sdvacery of tin. sur rounding Indians. They forgot e• 11 y tning x cep I to gi v e tfenks t--. Gt.J Whose f.iotect w.S r hn.ij h.-u; shcUftAcd tltM/S >r. the He had pi-eserv^.i iheiTi i. > i.i c-.-ik, oiui by iija iooiag kifntmeif t.he> hoped to obtain deliverance from a ;l C 5«. cel s m the fut are ir. t!.c s.iirne sipirit today, wc to Uiank (.hid Who has i. as so s'rciit.lv Hi! 1 HANK Hi vT for na tionai iifc and Sorro countries have per is, lied; oth ers Ifngei' on in an agony > i.astix hut here in this blessed Sand we set mu own \ cl.i st and strove rr.ightly to do u.e i M.dit m. hi. -i enables us to see what is light »f. i HANK HIM for corrdi tntKoiai fjovernment We thank Him tot the tesiraint tliat law l la. er on ambition We tl nk Him for peace-loving fellow ■ :ii/en» vhe sett!..* then dif if.e.ee; •. .1 :T| l ..itUlg but at thr b<. 10! bON Ht lltAMv f .:M f. r the 'js*? '• HnH ' I % ■ TO V ARTM IP At V, !\’ MEET iInG in iou h.rn A\l> Sfc tONOAKV FCIKKM.S Above are key leaders and prtwApai e peals vs fw the 3Hflf’ eo«venfit*n ts the Association of Crtteges 'I Vo States Flooded With False Rumor Os Death Os Race Cop !i if i. I’uiua . j i.o‘li.n ut a> well a., r t■ i/1 < ■..• i i!.i' i•«• .• i f t• *i - tlOWSpa • • - yii i! 11 vm • • t* > *•* t < i i.. j»i • jo I li.iu a rumor !-o:i; •< Ka'•«. ic.Ji polio'* ottn or war. dt-ad v.»it ylro'icr* ... •.. i i i«la .mi rc;.cht o uch i yi i ■ > <•: ; Siat i'K {to: i Luirit, rnadc !i<-o a- fai ij'vay a?, r ‘orfolk i v Saturday mornipy. i: uW 'dir i ' I!. -Mi ' ej'.aii IS r::pv*- rialty i i i i * ! aaial>]r yma the al a; • tii*. "lit ■;!(! iiili.’t , «(< m So VILL [A MS WINS CASE Inter-State Bus Bias Outlawed In Court’s I decision f'- \ . 1f; i i , 11 i\ ( i f:!i H;vl> ■ .; i , ■ lU ,, n . i* t. 1 11 fll f' ' i . ' M : 1i M g |f ) j 1 ’ ! iMiiildii .. j-..: ~|;,» 1 ' lll ’. i ! 1 . <■!’:,lion i.r ■ i.!t,v anJ ;.vo j .-itgri ,irt- i:m ali.t •• .! "" > 1" nil ,11.: - .... -um i 'l* t.l 1.--I ! uiill-. ... I I: I Jxi d«u It ii• l wer', m I'cil.-iat 'lislcirt faint her,* ;i ~|?»\( the f uriiiltiu < ’.m< !i f.jin’uiny j ell ei.U Sterlnu Hiiiehesmi .ivau.i.e-! .ti.ltii O Williams, us S|ii im; ' ■ re. \ t , !-• ~js.- . j ciisatiuit il.inia-rs m; his eom |>t.Ii 11 tli.it he uas unSan t'nil\ ee.'teil t fold, a filis, a 111] all I'ther Sllfil ethiiiteiiMitOl v li.iii*- a;i a r;.,iie ( . nilse ar res!. .Vi.i> lut i\!.,i i in. ;m littoi iM- • ! Sim tii.it iii 1 illeM Oil 11 iitflds, sot th« i .•.■!! that gi.es iitf to ti'.v soil, .nil] tui th« . abutiu.mt ll.il . t !s that UOUtish uiir biidilv health WE I’ll. INK HIM ioi the oil Mini tiic mint- l al vicMtltli i and tjac jiidustnvs that keep AhlcflOa ; tf'.tig li t 'i'llA Ml HIM lot the lavoi with which He looks ; upon Us tit* flaS blessed US i -illa tie wiii bless us We : i-eg that vie ruai be faitlitui tv Him Wt teg tilat vie Jlia'i Me HIS i less 1... * to av..h,c*c the etui fol which He gave them. AM.* FIS'AI,I,\ leele’tmg the mistakes we made and the .*3 j1 i S \% k.' i. l.< t\..i !» 11 ’J if i ii: t: pta y I vie ute thankful for the op portunity to start anew We appreciate the cnanev? to begin a-mm Bfii.c mindful of His ' oniri.<«n.:i»u''iits, we nuw ie solve to live according to His law: We are fully Confident that living thus He wib ie fiiov, the danger of UUI rue* mi-. * :>:’»] grant pvs.v L>. our j via v: l - i* v John T. Can oil ) • ? ’ ; ljpPt . A. : 3aE&gilll| .'• e 'Xffi jMajSgaftaffii * '<#** BW|;;1| W¥- : ' : \ I * 0 iv» ifll^l i . . JL-el '•■» and Secondary Schools for \>. trix't, which me. Is at !,«■Moyne Callage to Memphis, Tennessee, ! I*ev c-mber 1-4. Reading left t<» i lit'hi the educator', are Jtn»»» l v . Foltz, Rtsiaest of the hat j •iro fatiolman Join) I lake:, i; ver 1 I Ilf .. ,1 ’1 v Tlif 'OMior ut Mr baker';, cleatli '•a fI. ( ill! led l.» Use .itieni im, tin* (' Iv’O.l 1N! A M i i ill., *. tii’.f.n mm.j ;,!j i i i , M, ,, n , is <»T 'hi* . if v. i .-e ininivdiately tiiravm in*.. tl-V.-liil: flit Ike lull) I* I 'III,, la a: 'll" i lll iO!iru t ilieiil. N■■ml •«••■*- 11 . ...iv ilie i ..*.inor • found ungrounded in .*;hor' ordei Mlortlv aft.M- It, . vvoi-daif in.-.ulli U o.iUnneii ni) |u *, fi W.iHdi, ; s..ai i! oa; i„c R'lSt Hi t‘ i’.Uiii; :l\ |n*< n J 'in-itfUibaild-.;.'i! opinion - \\ 1 ai-.oiijir' v »•. i in on rirnonoo •J nil Untied oil ?.. [(' ''•' is SI IT John M Uiilia.uis, in si’riUK K.iji, c ifn! S.ii Ji*'li \.i . w.i*, w imu-f in '' 1 > .'.‘Ut suit testin’: the • lli.iitv ot rui i.il M*f i in inter . * i ate bus ti tie! Youth (Jen ter For Race Underway J.'Al Kii ,i j 'Mu- rate' fi t *.[ i«. Swtuf ion pi . tpO.vi fj SprC] finally (*>»' t ' : f Irnr; .111(1 f t-habi U{ .t lion ojf Nrf.’io sou'll “ I'i ISt -Off* SVHH this week ill the pi. ,v*.. .it sele. l in.; its ■‘slaideiu - body ’ vvbie)i ’Adi he iiitdci the supervision «>l vctiu .'iii lialet. i, and Wake Couuiy 11 obation ntPc-i Lewyti M tJayes the '.'iilmiv’ p.itterneit alt* t oih at ( .tiii|i Hiittn i in which y . veu?; white iiir-.t ottfmtfi'v .un Kil en an H|l|l!)| tllllitv ill, < e form, is to l.e Inerted adjacent t*> ttn slate Inst liuihtj jn.t ilinitt h. tUilJl on i.iai m, poail 111 I r Initial tint, ut.. ' (in Tv jam! ..ill he t.,- (he A. iii an. ,* and P,ea*if<,i l Ci.wnlv . I'*;; on Cain ji- ati In t,l tenth a . ■. f.l . th t Ilf .it t 1 * f f : , e m tlieir hi t tenii*. ami are f'.l.f idvisd too yoi.Ci, he Mgneii to regain! road j.iigs. Ite.v fit dlteeth. 111-- tin eateemv J r.ludeiit ■ I ieSigila! ed fir tio •■. ul instituiun. total, initial ii.inpl' meat Ml \ oaths: is .*> pe. ted ,t >|. * •'...,,■1 hati lafvl' i; texpeefed In ~*vi siif'i * as To offer Taitiiti,*- !,.■ Mi to lit: youths 'the turis usii be taught hiit 'in ring. meat prui essinj;, isji ( iiltiire, ami «the i (r.n)t-s Exposition-Food Show Is In Sensational Debut RAJ ivi- J { hit ' Ctisiivc. Cl o-.Viis, -ho it a. jj>. ■ and * ishrihlfciL; ■ durnon lr.it 0/11*3 by (Yjh !!: Hlui pli/OS / tilt tj f:au. lifit:: C«»liipi»*? i*)ll l ist* Tor iiay n.ortiin.; **.* j* > i mai kt’ii Ua w\J(OU\IANf i. I .tL'ni.j' UiHht {».,ikui:. 1 I• • ]t.lu lid KtitWi Si'u-iU bi-til:' 0 in S| aoUhii^ JijOtiM: Mil Hi ftiHvv (•Vi IVA i >ity H.rouf.ii W t «tne ; «j., v nigbu Nov 20 lii-MtUOli . .YUh.< I- ti'ollljil With ,i \schojiU .iddlcNH s Ul \\ It Si .j**; - . p)A %idt lit of Nil.i \ Ihii 't :si!y i u* ion-Sliow nun * d aloro; at a r.a.>ui paci hu* 1 iry. 4 two day? with huruh> d>* H t t UfldrilU L* ImyK. , '’ a “•■ istiSll, t'h.'ii i.-sitni. s. t .. Paul j i ! . Guthrie, vice president, l.i \- I liijlim, tiy.. tlr fhannin* It To* ! I tua-,. director, Phelps Stokes I I'und, New I oik City, who is j i one of liie several di sling utshodi j 1 *Jt‘••* ■— n■ . •.*/■■' ' . " ' * • » *s_; . !*> i a n.c. n. 10c PER COPT vol. xn kali-:inii, north Carolina yvllk lnuinc noviomblu *»:l niv* i mhlr t, ■ .. ''. i * WkJ i ,W Hp --mm i .sir TS’T kb - •; . * - a WW d)Jks MF v. JM wliit h »jn hr h.Uitilcd in oof.- I:i till* illitiU Y: ill? t?if tAl'l dU f*nM»)US . M sit ;it'i»!M':Hh A i f; n c:; i. ;vi t Hay v ; \:: t* it* '»Ti’x :i> t i il-t Jiiid-i of tlie StStft' t)f j?; V ;-;cii*KU V-.’hii'li ! OXpOvlt'd to lucludo t' A.cla ra, otlici cc(o : ift i •;;.!• iv • ;.t-i : o!(*]<• i possibly phi* ( OUtiliUni on p.tr.c 8; & lfc‘ - ' % 4 l ¥ - w*f" : iiC T *■ f T •»' ' v>£ V M" • •#* ' | I A y'W ...J- .1* .S- J ' ' • C -i. V - .jgf ■ iJH \ N HAVf S PJH/JaS WON V-’iK'jj v tiiiji nine's s«*s.sir»n *sk.i: CuOjpuMU}. i croup Os i*» c* : .« a id*’jits all aitfiiii.int. at h.t V-.il ioi.lwis.s . had boon fcwarded matyy ' aiuable* jm i.\- , Uy ioca ! }uU in.ipfit ID,; ihiCi'rbant s Inc Us ik*U am ony thoso i/mun, (*'h (•■! i/.cv 'Acre: IVJi Mai\ A'Uc :*iti vounces’ hath ch-*oI scti »*m in atU ndaiu c of oio- * S'ion, • * '■ |.jivM*nU'i! b\ tin Good M*• i n kcopHp' S*. 'Op. ivh>T Tidin' I'u/cM ■ *r»-. > o'lrpif-s't CoHcge semoi ;U a session. Uni lamps. p*<--.iUod by G S T ich* f* u; rut i.u »• Coin- U outiriuul on Si hlillW'TiiTrfiiitiiiirrirfriiiTiMii iiiii . . •*’ i ijUBgM- JBgm jsS«ppiS&£' ~^" ,r ' '4, .' persons Ut appear at Ihe iimuii linn, Other persons to address the sessions aie, riii>tinu)!ij left | to riehl. l>r. ijeiiry si. Mill, pres Idem of George Peabody Colic** I for Teachers. NithrUle, Tcan- j SAYS TEACHER-HOBBY BEAT HER; WANTS OUT (J 1 Deserter Crash Victim Raleigh Matron Injured HALEICII Nv.n-miii'.r > t ■ ef.ll MTVU-l— line Tie let -llere i:i ' k'rid.V. ter IHt Wilbert ! m; t., sun, yviiii was kilieti in ~n l,:j!..n ,<i o.ic ibis! ... lie,l vVedm .!;.v * In ’.vh',,:h a giiiji ii;ii* Raleigh matron* th t’ i*i* us t-.u* macfuiK' ■■■ rttrUuncd Because of ia- absetu-e without ottirml I**..vt* from hi> Fort. iVie.m.. Mat.v (and post since April, Pv< Ea.-Of* svas term, d by mil)'.i s ah tiiofitie.- ir- iie iff was- Li.: i; d followint’. civilian luncra! *. d: ■■■: ’ • if: i?f * r . v '' !■ r Negro Race Leads Others In Attendance Ot Church mil -ei .-Aj.inu, muoa .w:•(*•: f lit v.f tile leiiilt .*;.*:•!.» t '*u U tin I'lllbli Slate* llrVt'l FUNERAL .HELD FBI! WOMAN, ICS F \J-GLAND Mr; V naia Wd liiiiHr. y-. lie du d her, du > cinN i IS atiij was 1 nnerali/cd on Noveirt ht*l G) v. a • ;i:d to )>t at ieasl IOS 'ni* old by friends and '»'<*- i, «* V« . Tvir:. AVJhi.ohs, -v-ho d:.*<J at lie home of a da:i-liter Mm i. New ton. c. f ,<f V i Vod iillilii dliifn i by w\i n chddrei.. and h! least 1 00 • i iil'idcliildi i*n *Ftmd rite- were held from IM T' <ut ( \ nek Church Nov. Hi with I'Tdci W Pai'kci' of tic rating in cUaJed araom; ti*c* surviv ocs a.u the "oVc*i children. Mr*.. Now ’on, JVN f; Cm mo U rpjfu- and Ton* rt i%■ Wi 1H aji i s all «<; Fo un t ain; Mi: J ru'ik' Kw in dell rif r* ar Hr tire; Nasii William-, of t- aikh'tnd; Mb it in Will nuns m '-lirikf om. D. C, and Mrs. Bam* s of Rich nonet. i * If wWstMr fe» .: ftiAwi’ •■ —**/,; <2SHBfSw?^iSy^vT/BSfe'- ; s §| |i i >' .#%■:, \ -.^PM*# Y#^SSBfi§W *&-;. - •S/. V, * ' • ■'• w/ , .ijflL Bft. •#: ■; ivlK; >l®, ffiijffi|B&*|^7% • , »”' r s'■-• .*'■■•,<& is ./-, ~ !m W* ,, -all- A, I# Hr. ,John Ilujir Franklin. i>r«f«s- M>r v<f iiistorv, Howard I nlvei fcily, Washington, U. (' l*r. Wil liam it Kilpatrick, prole*.?,nr of i education, Columbia University, i ijh :, ha a Monilot] h»v: ; oIy L-y % ■ to! iOt , if«! A ill*-: id A Ai; lik-HiC'T. of his immediately fandiv needed him in death. Injured io tiio crash, which took pla* p Wodnesday anernoon on Do. bv:; r -N. ni'.iC Fit lily SraiMpS ah* ivi la. Mo .■ La>i . Ka i "O’cj! (.op . 'H! Ibilcn a riiati on who was w'iid a* h ivp been driving mil mode} L u :rk vk’Oeo il VOO v’d tiom the Rich way and craAicd in • tv!.;.,hone pnk- mmo; / li’ontifim tl uii page 8} f y I‘,l\- 1\» - ’ ■ *'>a *J• i j .., jj ,»■ A:, : , r.t an N'cc.i -./v over I a attr-nd Cent m; aiirud tmeo inn.-r: . h.ijoD. Thr !;i-! fi m> } f*jOi point-: hir.o* J than the o;«fi m* I ’i r s t statistics on the < liUi t'li iialHls ol {he ? S. Air taken troiii the tir%! na tlufi w iik sm vr v o! rcßgiiiUS lit lifis arid |>i .u hi«*» ever Siiadc in f?«is ibtuihc the < :* tlnilit liigisl, spimvoi <>!' lli<- poll which wa- made !>\ an in dependent ronimcn i;d i»|>hiUnt it's, anh firm, re pints m it 1 ' Jh CriM' «*|- isbdp dial vmh on** ♦Mil thr ct* 4«lUlt AIOCiHJUS u-tlcntlc rhui .it ny il.uG V iti< ii< .ho in ji th<* sut i r\* show cti v taV-v j casual ttiu\h< \ cs, in:»vhe \’r, iti.tud. i,m lhK the n dundi tUrh dance AiiL.iu !. hh pen cult «d l)>e i opu- Ir.tioo .oeln ve )n iJod, accorilinj* n> tin lit s’, survey report, only * lujtrt one third :.u*pplv ii'ienl the delG f by regular ait» i dance at ra, vices The Miivy iunvrd ‘ ..d 1M pel.ent o! those c'dlilV. thmu St*J\ r:. ( ,i: tiol n*:> nevei attend {( ontimini on pa^c ■W* sw&y«i9h . ,v New York City, and Ur. Ernest, i < Ottlvvrll, (Iran «1 fiiiiltlfs. Emory T ! nii ersif.;i, Atlanta, <«a i At extreme right it Dr, Hollis 1 I. Price, ptwital. l.,eMoyuo i 1 , -v* • ****** I >.. £ %sti. d !>E‘VS»i At i • - r*,ftilled here e Hu* autorm hjh , ISP) inotliT Iciht k in \\ Sih Ii I* v t \V f ul i ,e cm oi ?, ih'i»h and !oi l .Head* vid. lost he la* f \\r*iro“ tl i \ Itriver o! !i*,- cat an h I si a Vlr Mm > i o.iisc iiMihaish poputai ><nmr. Ka {‘ii;h ma»mu,, who shtlcrcd hick injuries, in the .-rush, htvr iwji on n-e« s s:t\ fha{ the ci* nib car ua . p.psitn anatio i u hen il w cut out al control and * {'ash cti into a l: i. |»horit pole on the * ppic iir si dtp ii i the iOa it. ZiON CONFAB NOW UNDERWAY ST i.AURINBURB i . i im:\G.NIo,. l ie TMIt! an tiiia. ■ - .-it i\ ••! t.hr* ( < rip-.-j! FmTth ( .ii'difo (.•(ihlcmio AM! Zu-i ( !•;•» J* A< nol LcC v. < du< da> u..*j mo.r it i’ ; iliL. Im * ‘ Ila pe i '(c , . ! li< ,j VV. ) ia.eh hit 1 iid-.lo: Mai* Ui-.'hap Ka.wihmd N 1 !.* v • cm <* • ‘ ‘hip - i-ji. * ii*. :b. i.... i.i . b.i.i and , . .:••*. •»!.* a ini iivw l i 1 (a<■ I■, u V. ut. im "V titan HR) i ii.'.l-.iui .I,: : I it !: f-Il*gf 1 f f) ,>i 11 , ■. .iV.i ti a ■ l-mi ri e ti’ifth . Ru. tiviin pri***lilt'd iivu ay ill-- l .ua.iiiii-d i»i i*ag«• k Wm ;i *■ | MlmtmlmmpA £■*- jßwKHsHSaiftesss*!®® fottri'r. Uii hu t institution. Dr. 1.. > Coaart, Concord, V <’ i« secretary treasurer *d At KS. ‘S ite Association »( t elli-srs and fierumlavy Si'iio.ilv for Meet net ! meets conourttmlly with ih» Tpipfip' IfHRtIY a k-. si., l !i ‘ i 4 iUWSJ 0 I BEAT HER. SUING WIFE BEGI ABES ilnbhs \lm> Ma«l<‘ Her P;u llw Bills. filV Sivkinj! IhumT Savs (sprclul lu r\K»U,iM\.M ]h\LEK. H S’n tmo in an ar- Sdm.it Fin n in T a* i‘>i■.*♦ I judicial l a -net ■v. ;; f ,}i ?\V»n.}j ( arolina '•( sk, v w i'r ;i)a Ht la pay roam *jd hoard and hor n. t - f»,nj bill ; > it- • n<- i! .• «I •. i!i. iier hUg -1•‘ '■ f . •' -'-it' ' IHI'H 8. : . a: : :! tOV ?■ ‘’lnAiTel ■ • k« • ,in- i eat her on ;:b <■:• •a-. i her o tr<»n a nnd:rr KM room to ah all : m-nom room in which she ; ,t<i m ?:»5!.• E»u• * e no . heater to kwm Hni-m dmin' the COU • f oiiUnth d tu« pane X? MK.;. :■■. - d|. -Mb m r ' ■«v' '-a,;;' . . ' , - s - V - •>. f0;.4, ’fejiw' ' i ’-'t: 5: v v .fj,y - , S' .5 ■•>.. '- c ' ri.v,;, i' ®- 4>s v ni ,!,oier <■;■ / ***** /*' | v VW / * S / ' ;j ■ KOt/KJlv <»; (iii Yr. Ali V,i lUfK i' f I 3t>9Ml j- s*i pitrllrr Jti£ *' l •■I Vm , ill- Ii• • | year ill .Mj.jfii' Lri, ,i, ! ~1 !i.,.i|i. Vi alk ail '*'ilh tlir cintsej Naliuii*! ti If (It ihOOllif ui till' \1 .1 j, " J| il •<>! Ins .(•Mu' jl 1.11 ilijiiilg Ui< j);ls I'.i aVMI 1,1. u 1,, l i i .iJu >(< iii iiii! in .stitti- < ulli'Ki-, ars4 r. M'lmfil Has iHiii uri'il Cot Ins sti'Huc reiicl jtUi n ina IllUli!;.;limit (tic , is.ni |u ' l | "l‘ tic Ute I lodge.)’* o / (tic M.itiiia.i! t i .i. n |n iir.4rit. if y > sltmlherii Association of < ..!l<\. ; ra mill rieronctary School*:. These two associations will hold % ioii.t meeting o:i December 2

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