PAGE EIGHT A.* '»- ■•■*»• ''Lcfe.'MW •*• • yftjtot. %|jh '.a.,'A i' v ,'' k It TTt*S FTM”)M( THE ‘fVfASTI3R —• MUct 1 Jacobs, fAjncd ?»* the ftsjht promoter this frv», »nd “Brown Bomber" Joe I*ouis were an tmbental.l: 00.M1.i00H.>.. «hc« thin ~hMo wm }« f* ~r * oiro. Jacobs who died In Miami last week. J!,,- to the young Detroit and 1»W <*.♦• * flstic path which took l9«l» to Immortal h.-iKhts as the hcavytveJicht champion of ♦*»<• wortl. (.sew** pres* Photo.) -s Campus Roundup All AM A 1 In a (Otl\ ’>• .•».. ri ■•• . ... tne 111 i - 1.1 ■;. ■ ■ •• .* birth <>f A’.r *. . ■ .■' trintrf uniwuiv will l.non.* My •>■■■ resvc the -A nr, a ( hiti- -.lei; T. ■•• Lincoln Col' n».., the :,ew ! mruln I<<.> •■ -t n d vei* Arret- !,.:•• -• v >•. ut, j house th*.' c< lr-; ■ Mj c Th':y. r, ?>r i ■ • lection, U i': • t C -<or< 3 * ’ 1 r . -f T • 1 10. in Sister- r): ,iS;i- >«>:.*»» cy! 3 'go campus The loiK'ct.•» :)■.,-■! : items include; < •,. -a-. id p.cpns, sculpt’). L . iclle: . V l ' l ' j photographs, nows; e ;.- t; t >•• • j ;jj aphs. postfi •••. !•■■•■■-. j- .;• » poems and con; , Os pro tu terest is « pat 1 >f \ lo • i- ; • . v htch Lincoln w imrn NORTH < WN t\ \ i <>• ■•; <;> Seme ri; North t ai., •■, college students fr«r t - >,cv» n states, the Distiirl of ("ot.irn bia and Liberia von lj.nmt'i «>n North f irolina -oil*-.-. Vinter qi.artrr honor roll. Nino of the students. HI N # f I h ( aroliniao - in.d. straight l they an' •lames Unite Andrew Ar movr: Carolvn BM.k, AN it. ton Salem. Krtltrvii . n.ivrp Gastonia; < harks I f.tietn-,. Oxford; Alherf ! Johnson Durham; Shirley \l Jem. o Raleigh; Sarah At HU n >. Rockingham; RosaHri While head. Wilson, and lieida as hit. tee. Zetmlon. I INf OI S (MO.I f A special eouvnr o -tip,) w*iil b* presented •■<’ t.i* l:■ -Mo • - ;ty in cc-nreutll?-. adr > 1 -, ■'.a 1 , -anni* c : '?' t a; , -- .. tr •-. t'." .eg- .-W ; 1 C'< ■ fieri for the st’clv r-f v> i \U fend Ht.t. . | - s Keene- ap.'v a'- - . i ■•• grO*r c r -’ d . I ■. e , ' Tlic v'i;;. rtrreof - Sponsor - • v-il) have !.’ ■ H'-ier. <: cdrr.or.d kraduale i rof.-sen H - :••■ North Cffr !■•■:> • -ii' . I cipal speaker W Sherman ..» is dire! for of ihf tv !• ■ dej-. -.. t m< nl The reiw-.-te.iii in viil S o r> S AVAN V’ H SI AT i < <*U HC Business nr.d ret; a ion competed , ith education for a ;■■■■■ • in ’he JCWS pOtHf.'h- if S- Vi - Si: ttr t.VIN& AflAINi) VVl'iL'i J.. WAN ITO &&V 2&ATA (Jit) ll-Slyi. 1 "'\ '■ | A .it i • ■ w n<>ei f U-IJ-' j) V .Vf'/ !'* •» . J •N-J v :.nn;iM is i i\ \} i•' "muhltUHi wy 1 10 <_ ...... . . ,i. v•. .. , .. .; i.. r . ( ■ . f ineHt *»f It: ?• 'rmj' ♦ ift c? y t i’T.') i j ri* nenv <i • ■«>' •11 ■. oj * • i >1 fh<‘ Si St ?t Ut I ‘it 5 n t A: V < * it IK■(*n:• t‘* pJ’l* j* " ' ■■: n ■ ■.' . * t\\‘ * • j<’ 1 i ;» il ;f;t .{•] Vf' Mk - T:C*'Cis f»f t i ** ». m• JV \V ;! • i-T; ) .«. f -1 V’>, i n Wf t:k To hr fi ~r. vt Hi h hi. VV \P fi YU W | Thrvc <-r--y;r.vr "i., t'-f PrlM'Sf V-« ! \f vt <’i > • '• ■ r i f t ~ -., ni ;1 \ ; 1 ! ■ 1 1.? f ’ll (’'"Jilt {l'.KO-> Iv' '' 1 7? vt3i ;- I’h Mr ! f iH-rV? l i.r-v i- Fvv. f;*A~ ■ "T X« t'; ; mp. !)f i . e * • i. nvF.s V' f’Zii'*'-:? p. T ‘ T'v.S-m;., ’*to ‘ ■ Vir. : v; ...f l-Vainf V\r-c for ' (iiw ;,’'4 *•' *■' k*■ ■* .*■•> K sdn, ■ i'>P. v}, *i ii i ii‘* :* 1 - !•> it* , >Jf - . n'i r*dj i •!.' \vhr.» • - at I ■ ' ' V*}(- 1 -i rt iu ill i v •:nt P. -rivK Vv \v . i of • . Hot t's <'».-<•. re rat ivt? •'.t:7tr..’.-n»''-m ’t 't-v.-n IhV rolU'> .ind Trvr^ . Divisiovi of the American C7u.eer ■ •’h ::r:..y i . I rat ay ; •sneei ••(»< t •. £e*>' f j'.f* ope »;j- ; i ; i h,t •, •••).>• u t-j rt'nir;- f ! i :U ir Vj<.*W aUCt f f M the pl'omo- ! '- f ' '’ 4 n;d <:•;*nrot* rriur.'i *!(«( if< T* xas rjr.yrn rotivmuni- ; M’ -'h infere.'t j in a i :!a r■ v>‘ hiring (‘Oil - :•• i**fi K hi i«; G Hjjgh nnd She ; V,' i! {Vt- dlv nif'lll >• i ’ Th -I inr W'H’ who arr •i h iJ- '•*.'!til *it•» jp : Hotj'.!’ t.s .% \ t *«'{; -n tin 3 project . " < t’.'inir fj.irn h) mv<k the na ; Imp • V'r II J.i -• ; •'i.’i’i: loi'fjgn Ts \ V- lOmiERN '} •• •• ■»n r! j I confer t’ .hhi' S: i ■ : >hrnimr.tration ips t st• *.'■ : .v, F’.hi 7. Dr : O’Hara Low, •‘resident of . Sout'hcrn. ;i»monnc<:H fhi.s ■ ■ r r.:if v of T- x-i i ! M l i rol l I I Ihr Ks .fotui B Quick t fnru. Ohif», j(|<lrps‘ii d sfiiilrnts i*>ej i fti/ciis H a \'f*spcr sc* vice it < oUrCc rc r«‘nt?y Tor Such ri rime TIP i\a> the Milijcct of his Sfp -ch. il thf cot 1« £* recrntly oas Mis-. Ok-«foo ?\»m Korean t.t here i*ti rtor the p’orct .top Os the | tmj f ii'iim! Moti inti fhc In ji‘piviHotr»l %V* * >s* Kim ■..tid IhiH > > of the 7a ' • :n her native cf»s»tir% hsxf h- ii d.stttii-* fi or ihMrcvcH hy p im * rot uni li* 1 t hrs * Ihr «.* con*) in ) series of v.i’ikb hroidrani pr#i ijrr.-if !*v • insert-, jf Bennett M. • I r- < r « !o= i| t t.i no t g ♦ an i »s t ?ndd< « 1 fen ».». .j .>*» Myt f t i;rnt t u. ; (>■ . ,<!«!■> •> v>.( f. iijred i- .. .. 11 • .*ji J . hook per p.iip'ni iii Vo« K.rprrnsmn '• T M !• U!ll.\ V l-u- d-." . PUPiic rela ..; i. • ' 'llog-i. has ..t ; . 1 , ~1-ve • . dtv i;i 1 -up sot visit* ‘ ■ : Th c.,:t»mittei‘ in . j i-.i i:•(- * I .l;.lives of thf f.lUr i ‘n;:.iv. , h.v.-i-> Taliadfßa vei- i ..■ - , , . j i r ~ ■•.-> t iff R>— .ad - [,-o . ui, d in. re r ords i . Hi., i PAR* This year's io-ese.nt ■' <ir v a t.ho y'. "Guv *.iid Prills ' which ’>• vtori more «; .ir, '.VS' : vjti. o' ■ in |1- v Hie full •uHE CAROLiyTA-N FORT BRAGG from Paj-e !> v it.i ~*> M il. civilian traffic the movement was split into the four columns. Each column j was divided into serials travel i»g fifteen minutes apart, the seiia's were further diihde!! Into march units spaced three minutes apart. Serials contain j approximately 1• > vrliif 1e s I while a march unit contains I f'om 25 to do vehicles. 'n advance party preceded each column and alerted the police ni .... y.ufi> ,i,mu; tne route As the ii'.voy .ipprotu-hod a major city, it was met hy a motorcycle escort to aid passage through the heavy traffic Tne convoy passed through Raleigti, N C. . Richmond. Va. Fredrick, Md , Harrisburg Pa., and | Syrai use, N V., without disrupt- I i.-.ft any traffic to n noticeable do- 1 f’.i-ec No acidents resulting in so- ! i rious injury to cr’ilians or miii tr ly personnel nwrrui the move ment. The hist, column curried Ui< i 2000 troopers who mar*-hed in th. inaugmal T’arade in Washingtor i !.n the 20th of Jan -irv SEVEN NON(,s (Goutinved fr«m Page 1> To Ralph Wuic'he building a culture for America. It’s a Long Step from t'ud ■ joe - slave- To Ge-'i-gr W a piling* on fa; ver. It's a long song from: Before l'*l he a slave I'd be buried its rnv grave! T- Dorothy Maynor singing, c'ey-uis ie" It k long step from Cudjoe slav»-- To Jackie Rohinson hitting a homer Yet to some. Freedom Is s'iil otd.v -. part of n word: Koine of the letter-- ire mis sing. Ye! it's enough of a word to lay hands- on and hope. It's enough of a word to be u universal star Not just, a North Star any mor- U s etioiigh of a word to reran *— “Thence for.vard and forever f f*orover free! Free Freedom! Oh, r reedom! Freedom over me! Thf.ii c forward u/><f for* ' er— free:!" BFC THIS AM) THAT .Continued from p;»er t> nl.-o obviously true that the whites have also lost ThK truth Is -trikingly born-' out by the fact that not one .-.egreg.ited school system has pub 1i e choois ratings and .stand ards comparable with any non segregated s.-huil . vstem. Tiiink mtich tl-.e children of the south, both black and while, have lest. We ha\<• said before and we sa\ again, th.ere is no apparent likelilmod Unit the Th S. Su preme Court will abolish segre cation, bet will so all proba bility order tli c immediate eoualiyation of Nh .rro school, fa eilitjes. Is t-ber.- an oracle or fonth saver in all this rccion who can tell *iic south how il can (and the strain of c*("a) nation Such an ordei would .imply menu 1 tal bankru V' for every southern -i.ate Sena tors Cr u Hoe.. Willis Smith- Governors Herman Talmadge .fimmv By. tie and CotTipany notwiflistandi.-JG. it i ; not like 1\ th." 1 Soil’d wiii see itself bankrupt simply to perpetuate ;< folly that has already bank raptor! its sold We repeat, the end of sear-' gation is m isht. whether the <nd com* - til's year. ne\" year or luring t-..c n* a? five year i of small iuiportance compar ed to I c |ti‘s!ion are we FORT YAM I V STATE Snnte 7> students were listed on tir honor roll at For* Valley Mat*: Colelge sot t-.te fall oiiai-te* ' breakdou. n -i a -rmor. I? i juniors- 14 sophomores. 10 fresh-: t’.cn and c. >;vu-!a's-fied MORf'AN ST-ATI A c. ■ • f art t • benefit *h® At - “ti*- fmd a! Morgan State col lege will be given Friday, Feb ■P. in the college refectory, it announced this week. Mrs Mary Pitts, chairman of i the party committee, said that pin-, o-. hie. whist, bridge, canasta ant: ; bingo will be played and prizes' -■-.ill be awarded in each of the* games. In other news from Morgan. ’ Dr Virgil A. Clift, head of the department of education, "ill be the 17th Yearbook of the John, Dewey Society Caivert Men Meet m Miami at the lord Calvert j ’-'X ; :;, T ;t;. o. c.' ' :'>g "'!pl 7■ j i&SfeSSSB i A plf3-s,ri* ■ ntri ! iri*> i ■ the hesy four-dav vseekenc ot c 0 - f.shieq and rite r;iuhl*,teq is enjoyed on tot patio of the ! ■■ Oatve.rt Hole) : '.‘ j n. to .- } >wph P Wake!, .lack Ola-for and Al C a here ft Calvcr*. am the 'Ruccesfful Ven" Regina!.! Matthewr., Georg Older. Lyman Rurcs I and Joel Roge* e Calvert Distiller* Corp. bad as Us guests Miami | _ - aPWiiSmSsFUTiAs. .v-ts-a , .-S ' ,- s . Cordon B, Hancock's r* tt* rrt 11 r r-** yr-* "% » : *k ■■i h | WRl* iNJ w v,- Txgk JLJe -S- - - • x ”'‘ ’ *&>***'’ • v » * -. . vVSKh 1 k -w JU * 4 - 1,,, ~,,,, rTri ._, mnn rr-T-nr- —^ ■; L Tide >. H companion article tu !•: -,e m ■ 1...-,l nn ‘ Tru"., ’1 ‘ : c >ni ii -.i ;mo j what ! triumphant one it provd r n l" ■ Uu nd tm nmg out 1 1 ; ,iv far* well ‘ ; * . hard-aoilc-i l-larr.v Th. fnct if main:- tine ) *-.■ t .if t.iu corn. , i try is on the i ij_Dt sid" and so j i I is Triiruan'e and there is s"mc thin;; about tins a re- T.-'.inan I . that savors grcntnowi W- il i- nr - 11-r. T i \va; cin.;* to Hie heart of tin I I t'oirnnon peopii' to. whom lie ; ff It deeply and '.- bo felt d.-cpiy for !im Tru’n m v.-as ovorpo’- * i.' I Pit l l ’a- v a., not whip; c*i. gr.)-;. *i; be -air. -a- i hul not lie v. as nub tried but bi! dis rtiscredifc.i His moral head is bloody but unbowed The co'iniry knows that T- *- man had its wcllnr.- at h*’a*'t and Mil country Im-es Tnma'i tbi - .vie" Truman who I* ft W.V-! • .- . .i ... ; his quiet home in Indepen dence. Mo Th<- plaudit 'jf si.-*, thousand--, who i idi him fare ■ well and th* • itousund Hint • re. t’.-i ( bun ■.a - h ,t, j..... lo\ e*l Missouri v.*-r* f.-xpri'---- mg vhnt mi-ii'a. p •-! it ,:., Tru man * 'i 1 g ! ' TriimanN evil was triuie pliant was the entrv of Fis enhower. Ii * nbmvrr is a gr< at tnao as well as a gryit soldier and there ,ir*’ possj. hilitise that he will iii-ake a great President; hot it he plat) . f.» b*- president *>f ah the people, in fin d jog W->cs.. hi . way wHI b ut him op and rr.ubf into ti;-■ dark. The cam- crowd that ii- in v lit and .--lew Truman will slay ; Eiscn’-.fiwei- The extent to which f 1 r' -h< '"a'l i 1 ':k-, when he says ritiyenship in this country know-' no race or erred fit color i- f.fio kvf t• its t(A • ij’rn hi 0 ■- s's p.AJ.M ] ( .Jt u rt JV, be red Thf lr,vr;f c. -1 t ork U : -i\ B}\ -nt>; f ‘ ‘ "* v of ] a-e prei dice and wp cr * fii.-.-i H. iu itp'n )■> cd . leader lik'* Eixcuhcrwcr ‘o tionf their battle But in r !< mlfe miu-t '• w li k .*e i imu of being fuugut to tn«? bi’tet end bytlie dixiecioi.; and N>- gro-pl;0 ? <C;. W'.l> -U -rntb'.-uus ticall. .s'ippotfed Ei-enlmwer ;.t • the brillut box. F-is-.tnhowei , triti'up cp. try for t- i-p-.p t- nu :>.*-, d* i * Him., -vhctbc to t i a,-, Mi: the dixie- • aft ho h- Ipod ,-c him co freak with the f'.occ: tiitn-V' t.'.al I-. .."-on tn pm treet ac-l pt .-s.-..---c In !o -in cere - ffo.-ts te be tru,.' to hi f.atli that he v.-.oild ,j-t - defend the r o’- 'i?u’ir-;, H 11 Truman was {-■'■.liitcally <-. iv*.- - fieri and *f will he even -w : * F.iscnhov.’Cr who in t Ou ■- wbif-i. ucm i's the <!il*rO'|-)P 1 .<■ will take. Hf mi-.t break •■• :th t! w Con stitution and prove himself V moral cwsrd or break witht | the dftriecrats who will seek • \ his i /-."’ifixjon Fi*enh ovc r ■ verily deserves the prayers md sympathy of a praving nut mn Never was public task .-••• tedi-1 cits, never the times bo trench- j eioos, and never the enemies i \ of righteousness so vile and re* .sourreful. ft is ferventlv In he h«T>- rri that F'senbower can d«* criminate fi-etwen t h e e'd traditlnnd and dy -baro Sooth md the up-aud-enm inr New South with fate toward the risinjf sun of the pen- day of brother hood, that promises to free the once shackled South. , - j ready for it. O-.r answer is a, definite and unqualified NO!! Because we are not. it behooves! every Negro man. woman and, child to prepare for full citi-1 [ sensbip now. iv•• .* ■ - rs .■ I ■ r uho'vct lea v cmpbi-. li, free Hue mUi-ill of U> d|,-;.-. on matjorv-. and .scg. ; l■' at inps -■ ■-1 i i he ■ fa vea- l|C,t ■ ■ •n!-. to the M. arid the r-.*5- ti-'n; but incest assuredly a ; bl.-.-sii;;.- to thi> New- South the ; Cfiut.b tuna irrrto. p'or that matter t ; i. f.if, .-. and no I *r>.-u ftl.-x! t-|i-..b!y Miami Hi-a what hints one segment of th, na tinn hurt;-, t-'ic en’n" n.ation. We live in a uni-on ru'd not a muliivc, sc A- great old r,.T Wfishingtnn dt-. l-.r* ■> 50 ir: ago, the white re. i b’acl South will co up oh 'down tc-ether n the North arid Smith 1 up or dn'.vi logeth. The att. tt*u< to lib- rite --he Ncgro'-s ,f Hu- i-atjou i-. a rlc f- n ■:ive ini 'aniv for ih-' nation And o Fiseuhuwcr enter:- fad uinr.lntnftv npoe. the Mcd'i“ ; F ■nd or u office witliin the gift of mankind, tin- presidency of j ~f the T-e.iiH State: And even . | ;• Vi a; ! -r'. !U no! w, ;, him ill H; : \ f .lilli® a ill like h»- J. il.: I .- of >i. 111 l \V, hail Its, n!l»v. rr IS !<*' *-line stalel v stepping ■" irirtm' ft. H> chero of in hr,!,r tlilf lit riisis ami llan ■rr We an* ha*" I. ,si Ik** 1.ft.000,000 strong. lame U'*’ lisenimw-rr. ;i'.t sobti'r at e .1 !>,•oplr* . 1 bdirri . Ft f St ||(| ) our Nru s I o l b 1 Knowledge is Power fel _U_lLJBLjii! «■« -) [ !1 *-y ‘Oii- ; y 1 POP.* ASK ftC-6AftP \ id / WaREUOiOM? \ "" / r'“ 3 'x x v **' F ? ft V f. ARE 6ERMAW AHApg -A | ' CARS SOLO IN ftfe lM»? • s “ , “ s Tr‘ r OOf 4 4MOK«W6HARH '«®*» tous?. W6ALTM? (i) .\ pj-ofcNsioi'al opinion-tescarch firm found tna< u does In a nationwide survey of adults sponsored by The Cat hoik !):;W. Ben tmfiin ■okl Associates found that Mb per cent oi 1 th e persons questioned who wc-re 65 years of age or olde; considered religion very important, or fairly important in their lives. The survey reveoied. further,• that regard foi religion diminishes «roor.g > ’Unger adults until we have, in the ’<’>-to-24 age group 20 per on nt fewer who eorr idcr religion important. Ihe survey results ate analyzed in the Vt toruary Catholic Digest. <2l About 1.500 Volk-wagen were sold here in 1032. About 135,00(1 cars will be buhl th year in the auto plant at Wolfs burg in the British zone of German . In m«, reports the Wall Street Journal. Adolf Hitler announced his plan lot a cheap German car. Thousands of Ger mans made advance down pay ments, and the sllO million collected by the government was spent to build a factory. But. shortly after the plant was- built, the 2nd World War began Not a single investor received rt cor. The plant was almost totally ttt'tt' v rvr.T r * ~ r * TT "T* *n * * wt>pt "a P Y 1 \ V V L.*\ Ut«»\ is X -*. , X' *->- '« '-V A. » y x * t./t> ter writers, l.'ivvyrt and bu«>'nf p *im •* p who appeared »n <ts Lorrif Ca I v?rt whiskey -iris over thr y •:• n r CaJverfc’* president, W. W. Wachfr*'. who vvin awardsfi thi» Geoo'i* Washington Carver Memo* 111 Institute Award last _ '••}*■ was the host. First Rate Corn Grower l: .LKIGII (do tv t: m. til ii-oi .it Middlo F-'.* :*■ ' Mu county in -n pt or v t. mri >• ■ b* ucv. - t 'at !.- n . I i-'- sc to 100 bubhcis :-a ,:.i dtiriru; tiir post season, a-cerdiii:; I H i B,iitch.-l!. (i -I*--. ( ~.iuty f.-. --. ■■■ ■;: foi r. a- K .«: teo.-aon . vice : ■ .oednuiii ' ailpady rr,akin." prt-. •a- >1;01 to heat Ids •* *> I'd "|-1 ycur, i! ,i hi- is fclle.iving th-- Ex'* n.;,-in S.'t Vice vc anu-ct.-i ■ t ion h fa. , o -.-, li im-.,-11 ,- - i '- • :: - tip championship race | "" " ' ■ ' : " ■ " ► HA MI‘TON. Va The i 'of.,all U-ani a;ui the faculty 0 f Unmn’ot; in.'-lJtuti look t'- Uv io: k...tb0!1 cou: t i)ii Jsiiu.iiy 31 !-.> .- m dime, lot Urn March *>t 1 *:»<>«• , r, of win-th< : or nu' they shot! jii- haskcls Play im on the id-. I late le.rnc rail-’ the teams • roicn ra r*v I:. ’ - 3 : sh»- -•••;■ :» ;• •! ».-■!(• > : . i‘ \ J.icjs.iuj], m.rinnKe? <• of th« f.v -Uv { U**.>‘co, pmmiveU ■ t-t»r }m?T'- ,*f not rfficienf pl.i; I'» *n Fm* I'.jj t ! 'Msf;ii{v .lo • '■( who < k D »}■} E* /, , )f> I T 1 -1« * * , HOT »,)«t » I ■ '*o MU • ip«i !.!«<•» pi£:;lvin • ;i oJth >\.c ‘ jcotjfL hie U’OtOfilij } fivo rxpt rioriCv'd orje dit.ficuily! ! s »th fHc* bi.iU, not tv *;;,: >’■ j ;.•({ tr> ?h.- round b.vsi ■ V- iJI | PUymZ for f.ho fs !'y • : .<■ bn M- iN-ndOl), K' nr 1:< -. jWiUicim K Grer-nr WBliM H 1 ♦ >- v i ri on •»-*<"-t I' v -• 1 .'irvkiM - VV Bo om B*. *U»> S’- - j oL 1 W) l< : t !'•■' ( ! U ,F|{., n ! r ; destroyed by bombing: but. after the v.-ar, a few engineers repaired the machinery and began making : cars. *v <3i It has been pretty well established that smoking injures ' your health slightly. Whether or i not smoking causes serious harm ; is still a matter of debate among | scientists, according to The Kip ] linger Magazine. Most cigarette manufacturers spend a great'deal I of our time and their money try ' ing to convince ns that, smoking | nevet hurts us. Almost all ciga j rette advertising is completely I phony, and. ouite sil3y; yet wt ; j accept it because a smoker realty ; I wants someone to tell him that . | smoking is a pH*;, ant harmless habit, it isn’t, lb ■ ever, it is not known definitely mat smoking causes serious harm either. f,i,! Ir ; a 1 :n I. . . ..rr'k'd a pav t.iv. Urn !■■<:';:■■■ betir. than any lie ha- >ci-c .•! While keep •.• a ■■•■<■;. ; • f ’ fanning : '' 1 1 ’ : v i . Chin In 111 ''.l fil.'i' time j-.::■-■ • if.r;i l - in " 'inmuniiy af ' itiinrboorl Leader. . t j*ii :((•. i-'.!t ir Bill rail prC3* , i< i : -.f tin- credit : i.,■1:1,111 ■ , i,i t■ ~■ i ;nir■■■ f bounty Hi ill i Inn il.i.-V t.> slip .v. ■ ,11 * I Will If in give ■: fin. dunlin.: 'li :• . a work-out. i ; ’• if!n. A >■ h "I. , -ithani® l Yilijn i, C > ' ■ 11• ;i;n. Ya-Luu ri n Ml'. (• I* -! ■:!(': .1 :>r,f - firif ■mi Siii.u: i.innr-i-, Dari Docket : uu!" ! Ayers. 'fir 'nail ' m put Uu- so! i. i rn : during the av'ihi ,m Hinton; Herbert .liv r V.'iindard, ("iinrios Roy- Vnl-'fi ijmy, .hum;; Harris, \y I' i : ! I T : .If; Joilff. Wit !' : ' ■■ Yoiin: Albert i ,i■ \ u,f. r A Smil.i. if;;,,., ; ! ■: fug cm- .John ■ \\ {.ii- I, .! T Alv I 1 ;i . A's; ■f ] iT| V 11 "aj o\l‘ O, in . fiM. William Miridle ... { Tr I Uv.. : I Hide, ! li-iiiind Rro'-vn. T. .1 Wilson, James ilf i ."ri Kite i in, toseph Mi,-I tic ! Vi.'ili. . Clini If, aC.»s -', . . v.u.itf ." i Fred i-*r% . ftt I ■ ■ SR | .iflWj.'a 9 W - aSI |B BH ,'4BKI • . H*{ \ H MVfhove M i ( CllliCK IT! DISTILLED <j| LONDON DRY ■ GIN Jl . s/9 onset i $985 pill 4 * *; MhtitM ti«w Srvti < *##sesKß*» a vests u*. * etetUj uimot*

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