N.C. SOLDIER ONE OF FORTY KILLED IN CRASH INTEGRATED ARMY BAND MARCHES AS NORTH CAROLINA GOVERNOR IS INAUGURATED ;m Happy Khmer New Year. The 50,000 persons who lined Fayetteville Street last Thursday to witness the gubernatorial in auguration parade had opportunity to crack inte grated Armed korc-e* marching units and hands in nr Crazed Man Shoots Poo. OXFORD <■ • an 1 . .> •« <' ■■ • . Sheriff [toy mm- art M-u.t - Hint, h nir> "t'jl itv vent berserk at i'.i here Sune*.\ -•»»:»( -1■ t • •■ ? 11 < . in the stoin-irt) wit;, . .t. .; n , Sheriff Jane.- i(ieiitit)< a tl 1> ■ tin- «, Bo'ikc ■ Drifter ■ 1 ■; •!( is in Duke 1-fospi* >1 in f - . i .. i; ij. 'serious' r."mlitici', Richnrrl istfr. v. '!,<• :■t i . . Raleigh Elks To Launch $30,000 Building Program Mystery Blast Shatters statesvi!le Woman’s House 3 UNINJURED AS BLAST HITS WIDOWS HOUSE 'Wonian Declares li v M;h|«' to Blow I |i Hpi Home; (»ives No ( nnse »S FA TiCSYU i - A -i!,;i ■ it-i'pi - Ixplo:;ion shattered. *\ indows and blasteria hole ;is itv ground in front of thr h- ire >! < -i wi dow who claim- '■oinnyuo \-as try ing to bio- tip" her home Mon ti ay nipi it three prison- residing in th*- home »f 1'- if.ir oM Mt -. Odi* • nrry f,i ,1 *• injury in thr blast, reportedly caused hy r\ plosion of dynamite The explosion, wick •*. ohe Mi Corry froir: a -•!*• <*p heard over a hi section of the rity, and did •'> r d hundred dnl lari orth of damage to t-'>« Cot ry home, wbvh is located 1 out; f’vc hi k - fr-un an -i white residential neighbor hir'd. The blast v a., centered in the f ont ird of the Corry home in t-he Rabbitto" n a.ll-Ne: i•> v-rhor here and Mr.- Worry, hei dou;;h ter and son-in btv, M* nod Mi John Moore wore !<M’i tonipor-ari iy homeless by tlie incident l/Ory| Police Captain T <«. ‘ K y Iff said that Mrs. Carry could give no reason why any (Continued on page St. N C COLLEGE TRflf-K TEAM RATES HIGH IN MEET STAGED IN CAPITAL DtFIHA M Track Coach L* roy T, Walker and his North Ca rolina Colicco haniers picked tip two first places and » runner-up position in las’ week s K,venue Star games in W.iAington. Lee Calhoun, brilliant 19-ycar old high hurdler from Gary, lnd„ the Evening Star's Invitational 70- y. if Ja)T &r, wd Wi, -s'■' -’L-.' 's-U/f- 1 - * Sll W^f^vS&jSSß&Si^k OFFICERS OF RALEIGH S * FIDELITY LODGE NO. 271 OF El KS FOR 1953: Officers «f the Raleigh Elks L.odge who .have recently aproved a S3o.ofM> bo Ril ing program ape; seated left to It, ■ i iff hi’ > - i-. lyiMin.B ie i- iris i.'f'oi f ;u e m.-ide to ■ i>.i i * iii !■ • , t<' .* mental I. j y - i } i j i I ‘ * lI : JF, . f , > t)Oj- 'ri[\ ■t Yip . • 1 -->ll Y. -'l,l \y IIP n , M-igi }'* •*)> ifn p- a bin:? up a | dfiOtgclU BiM.4 * I ;> •: i . ; m!Jr •.i . ;,!?•»! j 'Pi If; he dOl .<m•** ii*■ ; ) » I: jr r » ; f rii.dim f»l'.'hdU (} | .i | iViks, mess I'rahTUdi S tsul'r U Honored i<n W ’l rors Oj SriAHT I<> (lOfl’jr RA : Kl< -H In -i. ms:-, *• ■ r •<i* U•' ’ . .<- cl..*''l by the Ifev .1 VV J*ne . of fin- i'•* v*’t t<‘"i lie ..!''re! Church, the off n-*-i •■: foi IfftJ of t-be iPiloign Fturui I od'e No. :.!() were inr-talb’d in t week ;t( :i banquet bonorin.:; Mrs Eugenia T Dunn, the retiring IV ( ontinwofl on p-igr k) tne record time of Bit, the winc- V-’i'd H-.gh hurdle.. Qualifying m footed Eagle clocked it: the finals ■i 8.3, only two t-nth- < f a ond Dick At! lob* v'.; v.o. id record of 83. Andr* w Oi.-A.in like Calhoun, sophomore :.t NCC. wen in tin: (Continued on page 8i right: Henry E. Young, D. S. Grence, Altthon/o A. %'iuicc. Ex alted Ruler; James P. Freeman, I A. J. Turner, Mack C. Akins, i Standing left to right are H, C. I'enrii, Edward Fincher, H, V. tien. An estimated 4500 members of shy Armed Forces and some 350 high school musicians look part in the two parades which marked the inauguration festivi ties. Shown at center above is a portion of the inlr THE CAROLINIAN 10c &L C^ l O-tyl™ <3-j -'C’c | |jp VOL, XII RALEIGH, NORTH ! AROLJNA WI EK El T)i , 1 . j\’ : \ i j*< 195?. N (JMBER 9 RALEIGH ELKS TO BUILD NEW iHOME FOR LODGE i Planninj: i m|rrw;iy For Vw ! itjrlifv ?,< *<|t»«* (onsiiirfiou IVojeet HAI t-lICIT Fid'll :! - 1.-idr;*- N'" 277, I rn; rt-ved fn -r-r \ ■ i l . p. f ;; P 'otectjv.> O- ■!■-.■ of Fib- (IHpOC.i i heis : ( but Iff t.n:; :s r r-,-;j iri :n which -i *;* v SAO.CfdO itulkiinc •' ' 1 In s '•• •'• 1 h<- P * -id 'jini n j-, of tb* L'ldge h'-r*’ IHr huiblioj* pt»>. i-im, r»- * timmended by th. i- , j . I Red It liter. Aipb‘Sii/o 1 Vinrr !>is; Ilf en approveif In the l odge ,<mt r. -,i hedulrd to r* t underiv.iy upon < onitdetion nl planning. ' Miring ,1 recent n'Ccting of i*■< t -;r V.,nr: ere.;, in: iylted s . .. alted Ruler fro the ninth ron,;ei-;s. : tiu*- t.iiue f’r*; v t'-i i;. Ut !h i s h€ • ••••-d dm tng ;'p Esalr.»d 1 ; !’u I r i j ill into lie ;!, , eefli .1 |. f, v/: t . ,-i ’* b*> i: ■ tid'd I' ; - i-n'ige too' t• • ive year; fJ>-■• inthe time Vh i Wiici'.'- ierveH i * v,-. itr-trutr-en- I'd in giving the Inri! lodge it-, fill ‘.Hit homo d Id!) r I ! 1.) i ' if d■ ‘C Wilcox <1 ' j-‘ •••;'! -is I»: Depot .-io*| 'it .* ' i-ios,!,* m! Ilirector o? Elk:. Since V-*io <■ ha; i-i-eti exalted 1 ml"! IV* io'h;*' h.o -ionbh'd it. ■rn-rnbershtp Also the Tlccroatjonp! ; Cent'-i has bp.-n r.-H'-orat (, d at a • * * l of This build -n g is y hi yo'liu; ; * •-•pic foi j-ee. e itjoiihl activities anti other group'- for d.if !'* i ent purpo ■*■ Mr Vance i a mernbet of the Trustee Board of Elks of North Carolina, a member of the Board * ! Directors of the Woke Co-Ope rative Store, and a member and t-p.ikesman of the deacon hoard of •he M a n 1 y Sivi** t Cbrist'an Church Othe officials of Fidelity Lodge \ ire: D S. Greene, FNteem Lcadiuja; Ku;.,-1:!: f*::;, E Yount;, Esb'ern (Continued on page 8) NMHMI : -tosmm tioitse, James Tnillijw, J. R. Ifay w«*nl, Rev. J. E. Marks. L. S. i Wilcox, H. L. Taylor. Charles I Crump and Alfred George. (SEE STORY) jßg& i jf 3 ; 9 1 % r I I ( 1M;HII % 1!«; 50*1 ti i\ IVKK >} K V ?*lj , rs >|rjj, ? .;• of fi'!7 floisnff'jry StTifi, K Uriulj, N. i' , on Hth if r.:'leJ.*ratod SWH?t C IH ; RACK, (.01 XCII.AIAN •II ARI) AT I VIM WTN'tTON ' A r t-.M Ti,.- (i, I N*.".;r'i t-i ••;* i .i- *m th*- f.irur'ii I'm | City Council * thr iuiiu itMi -pi ik- r (v.ttida.v •■* (lie f*bj I- • - i Stgina Fr'Cerriit.;/ d Wi-,st.un ■ Sabyii Tea i tiers T*ri )1 * -;-«' <■- ! * S;, *_ ut* * 1 i * ■■ ;,9tj, p f>i 11}*{*- r ; >,, -. Dr. William M T-rauiptoH. - t pm ! cuti by.'Wn .*.- ■ -•*> .t v) «o i Greensboi-o ei<y route d i*i UVi! A former infr n it JEa’c BRinp. Reynolds Hospicu. Dr Ilamr.ton Is ,i gniduate -if Alfred University j and Mehsrry M«tdir.al College. Active in 'T .*•, welfare, reitgious <• d fraternity affairs, he received the annual ArtueveiTienf Award |of the <Jrcensborn * ii-optets of : Omega P-i Phi fritterntty in I; Iri addition he !:• ■*■■ been tuimed : 'Sigma of t*ie Year" by the (Jam - i ;mo Beta Sigma chapter of Phi, Beta Sigma fraternity in Grecns i tcro. Other participants in the Found er's Day celebration w re: tne * Rev. J. D Patterson, pastor of. Grace Presbyterian Church;; ! Charles Haynes, president cf Delta A’pha chapter; and Nathaniel, Potts. grated Air Corps band from Fort Bragg. Other photos show i.u'-goitc' Gov, Kerr Scott and the man for whom the day’s festivities were intended, current Governor V. ill).mu !». Um<l nf Durham. F ollowing the parades, ■"i.'i.vi-iss, v. , r i-j'cptmn w-»» jC'ivf’ri he fltPir rhiMrm vr\t*-'S ihf’ir mri ?*v?.n^ f> i•'»>H ‘i, <lll lit II I TADFIi b < <M 1,1 (,K SI’F Alvl i: DtU'.i' .1 :< ii’o - I-:*--* .1 K Mr ' 1 11 Util, * :tivc ,f • y 'if the ... i.r* (.tonfei-T-nr-’ **f ft!-- Y-1 ttiu,,i ChitiTh. tvii?* ~n -Where Lit 1 ' Bc-'Ois" at Bonne!I < '•.• !*-. < •••c;:per> t'vic**-. Sii’-da.- at T'iVti.ff r Chapel be Uu : the |l..;>i;.'*-r de eb-rtid *.*•• *; !t*'oolc "join th* 1 t>i 1 - .•■rimage f*n .social perfection.” De - lai it:,; that Christ ianil.y is an •>c b"e f*ll.*.'*', f!■<- niintaf.rs. said that people n*ed to tak" the "trans formio.: pmvei of J-us Chri-t" and make it n;ti■■■*•• i-i individual wmsw is H i i:ni,n WITH ITSTOMSI 'IT H\l mail A 28 Vf;,v-(>jrj lOr n 1 j i i woman. Miss Hate I } Vrry of East j tarrus Stree, was struck ant. r knocked down with the butt of a! pistol Monday night, at "20 East: Davie Street, the Ctiy Dctectivu i ! Division reported Tuesday ! Miss Perry received a lsecra- i 'ion on ‘-he right side of her fore- j head, and was treated at SI. Agnes ! i (Continued on page 8) \ Step-father Named Papa Os Y ounsf Gi rt’s Child 'BURGLAR RING' AGAIN IN HANGS OF LAW OfFICFRS Solution In ( j iiiir fn ShfO'S StTfl Poll owinjj I tjslm inj* of fulorif '•’HARLOTTE .a ;ti..,ycar-o.W with an impeding re< ord "i j'-j ;■* convictions and current . breaking charge.-, against j-’in ;!■ the custody of O - i' f '• u- '--*b>s v.xc.k after his it x ’ f v • Vd: 0 11 -• • i]i * ,ev j~ l n„ - .■» p’f} '’Oh'S 'ho f I-', .r i i j ;»!!, |,i ;n -’id ho' J>TO !of V/'.odi'mv Moody nf Hill known t.l'o it.., i o King wh ohad been at ia, ' '■"* l r;, o'-: i:i o hi oak from a pr.i:,. on o», pm .r A-.ho' :[]- OH |_ ’’ ’ ! v o-vh'd.f :.fring of on .■>v« •! r.r r, . Mood}, -r 1 11, : a: re I . i r> v TV . lire '.lncf K L fur: of Albem-srk f.v < ■ rb.-n . of i.o bvraf-i \ ! < , u.vand arson m t- ,t cit.v In ■o.f'on fir, j WAld'-d nn at 10-! J1 count: brim and faces house breaking charger, in Raleigh. Sih bin" BeJmont and flock Hill, S C. While a • ait in;; March trial m iotan.ty County Superior Court, the A!b( ri-.u ]e police turned Mood,’ o'-* to Ct a-l o,! tp police m order '*> hh: no the charges against villi! 1 0-re . l-oi d police '-aid that Vs ,-ody .•truck here between O't 2 Ini rncfh i-tiHy after hi'- (■.rape Horn the prison cam: l , and Dor :*'t and find II ra v?s have a heady been cicav-'d > p involving him and fbof 12 additional rases in which h, is a suspect are pending About $3,000 in elo'bing, winch, along with jewelry police said was M ,'idy -p> has be - i covered in connection with the lo cal break-ins, !> f. Copt W A McCall .-.aid <!>.•» other clothing found in Chax b had been stolen from R’>J; Hdl Raloi :h and .BeJmont M'-Can said that ’t n Burgt-n Ting” h-’d a record of hnusebrea': in.g and larceny that, dated back M »n tin tied on page 8) Goldsboro So Idler On e o f Forty Killed in Plane Crash S I’iM I'• I I< > c'KOf \AI A * (.(><, A - : Utah A Noith Cato, i iina native, veteran of service with | United Nations forces in Korea.,: • '-as one of the 40 killed when the! j Army - chart**r**l C-46 transom**: j ('lone in which they were home , i ward-bound crashed high in the j Wasata.: Mountain near here last Wednesday. Listed as one of the 37 Ar my rnrn among the victims i | was Pfc. John H. King whose heme address is tio7 Canal St., ! Goldsboro, N. C. ! Preliminary investigations madoj when the wreckage of the plane I - " ■" ■ • ..... -a. ■ to and from the Memorial Auditorium, Gov. i. •.< us.uif- his initial sptv-< h ,ih chief <;xi'< ullvi to the rnupm lifr.'i nf (hr St.rtn i .e;;r.i.iturr now u» session. (MIIRI I V STAFSOTOS ) Death Cause Determined t.HAHAM Hii death of u ro.afJ o<jiic fin ! ii.-ar i, ~ j,, :•.! wa . can;-' •! mi- , n.,! | H>.lUM‘ :• f{ v, if, I. l; ~ , v . , ' 1 ''U‘ It i lo iiirrl • ii.i in, i», M A S|, k' ~ !, n;1 i lt ' ; , U 1• " < . H , if j Tl'f.'iifdi nf:.-:- j-. ( iiir-nri \ Ts VV t|lt» C r ({ri o| Ti H'*- .Mi >. K1 \\\ J\ : it 11 . i'/ j of »;. .t, i ~; ? M f t n ,K i ~ L ; I \e: I ■ r.i M• tj M - I MF ! V s?:, \M * fi* fin \KH I'M‘Nirlent J. VV H«’s»ntilv, Jr , <*i Mu N»nf|i i - i 131«* »? ’t(« fit dlhtMft I > 0 >«| * It.Atn *“rj I’.iin: f iif * ;H» ?n»»<J.«l to* ol H»< » ntr^. inn) p9li< i t t tuni f M>* *!• > .limn >U I *\ |..j(p| lor, .• (!.( >* <»( thj 11* iii to Hu: n} . \ft f .uoilLim LoliL « ts nfr) of hir t V. Ith tUr t -M»ip i»• NC OLDER Bflry CONFAB PLANNIK6 MEET StT AT RALEICH JANUARY 25 HAI 1-:k;h The T -Kccn'i orn. mitt<. of tii, i'j r y.MCA Older Puy-, ' 'ruit 1 m ucc • 11' hold -;u car tntive ■.- -ion d (•■• Blood'-vorth Street VMf.A, r -h, on Sun day. J-'inuriiy 2s ct 1?, noon The purpu..,' of the meeting is to plan the 23 1 d anm il D ite-v ids corifer cic'fto }■-. lirfd ;d Ah, Stephen::- [,o’ : High .School, .A -h/-ville, rVrid.rv,, Satnrday and. Sunday. April ) /,, 1,2. in. Oftt'CT- lie •• ~ f, , • P'. ‘, ;dcni .latvie Dyvn, Wc’.-t ,t. ■ Srl-o-d, u hern: e pt» i -1 P, lit, Thom •<:. r,.,l|o'*- - V.bih /f oru High N-liool. V.': ini rnglori .Adkiriv High ' ,1. Iv , : | ■ g ,’tl p l d■ ' I rig C'U',f<- .(• ' : !,,..",d. t (', Price Hi h '.ctieiol, Sali :\n v, Fjn • w-rs di -covered after a ti -r-d-r j search Mop day revealed that the. I giant air-'up, carrying a m of; | and tlm Army men. vrish*’/ i into a niount iin ; eak upon fail ! lire to regain altitude 'I he u reekagi of (hr pl.ine, j witdi bodies and debris seal tererl over a. wide area was i : found near a. 10, 000-foot high i I mountain peak, into whi it evidently ploughed in an ef fort, to regain its ionise. The air ship, reportedly vv.e, Hying reverse course to its previous ! ly-esta-BUsked rtlrection. t Tiir i’iii>p!.y w;i - ordered be~ 1 ; ■ . I.iflve 'if *Si ■ vr (mi .lit-.-.) y ■ vbl l ■; ’is’ (rani i hr .• t ’s' 1 (‘'mi ;n’<i n■ i:’,.'( i;.iv . 1 ftrredl heart h t-'f-j] r the i-Mr ■ ’ i . ut i paired o• rr her !1 1 . i ’ O"" Si t i‘o - ( 1' - i f ■ i ri> iv-v-iv ■■ hei r the ! i n . tiool be : wy: tiuini.g »- ‘ 11 1 '! H . >' .'troll''' in M, f * 'on<i|iijf rs a»s pt}i*(p W } STEP-FATHER IS 'h mother e SHILD ONLY - J.- \ i%ji I <oi” AH ,m.’ Aim! m i Amu *; ATus f <> f ;-KT (rraiid Jury DU If MAM A 30-vear- Id In :,i. man i;a t,« e,, ~ f;3 . bo , iCg l: a ciuid o; b:. UepdaußiiU-r h re. In ioe.v.i Pecordcr's ( -art lb. r., Ihi ,p W p,r nf j, J f , ri . n - I ,;b .■• 1 it:- 2 -•nn;- 1 ,re:•' t ii■, ■ , nf In-, |crri '• ! ■ d 1 r nid • ,- nriiiued b< Id p . a, ; J"; _ t -■ ,:; r . >u tue charge. ' in . • or! 1 • : dl'ii.;; it)a f{-,p git f ‘ T r 1 < t i • , Jt, ■ h j r.d i : al ■ legrdtv tin father of her bacy. The !: n, i.. rr ,v seven rnonths '■■'d-. i na:; given for the ,-’r!’:d in y hearing' Bond b.U not : , r. nc- 2ft 1:20 , ‘,. t ., ; ( a-5. jo"rne-d Monday. ■i • i i efary nn-jlev, • We-.t ~t,-,'t High .school, Uev i'.ei n. 1 The b - Committe- a is ’compnsed of E J, H.iiford. YMCA executive Raleigh, director; (Jar land 7. Crews. Vb-bulon M‘-s B. B. [.eonard, Wilmington. I> W Morcbead, C.r- en .i'oro; f f* Mr Oennon, Wi n stun -Saif *u, 3 I H, ;e Wilmington; I! i> .- v t., Ttaplefoot \V 11: - ■, ~ f A , Whs'a k- :. High Pouit, f, T i fnod v in. Cigii Jot tee. Is If, "i. ; .t Kin: B H tv>n e. r -'ttu ville, b r. Wjh-. O'arlvt'c. ’ Mel vin Bio, : Win si a, ini' ir, i eo.ni- Ila ■ ■ ood, ttv'e. I >| M. Johtv.on. ( luit-'n, WiliiiH 1, : (< ontiblicd on page 8i The Goldsboro -o'd l v!T lie ••■"d ft’e 'Ttu- 1 ' • rc< vv.■ ;. - . : .tin*a !ir the ciash were being reutrued S from Kore a in the .Array's replace- I moot plan IBs destination was Ft. 1 jrckMtn. S r wh»re he woutdl j b.ive b-cn ci anted » furlougli to j visii relatives in Goldsboro and ! vicinity i The Uarollnian was unable to learn what disposition was to be made of the remains. Funeral and memorial rites are being planned, in the Goldsboro area, however, pending complete investigation of the tragedy.

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