IRKED LOVER SHOOTS GIRL, MOM ADN POP \ - risou.nd-Qpp ' ' $ "S y, iHypfer .Hid 'Av tfcr Schools* i ~s* j 'l ■■•■■■• ! »*• ' * .'<*l ( . . • til “~ NO Sf* \< F I OS’ UIAS—Th fi ts no spare for din t iinimitoi \ publication nl no«'s in (lie KM Sound-Off mago/mc. of if rial (» - ‘ ?l . . t , , kow, *•»<*-., y. c. DtveUom o*wr P. A. 3y«t«*» jEWfeautf of Prayer; 'mum !§■ 'V’ J<l IH wEci *» 'A. -«K ILk ' spgß nMSrnijmmiitSn dS%. ••. 7.fH ip ; p|^ {■■HK* I: Jlbßa sllllll ?I vI HI SB . , - . . , v.• i . - i A• ~• . . * i .. -.- . • -i»* •» v* «»** -i V- * * .*- •- r F- ■ ■ uffttt; V**-.! Stt brrA<i..ef‘ v^r'i*. .v *.!»■* ..-v*f* ?<■-> tljw ??<!«»/ *.fcG4'-: ♦! fl-'-VW ‘ * .'4 teM *evt mz .flßjjpij -*.- a. , . , .r fV M> V'**t»>4 - Vr* **.*.•’ ■ ‘ { . $ r ~♦<•> In %K« t* ' it. i '"' 1 •»•' * ' 1 ;' * ‘ _ . { . .; |«« ••■■■ S '" : "‘' s X ’ ,;. ~’ * >4 »&<s**•'* '••:« ‘ r ‘ :< - ~ :: '"■' .' . -V . .. ** C-V ■' *■< -v r “ r-. v. * **■• - A - • ‘ ' ’ t . ._ - . .V. r'lw hii-v SfO.’\ ’t*4f« A '** mil 1111111111 I—T jtiE&gtt ' lii hK*|| ’->'■■ , wsES J^n • • W..—. NEWS Os sUHOOIA AM. Os IHi M—l-;<qir<.fiin"--:l Ih-o- i - n typical page of the KM Hound-Off m;> , >rfi.-::«t pn’-t --lii;t!iiill lit i: ‘U* Mount v < '. t iiy Schools i ; i>* ,-tt*i; lion indicates, there i- no di Man Sees Pair Entering His Home; Shoots Them Both; Faces Charges K<J.\nUK< } ; : , j ojico o 1-. ficer.s have ai ;-. led a fanner who ; shooting two men w hile allegedly - seeking to prot* <■>, his nomt. I ;i. H R;-\ iris ■ < n arrested in connection with the Sunday Afternoon .v.uwitin i of Willie Pierce 27, and Tommie William-. 24 Ray told officers that ho was "viMii-'u: a nei-isbor's house near I home when ho ,-aw Williams and Fierce ;,r:d four other meis force ciu-n way into his hom<‘ lie. returned to ,ris hefrtte and ordered J them oi.t They refused to le;tv< ; and Pierce picked up bricks and: thlos‘ rnt.ii •••in. Ray cad he fit: j ally K.ot then: out it: flic’ yuvu , DOCTOR NAMED TO AUTHORITY M HIOH POINT (Group's Petition Tiisall\ Pays OH 1 ticll point 'Sr, Hi Point this v\» • (l '. •.••.•ap. • Uie In ’ City i?t Mi' th Carolina to !'■'* hit iit eri r !' aid if a.t* tlau !l • . an v: ■•« "(Is rtt h! wove tuitii: it. iiHular mrrtinv, '111,; tel , the !•* a! city conn (i: epp aiVf'ti ilia* dp;ioißtmcnt o' ur, .). « Moriran. a Negc o ht air,!tn to tit 4 Authority, i 1 J ; ; .■, i ■ lin ..I:. C.itel a gr,.,, ■ ~i \ i . in ci l l reiis pointed out v t.■ ei that i per ecru of the m Mi Point p>.s,illation ia Ne r d lii.d :•! 1.. 3it Zi() of the y 400 j.;.Ut i.oiiMi : project unit: heiv Kvtipicd by i'atn- P ill! ,■ f, Mo- in was named to tin Audio, irv 1.1 till the space evented t>y tic- tu-atli "! Dr. S. Cray ton Tie ir.poinnuc'ot oc a Negro to tue group had been pre viousiv when Chat lot CarrbU re* ConttaKOd Oa Page 8). nan o< Hopky Mo’Uil. NT, ( ity schools which uses the mtist hcail reproduced here. The pub lication not only publishes news X t jfs* aj» «ffc,*i> tfl*-*iwrth # I , '•.-".rictr s«t?rft>a|p «^ v^- f i, < .-•vtiavi-'U ••■ d€tw c-Pter i, *• i *h: . ' > ti.;«*r-i •»*.• '* }-** A ' j. i *',|fc *|o» *«r1» ;*>♦)'; * Jm t'imination preciioed in the piibii -'!ton <»i‘ news in t’u‘ -n.». ti-v/lne si?;t‘d organ. A*. v \v?» ;tiui \*ii turns of roloift! schooK ;md u hi<4* -rs printed without r<v.! r»! to ! ttf'ia! Mnvnotii-tir*n.s. ■ •■-.'*:t*jx ho -Itot tiie two ok n Both the climax to a brawl which start v<-:t *.iit in tho id S'ntntday niK-ht near Hay s i H ; :- =.i . i<i t.'it- l'■ *«>fit.;\va? Continued On 'Pant* $} Girl, 6, Killed When Train Passes Over Body fhX.'K HILL. S C (Special)-*-, A •.•ix-y.'-i.r-old > bi'M war . hc-n struck by a troin near hero duitday iv.onurig j- she : .aclc her ";y i‘j school where I,< was a .ii si grade student. Lit He Marie Surrcli wj:s bring ';* ,'d across a grade crossing by i 12 v, old self si.('looiboy tv.imaii .vhen Southern Rad FOR SHA DA Y EVENT Pastor Largest Church In South To Make Speech PA: KIGli The pastor of the: •a. c*st Nt“,;o olu.ircvi in toa South. • ■•'.. WiHutni Holmes, Borders ol' .-* h«.-;is Street Baptisl Church. At- j ..,iit*i. will be pi'incipai -speaker i r the trd onniuil observance I a Cl. . \ aivt-i".',ty Day a! Ha-1 . • ia,lts Fiat Baptist Church. Dr. i S Bullock pastor oi, Sunday,j Fcbinary 15 at 3:JO pin. Da. Borders -is a native of Ma-1 •on, Georgia. He received his A.i B. degree at Morehoti»c College in j I a'aj; t-de fi D di-t'cc at Gari'c-tt j Biblical Institute. Evanston, 111. tn j, u-.*2: find the I\l A a»'.,rev at . ' j Northwestern University in 1957 | , . has also done- further gradu-! gtn tudy at Union 'rheoloSiCal 1 i s>* ninarv, Now York City IN Border, has had wide ex ' Doricuce a religious, social,: nri civic leader. While in Evan- ! -ton, he served as pastor of the c j Second Baptist Church, was ac “, tiv.'-ly associated wil-h the Inter ,. ji tcia; Council, and was a member. Continued On Page 8) 1 l Inner P«NMaxi'Bdnqß Poise as , ■ tt-ii*. '<4c-'wm-*-'. E *» **l«(ncr W WH» TwstsSia. *1 » • E**i»» !****!U»!«9*. i fe**Wj ! fcti* «• * «MNi «* *rw *'.*>»#«' | I'Sdfifcs iuaiS W«*s tftt.'fsfis »n*' ; , I' iiiaf rfiwr i-'ii'K* «* '*<**; i» i |i ff<r *r.-'(rir». **; •.•»*»«»». «.fW* Mu i E«n*«. *»# V*w**thf &" 4» « 1 |t:o*4 t**? C. f f u*.*% S#« *«• v w»«*C I c**u »‘.wK««io* «w» feeapM ~ 5 fSg V ll>l .f.4n w*t». «*•» | m m* fea>i<Wr <M * «w* M\ •®» fc. Mi f»a',r-srt /*« *tet- ’ I jwrevx *’.ll. *-s' ip*'*o Ij- rljiS tkk :»*». 4 KWNMH i»f «r I'j iVi.ttlt; felt til** IV hA *«l *.» *• ip s•' *»-«W S* i ■■¥>'’i>4 A*J mca‘i3s I «*ij, -(*• c* u**“' -ni I l»*rt !ri' vr.-,A :>*fv .'.-■ I' ■ %:/" - r ' '• 1 . '■'' - ."»y”* \>--« f * ; ' iljW*: -;•'« * > :■;• ." ?« * ; - ' • -. * . r--' f w—««. ***'«*• • ,——*» • -M-.-- '. r "-+..~*..*mm.. 1 ' ! •..". -i v+ ‘iifr : '’ 'C'i • ~-t-i '■ .Jte&KPvk .;'i-' j • - Y* !|||j WT f ♦ f » H ’ jw A * | mi; * f i* J " ♦ W: <S?:s^" ” of whit*- ant! school in discriminate! v. but also features an interracial editorial hoard staff. iVtkm aruty.'i+r *fi &r*t*?> t ptafavrt H<* gtei*-ly - dV* iaMl^Vv urttHHT 9« ft-'Wt iftitiS Sti-J ;*kh »5w : sit*-# «*' m y *•* “C»t Iltfe? >? « I - V# vjfcftS'Wr# i» -»l ff*4& t&i* tsvptrtt&vi* Ai -«»#: 4jf dn ‘Y»fcif|P IsV kMir ilttflr* Ml <|Qi ; i«a v * i«*. |ri»il3r »i dkit I* ar*d M Vy‘ VilW-tkwt. Jw ro-yi »>vJ c-i'CiWfJ T od pi**rv »rw! Pk*w ».- Irswfc ,:n A SK?¥ ? £&ti ■ • t S-y<d 'f *iv/J «-'.l J*.'- asf r»A^. ~ ■ t . f....iKfijiWUK ' j ■■ /f^.’ ? !he iralii jtrs tliat it i. for "biitrc! a fid letter schools" and is published twice dur ing th>- sctiool-yrar through the cdoitesv of )!ock\ Mount's lead ing . iismcss cstabtishments. •; v tr; in engine ;uddcnl> lurched (<rward, cutting the small girl's pieces beneath its wheels. Lewi* Mitchell, the patrolman, told 'dficeis that he had helped throe other youngstfrs across the before the tragedy oC ,'lllTnd. An invesUganun was being rad* -,! Carolinian presEtime a \ 1 ‘ .saK;'v % ; : '3mSU' ' '• ' i i »R. w. Si RORBEE3 Negro On Housing Authority /4f Rocky Mount City School Publication Nixes Jimero Integrated Stall Puts Out Biasless School Publication ROCKY MOUNT _ A unique >'P< : i'irnent in practical d'-mocra - tie practices !■ being staged in Tie Hooky Mount School System Uircugh the publication of the •ysb .'i! - .- oificial organ the "KM Sound-Off" which boasts an in ton acini staff and frowns upon discriminatory publication of news a the eftv’s -e.iools. Hie nuvgaxine ■ sire publita tio”, which is published twice yearly during the fail **»d spring seasons not only is non (liscrifninatory in its staff and format, blit also tends to con sider the Itoclv> Mount Pub lic School System as a single tin i t ti. stead of a set-up in which the 'colored portion" and the whit, are to be treat ed separately In tin new- stories pnbU hed in | • c ma ;..;:w- it is dis ficuit foi ,:•••. '•■■:; unfamUiar with the! • m (in schools ty detect »• '.ticli mi color<;d and—-nr white I'bo yin,re eovtrage given in | iiie publication is indiscriminatt in ci, same maimer. INTKRRACE STAFF Til.' comenty oi the publication. :ae C.. ROfiNIAN learned, iv prspv *■ ci i y an mtcrmcial ft if I «Continued On t*Ufc Si RFC DAGGER POINT JESTING NEAR WOMAN'S HEART WINSTO:-; S.'-.T.K.YI A young: - (;.:»l condition ai a ■■< < ■> week with (be - •'■ i f mi .i ; nestling close !■* givcit a 50- jO < banc.- is, survival ( -n: 1 j(y and city police, in 'lie r <sm i i na\- joined forces in iht ir narcli tor the who i .'itm'U-d the wound whio.i result-j ■ .! m !.« ,' pri-st-nt plight. Ji,", K . enci Wiley about £5, is oi i , Kmc Bitting Reynolds Me morial following ■•■ Sunday night ~iter,.-aiioi in which James Sam- • .x'-ls ; ailct ,'d to have driven a ••'ig t .fr ',. (hi woman's chest as : c sat . a hn.-i-r parlor. W".. ... i> that Samuels maiked mm (fit- beer tavern or; : tne eornei of Trade Street and Northwest Boulevard and began : arguing with the woman, charg ; iny that she had erred when she | iad hint arrested recently for as* ;atilt. Samuels had been released i from the City Jail only a few : minutes before the attack, police 'isay. Witnesses contend that Miss Wi ley refused to argue with Sam uel.-', thereby angering him more, “i lie pin tired the dagger mto her : chest and fled from the tavern. Surgeons at the -hospital believe mat the woman has a 50 - 50 chance for survival and Monday were preparing or the delicate operation which would remove ! the dagger point from her chest - RFC 3 SCHOOLS SEEK i 1 INCREASES IN APPROPRIATIONS RALEIGH Even though the "biggest two" of the State’s Ne gro colleges <N. C. College at Durham and A and T.) had yet j to make their requests for ap propriations, well over u million . and a half dollars bos already been asked of the join* appropria tions committee of the state legis s laturi for the purpose of contin uing segregation in education. Fayetteville State Teachers Col iege Tuesday asked the Logisla l ' ture's eorrimitee for $801,850 more ;• ihan has been recommended for i permanent Improvements and ope rating expenses during the nexi ; | two years. ; I The Advisory Budget Commit;- | | cion recommended that State allot 'the college Slid 000 for permanent | j improvements, including improve ! ment of ground;; and landscaping Continued On Fare 9) THE CAROLINIAN 10c RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, I’.LY; VOL. Xll A & T GRAD HERO ON WAR FRONT •i • , OFFICER WRESTS COMRADE AWAY FROM CAPTORS Lieutenant Fights Bloody Battle With ( ommunist Soldiers i j GREENSBORO. N. C. -- Second Ll James O Beckett of New York' ; ity. vt -no daringly rescued a; 1 wounded medical corpsman from A two .vi.iKt-b*; Chinese captors in' : •kill-or-bc-killod", hand to hand • T-fUtle in Ivoicfc, is a graduate of A. and T. College. 'I he story of the heroism re lates that .while the uiuia.hed nu die was treating u mortally wounded American fi. 1., Bee kett's unii was ordered to \\ ltlulrav. unit e r murderous enemy lire blit the medic stayed on u> rendei aid tv bis fallen cumrade Tv.<i ( "mu sc seir.’d him and be ; run J, ageing him towards the j enemy iini Becki ti da-lti-J fif ;vai it to the medic s assisttincc ' ■ : With «!ie tnc-dic still on the ■; ground the American lion tenant '; and it.*- tw<> enemy • oidiers fought ’ .■ ..;ivas<- battle Beckett won arid viiii tiie aid of ether members of j ln» patrol earned the wounded (medic back u the Allied lines ! He ran right at them through out |on fire.” related Sgt. Daniel Cor- ’ : dova of Durango Colo , "The Chi nese were determined to keep the medic j rtsoner but Beckett ■hit . them with everything he had." During the struggle to fro,- the ; ; medic, the soldier who was boin.^ 1 ■ treated dit*d. but Beokett 3riel sn j other lieuc-tenant B. P. Westall of ’! Asheville. N. C returned later ‘j and recovered the body on a 1 voluntary mission. 1 All-hough the patrol was forced to withdraw, the deadly Arneri- ; ' can fire was effective in killing ; 30 Chines* Reds. M Positive identification of Bee- i ' kett as being the officer partici- | : rating in the Korean action with! I the 7th Ini an try Division was con ‘ j firmed late Thursday by a spokes ‘ ; man i the office of the Civiian Assistrmt of the Secretary of vre I/■ rm > at the Pentagon, j At. outstanding student. Beckett ' i ,«• radumend "with honor" in the Continued On Page 8» ; t * ( :Ik ii e r KOREAN HERO—I 4. James O - Beckett, a graduate of A. and ;t T College and commissioned as an officer at the same instifu tion, wrestled an American GI. >t from two would-hg Chinese rai*- n tors in a hand-i-o-haiul duel in i. Korean action on last Tuesday. , The 23-ycar-old lieutenant lives in New York City. ; - 'TuuMl ~i « b .. ■ v ■; ;T .. MBBg^sSvlkfS^^R B&MMo Wk t xy./ JHfr. BfcMk -asEaSR; .twaaawiwlilk - - ..fwPfgu* ■^*sgXßfXa gaaHt \^WSmki : ;.i¥ ■ . ,<MEapM • gßaagaKnaMk vj N v Sv■ - .yrCr(-»-.', BnilsliSsylflSKsSltiZr*?! »}-. vA wMsW -TtK- *- - { .W-- ’ K,r *'» * A&&*, >:• V -fj \^x^^SSSSBmS^KBBSL DISCUSS ROLF OF •‘RACE" —Dr. Kennit icenteri na tionatiy-known “l»?;eral" sociol ogist, «t?o was speaker during the third annual lust; it,- of k - ligf on staged at Rileigh last week, above chats with Dr. E McNeil Poteat, pustor of ll;* - Noted Sociologist Takes Look At The Race “Problem”; Offers A Solution By JAMES A. SHEPARD RADERS? — Thi place was the; ippstors st dv iri the United Caurcb | | : ~-re on Hillsboro Street. I was; ! .here to interview one of Am iri-; jea’s foremost libera is, I>r Hermit: ; Eby. eminent sociologilst. teacher! i „nd preacher and presently pro-, j fessor of Social Sci<-nc. at the. j University of Chicago. Dr Eby AFTER LOVER’S SPA T Beserk Lover Shoots i Girl, Her Mom, Father TAYIXJRSVILLE - - A man who his girl-friend and then turn ed his weapon, a pistol, on iter mother and father, inflicting in juries upon them has been arrest ed after a spirited chase in which she sought to elude police officers with his car here. O B. Bennett Is being held In Alexander County jail here pending bearing In the Satur day afternoon shooting of Miss Mary Edna Lackey, his girl friend, and her parents, George Lackey and Mrs. Mary Jane Lackey following a lov er’s spat. According to reports, Bennett went to the Lackey home Satur day to "have it out" with Mary Edna because of her reported “cheating" on him. When he ar rived at the home, he started an arguim-nt with the young Lady and when the argument became heated suddenly jerked a pistol out of his pocket and fired point 'biank at her. The parents, George and Mrs. letgh’s Pullen Memorial Baptist Church and Prof. Rev. Moses Delaney oi the Shat* University Sc I, 00l of Theology on matters concerning the place of racial denotations in modern sOeieD . Dr. Eby, who recently refused had come to Raleigh to address the third session of the current annual Institute of Religion now in progress at the United Church. We had discussed various phra ses of the ‘race question," its pros md eons ar:d had agreed that A nuri-ca must solve this problem it she is to maintain her place of world leadership or f-vi u to sur- j Mary Jane Lackey, hearing tue -! pistol shot, rushed into the room r; where Bennett and the it daugh -Itor had been arguing only to find - j the man standing over the body of j i( the woman, a smoking pistol in ; ■ hid stand. When the parent entered ‘Tie : room. Bennett is reported to have 'turned the pistol on them, shoot ing both of them through the leg. Bennett then is reported to . have gone back to a spot near by where he had parked his ; automobile. He leaped Into the car drove for about 20 niTh-s before attracting the attention j of police officers. He then re versed his direction and drove to a spot near bis own home ti where h- hid his automobile and trie*! to hide-out in »• ■ i shack la the wods. He surrendered peacefully when ; the shack was .surrounded by of -11 fitters. He took officers to the spot: ■ | where he tried to hide the gun j before he was brought into jail. 1 Continued Ob Page 8} to speak a segregated audience in Greensboro, SC, save (ARO - reporters what he felt to he u workable solution to the race problem during- an in terview while in Raleigh. (See Storv( —STAFFOTO BY SHJ»- JJEY. |oi our discussion, 2 asked Dr. Eby i vive as a democracy. Near tiie end .;f he would give me his views jon what he believed to be the j istutnlbling blocks Negroes 1 were, plat-ms; in their own way. | faults which they must overcome (themselves before they could fully j enjoy the fruitage of democracy. Dr Kin- first insured himself of 1 sincerity in asking that ques tion then quite frankly, he ex pressed th* belief that Negroes' i . hit' faults were exaggeration of the vices of the white man and jrnali: ■n. There is hardly any : way to disagree with Dr. Eby’s Continued On Page 8) RFC ——— LIVINGSTONE TO MARK FOUNDER’S 11 _ _ |DAY FEBRUARY 10 i: SALISBURY. N C. Founder's , Day will be observed at, Living stone Colege here Tuesday. Feb ruary 10 on the ninety-fifth birth day anniversary of its founder Dr. Joseph Charles Price. The oc casion has become one of the great financial rallying as well as I a memorial to Ime great man who ; gave his life to establish the in jstirution of Christian higher edu- I cation for the race. Dr. Price, a minister of the Af rican Methodist Episcopal 2ion Church, believed so much in tile institution and its potenlialties for building Christian character and training for competent religious leadership until he refused many political positions of honor that I carried lucrative salaries. Today I Livingstone stands as a living me- Contlmied On Page 8) , 10c NO. 12

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