PAGE FOUR JAMES A. SHEPARD'S THIS and THAT Nf v Ypar's Day has lew: : <* n considered the appropriate m ter tu-’ifng over a new leaf iiui making plan*-' to do Hunts ■< i ;t different!, l ' in the hop* for im prr>\ r-mens Tin ! c ; • hardly a , ■ ■ on !, big who could mo stand a deal of improving Tt m m/ alright to opin i tvtm:l » e mg f rf.i f (-t) Mr w Year ■, •* but if-err erlainl.’, is m* son to wait iiiitii then. The ■.! tune to star* doing things His fertntly is when ,vou it me be- ] come convinced yon have had thought vied or liv ■! as you should have in ‘m past •Se'f conviction should h- and usually is tin* ro'-it effori iv remedy tvet used in rede- mine ones sell from frm rnwlti'udc- of which com to haunt * footsteps Then: Certainly ran 1 ticver be any t• .1 spirit'.;,l. m> . { me Os rit< 111 • eh,l !I it -It 1,-;, I | fit ft-,err is a soul .-rtdUui.; reo | vjetion that a ehanci is nc«d°ci i From such cruvirtions, eom e, J the spiritually inspired d . * » for betterment and lmpnA'” * merit. We raid there evasn'l my f hm. - . j haf'cally wrong with uMnn I for N**w Year • |»,.v b" 11; t ' J effect the rte lied rlrHiU'es. i-.i ? j > you can easily see that such a < delay can be ria»3er n o*‘. i ge.rout; foi ourrclvc- • an i dan * gerous lot othai The prop'M time to i ight -n 1 wrong is the instant it is rerot t I TAX NOTICE ~ * | I JST YOi l R IOM 5? AI T' I<, 11 mWNS||i|- ANU i i riT t>i r?ai' it :i( f axis j BKGIMSINC; WM ua 2M) s i » n * | Basement Wako Y-ourih C> nnthouse Mi othei townships will he lifted v ill, ii-,. l, .i {nAcr in your nl ll (’live 11 i\v ns!i ii <. • hist your redl *"-1; 11< . all per -n»• • i property in I rinding automohiice and d< v \!| male persons between the ages of atui SO years of age are j required to list poll fax. The law requires that !nx< lie haled in the i month of January. A p- imitv of ma will Ik, added for failure so ii f ; • j |,o\v and avoid ihj, i penalty More help ha be. n uide > i , lab 0 f j ir; p. * ing w’itliout. e.m .; g von p... much, delav. ( ountv and < si\ Lav Ofnartnirn! I . . smmmmmmm J , • )-Ak:aM*, ■ ■ M/M .'••; , .' .'•"./ . V.< ( .' \ ■ }\ ;■ ■■’ . •;•>»• ij OPPORTUNITY f i \ 10 SAVE MONEY ; "> ■ • m - h-v.* 1 .■.■■■.»■■■ ' 6=3* . j 3&: -S; ;.V IS KNOCKING f, ;8 . m -i C 3 ■■-"■-- ■- ~ " §c s , !$M ; 3 —-■- H< fcgfetfte / i;| .* . - \i Announcing i ''M w j| lncreased Subscription Rates = jj Effective Februarv /. i^5J *is| *•B' In tJI6 f%ce of ap exorbitant newsprint cost of reo :;v . , : 1; j. c , , IP . : iM „ , jt jfjjga $160.00 a t<m, which ts the present cost to the Cam. n\ ;bm j< i thron-cb * ■ .%•»• ~ i *|| fwiias the management is forced to increast- its yearly plant op*--r--tic ... •] ■■■ .mv eolation «••••■ pension' ' l|H subscription to $4 -Hi Sin month mbmnptkvns are a r'•»?.* •■"] -i, me . , r . j f:Sg $2,75, Prices prevail any where in the rimed Stale,- ><?■ v. V\ hil e* this cost ha ••• be mi in effect to ns for mmr •< .'time -j )■< > > f )•••. nins fix .ame | RENEW OR SUBSCRIBE I □nary and Save $1.00!! j IL All CHECKS (VR MUM EKS I O | 118 E, Hargett Si reel I RALEIGH, NORTH CAROI.W | * *s* m r ,d nl.foci and pro n- ce, u v-rove:. We can rave oa.rseive- a Jut, of wear and par and a run on ear i■ "i •u) ci when v. *r< metiti'i Ily a I (*!’*. *o o s r wronc, be :<nd will allow ouo-elver it) be mt b- the !lAih o.i ,< it in our riideal >r >rv «tinvi i el.e- r. -j; I - I'roV'viee't ioUir’i, in - r r.f any type, ivh old or tie' induiecneo i >a not, tfii‘l ■ to deiicpi) cior iMriorj of i rid .ifeji as eicmris darken the sin ! y ijlistt; , lints' Us i n.v I lie fa' the! v.t tr.'ivc) ri -- • - n thi- ri.-rkci’cri road, the hajdet i! ua'l • ee.iine if' lorn 1•... K and fare the !>t;hl Thll; ’■•'Ctiiui.-f :1 by rl.e kner v and ei :-or with their ton’;r.l"H of doubt. s"s pirion and fear, holduv u-*; in an ever-in<*i v ',-i.' ing grasp, tv<> f'i i! if -''ardi r and ha ri<’r to ;>> -1, ;; -! . ~; . i<• ti-. • jh c i!.1.1 tiOT! h.<\e pieHr* o; ’e make for re'onnation Kriii, ■ * t should ri.tiivd A'hatrvor " v arc, whatever on 1 tofiiiifioe. oj c.rcmi'i-ianee of iitc. there is m anothei pel term ne lie !i;'o asst r ' lie and often 01.1 • «• tioas serve min eeiri” >■' .1 Im mnr 11 rfe irj - f isi-i,.)' ire f/ii e ]iv' l ijr. fs'inr! ‘ ;nm h ' .fa I r-n :pe etr t t\ a | v* i i: is i 1 * 11 it v v:: i !iii’ love .a mi a Kepi . 1 • mo oin t 1 ■,- n; l n(I t J»' ! j -a l ip. ; ■ a f,,■. follow t-h< giirlng nt'd rl-mg'n ■ M. ej them who free fheir pe-desals of run, appear in f At. 'k~- n ' s ■" i f \ # 'flk- l . J '■? - ■'* A i S -a X" % .«*•»* ’• ’ «i *w * jgfc'-- : M-& \\ Jji trip . ~•••« ' .•-Mi :htr-'l pisn pjf> bf: I* -• ' t t-jrf ■ . =-. 11f s. ■ d u'joui - ; ; •11 j *»i'nati c cn -•; > iia n: n. on! Wb: n '.Vp f'OUic |,o the rraii/a tioM fbiii yv Imvr ta»to p.ira* ; X| Ml \ o!»; M 'V< to i s; a :• -t • - i j/v ■ it:-: ft .* •>. , >J < ,r,r"is -•.? ;v T FIE CAROLINIAN ?:■!{. ! r JONr.s MILTON COUPLE ANNIVERSARY KhMIl «? < .i; J\ i kill ’l‘ ! -a Wi'hii- a f. i ■ ,11,-lr.i'- de tun,- fait v l iffli cvuddi'l • erm-iory, VI., 'proe e dmv foe ~,■ ~ ~ ; I I e.mmed {ieP the affair :h> , i>, tpe hf' he- p < t the J.'!" i ■; ■ . y ; ii--; al f■[, fi. i , . fine f’ e. S’- -a . a meat Me .re H-> • o; I • -ri 'll 'll ■ . a : 1 ‘ -i '-f '>l , 1 * ! i/.i i.e ': ' t::v.i( • inti wn: Kir fatiiri <'■ t> . The late Dr Jones' ■ ... lun'n .'i slavery nod lived in ."••rih ('■>''-iiriii ivhf’vr hr expired ; ' III.’ Os 100. Thi five .store vent - hr spent i Ca - .veil County will lorn: >)e i • n ■> id. IJ. is rememoored: ■ Oh by the patient* ho freed ' u.muy IT is also rrtTU'iU-i his manv sms and! f. n ivhrdi h* .ii'ciimu I it ■ d I . n.l . :ipt*:il to Rill thrill ;m 0 ali'.stm progress ,-on'mnr:: in the Jones I : , Dr, K i' Jones, son of I i.i'o i l l ni' Jones, moves j i• in the In id • t Mode n • O l.rl/..i ■. !£!«, j ‘i:if 11 i . ii 1 1:iins st-ltic aboul j * Jones, w hen he can I ’. l ■ trad icnditu: *r any, ■ it. "iiih ..•■■■•onipl s ihnn'nt For j ■.. n *'■■.. for the of- i j .y. j- .J ■ cr iop '• . i■■; *-. i in 11»• chUiTh •f ' !. n-. K C Jones w a mem j VV> !••■'! t!lf- i ■'! M!)<i ,-i , f i\. ■ ; until I he task wa„ ■ ■ ■ I ■ i. i member ■ ; ti'-.- > i.tkitic -r'Mv;n}:of Ha il'.:.", Ha : tiM (* I>■ ■; ■. and in adr a f r.t fill !tS , : til . f Th Jniips i r ' a ■ <-,. ,u in thr public • 1 s: s~ : n ■ ; vrli w a i'.- . ,- :! nv v :!'i ;t. b:;’ i • ,i . sh; ii f'.it ir.r Jomi ha? r-bv v'ht (id rn< nfal UL of l , iff - - 11 ■>' nation. , i,i,! v■ ah 1■ >: cooperat ion of ■i ■■ in <ist whit- anti colored us the Caswell f oontv School it: !■: r Junes is not only iv»s --.,i -- cl’ power t,< uo phy . ,i mental His He possesses i :it,, , < ,tma! cavity, which v.-oan:-; r<"':-pi, ary, making him :iif ,-i pi the vb'i'l of any yi Tory- 1 ; oi.:■ t.> -v>. ide parents and u ■ <, -, ianon -?nd also *iie (■ ■ v. ell ■'"<> inty Credit Union mc iti I i": to their J’resideni. Os C C ‘.tones their best wishes for 8 hip lj v anni\•' i sary. - BFC ■■ - SvM’hanl H. liuusmt Slate Doij Party Sa!- Em, I Oth i” *• * '-vn ..... Tite * • ■ K .arc B. i HaiE'son Public l ibrary is spnn njirs its Fb Annual I>oll Party ri* {he hbrarv. Saturday morning. I January in. tfR?.. at 11.30 AH chib .frrri ire invited I *l p;e. {I C ‘ C’-'l I e Fnjep will be iiiwn for the dolls :in ihi following categories; PRETTIFST DOLI-,: The most i ■■ :i j f •;: do', lin face and dress, j MOST ATTRACTIVE! .Y DRKS ■ ;!> POLL The dr<! dressed in . !.hi- most original, creation OLDEST DOLL. The oldest doll in yean: and dress MOST UNIQUE DOI.L. from a mr-rijaniral point of view. TAU.EST DOI T. SMM.I EST DOT,L FUNNIEST 001.1... 'U. rii • ■>. and f, ,-inl expression. PAG TAOLUS \ M i 1 Comical rag doll B Pent first rag doll FOREIGN DOLL dressed in most sinking native attire. PAPER DOT.,US: Most originally marie rind dressed paper dolls WOODEN DOLES Most unique doll. STOP :"LOOK DOI,;. The doll i.isi -liitfihiv depleting a charac-■ ter m a book. The judges will be Mrs. A. ft 1 Logan. Miss Geraldine Cates, attdj Mr' Hattie Mims. Mis; Mildred Gleason. nr-isk U tier visor in the Raleigh Tkffiie; Schools, will entertain the children with accordion music .and will bo accompanies by a dancing %*id singing group. J?FC I y • GS&Qf ■ K-' LEIGH Hi there; Here sii: again with ■> hit of ' i .’bout * own" Give u- a listen if iirr'i i ’ tv.: •; tr/ind to get ’ hack ! o <!'<• old grind aftci the | Christmas holidays We know .mat j | li.ivv hard d i • )•> net up and mak* that 8 o'clock class, oft- i all .he ia the saTif boat Wi 11, let’s sec what ,f iff!'. i-.iilU! I i has been happening among tl“* ’ younger and not so young set i ii ,i ui uoauoun: r- r* ~,, , j - *» »ri , UQ ji'bccgc, pi,.-kies. n.ns. .-rack -it. I and punch t wee: Nurrv A. Tin-’-! t Cliar]eu<> Whm. y, Rnih Car Itci. Merlins Si"V"ll, F/angPhuo j Forbes. Fe lly MoPame i... Join : Br>ani., Cdc-tinc Rogci M o'gitc 1 ntr Mann, Da’,:-', Jon.'.:, ,( i »i.:t a j I t urpi , Pbcrii v Gibson.'i't*! Peace, pearl Walton, Alphctnsa j l A ndersm. Janie- I, Andcson, I,*’*! i ", Rrmvn, To in. in Camp. \V. ;v; II .’! ■; i, (Cm Cox. Thorr a , Or 1 ; I mi;," ciamuel l-'aii!' tt.c, Drft.-i rv j ; ,Im.<• . huniel I 'tt.c, ic.e.voh | i June.'-, M'hbeit M;. ■ s', William j ;Mm ii ■-!■~ Annie Pierson. William; (Richardson, Edith Rnbinsoti, Vran ! I res Regers, Louis .Spencer, Wit {bt rt Wilder, George Scott, Isaac I I Winfield. Charles Blalock. and! j V>eotn and Teddy Thornton of | Dunham N C Geelil', 1 11, 1 W.T.n’l, that a house! ;f ’iii of gay young people having i la grand time and (.wing evrrvj ; rninute of it too Ai.-’tll." parly! On New Veen v j ; five tlir < T.. 7)0-a’J of dear pie ; ; WHS. nave a little social o' the; 1 Clk: Home And believe you mo. I everyone and everything even the; '•afters wore really jumping os-j penally around that magic tioi.n ! lof Midnight when that brand new I '■tar arrived Cupid is still fp'hu; a th'iv ins business in Raleigh. Why, on Christmas Kv«*. he inslißAl ert the marriage of !W : ss Yvonne O'Neal, daughter of yi r aid Mrs .tames O’Neal, to Mr Melvin Woods, son of iMr and Mrs IV t. Woods* of Palm Reach, Ila Mr O'Neal gave his d.iogh I i.r in marriage and I >.<hrr I. A. t'jsher offietated. j Then on Tuesday night, the 3 f y ’ | 'Miss Molly Sew-o u, daughter of I Mi and Mrs Kolos Sevell beeanie : t ire b>’ide of Sergeant James K.- j ■!!, son of Mr. and Mrs SMitf t’crpll, all -if Ralcifih Set Ker.dl i- natmned in Wi . I.ita, Kans. i vVe wish to these-: ; ......... ... j i j - --■■■ --■■- i PARTY HONORS T PARTICIPANTS -j UALKIGH Tie spur. ■ - -n l if hf Fyj<i*. s S f#Av i J? 2 j*J Df i' i VV ■ /'! edins fcC w b» \'U'. |i f Hon frirml*- •»* •'» v* i y pivt, po-'* .iChnshuhs parts at the YWCA la. t i Monday ni.ibt Aiis,. * •erain :n* i; it; I'M-' a )imi''i •*! Hampton L -it |r.;t.c. was special guest and toor. the opportunity to unde ow •! ; ner friend:- which mad'- it a gay j -iffa-i. : The Y was beautifully dr-'orai*',t •. with Christnaes greens, poinsettias i and candles and the guest., en-1 ! jo;\ ed themselves with dancing land card games 'lor iva-ro ■' si.-ted of a ’am t v i of sandwiches, red and white coo kies punch, cam;y, and peanths S Some .>t the guest, present were Musses HeVmi-' Fish- r, Gei at..ini \vi'p. My rt:cc Bvcoat. Shirh'y Hull. F-irlinc Askew, Es ; ther .tones, Philistine Conk, Melba | Byrd. Delores Johnson. Claudia Falser. Aiicc Hn-rard, Marguerite Edv irfis. i Oil! e Fdw?idr. tv ,'FS '' Alston. IVarl WiLon. Ordrienuc , perrin Gloria I ester. Mi s Audrey, I Chambltea. Jeannette Field?, Dom- I K.-arnc v . Harriett. Nunn. Aimer:a ! Nunn. Ver=> RobeAson, Marguerite | 'itann. Swayzene Harris. .I .■ dia ■ Thomas, June Thoms--. Betty Coo ; per; Messrs, Clifo’.rd Kei tz. Then 'do re Carr. William Dixon, Chgjles ■ Wsiitaker George Ca-meion. ’.k* > - 'non Daly, Purcell Smith. Harold! , Dur.'ton. James Bell. Earl Richard son. Louis Balkntinc, Isaac Kcar nev Rufus Ballentine, Franklin J Peterson. Samuel Dunn, Ralph I Whitaker. Thornes Williams. [ Thomas D-Lairm, Jerome Harris, i "Sonny" Watts. Leroy Brown. Ns . thaniel Little. George Brown. Wil - lis Stewart, Hcnrv Brown. Wit-1 I liam James Fabius Tucker. Thom- - ,*»v A very and Floyd W stthew's. ' - - -BFC IS BEING RFTI RNEI) ’WITH the X CORPS TN KO- I REA -- Set Wilbert. C. Stallings, j v,hose wife .Sylvia, lives at 413; . Juniper Street. Wake Forest, N :C. has received orders to return i To the United States from Korea.! i-dorc he has been serving with a ', rut, of the X Corps A tactical command between di- j 1 visional arc Army lc” X Corps i is one of three corns- in the com-j vi zone Special units attached to . perform duties for come or all of J the combat organizations under ns i command Sergeant Stallings, a veteran of j more than a year in Korea, ha? been serving as a truck master in ( the 25th Engineer Dump Truck j Company, a part of the Iftth En gineer Combat Group. He is a former employee of the Little River Ice Co. in Wake For i ’ WEEK ENDING SATURDAY J AFT/ARY 10, 19r.8 Iwo young en ;y!r and ivi ;ii fur th» m all th<' nappine : that’i at i (unable IM’Rvon ■. I s Mrs Mildred Mason spent hie Nou Y«';ir nolido': :n Gr< i nsoot'o N. C. Ernest 1,. Holloway. r:;N, , tin* holidays in Fi.ue*aii it. . tioned in (.'alifimm KF'C I'arell k’erell. .*,t itioned in i Illinois, spent the holidays also in ini Raleigh with his family Mis Malissa Dillard, Directress °J tin St AgneJ Nurses iloin*. ■•• pent the weekend in Nov.- V ork visiting her sons. Clarence and Charles Dillard. Know she mii a ] wonici ful til me in the tng city. Bobby Crosslsrig T’SAF is in I 'oivo. tor a .short leave from VVy !'>riun.. Lunvoed Mcnfi also I'.S IA K ■is homo on furlongn from | Unv An Ho: ce Me- I'* ll ‘ Was good to see these old friends ! again j Mir Tithe! Terry Kelly, Ralti • more, M.-t ts visitni,:: In r -. sic* [Mrs I idle Mae Kdainey <>f thi.- !*. j1 y for the holidays Ah Jauic.s 11. Smith i grid mi (i of Shaw I ntveixpi I vis in Raleigh »n tjldav no he \i :i) ba< k to Ills lflh i . 11l j r; I frit of ilir Carvet A iff \ ; fit sin 11opni t, i a j 1d f (I- i. "it and M: - I e * Me |Ko,y left Sunday cvcni'u; fnt Mt ■ i V.ifk bv of Com . non!.b, Va jt'ioai Nc«. Vorlt they will go 'p; ' plaim lo Fare-, 'Eram • • - '.* •*• I r j McKoy is stationed for tv ■. *a ■ i Mrs, McKoy is the former Miss ! Muriel Dai r. ..f tin.- eit.v • Mjss Naeani Brown, now te " h : leg in ('reedimMir. N. via> in Rcleigh on Saturday doing a hit ; of pos*.•('hi istmas ■iioppin,: Mr and Mrs. Levi Jones and son, v lippy -I Nr V. York n ‘ a,o < 1 i ritwii to .spend the botidayK wit It Mis Jones' sister Mis t-'Vie M Ellis ii; tins city Mt - ,i.-; ■ at present ntionduig New • i j.. Dro ve/ sib w DISTILL tO LONDON DRY m GIH ffl. I/I <""M $985 tea 85 Proof W*tMU4 fcw« *f*o» * jj not!*. lItIOOIS !()\N S rftm f- frt »V 1’ ti \\ i{ h \ 011 f I iiiiim ia! ProhlnnH Vnu Will Receive n (Jraeiotls Welrnmr rONSOI.IDATION Ol PF-RTS IS OUR SPECIALTY THI HOOD SVS IKM IMM STHIU BWK J , - ’ ’ xalK>*»jrv ♦ fi.sif i.£b Nprfh Carfifisw Better Buys Here! I win mm immmnmmm y- mt/s*/ /t-Tc i f U&TG STATE I S \firt>OWELLSt I L PS 1 t . ’—w fa - -- *■“ ;■ if*// i i° v/7 SIR WALTER CHEVROLET ~ McDowell & Lenoir Sts, RALEIGH . .... ~, , a ; - ,m. ti "iwu,y * * fWr-Afegtt -'•yl - Pit Arthut Woods, a former student of Joffrys School, left NY De'-embof 10, 19,b? He tti rived in naleieb !>•( it and on Dee. 1.2 : went to Eort Jackson. S r ' ; from 'thet* to Cahlomta ll" r now fa tinned m K'>vt Ruckor, A>a He i t.|e* son of Mr and Mrs i (roy Wood., of Raleigh. Route ft. HOOD W TIRES NO MOWN PAYMENT Pay A * You Ride. I T erw* Aa! ,o w A* $ 1 , 3? B down, $1,25 per week, j D VVIS I'rmvu Service MORGAN V\|> BLOUNT STS. Sales-Repairs f awn Mowers Sharpened Shotguns Rifles Uirvile- and Trtryrlpa Rods and ! Ishing Tarkle ! it 11 i. r Wheels ttefiied HILL’S tn!> Htiinlnglon At fUzl *if£ ' re...- * i ;< H id < I KAN r .mi i i i:\rn kk at n A pun i . Won) Riff-s I T 't > up HA fi V < RiRS $1 150 up Berts, ‘iptfinri, Ejti krti Stt* t ’ \ H 11); TEEMS W \ U E t DRNtTDRF- CO ! t; to p 'l.-1402 \VK V!"| ’ I ATU -J. ts y. nr life |n.m inff on your home? Was H bought f*» I rovet sour home ten years ago or five years -go when thin vatiir » i. brlf \i bat it is nj>w? The valor of von? home If ivortti (iiotfftiiig let rivnt*fl Insni ani- Tiritrt £*S ! e \ otj lott prof*a tren on torn home for wishing. < vt ! j vm BFIORL YOf SUFTT-'R CTN-- Nf.t LSSAKV KIRI' JflgS CAVENESS (NSHRANCE AGENCY Ar-vlfntv Rull'itßs ffl A! A 3J563 Roy ( avenetti, Sr, R*>v r»waest, Jr,

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