N.C.MOTHER OF THREE DRAWS LONG TERM 18 TO 25-YEAR TERM IS METES Woman, 31, Snii 'i«» Women s Prison Sile i , HIGH l'(>irrr A 1 ■ VfU'T’iM', ninthcr »; UiP r tming Children hotl oomrn;.*n - I-t •• ife of ' h' 1 nvri she ;,d’■, I Mi! killin'’, ■<'(■*' iiin C• ■'il• i' l 1 Superior (’'”.<l* *t' M i I-!,r to an If! to IM-ycar »-i i • bno for the : hot. .»• ; •' !■<•: >1 Vi rile -ag> I ' ’i• i.b [VIi . I.ula I'urri. v as . toniul g,ii I(, nn ,m i oit'iidcd ’’.lMfge of inardi > in (Itr IM il sbonl inp, o.f v.iiiif I i (Mi on <>rt<’ 0* r I I Presiding .Jul'.n H Moyle !t before pa • in;; nk -n >’. ■•nr' -tmrs ed Mrs Tiup; (.’ln 'i\ !.•••. .>di>i«j hei retailor; -hip v it), her ii-iini The woman kdr! Mu; he lai i 8 part of T. on’ .I;• 1 • *inI I• t .md did hir, .uni in.e. Slip . .ii.i 111 ir | ii'ii.! 0:>l •a’." '. Pd for foul niuiillr. urn! 'bat >1:0 fCotifiminl or, p.isr Hi Week’s Wrecks Kill 4 V - ! K a ' JB * Vs n SKI) Ui M tl Vi M I’ARTIfirvITON _ Raiir) MuSo < lUiriu vniliig I iu< ■>(>. Pa 1 f niver■ ii> student. j ninii hcr lif thf Killivu f’lbp in Vs ?!’’ ‘r. being iPtfinfi Tl iho y. * k cn i h !t;k that Its- has knew! edg* of Mai; Maw secret society vin*«n< e ahi eh is now -rneati trig tiiroMflmvi Mr '.i Gathe ru. ■who had. b* • n nrdnr! b*. inuiv* * ration aiithm lih■*, f<> have the coufttiy b- lh rfnhgi ;.i|i ,u --«nnsnleri d by many !o have liren jilt' (d in tbr rolr n* ,( siopo 4r».i! ,u, (lie 1 idled state* jo"n iniponaJiMic nations in an stteiojd to lin nr efforts b> va riom Vtiii.m nation for home rtiir. 111 nds for Get be h r iji frtiw have boon raised hv funny ; I oiijii imfndinE I.tncot.it slit dent - faculty organizations. STUDENTS HEAR TALE OF PERIL FROM AFRICAN GT»T* l ■ ■- -ANi>i A native Af’can ■■■ oau. •-■. I.nse son and i-tm in-law lr.c--« b: ”n anroric the : ’• ■,, in the fnig gle of •'.f’ir.Hvtii :v.aiu-;1 'M'eg;; tmn la(art save -tudents «» Brtsnetf i ;; 11 1 ;:• • i■ <.r• nn in ight jedr. i.vhot ;s tK’i-un irt:i in t’ie noi to) >; I d “i! of ir" dh As: She " ■ Zv har;ah ;-;<.i-djin. lanr Mafibrv i r , j”.; 1 t>ti notf >J< i .■<• a I : ..! -n be; c •■■'Ten' i*;nrrary o£ inßtitu tiorir- .'.he plan > to • : sit Site is the • ifr of an i*i atrwet'ir on Afirao i*roiil« rrr# f> at a New ITork whttol, ai)4 is a g'sdiiatr of thy ('niversity of South Aftira Sin* arrived in the Pnjii’i Stales about the first of Sept’-nibi’r Mm. Mattbcw.' ~fin wa.- .’<vre*- * foci in n group of 28 pev.-a.-ris who altendpd ••> nativo meet ing pro-; 1 tf' ti.no t mtnii nt vi Africans by (he luding Briti \ find 35utfh He wsa in . ’rU'a Mild'-; the Suppression of C ommiimsts Act. passeo nxemtv The Atr«cap woman saw libr Kistitv-in-law was arrestt'd r#« t 'onUiiiied <m laiEf S; * Thf Ca ro ltn Ia n /M In N.c. New,! Y~ 10c PER COPY VOL. XI/ KALLIGH NORTH OAKOLIMA W|,!ii E! . DI ‘ ;r. : ATG K!) AV, DU'EM HER E’,, 1 - ;: . . ~A j CHILD FOLLOWS POP IN DEATH JAW! Ts Vi! !}" ■ fi - ■: 1 !'• : 1 ! ;. ■! b . .11 ;■ I f.:- } I e-. r If. v-.ji;. Ii - n M'lfid’v * ■ :;>!( ,i. -Tie re Uit M :-i.i|. f-iv , ,■'r.uioT.i ;e ■i > ej; vp a ■a\ n.» het ►- st* be Mi: Kunicc Ml R i", ’S di ii it i !( -'ai ii > ; ? !>v i* y :: r.’ ihi ,’niin:; •.ci ■■ id i>f ir; 111 nil.:.i ! ’ll tile lb.' t ituli ill >lffe;lny 'el ii 11.1 . 111.11 ; t)e i r-i .! the lie i d fitiri uide; MfiaiTied die Sun e-iv affei notiii i > mil n v'-iiinh -Ivor . fa;.X' Klricr Meftae. 17. vva, tn :> ;: I! i ; ,'ii'd ‘ ■;i ■ rif iier pf l UillS. )!). | "lii:; II,” ;,nut!u.| . .. if i|ji; in.iiiriex AeMiiriin.: to i! *v ■ ;-t <.: l 'ui: i.ffi cer~. Mid, e ■> . d* i 'nr; 'iie deat.ii •ir whi.idi i a i.rd into a lai ge : iir tree in: t »jt# Hie i 'avett.evilie It. • fort! Miiihu'.;/ vyht«<* traveling i ■ a p ihii'ii i •.•<» .-iia ■ f spt?‘-d. Injured in !'u' cra;:ii v/hi h t’l.imieil t.he (iriv"i "a life wore the ‘ •' Ul;',h f -l t.'oMiiie Maynot. ;-li(i A!’- 'I: I ■ i I !<• t!|e v. : • Id ■! ll r ‘v : ; nor. , -.f Jn (on ‘ I Mr. ar<- 'MI ronfineri t„ Ino in i'.'l liifii! 11l ■■ In ii t'i'* "ir! -berl I .uffert’d (Ti •>e-,| injuries ! Ij( V. f! . lived J ,1' Pft.e viile. I'l.-ufe n STAFF WRITER INTERVIEWS PEARL, LOUIS la t AVld \ l|l f Vt;)t (.'HK'.SfrO fit 7' i: e b- <-n T v or (J,. j-.i.va'-.c IJ. a [;.n sn J1 '.Vorid' i’..r a 'f.ie long timr but I "['' - : r, ... f ’.d’T f, t ',T''j]ri ‘ : 1 ■,■ *n- !>• -'.‘of ( <■. ,• «•• rl • ■ d- ■ ■ , ,! ■ : ) 1.., | I . 11 O ,-f l.’daf h’ ‘.avine ;*■ TylerJ t'. . s i n j ■ i• i ” t : ' i i' -iniy ’ < M Cr- Int; t, in ; (be HoU> b !'■ Mia, dn.-oj-h Hirairi nd ,b • |di !'i; .-: .. : V«’|'e 1 d;i |” r\ ;<> V iTiti U. 1 i:e Te W•! on I, Jlbnnis trip and be’ij: ;ic fiTi i»ar'; (c ( at(ijiii,'i Wodni’i-d;'v. ••. tn j n-j seen everybody and ere; vthitijr ;t>f! i; rl»i ir: ■ever, -!’.■■• ?•:■ > o we;ith*’t Ml W •in in i ■.•.;< on atiimnu-,1,v d-< i:!< i that ■ vi .d Jo Ctn' .iiVi' - top let' ■ :>e‘. T)ie ( ;nh T 'ej .!■'.)■ 'ji .’rOiiTfl a (.-■ • r,e,!d be die be.-I i’ll- ■■■ if :fo-.i rif| sic tre’m .>r .... imp fjii ui' dr idrl to .-da. . i rmie. VVe ita-e nfver vitur: rd .. -a 1 ■•’ '• . a' The* DeSis dm ,n > ei,e in/re-jnent visits r o < hu a'-'o f ■» tie pad T> ,ve>n . and tic sin. w tbr trm( really gnod Allen Drc - *' an Knaeee tyt» • -b;.e- -.ii it it fake;. Mi n*ahe a yn.Tt a iettr-r shov. then l’.terw v, err nuke Kiliii '.Tun . Cft-f.H’bi." a weil eyerie d»ne>ag two. ?he f.-lmn f' be: iri'vief .1 r i ,b;i, ill'll dei on. who will x.tne day mak” r-rie.le forget. ail aiauit Salty f tinfinurfl r>ri !>a>;<■ 81 Modern Day Cain- Abel” Story He ardßy Po lice HAMLET A modem day I de nt « “Catn and Abel" irts**- deft >«'■ •infolded here lasi. d’l. ■ - lay mot in;-:’ wben a young inral fanner .-in .yndr ■ e ( j Vitm.-.eii at. 'no •in d ptilic,: lativ-n and told of. fuel ; 1 1);11 lie •.iad killed his t.vo . (her bvesust tiro brother wouldn't ; bet me sleep " Alvin thiTiws admiUerl to p<> lire, off! of is here that he shot his brother, Dewitt, because rWvviu advanced on him with a knife following Air in's ef fort to quiet his brother. i .According Ur &e liwwry heerd FDSFA ■■WWKTiS®!, e> : . TWA .’ - . I I fj; 03 THE 1* LI f A ( OKT I nvrt\ rjf Ii i* », . ?*f 3\iU » •’*' »«f*- in (hf 1 < MtlHMl ,v ‘ fJ* , rGi.lt {• '• ii ri’f i mi'., i f-f rr wtih in t i < <tyi On (?jir 2 s l i Afi'.tiib Win' rrd of 7 to him All Jf** r: s, fl « * v Os SoprcniG Court Listens To School Jitncro Arguments A (.->{k mi! i n < ;,t otirdani tv,;.,M l '.■'.(' >•■■; id' ... Argn ■ ’’ill . tf.v • I|!.-. •:!)• -.! i.il'il |i iu i-c • idi'o; of v;- if > -lim yr ni jear. on r,... v- 1 r I If. ; . ’I .' . *!'■' f' ,| r (i. I’’,;' d -Sf-t. Sl:|',-!;,<• CO'Ut Tl'e.id'av r ;• bati'vof NA Arv tawyrr: 'iC 'T'Gm ' '. |f <iiid y-i , i ;.Via Ii ■ l-v : • ■ltd. (•■,.:■ of la v . i '■ ; •;!ti ' •.•anoti:; So u fdi erji i y i here, frieuds of Seth bvofhiw; ■ bro'i .ht .the , : jn-iill m -•:,( ;. • > Alvin ;; norne af > i I .• nrirkung patty. Alvin .say s-bi,at h' utoi'ited bis - ! biobw.’i to hi:- itdUSe, rriiidr a fir-.’ t tri k -i’p hint v’-aim then w ent :>u ,-k to ..<•;! it- witt, however, ("'v.nb to -aise -and” Alvit. aid arid /. ice ho bad to no inn ; };-•• ruotr; in which h« ir-id iodgod bus: b'oth“r it. an effort to restore ' peace. On his third trip into the i loom, Alvin »»)■'. Dewitt hepa . -vi- .-, .tSwT'eSVs.. -«*Sy BCMW «■»- j‘» ;»n«I vfi v N’rl'-on I< *2*r: of Imu i »ni I'i »tv. •\ Ho I-.iff ni u llich ffVrr fifty N-.iiA i irntitia RirJs rnafl» (L<ir IfMin! 1 . it> so* ie{ 'f hr tr ’MI-IMH’ H <ll .Miff ; •!»!{ ■»■ l *) xt < j ti h; (ip r, hfiflt | f !}j «|a. ! <*» fhi* Mplv« fiappa UpliA S<i i Oi fK rUi'j ?f. i GMM-: o ff./ rriPl vsh-i fU, \ .If, fi. t, ~ ~|*\» /.f ti, UsH-tl ta g, pn-.c-uiod ‘ vmy>n« fCV, 7 oil ‘hf* i 1 i.'«i lit v of ;;ryje?u- UC‘t. th rtJi{C : <l i(»Tt ■ i-. 10 a;r i.'if.ln ; I , i‘.:ation i.iii-: in K-nr.i-. o"r,(n ('a. 'hra. Vu ni ■ tin- J > t; j/ t -,t '. '»1 1 : i •,! -i a ~i- j | 'a.i ... i V till pn rl rtrnl mik.jTlg ■< '.tilituicd cn ,n 8' to Hftvanrr ujuai him «iti» a kitlf'- .ijif! the to o lies <f» to • fliffii. 1 to i lie tfle \inftlr . viie story < oiititsi‘.i’> Ah in r.imr info jMivM-M.inn <>, a |iWo|. v. liit’b was dtscftlWged tliiiinf ; !tir e .-li !■ vlth a bullet i-otct - in Dewitt's head through atl e>e. I> wit! dir i Instantly anti .Aivin | cam- into town in report 'in’ in• . fidont and Pi y.ivo iiitvc.'-ii' -ip to, | the police. Investigation of the affair Mill under iViiy ai CAZvOi JNiA K , presstimc. BtflTif Cftß LEAP LANDS IN CRIES I G'r I r L-0 T i'o persons lost ; t.fceh 1’- ts and thre others su-- ! • ; r• i ■i;i'i| i . : .i f n t(,ji ta! - j,-, v Itch tii':-: ’tv- riding i• -ft fij° ' 1 J’ '-b' a"d crushed into a rreeit i ear Imre i- inday night \fb-i ki.r.it: in m off ,-.o f r -1 ,-,t b'id r i .jilinn, hurtlina i (ftly ft" > ni:: ci'. - k main vtreani Tmd 'G! r»{n; f o i ill!* !ti t'"Ouf fLi }*,■<•* I* o' M -• ■ at *■ i cm in opposite bank of lb- "Ire.mi. iii<> car in whici per.Cle riding l.'s > tbr appeal ance of a a. . bo-Tu Tii' t'd - •■•■rdi.m ''hen in ' ■ ;tigatm> ifice . -o ~ , ..... sj the ’ io' h‘ : probe the veer,- 'i'd (raged’ !■ lied in the mi -hap were '-G - G'tvanf. ~f Wibon; and M; id>->:■ Lvbch If of Enfield. Hr. ■bit w,< - reportedly the driver of the 'in If •.iliiflilr ,| oil t>,7 £ e "ii Mil NON- DOLLAR NCC GYMNASIUM IS OFOICATEO DMFLG-M tv a anal d- •!<;,( ,ou '■ 'f’!Vi(i|i ; i-; •,» f-yp, Lelyi ktivc. ♦ 'ln ' "VM' l < dl- I ll- i» ffi-’i-.di .’ n| .; The (’ i.” ivuUi'.i' °.r>li3' cymnasturii li •”blt:;li'oii deriicatinn cere ;:!■!'!•" were panel d'sens.-mo ot hd” cneral theme, • What Ate some •f iv;c rnajoi problem affreti-ng pr: j’.uatirm m t.lio three field ■i 1 "ill edti' a‘inn. pay n -it <dm .1 ! turn. arid re creation education) n‘’*dnig stud.’ and research’’ Thiif'. :-ne an l .•>■-»•!tir- in ('• - ipi '-e {'ebb jerro'd in *ho disri'-sfion L'ean trib-n T-4•■♦ 1 1 c!’ :'f Mir School of P’.v '-1 Education end Athletics at Pem'-yh ania ' t Cub-gr- sumrn ii ized the panO'i'.- In dings and -.poke briefly during '( nntimirii mi page g) GRAVE-DIGGING LOVER' FACES Aftki. ()T- KM 1 •we -,f !-»r. '■Mi - dicrir'.; I,ti‘ti r n. ;.<f. ‘ ' fl'l fire- I’l.in <i;|l 1 : 1 if f1: ■ Moore C-noity Superior i hurt -’-si -’ 1 > bogan .■ • j->t i. liyre Min'. (I;, y At •' -(I of burying hi still li"- : II ' ■■’?'( ‘ -■ -i full', v ui- -i |o '; ;-d i - ’ 'i’!v"i Mon ic-nri. >• *.i. I’OliOe offifc; . i - (to ;* 1 to i' l a i y . i) 'di.t. -ider Mur ll son . ■•an.! in h ,\i huried Mr- Liouii.e noivd Mi I .-li-i’hn alive in - )ih!fct i.T-Ve i-’.ir here :;rimn three '.eel . ..'hen hk. .'.ai ird- rnornlr-’ : ffo-' - at - roeonciliatinn with the votnaij failed Mi '-Dl . i ■,:•' 1 1 *>i *. - life]' - hod . ■ - d- - up from “! c-haOi-v p" in a nearby wooded area a week ; aftf-v s-i-e had been mirting from i her home here The ‘Vidow of a' Wor Id Woe II casually, the a**r.v» tin’ young -jeoman vrsr. reportedly , fripudiy’' Till) her alleged mm , dened until ahnrtly before the tra-1 gedy, •She went to the SoutCicrri Idnos < post office to buy a money order! .'•iirt eibie! !o other business the i day lie war; first noted missing. | Because ot their alleged split, Mor n -on was qucstioii-d after Uio; body war found. His ’‘coolness" when betti'g! shown the site of the make • shift: crave in which the woman’s body | was discovered and failure to an- 1 sv/er queries satisfactorily result-, ed. tn ms having to face the charge of murder, , i Mi >! !: 1 % WmmmmL... ' ■ Mmmti M UtUt « I msf 1 ■F ■ '* 2^ Manbaves lot, >, rire I'MiBOKO A T'l -G-' . ,I; j ’ ~1 ; !•:,?! ->• , i • t ivvi r-f . 51 rg ■ I;-.- h • r-i -4 I i''.r. ■ ; ;JJ T-1 IV,’: • G-' • treated* bn -f-co*.-.! h : } ik* Minisli*r Brutally Bea n South Roars Defiance To Bas Discnm matt on Ruling South oi' -.'ri a oo .■ :: fmo r-t '■■ag t y t ¥ ’ alt.n •; rd n.'t t nj-.e *1 \ : rut ,< fa:-- FSDFS AT 98. SIGHTS KK> l.hH lh( y Faui’ctlc, Durham business man fi>!‘ more than 7,'V year’-, a- L’ove tells Dr. Miles Mark Fish er, pastor of rttrham’K WliHr Rock Baptist Fhnrch of which h<- has Keen s. fJra.'on for «><( $ % ' ■>: ; ■ L Mt- ■ FDS FDSA vers, that h<* plans in live to M>o years of age. Mr. S ivU' known as 'Durham’s oMf«t nv.tr chant. <”.’!«l)er:(tcd his PSll> Irirlh day on Novcnber 16th an A say ilwl “u iiii the hc4jj of the \ o'-k v, : ’>''S 'e y iVi't \t i s *i Mu- it 1 , ivn\ v\if»n/T <»} p«p n,»>*<“.« ;" n -.t •>i L fh* f: L-j:;f>’ . ,!r«nr" FVoiiv.in'i. 1' JmL J’l ft ■. i( ’'TD’.fJ ,' } i •J % M.’i . \HG s* \\ utsi* l to ih^ |i* i• v.* Vlk Ls fi v Mg 1 \nii - r.'f , ni% weirft B \\ i ■, ?Hm JoLu f*t>. »«* t\ L--4" i : ■ { if 1 ’ ” I U■ > i- t «* < [w, e g, i~' lr »• mil ■ \ i!l<f .** *? Ihu g MitG t <iiU. v, * aU '~R ij, - | i ,-•» \ UtIM It'?'- 1 • i! »). r V•. j ' n. t[i i. ■ tjv ■: ■ U. !-l iii an • ~MI M 1 i of •!.. 1.n.1-1- i i i,. r>' ■’ Iht‘ At • ■ ' ■ I ■••••■ }■ ~ilt - -ad station, * ; r . > r <t de - * ■■■■:<_ ridi tfc bus and go to .. . ;in • nerved for Na • ■U'n.i-ui that re nut df-C’SIOnS 3» ■' ; n laws in it-bcn ts-*-- jr ii,-p.naaiton. s •,»» m(<-i ri ? uisf , t:„ • l.r li-a.l nl- a Jin fotnxlatJfin. .*i'l {lic it ninni.l'd o*l P SSt S) hi ill xv- the r.entury jrar’kvH*' i: ststl artivn in h‘‘s urttl truiwfe.r businesses hs well as i‘t)ur*t» -'in! muJlMijity »f --fjii.'v !<rw htiijpywJf-y to "faith, the Golden Role. »n«* i>. sWJili appetite *’ d

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