WEEK ENT)I School Department Receives Roster HOMETOWN NEWS S r RAaKI'I Ui. GKRMANA . NO\ ilia-—"lhat tha-sri t look too difficult,” savs Pvl, V.-2 (hades L. McDonald (center) of 7211 Victor Street, Houston, Texas, as an American Red Cross Gray Lady shows how to weave a rug. Sic. Clarence F. Moore frijjht ». of 121 Cherry Street, Mount Cnion, Pen'ns.vhania, watches the skill hein<- displayed by Cray l ady Mrs. Bessie !,. Poindexter, of Baltimore, lid., one of the 357 volun teers s,-rxii» K hospitalised American servicemen in Europe. Mrs. Poindexter is the wife of Sfe. .lames Robert. Poindexter, who is assigned to the :»’»h (icneral Hospital. t » i, nIJ ri,,uo from trnq RACE INSURANCE AGENCY PACES WHITE COMPANY r. v J H iixmhn char born- . c. t members of ty ;• p. suranee Atf-ncy . J .- cl a- in tlir St Pa : P..:i t; ■ r ccmbcr .’lt)'it !■: • •. .-•■ t\ iv.ec'tin- 1,.-; ,i • I.ed by tin- sprit; , Vti-y; ■ i : K YjjjSL WII .Ml NGTON GETS HON'OK— Above is t.d ward lean ClnuimoMs, pritieip.tl *>t Chapel Kil School Rrmwu i< k Cotints, sclio Ice* nils i. is, nnti tied In teachers t ollefje, t oltint til a | niversiis, Jsfesv Yolk ( its, that he had completed the rr «l uPenie pts for the t’rnfess.iona I Diploma, "Principal of Elewien tary Schools ' The diploma was awarded on December 17 and will he ready about January 17 Mr, Clemmons, who is orcanjsl at (irffiu v Congregational church. Wilmington. earned his B S degree from f tiyatieth City < ollegr in Idt! and the Master's Degree from teachers College. < olnmbia Enivei'sity, in 19V*. Mr. Clemmons ts continuing Ids work towards the Doctorate Degree. mi-iua-jtiiii’i»'i"-iiTPtii —wi m -■ mmmm FOR THE BEST VALUES Cash or Credit SOUTHERLAND FURNITURE CO. 207 E 1 John Slrw>t Plume 1055 t Li»ir«.irm,iir-v»e«-w«j J i- GARRIS DRY CLEANERS AND HATTERS •‘ONE DAY SERVICE* 20S N, Center Goldsboro * _ ti v Qtiinn-Millcr gg | l w| KINSTON I SATURDAY JANUARY 10, 1933 ! Saxon of Asheville. ;!u ie nt-v force which numbers lnrty ; ;«rt tiii.t ’.vorkors over ti . s« II .ten-' cii.-t and bcnlth unu -.•:■ i.itali-Mtion ' ■ imt.i.:"' tilling with • irenfiy: ■lor; whole-IMe puli' > 1.1 M)> Os 111 !; te.CM II S The significant PH::.: :i!wit;t tin • i in-1 oal SfKiin ins he i- calic.l "ft; mV t■; I: i■ ■ Agency ts • : Hi is gl otijv <.f colored nts C' 1 1 s! 1 1 -nt! \ t- cl : I| ( W: . lie ■ • 11 ■ y- creeps -,- National At . .iteid. a;r: ! !•■ itii It, m nnci (in ‘ce t ' at Itil r.'lal ( ’ I'.'.'ti i: v t ; • ■ - time.- ! .-it „nv ■ •tlier ag l n".y 1H |>> IJRING POP MX V AS„ F> It •i; n S . 1)1 riintc ..IV - - • ft .in,! .si the <•:, . , 'tci-atiy honor rod :n NAP- Ml Ii mg • m X. o an es ‘ ■ ism".: ~i ill 11 ip In ihe cic 1 )■< PFilatieiiiiita hoec offi«.v j V'.l'l, 'the Cr'-ncid. A '. 7■• i• i■.i „ uiiistei ml stiidetit ••.•on i • end of ton ill!!.,. d NFWS Os DIJIN, N Miss IhtroiliN Joi.m, l»Vn J)t m ;- f ( ■ a . ‘ | A Night ias ob.irved ~t T m.’ AMK '/.'on Church. S'Pulay ■.t. It- ( i inner t'-'iSi at 7" ’ <■. ■ 1 - !-. A I'l’lire ..( I VH'i ii s . cill eiMl’d ijv c . (letits oi tl.x , enj ho ,o! t enrolled in nr titutions <.f hiahei ier.) nnttfi Willie t.' Robiii.o Fn , r-.n n A anti T College !>!•'■ ill- d Se lected ciifttJie . rend b\ Mi Jc sji tie. (it-, stcdcnl :’e ('• ■du 1 (»ji'. on. tuiieni at Mttrso Tra'■•.in. 'ln ! 't'ltc. Sp ; Higfi-i Mi 'I • .- j'T •. ("•:• isttan .Student And Tie ■ ( i -ii rh . *"'! Wiilie (' tic nt • i topic; What Chri t Car Mear To A College Sturton!.'' Special music was rend, red l>y tncmlrrs of the Junior ( heir, with Mrs t.lmsc It aye ; v W. S Htude son i- P---t-'i , ! the church. | The Christian Youth Council of ! Tt mity AME Zion Church was host |to the College Student;; and their ! guests of Trinity Church at an j AJtei-Christmas Party, Monday t right. December 2!t, at 8 00 o'clock ALLAN ! MIMS, INC. FORD SALES | AND SERVICE 225 Tarboro St. i TELEPHONES 2-2191 —~ 5425 Rev W Q Wetv ;. 3rd plac-.- xvin :t . ft r: . '! 37 -i! Vi-r OClf. . iunters ■ i It. Thompson. Mrs. ' A B. Boyd, -I 'J Finley Mrs F j; 1 T Bi.u-.vcli, -• • M r. ?ti Mrs e i. - ■ on, 'i ' r.l II iiorincton. W I! ( Jaini.o' ;> ami lit \ 11. B Fit >,yd OHICIAI.S I’liFSKN’t Att< ;>i General's" annua! -• ... Igc v,a ■VI d tyy L-V K. A Ain-, t'oiig adtlrt and ;<.e;nu**i at tons ■,eit given In key f f I'iciaJs of Fr Nifti-'Ua! A mid M i in:-. Co Ti'.ev were: T. W Mvi: , pro ideal. .1 B Trettsc!*. vice pres ide:.!. a;..a v\ ti Stet'k. policy .- lit, I'nese men « •• • d dt i ,:'ti with the acme--eivn-n'ts of (e.r ■n < idot . '•sub*■.: Smith \ ••» «Mlo !!.(• livin'’ rooir v. ht » !;) ! tin.i TViOtif {H jM t< H i.Toujivwt in Uur H, curauouo foi i ihj li*)ni e '. ! e ' .aument con -H d of Bible :(a dimes, ..i'll the dGHAUt t,...| , I ..!■ t. ~| • resent Aft' v non :np puc Is and tr,f a.bets v.-rc *• r .at fruit cake topp- I w ',*ii a ecefitn. -pi'i'd ' i. n"\ert i • and f h'tv ttr.aa candy fine ! fCljriying ('as tine fete }-,• *■• VV t‘ d m on, M.irv ('. V- a ■ »< , (it" on Be' - !in ( ,te n- l>o I it, W, ,ley ■a a- . ; „.d Mai, I,< e. t ihilli t piitv tl Mcmtiria pn f.c t>, i, (*|-r Dmaattiy Toon, Pan line lli'hiit ait. Fflat aril XlcJ.au rin. T. I Howard. XVillta Rob to-on luted throughout, coitying out a i-tn -s motif There was a . lighted Christmas Tree in the Itv i mg room undci which mem bet , placed gifts. Mrs K l„ C’ortrington. our Pros: dii.t. i.avt a Citt i'tma.-. Story, and 'members and guests joined in the f singing of carols Entertainment 11 consisted of games and the dis i tribution of gifts, at which time •It .... Honor Paid John Williams And Prof. Chance At Rocky Mt.N.C. i By .1 n HAKREN, Public Relations OtTlfpr ROCKY MOUNT. N r . C. Ap-! jpioximxtcly 200 NAACP workers| .1 tiered here in the Saint .tames! I Baptist Church on New Years | night and paid a glowing tribute |to John D Williams, youthful ! NAACP president of Spring Hope. |N C„ and veteran retired school | principal W Claude Chance Sr., of Farmele. N. C.. both of whom have recently won outstanding victories in federal courts outlaw ing the segregation of interstate rcil and bus passengers according to races. THE CAROLINIAN HOLLY SPRINGS K.YKHAH A JKAN lIAHHId, ACTIVITIES It e porter Any number ut visitors v.rr, m t; "11 over the holiday sea: on. A mom: ‘ho e \vr >e. M; I '■■•tt . In« son if Mr and Mr- Kro< ' ft■ •11 from A. and T. College in GtTertc bia o Mr. Winston Prince was Feme on leave from Camp. Miss j Myrtle Regers, an insl: ucliv ai IX i a ware State College Mrs. Viv ian Wri.'.ht and guest, Durham. N ; Mi Jet', o nogei:,, Gfeensboio. fxj (■, On iH-iriohe, Pit 1 , id*' pnl';l • it! a x f-ry in tt resting pt •('ni ist".a rii**'Cram. Mrs IFila lio.o' - uteri an ed at dinner Dfeetnbei I’ti m honoi oi la . diet •aters anti O;,t ■>f !■ i guests A sumptuous didmirr was j enjoyed by ail RFC - MOUNT OLIVE NEWS NOTES By MRS. .UAI IJL SI. HORNI-GAY MT. OLIVE—Mr-. Connie Wynn Williams of New York City is i .spending a few day.-: with her ! n-o'ner. Mrs Bette O Wynn V/iliit: Blackman imd da'.iui:l..i', Lillie Mae of Philadelphia I’a ft Monday aftei visiting Mrs r.’u.'Sic arid Juke Blackman. Ms- V. J. Allen supervisor of Way tie county schools w.;s the • c.er'ker.d guest of Mr. u-.d Mrs Fveretf Raynoi. G'u S-tturday niglit! Mi and Mrs Ravnor cnD-nained. W.m Ben Hinton. M:-s 'Fuller, '■ { = "ri Mr Gei tha Bvnunt. Mr and Mi t ’it Barfield, M; and M Du .‘."-on. Mrs J D Fai.-.'iti. Si A v'ii i-t,v of game- •• "t< Played l-y the group Tht h'.' t'ss served is ft esbnv-utr of calt'iy sandwiches, ivke and punch Mis. Mary Kate Raynor daughter of the hostess :poured punch. Mr- Leonard F‘‘ left u few day.- i.li'i to visit -net mother, Mrs t Bailey in Philadeli'hia. I'a .■ u-, eritteally ill Wiiiir i ousin was i'arrii'fl to 1 Way lie Memorial hospital a few c.,y ag>> siilf'-riitg with rheumatic If A tU. ('oiueil Lee, .on us Mr and M ■ : - "lui -i !.,*'•■ left Sunday for At my duty ..iter spending a fifteen day fii oi ~n at home. Mr and Mrs C f Grady and r-mil visit.ft Mr. and Mrs. W E. ■i ii <,f T.umbifton Thursday. BFC FALKLAND NEWS FA I KI..AND - Mr. and Mrs. Getuce H Woolen became tin i loud parent of t hal.»y .-.on born ten 2. (Frege B Wooten. Jr. The ' W'-uti", family now consist: of 3 children, the old-r children be ir„ two girls by the names of Linda and Joyce. Mr- Tommy Dupiee. Mrs. R K. Dupree John 1., Dupree A f M;r. and Mark Gorham made 1 i -.ef tiip to Rocky Mount. N C ! f'nriav Jan. X P\: James H Johnson icturned ■it'o Jan t. after being discharged ti-eru -e t "ice Pvt Johnson pent a ■ i'evGoo of hi- time in -ervict over ' ! seas. lovely a tut useful ciffs were ex ;changed and each member receiv ed a gift from her secret sister. Husband - and friends present also received gifts After which the guests and litrm , bet s were invited into the dining 1 mom where a turkey dinner was i served with all the trimmings the table was attractively decor a'ed, being covered with a beau • Ufui red lace cloth arid a center ' piece carrying out the Christmas • | roliday theme. (hirsts included the Hus bands and Friends of the club members, Members present i were: Mesdames E. L. Cottrinff • ■ ton, Nina f'. Baldwin, Fannie L. Dafford. Delossii- Elliott. Lu cy Thurmon, Louise B. Rayr. <5. D. MrNeUl, Carrie Causet;, Eunice R.vals, G. II Ledbetter, f ->nd Miss Lina L. Culbreth, Mrs. Codnngton thanked the t. hostess, and everyon. left declar -' ing Mrs Satterwhite a perfect hos ■* 1 toss. •ACE' TAYLOR SPEAKS Speaker for the occasion was! |' Ace ' Attorney Herman L. Taylor i iof Raleigh, known throughout tnc ' j state and nation as a civil rights l j lawyer to be reckoned with, i'ay - I lor has kept one man alive on death row for nearly five years, difring w hich time legislation Wss j enacted designed to curb such; practices or tactics termed “loop- j ho'es” in defending hapless vic tims. “POTENTIAL POWER" Urging O.ld North State colored cilizens to use the potential (po litical! power within their grasp" i I Clemmons High School at Roper Secures New Farm Machinery | To Aid In the Studies of Farming RitP'FJv, N. G. -Rreorted to ! Ihe fithigh school ii' the St.alv so equipped foi tut: niotial agrir'il tu'e t'ttiniug. Hi" .1 J Clemmons High School t Roper, N'ori-.i (,'aro ! litia, ua-- .'■•a i:red a f to row l.ruc itOi. a .1 b'lltom tt itu'ii plow ! .ctilizer dist. i'otthif and t*.vu row; 'I an ter cotiv i nation. !vo row : I'lijtiv i'or, and a i.iniiioii Ui k hai j "CW fur use in l!:- 1 program )f vo '.ttinted • (:: icUltUfe Arrangrmrnts for set the r-(f li’pmrut ut i t ivi.tfie be tween th- Xutatien.il Xtiirtil tun Drp utitienl of the school inri ort* it! S’tr li'.n'.'uic Imin tntplrni.til mutuii ai-tii ret s of tin- i-Miinfia SDulriit'. enrolled in t iu .ifuni.il ;ig rli ullure in this mJiool are required, as are students enroll! t> in other vo ration >i agriculture t lasses throughout the country, to plan a tul conduct at their homes, ■ progiesive super ai• ell lartniug programs as an intergraled part ,u (heir training in agri riiltiife. With iht ronstan: rli.tnuc in j ft: -. ming methods, m w and better! nf fanning h»< In itu: ci*" el- j •q cd racji ycav. atid leaidung 'ill- j ■ -•■.<,i i . rtti Mt'cli.inie Techniques •ui'Ui ! I;epp iiai" with otheu r.d --\ illiccno’tit.s i:t Ine 1 caching OI vo t atiunal a,:ricultuu lhc aim of vocatimial ; ..ricull ua- j ;• to tiaui inch school noys to j ~rc‘)ui‘ • ifietoi t l.iiir.ci's so that ' • .it •• may become established in farming upon completion of 1 • >ct j-ehnol. The youth of today look: noward to a iiort work day, and when farming tin? youth looks for ward to the use of fain: power, machinery Any other power on the farm is considered drudgery rl lead., the boys away from the; farm- The v , ie;il iooa! agi i i"ilt 1 1 : • ’ di partmet t at J. Clcnimons pro- , ; OSes to give the -i idiots expiui- i : rockymountW J- ------———■— y DIVIDED PEOPLE t YN'NOT SUCCEED ROCKY MOUN T We - ortdei ' if the geographical diet-inti- I'.dgc ‘ com be-Nash countv line ha ■ nythin;, to do wiKi *he great di vision of ideas, ottnion. acboir- as i* cll as iaclc of action and objee lives on the par! of ine 12.0(10 colored citizens of this twin-county and cominunitv wlmsc princi pal claim to fame lies in its ability to stage big private club dance and the annual June German v hi-.'h draws thou.-and- each yar? The latter is not a credit to ou: town Wt; have here many so-called chibs' attempting to ‘ uplift" ou: community in a lukewarm kind of a ■■'. ay. Some flourish for u while and then fade away for lack of ati objective that wilt i rally bonefd The people. O'To f - have only a social program which is considered by many to be more important than working with the ft u Forum and the NAACR which, if linked together, could obtain ANYTHING the people iteie ottid reasonably desire The Civic Forum is recognised by the Ctly Fathers as being "ac ct ptable" to them as the spokea man-grou!> of colored II oc k y Mount However, the Forum was by -passed, last fail win n it came to naming the color'd housing pro ject. The Forttm protected the al leged slight and insult to its pres-j tigr Hundreds of citizens are sym pathetic wiMi the Forum but have ri/ii intestinal fortitude to speak ; üblicly their sentiments. On the other hand the whites here do not n lish lhc National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo ple and most of the Civic Forum crowd follow NAACP "afar off" as did certain people when Christ was being persecuted. Many of ourj t leaders’ consistently avoid all NAACP when Christ was being persecuted. Many of our "leaders' ■ consistently ..void all NAACP | meetings here, whether large or I small. As example: The recent 1 j1 o free themselves fi’om economic j and social bondage, Taylor sajef, i If a man thinks that his job is I more important than his sclf-ve ! sport, he has yet to learn the ti*U»' value of life itself." The formei N. C. College law professor added “The thing wc need most is u ; faith in the righteousness of our, low nsouls" who most determine; j our own fate. SPRING HOPE AND CHICOI) HEREJ Participating NAACP units were: the Spring Hope and Chicod (Pitt: county) NAACP branches. Wil liams and Chance gave responsive r CROC- in the use opeialicpis and care and m.iin'i'iianc: of f■■ r m power mnchini ; v Ti'.e .'-uukuit ot modern day fani.ing needs (hi.- Ii rining to i-nmpe-le wit.li quuners v, ho; e year:. ■•■!' exp.-riu • has lit 'i cl the:;: i'nr this -.vork The department has .d its dis posal 8.7 acres of land. 1.7 acre of n Inch inis ben planted to loblolly pine 7 acre of which lias been planted to red ecdni, the reinnin ;>ei ti.:; aeiT-s wdl he ir ed f u !:mi'.iroom parden and fur vaiiety . :.rj fcriilrzer d'-moiistraiion:. using recommendations ., 1 t leoTo', If"! 11l (he 11. Id 'I i large, in winning tin- two rail and lui,; ll un.-porlatioii . in’ ootiawlo’; i lhc segregation oi interstate pah ’-engers on accoimt of coioi Al | I'.'ough, weil-advi iliscd. r» ' ar I y !;.,!( of tn- t'.'. o hundi' ii .ut'cud oii; ■re from Spring Hope '3a ! mill's we.st) iml Gi'cenvidc and ! eynnd—up to fifty nule oast Wrong leadership you say? Chai - : lie .Joins and his workers havi he gi-t.'d the elite -md otl.oi to I come m and help din ct N’A at T , here NAiXer, xi i i him. . io xi i i rom; What out timid ‘ lead! is" t-nl tu ee mi hrlieve i . ,!h d ISAAC}.' ;i' !-, al* Vll;;:, to ,di i ■ •;) O' !',)(■ ; i olored people will on!:. !:>Ul‘ II iIH'T d XVr dare yon Io bmd.-l o an NAACP unit hfero of two thou • and member’, and then have to ■ ■Mil foi anyl! i uiXX • -k - kr -ed ■ leader her' are talking .J-o d I < 'miinit me iitlo , organi/.if.on . .ti :U,aie-w de h;e i•• to ‘Uihao ■om civil 1 i ;ht It - ih: ord!! .Ju-t ;om and build the NAACP '.(he; i pvi>r you are and you'll ii-iv the iiii .1 ha; gaining ag- -u 1 vou'i i * . t.u •, et on rai't-.i! Let's do it folk s r.-vi i nx u p lIEIi i IN 0< l OIIER •\ corrunendable tnovemenl i be ing initiated by W T. Grimes, ver .-.altle cliouuna-d • r a I Iho Sand James Baptist chu ' h if*" is •• dung for all choirs of the cit.v and two counties io contact hJrn i dative to forming an NAACP Communi'y Choir la; serve NAACP specir. i meetings. We ask that leaders .of all musical grours. of whatever na ture confer with Mr. Grime; so as to make our community out standing in the cause of NAACP. and civil rights .Friends, if- a shame and disgrace for any of ua not work for and belong to hue talks to the tribute paid them | Others taking part « eiv Rev L. R. Harris of Greenville, I> D. Car- j rett, James Wiliifield. Albert Wil liams and Attorney Richard Pow ell, all of Grenville T G Gay headed the large Spring Hope delegation. Mrs. Viv;a nMoore, | Farrnville. Offuf Ricks. Stanhope and Forest Dixon of Portsmouth, | Va. attended. The program and I | banquet was directed by Charlie j Jones, prexy of the local unit and J. B. Barren, member N C. j ; NAACP board The Rev. K. P. Battle. Supreme Grand Lecturing Knight of thej Elks appeared on the program, j , .States IX j 'art met of Agrieuli had j and the North C.rohu • Depart . men! of Agriculture including the! •boil Testing Division. lhc depurtmcnl teds that (he tra< tor. its equipment, am! the land will serve tile same purpose up I linetional .igr.-ui. tore instructions as the labor atory, chemicals, md equip ment of a Home Economies Department serves in lea, Inn- Homo 1 ; omunse C M Shake:. leu,die- of 1 culture and F, V Wilkite ju pnn- 1 cipal of hoc J J. (.dcro.ioons High I School. j GREATEST (h’G.V-": TION hi jI he world so, n-u fieo.lom Why 1 bog fill pa'll ;e J1 ll! les long , :;ii ! (I , | (> |j ■! Will | AXIS I XX! 11, Y IN HI I MOV • Three ;. a of-al) of 'he JalUeij W dhaies family. 'm i m.'.Uv oil :N; h .nut T i.miGm ' "ui t . ;;i ilheied i.i Direiiani md Rocky Mount during (he ho!i(i,iy- for ; : M-'imon. Mr Willr-nns. >,< ho mu: <■ - Iris' home with ins daiig{i(«" Mr. David ' .Mane i 11.• g*ir, . hi-"r v.'ar 1 joilu d hy he. son. Willie E Wil liatn - -and wife of roil! op,a. Dm - 1 ham. In:- grand on.s Janie-; Ed .ward oui XVingdl,- VVilbams and M' . XVinzelle ■ Fanny i William, of : V.," Hail \ J. .lulei- W lee aim Os V-mx I la! I, a sou-iin j I | The faruil( as together al the Durham home Chi i.-Imas Day md all dimui .at !-.u- Hoggins lionu lu re thi day iollowing. VNDEKSON I '.Mil X GV! IIERS i Mere., ei ■ of Ihe AndcrsOn-Lan i , I estt r Cl:i r; per.! Chn>tmas hev'q ,at lhc home of Mrs. Wavnc i fJuanita) Bynum of Pennsylvania! .•Wc-niie Tiiey were, 7.1i.-,s Erne.- tine Anderson and Mrs Moaning; j Reed of Newark, N J and Carol! ; !,ouiuo and lb ru in Lane.edcr. ,i; ' ! e Porfsroo.ith, Va The Dancea ; I' ! elyildlrei: -.a derj file,; gJ'and u a 'll e v Mr- B ion! ne, I,u in -eJ.ei j ■ i veil -a • tneo- ;e,atei ■aul gi arv.J run Ditatx tos; li ", m - i- ’at Dr l. p Anil Feng a entry m 'he Fp-;.u Baby ;of 1353 derby " e. too fjeet nf foot; ,:;'!sp he arrived one hour early •-'! 11 j-; 11 in .!<-.ad o| .ft* i mi J - ' night. Tin winner ■< while in fant ar. ived at I'T! aeo A lew u ■ ago ,a eo) ""d child was the winner Tins yen:'',- runuer-up w-e i :nd l orn ‘ Mrs lui .- ri (Juan in s T- . I ~ of N'a-.u • ---• ~|y vJpv iiu band in the Army. Xf rs Arlren Duncan unit laioilv veiled hi parents, iX5' and Ties, Horace Wade. S r . and Horace Wade. Ir., was here for the holidays from X mo T, ( olege. Among the o’her college students here were- Jo seph Hines, Georg' ■ Dullos" Jr., Billy Sessoms, Xlisse- Graee Smith. Loretta Hines and Gloria Whitfield. X. A 1 WHIPS WST< HERE In a specially transplanted bas ketball tilt here Jan :ary 2nd i>e tv. '-on the A. and T. College quin tet and She Winston-Salem Teaet. ers College ba.-keteers the Aggie-; won a hotly contested game 79 t" 71. TSie game was played on the new BTW high school gym court; in response to the plea of eastern ! Carolina supporters of both schools | and was largely attended. WILMINGTON MAKE POLIO FLANS—Above is Attorney IV. G. Smith, chair man of New Hanover Countv March of Dimes campaign for j maps campaign plans with PAGE FIVE MV MKMIilffS AT WORK A'! ( T.KMMONS 111011 Pic- InrPil arc some of the officers of (lip .!. .1 Clemmons High School of Roper. N( chapter of Ncu 1 .timers of America as sembling .1 recently - obtained taniJon disc, harrow Left to right are Vill.am H. Norman, a jun ior James Berry, president, Ru dolph Hudson, treasurer, Sher wood S Ut< rtliu ade, secretary, not ( M stokes, teacher nf rieiiltrrr. ,2 ' ' "I'; I Bishop David H. Sims, of Philadel phia, presiding bishop of the lirst ! pi«e ;r;l FNYH.I N ( . In the t i f tin t d:-i.-. " belt where t)-.e R.-m-c ; Id 1;on over <• , i ni! I. ~ .< rttou its fU’SI .■.■■oii'ii, colored He t* Ri i ord IV v. id!, who itas only f>,-- ■ i, ifi-.cf ■. coke, *t is said. I-iti/ciis anticipate much irn prove).lent m tin • civil rights sta :a ! p. i c i ~■■ tj-|at (hoy have an ,< i torn cy, ,1 i I. : It. ■ fiiiiirr I evident • err, • :■■•! (■ i 111 >■■ i t tbp !Tti» d, i,i , t ( ... -.1,, last year ■ ted !;: :a!d' r ■ Ji' -iw, K I* H i'C - MORE HOMETOWN NEWS PAGE 8 THIS SECTION A dftnitrilh Ailir A At# VVVf W w f wM ' ■ J -K^ French I. Davis, Jr., chairman Negro teams. The drive starts lanu irj 2. anil Davis will re - i least- this week names of his team captain*.—Vanderbilt Stu dio I’Smto