PAGE EIGHT S 'SfajS!WoW*> '■ ww™ ‘ V mi ||||lf ‘ ss^li^* HACK I-KOI I.fKYSYVi .Vhs. Slay, ;i dm liter in Mrs. for three years, during which time she met man) of the Hut h ’ii-tiplc. Shi admin s them for their liie l!\ attitudes and hox |.italil\ and in the special in iiiest (he\ showed id lOliiM'il V me« n a«x. Y, ;< bride of Sgt Slay sin- lived in civ 11' -i n q«l .Iters |ilOvilfl tl I»V tilt t Utied States <«-o\eriunrnt. I'ht u qiurtr's r. err ifivitictl into '.prc.:l! rimes id the i ilv. I ue; were no! segregated tiuui tie lieniuii inil.ition tut the separation bciw ei:st Ar my milks Living quartets were provided only lot Oliit tls and M lgl aids' dependents. II il nII s Mrs Slay s stay in Germany she had servants to do general HOilse WOtli. liie -.ervaiits wrlr iin ei lui al.u'.lt theit work and always did a good job Sh found thy IhlL’h to in' esi client iimlo . well as house cleaners I out! tor Aron person till was |.ur< based through Ai ini ex change ststim .it (In same price we fay hen- in the t.-(tiled States figartctes were an eseeiiiiun, they were ptm h.x< il tor ten rents per pock I learned from the German people many ways to prepare a meal without hav ing a lot of meat and eVp'tjtive lomls like th.- average Ameri can," said Mrs, Shi'', file So» lai phase of her stay in 1 i auklurt was not at all a dull one. She visited the homes ol many A merii :ui GIN. She attended ei< il ia n churches, their movies, tints ad schools, liie German School teachers, through the pro ess of (Illusion. learned much and seei ined w illing lo itartt more afciiiit tin- Americans and their way oi life. ::FG Ahi in r n»<‘ right \gainsl imio RANGES REFRIGERATORS RADIOS WATER HEATERS Hftres-JACKSON ELECTRICAL CO. Contractors Household Appliance* 133 E, Hargett Street Rhone 3 5031 “Every House Needs Westingho-use” «*BFi«wrna-wn>'eewwwit ■ ?mv*mrrr. i'nr r. ***nrwv rtcm w» *»»'« mm »')»w."i'<". f».i«r ,, r’iinP"Trw»WM*vi» , . , ew Turnwoawwrwww. I'Olii CITY NHWS RI F.l. Above »»;t f.tti; ) s t>i tii#* Juniot' S<*jni«! i Uissfv us ('oiniiHluitv hospital posr .it Mtt*ir tunior Seitiur prom {•i!d < (iri litKjv night at *filhi<‘st Vli«!iiK son** of tin- m*ui> bits* j ktts In Johnii'v Muultfby, j uriing business mart of %\il miiiiUon, to thr at *. I*rist- j mas tirm lUiitoiri: I oUow ing its annual tradition of spreading Army Program Stresses Need For Morality AH MV ItEADQUAfiI’ERS in tli'.* Pentagon Building «<»c eritly issued three startling pamph lets. They established in the United States Army formal hi st; action m morality Character Outdance Discus siim Topics. live new Armed, forces’ morality program is entitled, begins with this strik ing foreword: "These programs have one common purpose. That purpose is to instill into all tile men and women of our Armed forces, lesciors and licet alike, a sense oi individual moral responsibility. To achieve this purpose the > hardett-r develop ment programs stress the moral pimciples that sustain the phil osophy of American fitedom, particularly as it is set foiui in tin- opening paragraph of the Declaration of Independence That philosophy r- yards, man as a creature of Clod. As such, each iiicliv idu.ii m the Armed Forces is accountable arid re sponsible So his Creator for ttie way he performs ins civic and military duty. Sound mor ality must underlie all military instruction. ’ THIS NEW character-guid ance program is built around the unchanging principles of liie natural law. The course discusses ihe human conicionce, tlie existence ol God, and the ToOli-year old Ten Command merits With apologies to no one, the author deals with the value of religion in daily liie, the need for wholesome thinking, the importance of the Stx,lh and Ninth Commandments in man’s sex life. The case for humil ity. prayer, and inalienable rights is presented most con vincingly. Orange County News and Views FFI.AND- Robt Fund is build .?k; U Ik l J i aL’li'.V UT-st < ' Ks .laud and ui th#* ]Murjt iw-tirwi 1 ! Sfh’OOl C. o? y) t) i uii it y, Ret Claud! Fau.'ftn- and wife arc'int ready u. -n„ k then ;m-W store ~ust L:;i; bed and with - il,!;; - iij.;lit.-- They hop. To nunr. i install tetephonv .ei vice. Hurley Green has about finished . I new a well in;.’ lo; in, mn. Hur- ' i< v Green, Jr lie has a very nice ; bpildii .j' and ,s within .-.i.eht us tin-' new public school tn ildj.'iL'. And! 'I hi Good Rued bi.iildei'S sue build- . ’ ior seme more pi,mi roads about, i! e Moi're s ■ i.h v‘er. Public School I ! building. William Fd Faucctte was reriuri 'ed lome beltei 'Monday, December j 2y He h.,s been sick for -omc time ;at hi; daughter arid sou-in-law 1 .-, j iiome. i Aunt Josej.iliine Haivery was n. purled ...nine Letter Tuesday morn. ?tW , tfsßwWv'>S x vy.' jwwr 4 • « • J 1,1111(1 oii«H*r to ithers 2Vi«*i Hu* New M.tii n\» i I bUlll) WHfiUr |>t pas tuM-nt. j t'hafMain .f. I < w ;t> in ' c liars;* 4 ,— .%li l*hot«>s by V aiitior* iiilt Studio. j The pamphlets dearly set before each new recruit the , age-old Cliristian concept of , obedience so unpopular with ’ modern minds, that man’s use ' of freedom must be limited by ; respect lor law and moral principles. As the pamphlets emphasize, ‘ Vvithout obedience I to God. there is xcatcely any | basis for obedience to other : authority ” THE ARMY is spenduig i thousands of dollars on this • new project because it has no j liced ovet the years that a man loi religious conviction makes | tine best soldier ■ i a^ 1 .. From many bitter experiences ’ our miliutry leaders know that i a man trained in the secrets of j tiie Nation's defense is a dan i porous man if he lacks moral j ir.tvy: rty, if he is wanting in j sound Christ;,m character, or I if his patriotism and loyalty do : not spring from basically telig i ious principles. ! IT SEEMS CLEAR that our | Armed Fences find no conflict ; l>etwecn religion and the American way of life In fact the Army hopes to win Amer ica's wars by teaching soldiery reli km.s princ.oics. Perhaps we will win the "Battle for j Peace" when we begin lo bring ; back into civilian life those | religious principles that once | gave America her claim to greatness throughout the world j (- by Alvin Illig ) » I i r*aa, . .. . . ..-DC m,; its yi, ir reporter went by their Vour (u-porte! ir.-.s made arrange j memis Xv -t! a largo) raim-ra so 'that we can show pictures as well as reporting the news Miss lieu jo act- tic just return ed Hum Washington. where 1 -he i‘.a> boon \ isitillid to Mss Mar aroitt* MrAdoo came bonne to visit her mother and fath-i . i <'.u is’..’:, i and r<-ton »lt d no D ; ■i' Saturday. Dee.-mLol 27th Sambo Coins and Nancy Cone| ■/, in- i;m first Colored folks to be; ; buried in tl.i; community and we ; iw.ijjt- to Slim r.liO'ss tile piCtlli'CS Oil j j their graves ill an old burying i on tie. late John H. Han- \ I nor farm Tho i,ext Colored buiying ground i is a iCated oi the * .i•;I side of the | Kl iand-t. t-uar Cliova- in.ilrway atiu lis located mi the J. Ei nest Tavlur ,i s rrrt Many i were buried here. Near whore tiro now highway i c onneets \\it*i No 70 just west at j : Eno River and on the Duke Land;- | tiieio is a grave holding about 2:"' j Yankees '.vim w.u k,)L-d cha in . , : *i:t* Civil War day . And there | l-s: i.uld b>- a i-ud'k iud oft tT.-i'o n j • that talks ut today could see the • second v. heal, cal n and barlev null '• which was started in 1010 by B*u- 1 !i a min fa,crest and his three sons. | ■ Uncle Faueette owned ai small blacksmith rhoo and farm! i.i. the laud . just norili of the late j iJ or Turner Farms, which are now | C'''.i«Eib by Zvirr-xtr.r. : Singer Likes Silence .. M-t-lh , I’bic, ■.' mC 1 opera star and outdoorxman, regis t-■ i s appreciation of the quietness anil easy accessibility of the new 1953 Evinrude Super out board motor being demonstrated by Stephen F. Briggs, chairman of the company that makes it. Raising the new auto-lift hood that swings up like the hood of a ear to expose the motor, Brigg; explains that a new carburetoi I silencer is responsible for the moie : than do pel rent ieduction in motoi noise that .Melchior’s trained ear detected. UK,lift \Y I’ATIIOi. ISSt I S HM IlliS RALEIGH- Slate lii ( ;bway Pa : l: ol bi'kdquarters last week re |.oi led 11,008 m ricits t'm traffic- vl (datioii -. in N'ir, embt-r me! clii * fur dniiiken dnvine Another “,!:; Jar Heels m<>- Tnii ts wer.- lianitril i itatmiis and imleied to appear in court. Imrine the month tiie patrol a; livitv repoit showed 3,353 uc i ill lilt iliv i lie a tioiis, Kt. -.00 ve bicle iiisp- i tieiiis and 11 5 'it;. spot drivers lieeiire iilspeCtiOiiS Min o! Ihi patrol iraveiej f.K.i'!,3.M ii.iles in Hie peifolin anee of ttieif duties and used i'Mt.2l:' galioie ol gasoline ihey recovered ami iduuita! to their owners ears and propertv val ued at SS7!«Wt In addition to enforcement work the patrolmen performed 18.633 ai ls of courtesy for n;.»torixt.- they ■ eiYcountered in line ol duty. And of tbe number of violator* taken to court, 11.107 were found ; guiltv th.- r eport concluded BFC - THISPETiV*PfICE j - ’A. .'S****'*"^'* •*"* ts'* V HT r ** ' _ mm L££ YATES Dawdle Dell Corresponder S!C.\ FAIATtK Fiav iur NuU'heli ; a tin nunc • . th,.t he had a race ii.-de: this purl weeK from a ladies’ underwear r'l.i'e up in tin.- city. In ease the public would like to see samples. *of Flavius’ art, tie an liiMiif; lie has hung seme stgns upi m public pi.i.-es to dry as his .-.tudio • ain’t big enough to spank , a Mitten in " Some of Flavius signs and their Main street locations are: LADY WITH A SLENDER i OBSO, Miss Effie Spindleshanks’ front gate; LADIES' LINGERIE SEC OND FLOOR. Parson Peters’ front gate • CORSET SALON. Route Bel lows blacken.ith shop; FLATTERS YOUR TUMMY REDUCES MID RIFF Sop and Talers Case; and S- lIS YOU SV P ERBI.Y N EVE R RIDES UP, on a sample casket at the Rest-in-Peace Mortuary. » * * Mr. and Mrs Collard Green of Spilt Pell Ridge. Who have tleeil living with her folks, have moved ui with his folks because her folks have moved in with their folks * * * Fire Chief Ralph Sprinkle an swered the alarm on Main street Saturday and found the telephone pole on which the alarm box hangs on fire The box hadn’t been used 1 in eight years and developed a short circuit when the lever was pulled. Chief Sprinkle learned that tr.e false alarm was turned in bv Timid Thunder'head, who lives out in the country when some bo.vs told him if he pulled the lever a little turd would hop out and take his pi< lure But with the pole on fire the alarm wasn't false after all. and Chief Sprinkle had to rescue telephone lineman Virgil Otis, who was working on top of the pole when it caught fire. •* * * Aunt Gee-Gee Mopish regrets that the Bruish have the atom 1 bomb She fears that now they’ll try to take back Topple s Bottom ; that our troops in a charge under • her great grandfather took from live Redcoats in 1776 ♦ . ic.iTdrei! and Unde Lindsay Fau jv‘tt whose picture v. .k rcc-mly jr. n in the CAROLINIAN c.m Lace ] his forefather;-' buck many many ! vears later. The most of these Fau i a-tt-es live be very old. And many of them live clean ! and pure lives and Major Fauccttc ; ami his wife id Hillsboro do not I use. lithacivo nr aJeoliulic lyever • * id any kind and they try to ! o. • the Golden Rule a... ihe Lest j rule of life The Torains are another family i i-hiit. live loiig and prosperous | lives and mio nf them recently 1 1 * »tt: hi ami nine tho'i-and j dollar* tor a 97’ acre farm and or jenard that was owned by Charles i L Jordan. And Isie New Jordans School i house built on lands bought from Mia. Mary Vincent i- being well :;it!ended and there are many Col- iuredl fannhes living in that i.otn -5 m unity. »rc THF G AT? 01. l NT AN I It's Your Hospital and Your Life By U. WHY Got montv troubles? Who hasn't i these days. Seems everything | costs more. Bread milk shots i rein - movie ticket*. 1 l' your | i'amily is typical, bill- com in I regular a- t-lockwoik week at ; ter week, month altei rnot:th. Let s take a look at th.n* i’uU ; pay your i\mt bill b< uiuse v)u ■ want a dome a root over your : head. You pay your grovel's bill food i- a ban- want and you enjoy eating Junior': ,at w boo r make him the envy oi everyone at school Mom's new j hat is a morale builder You don't ; mind paying those bill The pay ment on your radio or electric washer take.-, quite a bite out of your budget lint it: .something , you'll appreciate ovn and ovot ! ap.ain s.ometltiny you'll have j .'Ol years. But those medical bill.-:. They're a different sto y No one likes to be sick. Bill: loi doccn - I vices tor hosuitolizution for drug items represent the ex i efise of payn.M to: . oiinthinf; ,ou 'iidn’t want in tiie iimt nlace dim or injuiy. That ; why med,. j. al Lilts .seem to hit tour pok.i book especially hard \ ou’re i t ns- toi ometliirig you don’t want -: oun thing you didn't plan or: HOW ABOUT IT" HOW DO YOU'} MEDICAL COSTS STACK I'D IN RELATION I'O YOUR O -IHER FAMILY EXPENSES; LETS LOOK AT THE RECUKI) TO BEGIN WITH, wages nave i tseii it lot fas'er tlian medical care prices. This means you have to put in I.ESS work to pas to: j the same amount of medical care than ever befeoie AT ilif S.A.ME TUsIE, your to la 1 medical bills haven’t gone op ■ s far or a.- last as th, cure ot hit ad, milk fuel and othei family necessities. WHILE MUST OT- YOUR :am ity e .pendit(.li't s nave been Ly i ocKctme. today you -pend only islli o Os- out of < very duii.O on medical the lacit proper- Mum ycatt parents -pent ft»j torn loectifaj tare "0 year- aeo * But that only pai t of the .lory W hen you figure out tue oust of a bay of groceries, you add |up what you pay lot potatoes, but ts’. and other food items in the ; o. v. To give you a clearer pic ': tore of your medical care dollar.; let .-, do the same with medical ; costs. When you buy medical care.' I you pay not only for the services! oi vour doctor but also for hos pital care, drugs and other things.) SO ! .FT'S LOOK AT YOUR DOCTOR LILTS. When Dad has , his appendix out or Dorn gets i. sore Fii iM! - or Junior bleaks: i his arm, \aui doctor is the feifpv ; | who takes care of it. Providing ; j medical services r- your doctor's. 'FIRST responsibility. Hts lee is ! secondary But your physician is \ ! also an independent bm-tnessman with a living to tarn. Like any . i businessman, he must charge for j jilts services. While most family expenses have ; been shooting up sharply, puy-j.; .cunts' fee-, have risen only mod- • erateiy In fact, your doctor yet l‘i* id rtri i t'ej; inj’ f?'K a reason a aoott t 1 tea nil . Just as in vour own household, I ■very hing the ho.-pita! has to pay i io: is lughe: This includes food• - .'m l- -qiiipiuc-nt and other sup plies Hospital employee: now ! work a short*! week This means - i inure ej-npluy ees are needed 1 I odas to ,lo the same amount ot knave lagged behind v.age,- in most av e I a.j get! behln devages in most the!, service i.'.dusli n-s, have had Ito be increased. Payroll alone uc- ! 1 i ;: fc e hospital budget Desui •an in- • ! crease in uaily rate.-, it costs t'n )!nation.-j genera! hospital: more to j: -are lor patients Ilian was r< t.viv •j eu iiotii patient- But lien the ! important point: although hosi-Va! i j osts .trni the elore daily room -irate-, an higher your hospital i. lav iho: tin on Mu :i\'*n . - j than ever befote As a result, you; ! IdTAI hospital bill is often low i-i than it would have been ~t ; any time in the paM Tin - is dm unproved -m mai tiutlioti ij a ore effective dm.vs. new cqmp : merit, amt lietlei oveiall care j THE THIRD ITEM UN YOUR 'MEDICAL COST UIST IK YOUR | DRUG BILL: When you ar«- nek. ; chances an- ynui dm tm will | scribe sonie -ort of jnedicaTiOii t-» r l;t Mj vail get -.-. el! ll I, ay be a jdiug that V. a*, u-ad vDc-.n fl:,d VS.: ja uoy tint Ti.m, than iii.t-iy Oil . !be trie VI i > 1... t• - t thin ' ••.en net j ins di a. ,iv i.-iv.J to ht-Rj youi ail ■ merit i Ten v ear-, ago. you m-ver heard jof cortisone • ACTH anti’u-Ra- • imine vitamin B-12 penicillin ; or the newer type antibiotics.: I Then you couldn't have taken ad- ' j vantage of their healing powers !at ANY price The price lag on a ■ newly introduced drug HAS TO BE high Io cover the costs ot : .making it available to von: re j search .pilot plants, clinical test - ;ng. distribution But when the .vheels of production start luMne: and competio:: begin.-- tire I original price come.- down in a : hurry' Right now . drut-s as a whole ' an taking a declining shore oj j your medical dollar. So when you add up all your medical bills - your ■ bill, your hospital costs. your ■ drag charge-’, .vour dentist’s fees. : and other expenses you'll see that all of these services more ■ than u.i.y for them:-; !ve,- m tuue j and money saved and longer j: oduCtiv e life. In short. Uii'-vTo helping you to. yet THE REST Mi.Dll ,1. CARE AT THE LOWEST POSDHBIE ; COST. bridat ro < : tied • ith white satin , ! ribbon Mu. 1 !:' for the Oeiai-iult v. as II iidei'e'i by the Rv V R Hamiltvin Jetei oigani-t. ami Mr Edward Clemmons, a, -olohst. sang. "I Lovi 1 Thee Dear.’’ Tin- music was divine ly sweet. The bi idr-.smaids and lady in waiting wore Irish blue ; lace and satin tun is gowns ano cat lied whit- and red flowers t i white and red satin ribi.un tn-. . Tlit double ring ceremony was one of the mo-.l bcautitul vs the -.ea son. Guest- weiv taken to City Auditorium where gitt- were dis played and the remainder >,t Vu c* retnony vvu- held Retre :m . t i vvim.isted ut - ake. inhit.-, nut. and ! mint di ink vVe are sm i v to annouiiCe the l.afiins ot ivlr Clay te Randolph, who died Sunday at a Wihiuug toi. hospital. The Fail BJuff choir rendered j piogram at St John Baptist diiuvh Sunday. - RFC Myrtle Gro\e Sound WJkMINGTON - ' j The Christmas morning service, held at five o'clock, was largely attended at tit Pilgrim Baptist : r-.iut ch. i j Mrs Hattie McNeil underwent a ; recent opmation at the hospital ; ; Mrs McNeil, who did much ethdi ity work In the community, is solely missed. We wish lor a speedy return from the hospital Rev Marmichae!. who pastured Hanks Chapel foi the past five i years, has been sent to a charge, Rue Chapel, in Newjbern The wri* : ttr and his church on last Sun-, day. and the members at* happy • : with theii new pastor Soon, tue : I minister will move, with ht: lam ■ il.y, to Nevvt.ern 1 Christmas brought home many j of our boy - arid ;t-. Is v\ ho have! 1 been a wav for some tune 'I RFC - -- • j Tit State College Extension St-r ; vice ha- made plans foi i>u fa'ai i dwelling available ti*, to fajn« i»n"- j | FIGHT TB KEEP IN SHAPE #£> I i» m i« ■ j jo j > H WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JANUARY 10, 1050 *' '■ '' V ’ -’ » ; sMI & . - YANK HOLIDAY PARTY You’re tMdiipr a peek at inirrie of thv •title g-viestn at k holiday party givfh to tour L'.OOi) Ueflimu Dilivlito by She, start of the P nfiiiK air base iii Frankfurt American mute wod female, pet aoiiur! ulag.-d Hi* party Wul wailed on guetta u»#w*- IXess Photo,) I on! UoSor ( onipan\ Is I ilh Years 01 \:• <*: rcluhi’AlioiLS Air ht Ylakiii^ .*1 .-U:!•>: ; :vli. .; in l ,• s ■ bit- i <'(impiirij i :,u out- idd iiu yea i I *.- loar k it-, udth a: i:. iv i i'-.:rv , tiie eu. ll f.iany -Na- I lauio-d a t-i in ot coiumeoi at iv> ev* ::i dvij ing He..', of the anniversary vtar v.-ilt b* dedication of tin* compan.v s Engineering and Research Center in Dearborn Mich. The cer.-mony is set for June 10’. date of the company’s. ilicinporation in 1903. It will be ‘ollo'.ved by u state dinne: to be attcndecl by several liundred n«- I .n.'tal ti-urv.s. On the value dav, Ituul rum pany oil i. oils. I on? uni i.m eoin .Mercury tieulers a oil then wive-, vvdi attend anniversary banquets in 33 United States cities in which l ord maintains plants, pails depots, and sale* 'oi I ires. A pictorial Reek, "Ford nt Fif ty will Re piiblip!led by Simon a.'ivl Schu: tei in .April A portrait ut an inrr.- fee the book we!<> taken several npR.-d Hub ma:,. L,:te cnvei- jiliotograoti* Tiicii-i ui the aunitersary. "Fifty 'a-ii !• i■■a .o u tn.- Ante! n.aiii Road. will be featured ill a Uvii. 1:11:11- leievi-.joii • !ui-,v and an built'. lone r.idr. t-. .11 tUe < .-eiuo of Jon, 1., 'l’iie leiec-i--1 will be Carried on D- -. rna.iei: i-etw i-u 1 In- show v. Hi 1 , :u osiiiced by Iland !l r. aid. ho ; • all! -el- Bi O.'id way ha as "South Pacific" and ’M r Rupert ’ The re-or lied r:e fio prog rati’:, to be aired o;i out: iu.'i jo: network, will be adapted fton» I onnur i»ufic*(lit'! ( l)i*an Buried \lf«T i inal Kilrs \! (*i urnsbo!o. A. (~ GREENSBORO. N V tANP> : service- lbs Gurney K ' Nclm'i-. former dean ;d Benedict ; ci,IK-,*,■ C'll'.imbia. S C. wen* heht week at St Malt hew-■ M E i e.h,n. h The noted edticator di* <1 f. i,:ii il; ju)i e: SiiSiuKird : n Ur. - Floor Maintenance Material# Sanitary Supplies “We Carry Everything But The Janitor 1 ’ JANIE H. ANDERSON CO. ' : 418 W. Peace DIAL 3- 2750 Ii; tPi< * ' iOi t •hov. . 1 nr- Suia Aii'liivu &it• i-.iiitinij ui il: Vy'.iv* ts; inclii. try, Hi hi dedicated early in May. home ot the -,,i in try .- leatbrig . bi-l.’o aiv-Livi to, and historians .ire expected hi aitepd the cero inuny A motion picture which cen ters aimi ri d the anuivc: .-’ury theme, will be premiered in Dear* ■ urn durinc May The first audi enco will be composed of too members of Ford's management .■•id their wives. The HotumUi. the world s’ largest privatel v-owmd iudut*. trial itisiday buitdinif, will he reopened as a public shew place around June I. It ssjit converted to an office build ing during World War IL theme oi its exhibit will bo Progressive Research and Ftp ginecring " United States dealers will buld t.peti-liiitise proui'amu for the pub iic in -ip.- Employes and their i: dies uni p.-rtieipau in "birth* :::i: t. ’ event:*. ::: the Detroit .. -a an,! ill in atich tocatiims in July ;i i, U' In i.-.t;* UDfi. ibe initial volume .. ; iifheiiii F*.i: i idstor.v will ■> :. 1 Tentatively titled, The line i.,J lleiny K id, The publlva iv ■ ; an! iiAii la* period R OTil )i:uj to !!*2O Autbol Allan Ne viii* i ,ii ea Ihihf/er pri/e winner 1 1 :: bin,- raphy iVU Ncvms u-ilt ■ .lit* ,*-.,*: .d ill'll t- ill. tailed (•il ia - dcalui . v. ith Kie life of Hea : y l*\,rd and hi slot v oi lord M«>- tor Comp.any duiiti« lb - ne.xjt \i> 1 • ■*: \ i-'J 'f > Tfu- "Ford Times' and "Lincoln- Mercury Times," company maga zines, wiil feature the atmiver-arv ii their June • 111 ■ n- A pprtixitnalely lIJItMI.OOO an ui\ er*:ir> ealend.tfs leaturlng seven Norman Rockwell iUm*- tratiokiN. were ilistritiuted m December. All lord employe* received copies. I ’old's world wide dealership organization distributed approximately 1. t.MIOOo of the ealendars. which were printed in seven langU ages. BFC inasmuch as J*e was aDle to \