Vc x | . i*l .. ... .[ [. 1., D. \ i J.. V. 1. ill ( iJ. . 1.,,,., '■*'** <f Feminine Fashion Flain nv ri.RN v>ivr ( * i:ri< kj.j•» j <»K n r f i 'll f; ‘:r ■. ii ih i• , '•■■■. fur •• Onvm !'i '« •’.! I!.- in'-!41 it of fashion r.i '.i urtii)-: uni! -oniiner. (...)r-i - i/i ~ wr /i 1 ~ii;. 111 y .'-•ho: 14 :• ••< r.’Cil Ht i* e pencil - dtrr. :i*jf j- ■. :t. .. M !ch 1 i Mir Ir: m; j,■ ■ t,' ' U f 'u ? , v>-(:!'r n iiwl. T* - hi '.ll! be f ici s;;i "■ > i■: ■ ■ ■.; y ' i i.l H-' k l vOil i ;. i t -.. ■ • I ill - t I 'r ;} V : , !l: i ' TnU n X ... V ;■ : -)j:j in f|.>, • . . .r, tv : V lit', ;■ ;; \ '/vie r?t .jv, i-.;>(■* , un;.’:; 1 -: fiisl)io»v: ft ;i • ■ '■!■_ ■' -..i -u,. iic d ;h< :ic ■ - ( llt Dr: mi in l nil i.-o: ; / Min ■ nIII'. for ' s(i;' ’ 'll lit ■ v T'( ■ ; 4 ;i. ... L ’ - , ' i , .. ■ 1 ■ ; ;i f ; r;.|»Si r I ■ Oil no! " ... !■ ■ . 'ct t r IJ. I-! ! r;. ,-.UJ . ’ 1 pU atrd in ler, f.iliric ■■> uve v f;r;t| M d • < Jr)!•: ’) i:... i; v;! (. t .... . - !;: i . from / mm .'. ! eoll'ii '<■ ■r>i |-o ic -• : ■ ! .' T‘ VMiiiil cio'.'.i.' ''M.iinic t*i •fc: IV,, I'l ii -kiV:M. :• r r itijihv, • orl (hr * ol 1 * o' " i I" 111" . I,< ■! ill. j. i ni.i'il ■ !ii ' ['■ i: It i i•' -til! fit voi i'l i if ! h floor Icn-ii i- iin M • T c .. if. ' 'ic:tie.•• ha-1 i., .• jit i ■:! i ; ■ ifi 'I Strictly For Women By Betty I>l CH-m f sis; i \\!u \\ r: a $» * siss (,00 = 1 <mi s%i \ nt ( H.K'Kk LIE i, , . ; . -‘" forofiiv M i ~ But I*.'re' : :> |i<>\...! ? V, V ' io* ion ('> 1- :; - !,. | f III' Vet ...". c , . . ' , v. iiiliprd j ■>!>;, ! ojij.j;,i.l' ' Mcln d Mli-- . ' , i.i ;■ milk. * i i HI it.iilli lit M e r; ;UJ I J ■ ■ii 10 tile ;> ,■ ■■ . v, . .j,. •!"!m 1.l a i,Mi Moon M. !M,. !,,m \ i ■ ynvl'M ,'i ici.: Ml.. ,)! I <i:|M| ill. 11" i..-ii !. I liV- , In, 1.1 l| |iii I jl ). f, ■-<( \\ i»li mitrUltii!.'. soodiH'se no oonliU ifr, milk i. ,u> r\rr 1- ti ol '.iHiri r hi Uti .r im|ii»i iaol niilk miltirr.t.s |»'«* 4.' tii. i.a • non, r*Si«tJ«v jii itsd illr jii" I I'l,' l|i'.,'|!i ;!'! . i m< i -iM y- tntr.ato tov m. mv ; C'" '-. 11l ' ! K' \- }’*K vi ’. M ' -i -if 'f ■; ~ ■.■ i Ml Ml'-,, HIV ■ I’!' I V Oii-.1l 1.0 i . ioic,v! M c I I I ' . T 1 i, ,V i, 11 ,r. 1 l, Mil i. fI. -;! i? !’o |is miiiliii (in mil kiiiovili.-r ; ' ! M il. i fn ff: il ■ . I 2 s '■ 'c i oo.i; . ,'1 t Hi! Mi N !Mi ; . i * •"•(* t.'o . . i • ~!■ int: iVitiMi! dr> ook jv u- flour.. ■:•!< "M "■ ■ .i " »'!.!• ■if ■■ r|i.-i !t' •' iff, ; ,c -I' y 1.1,Ml ,:r rii.f.- W, r 'hot tor i.-,d '.nok, Miniiy I'nvyM.niiv, I. • I 0 ’ ■' ' I*l. ii,:. . km 3 nd ■i■ m;: h. i’<■ m ix’s:! info r, 1 1-2 iy r; on ■■•.■•nle T< :.m '•■(,. ' . i. onion 'oji'lh, r ut i'x'iiliiu. ImM •vbl- i until M-vdoi'. Ik on iruv ins ill. .“- .id i 1- 1 I : i * -'ll ; f!' : fi'ff Dio |!< .i.r,- fills Jli't :,mti I'd ;l of ole Lk i- -■ !i i ixn.’iifffU oven i.v.,0 k r i abo i 2ft n'rir.ot - or n Mi po talnif; 'ht 'iiihliv ivo'.mu'il LEMON NUT COOK IKS ' Mitivr- A o.'.iit 4 i)oy.i fl (i . si' >! 1 j-3 ! :p siit.'d flour ni.Mily! ,iI ' Mi. ;sm Mcr 5 lonspoon bvkin.: ivyvfivr NATURAL HAIR ATTACHMENTS BOY JmaH UtrttSl »< Cork GtA' OUR . . ~ »h«7 **v* your •-,■*.• n I *' '' c ' ov '’ . I 00 n , lt ;ohe i,m< to oo a*w*» s, V tail , 3.50 * tr»W (5 8 inches) 3.50 lilT#' / ■> AN biwMl toll 7.0 f» ' i *l«m«w Civtiei (Serge) 7.00 T" \J SEND NO MONEY ' \ Jm MMfh *f yrnt bit »r ,t*it BRAID (24 inches Mr. harm** *0 D-f.-tvn. h-*i>C) wore like 4 • Wft»e 8 S.OO 507 FIFTH Av*.,(Svite 905) na*r do Fashions n*w ?o«k i*. k r. 1•j •; fr* t h(' v'"i' 1 ! 1 < ■ J •'\(' vV' ■ ; ',< c-n iiriviinri tor : f. • ■ ' ! I'l " 'll,' 'll !h 1 n f,i:! flii ,’Tili ’ :■ v. i-v ■ • i'Wtiiht. *m; • • • 1 ■ • : • t i% - ■i' .- , ;r«m;h (»■; f•• i .;u t ain t‘>c r.^iskv- m-ivr?, ?V.t - ' iM'i \>W, <<t)J f-'y'rn ; -Ml r»f ups v:vr in • r»y . * ,\-v! ji t I,;. man;. , ■ :-U ‘ V ■ D Mr D vr. ii 4 i>. • 'rs r ■ .r, 1 >ll ? *' -:b».iv 'rrj \i Ibi nl)>rr ffa *•’ ! •: ?j ... i-i’ rr-••’••• , •,.* r- ■* • ; >n*..; ;/> •(<??".; :](;{} fa us j *(.’!• rbv'nrter^. ian fashion if]rirserva.- a; 5 " ' m Mrj;, l • i<r. am- \v*-r!iU\-.-i(<Y . ; A.- a •«;ifh-• r'*.- ' .rarn ■i ••: :S■ in Uia! .mb' r- pc: - ? -mV 'ip?'H-nv,2»nrn r- not n ..'m'rj-- !'m • :V- y,i ! thr v. a\ ■ ' I ' l > "if yrrj fen| nv:>. fn-r-d * h;, r why ii) i \I A t r.M ;>if; >ln c in kri ;? >•>!; ;.n> an Un* lair • 5 , - ni ■'<' y Cook i #•"!!, cilyhf (y !.. : ■ m - • I i ,fc]i pillilf yi iit? (i i-nII i IM I :n finely chniipi-'i nut mvafs mv/ :MM i:f' MMM' ■- 1 :. ■ f Mi :it tv m.m. m m . . ,'ic ' f nd '.vt’ii S: t j,i iv: yi tuu'c , > ' - W .:, ;-i :iv■'s i.m.oi’l'. ••i’i'i t in ni'idci .-ite nvfit t3.')o d-J. FASHION-OF-WEEK A V; M ; ' V. WMM *.,■ \ * $.. ... ■> .. yiv.' > < t * Ms- ''A ftf 5 ‘ f.Yfi CATCHING DAISIES form » bouton more r, n tv s c, n tolinr “'bite ethers *parkte c - thr full Skirt of this original fcy Fashion Frock* c-f Circinnsii An overall Fftti-Check offers cor,!r>r. 1 to the (jay color* of the da,sirs. Sold in hon-r* by heute\*<f r '•ejtresent* tlvt*. 7 gp fJP ' Jv; ' | ■ s /rnrun AA O A jfi-'M M *"1; * 1 * j# it "i Sp #s£. i*. r Be' lii;, . ~ »? 1 Hfe'-Vv M ''K ;.7.5v , «v M- ' ' ''M, A k ;.M V ' -■ ''■/ m; v Wvmmm? - iof ti. , i.i ias sms' n- m i m • Mi'tn!n-rs ul ASSO ! v ,i Phi •> -;; i: • ■ < Mi; It I ni Mrif.t 5 il« t . Sni',,ril \ i i / I Vi Hivn il 111, 1 11oii• i* ‘if Siinii iv I’* I iiri’m.lfi in In fioi ■■, Axil l i ■ .-lit 1 '.mu' i • Dr. ISoii'ii {, S-.ilrtvu!'! -. : il'' 1 - Iyiri or. m,' i '! : m : i Mill! Mil!- M. Mi.,,, li iS'iU' .■>« t lichit.i ViiJiu;. .7-=" ”■ ' *■' I *■ *mmm / ; m4i u asr . • A l-v . '■ day .m. /•■• ''-mmaa ••/? \ -&< ' *1 %. V. . . A- H) MYi: os: mi i;> ' '■ .rj /f J fj j;> 1 ..., ... .. j Fashioned for Motoring C omfort r* *•* t‘t -% v * *■ ** ' 4, - C fr'jk 'u jm it M. 1 1 -:. Here’s the tilt-in:: t- in on f< v milady'’-' a-w'ling rn-eda in com fortable *»»:.d prrii.i-' dr i,:: The..- -hi. iiiv • Mates coats hav« been inspire,: bv iiu l"'A Sv.i.l Victoria •<mi a;-.- riyt, ! it, liu«s to mutch the car eofavs. ;• , ; •- . ,; ... this eve hi 1 ■ eel to? ■■■■.’' ' ; • ■ A. Aik man t cubby wm-sied bmn 1,- that , ■ ixnnous iwul durable. Motor- M'-.tes uc !asloml for >hi full free •nifoit <j« tna ruled by modern v.moan, 1. ,.d a i‘c ,v .jiahk .i,,■ ( 1<- re with i r,&tc irfr. avier, mu SfWih-ff i> v Joiina _.„ IV- 'liah 5 row. ■f it'-il; Nil-in . -M:i" ro I!»,|rurcf, rirctou nt; r; ! • f t'f f- ‘'r• -ii : U ?I■'‘ <} * n rnoniK. 2U< S of : mT ir ,'.mH bunk , IL.i/.v: S<» r r s r*l i;i4 f h.idv. <<?. I f'MJi \A h V b'. Airis il ' * ( »>< ]i<-j j ft i * (,4f"f'i' P't i';.‘ iU ymt (y'dvyU mil Hu - ? ICBdnf. C • «! 11 \ •-;-ft i ; > ‘ i'll t’' h |V t iii’’ wo hi-; If) ii m. s? , ‘xJ.trdx Nat?': (\ th> re * -Co.' •., ;■>(• noUmu? . 1 ••. < , ?-.]* • aid <••/> .'.V mood. i'.d I:, O'. a* < i~v Sll 'id- CHARM ; ‘■• () : pt rr. • • ifi- i •, foi a vnir/ i, cßrf 5 '* b-il'b :n< i rujck we: ik r d "■ " on th<* ''/ - ■ liii: cakOUala:! AUiA A i the Klichen .. M:.Vu.'a Kf'.:Huti russ with ho h m *JP «>« thf ■ ■.. v, ’Wwitf: art:otic aJPsN* goaj, nas bf-oomr .M' U& a jiuinJ its all m work. Then* i.< ■i IM type: of I vi;<,i.\ i i ii.-n'ii .mu! can’t do. Xiie was born Vir on' • -J' is- - mi '/ Lou:/ ,u'.'i from Me tmi/ .-/si' was SIX ',,;i!'y old, ■M'- fecatU, eh/ pestered her fam ;iy M/nut )u'i •:• •(.'! niination in !»■ > "hii a tnol.-.'-u pK'tin-fc star. When (in' «lunUialed high sdiool, X sr ifinia ./'iui'ii a \audcviilo uct, ehar.gin ; her h-t.-u name to that of the ao: . .-tar, Andy Mayo. Yir gini:i mamed .Micnaei O’Shea, on duly ;.i, !!MT, They Uvc in tian /'•■!iMiinio Valley and have :i sta bie of their own horses. Standing • ■ S'--et / ineh-'S, Vh-finui is «rar "i'l'dly M.-i-n in ViM net- K:,,5., -She - Working Her Way Through Colitigc.’’ With an outdoor ;ip>i*> tite, \ trgmia enjoys preparing: . TOMATO-CHKESE SOUPy .: to!i!ffi>oo»s blitter or f mnrgri rirm i tfiblf ilpOOUil ilOilf ' 1 ten spoon soil \ «bi.Vs a ■■ ' ■ / .... I ***'*-’ • ■**' C-- ' : m CH7.,' - f 2 . -iu f < ),t:>Ular •hct'nc ' A: tro. . -1, M< :' liUiic; ,: " ■'c t ■■■ Ml !' M :t, p upi ' \lit A (id Lmvdo ’\: r. - - ,-!ir ,>v / / juiv he:U 11r11i yn,:„,th and thicken--). chi--sc ,u'l \Y'V ; c,"i. 'Chii'. k hhuhk bhx ctouton.v. M-Tv-:,? •? otn 8 zorxir.gz. nonfvTS' ; v r o a '• it ,' tj L l Km "J id ■*n : ! k ll' ntf* j OtlOniiCl % A pit” - -• -I J*fi ?P % n- i i ■ .' v’d Mppcwh. PuiCiy. n JVMcb.iji : lip '}?■;’ Cf’ij'JV’ ”i 1 o;i oj i i'• h, ti'cn civo;' Mpi shoulder •in - n ix); i 'ion. Dn p "v *>*. * < heft ?[. - /urk '?’il !*'»ok at lUe cciUiu;'. Mtiii > our mot \.i\ <*•»• . : rIU ; ju w mr»d i?’rou \ m'.oi'ins jVi-; loo»’c find, relaxed. I ris is a i <-«>«:• lor yoo'k- ' P,:J t« i'Ci'l." I Slit* &>ilet}*-? |iM4 HINTS TO HOMEMAKERS'] Jlfcw gmtvevi ] iMXAOYE K: T: 'B.A.'i STOil- AGE Co-is iil-tir aml saves : Cnrcii'.lij plun tor .■ ckn,*cd. cannpri an:i botiK.d ti.(.ds. ir:e; sunny cups spoon*, etc r, ,',!! i.,-,it Base ea bill >.'!:• (.TOvick- su,r for hulk tjUiif.ti stu.-.r ;,nci flour, mixing ; utvimls r-iich as oov.-is, flour 4f-! {it-/. roHteft pin. eutleiy. bakiny ■ , .tSSv/Ol’-. l>i'’;ded space l rs«e<Jer! Our iMn?iiu;'-iii snori.'/lisis V-' del< rminr wbcfher nr, item should ! s-toe* d in a v. all cr-.inel on { i>Ase cabinet (>■;• mi:'.,- articl<-s in .:, , . i■ t 1 : t> :,t those slofcri ,i> back thfsu.yh infrequently used, can lie r. ..ebeCi > :.>■’.!> .vnon nee. ■ , fi. U.., :,rC, •: -m l: Jt id a.- rte* • : h.CM, 1 ruck: I'.'Sl' Us- . s_f/> <• : .'■ i& ykh-'Z&'-'X&V PS y' 4 jgMjM . r- / '■*' dill <O'li ! .J I \ • V< (J! S -r I. If - >t u i t!<► * in (tie (.ri'citsinirii ari'J «ninli <-<i for tt'o !■ !«v <i ( 'in ; hi I*; ■: ll< (ii 1 v - •, I. 1 r;'>ntlvt|i i l>\ !'!(' •jiciii uepiit lin I I!l ,! ( (he CIJ i , ■ 1> < & Uliic Vi Hi Itoffl lvx <t mo?m". sinus i iithr : ti. - nr', '*■ >' ’c * ’ n ,i i ; "i?s rj ii i;: Icri-siCf I iil - ¥"■C') saw? a rt, K | A;;,/ - RCB'l:ft'‘ SCH’i.i; fe #yV A ;\i / - T 5 . •• ' j n. tfe , ifW; . . /’ > ✓•>/• . . ~. , -j: ; .'toy:. ir . i :..... .;. i'c-.ct. "I \\■ i' A: .i: 11; t i :■. .U'ltl.v -liis.'i. ■ Vsi'V i;. i;i. u.'UHi i*- v *•• • -• 11! ic j ’ : ■ ' l ' ‘.j • > :• 1 . hr- 'Ui Jibi ■ !*' 1' . ; ; ’Y. t* 'TT. P- : i ’<!• lU■ '0 •'■ ■ 1 ?: 0-? ~; j • ' . • .•!; l r '' 1, C*. t * •*> s'-,., j ,- f i • V 'J •' > K : ' • r. n »- ■ ■' ■ , .•, , • - *■ ;• • , * j * V 5} { . . ‘• 1 J , ‘ .» ■■f ■ • v \ i-s st'i5 t'i -f J j H «. ‘ i ]\) t?; *.! <’C it. i •s. :*‘ j ’" 1 ’>; 3’ ' ' 1 : ’* ■ . " i ’•''iy -•• It : f, i\ -1 f! | : Sink s* t . Mkl woviti--- | ?-h.l jii:’ ! tCjii’ i i LdH r ■ 1 | ■ T 1: : ( « }-y fi,•:j i> c ir i v/o! S. Cookinc Crfr; .- o. | .• ni .->i;. • .ii : ’I./ | • ll.*- j 'Si::? ii -h-:- ->t»et !'■-»• e..lo!str.. j v. •-di r. ■ t-«•••■. .'•>. <' T■■i • | jWa. ’Ter,. :• <i ..O >:i s,X>t r • i | t-r.'V.' anti i-r,’i>.- j * d*:*cupi- .•'tofftg* s;w<‘ i*'i U.-- J i, itriii-. - * v. "or ,y •■•■■•■ 5 j > orn :'.!)< i'o: ’ ’n*. -. W. i! | . j i tTici.v,' v• ‘k l'ira! : <n:r si n.. • | •: a j « m' •■ ■■ 'in ' l vr<! ! *o ;; * * ?r*r n u»l i !: ? p■ ■ > i ni • t . u J;ot> t-r f” !>• :-?■•■ »lib' • - '‘ . * i i . * *•' •i■' :• f ■'• i . V I •‘ V Mrs V,f -U' ilv.- r .in,-! V ■ i.tiau i.rt . r. ; <n-- n,m\ ;{ t •• ; v< • - ■, . nm,./ FOOD 05:3 CHSH3E :3 PICTEISS GAIN FAVOR ii H| fevi; 5 v :h 111 - -V- £ - 'i , ' $ f .-v i; M apjf|:g si^ #'• r l # ■ IB , .vs ■ I t •fy . • •' •- V Jixt 'i/, V , <■ ' - V'O { ,s'fir-Ai;'-,.' . .A- * , «• %«##;: ' • ■ : ■ 11V i.J . . '■ -a. v.v y ... aV'V‘-.i \ 3 < •’ V ■ EST'i »Os) O;; 0i f 0‘ •' ' . <);/ "»? • X ■' i r *,C’!'j : ‘ " 'n: 0 1V " i - •'har'gr* Amen cans si? fe.iwous for ii.-.;'■ : «"iri:*p-• ■ !V* ft’--' ixi't-r -<• '■ I tali •ins lean in jpafttoett’ •»)••'! ra vin,*, zv i the Ft'iiCO .* i o Orm 1 d for ihs-lr sauces. pas. tries and lies* - •' J 4„ f.Y>r f*iTs tunes t/he Chines nav* ph! a major of ir^r u; srom the soyfofe&n ~ ?ovb£?*n which fcaipod A U if.*<l forces reh&lvili-.ste Europe after th.o wa.*■ arid which i?. 'now a part of the daily American diet. Soybean oil appears on the American table as a principle sn irrettient of rnarjtrarine, in as) >n na!.«», in salad dressjnjrs and as a • m-.t.,;11p oil. says the Soya Food Ts •.-• earth Council of Washington, D. C. Soy flour, the other principal form i:i which -the nyl-cn.o e«t«dt in this country, is annular | STRAIGHTEN YOUR HASP. ' j ir, 10 MINUTES . . . | 'j * t<cnce I XNe 1 > "\ ! ...... ( I {(im? \ ’-oSOHLY l 1 \ » • ’," U { f i ! | , y ' ''g'■ d •-;*•••,I (,jr te 4 . ■ > STILL LEADING AFTED I wW *A ' A»k Konpnlcm- ai j \ \\'\ *4 «nj-dr,., I ! \I •( only a*. Inf.-: -i-«,-.•.•• / V rt. I V SSf *•' j.' >.»*e at*f£tr.t )»>;■!!■■ y»a ’s-ntf I fv / _ / i r —trl V^- r l CHEMKM C 0„ tfiC. I J ’ i \4- 4^ V ' 204 Wb * 4 ***«• StT * ei . NSW YORK, M. V *«».■ ~ -rr-rrng-na,r n, -m-., nn.m rryiimirw. Wrir 1 lv , -Tl — iii.u-r-.- QjlUi PAGE THREE VS • : ti( l u:* > ■ \ t: V/ : roi: AP ;■,.< i .V -il i ,’i■ j ic . T . [• ? , (>,*-■ ! * ■.■ . , ;• 1 ;Ii f 1 f <•;,.»{< ■ r , • : • ' f■ ; •: ■ -v• '. l v'. ,\U '.)) v:i ••: ' ! V in *ct V p; t i ? - ••: ' :n cake mite'--, - t 0 o; . hr- id. rn!b, pa; - - d rv d and aa * i tor smtsagfi;, ni»;."h'*on n *:■'-*t ■■■ and cold cut*. r .. x , srP tW( j ift • r. , and it is soybean e whin h mw pa. - . a S’ l '0- rich . ~ ? p»i uictinp thern ! in • i,rr, -v'h/e . r-'itmd the «dgCS 3 r | happened yea t aijo, ' -•« itir proc-'--si«i!t r.f • I-. uich companies as ; !d’-i "i: Krii ,'gt: & Sons, fnc., The ’ or ony, and Archer. ' »'•; reb-.M ii«,-'.-i €*•>. controls the r '.f -e product,, Sny fVmr i he .*e ■;■ • e Wand, or if hu 1.-i-.-fi a -tr. ith nutty flavor, , ■ i'.’M r ° :a«.;e cOtiectOUS, a.-i.i i"- : y ■ cxpsnriine use of , t o : o i o: InKredmnt rodnet • tailored to the r’, a'', report. t.Ua ' < moil.

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