To Protect Self, Children K C MOTHER OF 13 KILLS HUSBAND Check -up Reveals “FI.U" EPIDEMIC IN NC IS ONLY IMAGINARY ; *1 fAROI I'-I'N XHY-J NTIiWOKK TALfbUt Despite intima tions. to the contra ry, a chc-ci;-up b,> th: N'C'V'- Net'C'irk revertba? feat ut &n influenza epidemic in ♦ lie s ai..> is more ' imasnui;.' than anything els- Trut several cities have rc ported outbreaks of mild form of virus infection said to be '‘flu’", yet feu if ant of these N. <’. cities have j r.n steps to declare the rise of the infections ot epidemic stage as Network newspapers ISO to press fins week. i JmgSmr gxttißSEm F _ JjSSjsfißiy Ws& jWf?*.' wvW ijSk . #?& if|f " ; t . ;{ r TUBBS iMfe, ■ afctfjWMr A x;. :;BpP > t HM st HOLAKsmr wfn n i n Mrs, LeEthel Smith, l.e*in?ton, N. is one of in Negro stu dents who ip* awarded scholar ship? hv t|ir Nation*! * ??nnri < lion for Infantile Para!? is f'• r tiir 1957-53 si bool \> .ji M»s Smilh is enrolled in the Megi cal Social Work course -it Co lumbia University. Scholarship* FORGETS PASTOR’S NAME Man ‘Gets Religion’ Too Late To Escape Charges GREEN SB OR O A. man not religion here !.• » Sunda••• - but he got it a little? late - he was already in difficulty with the law. The story of the man’s rapid ■ j> torn to *he fold" was revealed in a hearing before a If S. Com missioner Tuesday and is as fol lows: Johnny Myers, 33. of 10.31 Og- Turn Avenue. toM C S. Commis sioner Charles E Ader tier.- Tues day that he joined church Sun day to establish an alibi as to his whereabouts tnat night. Myers said: Sunday about 6:30 pun, A Til *nd ABC officers: found nine gallrfhs of non-tax-paid liquor in a car parked in Ogbtirn Alley, several blocks from Myers’ home. Mvers. owner of the car. was . TiM V I I. L INAUGURATION THRONGS Race artists So * prano L'orthy .Maynor and Band leader Lionel HamuAon were a mong the nationally - famed personalities appearing by popu lar demand at events pertinent Hf fiotif, INfMf \ in h A) Raleigh, Sci!»'•'!. s -p*' in'e.i ; dent f Sanderson tint, i that while many seho'.'!- arc reee ding, o;, i.-i-c .is . of si.-i; no.-, ■■!'.. .’.'id tu If f ? 1 10 till percentage of ab; gives no cause i V| i a - ;md cany this week, only lon.- Rairj-th school, a pamchial .iti«. had closed its doors because ' d the •-•pi i an of 'lie malady Generally in North Carolina. | vinch us- s'Uiool iilv-'cnteetsm as i indication that iher° if an in/oe | lion at’ounrlfnp. of epidemic pin | onions, an absenteeism of *« (Continued on Pape »,i in firms o, study related to p/» lio rare are granted by the Na timisj Foundation from Marsh <>( Dunes Hoist;, i '>!•• annual • im(». Is non being conduct ed and your dunes and dollars ■«>*■ greatly needed. 1353 was the u orst. polio year on record, with more than 55.000 cases i iiidiug nearbv and ?aiv the of ficers seize the car. He decided forthcoming charges of transport that in order to clear himself of ing lifjiior. he would say his car had bene tolen and that soi j body else had put the alcohol in A. Abort 3 p.m. Myers wont to St. Stephens Baptist Church and attended the res ula r preaching service. At the close of the service he went up to file front and told the preach er thal he wanted to into the church that night. The pastor said later, when questioned by ATU officers, that he had never seen Myers before Sunday rug-ht but that he and the cnurch officers had accepted him i Continued on Page K) tr» the inauguration of Dwight | Elsenhower as the 34th Presi dent of the United States Tues day. Both Miss Maynor and Mr. Hampton ivere termed "at their ! best” for their precedent-setting appearances. ' IOC \ 7 VOL, XII HA LEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA __ WKKK KNDIMO JANJ L\R\ _M, I'L.a NIsMLLIi lo Boy, 15, Arrested As A Safe-cracker j N.C. SEPARATION LAW FOUND BASELESS WHEN JUDGE FREES MOSLEM R Al..!•'i(.;.M K"en though the North Carolina Legislature vested she stale' - utilities Commission with the port > r to -vet up separate • rut Unit rwii's at b• - or rail st-i - ten 1 duals for 1 hit.o and N<’- ,-:m patron-- and made it a re quirement that the Commission do iu 1 that, the Lamed legi.-iators i.iiled to jneorpot ate into thou- or der a penalty to e exacted ts a , cr on chose nol to use the wait* in:; facility ; rovided for hint. In its nt'dcr to Hie Utilities Comrnis: ion on the subject of sep arate waiting rooms for the dif ferent rains, the legislative statu** •S t 3 V" s>. »» TO PROVIDE 1 'Oh SVi/'-'N ait; waiting rooms tor RACES The Commission is empowered and directed to require the establishment of separate ’’nitinif rooms at all stations for the •■: bite and col nred races. And folio wins the above placed a ' period”. This fan ••■no- to tight here las!. Freedom At End RALEIGH ■ A prisoner who eesoaped from a North Carolina road gang more than '.ear? ago was coming back Hits week to fmiph his sentence- Prison officials said Luke Green started the trip v. ith a fugitive officer escort after winding up a term at the Atlanta. Os. Fede ral Penitentiary. Green, now 43, was sentenced Horn Scotland County in March. 1939, to 25-35 years of robbery and stealing a car Assigned to Perquimans County road camp, he escaped Jan. 6, 1911 Eagles Beat Union DURHAM North Carolina College Eagles overcame an eight point halftime deficit here Mon ! day night to ring up a 60 to 55 OAA Conference victory «v£r Virginia Union Coach Floyd Brown’s charges, ! with Charlie McCullough and Satn I lones showing the way, came hack ! strong in (he second half to score iSW points. After trailing most of the way. j t''-i a Eagles; caught un at 49-all in Soda Shop Robbed j RALEIGH The juke- box and, cigarette machine at the Haywood j Soria Shop, 115 S. Blodworth St.. were emptied of their cash after; a break-in during the weekend • Police were notified Monday; morning that, the, front, door lock had been • broken and the place! A&T Gets Dimes March ! I GREENSBORO --- The March of j Dimes campaign committee at A, land T. Co’.ege set a goal of $1,500 ; Tuesday at toe kickoff meeting ( ' held at the college, Elsworth E. Smith, dhairman of ! the Greensboro Negro division’s! ; drive, explained to the student, 1 body the pressing needs of the j campaign and announced plans [for the realization of toe goal. ; Thursday hen a man who ap-; pe,tred to be -1 Negro to ir.eiri 'etc, of t•’i<- I ■ -u jaolicf force and ; to ottf iidan*.' ;>t Mis Union Hus; Station here refused to seat Inin-: celt in a waiting mom provided | for Negroes, and was arrested, on a .egroKHtion violation chars?. The man, Robert Rev. .)2, a Moorich-Aiii.'. ;can and native of Tro;-, NC. was booked at the lo cal jaii mi the charge and v- a; hr id in default <•( bail until Fri d'iy morning voif'n City Court Ji.-dge Albert Doub dismissed case upon, he in.; advised by Act i, oolicitov !tarry McMvllae ]>• it at *hf.i. a statute roq'' •i.i'i u-ate watting moms had 1 "n duly acted upon the State legis lature. no [ c;ialty could be exact lo from a person ignoring it. Me-. -»ho i-a lived in Newark. N.f for 21 years following com pletion of rleirwnfary and second . i •-■ cuool iraining in Troy, left the court a free man. ilir- arrest, however, put a new it cmtinneil on Page X) La'-t su.mme- • Greene c ent into < pnlirf station in Pennsylvania and announced he ‘anted to :'.tr ee rider lb -aid his conscience torn bled 'in: and 'hat he wanted to pay hi: debt. Before North Caro lina could claim him, however, Pennsylvania discovered Grc e n l another debtor; the federal government wanted him. too. The details of the federal charge were r.ot known to prison officials, but Tuesday they got word that the debt was settled at Atlanta and that Cmen was heading north the final period. The;, took the . lead at 51-13 with mx minutes’ remaining in the game and stayed ; ahead the rest of the way McCullough took scoring honors j f oi toe night with 13 points while! ,/ones •» as close behind with 17,, Tex Ho'i.nn. recovering from an; attack of virus flu. saw part-time . action and scored six points Robert Johnson had 16 markers to lead the invaders. entered. An estimated sl3 was taken from the juke box. it was reported, and around $12.25 from tnc cigarette machine Exit from the place was made through a rear door which was unlocked from the. inside Dr F. l> Rluford, A. and T. i president, raid that each yeaC’stu- j dents ai A. and ,T College tuwe I gone over and beyond their goal, j We expect to do no less this !year" ! A special guest at the meeting | j was Columbus Carpenter, a young! patient at the Central Carolina! j Convalescent Hospital. Miss Betty ; (Continued on Page 8) Amt 'tSsHkL Mr, 'fs> -iVS ■fa .oo.htVNni mother of hi children, who ; shot and, killed hes ivaband be i cause he told her he was going jto kill" her if it was the last { thing" he did was absolved of I al! blame in the fatal shooting ;by a magistrate's hearing here ; Monday. Magistrate C. C. Bayllff said that no charge would be pre ferred against Mrs. Elisabeth Harris Vincent, the assailant, unless new evidence was found in the fatal shooting last weekend of the husband, f.eorge Vincent. A jury, hearing Mrs. Vincent's k hrnony !,earned that * lie* worn jan shot and killed her spouse ■ with a nickel-plated .32 calibre (Continued on Page 8) Opposition To New Race Homes Nixed HIGH POINT White property | I owners who opposed a plan to j i build a Negro housing project. ; here were overridden by the lo- j leal City Council this week giving i a green light to th~ proposed pro- : The action taken by the local j city fathers will -allow builders! to go ahead with plans to cob- ! i siruct eight buildings containing j '32 rental apartments in the here i tofore semi-lily-white Leonard . and Meredith Streets intersection, j The objecting property owners i had opposed rezoning of the area. About 15 white property own i ers had formed a group opposing I the rezoning of the site tor resi (Continued on page 8l Youth Takes S6OO During Safe Theft mill). On Sf roll To Sunday School. Irors Into Pliirr, Robs If OXIm >J!I> ’Special) A t£„ rar-old boy has been »r rented here on charges of cracking the afr in a place of business, after • making an uncalled-for detour; while on ins way to Sunday School. T.oral Chief of IV.lice J I, Cash ••••ltd that. in police custody, j charged with the robbery of tne ■ife iS was apprehended hy Polito Sgt. Nathan While i (‘port ’d iv who .'(tumbled upon evidence .w.iinsi the lad investigating another break-in. In yu' tiontng which foUo.ved Boddison ron fr.-.'.ed tiro robbt and also admit j ted that a week earlier on Dee he entered Oxford Implement Company through a window and robbed the drink dispensing ma chine Boddison is a brother of .lames Boddison. who pleaded guilty in federal court in W, ,ng lv 1 : of pilfer in 8 m.iii whik vw a- ro w a- 'i •hotel beiihox and row in a federal prison. The youth told officers that § :pent the stolen r.'-sh. amounting • Continued on PAge S< Dimes March Dance At Raleigh Mon. Leading Bands Will i*lav So That Others Yfav Walk Again RALEIGH A mammoth bene fit dance and Battle of Mu: " featuring some of the most out standing individual musicians and orchestral croups in the area has been slated for Monday night .January 26 at the Club Colonadc i hi ip. | Tile huge lineup of orchestrai : groups ill he headed b.v the j ! fjimed Three Deuces, the Johnny, Minter orchestra and the Count,! Haves Daw Weaver unit The group • number re their per j son el th" most noted instromeri \ j tcibd.' in the area s well as the j ! leading vocalists and intrrpretors j The mammoth affair b soiled- j ; uled to get underway at 0 ! ( Monday night and to ensue until | | the carlv hours of the followin':, day ; Through the conoe ration of, i Messrs. Rivers and Held, managers t jof the cltv’B top nlte-spot. all pro- j ‘ cec'cts realized from the affair will: jbe turned, over to the Negro Di- j vision of the current March ofi Dimes Drive campaign of which Ctis Robertson is chairman. It has been learned that mem-; lers of various social, civic and fraternal groups will cooperate in sales of tickets for the affair. Tic ket sales will continue on the ciuor (Continued on Page 8; Raleigh Area Child is | Making Valiant Fight i Against Dread Polio ' I II A'i IIF Bill Ml s. clem year oid darehtiw oi \lr .uni Mrs. 1,1 vis Primus nf i n w n f «j r i e. though stricken s ivir.rh with infantile p,unity-is keep , up wuh fu r studies in tin sci find grarir of Im kh.'i t i.lemcnlitrv K< lin'd. Alic.vr m iff- reviewing her I* .nrc. with her :i P : Money <‘C.! i Girl’s Desire For Book Learning Unhamper r i In Fight With .Polio Stv t ill V! At S I lit ivhiccisi te / *'* t' ' it? s•’ • Lockhart Ek-rnt e.t .vy School in W.'kr Co'inlv Manic- aft Y'pc-t c-cecker player for her age - - next t?. th) a virne shfi jiL *rs -o pl&y v nth be i rioc -. M-diie is : .)'/.■ h lik 1 ’ any olhet T ij-ryiiai! but there one bir. difference Beattie P v , r,i. <: . polio. and the doctors say t.-he wib probably al - v ,ys be a cripple. Maybe this sound:- prft'y di.-. con r a gif u: t . ••< n, but if you hSu kr.ov-'ti Mattie '-'lien -.v,. . st.-ir. ken with the di-wase in 1950 or Ciuring tlu- VI months she siu-nt at Ccnt r ii i I w. <‘onvato-, !■;.( Center in Greensr.or-i trying pit)- Teacher-Hubby Pays Off As Wife Asks Divorce: She Claims He Was Cfad iKt'ITIH so ( AHUI.IMA N I i I .YI.TTKVTi.iI': lbwh Wor j M;: Jenkins, .i i vtii ja. I > ts. ueho* lin the N< ."bold Training S'-h'.iOl; Ih< !•>■■: agreed U> iuv n u v.ofe, j.Mic '.Tara Barnes .Jr-id ins .= tca- I sonab’e • w a 1 money t.-» drop id ‘■'U'.e hiii;./' • agsm'u him | V- Jenkins r- ' "ritly filed " | petition in the Third Judicial tbs i Court of North (Vo:> I seeking a divorce on the grounds of cruelty Mr-. Jenlttnr, .dated in' l-'iej petition ti/.i he* husband h.-ai! j her on everal occasions, mode j her pay room and board, mov -d hei tied from a re" bedroom to n general purpose s sum in v. 'nil'll sii- 1 | had t-i pureha e ■* space heater to keep warn) dor ini* the wint'-r ol 1950-51 thee, fin ally moved ail of her belonging.' , from their home. Mr. Jenkins, on the other hand reportedly stated that, he "rcluc- 1 tantly agreed" to marry his wife in December 1943. Mrs. Jenkins j denies such statements and says ecien irinn bHp vK-tin* piiijn tike Vs ajt • • (. *■ V .I 1 < minty < imu and slot , to r -r ;' inbutions • tuittif! hi in)!.--d - to Olli-n 'HJ a,. ' . f>\ t ’.! Oi, i . j 'Ji O' t. I o/.p. . i;,i!..e i> . . j T; . 13 Fiirmi He tb-rr P- ■'■ jar l *tOf at ' 1 - c'f I '' a in Kaifigu. and Ter m-:>u.»r i- • dr-' tics' v.; r! :n: --n 1 . if!,;,;,;. Top (-:en *th : ;;.t‘. ,;f O, vi / kmj, Mi Pi ./' - / ’h could no vel ha, e p..,': t te-> *■■■ . ho.- pita Is and doctors if u ■■ V i i:>-n for lb'- Mar' . . f ;It ha:-, dreadv co, 1 ih.c t , • : ( stu-e Imp.- f lie it." M/ittie V. as settled m / . -v: - g ) chair, braces oo both bib. < ontinui/i Oil Pi. > that a ftej -I ~.'io>d of tv,o ,■ -)t bmu LJnp th/ ' " • !">tt r , state:, that S',.' 1 ' I ■ : i under J-mding n due to in'-!;>-*- tio/ i-'c fehc further stats? tl ■ • ■><*» :,T< jn-.J. 4, f . - r ) , ; r {r\ | The *pm pf-iicf Mrs. ■ei'kivs •• •♦ . ■n. . ■ hr; -- or j Heins unable to ■ tl;* M I :nnj ,a t, OiU.e . Mr. I°ni.::» j portfetUy ha,-., ;igft"'i not*-: rn tt- I fyinc tli,at the 'mount -/ill i» j raid A (ie'd of tio.J t >: u : *>• jo/ nod by Mr ,1-nkj.; aid in t>r hied for shout V ■ i ly.v” 'o ; (she tend of Mr: .1- tiki ns' »!*•:>*'- at. security * in- uot"/ ; The property iu at 2-. * ■■ /■! : -'. i GrOttnvilHe, N f! Mrs fl.jlf’.r fen. ! kins the mother of Mr Jerilibu j lives at Ihr address, it was p i vc-alcd Mr. Jenkins, a native >'