Saves 1-e s tv c a WITH THK mil KNfIfNEF.R CONST UN IN FRANCK T ./»'mi; C Si•>i 101-'O Holman St. <xai made a int-nd" r n’. tin i.etoiihan fam.-iy 1)' :t ti'dr * !u' i'i im l,m n Mi hi- a' ‘.mli • H I i fntdnn, w h<>M' Mi' ('; I Siiillli * laved. Tl ii- linn. (I ! i 11 it' 'ii' l n! iV! i unit Mi Clot I!• : 'nil h lit lllr > Oil.‘l nilll'l S.l I'all I(’ i Oil till' nil'll! (it Septelll Cl 'll) t’’K v. In n (la Smith 'a at irlUiliiliit in I'i-. ini' limn a »rfli!) vlut in I'm: uh'M iicariinj his O' ;;aiti/ itinii, hi* 1i v\ an m; itin'M'ii .'chair that appeared tn have- tun nil t'l1 1 Miait t'u! Ivin: III! it'. •«!« »: »•: i c a deep (iuiji Responding " virsmi rah.v to '“ii: vr AT NIC Alurial Kahn, faiord feuprano. ssiii appear here wills 1 tic "Carmen Jones” Company in Durham .it the Hillside High . School on Dei emher 5. HI Mi*« Kahn and her eompanv are I.ring pr e.sented in Durham In tin- Omega Tsi }’iit fraternity’.s ti liol.ii'ililp Sum!. The program t i- titTn-duirti at Hillside 51" Is School Auditorium at H:00 pin t Midas night, Ijeeerr.her S JIMCROW SCHOOL ISSUE AWAITS COURT DECISION \V(I r :OT< >\' t AND) The *' •" i • ■ ■ ■ ain 1-; set to l.i .ir to I'.uiin'nt' on t-ti- cor-tdii. t i -i.: -it; *i l • i ; it ii •i■ in tutUir iii.-ln: in If,l ':: 1 ' >’! " i II" 'St Lndv *',;•••'• l>" H- to. Five catH'c, :n ■ scheduled tn he :.i ii .it •'"■ •a- i !t'l.. i* .-.ex • ( !.ii i-iiilnii i M iit' H « To (> ka. K ini ! ' I. ia. . iit .ii n t , V.i . Witmin;mo. !>• I . ami \v . liin l'"il:i ntr.i • Mat.' official- and th<- tail jlic ill i'i'l".*'i til • i' V .'liliiitt t tic d., i«um win' i-c.m.i '.rr!l chan -,- 1). path .n of Hi mu’s .di" .a Donal *. ■ ti*in Nil i ady <• vi al Matt':-. 1 1 aV i taken steps to I'l.'iu j am/t tlicii istiicatnan sv sta-ns;. in tin- rVi-nt th'i’ fitlnn i ont Jawed in public schoi H. Two .'iivernm ;■ Herman T.d rn;ni I'. CrOi and ,t a ’1 e -I TAvrnes .South Carolina have indi cated !li;.: t l '- v. il! tint ha v r 111 ttwr.ilion in thru schools. rcnnrd less of tiovv tin Supreme co'ii't i rides I Tin- Clarendon conntv and i*». I 'Tio'i.a i.i'Cs were urii'inall v che- I r ini "I :■ e heard O'! 14 The f ti pi ell . c ('wait however. UOst pi 11l li ileal Ole;- HI two Cases in iTi'dri' to allow 'dhtie'ds 1 rons oU.i i salmoi wait ehallenftitv, sefi r Of 1 at ion Shr coin ' '■ rioted to hear at! eases at the arm time. Sin.", tin- p.iatpon. tr.ent of tacar iries C'o trii tun err-iv.. tie- Sti cis'nie coin! h.a Upheld lower court (ii ri' inn holding that stag r e ation in intea esta'c radriiad \incoi:-'tdidinmi! Sut st‘- . ... nil. w re.'..itinn on i "'t-tii' tu'-.-s in nit- ' s-t-a.t- t:avel afeo tins - i-oiii t's ntte ii .Uitne, ii nil ter r K' . I .Inme. II no U ' r ’ .. ■■ .... r DISPUTED HOSPITAL PLAN OK ed K fi AM l( ;j! I V'.llb' t i «ff'mt.-. 1 y IS.'..Mu .tn 1 other p mitt a I t. jilrwill silt'll lift Inn, Klll.-tl'll I lint! W:*k> l i,lll!it', voter-' " : M be It'll., i.) in vttlt' fill I.H.jhU issllc ot uvf! i:< ml I Hot I to vOW!' cost: of ;rll’ -‘u'v ill ■ lilt* two f> rt Ho: pit,Ms in tiv filv inn! t" it'ili'i Vk? l it*- Ist'' tut 1 ! i.i . till* !! Ot'l iot! i* four olinit ■: m otttlv ins m' -o "l til.- i'Utiltty V.’ ill;.- Cii'iiilv'. 11.. :ml nt i ini; i■>!sol ■ veiled Mmi.Cv M ..!i »■ w I a 'til. (j!i V. ft. t! .* ■ - Wukt I"! “* * I >-1 ■.j t.i 1.! I ... T3WiOOf.!) I'.r tiiilii- to lit. \ R'ttos it’.l. ami; )f, v , v (ii!o) till;:' lift!i HR OOpoWd ' to a ill an so. tlii* rorwtm tiro* <•? u i.i/iv general hospital .'aivini' H in patients of both races in it.. action, the Cnmdv p.'-'Urj f turned Uninthu .town on Urn latter plan which Vould have Ht iiB c t a million dollars less ♦’.tan ilm accepted and woiiMl :ti the same time haw incorporate the construction ot the ctvtlyu.K county clinic u r.: tr. XinmocfLil ♦ly J>t hlr* v,u n.rj'f u.-nf iltniv.s to Kit?, tlsU>n nrri • !»;; ».♦ •!»** vehirlr.. hv it.riui \ sis n: t ffi ii<i aiiti f «‘f!» I*■** J: * i*u * .tujjnl in i?!»' 5‘ ir. >fv h«)t)i <. i<r f.hiiM I tom 111* V»l licit' t;..J n;:.!l<*<l l!u*m l f * .1 f* i • ih'li litthiUtuT Wtu-ii tin ' \t» ivt"! 1 iVfn? t m it. ft L ,i*T t»n mi :m<( sen J\U \ '■{;• f*r •. iVI i'iS it 'it. I l »'.i.' .jt ! <? i'., F: * • iW; mt,* htjt U.jf. rnMjai" f'l {I ■) | ’ !,< ■ f>}in L\n tiivii.;!rot! tu v, ii ius !? F. I »» \ - i . .«f fi.Fn 1 i f '* • -ii! yfar.v hUr. ; i - . . . /--/ /,. N i \ . U. 7 | (jf. P[H QQPY Vnl fi i: AU.lCit. f r (aH jH ( AROi.iNA WITK WNDFNti P.JiA's DK't.’MMHICR »I VK.V K\ Ai B) f i Car Overcrowded , Passengers Drunk CRASH KILLS TOT .* ’•.-a"... ’’ •' 3,ri.,vc '..:a-r N. i AS THOR VISITS NTT' i itl 1 t >S(*|a- »!l S. Till IS i'i SI-., e.vted \i m York .iutniir w «,li(t ihi-n's looks ‘.-inter, is siiou'n here wilts i- llelt-n <; !'<!■ inoisd-, ii*.;id. \ t' t’olh-'p: tsls toriau usd auttou. ais.i Airs MiiHir il. I it, its iMtehaoi i.. t ill. *! IS !; i- is t ill: a Mail .it tt-e ttii-hrird It H.'irri'-oii ? itif'u; v In K sii-ii;!s lMe- 'la i'i > who e. is lir,.! • !»u !’l ’ I ;’(i. 11 1 T. 1 ■ t At: iu!i. :■ • nil tvs lie I util- *' .i.ilil lie V. mi'll' Om .. ition f i the int.ifi allotted iijhv O'lli to ?.!.! in.Ow fill-■ a.-wiifcii l>\ fie t’m.'iltv !hi hits ii ia- in 111*11 si ai bulb ; :1: t s 'viithi‘l..; bf'.-n '■.i< ‘. 11 Out only bv Nt* .ill psthiwted Vi '0.11111! 'Vmil.f In- I n :".iHlt>; l.'tlt .-I n fftl!!'. Other l 1; i for jht> I'ullSti'iK't me id foil'.' I ( <»f»t imllfl (.1! pa SC R) N< w Million Dollar Gym At NCC Dedication Set •* * • «es. .r-> IIIt I l ‘\i t•*:■■ •! i :uj- W 'iO. i i [ w v-xi.u.v' ( to no! if N"i D* ’i <. :o oliii. t ( \ .i: .. ■ otTit i."' im this * v < A '' hi Hif'l 1.0 i'olli.i !f i ; i;.3 : iif 1 dt .lU*;U:oD Dl* NCO':*; h: -w mGh..*n‘ * ■ h 11! 4i j * :; t .■ jt • DiV:u: it* 'l'mMi;* >\ Ch??* ' ]» * .It '< A!!i!.-110 i hi e '! ■ ■ t (i ■ ■-•- said ; dimim plan '-in .J 1 for 5. « .■•;11 1 1 t.I AI font t.« KJdcr u< 1 li. nle at Tot- i!..■ '.. cot choTi i i 1 ■:!:il1l)it in tin- nymUYftiiiJin u! 12: .0 i: " IP resident Fider w ill tniru* Vi- I -t! 1; •• fj« f- 'i iion's 1 : - t’A Ti ■ • :• .: ./ t l !>rt "- ■;♦■' .-'Mil it ";. * i u '-t l'T -t»: r.s i Ihfc FreYK'h jii\(’U !i i his h'OI! fM* ' j •.* ve*'- i.iiot ivifinsifiir L i in . ■ .',F ~('C that up to tli 4 », . i-i rn Is'id ;ii’vcr hiitl .ii .nrs *v ; }h i'h- -ujcs st> »lie i'Tt a-flamtiiers Caught In The Act,Draw Sentences !)' 'hi: -‘.At Ta, -. iii ,i : rn. ;..-!-» i !n d (I-I' lives 111 «■ ! '.i .If;;.: 1.-: 111 ill" e I t-W oti:-v, v. (-; < • ciii ii.-- i: ,r. S"pc iriier.l at :l hreak; isi hosted lay folium:! . tin- te.Tttired ■ peiiKrr dlirlli., Mitioisll Kaok .Vii t. ii: ■. VH'a I M.tldierii cities 'td:ir-:i o( In r ! o h.s are . ires; i.Mi-it in tliis count-y ami a 'ST wad ttu oi: r, ii <'. Mi 1 Pi-oi i- , i Id ■ iiioriii is the di >a- <tt "i ti Ni' .. I IS a-n Toiittc . lii No» til s a i iitilni. 'e . ... fc .fcß- C. » nni!» 'frii !.!■ l 'hairman I". Vi. <.,tiit! id IMffliam ni‘ t>o lijtr riaii' w !tu v. ill in lin n ; cat FvftU ««• it:-. i i- .*: <•>*jf»'< t - contractor 3. X I’e:i ;t‘ us ■!'tilflnlll*. .ft" itvi! er of (he t.'tth! sci.i ari*n». i* iiisii shit<‘<l U; p[M*3u. Min ie fin sol i'icf. v\ ill h(* fwr : i.i- ' h> the c*. !!- chin.. i.vith 1 B W Mi!! condtmtiny mu! c: of! nailer the direction of W. t i Hovtartl jContiusied n pare Si j: . rii .-, i nr vei pm ti. id:n ly <-;u «U f. itu-m. Vet on tie.- mdht t#f o-pteir l.rt Jll. l«jr.2 o '4- ;■;: a . VNI ! • "■ lire A.-. ' final i4csi-.if‘ of Itis clt*.mil ,' -, .ii M'Ui aeiir i .ef'.Ulon in... this dav on al! ;'f",-T.r.o't'S iCndls i' i! en paw .'-: a:. Ci i; - t ha . - i’i a • -.doy ' a 12- .-.until i unit Ho ms. ai:.. ."it 'a r win i d I wilt ur» | < nutillin*it no pa ~r l.: A * T VICTOR l >t' lilt.A M Bill Bell'-, uiiitci •'. '. and T. flf v eri scnivd a • a uus. I over Ht' iiiddii'l'/* favii'rtl Nt't' iUidUt-i; hcre : 'I i inl.s'p.ivini; Day bt-toio !;,f}U2 i !iili<:*fl fans in tin., v■ ■.. i ■ t'llition | i, il;.' noted annual football via;.- Tlv Tattles’ basket.‘!»rs. how- • ever, rnflking th.i: debn< with r‘> e) v n. w coach. Floyd Rcown. f'i.ant-.sgivin: niffht in Nt'C's new uifllion dollar yyn nat.inn! whip- ■ id F.'tiy Harris At. i five Rl f»U. I ht- Affine griddi-rs ’twice! in Mm fii ! qti.iit.': amt on.v m •<\iiiil an.l fo.irt'li frames. ! -iib a the first .a -- (In mi A.fullback, intfr- ' .-lie ! Frig!;- i.: 'fricrhark iirn hobiii'.on’.' pass intendi'd for Win Tiller. NCC end on tiv NCC M itat behind good d.''.vnfii?Ul block in'; snored sl.u.diti" up Givens' ■••(i.'milled pas". for the v-ctr i point, ir'ieiuled for 1 u-roj Snijsk-taiy nvas tv i d i*. The ■ Aggies second TO came ■■■ht i| Snii/letarj. A and 'i flank • nr.n, eimght .Ama* <tnavterl:-a»'H Gtba frailer’!: 3C card heave Giv (Continued on pa ft Si C-PI. ,IOH\ ( SMITH Apex Child Killed, Mom Injured In Wake Smashup R/i! KiCIH An oveii nsu-dect **a> wit!; ;.t (vast one drurd, a> a i );! ''l'l' ! v-.'-: ttr. 1 ilealii.’ - It fui .a ’v.uv, -, -old I,o} and the sate ■-. la le | motile; altajOl-il jM-i'IOtl: •:: a) it s ne.-.r ill-! I !.1 • T Sat in das ni: - tit ■R’.w-i.-i ! >.t vie! M-, ,i- mi of • fft'hU.' ?.. -.iie.-., is dead ami Ins U’.o'.l'ie; Ml Sail.a Mai- M•- n-- m v * “ : 11 'i -■!! Ji ?V;i: .iculOi !si V !o tri-atmi-m -r '--..n.! t.i-es 11- ;,m| “ i> A-H• m Ss-;iy mmm Dij'm' .ia of I* it crash if U c:n m sv * !| l'h -: I -I:: IlirJlii i.: - 11„. v " ’-U’r We; e, nJin tin a ,<, >, IIT I > 1 Oet s ecu t a.II I H-l and 1 : ;;. ( 11(1 Stari- roan Ins t-sli* aliut; 11 It;11vs as P.i t.Milm.m H tie .in Id wri' e.ili.dit unit; i tlx- uiiCels ni Lite Mil- if; is i-ii l y l itss .in! Hauls n| <, ii tier vvlk-ii file Veiiieic went out of control New Area Scout Executive Holds Record; Sets Meet RALEIGH I.), N Rov\ ard Sr ' foi m.Tiy of Golds'-Or.. • '> c , ct'n’ ln appointed a men da r of the I Occonm-hce Council Si all of Ra ! will ■ jy.i]; Saturday !> |* 1!>" "Slate Annual DiviGorl 1 ! S<-<<i ;t<ts CnnfrrorKV', which will j noth or: all da\ mectim; ,>t Shaw Ciiivr-mtv M,. will speak „u Hie i subject "How To Keep Seoul i'i ooi . From Dropping " o' Howard was award.-d la.-l ( hionth fay Region Six (including N C S C . a FI a > with 1-fae honor ~f bavin,; made "an <*n»i- . -(hit- i” iinl" of m'Vfi droppiin-, a com unit (Troop, Pack Post) in he I lire. jrs of pofV'.sionul r.iviri' Mol auothei evevutive !0 file I't'ViOli has ll'.l' i' The conference at Shaw will in a ivile mam othe; impOi taut pel son-di ties VV A ! loteon Region ail j li. i « CUII i e both of At -1 ! J> . j f;h. ». \ r . ROWA&JD SR. YOUTH, 20, DIES AFTER SHOOTINO IN SKIN GAME Shotgun IN-lh-fs Arc 1 sed in The Uav-OIT Oft REN.SB UR O - Th.e pay . f tn a "skin same., for a Sfi-year old youth was deafn iittie iasi Sut ure! ay I.r-a! iinlict; say that h.eroy Mill, 2f’ nf 704 huli .d Con" is dead of sh f d",im wounds received follovving an argument started durusy a it tmlinttetl (in paste 8) "hen approaching ;i curve veered across Uie tiighiv.ty and «>vei till lit ,1 at (cast twit e Harris hi> v. ife. Mis M<ir> ,•« it ■ ih'f l.ei :am and two other ehihl .’i ll Aere said to have |n m oe ■ vi.j.anl of in. trout seat n| the ■■ 1 A fl.-'li the idt-nf o, rui red i'n'n' men '.via m the bar); real v ihe a; i u<led \ a Frru t ■ • i'V Ponte i, who ‘nested oil the site for pub 'ln dl'iiiikeniiess Oet dpanb td the ear, patrolman iepu'rled, had consist.atfy warned Hell is nut It, -,“t't-d lln.- . ar. alui a £di effort to prevent the i.vh Hit fa n wninen in the front seat i t porteuiy ath milled to .snatch Hit Ignition hey net of tile t-ou itai ru ha' fa, t n chai red with m: nsi.ii! liter and Unmkene.l .1, ivint; in the ease. Ififil'S Weaver Mart', of the Na lionai Staff, N. V; S P. Gaskins, i ' Srnut Executive and It W Gills Fieid Executive of tin:- Ocronee- 1 e.’iee Council; j)i M William Shav. ; University. 1 1 ’ Carnage of Raleigh, chail man of the affair will preside. ' All .N.v.dei and friends inter-' ■ ested in Scouting arc invited to attend. MASONS SLATE SESSIONS IN THE TWIN CITY WINSTON SAI KM Five Win j stou-Salem Masonic T -aincs •of Prince Hall Affiliation will en ; ! tertain the Most Worshipful Prino»-j Hail Giand Lodge F and A M of North Carolina during its 52nd j Annual Cotnfntitik'Slion scheduler! • December 'd-lfl Sessions will be held a! Golei | Metropoliffiri AMR Zion Church at; | Fou l lh. Street and Dunleith Ave \ The Rev G Lin Wood Faunth-roy I is part or of that church. A public j ■ i et tin;: will be held Tuesday nipht | .it the Vl'in-ton-Salem Teachtfck | , Coll- 1 * ivitji a banquet followiun ; The five lodges, hosts to the sirs- | : sion arc lonic 72. Bivouac 503 SaJcm 139 Voting Memorial !i7b i and Olympic 796 . Officers of the Grand Lodge j are. Dr. G. I>. Carnes. Wil mington. Grand Master; Clark j S. Brown, a Winston-Salem funeral director. Senior Grand Warden; Solomon Keene, A.hoslfie, junior Grand Warden i (Continued on page St j - ' • A "- - ■ •' ■J ' , c v -£'|jjg \.jj .... ir ■■. ■4#<- 'f; k- ;, 'k -Xw UM .i M mia s\\ i i nil vn i in liitr- Parks Ninth ClruUitH ( nl It';.. I' i ■ til -it i the Sll re flllntl t ill (hi \< C < ieiptt I ot Alpha fill Alpha ■'ll. is tlie tlallghtr< •'! AMkZs hail * Sessions; Appointments Are fold i.AUfiiNijsUia;. n <:. ill. j 73rd sm-ion. Cii iit’il Nor I n <7uo ! 1111 ;l L <j! I sci ':. . ■ -ME . ■>o i Clun ell closet.! i .«-1 i Siind i v ■it i: . | the ! l-tuli '!;: i'l api.iointniet; l■■ i ■ | ! tie- |e m:>: in - 'oh Hit- Jit !<i• \ t .!'■ h-inni I. :>;.. !. ■.. . H| \V :i .t 1 i ingtou '] H 1 coillere!let■ of >i !:IH-i o:; Wed I !,(•••: o wid than !r - I- in died mil I n't i j' l . atnt dele ate tn ~! ; lenckmee ! !.!:■ ho, W A Stewart. too n ; im-toTt. I.X (' ;. iited r • hop . InniM m ‘in inlmiti:.''intion of the aflairs ot the n.iilcn’iife The v. omen played m niiOnllant I roll; in !Xe e.!oo:e s of tin cm• ■ , iei'eiH’e by hiiviti!! done :< tjioiien ! dous u mount of mission;- 1 > work 'during, the ><-;»!• Ml ‘ arrie i. I times is tlit! I. ! Stifit'i Will :ed I life Work win ’ fe i;ii ved ii;, cdoute !li it paiado id may nirht The ei’lde-H net «. !i >■ ■ d on io n jdav nieht to meet a( , T ;mil - : I hat e! A M (•: /.ion . too ! Dunn • N < uifH'r .•• .! v.en a: follow sA\Mti:ii it till 1 I U Mi I sh, Pi t ■.i'lini- IMr i Negroes Listed as Members •a!# Os Inaugural Committee v. JF WASHINGTON Tlie mum. of m ven prominent N = ■< ci\ c le id »i - fa;, v been child i. ‘ H- 1 is: <,f VV:c luiipien • iti/en- wlm at •• prepanne for flic- Pc- 'iih.--.vci Niv ■<n in, in. mo at ion act ivftfa '!'■ were named to serve - , K en bii'.'.ei Nixoii iu.iiij’ii,..l ( I .i-11nii11 '■ ■-e jl l l C ivTcGm Ia; by. The list is licioti ci !jc .P km !!. Mitchell, fnliket am! Iw limr leader in Wasiiinnioti \r gru Kcpniihean circles vcti. will serf i as Vice thait nian of tin- con.lilitfee "hiili will met roc * i oiii's and otlis i (tis ti'ngnished ;;iiesls arriving i<v t!ie u ion festivities. This ciiiniiiittee inelmles sii< ii ciher distinguished figaii' s ,rs Mrs Mice HooseVelt E DllK \url!i and Mrs Edward E. < .iinn S N. C. MAC ON OKINAWA— PIT Essie M. livery of Weldon, | N. C.. vists a lanjtirmw shop | on Okinawa where she is sen - | Wit with the Ryukyits Command Women’s Army Corps Detach ment. Private First Class I very daughter wf Mr. and Mrs. Mil- j LX amt Ah |). mu Partis u< J I’d West ! ~| •. Sliet i t(!l ||- lliniid V . Mis I' ii in is \ ini in h< id ihi ' t - i tiiipll i ill Al pha Alpha soroiity. :■■. •itotd. |> l\, 11l inois; Bethel .-S.itsoti i, i liutiilv: .innediota II indium il mi paste til it VI lilt.ll VIIMSTKKS in n i;m;ii io posts i ' i lUNHURIt All .111 of the ! to : of 111 'he- I '.lll I'Vlltt’li .. at . ’ d -os; ion ol it o annual •■i nfi-i oi .f. Ciu'.ti :! North Cat u iti'; ( o.o|. : o.j , A. :vl i't /.ion i'l’.refi et< li tin tied to their is .- pt.'iT.ivo posts by Bishop Raymond ! .Tones in tam inbitrjf S min’ . it the close of the (Oil ferenre. p. V t {'• !'towers • n-t.ilrtsed 'o Rush M(-niii.':a] and Mrs Mabef , , T ' Ipoi f'Si.stO! Clary) Will to ii!i a! G: are Chin >il sot an oMiui a ear. Ti,.- one. chain. Unit affected )' :d. Vi t tie in i tied Rev 1 it ivo w 11,. ' ei from ;i ! , : : i. Call GruV»* (ti . •< oo to.- I i-.-tt. V die l> lily! !’ . Iv V l i i ill' \* ill ron -10..1 tin )■! e: I.iliin C-tdPl t- i. i- (■. iii Washington p. ■ ... . liv it)c:. ! :;<Ve been ■ i |.. . C on ti c (i' iieiat . -i i \ ... I Vim millet’ T ill \ are' 5.. !ii Mc i J fJ.I' ;] t . c let I bail ii'iUt: . i . .-d 1- Mats.- and Hii’liavd N i,‘. -Mi ii: ci , ■will ciVt’i i-e tha cine - Gil. ■; of i i (itee- uahei S c. ci. Ini ,m and' fund . •!'(-•' - H.. who will cover of “1 fin- .! mv.'iij ®) maiigu ,i 1 C(r.itfc’ in cik'iiTmn to th< s*-. Mr McGai -1., ~:!t, Me, Me d t'c- ,ll 'ilil'ftnld'-t c . ~ 11 1 ? I'lU’.V s to the •i • "t. on it iclaiivt" mat ‘ i T"b< > ai < Hon James A jtn. b t i 111rii ui r. 1. IXiclsou snf Wc !. \V.ifiaic T'hit dive i». ~l iii' ■ ■ i-.'i-T Cr. nu rotten? wilt i\. - c ■ ci'ccb mlf( acts and , I'.' onc. Hi drawn uji in eonnec :mu cvi'h :iiaii.M..(tl“ii activities. Ham 1 Ivi-i-y, 310 Poplar St., lias been ori Okinawa since I>c ci tiilter 1951. t .acqncrwarf, such as the tray being held by the -rtici-te! »! left, is one of th* vilwuPs principal Industrie*. itj. b Ain.y Photo!

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