N. t INTERS GANGLAND KIDNAP VICTIMS Succumbs After illness ' ! fv B 0.1 >• • in \! *, ' •r • >,> i • ;>,rr> WO 0 51. ' . • i r„; Vfc'.'i and ■! i-t il t'; i:t ■' 1 " 'i .t j) ri l l h* «:j l ”t d' I' ” - ”sr!. :• . > ■ * , Jtyii ma Hi" 111* <'"l ■ •rc if < r it >!; po: 1 . . .tfiii'il” •' orU M • cl '.tiouf'l On I'l'-.i •") ae.wrtb M: ■Mnwaa Oldest Merchant 1M f j {l) A JV? T• o r; lau w!ni holds th. • recr»it! ;.x t.lu oki< .■1 r / -v- —■ .. . ...... .... ... .. . tlNUhtl I'itinn: US Guardsman Automobile, Succumbs H i Aurrii CITS’ A Cor!-1 Guaidxrnan Witu tai ■>) to tln• Ai benuu']* Hoopit t 4cm clay night in a o.rCh:-')! <<■ >t|iv ■■ ftj. it m if of an autoiob IV. fine! 16*01 rii< ii oji jf. i l ll i: no- j if} ieiTivod *ll'’ os: 11". • .•■ D lien tut! -.on. 27. i lender. *>l • a : ■ m: a i!*"; Olfliiiro,;-,)mu i, HO, r,‘ rbzahi ‘ : CUj it 7:1:. ,* o lo< K I'io’S day night and oppnrem ij Inrel- j mg at .. high H* aHm-mV ■> , Shot In Gangland Style CjU'r iil •» !> * -’.noiilNl VN I RICHMOND v’,? •(, *;,„!h Carolina brother: , vho were ■>) - le-redl- i.idnappt’d in {•■ -:. or:.- H , men near Enfield. Nf b> t i-' ; ~l night, and forced to ir, captors into thi: late, .-,<>• ! S owm> I't‘le improvement fr>- •> ••vo'.nd: iPfeivsd when the 1- > Inn }>:>>■ • tut Tied :.'in on them ;o,r-' I , them it ..v. !> urn* o •. ■•• day. fine of the i >•. ■a.; ■ : j: .. ■■ j] Cotton. 2'l. is in a ■<■:•»si , ij crmdi-. dition at a local hoapi'.'l after he* in? sliot through th neck. The other brother. Quincey Cotton, 3|, is at a hospital in PotSo'shur..:. Va s=vffering from cfie t and back gun shot vnor.ds. I’he i brothers, both residents of Infield, *.v< tr Mri napped by Robert Mason. ,!r,, of Philadelphia and Sloe Via f*is of liiltimnre last Friday night. somewhere between l.it tlefon and Enfield. Tin two men. Ha .on and Waters, re. jmrtedlv demanded that the ( otton I rollsers drive them in to Virginia to ‘get then ear" Wi.ee. Ov C- him brothers ar rived a* a spot win r ht-i <• near Emporia. t ■ p •-!, Ma son ord VValci:: e'everi them to f.ten Vie *r. Cuitnt-i c<,7 the* b" : t'T i, in point a pis tol .1 hi r • nor aftoi (ell. inr so- * V' ■ b Hi's I-, the end of the I'-,, f'V V1,::.- f nin ev 1 V,t‘on :vs that one of the fn o iri’r -fir I 11:v brother just ns hi” e-,,.i. u .... . iuni) ** THE CAIiE OF THL MAN AND THE BOYS tfJPGMES ON rACJE FOLK ~,r r p , 11 %■ va>- revealed tiii i v i'. t. that i.: time. ! mj I'll -in* ”! 01. Still il.! ic ’.' I )■> t .'.t I f .iiarcu- 1 . !ha ' Ji:: deei: mu «u ' retire is Ih on \v< baon If, ill II” Iv .”11, !. ,y hr I■ . < j Mat (if) •:■: i. J . to [.Hi !ivtl 1 : T1.'.l 1 lI'PS il” hi. rm'i.i: hr Oli.i i■ .h j able runir”!.i.p.j y ,11'in the j street from the o*unt»- house for hi y«\v . and has le-ui ■•'* fuialb-, rotning! It- i' d m a feniv. The ‘ . 111. ■. Ihi i i . I d fee* j from the ;. ,v.l y.'lierr ti)e far t/.HUfi ! j ( a l.ip 11* f’l ■ x .'ij 11 fie red I.* ij ■: I . .. i ’ ■ ... . Hid | c i(ij!:i ii ’. lie *.-v sf 1 fietiei’' j i tic IClt !, i:d Giw'd j -.1 ■ r:d b( a* to, i n ' ■.■ ■ . , fo* iipa) ; :sh the. hsp and :m M r ; civ * as he attempted to r:i.i ! I away, Chsi'c- i- in aged t" make hi. t . I ‘■■.C.IC ..... ii■' 11 r C *6,(. tvtephoned atiihonfies Rttveell < otton, in flip mean fun' vi ... furred so rrrn.iin with tlie two kidnappers who drove the Cotton !'t-others' r.u into Richmond where they aban doned the car and left Rtis ‘■*'ll (otton m i bark seat sal ferine from a bulh t wound in the neck. Richmond officers, on the lookout for the ear, toiitid the man badly wounded and took him to a nearby hos pital tv I K>; WITNESS! a Affording !•> Halifax County ■She :!'f Cc t • Hoc • (•>.• C.nim lirio'-ci's y. . i mutena! 'Vitm e in .. fn •( ■ If’gr.c - bur gla tv rltijfgc ;;*tn.' t Hc ivri Harmtit/,, Hi. and William Kit l td!. 31. both pf Balti ■■ oi c ■ i, ;.. i !.i be trieri in Hal ifax Cour, i;. Suprn'ii Court thi' month on charge- nf robbing an F.nfield Negro '.tiirekeeser of fif!,- k b Shi-! iff House -ays that one d i.ic kidnappers. M-'ison, was 1:o --■ . . ■•-■lll in em.incct.ion with the The CoM .n brnthers wi're under ■■ '? bond i’ ll h in cot no 1 ion v. tlh the il* i rgtars P Iso. 1 six-stale at.cm is out for Mason and Waters, with va rious stale croups cooperating with the t |t| in (lie search. Xn' de» eriptioTi nf thi two men could be trained. —— -RFC- lii'prescntahvc To Vi I son Farm (nou}) Wit SON Johnnie Woodard, weji known local farmer, has been named Negro representative ; of the Wilson Township Farm Bu -1 rear, j*nit. Woofeard’s appointment to the Dost, war made during a meeting jof the unit staged at the local j : Curb Market last weekend. j About ICO persons were or. hand! iat the session which was high- ! lighted by a barbecue dinnyt THE CAROLINIAN 10c ~{ 10c \ Os, XU KAl.KlUfl, NOfMli ru:ni !'i \ . ' I?S- <• . \’l I lih.W 1: . i '»; S I, MB.: M sat rdu a I State 11: h, ,J f'alrollf -in il W Wilson i • tuirled '■ cpc 1 i ; Tied in font 'if 3 C.c 7.: ... h. I Jf» t I’i illii :.; ol fiic I ‘ j and ’i • knovlc'd p. tr-.-jt ,.-■■■• Id r»cid>:nt of 7cC; , Dover .'it lino ..ii.C'-i c-j j f ■ fnred !*'" : 1 i .1 nt on ibe •«i I '.*7l! n 111! i* V ..111 .. ~1: • • ■■ : V Tire i. 1. iv • i Vi: ;* FiesnscliD id!. 41. V- , ; .... i Xvc. •■.. .1 , ; fill:-: •• SI on 1 c;, Ut»i i Vi. IT.ity | rue- T.ti . Hi j ■*hen C c (deni W ”«r. -d K. in 1 "hmidt aid Cannada . .tepped j from the couth u-T, into the .utli of life c.u - ■' *■ v '® M*"- ■.■. Fy-' . S K 7m •••;■ I'ii ' x - m- *■ : • .A .A;-,...;., i • , - - .4 < a * ' - ,7.i* L v, ! i'lssy S MiM 7'''^2, SILVER BEAVER AW A EDS J MADE Two Durham Scouters j were presented the hallowed Sil ver Braver Award during the annual meeting of the Area l)i ? r ?f! ty ■ : tU • ! ' lot Cs. u. i io I k'i'.r-iph .s r*- .: *♦ it f:* * Xu r-. •. i J’i:?. ? «,f ti* *’ * I ffc th -U (?>7‘ nffuir at i i rsrtf ij il.»••! {} 11 S’ ■■■ r H) is * u u ■ &*> ■. §Vv min aa f #xii a ta j'& '■ g *>*. s ucsi sillily . .*tt. i Sen: :t. i tl t ..*■?. ? 'itt.H if < 1 n j I. H, x- .»- •> t Killed ..Hint 1 .■ IJf s•f ;j ill, ■Mrs 4t i , -(T, ~j v 'H nt oi;i i?j t ;? 1? 5 ? ’!.U: !:'‘l in if* ‘ 1: lit* I tndiiH.; DM } Jfth Si f*i i■> i-.j;; hi '-' ivs ;‘S: fvv i sOmt i it, c anrf K.nt’ « oojfrr H*. ht)ih \r c roc '!, v*» t:, jnjii‘f d io iur mis , ’ X •,.")! ic'i ! h;t Mr... M wt CJ?in- x ' ■ mont Avemic and Filth Sheet, and vl.st © ?i of th<* Occoim-eechee . j Council at X>»rham last Wednes day. Being given (lie awards | ’a*ere Fr. 5. X. Mills, Sr. second from left, and V T-tdly B*y*tH* bj■ » « tv* t‘rc• sdi'n! tr» s ri Vi » •. «on • . V-' , sr:}br;n b«»n.O» »*v ‘jbs who fotlr Huvs * i!( 1 '„i,. • -t j ;-t t «5 ? ->\»•.! 1 f : *; «* i ■ • «•»{ l'u- • u- ; i:ft) U"-? ? riiiort S ut' -'S u: *rVw- M *fiu;t<»r?. Ul A\ 'I. if.: ':!'- ?*='»! t‘» Brasil Injures Eight (. ■ ; .’■ ' \ ' ! 'j ' An jfiht tv* ■ f 1 >;• j• f ; ; >:;ij V. if {> ■) j l , H> ' '.■’"it ' - ■ t )■ r] • • liJ {fj {jn : r?rr of 3 n-- Hf.,.* j, n M V » ik aft. to avoid another !); • ■ ''"'l : 'i ■■ '• Oi :i Ii: • Vi ■ ii . i!!! ■n-.i 11, -It • I, . .ill In. >!!, i The machine overtook ncr and sVi- I. .■! l,r ! I! a ..,i f(,. j, ,li -i; !; '■ ini’- il to r>i ■ i - 11 -s <-.'ii T..u\-.’!;rv at H3O a. hi in i'ii v wju'ic -.hr wav bo i to: jsititi (iU'-iio ::,ts '..mi timt ■l iintiiux-d On l’;i”e Hi 1 Jr. ITic awards avert presented by ,1 Hubbard, left, and Prof. P. A. Williams, far right. (SEE ; STOJ?\ THIS PAGE). ry.'ht) U r NuTO'rt* I*l tt l)0!‘oth V :\F» *, rio.r, ? o*'Hvu; Brn^m i;j.n ( fo*‘sjf7 r?ri f* . ?>r. I«*»sies U' ?■>*»* brook jnTsM.tr*it. Miss r Ten v H< u < f thr su pti l , infjft at Mur. iff. , ;. '-. > ■ i.-! - In.' 1 , illj n!' i Hj> I , ; e:t;ut, ptifSOWi. • • .1 n who !, -i11 i j n : ,v . r riv.se] ■ ■■■!.;! 11l nffc: tt i -, * 1 1 1 1 * sis !•.;i | p ; in. whkh fu* i I'oh- O liH v ? /«nr of the injured j ■ though!: to be in serious cm j . it Tin ear, which poh.'e a. I \\'&s ‘ ive.n bv ,[.}••' i ~ . }■ ■-.n {»:.i . i•! • li-.i ; m-libV Os .b-;:no.n, « ■ •! 1 o. Ablivvn inter'*"-!ion with it: . oi ■» i)h .- j»n>. It sli'uch an ’ nor j ■ ■ ■ ■ i*• j by Y!: end Mr:; WE j • : \ • ■ •: i .»»•!., white. nf M'a'int j l i. n’dnHKjl fin t*-< it *■ 8) 3 Injur d hi Wreck ! 11 i]n<■■■ ,'.-it! i ’' ’ inji ■>! ly night ;v hen , hi)-;.. i j v ii.-h ihoy were nd > .■ i); 1 ! i o!f ;> pi•. pole at. . an under; ms in k l>- bOO block of: I ■ ' Wasiunjiunt Street heir i !li< )•( Hi-v.tn.hn and John B | o :i< . , both I ■ ■ ear-old residents j ■ 1.. 1, r-iijf«rd College, -vere! ; biiii;||"l to i el. iifi .' .11 Miller u-a. 4 driving j ■ u >. :• t m Washtns’on St j •.-.lien it irarl; !;.-<• priv.-e, pole. Os- i -. *.-i : - :t ! > ' l• 10 mode! ear was uKrii'ilt.siK'd n'l’en it broke tli p poll : ,11 fM. , ! i!ha :e. M.||. . ; I"i),> ree-l wtl'll reek* 1 1< ... (h i r:: and 'a ill face trial !' I : " lit I'. Miinif ihi •COWIt.V | Man, 75, h | Car Victim €,<;!.]> J’OKO Wilt H -rnr. Vt ,i- -1 -i v.’.'i-. in-.lantly killed d i -i Sell'!a-wlitn tie was j : 0.- ; by a y Isaac --I • i; rings, on ttn* : > u. ti'ii !ii.'.Jiv. ,iy 2 1 2 ni'ics east ■of (■ dfi.d-ee u. J', ii- V.M.- n mr.in; Mre b'gft v -,- from Whitley Milling Corn i pan;/ to a tilling station, when hr , j ati-pped in the path ’of Jones’ car j Jones told Highway Patrolman A. V,. Pearce and Deputy Sheriff j: ! Roy Pcrcise that he applied hisj brakes but was unable to avoid!: i hitting Harris. Coroner Harry] I ! Shumate. Jr., ruled the death a«! i unavoidsble , |: Four Facing Trial For Spreading Hate-Sheet ' •■i;r; •' v n,en charged with deface- t' ' 1 1 ! r ; -■ 1 -> r■ : riin f( t ,mt ...In- ■ ; if- it)'!, dicrtnv r.f tb> re. ;h ■Vn i;) 11if recent A'" Id Carolina gob <"vi ton; John [ Barnes, tor , cnatnvial • ru-isose were sv'.iedul- , r.icr j fi.te IruM ii (--immi noner, ... f 1 Irl in i <’- -nisi -. -r’s comt , i ( mouoicft On I';t; ♦' hi Greensboro Lawyer into lace For City Council ♦ ri;f vNsnoKO f. k■ • • f '! “!), .liti.rni'v of ! HOU .1 i»! -V,-; V ; Strict, the :.t : coiid Ke;;tn rfajottf t: • lif >: !'U; f? uti tis - l ■ V : ■ > d r;tpp Ilf hi' MX-year-old i d.'lU'.i ti.T i!‘ m-• A r • I 'dy of ' •'* ! n»rn. presiding over a session ■ ! ! | ~P , v iuperior court, h*' t e 1 :..i Kridov. iiorcotcd oe'as of -i.--- I —I-- -- . - ! Kinston Man, On Long Binge, Dies In Jail Ceil ! I.T L'l I. . U !.1 H ; - i .ml home employe;- u.ed in the ) tai j.n, <>.. I , i' l ‘i | ..u..ith bung Atli'.-u ■ ■ attack cams< d by >ver-drin g John B. William', who told of-- fi. i-rs that he had been "drinking, heavy" since tun tm.i ~ died sud i aerdy even i . jaii ’ilficuii. wore | rriakin; arrangement to occur.- j medicine to dte-ck a a attack of m-; j fluenva he was allegedly suffering.; Sliver Beaver Awards Given To Two at Durham DURHAM Silvi-i Bf.-ivo: A j wards were pn-sentod to two )o ;,i Scoute>-'i liuritu; the sunuai ! | iiiccting of th.' Area Divjsnm of, * the Oci-onoechee Coiirci! of the! I fm.y .Scout-, it Hill.id-' If, Vl SclmiOl ; c feteGa, here la.it W dnesdav! j tiigltl Hecipient:. ' this u ■ ird j v ii Kelly H -mi. Ji , Chair ■., i:i’i and f)r Joc-' i.i A Mills, | ! Vice Chat, nan of the l>'uh-am Di- j I-- '.:jon (a'fmnittec 1 in- /nvards j '.vrr' p!*?:-I’Oti'd tty P A Williams 1 <.f -Apex and J. wll n d as' ■ '/urham r" < i'i' , etively. The. Silvc; D'-avcr Aa-nd ts a :• 1 1 s -i' i bonoi for it goc- onlv ; [ »-> tnose -vbo vendei ''noteworthy | .rrvK'r of oxco;tional ruajactor to. bwitood" and i made only bv; i.)( Executjve Board of the Na*j •ion-il Council of the Boy ftoeuts j I-it Amnica upion the nomination | | j ecommendation of the local j i Count >l'; A.‘iids Commit!-e Krr- j I -or, of the recipient . therefore -has b<'en re-'-cnired by then f* l -1 low Scouters. md that iccord of, service, after careful investipatjon. nas been confirm'"! 'notev-.i and later ndvanrniient chair 1 Tfin He now -esve a ehairro.-in ] of Durham Divisional Committee i and Scoutmaster of Troop '.97 at | Burton Elcmentarv School T> ] Mills via* been active in Scouting j since 133 d when he heloed oruan-j i.zc Troop 55 at Ilillride High | School, the first Ncaro Tvooo in Durham, Since then he has served ] as chairman of the Re a. lth and j Safety Committee Merit Badge ; Cvven;..boi'o 12 year.-. >.> He la :■ I r -11 •'p student in elect!, ») . ' i-ri" ' it A -rut T. 'olii ■ and received hi •• bachelor's decree •h 1 1 *•; is’ty in 194-1 Hi ivtd two year it. the Ni ivy and was. an electrician, Kt’ennd ' n‘,t.<-. when '.in was djschanh'd. ; War 11, h- m; an mstrncior in ei. i tncO .•niJneoring it A and ; H lao iprilisafiO"' "f I -s- s. n- i ; H..rv« > iV Hi-.’l h of Km tort for not! niK'" In the nnivei sit y lav-' schn.o If .tea a grent*.if:al of con i v (line year-, a ."■ Beech vva. f,: adualcd kf-'t. nsir and I ' - r. a, . dl'Tl folio.'.a! i- loOtiri fi Lee t.-.-m t-lio --n ■' 1 . f !.,o wre la a S i> it I-■ mti r-t to commit rape a fiom ivio.;, Moore, .".id ; meP-d out is vear jcntupf’i • on 1 each charge. . Mr'iore.a l-.-barer, had ougunUly i,rf *. ( ad With lb" ' U'-dji crime of rape following alb f.ed asa nit a of hie small chi Id I" u"u been found guilty on t'-n. rani* if charge would have meant n oeaHi pen a It y. fti,*;. -. ,i Police t. Fred him -'!• u u i. I". .* o j Williams had hr en arr.'i-tcd Bri ciav morning on a chaiye of drunkeness and showed no app.t rent ill effect cxc-'Pt foi : ■- d irri-'i influenza. F.un-iral an-dtigements were not ! complete at. presstnne. Counselor. Organization and tension Committee, troop c a u ‘ ■ tee man and now Vice-Chati-m.in ■■ K >(ntiiii!*-rf On Tagr .Hi j GOI. C/SBORO MAK 1N E A WABDED BRONZE STAR Marine Private First Class Mi!- 1 lard Williams, a Fire team lead* ! rt for the Fifth Marine TeS’- ! 1,-, -ii in Ke r ea, -war recently a -a Brom-e Star for hc-tr*-