PAGE SIX Chapel Hill High School Lists Basketball Schedule For '53 CHAPEL HILT. Th ■ iris and boys of Lincoll ’ •"I' S • i«.»ol went book ;r)1 n •: ai -t I J'l hero Wednesday l ’ L ' when tl>**y i played host to ,R hn-o.n County Training School of Smithfß Id lu a tv*■ i•' bill. The I .ineoln cnv?'* n (; .'•tic duled ! o pin;, t. i o !|j! ; week. Merrick-Moore 1! f j vo.:;; . .. :' m ... i !•' ■ widespread I).:; c,,k i '•>■>.; i• > today I tiro >.it M \t i:n \ <)1I RA t.KKOI I. i I.V \N “Airain>l U! Mags i t In Technicolor SI M %. Registered Nurse Ruby Taylor is a isted hr Polio I’mergencv Volunteer Mary 1.. Robinson t right', in earing for five-year-old Brenda Joyce Rush, a convalescing polio patient at Red Cross Hos pital, Louisville, Kv. .Medical ind volunteer personnel joined forces to combat Louisville's 1052 polio epidemit while the Jefferson County Chapter and the \ I'oundalion for Infantile Paralysis backed them up nidi funds and -erviees. Join the 10.V5 March of Dimes, January 2-31, and help to (Ideal polio- Q a ]%j £\ * f y C.'.H'i \V. C Mom- ■ - ’ .pord, a .■ .'ca.-iii.i Ci: ’isltca.- <'■ ,i- * The y.’vm: ! .ndics 80. :u! (Rut: ■'■a-’d a Christinas Tret eUei .; ,d CII >*l ‘ I'istlT:;.S i* \ • nil Id d i tar-, Sell rd. L'-Oh .hi! ij :r,il W--S .MV.-n ...if: M<- Wo H r Boyd died cucki. iGy c.n Friday moi-uki;.. Do; 23 m (,:■« n C.o y. N. C. .Mr !>" . • *.’>D [Jf'c !..-j f. 41 .1 \ CCS ~ re o lira t*< i 0 I?i - atii vivinMr. Hoyd .U' h's •i- • re ud.ivi ; ar-.ii friends. (- ,r; l ■• : ■'((’ :1 * V'■ if ■ ' . • ■ Method News B> AIIS is DORA : v'K'i HUD Ti- d<- '- ••) :hat : o ''kit 'a-*- : . b: y , vi i y much a|h recintfi-i ami v. - .'.'.-•'i ?«• Blank < \ . ; ■ on. ho V - . V- i> special on ait ,U. Mr.-. Dorothy Shopp'd rind Mr-. Bc.-si-:- Wib'.iin fa) their hetii in ;wi!i Ik: lions for the same rn>:i , ; :t ..s' j; .iui-t ~iv. Mr ! ,-sv~ iitao: {(>■• hi; hi ;i. hr;n led ct».peration and financial, aid iii taking so ,'n.ich of ihe ex ,■ - . ot < jhe i. a nut 01 the or - M;<; C. all of y--u. Mr. ~1 Mr Will Smith.. hi ihi lustra-: Wo r- iilwiys to aI• • > r:< v. o - Han't, H ' wu. el on a 1i: s. ul.y wimi fin-, coma t.> ht.ilri t . i'egiilar rnonfhly er v.a, at t!a Christian Tama>; Cnur ...I* G or: : Si. A; ia t a 1 .'. n ;? Mot! ■ r ;>no 1.-uoy an d; in .. ilia.: Hon: '■ dr UK* Mi.v P-. - I i n.t? .. .on ;,t St Agm hospital . ,J;,n. !-{. Baa n,other inid bat a are line, ; ■ :aale Buy was Hie in i’v S Year, lie will ree. tv-, nian .mb b•• his no.';'; M a Ida '1 homos had for h• . day :.u :;t ■ th r e.tgh Christmas and New Year's Day Mr; Louise s Wheeler. Mr and Mi s J.imeb Wy.-idei, Yfis G' os. a. Mi ('.iil' i.a Mroa. Much and Kami."., K-d; a nil tram rkiladeipb: i, Pa. Mr Wyntier rnuimed dav.-.i to take is is.. wife, ad'a Mi] re. <.*' • bUiCk |a:iy.a,: M is. MU b rib a. era n ba ll foi a w aile Mr la. a riben... a. ~-! ci iklt'Cl., i uuletk, B.'lvin Aim and Lyman. • spent part of the bolide; with : A:,- TVionia , Mioir mother mid grandmother. They are fr n i j_ y . ii-eton. N <" Mr. Math.'and Imc and Miss i Linda Fomir.-'on left for Niv. Yt> k U;st "tcek Mr, Le. is serving in the Amy nnd Jittl. Miss FM-u"-. son hat h-'-en pep.riifi. rum. firm* . i'< :-e . "i", ;aHOdittOtUa ;i)bi i isurs‘l. Mr. Jen;.; Edv ad VVillianu ‘a.a.-' na-ned to ea tn p.i'ter *pc• <1 ihy th«- holiday •* i»h hi> parents nd; i other . claliVe:',. Mr. rial AD.-. Cu if ton Wall and ! son have retimed to Bet rot'. Mirl'i. after visittn;' hem dnaii'a j the uiu.]idnys. Mi:-s Beryl O Mel.' entertained for Mrs. M riel Dirk MoKrn prior ,to her vcrdrtim* on December 27. li was quite a lovely party. The • i.mijfw was aresented a beauti ful gift by Miss O Kelly. Me- Ca' io Stroud t aut tie 'O- dli hew tlapuh'e!. Miss Geneva V Stroud of Lincoln ; court and ..Iso Mr.- Toole of Cl . • ' i-.iid M . ..a ’p Shout'! of Mctht-d Sli. retomeet to New York Cite on the Ist Mr. ami M<> Wiiiiam Wilcox i . ".a.. trVv trie CiS: \.. .1 b,i U'..'.. iMi os' O'; C F an I’ t ( .-lie c 0.,N C. li Boss C L.-iO. r ! I ; me ~!!;! Dorr,id " aide: ; :, , ci, N r cel JC icilt i, ri R .'coo- ... V MFC Roriert Hoy • .vis,, da te. (• Chiistmas. iioUdo'i... am 1 , cbai ::■ . j‘, r. a ; ?h,.- ij IS Personals RAi b'CH - M Fa.i ; M iia '•ei; of b!7 Blcd-'oe Ave. lias ro ti•riled -a. nicimf the a,- vs in y.-v.' i ork City a.iih io- M,.-' Eva Kioin on end i- r fleeke.atioa ■ xci .-esi •' of the i’npuia. Sire.' 3* M('. V-!TSO Clu'o at J;.ei. vn , i'le X (. • po' ariii.; ••; tl i oi ea.. ii vv‘.b 1 a. ai ■, Ma.i'ir Getiei'id !!■ r,i D. I ms<. u i :.f Ca up 1. it tu. . Mi .Tom. C \V By, Dii-'cto: of Peblicitv. IIT * c< . ‘Os i.f "r. 1 rVi' JO] it. X«'“.v Yen-.. V. a»:J Mr. -avid M Robin.T! { T S() F!x , .'t;. *- tiv.- .. .t : t ; ;■{ \ . ( I.f. Dr. S*hrook v. ;p ••ocincml Oy ,\'fi. • \ - ( ( : 'V r Vh< ~'io . vam \ as in *.;h^ vze vi ty'i Ha;-'- T .vita ".:•(> I • • ■ V.''Vi- .\v »f -•• d t• punvtil*- f 1 j l ' : 4. Lk L I it* "E AWARDED B,T,W, [T3TICN HOOK ‘‘.r WASH: : ::v: hirth r: ' HCC. VIRGIN!/. Ch • Far d ing'au; - ' ver ' 'll.-1 VC- :!(!!>; Km hi Mai;: . f I, ~, u | \r, ... ;s tif’Ui ;* , tVc>l'ti> -ura S Cell * T M ( IMIT.FU, ...Mr ia> iv in M|. !;..r .•! AG h.-.iir -. Fibldcla. *>>' •> •. I . Mi. Mssii pi. ia 1 rind Texa ... ben hi: efforts Mr., ’.e'en cull-, cent cak'd |e. ! 030, p.. . .enerl tie : eeveted H-'.'-num Av irr! for di ti i\U l - idled i i - :n field - ; faitnubti :>nd '■ b b In ’ -M '■ i-e was mew lb!' of .. .-.olr'-ted -i.n.'p appointed "•> ’i.e >,» go' to Ai,- |. | ’... ii «ke a • inch -T > U'i • cultural eonditi-.iv- The vork d‘ "• in !bi„ re!a;■'■’!ion bob tin. work Io; 'lt' ;<•< - ptanee of the Poml-4 I’l'o. i'::i:: emorig e:vol' V> ! eel areas thmiigi'.i- a the v.'o ; id- I Thousand f Nei*m farmer.- ,nd j Mnn farniti*- throtkhoiit 'lie So', th have be' i* - elpen • b -! he net I tb-mpbeii ■ •!'•'■> 1" " ui-u; them | t<. -epic k ■.•!',< •-d .e to pi - 'ft! ■w, ' tv. rx!ny b .b>' ~ BFC— ' DURHAM CHURCH PITHI AM .AM’J The ~io•- • rawi of aeCviii'. so- hi.--one White Hock Baptii-t ch*,e"h foi ! v tee min i-iter, Dr. Milt:-- 'vb-.ib rb-Lvi He b . i'.-.l'i ii' . i till COlUbiega f.u>n since JS33. Aniong me guests scheduled to appear on tile program sic Prof. 1... Stacey Weaver, super iritciiiieut of Durham City schools on i hildrenV day, June H at it and Gov i William B. Dmstrad of North i Carolina at 1! a.Ui, on October 15. I Dr W i Kjiiisonic, pastor i;f Mrst baptist church, South \ Kichmond, V;t., will deliver pr I'ishers’ \ sermon ( Jan. JS a 1 II am Several other leading ministers , tid *««( (tors ill apnc.!!' on oro i all; . -.1 the Mi rhjl’tn 19V 1 E.t-'C- C-.R. SIMSROOK , * * V’ ' H •i ' ;N i / ft | i ■ i y si.i ;*■ m >'r .Maria-i ' -.-an :> t p*-°- fTdrr.i flrriii , ‘.t l . > in ?•<*}«»}-. n.«i\rfi xu*i? icijiT-: m • . si'SU’:-. s Ftori-rla 3wiiti y y I o im %fo§ .A i i li. »•% 1 C V'*WA :% Y-; we 1% f, ft «*.* fft. Sf if AA% MU nbi i? u Mi'S .',ll -■ • aI (i n} -a ,i> (if . tii'li « ’ I ?a- >’■ it ri 'n tin Solid South 1 ' sodl'l! • >. .. .Hi . ovi policies ill order to hear lie' SEND YOUR NEWS TO US Week • ending sat i. bd \vj a: :ivn ■.• i n r-.. PROUD MOMENT % :4 f f ..Jap r* j., sssiiy 5' n 0 \ I! |g% : •4 i i| JiLj '^irSPSP®^ “i W f I -i. i i 4 '3 I,.U'i> Adams, !I, receives his tr ra (I r school diploma from ,\ Thornton. a spr'-ial home teacher front Chiraao's Board iif J'dhealinn. \ polio vj. ‘ iin, tarry iva., hi'lpaj I*v the Aiarrli of Dimes in his fijfhl ' Moon wis lh»s wf i, ii-i- .ised Irom .iiiv obligation to a pi'ont isil Is * ■ h.lfi ir-dt* Jo J = ' ill o olirro i i.;h{ KaiMlj Turpin T: i’l.ncc a I **w »* lilt- HritisJi lioxiug 31 ii a r u ol , V* T ''' a- V 5 MISSES ( HAM V AT Turpin “ill miss his rhaiuio ti worn I>> Archie Aleur-s Ihe British Boxing Bunt of Control released Motive ti’fun tiis agreement tu make his l’irsl title* rtrfpßsf Turpin. A TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION |5 \dvertis-em^nt P. 4, Section 1 Toils Why f -nttoi rrvf ilcd tt'.it it ti Hi t'o ii .i.-f,! Moorr from his promli-^. new to 1 iJ>& Bit * «.# ... , * •' '■ T ; A s' V v>? !yl? PIN! kSf n on lj£ ’ -UHwuMHgl 3 100 PROOf LIQUEUR SOUTHERN COWFORT (ORP. ' f St. LOUIS 3. MISSOURI